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Sports camp for adults and fitness camp for adults (Boot Camp) - a new kind of recreation! Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better Sports and recreation camp for adults

Do you dream of leaving for a posh fitness tour with great service or visit sports camps for adults? Get active on a treadmill with stunning views of the environment and then relax on a padded lounger?
Today we will tell you about some of the most famous and popular fitness camps for adults, Boot Camps!

Boot Camp - in our understanding, this is nothing more than Sports camp... In the English-speaking environment, this concept is given to hotels and resorts, where guests can not only indulge in all the joys of a hotel vacation, but they also have the opportunity to engage in various sports, including extreme ones, to make sports and hiking trips.
It is worth noting that we are not talking about those camps to which we are accustomed, which our imagination draws and which we often visited in childhood. Sports camps for adults (this does not mean that only adults can visit them) are resorts with professional staff (both service services and sports coaches), excellent cuisine and the best sports equipment and interesting programs.
Rest in sports hotels-camps has one thing in common - after the end of the rest you will definitely feel lightness in your body, tone in muscles and order in your thoughts!

Fitness tour to the sports camp for adults "Pure Kauai" Hawaii (Hawaii)

Go to the real fitness tour with the company "Pure Kauai"- the picturesque nature of the island of Hawaii and the company's staff created all the conditions for this - kayaking, sports trips in the rainforest, surfing training, jogging on the beach, walking. The company offers a large number of luxury class residential premises to choose from.
Accommodation is organized in modern villas or private cottages. An individual wellness program is developed for each tourist under the patronage of a personal trainer, fitness instructor, personal assistant and a professional team of local folk healers and masseurs.

You can spend your vacation actively and energetically conducting outdoor activities, or you can allow yourself to relax and not think about anything, but your personal instructors do not sleep, and you will not be able to mess around for a long time! And if you're lucky, you will find yourself in the same company with the stars of show business, many of them come here to get in shape before the upcoming filming.

Sports camp for adults - "Ranch at Live Oak Malibu" (Malibu, California, USA)

Ranch at Live Oak Malibu Bootcamp Fitness Tour- perhaps at first you will feel as if you are in a sanatorium, but soon you will see that a week spent here looks more like "deliberate cruelty" towards guests ... but with the best of intentions. Before sunrise, you will be awakened by the ringing of bells inviting you to a pre-dawn yoga session, followed by 4 hours of wellness activities and a daily 15 km walk (depending on your age and physical condition).

For the guests, a strict diet has been drawn up, excluding foods containing wheat, sugar, milk, meat, caffeine, preservatives and alcohol. As a result of this strict regime, all guests noticeably lose weight and begin to feel much better than before arrival.

Fitness camp for adults - “The Island Experience” Ilha Grande, Brazil (Ilha Grande, Brazil)

This superb Brazilian fitness hotel and boot camp is sure to impress you. In addition to refreshing caipirinhas and hammocks, there is a 7-day program for tourists to relieve stress and find inner harmony. Outdoor activities include - kayaking, yoga, rainforest walks, meditation and a strict vegetarian diet are just some of the components of a comprehensive wellness program.
This gorgeous fitness hotel was founded by the healthy lifestyle enthusiasts when they embarked on a 7-day hike in scenic surroundings. Ilha Grande inspired by the nature and possibilities of this region.

In addition to physical activity and exercise, the sports camp will teach its guests to deal with difficulties, assess their abilities, open up to different cultures and manage phobias.

Sports camp for adults - “The Ashram Mallorca” (Spain, Balearic Islands, Majorca)

This sports camp offers tourists a program similar to that of Ashram Camp in California, where celebrities love to come to order their mind and body. Expect to be woken up for a yoga class at 5:30, then go for a 4-6 hour vigorous walking tour. The afternoons usually include kayaking, Pilates or TRX training loops, strength training, additional outdoor activities, vegetarian dinner and rounds off such a busy day ... a deep sleep of a great working person!

In June I was at LOM - open forest workshops that took place on the territory of a surf camp near Nizhny Novgorod. A large coastal area, on which tents and outbuildings are scattered among the tall pines and birches, and the endless cold sea - the Gorky Reservoir - is rustling under the cliff. During the day it is very capricious: it beats in amber waves in the gusty wind, then it gently sways, allowing you to enter the cold water up to your waist. Every evening it brings peace and picturesque sunsets. The air smells like pine trees, sun and water. Nature!!!

As a child, my brother and I spent the summer in the village with our grandparents. You wake up in the morning from the smell of freshly baked bread, you run out in your shorts into the yard, drenched in the sun - the morning freshness pierces your whole body! You wash yourself with cold water from the washstand, run into a square wooden building, and go home again - drink tea from a red mug with white peas. And then you run around in the open all day, playing with the neighbour's children, only sometimes your grandmother will catch you to feed and let you go further. In about the same way, children live on LOM!

And their parents go to master classes where they make wooden furniture and musical instruments, solder microcircuits and construct a wind generator, sew clothes and even tipi (dwelling of nomadic Indians), paint fabrics in boiling water over a fire, paint, create decorations, cut magazines on collages ... and much more. There are two periods of three hours each - before and after lunch - when you can do whatever you want: make noise, knock, saw, get dirty and dirty, fill the entire workshop with yourself, and even go beyond it. You are absolutely free. But at the end of the shift, you must clean up everything after yourself, leaving the area clean for the next classes.

Sometimes the creative process continued even when it got dark. Couldn't part ...

On very windy days, everyone gathered for master classes in a large, light pavilion and sat there until late. There was not enough electricity for good lighting, and candles and garlands were lit on the tables. At one table they sewed, at another they made decorations, at the third they drew, right there next to them they played on their own hand-made flutes. It was so cozy and soulful!

Every evening in the camp was cozy, eventful in its own way ...

For me, this trip was in many ways a way out of my comfort zone. All this reminded me of my childhood and the pioneer camp with its freedom, romance, richness of life. But only now, in order to feel this freedom, I had to fight the cockroaches that were alarmed in my head: “Oh, horror, how will I sleep in the same room with twenty people ?! I don't know anyone, and it's so difficult for me to meet people! How can I survive here for a week? I have so much free time ... I need to do something, to put myself somewhere urgently. " The trip to the camp showed me that all these fears have become my norm, and it turns out that I now live comfortably in this ... discomfort. "So! Take it easy!" I said to myself. “Nothing is required of you. Relax. Just enjoy. " "Yeah, this is the hardest part to relax ... but I'll try." And, apparently, I did it a little, but it worked out. After a whole day in nature, in creative pursuits, I slept as if killed on a universal mattress rookery in the Tower hostel. I slept even better than in my bed. She learned to wander aimlessly along the coast and listen to the sea, exposing her face to the rays of the outgoing sun. I enjoyed dining on a log or on the sand ... and enjoying a very delicious vegetarian meal. The very change of scenery, so cardinal in comparison with my comfortable life in the metropolis, switched me very well. In some way it shocked - and freed, surprised, inspired. And even after returning home, I continue to discover something new in myself, which I imperceptibly "infected" in the camp.

The memory of the trip is like a color collage of images, smells, feelings ... A high steep coast and waves. Children run and make noise. Girl Hayka came with her parents from Turkey. Eight-year-old Danya - well, purely my nephew. Wonderful. A huge swing sways between two pine trees. Piano and music at sunset. Night bonfire. Sayana is dancing. Hot masala tea in a huge cauldron, I scoop it with a ladle. All evening we play "hat" and laugh. Mosquitoes are brutal. Cozy house, light in the windows. Hot pontoon and morning yoga. Everything is bathed in sun and dense chirping of birds.

By the way, collages are my new love that I met here at LOM. And love is such that how could I not know it before! It's all Yucca's fault, the pink-haired girl.

Before leaving, I handed over my bed to the warehouse and talked to Lisa, a volunteer.
- Do you work and live here for free?
- I work for free, but I paid for accommodation.
- Why did you come here?
- I have such a period in my life ... I need to switch, think about what to do next, that's why I came. I am cleaning here and this is a completely new experience for me. I used to think that I could never wash toilets, but I can. And it is valuable to me that I can. Well, have you rested yourself?
- Yes, I have a feeling that I understood why I came. And that I was full, I switched.
- I thought that I don't rest here at all, I work from morning till night. And this morning I went to the city, and only there I realized how well I rested.

The day before yesterday I arrived home and already want to return to the camp ...

P.S. Forest open workshops are held in summer and winter, during the New Year holidays. This is a site with full information If you want to ask me something, then write [email protected]

You can find a list of camps for children in the material


  • Next shift: September 9-16, Georgia
  • Duration: 7 days
  • Price: $2400

JungleRoad is a camp for entrepreneurs, in September it will be held for the seventh time. The average age of the participants is 35-45 years old. Most of them are really in business, but inner strength, kindness, professionalism and consciousness are much more important.

The author and leader of the project, Alfiya Mukhametova, says that one day she herself thought about going to such a camp in order to reboot. But, not finding anything suitable, in the summer of 2017, together with her friend Natalia Penkina, she organized it herself. Prior to that, Alfia headed the venture fund and startup accelerator iDealMachine, while Natalya was engaged in branding and PR.

There are no more than 20 people in each shift: in order to create an atmosphere of trust, the choice of participants is taken very carefully. JungleRoad does not teach to live correctly, consciously and effectively. Coaches are not invited. Don't give advice.

But in JungleRoad it is customary to share their experiences and stories, to exchange knowledge. There are creative workshops here, many of which are run by the participants themselves.

World freediving champion and founder of the PlavitaWay freediving school Natalia Avseenko, who participated in JungleRoad, calls the camp a transforming space. According to her, this is the place where you can pause and learn to hear yourself through other people and their stories.

Denis Shapkarin, the founder of the Internet marketing agency Nectarin, considers JungleRoad to be a battery from which an entrepreneur can recharge and be energized to create.

“Nothing brings people together like doing nonsense together,” wrote JungleRoad on their page. For the next shift, for example, a hot air balloon flight, a joint harvest and a master class on khinkali sculpting are planned.

There are counselors in the camp: they do not keep order and discipline, they only moderate and help make friends. But two rules still exist in the camp: respect for each other and dry law.

JungleRoad shifts always take place in different locations. What kind of physical activity will be in the camp depends on the season and place: qigong, skiing, lightning, juggling or swimming in the river. By the way, all these delights can be safely slept through. The main thing, according to the organizers, is not to skip meals.

Photo by JungleRoad


  • Next shift: autumn 2019
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Price: about 30,000

yCamp is a congress of young scientists, professionals, entrepreneurs and thinkers from completely different fields. For several days they gather in the Moscow region to exchange knowledge and experience. YCamp encourages informal communication in a warm atmosphere. And this is exactly how, according to the organizers, amazing projects are born at the junction of different spheres.

The idea of ​​collecting and pushing tough specialists belongs to the people of St. Petersburg, the authors of the NёrdCamp project. The most energized professionals from the IT community gathered in a country boarding house to lecture each other and relax all weekend.

Inspired by NёrdCamp, ten friends decided to make their own outdoor camp, not only for IT. After all, the organizers themselves are from completely different fields: nuclear physicist, linguist, bioinformatist, psychophysiologist and others.

Traditionally, yCamp is open from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Workshops and presentations from participants begin on Saturday. Here you can listen to stories from a neuroscientist, photographer, bioinformatist, social psychologist, entrepreneur, or interface developer.

For example, at YCamp in April, a senior consultant from EY led a discussion about partnership transformation, a city economist talked about how Russian cities live, and a business product director at Dodo Pizza talked about how a week at Burning Man changes people.

However, you can skip everything and immediately get acquainted with professionals from those fields with which you have never crossed paths.

Alcohol is not only allowed in this "camp", it is even included in the program. For example, at the last rally, which took place in April, the participants fried kebabs and prepared mulled wine together. And once the organizers even staged a yBar in honor of the 149th anniversary of the discovery of the Mendeleev table. Something similar to yCamp, only in the evening and in a Moscow bar.

From the signs of the camp in yCamp - morning exercises or jogging. But they are not required either. Gatherings of professionals take place several times a year. In 2019, yCamp was in April, the organizers promise the next shift in the fall. The average cost of participation is about 30,000.

Photo yCamp

MOST Creative Camp

  • Next shift: May
  • Duration: from 48 hours to a week
  • Price: from 4500

MOST Creative Camp is designed to develop creative thinking. There are many formats for this: from 48 hours to reboot and start creative, to a whole week to build a creative vision. Festivals and intensives are held in Georgia, the Murmansk region, near Moscow Nikolo-Lenivets, Yekaterinburg. In general, in any place that the organizers like.

And they, in turn, really know a lot about what they teach. The MOST Creative Camp was launched by the creative agency MOST Creative Club, which has existed since 2008. It was these guys who built a subway machine that issued tickets for squats and wrote the first interactive book.

Clients turned to them for ideas, but often asked how to learn to invent for themselves. This is how the MOST Creative Camp training projects appeared.

Camp themes may vary. In April 2019, an intensive course on the topic of “changes and improvement” was held in the Yasno Pole Ecopark: in 48 hours, participants changed the old, created a new one and thought about the future.

And the theme of one of the camps in Georgia was music and how it affects thinking. For four days, the participants studied the sounds of Tbilisi, wrote their own tracks, went to concerts and created art objects.

A separate program is formed for each shift. But, according to the organizers, it is always very eventful. The participants have little free time, but they have to think and create a lot.

There are no occupation or age restrictions at MOST Creative Camp. The idea of ​​the camp is that any business turns out better if you approach it creatively. The next announced session will be held online - the chatbot in Telegram will help to learn to think outside the box. A week of participation costs 4500 rubles.

Photo Most Creative Camp

Creative camp LOM

  • Next shift: August 3-18
  • Duration: from 2 days to 2 weeks
  • Price: 40,000 in 16 days

LOM grew out of the OOLEY project, which is dedicated to the development of open craft workshops and creative studios. The project site even has a map of such workshops throughout Russia and the CIS. LOM, together with the heads of the Nizhny Novgorod recreation center "Surflager" on the Gorky reservoir, was launched in the summer of 2017.

“We had the idea of ​​free creativity and learning in nature, the guys had a luxurious area with the infrastructure for a camping camp,” says Anna Starova, the organizer of the camp.

The next race will be the seventh. Participants live on the territory of an equipped camping in the forest: in a tent or in a large wooden hostel with a glass ceiling. The camp operates in two shifts starting from August 3rd. But you can come for the weekend or spend all 16 days here.

LOM was created in order to escape from the bustle of the city and dive into creativity. There are 5 directions of open creative workshops, which are named after the elements.

In the workshops of "air" they are engaged in quiet painstaking work with delicate materials. "Fire" involves working with high temperatures, metal and mechanisms. And the "earth" gives forms to solid and hardening masses.

In general, in LOM they paint, saw, make disco balls from CDs, assemble mechanisms, do yoga, play musical instruments, swim or just walk in the woods.

Disconnecting from civilization will help the lack of constant electricity and things familiar to a city dweller. Electricity in the camp is supplied on a schedule several times a day, washing in basins, toilets on the streets.

By the way, you can take children to this camp. But they will not be able to participate in adult master classes: a separate space is equipped for them with their own master classes and counselors. Alcohol is prohibited in the camp, and meals are only vegetarian.

Photo LOM


  • Next shift: not announced
  • Duration: 11 days
  • Price: about € 990

The Kamchatka project began as a children's tent camp. It was founded in 2010 by the chief editor of the Esquire magazine Philip Bakhtin and the head of the Big City magazine Philip Dzyadko. Well-known Russian journalists, writers, musicians, screenwriters and actors work as counselors. And in 2015, Kamchatka became the organizer of creative events for adults.

Both camps are located on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. The program for adults, the organizers say, is practically the same as for children. But adults do not need to be motivated, because no one is forcibly dragging them to the camp, and the range of topics that you can joke about is wider.

In the adult shift, they stage wild musicals, shoot funny and simple films, arrange strange performances, make up orchestras from those who have never played anything, arrange picnics, go to the lighthouse at night, dance and just fool around.

There are counselors in Kamchatka for adults: they help with creative tasks. The average age of the participants is about 30 years.

More amore camp

  • Next shift: August 26-31
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Price: 32,000-36,000 rubles
  • Camp for adult children from 25 to 45 years old

More Amore Camp has been operating since 2016. It is located in the mountainous Altai at the base "Solnechnaya Dolina". Actors, directors, designers, photographers, psychologists and yoga teachers work here as counselors. In total, in the summer of 2019, there will be five shifts, only one of them is for adult children from 25 to 45 years old. This year it is called Self-Realization.

The organizers promise a rich program from cool professionals, so you can pick up as much new knowledge and skills as you can carry.

For example, on the first day of the shift, psychological training on the formation of healthy self-esteem, acting courses, and a transformation workshop will take place. And the day will end with watching specially selected films and discussing them.

In addition to the "self-realization" program, there will be a lot of fun idleness in the camp. Parties, picnics, games, heartfelt conversations by the fire and night walks. In general, a good balance between learning and pleasant doing nothing.

Photo More Amore Camp

"Business Pass"

  • Next shift: September 13-17
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Price: 180,000 rubles
  • Camp for successful entrepreneurs

Business Pass is a premium outdoor event for successful entrepreneurs. According to the organizers, the camp is based on "three pillars": a business block, recreation and networking with colleagues and like-minded people.

The business block includes the exchange of experience with colleagues and invited experts from both Russia and abroad. The program includes applied master classes, group workshops and an individual analysis of the business growth trajectory of each participant.

The organizers are particularly scrupulous about the organization of recreation: activities range from jeeping in the gorges to ethnic performances. The event always takes place in places of power and energy - this time it is Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal.

Throughout the project, experts and participants are in a single communication space. Warm relationships are formed due to joint evening tea drinking around the fire and fireplace, table conversations, mountain adventures and work in the business block.

The author and organizer of the project, Zara Maremshaova, says that the idea of ​​creating "Business Pass" was born in the process of producing regional business forums in the Caucasus. That is why Elbrus became the birthplace of the project.

Each season of "Business Pass" is devoted to a separate topic, although in the course of the work a variety of issues are raised. Topic to be worked out in the upcoming anniversary Baikal season: "Team and management system: balance of development and operating systems." The number of participants in each season is no more than 25 people. This limitation, according to the organizers, makes it possible for high-quality studies and networking.

Among the participants, as a rule, representatives of various business areas from IT to construction, manufacturing, educational and medical services. At various times, the camp was visited by Andrey Verbitsky, CEO of Airbnb for Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe; Sergey Ambrosov, ex-CEO of Invitro; Sergey Fedorinov, co-founder of Yulmart; Vladimir Marinovich, Gett shareholder and other outstanding entrepreneurs.

Every summer, many of us send our younger sisters, brothers, or even children (are there any?) To pioneer camps. And every time I want to go with them: swim in the river, sleep at night, eat for free five times a day ... The only option is to go to work there as a counselor.

But no. There are many places adults can go to relax, learn new things, and just have fun with friends. I have compiled for you a list of 10 camps with shift dates relevant for this summer. If you want to make good use of your holidays or work vacation, you can still make it!

Kamchatka. Adult shift

This is a campground on the Estonian island of Saaremaa on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The shift will last for 11 whole days, during which you can be engaged in creativity (even if you are quite far from it) or do nothing. This is a plus for adult camps - the counselor is unlikely to make you drink cold jelly in the morning and march to exercise :)

Here you will find three meals a day and an interesting program: picnics, dancing, sports, watching a movie, riding motorcycles and much more.

In addition, every day you can create a new project together with curators and other guests: a film, an art object, a performance or a play.

The active recreation program provides for 3 routes per week, ranging from several hours to a full daylight hours. Such trips are organized at any time of the year. The routes are chosen depending on the weather conditions. For the comfort of our travelers, the group is delivered to the starting point by a comfortable bus. The same transport will be waiting at the finish line, a little tired, but satisfied and filled with impressions of travelers, in order to return to the sports and recreation camp. Before starting the journey, the tourist group is divided into several subgroups, depending on the physical fitness of the participants. Each of them departs accompanied by an instructor along its own route and at its own pace. Thanks to this, the camp guests not only get the physical activity that they can do, but can also enjoy the beautiful and amazing places that the nature of the peninsula is so rich in.

Slimming for people over 50

With the onset of menopause in women, the production of hormones and the absorption of nutrients decrease, the metabolism slows down, which can lead to the appearance of extra pounds on the body. But age is certainly not an obstacle to losing weight. In the sports camp for adults "Be in shape" the fight against excess weight for those who are 50+ has its own characteristics. The program of this age category is distinguished by its versatility and gentle regime. Hiking and walking at a low pace, cardio exercises on special machines, stretching, swimming and water aerobics are recommended for participants over 50 years old. The administrator will always help to draw up an individual training schedule, taking into account the preparation and wishes of the participant, and the instructors will take care of the comfort of the training process. Classes in some sports are held simultaneously, which makes it possible to choose the type of activity to your liking and physical capabilities. The daily variety of the fitness camp program for adults in Russia is an excellent remedy for boredom, and a change of home life helps to "reboot" and rejuvenate. The Crimean air and the unique nature of the peninsula contribute to the overall improvement and strengthening of immunity, and serve as a prophylaxis against many diseases. Physical activity makes you more lean and enduring, strengthens the internal systems of the body and helps fight stress. Proper nutrition saturates with energy and nutrients, helps to establish the functioning of internal organs. While staying with us, you will gain practical experience and a real baggage of knowledge in the field of fitness and a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which it will be much easier to maintain your health and shape in great shape.

Everything impossible is possible

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular: physical activity and proper nutrition harmoniously fit into the modern rhythm of life. But what should you do during your vacation in order not to leave the race?