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Secrets of the earth. traces of the ancient Aryan civilization on the Kola Peninsula. Historical artifacts: traces of the arctic ancestral home on the Kola Peninsula Stone pyramid in the Khibiny

Yuri Kudinov: « Published data and artifacts confirming the existence of an ancient civilization in the Russian North. The talk again turned to the legendary Hyperborea... Scientists who have made a new scientific expedition to the abandoned pyramids of the Russian North assure that the age of these man-made structures is at least 9000 years, which means that the pyramids of the Kola Peninsula are twice as old as the Egyptian ones. Therefore, we can say that civilization did not come from the South, but from the North of our planet.

“On the expedition,” its initiator and leader Yuri Kudinov told the Kultura TV channel, “we took the most modern geophysical equipment. It "shines through" the inner space of any object, like an X-ray. The conclusion of the geologists was unambiguous: the elevations are of an anthropogenic nature. That is, these are not natural hills, but pyramids - the creation of human hands.

Moreover, they were rebuilt three times - increasing their height. Inside each is a cavity of the correct shape. What is there is still unknown. Their functional purpose is a fairly accurate observatory that allows you to monitor starry sky... A system was created by fairly simple methods, with the help of which our Ancestors recorded galactic changes and studied the Cosmos. Analyzes have shown that the age of this mysterious observatory is 9 thousand years.

A well-known scientist, Doctor of Philosophy and author of 10 popular science works, Vladimir Demin in 1997 made the second ever expedition to the Kola Peninsula. The first attempt was made long before him, in 1921, under the leadership of Professor Alexander Barchenko, head of the laboratory of neuro-energetics of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine. The OGPU became the "sponsor" of an unusual campaign for its time, so it is not surprising that the developments were classified.

V. Demin, who made a new attempt at the end of the century, could for the first time tell the general public that for many years remained a mystery, in particular about mysterious objects of anthropogenic origin, but did not have time. The scientist, returning from a trip, died suddenly ...

In 2007, the third expedition to the legendary Hyperborean region was carried out. It was a journey in the footsteps of the expeditions of Alexander Barchenko and Vladimir Demin. They managed to find cult and defensive structures, plates with mysterious signs and the ruins of an ancient observatory.

Companions of the Rhodobozhie project know that in accordance with the ancient chronicles of the Orthodox Old Believers, the Slavic-Aryan ancestral home was at the North Pole of the Earth, representing a single continent divided by four rivers into four parts: Khara, Rai, Svaga and Tula. In the middle of the mainland, Mount Mira (Meru) rose.

The ancestors called our ancestral home Da * Aria (Arctida, Hyperborea). This ancient continent was split and partially sank in the Arctic Ocean due to a natural disaster caused by the fall of one of the three moons on Earth - Lelya. Parts of the once single continental plate spread over the earth's magma, and from them the continents, known to us from modern world maps, were formed.

The inhabitants of Daariya were forced to temporarily leave the Earth, and then to master it again, correcting, as far as they could, the consequences of the disaster that had happened. 40 thousand years ago, the father of all Slavs and Aryans, God Perun, during a regular visit to our Ancestors, told about these events recorded by the Priests in the Santiya Vedas of Perun:

Since ancient times, when the world was established ...

Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog,

How He destroyed the strongholds of the Koscheevs,

... These Koschei are the rulers of the Grays,

But Midgard paid for freedom

Yes * Aria hidden by the Great Flood ...

They fell like a rainbow to Earth from Heaven,

I went down to Midgard ...

13. (141). Many people died at that time,

And bury yourself in the Bear's Hall ...

Pyramids built by our Ancestors to establish spatio-temporal channels of interaction between the planets and the Star Halls were and remain one of the most important components of the Gates of the Interworld.

The universe. The named channels in the Vedas are called Heavenly Threads and are a kind of laser beams created by special space-time cameras and emitted from the tops of the pyramids into open space. These beams-filaments allowed not only to carry out transitions from planet to planet, but also provided sound and visual communication with other planets, Star Palaces and crews of spaceships.

As a result of natural disasters, the pyramids, together with the fragments of the former single continent, were distributed over the Face of the Earth in a different ratio than they were. This disrupted the interaction between the pyramids of the Earth and the pyramids of other planets.

Our Ancestors asked God Perun how to fix this violation, because family members of many Slavic-Aryan Clans living on Earth were in spacecraft and on other planets in the position of “missing”. Our Heavenly Father - God Perun answered as follows.

13. (141). The threads of the Halls are broken again

Therefore, the Heavenly Needles lost their color.

So that the Needles shine with flowers again,

You will replace Irkama Crystals.

14. (142). Heavenly Needles will shine again

Belief in the success of your glorious deeds -

This is what is most important at this time ...

If deeds are sealed by Faith,

What will prevent the deeds from happening?

15. (143). Ancient Ties will be restored again,

And the Ancestors will respond to the calls of descendants

Aliens will not be able to interfere with the speech,

16. (144). Remember the people of the Great Race,

Everything that he said this wonderful evening ...

The main thing is that for your descendants

This knowledge was not in vain.

Several years ago, an expedition of Russian scientists egyptian pyramids, came to the conclusion that

that they were built long before the rise of Egypt as such. During their construction, space technologies were used that were inaccessible not only to the ancient Egyptians, but also to modern science.

It was only through ignorance that the Egyptians used the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs, without even knowing the true purpose of these structures.

Russian scientists suggest that the pyramids of Egypt, along with the pyramids of Mexico, Russia (in particular, in the Crimea and on the Kola Peninsula), are an integral part of the planetary energy-informational and space-time biocomputer that supports the processes of the Earth's vital activity and is connected with the Cosmic Intelligence, which supports the life of the universe.

As you can see, our scientists have almost completely solved the riddle of the ancient pyramids of the Earth. If Russian scientists studied the Vedic Heritage of our Ancestors, they could draw completely correct conclusions ...

In addition to the pyramids on the Kola Peninsula, scientists have also discovered underground tunnels ...

The legendary Seydozero (Seydyavr) is a unique place in the Lovozero tundra in terms of its beauty and the number of artifacts, or just natural remnants. Seidozero (Murmansk region) is located in the vicinity of the village. Revda and pos. Lovozero.

The Sami name of this land is Luyavrchorr, which means mountains by the lake of power. This is a popular place among tourists, almost as high as the neighboring ones and surpassing them in the depth of crevices and gorges.

For the first time, scientists came to the banks of the Seydozero in 1887. It was included in the route of the Great Kola Expedition, whose participants were, incl. V. Ramzai and A.G. Petrelius, well known to amateur tourists of the Khibiny, because the passes of this mountain range bear their names.

Lake Seydozero has been actively studied since the 1920s. It was then that the first research expedition went here. Since then, the disputes between scientists about the origin of the objects located here do not subside. Esotericists consider them the remains of the ancient Civilization - Hyperborea, the champions of materialistic science - the creations of nature.

There is one more version, which I adhere to, having visited Seydozero 5 times. Its name comes from the word "seid" - a sacred stone, in which, according to Sami (Lappish) beliefs, the soul of the deceased noid shaman found shelter. Since ancient times, such secluded reservoirs have played a special role in their lives, performed a sacred function, and were a kind of temple.

I know 4 lakes, marked on the map as Seydozero, the Kola Peninsula is the center of Lapp culture, so the abundance of such sanctuaries here is not surprising. And it is not at all necessary to connect the sacred buildings with the disappeared mythical civilizations, forgetting about the original people that have inhabited this territory since ancient times.

For almost 100 years, several large expeditions were organized to these lands, the purpose of which was to confirm or deny the existence of the ancient Hyperborean civilization here, in addition to this, the area was actively studied by lonely enthusiasts.

In addition to esoteric campaigns, the region was actively explored by geologists, its minerals were mastered: ores containing uranium, rare earth metals. And today the road to Lake Seydozero runs through the Karnasurta mine, which is working again. Many exalted "Hyperboreans" very often mistake geological cores (shafts) and abandoned and blown-up adits where uranium ore was mined for traces of other civilizations and ancient artifacts.

How did the study of these places begin, why did they start looking for the mythical Hyperborea here?

Seidozero: expeditions, their findings and hypotheses

Expedition of Barchenko 1922
The first to draw attention to these lands was Alexander Barchenko, a doctor, an adept of occult knowledge, a science fiction writer. A very multifaceted personality, obsessed with the ideas of the secret tradition of Dunhor, ancient civilization, various, as they would say now, extrasensory phenomena such as telepathy, etc. Barchenko collaborated with the OGPU - he helped select employees with superpowers for the cryptographic (ciphering) department headed by Gleb Bokiy. He actively recruited new followers of his ideas, including among the top leadership of the young Soviet state, gave lectures and even created a special circle, for which he was shot in 1938 along with Bokiy and his other associates.

One of the areas of his work was the study of measuring or Arctic psychosis - a state when a person or a group of people fell into prostration, became obedient to someone else's will, and sometimes began to prophesy or speak in incomprehensible languages. Cases of this disease have been recorded in the Arctic Circle, incl. and in Russian Lapland.

In order to understand this phenomenon, an expedition was organized to Seydozero, the Kola Peninsula. According to some sources, academician Bekhterev was among the initiators of this campaign, according to others - the OGPU was also interested in it, according to others - they were looking for minerals after all, and the study of everything else was a side affair.

One way or another, the group of Alexander Barchenko, whose route and finds were described in detail in the diary of his associate, astronomer Alexander Kondiain, went to the Kola Peninsula. In August 1922, she ended up near Seydozero, in the Lavozero tundra.

Then the outliers were discovered, about the nature of which a heated debate is still being conducted: the Kuiva rock, the ancient paved road, the pyramids, as well as a hole into an underground cave.

These findings, coupled with the ethnographic material collected by the expedition members - legends and traditions of the Sami, allowed Barchenko to declare that his trip to Seydozero made it possible to make an unprecedented world discovery - the ancient civilization of Hyperborea.

He found opponents almost instantly. Among them are the famous geologist academician Fersman, as well as, who organized in 1923 new hike to Seydozero Arnold Kolbanovsky, who claimed that all objects around the lake have natural origin, there is no mysticism in them.

Nevertheless, Barchenko's discoveries were met with great enthusiasm not only in Russia. So, in 1955, geologists accidentally stumbled upon a bookmark of things and tools with stamps near Seydozero, indicating their German origin. This made it possible to talk about the Fuhrer expedition, which was abandoned here either before the war, or during it. As you know, the Nazis were also very interested in ancient artifacts and occult theories.

Valery Demin's expeditions 1997, 1998, 2001

The Hyperborean theme revived again 75 years later, when Doctor of Philosophy Valery Demin visited Seidozero, the report on his journey literally blew up the information space.

The members of the expedition "Hyperborea 97" examined and photographed the objects found by Barchenko, as well as found new ones: the remains of structures on the top of Mount Ninchurt, which they identified as the ruins of ancient defensive structures and an observatory.

The following year, V. Demin assembled an expedition "Hyperborea 98", which included "experts in anomalous phenomena" - witches, ufologists, psychics, etc. Their task was to penetrate into the undisclosed secrets of Seydozero - to find a mysterious hole in underground city, with whom Barchenko and his comrades were photographed in 1921.

Unfortunately, they were unable to find anything new. But the folklore about the place “Russia Murmansk Oblast Lake Seidozero” was replenished with tales about the Invisible Bigfoot, UFO landing sites and other sensations and assumptions of the expedition participants.

Demintsev's next march took place in 2001. We managed to prepare thoroughly. This time, among the participants, the number of which exceeded 20 people, there were divers with equipment for photographing and filming underwater. The group was equipped with equipment: a ground-penetrating radar-sonar, an echo sounder, etc. Among the equipment was a motor boat with gasoline. Several tons of equipment were dropped onto Lake Seydozero by helicopter.

The purpose of the expedition was to test the hypothesis that a large number of ancient monuments are hidden at the bottom of Seydozero. Unfortunately, due to large deposits of silt, underwater filming was not possible. The only thing that we managed to find at the bottom are some silt-covered "wells" with a diameter of about 70 cm at 16 m depth and ring-shaped "caverns".

Geophysical instruments have discovered caves-voids under the relict glade and tunnels leading from them to Mount Ninchurt. According to Demin's assumption, this was the mysterious dungeon mentioned in the Lappish legends.

Demin told about all the secrets that Seydozero (Murmansk region) keeps, his hypotheses, during the expeditions in more than 20 books.

The described artifacts - a relict glade, a pyramid and, finally, Kuiva (Seidozero has been associated with them for several decades), gave rise to a whole wave of searches. Lovers of the unknown, and just tourists and travelers, rushed to Lake Seydozero.

What do researchers study and tourists seek to see on the shores of Seydozero? We have systematized information about the objects for which Seydozero is famous, a report on them was published by the above expeditions.

Seidozero: artifacts and their secrets

  • A relict glade and a paved road leading to it

Some "Hyperboreans" discovered a road of flat slabs that connects Lovozero and the relict glade near Seydozero. Personally, I have not seen her in any of my visits, the first of which was in 1989.

At the entrance to the clearing ( east side) - there is a stone slab 3 * 3 m. Members of Demin's expedition consider a clearing - a platform the size of a truck body, where there is no vegetation, a tunnel covered with loose rock in rocky ground.

According to them, a survey of the paving of the road by a georadar showed that it is masonry, which goes 1.5 m underground at a right angle. Several hypotheses have been put forward: whether it is a kind of wall, perhaps a defensive fortification drowned in the ground, or a 1.5 meter ditch filled to the bottom with boulders.

The road is 1.5 km long and goes to the Kuiva image.

All my searches for photos of this road or videos with it were unsuccessful.

  • Kuiva - rock carvings of a man and a deer

The height of the image, which resembles a man's arms spread across the cross, is about 50 m. It was painted on one of the rocks. In the upper left corner, a deer much clearer than Kuiva is seen. For some reason, the researchers mention little about him.

According to the Lappish legend, Kuiva (Black Man) is the leader of the Swedish detachment that robbed local residents... The detachment was defeated by the Sami, and its leader was forever imprinted on the rock.

Kuiva's image was found by Barchenko in 1921. It can be seen from the paved road (which, as it were, draws a straight line between it and the sacred Horn Island located on the neighboring Lovozero). Unfortunately, as I wrote above, I did not see the road, perhaps the imagination of the seekers passed off an ordinary moraine for it.

I also climbed the rock itself, came close to the image. It seems to me that nature itself applied it with the help of water leaks, moss and cracks.

upd from 01/01/2014 In August 2013, a student expedition of the St. State University... The samples of rocks collected by its participants from the dark fragments of Kuiva's image were subjected to mycological analysis, which showed that their color is the "work" of a colony of fungi and unicellular algae. The appearance of the pattern was also helped by the relief of the rock, which promotes the spread of these microorganisms in such a bizarre artistic form.

  • Laz under the ground (lost)

He was in the immediate vicinity of the relict glade, or even on it itself. There is an archive photo of the expedition members in front of it. Barchenko and his comrades did not have the courage to go underground along this manhole. Condiine's diary noted the feelings of fear and anxiety they felt around him. According to Demin, it was filled up on the initiative of the NKVD back in the 1920s and 1930s, because near Seydozero there were mining of uranium ores, which were carried out by the prisoners of the Revda camps. True, Demin mentions that the camp was located on the other side of Lake Seydozero at the entrance to the Chivruay gorge, and VOKHR was located on the relict glade.

I did not come across any traces of the camp at Chivruai.

  • Step pyramids

Hills in the region of Seydozero and Lovozero, similar to pyramids and, according to Barchenko, hand-cut. Used by the Sami as a temple.

Found by Barchenko, but the Kolbanovsky expedition organized a year later called them stone swells on the top of the mountain.

  • Pyramidal seid

Seid in the form of a stone stele, about 3 m high. There are several similar seids in the gorges around Seydozero, they say that they stood near the lake itself, but were dismantled in the 1920s during the fight against obscurantism.

  • Ruins on Mount Ninchurt

Mount Ninchurt (Women's Breasts) - at its top, Demin's first expedition discovered ruins consisting of huge hewn slabs. The participants were especially impressed by their correct form.

In addition to the slabs, the scientific prospecting expedition also found a well, steps, and the remains of a structure that Demin identified as an observatory - with a 15-meter long chute looking into the sky. These secrets of Seydozero remained until the end and were not revealed - Valery Demin, who was searching for Hyperborea, died in 2006.

All these objects can today be seen with your own eyes and assess their origin, in addition to enjoy the amazing beauty of these places, their pristine nature.

Useful articles:

Seidozero: how to get there

There are two options for picking up: by train and by car.

By train you need to get to the station Olenegorsk, by the time the train arrives at the station, a bus comes to the village. Revda. There are also many taxi drivers who offer to take you to Revda.

If you go by bus to Revda, then you will have to look for a trip or walk 1.5 hours on foot (about 7 km). Therefore, a taxi is a more convenient option, since it takes you directly to the place (to the mine), and the payment for a passenger does not differ much from the price of a bus ticket.

Seidozero, how to get there by car. First, drive along the Murmansk highway M-18 to the roundabout to Olenegorsk, then turn right to Lovozero and Revda. Further 70 km along the Lovozerskaya road to the turn to Revda. Drive through the old Revda, then through the village itself and drive to the Karnasurta mine.

There is a parking lot near the mine entrance where you can leave your car. Guards at the checkpoint sometimes offer their "look behind the car" services for a small fee, but this option is not at all mandatory.

The route through the Lovozero tundra

Traditionally, tourists start their trip by visiting Seydozero. The shortest way to it is through the Elmorayok pass.

It is necessary to go through the territory of the mine (where they are now allowed) right through and through, cross the narrow-gauge railway and follow a well-packed path up to the pass along the Ilmayok stream. The pass itself is not pronounced, it is a large plateau between two flat peaks, underfoot there are chipped stones of different sizes.

The descent to Seydozero is steeper than the ascent. The steep section ends at a relict meadow. From here the Elmorayok stream begins, which flows into the lake and the path leading through the forest to Seydozero. The approximate distance to this place from the mine is about 12 km.

Walk along it to the shore - Kuiva appears on the left on the rock, Seydozero is under his patronage. If you look back, you can see a small mountain shaped like a stepped pyramid.

From the shores of the lake there are many beautiful gorges, along any of them you can go to the mountains.

For example, along the river and the Chinglusuay gorge, you can climb to the highest point of the Lovozero tundra - Mount Angvundaschorr 1120 m.And along the river and gorge Uelkuay or Chivruay go to Mount Mannepakh, on top of which there is a beautiful lake.

Seydozero itself is surrounded by a forest, walking through which you can accidentally come across stone structures, clearly made by human hands. They are overgrown with moss and bushes, so they are not immediately noticeable. You can also go to the outside of the mountains and visit mountain lakes: Circus, Gornoye, Sengisyavr, Raiyavr, Svetloye, surrounded by "circuses" with sheer walls up to 300 meters.

On the northern side of the lake there are two more gorges leading to the Kuyvchorr and Kuamdespakhk mountains along the peaks of which there is a geological road to the mine. By the way, you can get out of the mountains along it.

You can also leave in the village. Lovozero along the path that bypasses the mountains along the shores of Lake Lovozero (Luvyavr).

Dmitry Ryumkin specially for

When America and the Soviet Union consistently tested a nuclear bomb in the 1940s, both superpowers decided that the atom was the future. Various large-scale projects using the half-life of uranium isotopes and other elements with similar properties have been developed by almost dozens.

One of these ideas was to create "atomic bullets" whose power would be as destructive as that of a nuclear bomb. But the information about these developments is negligible, and this whole story has overgrown with so many fables that today it is a half-myth, in the veracity of which few people believe.

Atomic bullets are found in a number of science fiction specimens. But at some point, Soviet military engineers seriously thought about the possibility of creating ammunition, which would include a radioactive element. In fairness, it should be pointed out that in some way these dreams were realized and are actively used today. We are talking about armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles, which actually contain uranium. But in these ammunition, it is depleted and is not used at all as a "small nuclear bomb".

As for the project of "atomic bullets" directly, according to a number of sources that began to appear in the media already in the 1990s, Soviet scientists managed to create 14.3 mm and 12.7 mm ammunition for heavy machine guns. In addition, there is information about the 7.62 mm bullet. The weapons used in this case differ: some sources indicate that bullets of this caliber were made for a Kalashnikov assault rifle, while others - that for his heavy machine gun.

According to the plans of the developers, such unusual ammunition was supposed to have tremendous power: one bullet "baked" an armored tank, and several - wiped off the whole building. According to the published documents, not only were prototypes made, but also successful tests were carried out. However, physics stood in the way of these statements.

At first, it was the concept of critical mass, which did not allow the use of uranium 235 or plutonium 239, traditional in the manufacture of nuclear bombs, for atomic bullets.

Then Soviet scientists decided to use the recently discovered transuranic element californium in these ammunition. Its critical mass is only 1.8 grams. It would seem that it is enough to "squeeze" the required amount of california into a bullet, and you will get nuclear explosion in miniature.

But here a new problem arises - excessive heat release during the decay of an element. A bullet with california could give off about 5 watts of heat. This would make it dangerous for both the weapon and the shooter - the ammunition could get stuck in the chamber or in the barrel, or it could explode spontaneously during the shot. They tried to find a solution to this problem in creating special coolers for bullets, but their design and operating features were quickly considered impractical.

The main problem of using californium in atomic bullets was its depletion as a resource: the element was rapidly ending, especially after the introduction of a moratorium on nuclear weapons testing. In addition, by the late 1970s, it became obvious that both enemy armored vehicles and structures can be successfully destroyed using more traditional methods. Therefore, according to sources, the project was finally closed in the early 1980s.

Despite a number of publications about the "atomic bullet" project, there are many skeptics who strongly reject information that such ammunition ever existed. Literally everything lends itself to criticism: from the choice of California for making bullets to their caliber and the use of Kalashnikov weapons.

To date, the history of these developments has turned into a cross between a scientific myth and a sensation, information about which is too little to draw unambiguous conclusions. But one thing can be asserted with certainty: no matter how much truth there is in the published sources, such an ambitious idea itself undoubtedly existed in the ranks of not only Soviet, but also American scientists.

For many years, the global "elite" and its owners, using orthodox science as a tool to manipulate people's consciousness, hid its true history from humanity. For this purpose, ancient written sources were destroyed, which were replaced by falsified forgeries and numerous artifacts were ignored, including ancient ones. megalithic structures, especially related to the culture of Arctida (Hyperborea).

One of such amazing artifacts is the finds made in 1922 on the Kola Peninsula near Seydozero by A. Barchenko's group, which included serious scientists. Megalithic structures and other traces of the ancient Arctic civilization have been discovered here. For example, here is what one of the members of this expedition, astrophysicist A. Kondiain, wrote in his diary:

Against a white, as it were, a cleared background, a gigantic figure stands out, resembling a person in its dark contours. Motovskaya lip is strikingly, magnificently beautiful. One must imagine a narrow corridor two or three miles wide, limited to the right and left by giant sheer cliffs up to one verst in height. All around the mountains. Autumn has painted the slopes interspersed with bushes of birches, aspens and alders. In the distance there are gorges, among which there is Seydozero.

In one of the gorges, we saw a mysterious thing. Next to the snow here and there, spots lying on the slopes of the gorge, could be seen a yellowish-white column like a giant candle, and next to it - a cubic stone. On the other side of the mountain was a giant cave, at a height of 200 fathoms, and next to it was something like a crypt. The outline of the Old Man stood out clearly against the white plafond of the mountain.

A luxurious trail leads to the lake through Taibolu. Rather, a wide driveway - it even seems that it is paved. At the end of the road there is a small rise. Everything suggests that in ancient times the grove was reserved, and the elevation at the end of the road served as a kind of altar-altar in front of the "Old Man".

However, instead of making these discoveries public domain, all members of the expedition were destroyed by the NKVD. V. Demin's expedition, which visited these places in 1997, confirmed the presence of a whole ancient city, once surrounded by cyclopean stone walls and had its own observatory.

And here is how the Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov comments on all these findings:

The find on the Kola Peninsula overturns the traditional view of the history of earthly civilization. And what? Barchenko and his associates are destroyed, their diaries perish, as well as the book by A. Barchenko, written by him for Russia before the execution.

All threads leading to the find are cut off. In addition, under various pretexts, units of the NKVD are engaged in "combing" the Kostroma, Bryansk, Vyatka forests and forests of northern Russia. Once again, the authorities are trying to find the keepers of the secret. Of course, the atrocity can be blamed on the communists - now it has become fashionable.

But then why is the free democratic science silent about this find, because in 1997 the ruins near Seydozero were visited by the expedition of V.N. Demin? And everything was confirmed - there are traces of ancient civilization, but the official scientific community is in no hurry. Obviously, the refutation of the find is being pondered, because it does not fit into the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of earthly civilization. Time will tell what they will do with this find.

One thing is clear: the city found by A.V. Barchenko and V.N. Demin is older than all the civilizations of Asia and Africa, because it was once buried by a glacier, and the glacier on the Kola Peninsula melted only 10-12 thousand years before our era.

But let experts in the destruction of ancient knowledge about Hyperborea not dream of burying the find of Barchenko and Demin, they will have too much to forget and bury. The fact is that the ruins of the Hierborean city discovered by Barchenko are only the beginning, and other discoveries will follow.

The find made by the expeditions of A. Barchenko and V. Demin, like nothing else, best confirms ancient greek myths about the legendary Arctic country located "beyond Boreas", as well as the myths of many other peoples of the white race about their Arctic ancestral home. And this is another proof that the ancient legends and myths do not lie, but openly lie to us orthodox scientists-historians, fulfilling the order of their masters to conceal and discredit ancient knowledge and our real history.

The legendary Hyperborea left its traces on the Kola Peninsula. It is on this mysterious land with a rather harsh climate that the oldest pyramids in the world were found.

According to the legends and legends that have survived to this day, Hyperborea, a legendary northern country, was located in the peninsula area a long time ago. Therefore, this amazing and mysterious land attracts researchers and travelers.

After reading the article, you can find out more detailed information about the nature and attractions of the Kola Peninsula.

From mythology

The first information about this country dates back to ancient times. The most ancient historians mentioned the Hyperboreans. The word "Hyperborean" had the following meaning: the one who lives in the north, or the one who lives beyond Boreus (beyond the North Wind).

The inhabitants of Hyperborea, according to the oldest sources, possessed great knowledge, and they were much smarter than the ancient Greeks. It should be noted that Hercules, Apollo and Perseus (ancient Greek heroes) had the epithet "Hyperborean".

Kola Peninsula on the map of Russia


  • area - 100 thousand sq. kilometers;
  • the most high point - 1200 meters;
  • geographical position - 68 ° north latitude and 36 ° east longitude;
  • washing waters - the Barents Sea, the White Sea;
  • subject of the Russian Federation - Murmansk region.

The Kola Peninsula is located in the European part of Russia (northwest). Almost all of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Mountain ranges Khibiny mountains up to 1200 meters high and (1120 meters) stretch in the western part of the peninsula. The nature of the Kola Peninsula is not very rich in vegetation: the north is represented by tundra, the south - by forest tundra and taiga.

The Kola Peninsula occupies about 70% of the total area Murmansk region... Its western border is determined by the depression along the Kola River and the Niva River from the Kola Bay to the Kandalaksha Bay.

Attractions of the Kola Peninsula

Artifacts that confirm existence the most ancient civilization in the Russian North, is the main attraction of the peninsula. Scientists who made the last scientific expedition to the pyramids of the Russian North claim that these man-made structures are at least 9,000 years old. This indicates that the pyramids are 2 times older than the Egyptian ones. It turns out that the earthly civilization began to develop not from the South, but from the northern part of the planet.

Geologists concluded that the elevations are anthropogenic in nature. These hills (pyramids) are not natural, but creation human hands... In addition, they were rebuilt three times - increasing their height. Their cavities have the correct shape (the results of studies with modern geophysical instruments), and what is there is still unknown. It is assumed that the functional purpose of the pyramids of the Kola Peninsula is an observatory that made it possible to monitor the star system. The results of the analysis showed that the age of the mysterious observatory is nine thousand years.


It is assumed that Hyperborea at the North Pole existed about 20,000-4,000 years ago. It was a fairly large continent with a mild climate reminiscent of the Mediterranean. There was lush and varied vegetation, and thermophilic animals lived there. In the very center of this country (at the pole) the legendary Mount Meru was located.

The inhabitants of this country possessed various skills - they could control the weather, build large structures and buildings, fly long distances (it is not for nothing that Perseus of Hyperborean is depicted with wings on his sandals). Apparently, the Hyperboreans were not sick, they lived happily and without strife. Satisfied with earthly life, they ended their lives jumping from high cliffs into the sea.

Apparently, the Russian Hyperborea died, having gone under water in connection with some cataclysm that occurred. One of the versions is the fall of a meteorite and, as a result, the displacement of the planet's magnetic poles. The result was a rise in sea level and a sharp change climatic conditions... One of the proofs of the existence of Hyperborea, according to scientists, is the annual migrations of birds.

The further fate of the Hyperboreans

The secrets of the Kola Peninsula have not yet been solved. There are many researchers who claim that there were also surviving Hyperboreans who managed to move to Asia and northern Europe... So they spread all over the world. They built pyramids (Egypt and other countries), temples (Greece), erected such complex structures as Stonehenge and Arkaim.

The Slavs are considered one of the most direct descendants of the inhabitants of Hyperborea. Many pagan myths of the Slavs mention this legendary continent. In addition, legends about the land of the Sunflower, located beyond the distant lands, are found in Russian epics. The name of the peninsula comes from the oldest Indo-European name for the Sun - Kolo. Yes, and Nostradamus in his "Centuries" called the Russians "the Hyperborean people."

Expedition 1920

The pyramids of the Kola Peninsula were first discovered in 1922, and the first expedition took place in 1920 under the leadership of the famous science fiction writer and explorer Alexander Barchenko.

A. V. Barchenko (born in 1881) - writer, occultist, hypnotist and researcher of telepathy. From a youthful age, he was distinguished by a penchant for everything mysterious and mysterious, as well as for mysticism. He always believed that humanity arose in the very north of the planet in the Golden Age about 12 thousand years ago. Barchenko already knew the approximate time of the disaster on the planet. In his opinion, the time to change the axis of rotation of the Earth is every 12,960 years.

The writer was always convinced that the Hyperborean race was so highly developed that it surpassed the current modern people... He drew all the information from the secret literature available to him, and also believed that the ancient knowledge about the country was kept by shamans who had lived on the Kola Peninsula for a long time.

During the expedition of Alexander Barchenko, at the foot of Mount Ninchurt, manholes were discovered that led to the dungeons. According to the stories of local residents, those who tried to get inside, "got stupid." Barchenko also made an attempt to enter this dungeon. However, having experienced a rather strange state, he abandoned the dangerous venture.

Expeditions 1998 and 2007

The last official expedition was "Hyperborea-98". It included historians, archaeologists, geologists, ufologists, ethnographers and even philosophers. Expedition organizers - journalists who create documentaries from the cycle "HypoTeza" (TV channel "Culture").

Archaeologists on the slope of Mount Ninchurta discovered the remains of the masonry wall. At the Holy Lake, they found an ancient seid, which is a huge stone of regular shape. In the cavity inside it, at its bottom, coals have been preserved. Most likely, these are traces of some kind of magical ritual. Another important find is the remains of an ancient observatory, which is man-made pyramids and a chute (15 meters) with two sighting devices.

The third expedition to the Hyperborean region was carried out in 2007. This journey was made in the wake of the previous two expeditions led by A. Barchenko and V. Demin. During the journey, we managed to find defensive and cult structures, the ruins of that very ancient observatory (the pyramids of the Kola Peninsula) and plates with mysterious signs.


Near Seydozero (Holy Lake) in 1922 and in subsequent expeditions, hills resembling pyramids were found. They are similar in shape to what is known as the "Axis of the World".

These two pyramidal structures, connected by a lintel and oriented to the cardinal points, are approximately 50 meters high. Sami shamans, apparently, used ancient structures for their magical rituals.

The Hyperborean pyramids of the Kola Peninsula can be considered a place of Power. Here, some may feel a deterioration in their well-being, and some discover various previously unknown abilities: the gift of prophecy, the ability to speak other languages, etc.

For tourists

True lovers of romantic and active travel will enjoy tours of the most beautiful and mysterious places The Kola Peninsula, shrouded in unsolved legends and secrets. Fans of indelible impressions and tourists who want to plunge into the world of untouched nature and learn its mysteries and mysteries must make tours to the Kola Peninsula. Lakes, rivers, seas, mountains and the Kuzomen (northernmost) desert - all of this is located in a small area.

It's not as cold here as it seems. Despite the fact that the air temperature in winter time drops below -40 degrees, it is relatively comfortable here due to low humidity. There are many ski resorts offering various services in terms of active rest... Snowmobile safaris, reindeer and dog sled races, ski mountaineering, snowboarding, impressive river and boat trips, river rafting, fishing - all this can be done in this mysterious northern region. There is even an opportunity to swim with belugas, seals and whales. There is a high probability of finding wartime items in the water column.

And there are plenty of sights, including the mysterious pyramids. On the map of Russia, the Kola Peninsula looks like an inaccessible corner of the globe, but it is worth visiting in spite of everything.


According to the assumptions of Russian scientists, the pyramids of Egypt, as well as the pyramids of Mexico and Russia (including the Crimea), are an integral part of the energy and space-time general planetary biocomputer, which supports the life processes of the Earth and is connected with the cosmic mind supporting the life of the Universe.

It turns out that Russian scientists have almost completely solved the mystery of the most ancient pyramids of the Earth. And yet there is plenty of work for researchers on the Kola Peninsula.