Foreign passports and documents

Extra-curricular event about Lake Baikal. Scenario of entertainment “Journey through Baikal. Mobile game related to animals or plants

“It is not on the map that you need to look for the great lake, you need to look for it in yourself ...”
(I. Shirobokov)

Is there at least one person who does not wish to see Baikal with his own eyes? We learn about the lake for the first time in childhood. And in the child's imagination, that mysterious corner of the earth arises, which beckons to itself with its miracles, mysteries and unprecedented incomprehensible beauty.

Baikal is a unique place, one of the unique wonders of the planet, a truly natural shrine not only for Russians, but for the whole world. It is famous for its geological antiquity and original forms of flora and fauna, the origin of which has not yet been fully unraveled. The huge size and depth of this lake, amazingly clean and transparent water, competing in color with the best crystals of aquamarine, emerald, or sky blue, fabulously beautiful shores make an indelible impression on each of us.

Baikal Day in 2018 is celebrated on September 7th. By this date, the employees of the MKUK "Intersettlement Central Library" prepared for children an ecological trip "Baikal - a lake of crystal clearness", including a demonstration of photo stories about Baikal, an ecological quiz "The Kingdom of Glorious Baikal". The event was dedicated to the unique flora and fauna, as well as the existing serious environmental problems that cause great harm to the amazing lake and slowly destroy it. The children listened with interest to the history of the name, its origin. We learned that it is a World Natural Heritage site and has the status of a lake-reserve, got acquainted with its climate, rich and diverse flora and fauna.

But, unfortunately, in connection with the development of industry in Siberia, including in the areas adjacent to Baikal, the construction of a number of large enterprises in the woodworking, wood-chemical and other industries, as well as non-ferrous metallurgy, often with gross violations of the environmental situation, a deadly threat. Saving Lake Baikal from pollution is an urgent task of our time. Many participants of the meeting proposed specific environmental measures: to stop deforestation on the banks, to create warning posters, to build treatment facilities at enterprises, to raise the ecological culture of the population. Discussing serious environmental problems, those present came to the conclusion that it is necessary to be more attentive to nature, because it depends on each of us to save or destroy the world around us.

After the event, the students got acquainted with the literature about the unique lake. More than 50 sources of information about Baikal are presented in the library fund. From the books "Legends and secrets of Baikal", "What is in your name Baikal" S.A. Guruleva, “Baikal in legends and secrets”, O.K. Gusev "Sacred Baikal", V. Bogdanov, you can get information about the history of Baikal, its water, winds, islands, rivers.

You can learn about researchers and research from the books of P.A. Kardashevskaya "Explorers of Baikal", A.I. Golenkova Pathfinders of Baikal. The books of S. Ustinov "Reserve on Baikal", "Baikal, Barguzinsky Reserve" tell about the reserves of Baikal. There are a lot of albums in the library, which contain photographs and articles of all the bewitching beauty of the places surrounding Baikal in Russian and English: bays, capes, peoples and traditions, animals, plants and other information. Most of the literature is devoted to environmental problems and protection of Lake Baikal.

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Books by A.F. Karnaukhova

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    "Flashes of the Singing Soul" are dedicated to love lyrics. The poems printed in the book awaken hopes for a good future. They show the inexhaustible faith of a person in the power of love, which can ennoble him and the world, give them an impetus to prosperity and development.

    The story “Where Eagles Nest” is about proud and beautiful birds, with a mighty wingspan, selfless and devoted love; about proud and beautiful people, with their mighty scope of deeds and accomplishments, with their courage and love for the harsh Siberian nature.

    The poems printed in the book "Star Twinkles" are poems about the Motherland, love and beauty of human life. Lyrics dedicated to the great people of the earth, as well as reflections on biblical and mythological themes.

    A collection of poems "The Geometry of Life" - about the beloved village of Nevon, which is located on the banks of the Angara, about the author's family. There are poems dedicated to the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when not only adults, but also children made their own contribution to the treasury of the common victory. The author paid due attention in his poems to the great poets of the earth, historical events, as well as problems that concern a thinking person.

    The story "Dashing" is based on a real fact that occurred during the Great Patriotic War with an ordinary cavalryman Yegor, originally from the village of Nevon. Most of the characters mentioned in the story are real people.

    The collection "Taiga Hop" reflects the author's impressions of hunting, nature, and taiga. Poems are distinguished by the originality inherent in the inhabitants of the taiga region.

    "The Palette of Time" is the fifth book of poetry by Anatoly Karnaukhov. In it, the author talks about his love for his small homeland and the world around him. Poems and poems placed in the book are filled with feelings of patriotism and spirituality. They reflect the deep faith of the author in goodness and justice, in a sense of beauty and lasting.

New Arrivals

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    The publication presents selected pages of the diaries of the outstanding Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky, which is a fascinating story about expeditions to the Ussuri region, Mongolia, China, the Gobi desert and Tibet. The reserved Ussuri taiga, the bare Mongolian steppes, the outlandish landscapes of China, the dangerous mountain paths of Lamaist Tibet, the withering heat of the Gobi and Takla Makan deserts - he went through all this, and more than once, in order to more tightly connect her own Far Eastern outskirts with Russia. Thanks to his tireless efforts, Mongolia, China and Tibet have become closer to Russia. N.M. Przhevalsky was elected an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. Already after the first expedition to Central Asia, he was awarded the Konstantinovsky medal of the Russian Geographical Society, became an honorary doctor of several universities, and after the third expedition, Przhevalsky's merit was recognized by the entire world community. This richly illustrated edition tells about the adventures and extreme incidents that lie in wait for travelers in the wild exotic corners of the Earth.

    The strait, the sea, the archipelago and the island are named after the famous Russian navigator, captain-commander Vitus Jonassen Bering (1681-1741). The book contains documents and reports of the participants of the First (1725-1730) and Second (1734-1742) Kamchatka expeditions, detailing the progress of research in difficult, sometimes deadly conditions of campaigns in the little-known regions of Siberia and the Far East. In a unique edition, in addition to the documents of the expeditions and the writings of their participants: Sven Waxel, G. Miller and S.P. Krasheninnikov, also included survey works by the historian of the Russian fleet and marine geographical discoveries V.N. Top and the German geographer F. Gelwald. Thanks to the heroism and selflessness of Russian pioneers, Russian geographical science has enriched humanity with invaluable knowledge about distant lands. The visual series that complements the narrative, represented by hundreds of maps, black-and-white and color old paintings and drawings, will allow, while reading about the events, to vividly imagine the environment in which they took place.

    The book "Frigate" Pallada "" by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) is a unique phenomenon in its kind. None of the classics of Russian literature, either before or after Goncharov, participated in such a journey. 160 years ago, the frigate Pallada weighed anchor and left the Kronstadt raid. It was fate that the wonderful master of the word I.A. went on one of the most outstanding journeys on this ship. Goncharov. For two and a half years, thousands of kilometers by land and sea, a responsible diplomatic mission moved through Britain, Madeira, the Atlantic, South Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, China, and the Philippines. Ivan Goncharov was aware of his duty to readers and the need to describe the journey, and two months after his return, the first essays about the expedition appeared, and two years later the first complete edition of the Pallada Frigate was published, which withstood many reprints and is now presented on judgment of the modern reader in this book.

    A fascinating story about an amazing journey undertaken in the 60s - early 70s of the XV century. by the brave Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin to distant mysterious India, forms the basis of this book. The unique literary monument “Journey Beyond Three Seas” continues the series “Great Journeys” beloved by readers. The Appendix contains the most interesting stories about travels made in different years "before and after Nikitin" to the same regions of India and neighboring countries. As a result, this volume is remarkable for its striking factual richness and abundance of material. Numerous old images of the described places give a visual representation of what they were like 500 years ago. The publication is addressed to everyone interested in the dramatic history of geographical discoveries and ancient oriental exoticism.

    "The Discovery of Antarctica" is a detailed travel diary, which was kept by the outstanding Russian naval commander Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen during his famous circumnavigation (1819-1821). Over the years, two Russian sloops - "Vostok" and "Mirny" - explored Antarctica, the last undiscovered part of the world, a continent-mystery, the very existence of which many doubted.
    Book F.F. Bellingshausen and today, almost 200 years after writing, captures and captivates not only with an abundance of vivid memorable details, but also with the author's personality. Bellingshausen vividly responds to everything that happened in foreign ports and on the high seas, expressively characterizes the participants of the expedition, writes with particular warmth about his faithful assistant - the commander of the Mirny M.P. Lazarev. Thanks to the discoveries of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev, Russian geographical science acquired world significance and gave a powerful impetus to the organization of the most famous domestic research organization of the 19th century - the Russian Geographical Society. Dozens of color and more than three hundred old black-and-white paintings and drawings do not just decorate the book - they allow you to literally look into the past, to see the expedition through the eyes of its participants.

    Journey to the Tien Shan - fascinating, popular and humorously written memoirs of the great Russian traveler, scientist and public figure Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky about his outstanding scientific feat - the expedition of 1856-1857. to a mountainous country absolutely unknown to science at the junction of Central Asia and China: Tien Shan in Chinese means Heavenly Mountains. The book is replete with lively details about the unique nature of the region, about the appearance, life and customs of the population, about meetings with wonderful people, including old friends, among others - with F.M. Dostoevsky, with whom the author was familiar from Petrashevsky's circle. The book is beautifully framed and richly illustrated with paintings, drawings and old photographs; designed for everyone who is interested in the geography and history of Russia, meaningful and reliable stories about the exotic corners of the Earth.

    Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin (1776-1831) occupies a special place in the galaxy of Russian navigators. Vice Admiral, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, he made a significant contribution to all areas of naval affairs, did a lot for the organization and construction of the Russian fleet, is known as a talented scientist and writer, brought up a whole galaxy of brave Russian navigators: F.P. Litke, F.P. Wrangel, F.F. Matyushkin and others. A cape on the southwestern coast of North America - the former "Russian America", a mountain on the island of Novaya Zemlya, a strait in the Kuril Islands, a bay in the Bering Sea are named after Golovnin.
    Always contrary to circumstances and fate - such was Golovnin's life and such was his round-the-world trip on the sloop "Diana". Having repaid his debt to the Motherland, Vasily Mikhailovich fulfilled his "obligations" to the reading public, opening the mysterious world of Japan and its inhabitants in the book "Notes Captured by the Japanese". Unique material about a then unknown country and its people, plus a brilliant literary talent - it is not surprising that Golovnin's book received a lot of enthusiastic reviews and was translated into many European languages. Like all editions of the Great Travelers series, V. M. Golovnin’s book is superbly designed and full of a large number of rare illustrations, allowing you to look at the countries and peoples described by the author through the eyes of the discoverers.

    “Journey through Siberia and the Arctic Sea” by Admiral Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel is a geographical bestseller of the middle of the 19th century: its European translations appeared before the first Russian edition! The famous Russian navigator and polar explorer, who made three trips around the world, wrote a book full of excellent descriptions of the natural wealth of Siberia, the life and customs of the peoples who inhabited it, experienced dangers and trials on expeditions. In keeping with the remarkable tradition of the Great Journeys series, this book is adorned with hundreds of antique color and black-and-white illustrations, allowing you to literally see what the author tells so excitingly.

    The famous Russian traveler and ethnographer N. N. Miklukho-Maclay revealed to the civilized world the unique nature of New Guinea and the exotic culture of the natives who inhabited it. In his diaries, he told about life and adventures among the wild tribes of the Maclay Coast (named so during the life of the explorer), the mysterious "Papuas", on the shore of which he stepped off the ship's ladder.
    The volume of selected works of the outstanding Russian ethnographer includes diary entries and articles that tell about visits to New Guinea in the 70s of the XIX century, about life among the natives, about the study of the nature and population of this region of Melanesia.

    In 1900, a young Russian correspondent, Dmitry Yanchevetsky, went to China on assignment from the Novy Krai newspaper to see the exotic country with his own eyes and describe the great uprising that shook the Celestial Empire. The notes made by Dmitry Yanchevetsky during this dangerous journey formed the basis of a stunningly reliable, unique book that will open before the reader pictures of the clash between medieval and new China, an event that became the starting point for the amazing transformations of the ancient country.
    The appendix publishes a brilliant book by Alexander Vereshchagin "In China". The opinion of a professional military man about the events of the early 20th century is interesting primarily because in the defeated, destroyed, divided China, the author saw the emerging greatness of this country and for the first time in European history predicted its future power. Like all editions of the Great Journeys series, this book is beautifully designed and full of rare illustrations and photographs of eyewitnesses of the events described.


  • to acquaint with Lake Baikal, with unusual and mysterious phenomena of the life of the lake, with the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. Angara and rivers flowing into Baikal, with inhabitants (seals and fish);
  • to teach to understand beauty, to cultivate an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the lake, a humane attitude towards animals;



Extra-curricular event "Baikal-Pearl of Siberia"


  • to acquaint you with Lake Baikal, with unusual and mysterious phenomena of the life of the lake, with the only river flowing from Lake Baikal - the Angara and the rivers flowing into Baikal, with its inhabitants (seals and fish);
  • to teach to understand beauty, to cultivate an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the lake, a humane attitude towards animals;


  • geographical map of Lake Baikal;
  • a toy - a boat, an audio recording of the noise of the waves;
  • student work;
  • exhibition of books about Baikal

Lesson progress

Dear children, today we will go on a boat trip.

(Children sit on a carpet around the geographical map of Lake Baikal.)

Working with the map: Let's start with the geographic map. On the map, Baikal has the shape of a young month. This is how it is seen from space. The lake is located in Russia, on the territory of the Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic. Today, the Republic of Buryatia is located on the southeastern and northern shores of Lake Baikal. Irkutsk region occupies its western part.

Teacher: The waves of the sacred sea and the mountains bordering its shores adorn the state emblem of the Republic of Buryatia. In the upper part of the emblem there is a golden soyombo (sun, moon and hearth) - a symbol of eternity. The lower part of the coat of arms is framed by a blue ribbon “hadag” - a sign of hospitality, cordiality and goodwill of the Baikal land.

Student: Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, it is the well of the planet with clean drinking water. If all sources of drinking water suddenly disappeared on earth and only Baikal remained, then all the people of the globe, using its water, could live for almost half a century.


Baikal! I miss you,

You often appear in my dreams.

I want to drink your water

And ride the wave

Easy, touching the crest of the wave,

Rush across and along.

I believe in fairy tales - like Green

You have your own Assol.

Student: Why is Baikal called Baikal? Where did this name come from in Russian?

Teacher: All the peoples that inhabited the shores of Lake Baikal - Buryats, Kirghiz, Mongols, Evenks, Russians - called the lake in their own way. Probably, they translated this name from some other language. But from what? Scientists suggest that the Turkic-speaking peoples - the Kurykans - gave the name to the lake. Baikal is a Turkic word from Baikul, which means a rich lake.


Baikal is called Baikul, Baigyul and Beihai:

He has been given many mysterious names.

But we always recognize him on the world map,

Let's look at the silhouette and say: "This is it!"

In traditions and legends, Baikal is a stern old man.

And he is actually perky, young.

It is no accident that he is noisy, impetuous, cheerful -

After all, it is filled with life, And not with plain water!

Tsydemzhap Zhimbiev

Student: Baikal is amazing and beautiful. He is unique in every way. This is not only the deepest lake in the world (1736 m), but one of the oldest (25 million years) and at the same time young. Many scientists consider Baikal to be an emerging ocean. Look, Baikal is surrounded by mountains and highlands from all sides, sometimes they either approach the water itself, or move away from the coast by 10-20 km.

Working with the map:

Along the western shore of the southern part of Baikal, the Primorsky Range stretches. Further to the north, it gives way to the Baikal Range. The Barguzinsky Range stretches from the northeastern tip of Lake Baikal, the Ulan-Burgas Range stretches along the eastern shore, and the Ikatsky Range stretches to the north of it. Along the eastern shore is the Khamar-daban mountain range.

Teacher: Who knows what is the only river that flows out of Baikal?

Children: Angara.

Pupil: The Angara originates in the southwestern part of Lake Baikal, cutting through the low Primorsky Range. The total length of the Angara is 1826 km. The Angara has a fast current and clear water. It freezes late and opens early.


Angara river,

The waters are clear

The islands along it are all wooded,

The islands on it are all in currants,

There is nothing more beautiful than my homeland.

Scarlet dawns are burning above you,

Angara River - Baikalov's daughter.

M. Trofimov

Working with the map: Look, there is a huge rock in the distance!

Teacher: I will tell you an old legend about how this rock appeared here.

In the old days, the mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. She was not more beautiful on earth.

During the day it is bright - lighter than the sky, at night - darker than the clouds. And whoever rode past the Angara, everyone admired her, everyone praised her. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, cranes - descended low, but they rarely landed on the water of the Angara. They said: “Is it possible to blacken light?”

Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

Once, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to her beloved, the handsome Yenisei.

Father woke up, angrily splashed waves. A terrible storm arose, mountains sobbed, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals fled in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled the bogatyr lake raging. Mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

The rock fell on the very throat of the beauty. The blue-eyed Angara pleaded, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask: “Father, I am dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water ...”

Baikal shouted angrily: “I can only give my tears!..”

For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei with water like a tear, and the gray-haired lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter, people called the Shaman stone. Rich sacrifices were made to Baikal there. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and Baikal is not afraid...

Working with the map: There are about 30 rocky islands on Baikal. The smallest island is called Modota. Olkhon is the largest island. The locals call it Oikhon. Translated from Buryat, this word sounds like “forest” or “a little wooded”.

Olkhon Island is the heart of Lake Baikal. It is located in the middle of Lake Baikal and even in its shape resembles the outlines of Lake Baikal. The island is 72 km long and 15 km wide. Near the island is the deepest part of Baikal (1637 m).

Olkhon Island is one of the most beautiful places on Lake Baikal.

Pupil: Yes, Baikal can be different - severe and inhospitable when storm winds bring cold and a large amount of precipitation in the form of rain and snow, calm and majestic when the sun plays in the Baikal wave in calm weather.

Student: Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, especially in summer. Summer on Baikal is the best time when the water heats up; and the hills are raging with colorful flowers, when fish generously plays near the shore to the cries of seagulls, and at every step along the road there is either raspberry or honeysuckle. Summer on Baikal is a joy! We are happy to live in such a wonderful place!

Teacher: What a wonderful day today! Everything around is flooded with sunlight. Clouds float slowly across the blue sky.


Get up! Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. While inhaling, slowly raise your hands up, gradually “stretching” the whole body, starting with the fingers, then stretch with your wrists, elbows, shoulders, chest, lower back and legs, but without tension and without lifting your heels from the floor, reach for the sun with your fingertips .

Sound recording of the sound of the waves.

Teacher: Baikal is unique, not without reason Siberians call it not a lake, but a sea.

Working with the map:

What major rivers flow into Baikal? (Selenga, Upper Angara, Barguzin, Turka, Snezhnaya.) Well done!

336 rivers flow into Baikal, and only one flows out - the Angara.

What river flows in our area? (Hilok). The Khilok flows into the Chikoy River, and the Chikoy into the Selenga. And the Selenga? In Lake Baikal. This means that our small rivers carry their waters into a huge lake. So you can't pollute them.

Teacher: About 2635 species of animals and plants live in Baikal, 2/3 of which are endemic and are not found anywhere in the world.

Pupil: Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:

Not a fish, not a whale.

Who is she - go and find out!

Fish catches and is silent.


This is ... (nerpa).

Student: The seal lives in the waters of Lake Baikal. The seal is closest to terrestrial predators of the bear family, but is adapted to water. The seal belongs to the order of pinnipeds. And it is named so because its forelimbs have transformed into flippers, which serve it for movement. The tail of the seal is short, there are no auricles at all. In mid-March, a seal pup is born on the ice in a snowy lair. Belek is 60-80 cm long and weighs 3-3.5 kg, its fur is white. The cub is so white that only two large black eyes stand out against the background of snow. The seal feeds on fish that it catches in the water. The seal can stay under water for 20-25 minutes. In calm weather, the seal swims around Lake Baikal and sleeps with its muzzle out of the water and flippers spread out to the sides. In winter, seals do not come to the surface of the ice; they breathe into a hole that they make in thin ice. The Baikal seal is listed in the Red Book.

Teacher: Answer the questions:

How many eyes does a seal have? How many front flippers? Do seals have ears? What is her tail? What is a baby seal called? Where does the seal winter? What does a seal eat? Is the seal listed in the Red Book?

Well done! You answered all questions correctly.

The seals are trainable. They obey the trainer, for which they receive a treat - a long-winged bull. They know how to break dance, sing funny and blow their mustaches noisily.

Pupil: Baikal is rich in fish, currently there are 54 species of fish in the lake. The Red Book of Buryatia includes fish - Baikal sturgeon, taimen, white Baikal grayling, tench. In addition to them, omul, whitefish, black Baikal grayling, horned, ide, crucian carp, pike, perch, burbot and others live in Baikal. Catfish, Amur carp and bream were artificially bred. Golomyanka is a unique fish found only in Lake Baikal. Golomyanka is the most numerous fish in Baikal.

Large Herring Gulls are the most noisy neighbors of seals on rocky shores. The inhabitants of the forests near the shores of Lake Baikal are brown bears, red deer, squirrels, chipmunks, ground squirrels, marmots, foxes, wolves, and hares.

Teacher: In the 20th century, the fate of sacred Baikal was to become a martyr lake. Baikal got more than enough from pulp and paper enterprises, from air emissions densely planted like a carrot in a garden, from the industry of the Angara region, from “logging plans” and forest fires, from poisonous slurry brought by the Selenga, from chemical fertilizers flowing from the fields, from the neighborhood with BAM and from human indifference. In order to preserve the beauty and purity of the lake, first of all, it is necessary to completely stop dumping any wastewater into it, which, with the modern development of science and technology, is a completely solvable task.

How one wants to be sure that in a hundred and two hundred years a person, approaching Baikal, will freeze, contemplating the primordial beauty of its pure depths; and in a hundred, and in two hundred years, Siberia will remain Siberia - a land inhabited, landscaped and protected, and not a torn lunar landscape with the remains of petrified trees. The younger generation should learn from their ancestors the call: the holy land is indestructible!

And what can we do to save Baikal?

Those present are divided into teams and offer their solutions for the preservation of the unique lake (slogans, posters - warnings, sketches of garbage cans and bins in recreation areas for residents of the city on the shores of Lake Baikal). Protecting your projects. Summing up.


Baikal is the eighth wonder of the world,

That's what they always say about him.

Baikal is beautiful in winter and summer,

And every single day in a row.

In winter it is covered with ice,

In another form he came to us,

When suddenly spring came to us.

Baikal has a different character:

Then he gets angry, then he coos,

That calm, then a storm,

Oh how wonderful

What is he in the world!

And the rivers in our deep Baikal

They won't stop flowing fast.

Let's get together guys

Protect our beauty!

Leading: In order to preserve the beauty and purity of the lake, first of all, it is necessary to completely stop dumping any sewage into it, which, with the modern development of science and technology, is a completely solvable task.

Show presentation


In order to form an ecological culture and a sense of responsibility for the fate of Lake Baikal, the teacher holds a competition of drawings and essays on the topic “Baikal needs the protection of children!”

Sounds "Song of Baikal", the children watch the slides.

Leading: And today you will see and hear the old legend about Baikal and its daughter Angara.

The music "Sea" sounds, Baikal comes out.

Baikal: My name is Baykul

Baikul and Beihai.

And I've been given a lot

Mysterious names.

In stories and legends

Baikal old man severe

And I really

Perky, young.

And for good reason noisy,

impetuous, cheerful

'Cause I'm full of life

Not plain water.

He sits down on the throne. Shaman then quietly comes out and sits next to Baikal.

Leading: Today on the shore of Lake Baikal

The taiga told me a legend.

The legend is about the mighty Baikal-father,

that once reigned

In the Siberian taiga.

He had only one daughter

She was famous for her beauty.

Living in love, not knowing grief,

With Baikal - father without arguing,

Princess Angara grew up,

Everything is good and blooming.

The girl Angara comes out to the music.

Angara: I am the queen of sparkling waters

I am the beauty of the wild

My waters rush forward

Fast to the north, shining proudly.

The Angara with the girls is dancing the Rechenka dance.

Leading: Loving my own daughter

And during the day, and even in the dark night,

The old man began to dream for a reason

Marry her to a rich man.

Baikal: I announce a heroic tournament,

To choose the best in the whole world.

Leading: Good knights came to Baikal,

Stately, courageous, the most dexterous.

Music sounds, an Irkut boy comes out, a chest in his hands.

Irkut River: In the pure streams of the Irkut

Tales of the mountains are carried by water.

Accept, father Baikal,

A priceless gift of proud rocks.

The Irkut boy takes out a blue scarf from the chest and gives it to Baikal as a gift.

Baikal puts it on the shoulders of the Angara-girl.

Music sounds, the 2nd hero comes out - the Barguzin River, in the hands of a box with beads.

I am the Barguzin River,

I am the Bogatyr River.

I have a lot of pure water and strength.

I came to conquer the Angara,

Give her priceless wealth.

Gives the box to Baikal.

Music sounds again, the third hero comes out with a small box in his hands.

There are many restless, violent, wild rivers.

Rivers have their own character, depth and breadth

They are like people - there are no faceless rivers!

The face of the Yenisei is the Clear-eyed Bogatyr.

Gives the box to Baikal.

Baikal: Well, heroes, show your strength and prowess.

Performed "Dance of the rivers-bogatyrs".

Bogatyrs line up in front of Baikal.

Yenisei gives Angara a flower.

All victories for you

Blue-eyed Angara.

I give you a beautiful flower

I want to call my favorite.

Angara throws off the scarf that Father-Baikal put on her, a gift from Irkut, and accepts the gift from the Yenisei.

Barguzin waves his hand and leaves.

Baikal: That's it, my dear daughter!

Better groom than Irkut

You can't find.

You should marry him.

Leading: But the beautiful Angara opposed the will of her father.

Angara: I don't need him

I'd rather be alone until I'm old.

Baikal: Ah well! Get out of my sight,

Rebellious daughter.

The Angara girl steps aside.

Leading: And Baikal ordered the shaman:

Baikal: Don't let Angara out of the house!

Don't take your eyes off her

And keep a close eye on her.

Dance of the Angara and seagulls.

The shaman boy is watching the dance.

After the dance, the gull girls fly away, Angara is sad.

Leading: Angara is about the beautiful

I dreamed of a blue country.

White seagulls told her about that country.

Angara: I wish I could get there soon

Where the Yenisei rules!

Sits next to Baikal.

Shaman comes out and dances.

After the dance, he sits next to the Angara.

Leading: And then one dark night,

Baikal fell asleep, very tired.

Only Angara does not sleep, trembles.

I'm going on a long journey - and that's it!

Going on the road.

Angara: Farewell, father, forgive your daughter.

Against the background of the splashing of the waves, Angara runs away.

Leading: Hearing the splash, the shaman woke up too.

Waking up, he shouted loudly:

Shaman Boy: Wake up soon, gray-haired Baikal!

The music is "Sea".

Leading: Baikal's waters stirred

Gray eyebrows shot up

Eyes flashed with lightning

A thunderstorm broke out in the sky.

Enraged Baikal jumped up from the throne

Baikal: Stop, my daughter

Don't leave me in my old age!

Leading: And from a distance he heard the answer:

Angara: I'm sorry, father!

But I have no rest.

About the Yenisei, only my thoughts,

I love him more than my life!

Leading: In the wild malice of Baikal

Moved a stone from the mountain

And he threw a stone after Angara.

Baikal throws a stone. (Terrible music plays.)

Leading: Fell into the source Shaman - stone,

A rush of love and heart flame.

In vain Baikal

raged and raged,

Throwing waves between the rocks.

Yenisei runs up to Angara, takes her by the hand and goes to the chairs.

Presenter: Many years have passed since then. The rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara, people called the Shaman-stone. And the Yenisei and the Angara finally found their happiness.

They go into the distance, the centuries run -

But even now the river is running.

Sings all the songs of Angara-

Let the kids remember them!

Dance movements of girls to the song "Along the Angara"

Child: Well, you, mighty Baikal,

Do not miss the naughty daughter.

We all love you and comfort you

Let's have some fun.

1. We were born on Baikal,

We live on Baikal.

We go to kindergarten together

Here we sing ditties.

2. You are our father, Baikal,

Who called you gray?

All shining with beauty

You are strong and young.

3. Baikal has all the water

clean, transparent,

Ah, if it were my destiny

Light, lucky.

4. Near the mountains of Khamar-Daban,

At the great Baikal

We live like this,

We dance and we sing.

Leading: What are you sad about, beloved Baikal,

What is your surf sighing about?

Or someone evil, relentless

Does he make fun of you sometimes?

And Baikal sighed in response to me:

Baikal: I lived in the world for a thousand years

Nobody offended me

On the contrary, everyone respected ...

But over the past half century

I don't recognize the person!

Like pure water

He will never need it.

Children all run up to "Baikal" (character)

1 Child: Baikal is one on the whole planet,

There is simply no other...

We are all yours, my Baikal, children,

And we are destined to live with you.

2 child: Do not offend, people, the sea!

Baikal also wants to live:

Play with the wave, arguing with the winds

And faithfully serve people!

3 child: Protecting Baikal is a sacred cause:

His fate is in our hands

Nature itself told us

So that native Baikal lives for centuries.

Leading: And I believe: Baikal will be

Glory to Russia to grow!

And our descendants will not forget

Give due credit for this.

The song Glorious Sea - sacred Baikal sounds.

Extracurricular event on ecology, grades 6-7

Akopyan Marina Alexandrovna, teacher of biology
The event is intended for teachers of biology, geography, class teachers and educators of correctional schools of the VIII type. Participants are 13-14 years old. This development of the event can be used in extracurricular work in biology, geography or at an extended meeting of a circle in biology or geography.
Topic:"Lake Baikal"
Goals: familiarization with the nature of Lake Baikal, environmental problems and solutions.
- introduce students to Lake Baikal, show its uniqueness, introduce the animal world of the lake, give some historical knowledge about Baikal;
- develop students' speech, memory, broaden their horizons, enrich vocabulary;
- to cultivate love for the Motherland, for nature, respect.
Today at our event we will get acquainted with one of the great lakes of the planet Earth - Lake Baikal (slide No. 1,2,3).
Baikal is too big and mysterious. Let's start with the geographic map. This is Baikal! From space, Baikal has the shape of a young moon (slide No. 4).
Ancient Baikal is visible from space,
Its crescent is azure.
He earned fame on the planet,
Glorified by our stormy times.
How beautiful you are, our father Baikal!
Among forests, sand dunes and rocks.
You stand, not knowing sorrows and troubles
A quarter of a hundred million years.
Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet.
And here is some more information about this lake: (slide number 5)
Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.
The width of Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. The bottom of Lake Baikal is 1167 meters below the level of the World Ocean.
In terms of area, Baikal ranks sixth among the largest lakes in the world.
The length of the coastline is 2100 km.
The depth of Baikal is -1631 m. In terms of depth, Baikal ranks first
among the lakes of the globe. (slide No. 6).
The average depth of the lake is 745 m, the maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m
But this depth is not everywhere. Baikal is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but also the largest storage
fresh water - about 19% of the world's reserves are concentrated in it (slide No. 7).
Among the mountain ranges, near the hills and rocks
The lake-sea spread,
Pearl of Siberia - ancient Baikal,
Whose waves make noise in the open space.
Baikal has no equal lakes on Earth -
It is the deepest and purest!
Beautiful in the morning, in the evening dawn,
In the snow and under the radiant sun.
An average of 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and one Angara flows out - a tributary of the Yenisei.
The largest river is the Selenga (slide No. 8.9).
Why do you think Baikal is called Baikal? (slide number 10).
The origin of the name Bai - Kul (Turk.) - the rich lake Baigaal - Dalai (Mong) - the rich fire Bei-Hai (Chinese) - the northern sea of ​​​​Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet, its age is determined at 25-30 million years.
Most lakes, especially those of the Ice Age, live 10-15 thousand years,
and then filled with precipitation and disappear from the face of the Earth.
There are no signs of aging on Baikal, like many lakes in the world (slide No. 11). On the contrary, recent studies have allowed geophysicists to hypothesize that Baikal is a nascent ocean.
This is confirmed by the fact that its shores diverge up to 2 cm per year, just as the continents of Africa and South America diverge.
Baikal legend.(slide number 12).
There is a legend that the father of Baikal had 336 son-rivers and one daughter, Angara, all of them flowed into her father in order to replenish her waters.
But then his daughter fell in love with the young handsome Yenisei, went against the will of her father, who wanted to pass her off as an old Yakut. She fell in love with the Yenisei River and began to carry the waters of her father to her beloved.
In response, Father Baikal threw a huge piece of rock at his daughter and cursed her. This rock, called the Shaman-stone, is located at the source of the Angara and is considered to be its beginning. Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year! (slide No. 13,14,15,16).
Enormous depth, amazing purity and transparency of water, harsh fabulous beauty of the coast.
High waves break against the rocks with noise and roar, the sound of a powerful surf spreads far (slide No. 17).
Our yacht is approaching the largest island of Lake Baikal - Olkhon Island.
There are 27 islands on Baikal, of which the largest is Olkhon. (slide number 18)
In the myths and legends of the Buryats, Olkhon is called the abode of the formidable spirits of Baikal (slide No. 19).
Here, according to legend, the chief of the khans, Khaan - Khute-baabay, descended from the sky, sent to Earth by the higher gods. Here lives in the form of a bald eagle - a golden eagle, his son named Khan Shubu, who was the first to receive a shamanic gift.
Let's dive into the underwater kingdom of the lake.
How tempting to see with your own eyes who lives in this crystal chamber. (Slide No. 20).
Depth 100 m(slide number 21,22) Gobies and grayling are found at such a depth. Grayling is one of the most colorful and beautiful fish in Russia. Its weight reaches from 500 to 1500 grams. It lives not only in the lake, but also in the rivers of Siberia.
Depth - 150 m(slide number 23)
At such a depth, the omul spends quite a lot of time. The largest size of omul is 50 cm, weight up to 5 kg.
Omul lives up to 25 years. Out of 100 omul eggs, one fish survives.
How long the omul will survive depends on the purity of the water in Baikal. Omul is a large commercial fish weighing up to 3 kg. It feeds on large benthic crustaceans, juvenile fish, and small zooplankton.
Depth 200 m(slide number 24) A sturgeon swims past us - this is the king fish of Baikal. Sturgeons live in Baikal for 50-60 years or more,
reach 100-130 kg of weight. This fish grows very slowly.
Predatory fishing for sturgeon greatly undermined the stocks of the most valuable fish of Baikal.
Now the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book.
Depth 380 m(slide number 25,26) Here it is! This is the golomyanka.
The golomyanka is a viviparous fish, it does not spawn, but live young, which die at temperatures above + 10 C. There is so much fat in the golomyanka that the dead one does not sink, but floats on the surface.
In the past, the inhabitants of the coast of Lake Baikal collected dead golomyanka and rendered fat from it, which was used for lighting and as a remedy.
More than 70% of the inhabitants of Baikal are not found in other water bodies of the planet.
These species include the golomyanka, a pinkish-white, translucent, scaleless fish.
Depth 500 m(slide number 27) Behind the porthole are silver golomyankas and planarians. Very nice.
Not only the fish resources of Baikal, but also the fur wealth of the Baikal and Transbaikalia have long attracted settlers here.
The skins of the Barguzin sable are the most valuable fur in Siberia (slide No. 28).
He deservedly enjoys worldwide fame.
Bushy-tailed squirrels are common in the taiga - another object of fur trade (slide No. 29).
We say goodbye to Olkhon Island.
The peoples who inhabited the shores of the lake called the lake - Baikul, which means "rich lake".
And Baikal is really rich. It is rich in its animal and plant life.
Currently, 1550 species and varieties of animals are known,
1085 plant organisms (slide No. 30,31).
According to the Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are 2630 species of plants and animals in the lake.
Such an abundance of the organic world is due to the large amount of oxygen in the water. The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna.
Their inhabitants are 2/3 endemic (i.e. unique), that is, they live only in this reservoir.
Baikal is freshwater, with clear water,
And there are many living creatures in the waters:
Sturgeon, golomyanki, taimen with roach,
Whitefish, omul are endemic to Baikal.
The Baikal seal lives in those waters,
And the shore is a nesting place for birds,
You will see eagles and seagulls flying.
The bears come to feed.
Musk deer lives in the mountains of the Baikal region -
Deer, the smallest in the world,
And the slopes around are covered with taiga,
Rich flora of Siberia. A little about coastal nature.
The taiga comes close to Baikal and therefore the animal world is diverse here. Of course, sable is considered the main game animal (slide No. 32).
On open, grassy areas of the mountains, bears also find a plentiful table - various types of umbrella and legumes. It is in these landscapes and only in strictly defined periods of the year that so many bears can be observed.
The northern shores of Lake Baikal are unique and unique in this respect. (slide number 33)
The appearance of a bear on the shore of Lake Baikal has the character of a massive regular
recurring phenomenon. They can be seen here from the 2nd decade of June, depending on when the ice on Baikal disappears and the summer of caddisflies begins.
Baikal attracts bears with a variety of different food, the lake throws out beetles, dragonflies, mollusks, dead gobies, golomyankas, and sometimes young seals. In a wide strip of the Baikal coast on the verge of two elements - earth and water, inhabitants find shelter, whose life is closely connected with both water and land.
White-tailed eagle, osprey, black kite, several species of gulls nesting on the islands are the main species of birds, without which the shores of Lake Baikal are hard to imagine (slide No. 34,35,36,37,38).
The only representative of Baikal mammals is the seal or the Baikal seal,
having a common ancestor with the northern seal (sl. No. 39).
Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the Ice Age. Its number is currently about 60 thousand heads. The seal lives for more than 55-56 years, during the life of the female can bring up to 2 dozen cubs. The limbs of the seal are flippers. The front flippers are well developed, with sharp claws.
When Baikal is covered with ice, powerful front flippers are the tool with which the seal makes an outlet in the ice for emerging and inhaling air. Most of the seals appear in mid-March, they are born on ice, in a snowy den, and while they feed on their mother's milk, they do not dive into the water. The cubs have white fur - this is their protective coloration (slide No. 40).
With the transition to eating fish, their color changes: silver-gray in 2-3 months old, brown-brown in older ones. The seal is one of the three freshwater seals in the world. These animals are very curious, often swim up to the ships and look at them for a long time (slide No. 41).
Of course, all the animals can not be counted. There are many of them and they all need protection (slide No. 42,43,44,45).
Another feature of the lake is its transparency - up to 40 meters.
No body of water on Earth has such a high transparency of water (slide No. 46,47,48). And now about the sad. Baikal is a unique lake, but like any natural object, it has its own environmental problems.
In 1996, the lake was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (slide No. 49). Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. In 1966, the BPPM began operating.
As a result, the adjacent territories of the lake began to degrade.
The drying up of the taiga is noted (slide No. 50).
In September 2008, the plant had to be shut down. However, in January 2010, a resolution was adopted that actually allowed the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to drain industrial effluents into Baikal, burn and store any waste on its shores (slide No. 51).
On March 10, 2010, Russian public organizations announced the creation of a coalition "For Baikal" and the beginning of the collection of signatures for an appeal to UNESCO. (slide No. 52,53). Eastern oil pipeline. (Slide No. 54).
The Transneft company is building the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline, passing in the Baikal region. As a result, the entire unique ecosystem of the lake would have suffered in the event of an oil spill.
On March 18, 2006, a rally was held in Irkutsk against the construction of an oil pipeline. As a result, Vladimir Putin banned this project on April 26, 2006. At present, the oil pipeline is being built outside the watershed of Baikal. In 1956, the lake was used for hydroelectric power.
It became an integral part of the Irkutsk reservoir. As a result, the water level rose by 1 m (slide No. 55). In addition to industrial enterprises, the lake is polluted with household waste.
Raids are regularly carried out to clean it, but unfortunately it does not become smaller (slide No. 56,57,58).
Baikal attracts tourists from all over the world (slide No. 59). 70 km from Irkutsk is the village of Listvyanka - the most popular tourist destination on Lake Baikal. This is where most cruises on the lake originate.
The Great Baikal Trail runs in various areas around the lake.
Baikal is one on the whole planet,
Another is simply not given ...
We are all yours, my Baikal, children,
And we are destined to live with you!
What are you sad about, beloved Baikal,
What is your surf sighing about?
Or someone evil, relentless
Does he make fun of you sometimes?
And Baikal sighed in response to me:
"I have lived in the world for thousands of years...
Nobody offended me
On the contrary, everyone respected ...
But over the past half century...
I don't recognize the person!
like pure water
He will never need…”
And people need to protect it!
It has been under siege for a long time.

Baikal and its neighboring ranges are increasingly being used for recreation by the population.
Tourist bases and rest houses are being created along the shores of the lake (slide No. 60).
Baikal is a miracle, a living organism,
And people need to protect it!
Factories, villages, "wild tourism" -
Already he was taken under siege.
The sacred Baikal rages and makes noise
And throws waves at us, crumpled,
As if Baikal's soul hurts
For what we leave to posterity ...
We, the current generation, must preserve this wealth, protect the nature of Baikal - this means protecting its shores, the nature of the entire drainage basin (slide No. 61).
Do not offend, people, the sea!
Baikal also wants to live:
Play with the wave, arguing with the winds
And faithfully serve people!
Protecting Baikal is a holy cause:
His fate is in our hands!
Nature herself told us
May native Baikal live for centuries!
And I believe: Baikal will be
Glory to Russia to grow!
And our descendants will not forget
Give due credit for this.
Purpose: formation of a holistic view of the uniqueness of Lake Baikal.
expand knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna of Baikal;
draw students' attention to the beauty and perfection of the forms and colors of living organisms;
education of respect for nature, a sense of responsibility for the results of their activities.
Equipment: computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, presentation.
Event progress:
slide 1
Presenter 1: Hello, dear guys! We are glad to welcome you to the environmental event "What's in your name, Baikal!".
Presenter 2: Today you have to learn a lot of interesting and new things about this lake, as well as test your knowledge with the help of an intellectual game.
To begin with, we invite the teams to introduce themselves (introduction of teams)
Presenter 1: Be careful, so during the event all the correct answers will sound. Do not miss your chance! Good luck!
slide 2
Presenter 1. Mighty Baikal is sleeping ...
Silent pride keeps centuries of silence ...
Enchanted world of water depth
silently sleeping mysteriously ...
Presenter 2: Seeing a storm without clouds, seeing formidable Baikal
outraged from their bowels,
both Tungus and Buryats considered this subsoil
demigod in his prayers.
Presenter 1: Between the harsh beauties, among outlandish fish,
between the jets of the emerald wave
in a quiet wonderful palace of sapphire blocks
sleeping Ruler of the Baikal country ...
Presenter 2: Flocks of evil animals protect his sleep,
darkness and silence of the night ...
The deity sleeps quietly, far from people,
in an inaccessible and gloomy peace ...
Presenter 1: What's in your name, Baikal? Wealth is hidden in it - in the direct and figurative meaning of the word. Wealth is like the planet's well, which stores the world's purest drinking water and unique forms of animal and plant life that are not found anywhere else. Wealth - as a literal translation from the Turkic language: Bai-Kul means a rich lake.
slide 3
Presenter 2: The first display of the Siberian Sea on the map appeared in the "Drawing of the Siberian Land", compiled in 1667 by order of the Tobolsk governor P. Godunov. Of course, in the modern sense, it was not a map, but a very conditional scheme, but since then Baikal has declared itself as a geographical entity.
slide 4
Presenter 1: Scientists determine the age of the lake at 25-30 million years. Baikal is a unique natural object, since most of the lakes, especially those of glacial origin, live on average 10-15 thousand years, and then they are filled with silt and swamp.
Presenter 2: Baikal stretches from south to north for 636 km in the form of a giant crescent - this is approximately the area of ​​countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands or Denmark. This is the eighth place among the largest lakes in the world. In our country, Baikal is superior to the Caspian and Aral.
Video "Baikal in spring"
Presenter 1: Wooded mountains semi-ovals,
The touch of blue patterns,
And the rocks cut by the shaft,
And the sky that fell into Baikal
Presenter 2: And he himself is majestic and eternal,
In a granite frame carved,
And all - to the bottom - translucent,
And all - to the droplet - native.
Presenter 1: And the Angara's flight is obstinate,
And the cry of the wind, and the rumble of the turbines,
And birds - pines over the cliff,
And the wild wind Barguzin -
Presenter 2: In this, without which they cannot
To be far, far and wide expanse,
And you are unthinkable, Russia,
And you are unthinkable, Siberia.
Presenter 1: Pure, unique, transparent water,
Silent, but full of life taiga.
Noisy and worried mad shaft -
This is how I remember ancient Baikal.
slide 5
Presenter 2: Baikal has not only signs of the sea, but it is even called the prototype of the ocean: huge depths, a colossal amount of water, internal waves and seiches, strong storms and, finally, the expansion of the basin due to the expansion of the coast.
Presenter 1: Perhaps in many millions of years Baikal will become an ocean, since 336 permanent streams flow into Baikal. Given the current weather and climate situation associated with the warming and drying up of the northern hemisphere and the Baikal basin, as well as the disappearance of about 150 rivers and streams in this territory due to immoderate deforestation, there is reason to believe that a smaller number of tributaries currently flow into Baikal than they were in the last century.
Presenter 2: Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. Its average depth is about 730 m. And the greatest depth is set at around 1637 meters, this is a record depth for all lakes in the world.
Presenter 1: Baikal holds about 23 thousand km3 of water. About the same volume is contained in all five Great Lakes of North America combined, and the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so transparent that individual stones and various objects can be seen at a depth of 40 m. At this time, the Baikal water is blue. In summer and autumn, when a mass of plant and animal organisms develops in the water warmed by the sun, its transparency decreases to 8–10 m and the color becomes blue-green and green. The purest and most transparent water of Lake Baikal contains so few mineral salts (100 mg/l) that it can be used instead of distilled water.
Video "Baikal in winter"
Presenter 2: Thus, Baikal is the largest storage of liquid fresh water on the planet and the largest factory for maintaining its purity. In order to imagine how large the volume of Baikal water is, it must be assumed that if the Angara flowed continuously, it would take almost 400 years for all the water in Baikal to flow through it, provided that no during this time not a single drop. If it were necessary to fill the Baikal basin by sending water from all the rivers of the globe here, then this could be done only in 300 days.
Presenter 1: And, finally, if you freeze the water of Lake Baikal, cut ice cubes of 1 km3 from it and put them in one row, then this ice belt will stretch from the north to the south pole of the Earth and even further for 3 thousand km. Baikal not only stores, but also produces 60 cubic kilometers of excellent quality water per year. It all starts in coastal forests.
1 Tour "Historical" is held (slides 6-9)
1. What is the most plausible and generally accepted version of the origin of the word "Baikal"? a) from the Buryat "Baikal-Nuur" ("Lake Baikal");
b) from the Mongolian "Baigal" ("rich fire");
c) from the Mongolian "Dalai-Nur" (large lake ");
d) from the Turkic "Bai-Kul" ("rich lake").
Correct answer: d) from the Turkic "Bai-Kul" ("rich lake").
2. Which of the listed reservoirs does Baikal not exceed in volume of water?
a) the five Great Lakes of America (Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario) combined; b) the Aral Sea; c) the Baltic Sea; d) Baikal surpasses all the listed water bodies.
Correct answer: d) Baikal surpasses all the listed water bodies.
3. What is the approximate age of Baikal?
a) about 10 million years; b) about 25 million years; c) about 100 million years;
d) about 500 million years. Correct answer: b) about 25 million years
4. How long would it take for all the rivers of the world taken together to fill the empty Baikal basin? a) per day b) a week c) for ten months;
d) 45 days Correct answer: c) ten months
Teams perform prepared messages
slide 10
Presenter 1: Nature is generous to Baikal. The necklace of coniferous forests that adorn the coastal ranges of mountains creates an unusual beauty of landscapes, gives shelter to the beast and bird that enliven the area.
Team 1 message: Pride of the Baikal region taiga. The slopes of the mountains are covered with light green larches, birches, poplars, alders, occupying the lower zone. Higher, it is replaced by a belt of dark coniferous forest with cedars, fir, and spruce. Even higher, the slopes are covered with impenetrable thickets of elfin cedar, through the thick weaves, through which only bear trails pass. Above them, on gently sloping terraces, are alpine meadows with fragrant flowers and, finally, bald patches of snowfields. Trees of all ages have been preserved in the Baikal taiga, there are even 800-year-old giants. Only here are pine forests widespread, the basis of which is the world-famous Angara pine. In the undergrowth you can find rich lingonberries, and dense thickets of ferns along the slopes of the hills. Mixed and the most valuable forests in the Baikal region, cedars, are widespread. Least of all here are spruce and fir forests. Larch, pine, cedar protect the soil from erosion, prevent the removal of harmful substances into the reservoir.
Video "Baikal in summer"
Presenter 2: But the main sacrament takes place in the depths of the lake. Millions of living beings, small and large, go to work. They make Baikal water Baikal water.
slides 11-12
Message 2 of the team: In the first place among the filterers are sponges. One of the oldest inhabitants of the planet, sponges inhabit the rocky bottom of the lake to a considerable depth. Baikal sponges play a significant role in the circulation of substances in the coastal strip. Passing through the smallest pores a huge amount of water, the sponge earns its own food. Together with water, dead remains of plants and animals fall into it. Up to 90 percent of this garbage unnecessary to the lake lingers in the body of the sponge.
Even more grandiose work is being carried out by beings invisible to the eye. Microscopic algae, tiny molluscs tirelessly filter the water, neutralizing harmful substances. The record holder among them is the king of zooplankton, the epishura crustacean, the size of a grain of sand (about 1-1.5 mm). We can say that without it there would be no unique water of Baikal. Due to its filtering device - a dense network of bristles and hairs on the limbs of the mouth apparatus - epishura is the most effective biological cleaner of Baikal water. The upper, biologically most active fifty-meter layer of water, epishura, filters up to 50 times a year. All attempts by scientists to relocate epishura to other lakes did not lead to anything. She needs only Baikal, just as thousands of living beings who have created a planet of pure water for themselves need Baikal.
slide 13
Presenter 1: In this closed world, evolution has gone its own unique way. About 1500 species of animals live in Baikal. The world of organisms inhabiting Baikal is characterized by deep endemism: in the open part of the lake, the fauna is 60% original, it is not found anywhere else in the world.
slides 14-18
Presenter 2: Half of all types of freshwater mollusks, shellfish and many other animals live only in Baikal. They are very small, but each has its own responsibilities. Gammaruses, excellent orderlies, in turn serve as food for fish.
Presenter 1: Of the 52 species of Baikal fish, 27 species are endemic. The group of endemic gobies is the most numerous in terms of species diversity. According to the latest data, there are 29 species of goby fish in Baikal, united in 11 genera and three families.
slides 19-27
Message of the 3rd team: The largest fish of Baikal is the Baikal sturgeon, its length reaches 1.5-1.8 m, and its weight is 100-130 kg and more. The second largest and weight fish is taimen - its length is up to 1 m and weight is up to 40-50 kg.
The largest specimen of the omul of the Selenga population weighed up to 5 kg and was about 50 cm long. This is the main commercial fish of Lake Baikal and an object of sport fishing. The typical habitat of the Baikal omul is the region of the underwater slope to a depth of 350 meters, and in autumn, during the spawning season, the rivers flowing into Baikal.
Golomyankas are the most amazing Baikal creatures, and in their live form and in their natural environment they are exceptionally beautiful fish. They are pale pink in color, with pearly highlights shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. The translucent beauty of Baikal is the most numerous fish in the lake. And like all beauties, she cannot bear to mingle with the crowd, she always keeps alone. Therefore, with all the abundance, it is extremely difficult to catch it - after all, it does not form commercial and spawning shoals, which means that you cannot take it in the net. They tried to lure her with light, ultrasound - but the capricious beauty does not bite even on such baits. And so it lives free, independent, inaccessible to humans, becoming prey only for the indigenous inhabitants of Baikal - seals and omul.
slides 28-29
Presenter 2: The only representative of mammals in Baikal is a seal, or seal. It is believed that the seal penetrated into the lake from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the ice age, when the rivers were dammed by ice advancing from the north. Other scientists do not rule out the possibility of its penetration along the Lena, which is supposed to have had a runoff from Baikal.
Team 4 message: The longest age of seals in Baikal is 56 years for females and 52 years for males. The average weight of the seal is about 50 kg. However, males reach a weight of 130-150 kg. and grow up to 1.6-1.8 meters, and females weigh up to 110 kg. reach a length of 1.3-1.6 meters. Their growth ends by the age of 17-19. Until the age of 40, females are able to bear offspring. The weight of newborn cubs is up to 4 kg. The seal is able to dive into water up to 200 m, and, therefore, it can withstand a pressure of 21 atm. Under water, she is able to stay up to an hour, but usually she does not stay there for more than 20-25 minutes. This time is enough for her to get fish. Her diet is 3-5 kg ​​per day, and she eats about 1 ton of fish per year.
For the sake of valuable fur, people mainly hunt cubs - kumutkans - as long as they have a gray color. Shooting can only be called barbaric, because the wounded Kumutkans manage to dive under the ice and inevitably die there.
2nd Tour "Biological" is being held
slides 30-33
1. How many species of aquatic animals live in Baikal? a) about 500; b) over 1000; c) over 1500; d) over 5000. Correct answer: c) over 1500
2. What proportion of Baikal animals are endemic (that is, found only here)? a) up to 10%; b) up to 30%; c) up to 60%; d) up to 90%.
Correct answer: c) up to 60%
3. What Baikal fish has the most important commercial value?
a) Baikal sturgeon; b) Baikal omul; c) Siberian grayling;
d) golomyanka. Correct answer: b) Baikal omul
4. The only species of aquatic mammals living in Baikal is...
a) Baikal seal; b) Baikal white whale; c) Baikal white barrel;
d) Baikal sea lion. Correct answer: a) Baikal seal
slides 34-36
Presenter 1: In the last century of our millennium, the population of the Baikal shores has increased many times over. As expected, the man did not bring anything good to Baikal. Forests are being cut down, rivers are being polluted, fields are being fertilized with pesticides, pulp mills are dumping water, although purified, but alien, incompatible with Baikal, new towns and cities are being built, the earth is being encased in asphalt, fires are devouring all living things...
Presenter 2: I look anxiously into tomorrow:
Will omul and seal live there?
How to save the reserved lake,
So that its water does not "cellulose",
To become the property of the people
Glorious sea - sacred Baikal?
Presenter 1: But in spite of everything, Baikal remains the cleanest lake on the planet. If we consider that 0.5 liters of water is enough to quench a person's thirst, then the Baikal water would be enough to drink the population of ten million planets like the Earth. And if we assume that 5 liters per day is enough for drinking and cooking, then humanity could live on Baikal water alone for 40 years.
3rd Tour "Ecological" is being held
slides 37-40
1. It is believed that the high transparency of Baikal water is due to the large number of filter-feeding organisms that purify the water. These filters are...
a) bivalve molluscs (barley, etc.); b) planktonic crustaceans (epishura and others); c) sponges (badyaga, etc.); d) endemic fish - golomyanka. Correct answer: b) planktonic crustaceans (epishura and others)
2. It is estimated that the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM) in the first 22 years of its operation caused damage to the nature of Lake Baikal, which exceeds the cost of its products by about ...
a) 10 times; b) 40 times; c) 100 times; d) 200 times. Correct answer: d) 200 times
3. Transparent and clean air over Baikal allows you to see the coastal mountain peaks, remote...
a) 20 km; b) 40 km; c) 80 km; d) 200 km. Correct answer: d) 200 km
4. If there was only one fresh water reservoir on Earth - Baikal, how long could it provide all the people of the Earth with water?
a) a month; b) 1 year and 8 months; c) 12.5 years; d) about 40 years old.
Correct answer: d) about 40 years
Host 2: Each team needs to show their banner dedicated to the protection of Lake Baikal. (Teams protect the banners)
slide 41
Presenter 1: So, guys, we saw only a small part of Lake Baikal. Learned the significance of the lake for nature and man. We saw the unusualness of ancient animals, or as they are called relics and endemics. And this uniqueness must be preserved, protected and prevented from impoverishment of the unique fauna of the Glorious Sea - Baikal.
Summarizing. Rewarding.

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