Foreign passports and documents

Development of youth tourism in the travel agency "Tour Center Discount" in Udelnaya. Youth tourism as extreme entertainment and education Sports youth tourism

Kamchatka Krai,

Irkutsk region "href =" / text / category / irkutskaya_obl_ / "rel =" bookmark "> Irkutsk region, Altai Republic.

1. Objectives of the project:

Patriotic education of young people who know, love and take pride in their Motherland;

Creation of opportunities for strengthening the health of young people and cognitive recreation in the natural environment, developing leadership qualities in young people and instilling in them self-service skills;

Strengthening the country's image as a modern, highly developed, hospitable state, possessing not only natural resources, but also innovative technologies in the field of tourism;

Development of tourism as a sector of the economy that generates income comparable to income from the oil and gas industry;

Expanding the number of new jobs for young people in the tourism sector, requiring creativity and professional knowledge from workers, as well as bringing stable high earnings.

2. Relevance of the project

The strategic development of the country is largely determined by the role of human capital in socio-economic development, which is impossible without the effective use of the innovative, intellectual, and creative potential that young people have. The path of Russia in the medium and long term largely depends on what technologies we can teach young people, to what extent the projects and innovations initiated by young people will be really involved. This is true for all spheres and aspects of the socio-economic life of society.

As a social sector, tourism can train full-fledged, harmoniously developed citizens. The upbringing of a citizen of a country is a long-term and multidisciplinary task. In our country, more than 80% of young people cannot afford or do not know how to organize themselves a quality rest and active pastime. As a result, the popularity of alcohol and drug consumption among the youth is growing. Tourism is able to create conditions for the involvement of young people in mass sports, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, the development of patriotic sentiments, is able to cope with most of the educational tasks of the younger generation. Participation in hiking trips, walks, out-of-town excursions, tourist gatherings and competitions promotes spiritual and physical development, gives self-organization skills, broadens a person's horizons and contributes to his recovery. It should also be noted that amateur and sports tourism is the most accessible for young people. In addition, tourism can be a very lucrative economic sector, comparable to oil and gas revenues.

The relevance of the project is also due to the fact that, with the annually increasing demand of young people for tourism, various government departments are involved in the development of tourism, there is no single base on the problems of human life in the natural environment, there is a shortage of qualified tourist personnel, routes and technologies that can qualitatively meet the growing demand , the material base of amateur tourism is weak.

3. The main directions of the project:

A) Creation of a regional material base for the development of youth tourism.

Creation of an operating model of centers, bases and camps for children and youth tourism in the regions of Russia.

Consolidation of departments and organizations dealing with tourism problems, holding joint events under the auspices of the State Committee for Youth Affairs.

Enhancing the country's image as a tourism destination.

Attracting people who are professionally versed in the problems of tourism to work.

The urgency of the problems

Currently, young people are faced with the problem of the availability of interesting and rich leisure activities.

There is no single base and no model for organizing youth tourism centers and camps operating on a national scale.

A huge fund of children's camps is in a state of disrepair and stands idle.

Expected results

The current model of centers for children and youth tourism in the regions of Russia.

The current model of municipal centers for children and youth tourism in the regions of Russia.

Organization of tourist routes at special prices for young people.

Methodical materials on the current model of tourist clubs. Methodological materials of the joint-stock company of the current model of tourist clubs at universities.

A functioning center for children and youth tourism in the region. Departmental camp sites specializing in youth tourism.

Equipped sites for field tourist camps. An increase in the number of young people involved in tourism activities.

B) Coordination of work on the development of youth tourism in regional governing bodies of youth policy. Creation of departments in regional KDMs, supervising the development of youth tourism in the region.

Problems to be solved

Development of youth tourism in the regions, organization of federal and regional interaction and control over the implementation of activities within the framework of youth tourism at the federal and regional levels.

The urgency of the problems

Currently, the quality of tourist services provided to young people is at a low level.

The situation in the country is ambiguous: there are regions that use advanced experience in the implementation of youth tourism programs.

In order to ensure the sustainable development of youth tourism as part of the country's tourist complex, it is necessary to establish coordination of the work of the regions in youth tourism with the federal center, as well as interregional interaction and exchange of experience.

Expected results

Improving the effectiveness of federal and regional programs for the development of children and youth tourism.

Creation of departments overseeing the development of youth tourism in the region on the basis of committees for youth affairs of the region.

Solution performance indicators

Improving the efficiency of interaction and coordination of regions and the center in the aspects of implementing programs for the development of youth tourism.

C) Development of youth tourism in conjunction with tourist public organizations

Problems to be solved

Creation of a base of public organizations that closely cooperate with regional executive authorities for youth affairs.

Conducting mass tourist events.

Organization of work of tourist sections, tourist competitions, tourist routes for young people.

The urgency of the problems

A small number of public organizations in the field of youth tourism.

Underdeveloped partnership between NGOs in the field of tourism and regional KDMs.

Expected results

An increase in the quality of tourism services provided to young people.

The growth of professionalization of tourist personnel employed in youth tourism.

Solution performance indicators

Database of public organizations of tourist orientation, tourist clubs, tourist sections of the region.

An increase in the number of activities carried out in the framework of the implementation of youth programs in the field of tourism.

D) Training of professional tourist personnel (Regional School of Tourism Instructors)

Problems to be solved

Solving the problem of the shortage of tourist personnel, increasing the professionalization of the tourist industry.

Providing personnel for regional and federal tourist events held under the patronage of the KDMs.

The urgency of the problems

Currently, there is an acute shortage of professional personnel in youth tourism.

Many of the existing tourism organizations have lost their human resources due to insufficient funding for this industry.

It is necessary to popularize tourism among the youth, supported by the professional organization of the work of tourist organizations.

Expected results

Growth of human resources in youth tourism.

Annual graduation of children and youth tourism instructors and senior instructors on the basis of the permanent Regional School of Tourism Instructors.

Solution performance indicators

Annual release of an adequate number of instructors for the region.

E) Organization and holding of specialized camps

Problems to be solved

Currently, there is no clear understanding of the integrity of the picture of the preparation of specialized camps for working with youth, there is no clear concept of the organizational and technical stages of the preparation of specialized camps in the natural environment.

The urgency of the problems

Young people today face a number of difficulties that relate to their life self-determination.

New forms of organizing training and recreation for young people are needed.

One of the most promising forms of work with young people can be called the organization of specialized camps in the natural environment.

Expected results

Increasing the number of young people with skills to survive in the natural environment, standardizing the work on organizing and conducting field camps for youth.

Solution performance indicators

Increasing the involvement of young people in the region in active tourism activities by 30%.

Reducing antisocial manifestations in the youth environment.

P / p No.

Stage name

Creation of a youth tourism department at the regional youth policy management body

Creation of public organizations focused on the development of youth tourism in the region

Creation of tourist clubs under public organizations in large cities of the region

Youth tourist centers opened in the region

Conducting a youth tourist camp for at least 1000 people in the summer of 2009 by the efforts of established public organizations

Holding a tourist festival in the region with tourist competitions cultivated in the region

Conducting a conference in the region on the problems of youth tourism with the participation of authorities, business and the tourist community

Opening of a tourist youth route in the region

Conducting a mass tourist holiday for the youth of the region for at least 5000 people

Participation of representatives of the region in federal tourism events held by the youth tourism department of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Opening and holding a regional branch of the All-Russian School of Instructors for at least 100 people

Creation of a regional program for the development of youth tourism

There is a concept that young people, at the stage of their life up to the age of 25, until they have had a family and children, should see the world, travel, find out how other peoples live. This will help them choose the right path in life, form their own life principles. Traveling for young people is a lifestyle of a developed social society.

Nowadays, many people under the age of 26 can afford to make a trip at least once every 1-2 years, including in the framework of higher education.

Such youth tours have become widespread. They actually constitute a special type of tourism in terms of its organization and performance.

The perspective and popularity of youth tourism is clearly growing in the world today. According to the existing data for youth tourism, the age is usually between twenty and twenty-five years. And the number of tourists is steadily increasing, especially in European countries, due to the stable economic situation of these states.

Tourism is sports, health, active leisure, an opportunity to get to know the history, geography, and soul of Russia better, and this is a direct path to educating young Russians as patriots and citizens of their country. To love your country, you need to know it, you need to see with your own eyes the lakes of Karelia and the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the snow-white peaks of the Caucasus and the quiet Volga reaches, you need to walk along the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg and stand on Red Square in Moscow. Having cognized the beauty of your land, it is impossible not to fall in love with it. And to love means to be a patriot.

Tourism is a complex phenomenon that can really help young people find their way in life and does not require large financial investments. Tourism provides an opportunity to prove yourself, learn to make decisions, become a real leader. Where else, in a short time, not through training sessions, but in real life, you can acquire the skills of a true leader, if not in a changing natural environment, in hiking and travel.

Most adolescents in our country have poor health, young men are not physically prepared for military service. Tourism can, again, correct this situation. During hikes, the body is hardened, physical activity restores and strengthens health. Tourism is a panacea for many of the ills of our time. If a young man chooses tourism, then he says "no" to drugs, alcohol, a passive lifestyle. Another aspect of tourism is the tourism business. Tourism is taking over the whole world. In many countries, tourism has become the leading sector of the economy. In Russia, with its richest natural, cultural and historical resources, there is something to show and we need to train specialists in the tourism business. A real boom in the development of tourism in our country was in the 30s and 60s of the last century. Tourist sections and clubs worked at all large enterprises, universities, in all cities; accessible tourist centers operated throughout the country. It is no exaggeration to say that millions of young people had the opportunity to personally see and love their country.

Currently, there is no comprehensive approach to the development of tourism in the country (in the 90s, tourism management was divided into 14 departments and private capital). The number of young people who know their country and have the skills to live in the natural environment has decreased by several orders of magnitude. Tourism as a branch of the Russian economy does not occupy a leading position among other countries (in 2011, 2.5 million foreign tourists visited Russia, and 80 million tourists in France). The experience and technologies in the field of tourism development, accumulated over the past 80 years, is practically not in demand. In addition, due to a weak tourist infrastructure and a lack of tourist personnel, Russia is losing funds comparable to income in the oil and gas industry.

The sphere of activity of youth tourism today is essentially ownerless. There is not a single department that deals with tourism in the complex, there is no real support for young people in their desire to get to know their country, there are no incentives to engage in tourism and there is no system of benefits for young people. Now the country is home to about 28 million young people aged 16 to 30, about 0.3 million are engaged in tourism.

The concept of youth tourism includes the following types of youth activities: specialized camps, excursions, tourist competitions and events, extreme activities in the natural environment: sports tourism, mountaineering, rock climbing, orienteering, rafting, etc.

Creation of infrastructure for youth tourism solves several urgent problems:

1) for personality:

health promotion - the presence of tourist clubs, sections will allow young people to participate in hikes, competitions, tourist camps, lead an active, healthy lifestyle;

the ability to travel. This will be facilitated by a network of youth hostels, hotels, equipped tourist routes, a system of concessional travel for tourist groups on various types of transport;

get high-quality, safe rest. The program provides for the training of specialists in the tourism sector;

raising the educational, cultural level through hiking and travel;

professional orientation. All the results of tourism activities have a great utilitarian effect and high convertibility. Specific skills and abilities orient the tourist along the spectrum of field expedition specialties (geophysicist, geologist, ecologist, etc.), give an idea of ​​the activities of field military and civilian (Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) units;

obtaining special education and work in the field of tourism business and at enterprises that produce special equipment, equipment, souvenirs.

2) for the state:

development of tourism as an important branch of the economy. Having invested in the creation of tourist infrastructure, in a few years the state will begin to receive considerable income from this, since having felt the taste of wandering in his youth, a person will travel all his life, spending his vacation not in the country, but on trips around the country and the world, investing in traveling their own money and thus bringing income to the state;

employment of the population - for an extensive system of tourist business, many new jobs will be required;

raising the status of the country at the international level - a highly professional setting of the tourism business in the country, the development of new for the tourist business, but very attractive regions (Altai, the Far East, the Western Caucasus) will attract a flow of tourists from abroad and will increase the rating of Russia in the world tourism business (in 2006 year Russia took a far from honorable 68th place out of 124 available in the ranking of the most attractive countries for the tourism business);

improvement of the country's population, reduction of drug addiction and drunkenness. If a young man chooses tourism, it means that he says "no" to drugs, alcohol, passive lifestyle, it means he will have healthy offspring, the death rate in the country will decrease and the life expectancy of people will increase;

a generation of citizens - patriots of Russia who know and love their country - a calm and stable Russia.

The main types of work for the implementation of this direction are as follows:

creation of a regulatory framework for the development of youth tourism in Russia;

training of personnel for the development of youth tourism;

creation of a federal material base for the development of youth tourism;

coordination of work on the development of youth tourism in regional governing bodies of youth policy;

cooperation in the development of youth tourism with federal ministries and agencies;

organization of joint work on the development of youth tourism with commercial structures;

development of youth tourism in conjunction with tourist public organizations;

creation of the All-Russian bank of information on human life in the natural environment;

organization of cooperation with international tourist organizations working with youth


Tourism has traditionally been one of the most important spheres of life for young people. Transformations of all aspects of the life of Russian society have led to a change in the field of youth tourism. The youth audience is a special social group most susceptible to socio-cultural innovations.

Tourism actively influences the development of the economy, the restructuring of the economy and the change of priorities, including social ones, increasing the contribution to the general economic well-being of the population.

In the system of world tourism development, a special and significant place today is given to youth tourism. In the entire system of world tourism, the share of youth tourism is increasing annually by 1.5%.

Youth tourism is sports, health, active leisure, the opportunity to learn more about history and geography. Youth tourism is a type of travel when young people prefer to rest in large companies, united by a common goal and want to know the world.

Youth tourism is a promising field of travel. The main goal of youth tourism is to understand the world. Travel perspectives provide an opportunity to learn about history and culture.

Young people between the ages of 14 and 30, as one of the socially unprotected groups, are fully exposed to negative environmental factors. Urbanization, limited opportunities for full development and realization of their potential, physical inactivity and other stressful situations cause an increased need among young people for affordable health-improving, recreational and entertainment services.

The solution of this problem, along with the spiritual improvement of the nation, is one of the strategic tasks, both at the federal and regional levels. In this regard, the urgent task of developing a special approach to the organization of tourist services for young people.

Object course work is youth tourism as a type of tourism.

Subject term paper advocates the history of the development of youth tourism.

purpose of work- to identify and analyze the features of the development of the history of youth tourism in Russia.

The implementation of the set goals led to the implementation of the following tasks:

Consider youth tourism as a type of tourism;

Consider the history of the emergence and development of youth tourism;

Develop a youth tourist route.

The research was carried out using the main methods: analysis of available materials presented in the form of periodicals about tourism, travel guides, electronic publications on the Internet, messages in the media.

Youth tourism as a type of tourism

Young people are one of the main segments of the tourism market. Economic shocks and political cataclysms have made significant changes in the reality of society. In all this turmoil of events, youth problems receded into the background, they almost ceased to be talked about. This is when the state of physical and moral health of future generations raises serious concerns and requires the use of all possible means to correct the situation that has developed in recent years.

Tourism and excursions can be considered as one of the most important forms of educating young people, organizing their free time. The ability to travel leads a person, regardless of his age and social status, to physical and mental health, restores and increases the level of efficiency, develops and strengthens the cognitive, intellectual and communicative abilities of the individual.

The correct organization of tourist and excursion work can remove many of the youth problems that society faces ..

Youth tourism is a promising direction for the development of the recreation sector. The need to develop it is due to such social qualities of young people as activity, a high level of need for inexpensive and acceptable quality tourist services, receptivity to new ideas, romanticism, and unpretentiousness.

The high tourist activity is also explained by the desire of young people to communicate and learn. Young people have a sense of the joy of life. The availability of free time (for example, vacations) is also important.

There is no doubt that this segment of the tourism market, distinguished by age, has a pronounced stereotype of behavior and sets tourism priorities somewhat differently.

A. Durovich and A. Kopaev note that there is a fairly clear tendency of change in tourist mobility depending on age, gender and marital status. The greatest propensity for active forms of tourism is shown by persons aged 18 to 30 years. Single people are more mobile than married people.

For economic and other reasons, most of the young people at school do not leave their regional space, do not use historical and cultural values ​​concentrated in various parts of our planet to form their worldview.

And first of all, this applies to students, whose professional development is, first of all, in the constant expansion and renewal of their horizons. We are talking about universities that train personnel for tourism.

In Russia, the number of licenses issued to universities for the right to provide educational services in the field of tourism is growing every year. There are also dozens of technical schools, colleges, lyceums and other educational structures that are developing models for training specialists in this field.

All of them need to exchange experience, and students - in full knowledge and practical mastery of skills in the provision of various tourist services. Different regions of Russia have different conditions for solving such problems.

Travel companies pay quite a lot of attention to such aspects as advertising, researching their own tourism products, studying competitors, participating in various exhibitions and fairs. But a sufficiently in-depth study of the youth segment of the tourist market has not yet been carried out.

Most of the tourism businesses are focused on sending tourists abroad. They do not want to specialize in youth tourism, considering it economically unprofitable and unprofitable. This category of consumers prefers inexpensive travel using less comfortable accommodation and transportation. In turn, a significant part of young people do not have the opportunity to use expensive tourist services.

Based on this, we can say that the youth tourism market is not developing enough. Travel companies do not want to organize economic youth tours. The existing range of youth tourism programs is presented very poorly. The high tourist activity of young people remains unrealized. The price of a tourist product must correspond to the level of consumers' ability to pay.

Policy in the field of organizing tourism should be guided by the real needs and opportunities of young people, should not be just a passive reflection of the current situation.

Youth tourism is one of the socio-cultural mechanisms with the help of which conditions can be created for the disclosure of the abilities of a young person, as well as the consolidation of national civil-legal and moral-cultural values ​​based on patriotism in the youth environment.

Traveling for young people is a lifestyle. There is a concept that young people, at the stage of their life up to the age of 25, until they have had a family and children, should see the world, travel, find out how other peoples live.

This will help them choose the right path in life, form their own life principles.

There is a concept that young people have a freer mode of life in the sense of having time for rest and travel, they have long vacations in winter and summer. Students travel in groups accompanied by a teacher or employee of an educational institution. Often, students unite in small groups of 3-5 people and independently make fairly long trips around the country and abroad.

Tourism is one of the ways to educate the younger generation. In order to respect, love and appreciate nature, the country, your people, you need to get to know its culture, history as closely as possible, see with your own eyes all the beauty of the world around you.

The creation and development of the direction of youth tourism will help to cope and solve many problems of modern youth. Through excursions, visiting exhibitions, festivals, the level of education of young people is increasing, the creation of tourist sections and clubs leads to attracting the younger generation to sports.

Many young people get the opportunity to travel the world, taking advantage of the very tangible discounts provided to members of tourist groups.

Sport not only strengthens health, but also promotes a permanent healthy lifestyle, respect and care for each other, which is so necessary for modern society.

Youth tourism is of interest to lovers of active types of recreation, for example, one of the options may be a vacation in the mountains. But, one should not confuse ordinary holidays in ski resorts with extreme and risk, mainly accompanying youth tourism. To improve the grandeur and beauty of mountain landscapes, riding along the mountain ranges on motorcycles or bicycles, to breathe in the crystal mountain air, cutting like glass, during a parachute jump from a bird's eye view - this is what youth recreation in the mountains means.

Tourism teaches this to achieve your goal, push forward, overcome your fears and doubts, and prove your strength and determination to the world around you.

Youth type of recreation includes cycling, horseback riding, water, mountain activities and hiking. Young people of all ages clearly enjoy fun, romance, adventure, discovery and achievement, as well as meeting people from around the world. And where else, if not on hiking trips, you can fully enjoy nature, visit the most beautiful places, show your courage and ingenuity.

Water activities include boating on picturesque rivers, fishing, extreme descents along mountain rivers and waterfalls, swimming and walks along the banks of famous rivers. Cycling and horseback riding are also very popular among young people, these two sports perfectly develop all muscle groups, tourists are always outdoors, participate in various competitions, travel, both in summer and winter.

Youth tourism provides a huge selection of tours for both beginners and professionals. Tours differ in the level of load and comfort: you can travel light, living in tourist centers, and those who like difficulties are invited to go on a hike with full equipment and spend the night in camping tents. Both in the mountains and in the water, while hiking on bicycles, horses, ATVs, jeep tours, young tourists will find what the soul strives for and satisfy their craving for adventure, the main thing is to approach this wisely and not overestimate their strength ...

If we analyze youth tourism, then it should be noted that this type of tourism includes almost all the main varieties of options for modern tourism.

Also, in the tourism business, different requirements are imposed on youth tourism, because few ordinary students can pay for accommodation in a suite - a five-star hotel suite, as well as an air flight in a business class. In order for young people to have the opportunity to travel, there are special systems of student discounts. For example, students who have international student ID cards receive additional discounts on accommodation, flights, meals, and excursion programs.

Students are considered the most curious tourists who do not want to waste time organizing a comfortable stay; they are quite satisfied with accommodation in inexpensive hostels. After all, the main desire of young people is to get acquainted with new countries, their cultural and historical heritage. Many museums provide students with the opportunity to attend exhibitions free of charge, or offer a fifty percent discount for students.

Nowadays, young people, going on a variety of tourist trips, pursue another goal, namely, they strive for good language practice. Young people tend to want to spend their leisure time bright and extraordinary. Therefore, many students try to choose options for recreational tourism, which involves visiting night discos, concerts, attractions.

Alpine skiing and diving are very popular leisure options among modern youth. Due to the fact that it is possible to rent the equipment necessary for diving or skiing, the cost of this type of tourism is quite reasonable and acceptable even for the youth audience of tourists. Gradually gaining popularity among young people and educational tourism. Students travel to other countries in order to listen to lectures and get certain practical skills.

Today is a day in Russia, with its diverse natural resources, almost no infrastructure youth tourism:

Lack of tourist clubs;

There are no youth tourist complexes and youth-friendly shelters and hotels;

Lack of a decent system of reduced fares on various types of transport for travelers;

The problem of equipped routes for ecological and health tourism;

Not enough specialists to work in the field of active tourism: instructors, guides, instructors in various types of tourism.

Creation of infrastructure for youth tourism solves several urgent tasks:

Health promotion. The presence of tourist clubs, sections contributes to the involvement in the sport - will allow young people to participate in hikes, competitions, tourist camps, lead an active, healthy lifestyle. All this contributes to the physical and moral education of the individual;

The ability to travel. This will be facilitated by a network of equipped tourist routes, youth hostels, accessible shelters and huts, tourist hotels, a system of concessional travel for tourist groups on various types of transport;

High quality, safe rest. The program provides for the training of specialists in tourism and tourism;

Raising the educational, educational and cultural level through hiking and travel;

Professional orientation.

Specific skills and abilities orient the tourist along the spectrum of field expedition specialties (geophysicist, geologist, ecologist, etc.), give an idea of ​​the activities of field civil and military (Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) units; in the field of tourism business and at enterprises producing special equipment, equipment, souvenirs. Tourism classes have a great utilitarian effect, giving practical skills, knowledge and skills and high convertibility.

Date of publication or update 01.01.2017

Pros of youth hostels

The concept of "tourism" includes many moments, including travel by country, playing sports, there are also various types of tourism, ranging from car trips to long sea cruises.

Youth tourism is a special type of travel that includes a variety of leisure activities, as young people often gather in hobby groups and go to places of interest. If we talk about youth tourism, it should be especially noted that this particular field of tourism is considered very promising.When, after seeing the fabulous views of nature and hearing the amazing sounds of the world, you can fully feel the greatness and power of the world around you. Excellent perspectives opening up during the trip will allow you to learn history and a lot of interesting things.

Tourist trips ... most certainly, anyone with a similar experience can imagine how interesting it is. Young travelers expect accomplishments and victories, discoveries and discoveries, new acquaintances and new friends. Often, young people, having met on a tourist trip after it, continue their relationship. Since in a mountain hike or traveling along the river, there are a lot of prospects to accomplish an act, to prove yourself, to show your intelligence and resourcefulness, strength and masculinity.

The popularity of youth tourism in the world today is clearly growing. This is facilitated by the fact that the majority of travelers are young people aged 20-25. For European countries, the concept of youth tourism has become common for a long time, thousands of young people every year go on a variety of trips.

In our country, youth tourism was developed in the middle of the last century, at that time young people had the opportunity to visit tourist centers, sports sections. It was difficult to find a person who would not have visited many cities of the country, usually they were university students and working youth.

In our country, in recent years, an increase in the popularity of youth tours can be noted and their number is growing every year. Travel companies pay great attention to this type of tourism, develop exciting routes that differ in the level of comfort and other parameters. There are a lot of options, ranging from sightseeing tours to Russian cities and ending with all kinds of extreme tourism, for example, horseback riding or cycling.

Hostels will be another opportunity to stay in an expensive hotel room for young tourists who do not have significant funds. Hostel (HOSTEL) is a cheap youth hostel-type hotel. Usually young travelers have limited means, which is why they are offered accommodation not in luxury hotels, but in small cozy hostels, similar to student dormitories Due to the fact that young people often do not have young people, as a rule, are not very demanding on comfort, and sometimes they are limited in money, then expensive hotels in this case are not the best option, small youth hostels are an alternative. Rooms for accommodation in hostels can accommodate from two to six people, the kitchen has a full range of household appliances, guests from several rooms use it, as well as the toilet. Hostels are not very comfortable, however, as a rule, they are quite clean. During the daytime, hostels are closed for cleaning, guests do not have to worry about their luggage, as there are special storage rooms. Guests of hostels are offered additional services, so, as a rule, there is an opportunity to eat inexpensively, buy tickets for transport, learn about excursions, and so on. The worldwide popularity of hostels is growing every year.

Our country is just starting to open hostels, now this type of housing is not very common. In 1992, the first association of Russian hostels for tourists was created in St. Petersburg; it includes seven such hotels.

If travelers have special youth cards, then hostels provide all kinds of bonus programs for them. Youth cards can be purchased by students, teachers who accompany groups, as well as young people up to twenty-five years old. Holders of such cards receive significant discounts on travel, hotels and excursions, traveling in almost any region of the world.

Youth tourism is a specific type of tourist activity for young people and adolescents, implemented both within national borders and at regional and global levels.

Youth tourism is a type of travel when young people prefer to rest in companies with one goal and a desire to get to know the world.

Great perspectives opening up in travel provide an opportunity to learn the history, culture of different countries and a lot of new things. For young people, certain discounts and bonuses are often made, which they enjoy with great pleasure. An international student card will help people save money on housing, because if you have it, it is possible to move into a student hostel. And student and youth benefits for air and rail transport are attractive for both travelers and their parents, since transport costs are a significant item of travel expenses.

Young people all the time have to overcome multiple difficulties, achieve their goals, train endurance and revel in the world around them. After all, travel for young people is a lifestyle.

An interesting vacation for everyone. Beaches, sea, round-the-clock entertainment and new interesting acquaintances are the natural rhythm of life for almost every young person.

Types of youth tourism:

Entertaining youth tourism

Young people tend to want to spend time brightly and naturally. That is why recreational trips are very popular among this category of tourists. Entertaining tourism involves visiting nightclubs, amusement parks, ice rinks, various concerts, fashion shows, etc. In addition, young people tend to visit resorts that provide inexpensive and short (up to two weeks) rest.

Educational youth tourism

Nowadays, many international student exchange programs have appeared. Their goal is both to receive a comprehensive education, teaching languages, and to bring cultures and peoples closer together. Often, along with attending lectures, students are given the opportunity to earn money in the service sector. The international Au Pair program is very popular, available for people aged 18-26. You don't need to be a student to participate, the main thing is to have a secondary education. Within its framework, a young man lives abroad in a foreign family, improves his spoken foreign language, gets acquainted with a foreign culture. His responsibilities include looking after the children of the owners of the house, for which he receives a fee of up to 400 euros.

Extreme youth tourism

Diving, mountain and water skiing, rafting, kayaking, speleology - the average age of fans of these and other types of recreation is 30 years. A feature of extreme tourism is the need to purchase rather expensive equipment and outfit. If older and more wealthy tourists really buy scuba gear or wetsuits, then young people prefer to rent such equipment. Today, this service is provided not only by European tourist centers, but also by many domestic ones.

Young people are most interested in an active type of recreation and many travel companies today organize specialized youth tours designed for energetic young people and offer them the following types of recreation:

· Mountain tours are hiking in the mountains. For traveling on slopes and ridges, through passes and mountain streams.

· Water tours - a tour of the seas, lakes, rivers and reservoirs on boats, kayaks and other types of water transport.

· Bicycle tours are trips on bicycles along different roads, ravines, sands, mountain paths.

· Speliology - visiting natural or artificial caves and labyrinths. They are interesting for the variety of relief.

· Walking tours are the most popular type of brisk recreation, because this does not require any special training and equipment. Easy hikes can be organized in almost any terrain.

Also very popular among young people

· Ski tourism and mountaineering.

· Quad biking and horseback riding.

Youth tourism is a constant movement. Every day there are certain obstacles that need to be overcome, overcome yourself and difficulties, see the magnificent beauty, hear the magical sounds of the planet and understand the greatness of the surrounding universe.

In the system of world tourism development, a special and significant place is given to youth tourism. The share of youth tourism is increasing annually by 1.5%. Now the share of travelers under 30 years old occupies more than 40% of tourist flows.

A real boom in the development of youth tourism in our country was in the 30s and 60s of the last century. Tourist sections and clubs worked at all large enterprises, universities, in all cities; accessible tourist centers operated throughout the country. It is no exaggeration to say that millions of young people had the opportunity to personally see and love their country.

The sphere of activity of youth tourism today is essentially ownerless. There is not a single department that deals with tourism in the complex, there is no real support for young people in their desire to get to know their country, there are no incentives to engage in tourism and there is no system of benefits for young people. There are now about 28 million young people aged 16 to 30 living in the country, but about 0.3 million are engaged in tourism.

Both the theory of organizing youth tourism in general, and its various practical and theoretical aspects have not yet found significant reflection in Russian and foreign studies. However, a significant contribution to substantiating the need for the development of youth tourism was made by G. Usyskin, Yu. Kuznetsov, G. Karpova and others.

Having analyzed one of the main types of tourism. It can be concluded that youth tourism provides an opportunity for youth to develop in any direction. Definitely, youth tourism simply needs to be developed and combined with other types of tourism for the greater attractiveness of young people who are eager to lead a healthy lifestyle.