Foreign passports and documents

Vacation at sea coast map. Detailed map of the Krasnodar Territory with cities, villages, districts and villages. Cons of rest in Gagra

A map of the Black Sea coast of Russia will help you decide on the choice of a resort. Every year this recreation area attracts many tourists with its unique climatic conditions, picturesque landscapes, developed infrastructure, as well as the smell of the sea and steppe plants.

A map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts gives the tourist a guideline, which place is better to choose for recreation. Each recreation area will provide vacationers with clean sea air that has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, a lot of entertainment and comfortable beaches.

The Black Sea is the inland water area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. It is connected by straits with the Aegean, Mediterranean, Marmara and Azov seas.

In its waters, the border stretches between Asia Minor and the European part of the world. The Crimea peninsula is located in the northern part of the salt basin.

Main characteristics of the Black Sea:

Name Indicators
Square 422 thousand km 2
Configuration Oval, with the longest axis at 1.15 thousand km.
Maximum length from north to south 0.58 thousand km
Maximum depth 2.21 thousand km
Average depth 1.24 thousand km
Total coastline length 3.4 thousand km
Annual river flow 310 km 3

The Black Sea basin surrounds the shores of such countries with its waters:

  • Russia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Bulgaria.
  • Turkey.
  • Georgia.
  • Romania.
  • Abkhazia.

Climatic conditions are continental, due to the mid-continental location of the sea. The Caucasian and Crimean coasts are protected from the northern cool winds by mountain ranges, and therefore they are referred to the Mediterranean microclimate, and humid subtropics are found in the southeastern zone from Tuapse.

In this inner part of the ocean, there is 1 large island Dzharylgach, measuring 62 km 2, and 2 smaller islets - Serpentine and Berezan, whose area separately is 1 km 2. Many rivers flow into the Black Sea, the largest of which are the Dniester, Dnieper and Danube.

Features of rest on the Black Sea coast

A map of the Russian Black Sea coast with resorts will help tourists plan their vacation, but first, you should take into account its advantages.

The benefits of resting on the Black Sea coast:

It is also worth considering some disadvantages:

  • close location near the resort area of ​​the highway or railway tracks. The noise they make is sometimes inconvenient and uncomfortable;
  • some small resorts, inviting accommodation in inexpensive hotels and the private sector, have an underdeveloped infrastructure;
  • many well-known health resorts have subordinate beaches, the entrance to which is closed or paid;
  • in small resort areas, the territories are not clean enough;
  • there are beaches with small and large pebbles;
  • crowded and polluted water on the popular large beach lines;
  • the inability to move away from the bustle of the city in big cities.

Resorts of the Crimean peninsula

Crimea peninsula resorts:

  1. Alushta. The resort has a warm climate and low humidity, because it is closed from cool winds. Large-scale grape fields are arranged here. Tourists are attracted by the colorful nature and beaches. A significant part of the beach strip is located in the Work Corner, but mainly it belongs to health resorts. For vacationers, climatotherapy services are provided, as well as therapeutic water and mud treatments. In Alushta, the service is not sufficiently developed and the prices are too high.
  2. Alupka. This small town belongs to Yalta, but in itself it has mild climatic conditions, clean air masses and colorful nature. Admission to the pebble beaches is free. Sun loungers and umbrellas can be rented. Local attractions are the Vorontsov Palace, "Swallow's Nest" and 2 temples. Here you go to the city of Ai-Petri by funicular or taxi. There are many sanatoriums in the vicinity of Alupka. This place is quiet, and there is not enough entertainment for active people.
  3. Zander. It has an improved infrastructure and reasonable prices. The beaches are free, covered with sand or small pebbles. The sea water is warm and unclouded, which is due to the isolation of the settlement by the capes. Of noteworthy places of interest, it is recommended to visit the Genoese Fortress, r. Suuk-su, Perchem and the wine museum. The site is not reported as crowded, but there is a shortage of drinking water.
  4. Feodosia. It offers vacationers an improved infrastructure, comfortable climatic conditions and a large number of deposits of mineral mud and healing springs. The length of the coastal line is 17 km. Various cafes and entertainment points function on the embankment. The highlight of the Feodosia holiday are medical sanatoriums and health resorts. The beaches are clean and not crowded, prices are reasonable and the water is clear.
  5. Evpatoria. It has sandy beaches, most of which are paid. There is a balneological area with mud treatments. The climate in the resort is special, combining arid steppe and humid marine. Service in Evpatoria is not developed enough, and prices are too high. In contrast, there will be a clean beach area and the sea.

  6. Yalta. The largest Crimean resort offers travelers paid, municipal and luxury beaches. Among the places that deserve attention, one can single out the central embankment, the temple of I. Zlatoust, the Armenian church and the cable car. For those wishing to have fun, there are numerous catering points, casinos and attractions for every taste. Yalta is always crowded, there is a warm sea, comfortable beaches and picturesque nature.

Resorts of Krasnodar region

The map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts suggests visiting the Krasnodar Territory.

It is marked by the following cities:

  1. Sochi. The most important city of the picturesque resort area has a developed infrastructure at the highest level. A large number of entertainment complexes, zoo and water parks, museums and sports grounds have been built here. Not far from the city there is a popular winter tourism ensemble called Krasnaya Polyanka. In the vicinity of Sochi, there are many proposals for active travelers - rafting, rock climbing and horseback riding. The beaches are comfortable, paid, wild and municipal. There are many different boarding houses, hotels and sanatoriums.
  2. Gelendzhik. It is noted for such sights as the Kastalskaya baths, Gebeds waterfalls and various museum exhibitions. The entertainment sector offers rides, a water park, a Safari park, and a dolphinarium and an oceanarium have been erected for fans of the underwater world. Gelendzhik is famous for its sandy and small-pebble beaches. One of the drawbacks is dirty sea water and overpriced pricing policy.

    Gelendzhik is one of the most popular holiday destinations on the map of the resorts of the Black Sea coast of Russia

  3. Adler. Located in the southern zone of Greater Sochi, the resort has a lot of entertainment, cafeterias and discos. Here you can find picturesque nature, clean pebble beach areas and comfortable water. The beach infrastructure is well developed, it is planned to rent sun loungers and various water skiing. Memorable places worth visiting - water park, botanical garden, dolphinarium and r. Mzymta. On the other side, Adler has established itself as a not very clean, noisy and expensive resort.
  4. Anapa. Differs in moderate prices, mild climatic conditions, small pebble and sandy beach areas, as well as mineral resources. The resort is suitable for families. The excursion theme offers a trip to the African village, the "Suko" Valley, to climb the Lago-Naki plateau and the Abrau-Duso distillery. Among the negative aspects, there is a large influx of tourists, undeveloped service and infrastructure.
  5. Tuapse. The beaches in the resort are free, most of which are with small pebbles. There are amusement rides and catering points around them. In the village zone of Tuapse, many boarding houses with massage and exercise therapy, as well as mud baths, have been built. Subtropical groves and forests stretch here. Vacation prices are moderate.

Coast of Abkhazia

On the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, it is proposed to visit the following resorts:

Other countries and cities on the Black Sea map

The map of the Russian Black Sea coast with resorts provides a wide range of places for recreation, but other countries also offer a comfortable vacation on the Black Sea.


The main Bulgarian resorts:


The map of the Black Sea coast includes not only Russia with its resorts, but also Turkey, represented by such cities:


The pearls of the Black Sea coast of Georgia are:


Famous Romanian resorts:

Whatever resorts of the Black Sea coast, located on the map of Russia, would be chosen, it is worth remembering that here you can have a good rest, and at the same time there is something to see.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Resorts of the Black Sea coast of Russia

Resorts of the Black Sea coast of Russia:

Subtropical exotic, friendly people, an abundance of four- and five-star hotels- only the first stroke in the description of the Black Sea coast of Russia. Absence of necessity registration of additional documentation upon entry makes this territory in the eyes of Russians much more attractive overseas recreation places.

Black Sea coast on the world map

The Black Sea coast of Russia is located in the southwest of the country. From the north, the border of the region runs along Perekop Isthmus which connects Crimea with Ukraine. The coastline stretches for 1200 km along the peninsula and further south up to the border with Abkhazia in Adler.

During the Soviet Union and over the past decade, the region's infrastructure made a decisive leap in pursuit of prominent resorts on the globe.

On the territory of most of the Crimean Peninsula moderate temperatures prevail and only on the extreme southern coast is the northern loop of the subtropics.

About 44th parallel continental Black Sea region divided by the Caucasus Mountains into zones of temperate and subtropical climate.

The temperate zone extends from the Taman Peninsula to... The continental climate here is influenced by the sea, therefore this region is generously warmed by the sun in summer and is free from winter frosts.

The northern arm of the Caucasus Range borders the subtropical zone. Dry subtropical climate dominates the territory from Anapa to Dzhubga (Tuapse region). In summer, the area is often exhausted from drought, and in winter it is irrigated with rainfall.

High temperatures prevail from May to October, and then they are replaced by mild winters. From Tuapse to Adler is located the northernmost zone in the world humid subtropics with an even distribution of precipitation over the seasons.

In the subtropical zone of the Black Sea, 25-degree summer heat gives way to mild winter with a temperature slightly above zero.

Average temperatures range from 23 degrees Celsius in summer to zero in winter.

The main resort towns and villages

Below is the map of the most notable places for recreation with modern infrastructure on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

Resorts of the Crimean peninsula

  • Evpatoria(sanatoriums "Oren-Crimea", "Primorsky", "Pobeda", 80 beaches and a huge selection of entertainment establishments);
  • Saki(sanatorium named after N. N. Burdenko, "Poltava-Crimea" and "Blue Wave", entertainment complex "Solnyshko");
  • Foros(colored beaches, sanatoriums "Foros" and "Yuzhny", health-improving complex "Tavria");
  • Yalta(an impressive waterfront, exciting attractions and modern hotels);
  • Alushta(dolphinarium, sanatorium "Morskoy ugolok", TOK "Chaika", water park "Almond Grove");
  • Koktebel(Cape Chameleon and Koktebel embankment);
  • Feodosia(60 sanatoriums, rest houses and boarding houses, where the therapy of diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and nervous systems is organized);
  • Kerch(curative mud in local health resorts, picturesque beaches with sand from a shell fragment and a rocky bottom).

Resorts of Krasnodar region

  • Anapa(medicinal beaches, Rose Alley park, about a hundred hotels and 207 health resort organizations);
  • Found by archaeologists old map of Anapa... More details in the following video:

  • Taman(mineral spring "Turkish fountain", two city beaches);
  • Sochi(Krasnaya Polyana, Olympic Park, Arboretum, Dolphinarium "Aquatoria", Oceanarium, observation tower on Mount Akhun, which overlooks the center of Sochi and the Adler District);
  • Kabardinka(wild beaches, boarding houses "Victoria", "Pearl", "Azure" and children's camps "Znamya", "Signal", "Kirovets", excursions to Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, leisure center "Korsar");
  • Gelendzhik(many children's camps and campgrounds, comfortable beaches, three water parks, rifling and canyoning);
  • Dzhubga(jeeping to the Guam gorge, the Ashe river valley and waterfalls, exciting attractions in the local water park, health centers);
  • Tuapse(comfortable beaches with modern equipment, excursions to Gelendzhik, to Goryachy Klyuch and to numerous dolmens);
  • Lazarevskoe(modern entertainment industry, Dolphin and Tropicheskaya Amazonka RC, Alekseevka tourist center, penguinarium).

Hotel selection

We suggest using convenient form of hotel selection all along the Black Sea coast. To find a suitable hotel, just indicate city, arrival and departure dates, and number of guests.

Where else are interesting places?

You can read about the delights of the Crimean peninsula in almost every tourist brochure. The remains of the ancient Greek metropolises (in Kerch, Feodosia and Evpatoria), the architectural heritage of the Russian Empire (Swallow's Nest, Alupkinsky Park), many modern beaches and housing and entertainment complexes have been delighting discerning tourists for decades.

Notable is Taman Peninsula, which serves as the border for the Black and Azov seas. Here you can walk on the places of adventures of Lermontovsky Pechorin visiting the museum of the writer. Connoisseurs of wine drinks have the opportunity to get acquainted with the nuances of winemaking in local museums.

Seaport Novorossiysk stingy with beaches, but boasts picturesque landscapes of Lake Abrau. The Circassian past has left the Novorossiysk region with many historical monuments in the form of the ruins of fortresses.

Yes and Kiselev rock, where Lelik once provided Gaucher and Gorbunkov with excellent bite, does not go unnoticed by tourists.

Outdoor enthusiasts will not miss the opportunity to become members of popular festivals Cuban and Bike-fest in the village of Veselovka.

Luxury hotels and modern amusement parks of such pillars of the Russian resort business as Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yalta and Sochi complemented by the exoticism of their smaller counterparts.

Anapa for a long time it has retained the status of the capital among the resorts for the whole family. Recreational lovers have the opportunity to significantly improve your health at the expense of mud baths and iodine-bromine waters.

Numerous sanatoriums in Saki, modern hotels Kabardinka and camp sites in are excellent competition for millionaire cities.

Juniper groves Gelendzhik perfect for consolidating the healing effect.

The Black Sea coast stretches for many thousands of kilometers and includes territories of other republics and countries... Therefore, here you can meet immigrants of different nationalities (Adygs, Dagestanis, Chechens, Abkhazians, Armenians, Georgians, and others) and hear speech not only in Russian.

The Black Sea coast of Russia stretches from the Kerch Bay to Abkhazia itself for about 400 kilometers. The narrow strip between the Black Sea and the Caucasian ridge is often called the "Russian Riviera", since all of Russia travels here to rest. On our website you can make virtual walks through the cities of the coast... To go, click on the name of the city:

Interactive satellite map of the Russian Black Sea coast

Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia online

(To see maps of roads and cities, you need to enlarge the map using the + sign and drag the map to the required area)

Other interesting maps of Russia can be found in our articles:

Not satiated with rest, Russians are drawn here, mainly because “almost all of us” here are Russian-speaking. And distant countries tire the local natives with the clumsy English speech. On the Black Sea coast you can find beaches for every taste. Starting from the Sochi sandy ones, ending with the small gravel of Divnomorskoye.

Black Sea coast on the general map

It is easy to find large-pebble beaches here, but yes, these beaches are chosen mainly by nudists, vacationers, as a rule, away from densely populated beaches. Pleasant wines, local sweets and fruits are sold all along the coast, especially if you arrive at the right time - the velvet season.

On the Black Sea coast of Russia, there is high-altitude zoning, since in most of it the Caucasian ridge comes close to the coast. Accordingly, those who like to swim and dive can, while resting, climb the rocks and even the mountains, enjoying the difficulties and beauty of the local rocky ledges.

One thing is worth adding - the peach plants, as well as plums and vineyards, are all in someone's possession. Personal property. And the owners are very reluctant to greet wild tourists who cheerfully pounce on the exotic fruits. Screams, or even dogs or salt from a shotgun. To see Caucasian hospitality better, go to the owner and buy the fruits you like. And they will cost 5 times cheaper than on the market, leaving everyone happy.


In beach areas, items are often lost. Who will lose their watch, who will lose their coins. You can make a good business if you buy wholesale swimwear, because for some reason these items are lost the most. Especially in the evening. If you bring a batch of swimsuits that transmit ultraviolet rays from you, they will be torn off with your hands, giving three prices, because no one likes white stripes on the body.

It is easy to navigate the location of cities and countries with access to the Black Sea, choose a suitable resort and read its description will help black sea coast map... If on the map the resort you are interested in is not indicated - it can be found below on the page in the list of cities and countries of the coast.

Map of the resorts of the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Territory (Russia)

Almost the entire Russian coast Black sea suitable for spa holidays. Therefore (as you can see by looking at coastal map) the number of resorts is simply huge, the quality and price of the services provided can be chosen according to your capabilities and wishes in the widest range - from inexpensive rooms in the private sector of a small resort village to luxury suites in the best hotels of the largest Black Sea cities on the coast, such as Sochi , Gelendzhik and Lazarevskoe.

Resort towns and villages of Greater Sochi

  • Central region of Sochi (Khosta, Matsesta, Kudepsta, Mamayka, Center);
  • Adler and Adler region;
  • Dagomys, Mountain Air, Loo, Vardane, Cote d'Azur, Golovinka, Volkonka, Soloniki, Lazarevskoe, Ashe, Golubaya Dacha.

Crimean peninsula

Rest on the Black Sea coast of Russia is possible on the Crimean peninsula, and the South Coast of Crimea (SCC) is the most popular among tourists. The most famous resorts of the South Coast are Yalta, Alushta and Evpatoria. Crimea map, which has a rich historical heritage, is literally dotted with a huge number of natural attractions and historical monuments. Currently, the resorts are actively recovering, monuments and sights are being ennobled, the peninsula is becoming one of the most attractive holiday destinations on the entire coast. On Black sea map the following resorts can be found in Crimea:

Coast of Abkhazia

Abkhazia is an amazing place, locals and tourists deservedly considered Abkhazia at the end of the last century the "Pearl" of the Caucasus. And, despite the fact that in the dashing 90s the resorts of this unique place were abandoned or destroyed, natural attractions are available to tourists today, and the resorts of Abkhazia are recovering and developing at an accelerated pace. The main resorts on the map of the Black Sea in Abkhazia:

Black Sea coast - map for recreation (Russia)

In recent years, trips to domestic resorts have become a fashionable trend - safety is definitely guaranteed there, as well as modern service and friendly residents. Let's take a closer look Black Sea coast - map for recreation (Russia) attached.

Recreation map - we study the price, weather conditions and beaches

It is no secret that the beautiful beaches of the Black Sea are simply overcrowded in the hot summer season. Holidays on the beloved Black Sea coast in our Russia are becoming more and more popular due to the development of service and the range of prices. Studying the reviews is difficult, but you can still find places where the value for money will be optimal. You can go to rest even at the end of May - at this time the sea has already warmed up enough to swim in it (unless, of course, you are not a fan of scalding waves).

In the "velvet season" (the Black Sea coast is considered as such the period from the end of August to October) you can both enjoy a pleasant beach holiday in Russia and get into a season of unpredictable weather. Such is, for example, Abkhazia.

Many are interested in the "price card" for vacationers on the expensive Black Sea coast in Russia. If you want to save money successfully, choose unpopular places in the West or East. Crimea- for example, Shtormovoye, Kurortnoye, Mezhvodnoye. There are also many convenient services that allow you to relax. on our Black Sea coast profitably, choosing the most economical destinations and locations.

Coast also has expensive (sometimes unjustifiably) resorts - Yalta , Gelendzhik and Sochi. These popular destinations attract too many tourists, and it is sometimes not very comfortable to be there in the summer, but in these places there is not only where to sunbathe, but also what to see.

Rest on sandy beaches is considered the most comfortable in Russia. In Sochi, for example, beautiful sandy beaches are located in Loo, Anapa offers a gorgeous central beach, and in Feodosia, you can relax on the "golden beach".

Map of the Crimean Black Sea coast of Russia

Map for different types of recreation

Holidays on the coast, in cities and towns, the Black Sea in Russia is famous for its diversity. We invite you to consider the options we have proposed for active recreation:

  • For diving, the underwater world of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse or Adler is interesting. Divers should visit Crimea - its underwater museum, depths near the Aya, Meganom and Tarkhakunt capes, a lot of interesting things in the numerous Crimean bays. In the Black Sea, both its inhabitants and the remains of sunken ships are interesting.
  • Beautiful waves can be caught in Gelendzhik, Kacha, Sochi, Anapa. The Black Sea coast gives great waves in the "off-season" - from November to spring.
  • Speleology is easy in Sochi, Bakhchisarai and Alushta.
  • You can walk in the mountains, visit interesting excursions and do active rest in Abkhazia.

Many people love not only getting a beautiful tan, but also new knowledge about the nature and culture of their native country. Russia has a rich history, so numerous excursions are worth visiting. For example, see an early Christian temple in Loo, dolmens in Gelendzhik, a garden-museum in Sochi and archaeological excavations along the entire coast. Map for tourists accessible to everyone - make your own route to study the history of the country.

Coast Black Sea vacation map (Russia) also has places where you can find maximum privacy from the crowds of tourists that fill the streets of the city. In Gelendzhik, for example, these are the small villages of Krinitsa or Dzhanhot. In Tuapse - the area of ​​the Kiselevoy rock or Dzhubga. The map of our Black Sea coast in Russia offers places for fans of "wild rest" - from Dzhanhot all the way to Praskoveevka. In Crimea, you can relax without a crowd of tourists on the eastern Black Sea coast. There are many unorganized beaches near Sevastopol - for example, Cape Fiolent or Laspi Bay.

Detailed map for recreation easily found on the Internet. If you want to save a lot and successfully organize your vacation in Russia on your own, we advise you to start thinking about the route in advance in order to visit all the planned places and at the same time have a good rest.

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Detailed map of the Black Sea coast of Russia and its resorts

Subtropical exotic, friendly people, an abundance of four- and five-star hotels- only the first stroke in the description of the Black Sea coast of Russia. Absence of necessity registration of additional documentation upon entry makes this territory in the eyes of Russians much more attractive overseas recreation places.

Black Sea coast on the world map

The Black Sea coast of Russia is located in the southwest of the country. From the north, the border of the region runs along Perekop Isthmus which connects Crimea with Ukraine. The coastline stretches for 1200 km along the peninsula and further south up to the border with Abkhazia in Adler.

During the Soviet Union and over the past decade, the region's infrastructure made a decisive leap in pursuit of prominent resorts on the globe.

On the territory of most of the Crimean Peninsula moderate temperatures prevail and only on the extreme southern coast is the northern loop of the subtropics.

About 44th parallel continental Black Sea region divided by the Caucasus Mountains into zones of temperate and subtropical climate.

The temperate zone extends from the Taman Peninsula to Anapa... The continental climate here is influenced by the sea, therefore this region is generously warmed by the sun in summer and is free from winter frosts.

The northern arm of the Caucasus Range borders the subtropical zone. Dry subtropical climate dominates the territory from Anapa to Dzhubga (Tuapse region). In summer, the area is often exhausted from drought, and in winter it is irrigated with rainfall.

With the beginning of autumn, the heat begins to subside practically throughout Russia. And read about the September weather in Tuapse in this article.

High temperatures prevail from May to October, and then they are replaced by mild winters. From Tuapse to Adler is located the northernmost zone in the world humid subtropics with an even distribution of precipitation over the seasons.

In the subtropical zone of the Black Sea, 25-degree summer heat gives way to mild winter with a temperature slightly above zero.

Average temperatures range from 23 degrees Celsius in summer to zero in winter.

The main resort towns and villages

Below is the map of the most notable places for recreation with modern infrastructure on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

Resorts of the Crimean peninsula

  • Evpatoria(sanatoriums "Oren-Crimea", "Primorsky", "Pobeda", 80 beaches and a huge selection of entertainment establishments);

Saki(sanatorium named after N. N. Burdenko, "Poltava-Crimea" and "Blue Wave", entertainment complex "Solnyshko");

Foros(colored beaches, sanatoriums "Foros" and "Yuzhny", health-improving complex "Tavria");

Yalta(an impressive waterfront, exciting attractions and modern hotels);

See photos and read about all the sights of the Crimean peninsula here.

Alushta(dolphinarium, sanatorium "Morskoy ugolok", TOK "Chaika", water park "Almond Grove");

Koktebel(Cape Chameleon and Koktebel embankment);

Feodosia(60 sanatoriums, rest houses and boarding houses, where the therapy of diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and nervous systems is organized);

  • Kerch(curative mud in local health resorts, picturesque beaches with sand from a shell fragment and a rocky bottom).

Resorts of Krasnodar region

  • Anapa(medicinal beaches, Rose Alley park, about a hundred hotels and 207 health resort organizations);

Found by archaeologists old map of Anapa... More details in the following video:

Taman(mineral spring "Turkish fountain", two city beaches);

Sochi(Krasnaya Polyana, Olympic Park, Arboretum, Sochi Park, Aquatoria Dolphinarium, Oceanarium, observation tower on Mount Akhun, which overlooks the center of Sochi and the Adler District);

Kabardinka(wild beaches, boarding houses "Victoria", "Pearl", "Azure" and children's camps "Znamya", "Signal", "Kirovets", excursions to Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, leisure center "Korsar");

Gelendzhik(many children's camps and campgrounds, comfortable beaches, three water parks, rifling and canyoning);

Dzhubga(jeeping to the Guam gorge, the Ashe river valley and waterfalls, exciting attractions in the local water park, health centers);

Tuapse(comfortable beaches with modern equipment, excursions to Gelendzhik, to Goryachy Klyuch and to numerous dolmens);

  • Lazarevskoe(modern entertainment industry, Dolphin and Tropicheskaya Amazonka RC, Alekseevka tourist center, penguinarium).

Hotel selection

We suggest using convenient form of hotel selection all along the Black Sea coast. To find a suitable hotel, just indicate city, arrival and departure dates, and number of guests.

Where else are interesting places?

You can read about the delights of the Crimean peninsula in almost every tourist brochure. The remains of the ancient Greek metropolises (in Kerch, Feodosia and Evpatoria), the architectural heritage of the Russian Empire (Swallow's Nest, Alupkinsky Park), many modern beaches and housing and entertainment complexes have been delighting discerning tourists for decades.

And the most beautiful photos with a description of the main attractions of Feodosia can be seen here.

Notable is Taman Peninsula, which serves as the border for the Black and Azov seas. Here you can walk on the places of adventures of Lermontovsky Pechorin visiting the museum of the writer. Connoisseurs of wine drinks have the opportunity to get acquainted with the nuances of winemaking in local museums.

Seaport Novorossiysk stingy with beaches, but boasts picturesque landscapes of Lake Abrau. The Circassian past has left the Novorossiysk region with many historical monuments in the form of the ruins of fortresses.

Yes and Kiselev rock, where Lelik once provided Gaucher and Gorbunkov with excellent bite, does not go unnoticed by tourists.

Outdoor enthusiasts will not miss the opportunity to become members of popular festivals Cuban and Bike-fest in the village of Veselovka.

Luxury hotels and modern amusement parks of such pillars of the Russian resort business as Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yalta and Sochi complemented by the exoticism of their smaller counterparts.

Anapa for a long time it has retained the status of the capital among the resorts for the whole family. Recreational lovers have the opportunity to significantly improve your health at the expense of mud baths and iodine-bromine waters.

Numerous sanatoriums in Saki, modern hotels Kabardinka and camp sites in Lazarevsky constitute excellent competition for millionaire cities.

Juniper groves Gelendzhik perfect for consolidating the healing effect.

The Black Sea coast stretches for many thousands of kilometers and includes territories of other republics and countries... Therefore, here you can meet immigrants of different nationalities (Adygs, Dagestanis, Chechens, Abkhazians, Armenians, Georgians, and others) and hear speech not only in Russian.

Map of the Black Sea coast for recreation

Choose hotels on the map for an unforgettable vacation on the Black Sea

On the Black Sea coast of Russia there are many resort towns and villages that are ready to receive guests all year round. Many of them have long been known and loved by thousands of tourists. The most popular resorts on the Krasnodar and Crimean Black Sea coasts are:

  • Adler
  • Gelendzhik
  • Anapa
  • Annunciation
  • Alushta
  • Zander
  • Evpatoria and many others

It is difficult to list all the variety of resorts on the Russian Black Sea coast. It is not easy at times to make a choice where it is better to go on vacation. After all, it is quite difficult to find a suitable resort for yourself, as well as a hotel where you can relax according to your wealth and preferences.

In this case, you can help out a map of resorts on the Black Sea coast in Russia. On it you will find all the resorts located on the sea coast. There are also accommodation facilities where you can stay during your stay in the Crimea or Krasnodar Territory.

If you are planning to spend your seaside vacation in Russia, a detailed map of 2018 Black Sea vacation spots will help you make the right choice. You can choose both large cities, where in the summer a stormy resort life is in full swing, full of vivid emotions. Also on the map you will see small villages that offer a quieter and more secluded holiday by the sea.

It should be noted that all resort towns and villages of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory are constantly improving their infrastructure. A variety of accommodation facilities are improving service by offering ever better service and comfortable living conditions. A map of the Black Sea coast with hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums will help you find out where this or that housing option is, see photographs of the object, and also find out all the necessary, and most importantly, reliable information.

How to use the Black Sea recreation card

To navigate the map of the Black and Azov seas with resort cities, you can use the navigation located on the left side of the map. And to find out information about a particular hotel, you need to click on the mark and follow the link to the site.

Today on the Internet you can find many offers from hotels offering their services for the accommodation of vacationers. However, not all information may be true. In addition, it may not be complete. The resort card of the Black Sea sanatoriums and other types of housing will help you make the right choice for a comfortable stay by the sea.

Choose hotels on the map of the Black Sea coast for your holidays in the season 2018

Using the map of the Black Sea coast of Russia for recreation, you can, without unnecessary risks, not only find out all the information you need about the resort, but also choose a decent accommodation based on your tastes and preferences. It is very convenient, as you will have the opportunity to find out the location of hotels, inns and guest houses of the Black Sea on the map of Russia 2018. You can also see photos, rooms, services that are offered to guests. Using the resort card you can compare the offers and choose the one you like best.

The constantly updated database will allow you to find out about the news of the hotels. Using the card, you can directly contact the administration, find out the prices for holidays, and also book a room without intermediaries. This will help you save money, which is worth spending on fun and exciting excursions.

Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts. Detailed new map 2019

Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts. Detailed new map 2017

Anyone in our country knows that the most popular sea in summer holidays is the Black Sea. There are hundreds of cities and thousands of resorts on its shore. Three million tourists come here every year, come and come and come. And if you count how many savages rest on the seashore, then the figure may well reach five million! In order not to get lost on vacation and choose the best place, you need a new map of the Russian Black Sea coast with resorts. A detailed interactive map will help you find all the resorts that are on the Black Sea coast. You will be able to see cities, towns and villages where you can stop for rest and spend the best summer days.

The Black Sea is large. Its waters wash the shores of Russia, the Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. We can say that it is on this sea that the most popular and visited resorts in the world are located. Each coast has its own infrastructure, its own beaches and its own weather. Today we will talk about our coast, on which the resorts are located.

The Black Sea is located so that it practically does not freeze. It is very rare to see ice on it. Mostly it is near the coast, when it gets very cold in January. Most often, ice comes from Russia, but from the Turkish side it is not, since there are warm winds blowing there even in winter from the Asian and African sides. In the summer months, it is hot on either side of the sea. Air temperatures reach +35 and above. And the average temperature for the year is +22 degrees. But, unfortunately, in the winter months it is forbidden to swim on any coast of the Black Sea, including from the Russian coast.

The most important resort in Russia on the Black Sea is Sochi. The city has always been popular with tourists, and after the Winter Olympics, it even became an even more visited resort. At what they began to come here in winter to ski and walk around the beautiful city.
Perhaps the hottest city on the Black Sea coast is Tuapse. In the summer months, the air here warms up to +37 in the shade. And in August, when the heat reaches its peak, and up to +42 degrees. sometimes it seems that the sun is shining so low over the city that it is about to fall on you. At such hours, and this is lunchtime. Better not to be outside. After all, the sun not only warms and burns, it also blinds. Especially on the beach, when the sun's rays are reflected off the white sand.

Despite the fact that there are thousands of resorts on the Black Sea coast, there are only two airports. The first is located in Adler and is considered the Sochi airport. And the second is located in Gelendzhik. So tourists mostly prefer to get to their resort by train in order to avoid unnecessary movements. After all, it is very inconvenient to fly to one place, and then still get to the desired one by bus or an expensive taxi.

Also, do not forget about Anapa. This is the same resort town on the Black Sea coast. There is an airport nearby, which is very convenient. True, it is located somewhat away from Anapa, but nevertheless closer than if you got here by train.
After Crimea returned to Russia again, we have more resorts located on the Black Sea. Firstly, this is Yalta, which has always been popular with tourists, even back in the USSR. Further - this is Sevastopol and Evpatoria. Every year more and more tourists from Russia visit the resorts of Crimea.

Interactive map with resorts.
To understand in more detail what and where is. Below we offer you a new interactive map. It has already marked the resorts and the most important cities on the Black Sea coast. You can click on any sign and see detailed information about the place and photos of the city. You can enlarge the map and see everything in detail. What do you need. And if you want, you can make changes to it and save it on your computer.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, there were changes in the sea borders in the Black Sea. As a result, the South Stream gas pipeline will most likely follow a different route. In addition, Russia is acquiring new opportunities for exporting its products through the port in Kerch. It is interesting to get acquainted with the maps of new borders. In the Black Sea, 12 nautical miles from the coast are the territorial waters of the state, 250 miles are a special economic zone. Under the 2003 agreement on the Sea of ​​Azov, the territorial waters of the countries are limited to a 5-kilometer zone, the rest of the waters are in joint economic ownership. In addition to this, you can look at the project of a new bridge linking the Taman Peninsula with the Crimea. The Greeks called the Kerchesk Strait the Cimmerian Bosphorus, but the strait separating Asia Minor from the Balkan Peninsula, the Greeks called the Thracian Bosphorus.
P.S. I think few people know that the legendary Colchis of the Argonauts was located not at all in swampy Georgia, as some philologists naively believe, but ... on the shores of the Thracian Bosphorus ("Bull's Pass"). The ships of the ancient Achaeans were called beads ("bulls") or minotaurs ("bulls of Minos") - that is why this strait was so named, sometimes the Achaeans called sea ships hippocampus ("sea horses"), so they had images or heads of a bull on their bows, or the head of a seahorse. The ancient Greeks called the Black Sea Pontus Euxine ("The hospitable sea", and the Phoenicians the North Sea ("Ashkenas"). But we will turn to Colchis after a careful study of the path of the Argonauts, which was the golden fleece - the purpose of their journey ...

1.Borders of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea before the annexation of Crimea
2. Borders of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea after the annexation of Crimea

3. Oil and gas fields in the basin of the Black and Azov seas and onshore
4. Kerch Strait and crossings from mainland Russia to Crimea
5. The border in the Black Sea between Ukraine and Romania after the decision of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations on February 3, 2009, when Romania crossed 79.4% of the disputed territories of the oil and gas shelf