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Karelia is a land of unprecedented beauty. Open the left menu Republic of Karelia See the latest photos about the nature of Karelia

Greetings to all nature lovers and those who are in one way or another interested in the beautiful Karelia and want to visit here (don't you want to?)! 😀

I am starting a series of articles dedicated to this beautiful land of rivers and lakes, and I will start with a selection of the very best places that, in my opinion, are worth visiting. I will make a reservation that this list is compiled on the basis of the places in which I have been personally. I still have a list of those where I want to go (after all, I have not seen everything in Karelia). But knowing them, I'm almost sure that the list that is presented in this article is unlikely to change. These places are cool and deserve your close attention!

I confess that it was very difficult for me to choose 10 places, and then also select photos. But I could! 🙂 Places in the list are not according to any of my ratings, but just randomly. But the first two are still the best for me.

I bring them to your attention!


If you ask me which place in Karelia impressed me the most, then without hesitation and without delay I will answer - Paanajärvi! Yes, this amazing, fabulous and beautiful place has forever won a solid first line in my ranking and, of course, in my heart.

Paanajarvi is a national park, a nature conservation area in the north-west of Karelia. Here is the highest mountain, the most powerful waterfall, one of the deepest and most picturesque lakes in Karelia and the coolest landscapes! Indeed, here everything is the very thing.

I want to come back here. Very much. For nature lovers, especially northern and wild ones, I highly recommend coming to Paanajärvi!

I visited here this summer (summer 2018), I was so impressed that in my blog I now have as many as 4 detailed articles on each of the attractions of the park with all the details and my recommendations. There are several attractions in the park, and it is simply impossible to touch on each one in a couple of proposals. Therefore, I will not write much here, but I will give a link to the first of the articles in this series:. Links to the other three articles at the end of the first.

I will show a few photos here.

Stunning views from Mount Kivakka.

This is a view from the highest mountain in Karelia - Nuorunen.

The Kivakkakoski waterfall is the largest unregulated stream in Karelia.

The picturesque waterfall Mäntykoski, which can only be reached via Lake Paanajärvi.

Cute paths in the forest. It is convenient to cross the swamps.


And this is perhaps the most mystical place in Karelia. Mystical, amazing and beautiful! I'm sure everyone has heard of Vottovaar at least once.

This is a mountain in the Muezersky region of the western part of Karelia. What attracts people, ordinary tourists and even scientists here? First of all, these are the numerous seids - the sacred stones of the ancient Sami, according to one version. Twisted dry trees are the second most unusual phenomenon. They are truly amazing and amazing. It's worth coming here at least for them.

There are rumors about strange phenomena taking place on the mountain. It supposedly has an effect on some people.

The visit to the mountain impressed me a lot. Of course, I did not notice any particular effect on my consciousness, unfortunately or to joy, but I want to return. Here you feel at least unusual. Not like anywhere else or on another mountain. Well, the views from her are insanely beautiful!

Over time, the appearance of the mountain, the way it is now, will change, so it's urgent for everyone to go there! 😉

Unusual twisted trees are a feature of the mountain.

The megaliths of glacial origin are impressive.

The views from the mountain are one of the most beautiful in Karelia!


Already a very popular and well-known place. Crowds of tourists from all over the country flock here. And for good reason - it is truly unique. Most often, they begin their acquaintance with Karelia with him. Majestic marble rocks, turquoise water, the opportunity to swim on a boat along the marble canyon, visit its grottoes and see the magical illumination of the rocks, learn how marble was mined, fly on a trolley over the canyon or jump from a bungee, just take a walk, enjoying the views, feeling like at times in some kind of fairy tale - you will get all this by visiting Ruskeala.

I have been here in winter, summer and autumn. You can read about winter Ruskeale in. Admire the autumn Ruskeala. And here I will attach summer and autumn pictures.

I will refer to the same point and waterfalls AKHVENKOSKI(they are also called Ruskeala, because they are very close to the canyon, on the way to it, so you will not pass). These waterfalls attract, firstly, for their beauty, and secondly, films were shot here, for example, the Soviet ones "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". Hinged bridges were recently made over the rapids, a route was laid. It is chargeable, but just looking at the general view of the waterfalls is free. The waterfalls are traditionally visited by everyone who travels to the marble canyon itself. Convenient as it is along the way.

The coordinates of the Ruskeala Mountain Park: 61 ° 54'5 "N 30 ° 37'53" E

Coordinates of Akhvenkoski waterfalls: 61 ° 54'58 "N 30 ° 37'38" E

In the water, one can see boulders falling from above.
Dangerous areas are fenced.

Magnificent and so different marble!

The boats are still in service.

Akhvenkoski waterfalls. Walk over the most turbulent threshold.

The bridges over the waterfalls were made quite recently.


It's a high mountain Paasonvuori , which is located in the Sortavala region (immediately after Sortavala, near the village of Khelyulya), a place where ancient Karelians lived in the 12th-13th centuries, and maybe even earlier. Excavations were carried out on the mountain and evidence of this was found: ceramic fragments, arrowheads, jewelry. Now we will not find any traces of the former settlements, but the very realization that we are in a historical place excites the imagination. This usually happens to me. 🙂 But it is worth climbing the mountain primarily because of the beautiful views that open from it. On one side, we see a highway, a lake, a railway over the lake, a river stretching into the distance, and the village of Khelyulya. If we look in the other direction, we will see the views of the majestic spruce forests. Below I will attach one of my favorite photographs that I took in Karelia. The view of the forests is endlessly inspiring!

A safe and at the same time picturesque path goes around the rock on the right, if you stand with your back to the road, there was still a tiny bridge over the groove by the road. There will be a sign "Paaso Settlement" on the road itself. Leave the car in the parking lot - there will be a turn off the road - and walk back, you will find the beginning of the path. We did not know this and climbed straight up the rocks. It is possible to climb in this way, but it is difficult.

You can visit the castle mound on your way to Ruskeala. It does not take a lot of time.

Coordinates of the Paaso settlement: 61 ° 43'56 "N 30 ° 41'54" E

The trail to the top of the mountain is very picturesque.

View of the highway and the village of Khelyulya.

View from the mountain to the railway.

A view of the spruce forests from the other side of Mount Paasonvuori. This view, perhaps, I like even better.


We visited this wonderful place a year ago and were very impressed! The island is located on Ladoga, or more precisely - in the Ladoga skerries. It attracts with its uncharacteristic gorgeous sandy beaches and, of course, breathtaking views from the Leshy cliff. There are also pine trees on the island, fancifully twisted and growing directly on stones or from sand. There are also mixed forests. You can spend a whole day on a leisurely visit to the island and having a picnic on it, and you will not regret it. We, unfortunately, did not have a whole day, walked quickly, but still spent 4 hours on the island. We had a longer route around part of the island.

You can go to Koyonsaari from St. Petersburg in one day if you get up early. About 3.5-4 hours drive to the island. You can leave the car near it on the road or, if there are no places, for a little money on the next tour. bases (for example, "Annushkin pier"). There is a bridge from the mainland to the island, since the distance is only 150 meters - yes, it's funny, but you don't need to swim to the island, but you can take just a few steps.

Coordinates of the bridge to Koyonsaari Island: 61 ° 17'07.2 ″ N 30 ° 05'27.0 ″ E

Koyonsaari beaches.

Pine trees grow not only on the rocks, but also on the sand! Still hardy trees.

View from the Leshy cliff to the other side. Numerous islets are visible everywhere.

Insanely beautiful view from the Leshy cliff. It's worth coming here just for him!


This place also belongs to the Ladoga skerries, only the northern ones. The cape is located in the southernmost part hunukka peninsula in the north of Ladoga. The nearest village is Impilahti.

What is interesting about the cape? First of all, with their relief - flat bizarre rocks, going into the water, can not leave anyone indifferent. It's really very beautiful! Also visible here is the open Ladoga with its crazy sunrises, sunsets and other weather and natural phenomena. You can even see Ladoga seals in the lake! There are also elevations here, and from the hills, of course, the views are even more beautiful. And also on the cape there is a small internal lake closed by rocks from Ladoga, on which it is calm and quiet. Many people like to rest on it, but I would choose a place to set up a tent just near Ladoga, on the very cape, with a gorgeous panoramic view. We did not spend the night here, but we had a wonderful day. The location is one of my top favorites! And I really want to come here for a little longer.

This time we were very lucky with the weather: at first it was cloudy, but then the sun came out, making the landscapes around it even more beautiful and brighter. It was calm. But on Ladoga, storms often occur, when it is dangerous to go out into the open water on a boat. Be sure to keep this in mind and watch the weather forecasts.

How to get to Impiniemi: a car is needed here. Heading from St. Petersburg, we pass Sortavala, turn to Ruskeala and drive along the northern coast of Lake Ladoga to the village of Impilahti. The road that leads to the cape starts in Impilahti, it is about 6 km. But to get to the end by car, you need a very large and passable jeep. The road at some point, one might say, ends and some kind of its semblance begins: mud (very serious mud!), Puddles, rocks and roots.

But there is a good option, which we also took advantage of: transfer by boat to the very cape. We turned to the guys from "Karelia Park" (this is an extreme park with its own troll and bungee) and we were thrown right on the cape. They can also take back. Vkontakte community . And we decided to walk back. It was quite creepy as we were told that there are bears living on the peninsula. Therefore, we went with a screaming radio tape recorder. 😆

Rocks on the cape.

The flat cliffs extending into the water are the hallmark of Cape Impiniemi.

It is from Impiniemi that you can see Valaam. We saw)

The views here are stunning, I tell you the truth! 🙂


This mountain is my favorite of all the mountains on which I have been in Karelia at the moment. So far) The views from Lynx Mountain seemed to me the most beautiful. It's easy to climb the mountain. In the distance we see a lake and endless beautiful forests. Of course, there are moss-covered rocks and the ubiquitous pines of an unusual shape. Here you want to sit on a bench, built by someone kind at the very top, and, turning off your brain, just look into the distance and dream.

The name of the mountain was given for no reason, for beauty, and there are no lynxes here, as a local uncle we met told us. But there are lynxes in Karelia! And I would not be at all surprised if they are here too. They say they were met farther south, closer to Petersburg.

Lynx Mountain is located near Yanisjärvi lakes (a very beautiful lake, by the way!). The nearest village is Vyartsilya (you need to go north of Ruskeala). You can only get to the mountain (well, almost to it, you have to walk a little, about 5 minutes) only by car. On the Internet, there are clubs that organize trips to the mountain on ATVs. Searching, you can find. There are also several recreation centers on the banks of Yanisjärvi, and some of them probably rent bicycles, or maybe, if you ask, they will take you there. But you also need to get to the bases somehow. The mountain is quite distant from the main "tourist" places, so it is still most convenient to visit it for autotourists.

Important! These places are a border area - Finland is only 5 km away, so you need to have passports (a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is enough). Most likely they will ask where you are going, you can say to the recreation center "Arsenal", for example (we just were there).

Coordinates of Lynx Mountain: 62 ° 8'4 "N 30 ° 45'53" E

Breathtaking views from the mountain!

Northern pines, cleverly twisted and growing right on the rocks, is something incredible!

View from the mountain.

Centuries-old rocks of glacial origin.


It is located in the Pitkyaranta region of Karelia. The highest waterfall in southern Karelia - its height at different times of the year ranges from 15 to 19 meters. It is especially full-flowing, of course, in spring. In fact, there are two waterfalls here, few people know about the second one, but it is worth walking further along the trodden paths and you will see it. The second waterfall is smaller. The main attraction is the first one in the photos attached below. It is named "White Bridges" because once upon a time there really was a bridge of white stone, built by the Finns. Now a new wooden bridge has been built, painted white.

The waterfall is really beautiful! And the area around - picturesque forests - adds even more charm.

To get to the waterfall, you need to drive towards Pitkäranta and then turn off the main road. Everything is pretty clear there, just follow the coordinates. But there is one but: earlier there was a narrow dirt road, along which it was still possible to get to the parking lot at the waterfall itself (or almost to it). But last year, when we were there for the last time, we saw the beginning of active construction of a large road to the waterfall. We were able to pass, but the road was widened, there were a lot of trucks with sand, and we had to pass them from time to time. As it is now - I do not know. Unfortunately, this place will soon become very crowded with tourists, just like Ruskeala.

If there is no car, most travel companies include this waterfall in their programs.

Coordinates of the White Bridges waterfall: 61 ° 45'12 "N 31 ° 24'37" E

Waterfall and me, for understanding scale and height.

Top view of the waterfall. The photo, of course, does not represent the height.


And this is the largest flat waterfall in Karelia. It is called the pearl of the republic. It is located on the Suna River in the Kivach Nature Reserve. Although Kivach is not as tall as White Bridges, it is unique and beautiful in its own way. In the old days, the waterfall attracted many historical and creative personalities, such as Alexander II or the poet Derzhavin, who even dedicated a poem to him.

On the territory accessible to tourists, there is also a museum and an ecological trail that tells about various plants and trees.

I have a personal story connected with this waterfall. I wanted to get here since school! 🙄 Every year my parents and I drove from the north and back past the lapel from the highway to Kivach, and I always asked: "Well, let's go, come on, next door!" But we were always in a hurry, and my persuasions were not heard. Can you imagine my joy when I finally got here? This was already in adulthood and quite recently. But I want to come back here again and again.

Recommendation: there are a lot (sometimes too) a lot of tourists here! Several buses arrive at once. Therefore, it is best to go to the waterfall right from the early morning in order to calmly admire its beauty and take normal photographs without the cropped hands, feet, and heads of others.

The whole tour is also carried to the Kivach waterfall. firms from St. Petersburg.

Coordinates of the Kivach waterfall: 62 ° 16'4 "N 33 ° 58'49" E

Fascinating view of Kivach from the observation deck, which is higher.

Kivach waterfall. It was once more turbulent. But even now he is very handsome.


We bet that when you heard the word "volcano", you probably imagined a huge pointed mountain with a crater in the center? Yes, yes, volcanoes seem to me that way too. And our Girvas once upon a time sooo long ago (3 billion years ago) most likely it was. But for such a long time, all traces that resembled a classic volcano were destroyed by nature. All that is left to us is petrified lava flows in the bed of the Suna River, which we can contemplate and even walk on them. You get a very unusual feeling from this. Well, it's also beautiful here!)

Surprisingly, the volcano was discovered quite recently - in the 60s of the XX century. There is a hydroelectric power station, the construction of which helped to discover this unique place, which is sometimes called the oldest extinct volcano on the planet. The bed of the Suna River was bare and these same lava flows were revealed to the eye.

Girvas is located in the village of the same name and not far from the Kivach waterfall, so their visit can be combined. It is very easy to find it and you do not need to turn off the main road anywhere. There is parking here.

Girvas volcano coordinates: 62 ° 29'9 "N 33 ° 40'26" E

Congealed lava in the bed of the Suna river.

Small waterfall.

Girvas. It's beautiful here and there are always people.

- Take protective equipment against mosquitoes and ticks. Anticipating questions, I will add: no, there are no more bloodsuckers here than anywhere else. I didn’t notice it! Of course, the deeper you go into the forests, the more of them, but I repeat, they are here as well as elsewhere. There are a lot of midges in Paanajärvi in ​​summer, yes. And in some of the places listed above, they were not observed at all. But it is better to take funds, it will be calmer.

- If you travel as a savage and go to places remote from residential areas and / or to forests (from my list, these include Impeniemi, Koyonsaari, Ladoga Skerries and Lynx Mountain), it is better to always have scarers from wild animals with you. 😯 Just in case. These can be, for example, hand flares. We have not met bears-lynxes-boars, thank God, yet. And we are afraid of them. But as they say - to be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. And we want to walk!)

- It is really best to come to all popular tourist places before the opening itself, while there are no people.

- Take paper maps. Sometimes phones fail or glitch and show geolocation incorrectly. We have several such cards. It is the maps of Karelia that exist.

- Take memory cards in larger cameras and clean the phones in advance) Because here you can take pictures endlessly, especially if you are for the first time.

To be continued. Stay with me!

Karelia is one of the most amazing corners of our country. Travelers have always found, are and will find inspiration here. We present 37 photos of charming Karelia and 22 reasons why you should definitely go here.

First, general data. The republic is located in the northwestern part of Russia. In the northeast it is washed by the White Sea. The main relief of the republic is a hilly plain, passing in the west into the West Karelian Upland. The glacier, retreating to the north, greatly changed the relief of Karelia - there are many moraine ridges, ozes, kams, lake basins.

A few words about the weather

The weather in Karelia is changeable. The climate itself is rather mild, with a large amount of precipitation; it changes in the territory of Karelia from maritime to moderately continental. Winter is snowy, cool, but usually without severe frosts. Summer is short and warm, also with frequent rains.

The fauna of Karelia is incredibly rich: 285 species of birds live here, 36 of which are included in the Red Book of Karelia. The most common birds are glazes. There is upland game - hazel grouse, black grouse, ptarmigan, capercaillie. Every spring geese fly to Karelia from warm countries. Birds of prey are widespread: owls, hawks, golden eagles, swamp harriers. Among waterfowl: ducks, loons, sandpipers, many gulls and the largest of the diving ducks in Karelia - the common eider, valuable for its warm down.

The most famous Karelian reserves are Kivach, Kostomukshsky, and the Kem-Ludsky section of the Kandalaksha reserve. Ecological routes have been laid on their territories, nature museums work.

20 reasons to go to Karelia

And now - in more detail. Why do you need to go to Karelia and what to see there?

Visit the Solovetsky Monastery

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery is located on the Solovetsky Islands. It arose in the 1420s-1430s, rebuilt in stone by the works of St. Philip (Kolychev). In 1669-1676. the monastery was besieged by the tsarist troops as one of the centers of resistance to the Nikonian reforms. Under Soviet rule, the country's first special-purpose camp operated on the territory of the monastery. A significant part of the prisoners were the so-called "political" - the clergy, officers of the White movement, Socialist-Revolutionaries, the intelligentsia. Monastic life was resumed on October 25, 1990. In 1992, the complex of monuments of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, in 1995 - in the State Code of Especially Valuable Cultural Heritage Sites of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

Visit Valaam Monastery

Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery is located on the islands of the Valaam archipelago. After the October Revolution, Valaam became part of the newly formed Finland, thanks to which it survived, and the monastery turned out to be a church of a national minority (the main religion of Finland is Lutheranism). Beginning in 1925, services began to be held in Finnish, and the islands themselves were thoroughly fortified in military-engineering terms.

The Finnish Orthodox Church - new-style, accepted Western Easter, forcing the Valaam Monastery to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. The transition to a new style in the 1920s was the cause of the destruction of the unity of Balaam. During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, the monastery fell into a war zone, and the monks, who had taken Finnish citizenship by that time, left the islands in early February 1940, taking with them all the most valuable (including the original icon of the Valaam Mother of God, other shrines and bells). They settled in the village of Heinävesi in Finland, in the Papinniemi estate and founded the New Valaam Monastery. At the end of the Great Patriotic War, the monastery was annexed for 12 years (1945-1957) to the Moscow Patriarchate, but territorially remained subordinate to the Finnish Orthodox Church. In 1977 services in the Church Slavonic language ceased, and in 1981 the last Russian monk died. Now the monastery continues to operate as a Finnish Orthodox monastery and receives over 100 thousand visitors a year.

Visit the Kizhi Museum-Reserve

The Kizhi Museum-Reserve is one of the largest open-air museums in Russia, a unique historical, cultural and natural complex, a world-famous architectural ensemble, located on the Kizhi island of Lake Onega. The ensemble consists of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th – 19th centuries, surrounded by a single fence - the reconstruction of the traditional fences of the churchyards.

According to one of the legends, the Church of the Transfiguration was built with one ax (initially without nails) by the carpenter Nestor. The carpenter threw the ax into the lake so that no one could repeat the same magnificent structure.

In 1990, the Kizhi Pogost was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, in 1993, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the architectural collection of the open-air museum was included in the State Code of Particularly Valuable Cultural Heritage Sites of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

See Lake Ladoga

This is the largest lake in Europe: its area is 18400 sq. km. The lake is an inexhaustible source of drinking water for St. Petersburg. The maximum length is about 200 km, the width is 130 km. The greatest depth is 230 m.

Lake Ladoga is rich in islands (up to 500 islands with an area of ​​about 300 sq. Km), almost all of them are located in the north of the lake. Among them, the Valaam Islands stand out for their size, with coastal slopes steeply descending into the water. Of the other islands, the largest are Konevets, Vossinansaari, Heinasensaari, Mantinsaari, Lunkulansaari. There are very few islands in the southern half of the lake and their size is small: Zelentsy (in the Shlisselburg Bay), Ptinov (in the Volkhov Bay).

Admire the Kivach waterfall

Kivach - the highest flat waterfall in Europe - belongs to the geomorphological natural monuments of the federal rank. The waterfall is the second largest lowland waterfall in Europe (after the Rhine). The water falls in four ledges from a height of 10.7 m. The waterfall arose as a result of the cutting of loose Quaternary sediments by the waters of the Suna River to the roof of the diabase ridge. Falling down from the cliff, the stream deepened the river bed in the thickness of the lake loam and sandy loam below the ridge. Kivach became famous since the time of the first Karelian governor G.R. Derzhavin. In 1931, a reserve of the same name was formed around the waterfall. A visit to the reserve and the waterfall is included in almost all excursions in Karelia.

See the pagan Sami sanctuary

The pagan sanctuaries of the Sami are often mentioned in the folklore of Karelia. The largest sanctuaries, consisting of various stone cult complexes, are located on the islands of Russian Kuzov, Nemetsky Kuzov in the Kuzov archipelago in the Kemsky Bay, on Mount Vottovaara and Mount Kivakka in North Karelia. On about. Oleshin in the Kuzov archipelago in the Kemsky Bay and on Cape Krasny near the borders with the Murmansk region, cult stones form "stone labyrinths". There are stone sanctuaries in South Karelia: on the islands of Radkolye and Oroshostrov, near the village of Sennaya Guba. Here, the cult stone masonry has the form of horseshoes, rings, less often - spirals.

See the oldest resort in Russia

"Marcial Waters" is the first Russian resort, founded by Peter I in 1719 on the basis of ferruginous mineral springs. It is located 54 km north of Petrozavodsk. Peter I repeatedly came here to be treated with his family and court nobility. By the time of the first arrival of the king, three wooden palaces were built for the royal family and a large building with 20 rooms with an earthen hall, connected by a corridor with springs. Since then, the ferruginous springs are called "marcial waters" in honor of Mars - the god of war and iron.

Find withThe oldest marble quarries in Russia (18th century)

They are located near the village of Belaya Gora. Tivdia marble was discovered in the middle of the 18th century by the merchant Martyanov. From that time on, its industrial development began - marble quarries in Tivdia and Belaya Gora, located near the villages. The deposits of Tivdian marble turned out to be necessary for the construction of St. Petersburg.

Dream Catchers, North Karelia, Engozero. Author - Alexey Kharitonov

Seethe world's only raspberry quartzite quarry

There are several quartzite deposits in the Prionezhsky region, among which the most interesting are the outcrops of these rocks near the village of Shoksha. Outcrops of red and crimson quartzites and old quarries have been declared a natural monument.

Shoksha quartzite is a strong and durable decorative facing stone. The mining of Shoksha quartzites began in the 18th century - they were then used to decorate the palaces of St. Petersburg. Monochromatic dark crimson Shoksha quartzites, which were called "Shoksha porphyry", were especially appreciated. Red quartzites were also used for the manufacture of paving stones and crushed stone.

Later, Shoksha quartzite was used in the design of Napoleon's sarcophagus in the House of Invalids in Paris, Lenin's Mausoleum and the monument to the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, the memorial on the Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, the Victory Monument in St. Petersburg, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Petrozavodsk, and many other objects.

Walk through the largest national park in Europe

This is what Vodlozersky Park is considered to be. The territory of the park is a unique for Europe site of untouched nature of such a large size. Within its boundaries there is a vast drainage basin of one of the largest lakes in Northern Europe - Vodlozero. The park has preserved unique natural complexes of the middle European taiga: clean lakes and rivers, natural coniferous forests and swamps inhabited by the indigenous inhabitants of the taiga, including rare and endangered species. This land is dominated by three elements - water, wild forest and swamp.

The Vodlozersky National Park was created in 1991 by the decision of the Russian Government to preserve the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Vodlozersky, and became the first protected object of this level in the European North of Russia. In 2001, by decision of UNESCO, it was assigned the status of a biosphere reserve, the first in the system of national parks in Russia. The park is a federal nature conservation, scientific and environmental educational institution with a large staff of various specialists and state inspectors for the protection of the territory.

Explore Europe's largest collection of rock carvings

More than 3000 images dating back to the 4th millennium BC can be seen in the north, in the Belomorsk region, in the lower reaches of the Vyg river, 8 km above its confluence with the Soroka Bay of the White Sea, and in the south-east of the republic - in the Pudozh region , on the eastern coast of Lake Onega, 18 km south of the village of Shalsky.

Karelian petroglyphs - carved on the surface of coastal rocks, stacked with granites, images of animals, birds, fish, boats, people and incomprehensible signs - are world famous. "Stone Chronicle", "Bible of the Stone Age" - this is how researchers characterize them. The patterns were knocked out with quartz bumpers to a depth of 2 - 3 mm.

The archaeological complex "White Sea Petroglyphs" includes drawings on the rocks and more than 30 discovered sites of ancient people, dating back to the period III - II millennium BC. Petroglyphs of the White Sea on the islands of Shoyrukshin, Erpin Pudas, Bolshoi Malinin are over 2 thousand individual figures, occupying the 4th place in Northern Europe in terms of the number of images. They are located on an area of ​​almost 2 sq. Km. The closest petroglyphs to Belomorsk are Besovy Sledki and Erpin Pudas.

The largest and most interesting clusters of engravings are located 1.5 km north-west of Besovy Sledki - on Staraya and Novaya Zalavruga. They are among the world's masterpieces of hunting monumental rock art of the primitive era. Many images are well preserved.

Conquer the highest mountain in Karelia -Nuorunen

The height of Mount Nuorunen is 576 meters above sea level, which makes it the highest mark of the Maanselka ridge within the Republic of Karelia and the highest point of the Republic of Karelia. The mountain is located in the northwestern part of Louhi region, on the territory of the Paanajärvi National Park, in its southernmost part.

Hunt the Northern Lights

In order to see one of the most enchanting natural phenomena, it is not at all necessary to go to distant Norway. Northern lights can be seen in Karelia. Very often they go to the village of Nilmoguba for the northern lights, located on the shores of the White Sea in the Loukhsky region of Karelia in the Arctic Circle. Green flashes in Karelia can be seen already at the end of August. For example, in the summer of 2013, residents of Petrozavodsk, the Solovetsky Islands and the village of Yushkozero saw the northern lights in August due to a magnetic storm.

See the longest river in the republic

The Kem is the largest river in Karelia. Its length is 358 km. Starting at the border with Finland, the river crosses the entire Karelia in the latitudinal direction and flows into the White Sea. Kem originates from Lake Lower Kuytto, but hydrologists consider it to be the actual beginning of the river. Kurzhma, which flows into the Upper Kuytto. On its way, Kurzhma-Kem is connected by 19 lakes, accounting for up to 40% of their total length.

The Kem River has a steep fall. Previously, there were up to 35 rapids and waterfalls on it. Among the latter, the Uzhma waterfall stood out, the height of which was 11.8 m with a very high water flow, the Vochazh and Pad-Yuma waterfalls were also famous. With the construction of the Kemsky hydroelectric power station cascade, the river was regulated, turning into a chain of reservoirs, rapids and waterfalls disappeared.

The historic city of Kem lies at the mouth of the river.

Fishing on the largest inland water body of Karelia - Vygozero

Vygozero is located in the middle part of Karelia. The lake covers an area of ​​1159 sq. km. In terms of area, it occupies the third place among the lakes of Karelia (after the Ladoga and Onega lakes). The reservoir is elongated in a general direction from northwest to southeast, divided into separate parts and large bays. The number of islands is 529 with a total area of ​​126 sq. km. Vygozero is a shallow body of water with a complex bottom topography. The average depth is 6.2 m, the maximum depth is about 18 m. 11 species of fish live in the Vygozersky reservoir: lake salmon, vendace, whitefish, pike, roach, ide, bream, pike perch, perch, ruff and burbot. The main commercial fish are bream, vendace, pike, burbot, perch and roach.

A village on the banks of the Megrega river, Olonets district, Karelia. Author - Denis Garipov

Admire the deepest river in Karelia

The Vodla River, which flows into Lake Onega from the east, is considered the most abundant in Karelia. Its width reaches 60 meters. There are more than 20 rapids on it, the most famous of which is a wide and beautiful waterfall. Padun, 2 m high. Padun was a significant obstacle for boats sailing on the ancient trade route from Veliky Novgorod through Lake Onega, the Vodla River, the Onega River to the White Sea. For this reason, it became known earlier than other Karelian waterfalls.

South of the mouth of Vodla is the famous Cape Besov Nos, which gave its name to a large group of well-known Onega petroglyphs, and 30 km upstream is the historic town of Pudozh.

Visit the most sparsely populated region of the republic

This is the Louhsky district. According to statistics, per sq.m. accounts for only 1 person.

Loukhsky municipal district is the northernmost, largest district of the Republic of Karelia. Its area is 22.5 thousand square kilometers. In the North, it borders on the Murmansk region, adjoining the Arctic Circle, in the south - on the Kalevala and Kemsky regions. In the west and northwest, the region's border coincides with the Russian-Finnish state border. In the east, the border of the region runs along the White Sea, the coastline is 200 km.

According to the 2002 census, 55.7% of the Vepsians of Karelia lived in Petrozavodsk. In 1994, the Vepsian national volost was formed on a part of the territory of the Prionezhsky district of Karelia (from 01.01.2006 it was abolished). The population of the Vepsian national volost lives in 14 settlements, united into three national Vepsian village councils. The former center of the parish - the village of Sheltozero - is located 84 km from Petrozavodsk. At present, there are three Vepsian rural settlements on the territory of Karelia: Sheltozerskoye, Ryboretskoye and Shokshinskoye.

Touch the most precious tree

The famous Karelian birch is famous for its amazing beauty of its wood. In 1984, 4 Karelian birch reserves were established in Karelia: Utuki in the Kondopozhsky district (with an area of ​​5.7 hectares), Kokkarevo and Tsarevichi in the Prionezhsky district (with a total area of ​​28.9 hectares), Anisimovshchina in Medvezhyegorsky area (area 6.1 hectares). In Karelia, there are about three thousand trees in natural populations. A regional target program for the preservation of the gene pool of the Karelian birch and the reproduction of its resources has been approved in the Republic. ...

Search for the rarest animal in Karelia - the dormouse

Sonya belongs to the rodents of the Sonya family. Small (body length 115 - 150 mm, tail 95 - 120 mm), rather brightly colored woody animal. The upper body is brownish-brown, the sides are somewhat lighter than the back, the throat, chest, belly, paws and ears are white, a black stripe runs from the eye to the ear. The tail is sharply tricolor above. The long hair at the end of the tail is, as it were, combed to the sides and forms a wide, flat brush. The muzzle is sharp, "mouse-like", with very long sensory hairs sticking out to the sides. “Woody” feet are tenacious, with highly developed calluses on the soles and sharp, curved claws. Garden dormouse is a very rare animal in Karelia. It was found only in Ladoga area: in the vicinity of Sortavala, Impilahti and Kiryavalahti. Contrary to the name, this rodent usually does not live in gardens, but settles in deciduous and mixed forests with dense and diverse undergrowth. It is active mainly at dusk and at night. It makes a spherical nest in hollows, stumps or simply in dense branches of a tree.

Bonsai in Karelia. Engozero, small island, Karelia. Author - Alexey Kharitonov

See the largest swamp in Karelia - Yupiauzhshuo

The swamp area is about 200 sq km, which is much larger than the area of ​​Petrozavodsk. It is located in the Kalevala region, in the lower reaches of the Kepa River, to the northeast of the confluence of that river with the Kem River.

Walk around Petrozavodsk

Finally, do not forget to see the capital of Karelia - Petrozavodsk. The city is located on the shores of the Petrozavodsk Bay of Lake Onega. Distance from Moscow - 924 km, from St. Petersburg - 412 km. Population - 271.1 thousand inhabitants (2009), area - 135 sq. Km. The city of Petrozavodsk, like St. Petersburg, was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. During the Great Northern War with Sweden, a weapons factory was built. The settlement near the plant on the Lososinka River was named Petrovskaya Sloboda. In 1777, Catherine II, by her decree, assigned the status of a city to the settlement. Petrozavodsk was a place of exile for many politicians. Destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, the city was rebuilt in the post-war years.

In the center of the historical part of the city of Petrozavodsk, you can see a fragment of the building from 1774: the former Round Square, surrounded by 2 semicircular administrative buildings with outbuildings in the classicism style. In 1873, a bronze monument to Peter I was unveiled on Round Square, which was later moved to the embankment, which is one of the main attractions of Petrozavodsk. The embankment is finished with red porphyry. On it are the compositions "Wave of Friendship", "Mermaid" and "Starry Sky". Monuments-gifts from sister cities "Fishermen", "Tubingen panel" and "Tree of desires" are very interesting. The Karelian State Museum of Local Lore is located on Lenin Square (formerly Krugla Square). Its expositions tell about the history and culture of the region. The Museum of Fine Arts presents works by both contemporary and masters of the 18-20th centuries.

Among the temples of the city revered by residents - the Cathedral in the name of Alexander Nevsky - an architectural monument of the XIX century, the Exaltation of the Cross and the Catherine Church. In the area of ​​the village of Solomennoye, ancient churches of the 18th century have been preserved - Sretenskaya and Peter and Paul. In the city of Petrozavodsk, there is one of the oldest parks in Russia - Petrovsky Garden, now it is the Park of Culture and Leisure, in which a monument to the Petrovsky Plant is erected.

Wheel of history. Monument to Peter I in Petrozavodsk in the rays of the rising sun. Author - Mikhail Meshkov

Tourists are attracted by a place near the village of Solomennoye, called the Devil's chair tract. It is a stone platform on the edge of the Big Vaara Mountain, shaped like a chair. The seat height of this "chair" is 80 meters, the backrest is 113 meters. From here a beautiful view of the lake and the city opens up. The Kivach reserve is interesting, where you can see the waterfalls. 44 km from Petrozavodsk is the so-called "Svyatozerskoe necklace", where ancient chapels, churches and houses have been preserved. The place is named after an islet with a "holy" grove of fir trees. The miraculous marcial water, named after the god Mars, can be tasted by visiting the Marcial Waters resort. The resort was founded by Peter I in 1719. It is a museum-reserve. For sports lovers, there is a Ski Complex and an Equestrian Sports Complex.

In preparing the article, materials were used

The Republic of Karelia is located in Northern Europe, on the border of Russia with Finland. It is called the center of wooden architecture, a mushroom storeroom and the most mysterious land in Russia. Many beautiful photos were taken here, but they are not able to convey the whole gamut of feelings that these places evoke in the traveler. Fabulous taiga forests, transparent lakes, virgin nature, an abundance of historical and architectural monuments - all this must be seen with your own eyes.

Mount Vottovaara

In the central part of the republic, 20 kilometers southeast of the village of Sukkozero, there is an interesting place - Mount Vottovaara, the highest peak of the West Karelian Upland (417 meters).

Locals call this place of power Death Mountain and consider it a portal to the other world - an anomalous effect on electrical equipment, nature, and the human body is noted here. The deadly silence, as well as the oppressive sight of trees bent, broken by the wind, and blackened by fire, add to the ominous feeling.

In 1978, a complex of ancient cult seids was discovered on the mountain - stones-boulders of a rolled shape, located in groups. At the same time, huge blocks lie on smaller ones, creating the impression of stones on legs.

Also on Vottovaar there is a mysterious staircase to the sky - 13 steps carved into the rock, ending in an abyss.

Mount Kivakkatunturi

Located in the Paanajärvi National Park, Louhi region. The height of the mountain is 499 meters, and the name is translated from Finnish as "stone woman" - at the top there are many seids, one of which resembles the head of an old woman.

The ascent to Kivakku is quite easy and takes 1-2 hours - apart from the well-trodden path, wooden beams are laid for the convenience of tourists. When climbing, you can see around the landscape features characteristic of these places - hanging bogs and high-altitude lakes lying on the slopes of the mountain and testifying to the water content of the rock.

The beauty of Paanajärvi Park is clearly visible from the open top. This place becomes especially picturesque with the arrival of autumn, when plants paint the mountain in yellow-crimson colors.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" (Marble Canyon)

The basis of this tourist complex in the Sortavalsky region of Karelia is the former marble quarry. The blocks mined here were used for facing the palaces and cathedrals of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. Now these quarries have turned into man-made marble bowls filled with the purest water and cut through by a system of mines and adits, reminiscent of mysterious caves and grottoes.

The mountain park is 450 meters long and about 100 meters wide. It is equipped for tourists - pedestrian paths have been cleared, observation platforms have been created, there is a parking lot, boat rental. It is from the water that the most impressive views of the surrounding rocks, up to 20 meters high, open. Also, by boat, you can swim into the marble grotto and admire the bizarre reflection of the water in the translucent vaults.

Marble Canyon Caves

No less curious are the mines and adits of the quarry, where you can get with an excursion. Most of these caves were flooded, but there are also dry ones - the higher the air temperature on the surface, the more deathly cold is felt here.

For its unique acoustics, one of these grottoes was named Musical. However, the greatest interest is caused by the Proval cave, in the roof of which a hole 20 by 30 meters in size was formed. Another name for the Proval is the Hall of the Mountain King or the Ice Cave; it is best to go down into it in the cold season, when the 30-meter water column in the grotto is hidden under the ice. Drops flowing down from the arches formed numerous ice stalactites and stalagmites, the beauty of which is emphasized by the illumination.

Ruskeala waterfalls (Akhvenkoski waterfalls)

Not far from the Ruskeala village, where the Tohmajoki River is divided into several branches, there are 4 small waterfalls. Falling from rocky ledges 3-4 meters high, kvass-colored water foams and rumbles.

The area around is ennobled, there are wooden gazebos, a cafe, a souvenir shop. Once in these places they filmed the films "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", "The Dark World", now on the river Tohmajoki, overcoming waterfalls, they carry out kayaking (kayaking) rafting.

Paanajärvi National Park

This corner of wild nature is located in the north-west of Karelia, in its most elevated part and occupies about 103 thousand hectares. The park owes its name to the unique Lake Paanajärvi, which has arisen in the fractures of rocks; the boundaries of the park run along the line of this lake and the Olanga River.

The landscapes here are picturesque and varied - mountain peaks alternate with gorges, turbulent rivers and noisy waterfalls coexist with the calm surface of lakes.

The highest point of the republic is located in the park - Mount Nourunen. Here you can also see the Kivakkakoski waterfall - one of the largest and most powerful in Karelia.

Daylight hours in winter are very short - from the end of August you can see the northern lights. But in summer the sun sets only for 2-3 hours - it's time for white nights.

National Park "Kalevalsky"

This park was created in the far west of Karelia in 2006 to preserve one of the last in Europe massifs of old-growth pine forests. On the territory of 74 thousand hectares, pine trees occupy about 70%, the age of many trees reaches 400-450 years.

For thousands of years, these places have been an invariable habitat for various species of animals and plants, the virgin beauty of the forests fascinates even now. In the park you can see many large rivers with picturesque waterfalls, deep clean lakes.

There are also several villages here - Voknavolok is considered the cradle of Karelian and Finnish cultures, where the songs of the Kalevala epic were born, many historical and cultural monuments have been preserved in Sudnozero, and Panozero is considered one of the oldest settlements in the region.

The Kuzov archipelago

It is a group of 16 small islands in the White Sea, near the city of Kem. In order to preserve the unique landscape and the diversity of flora and fauna, the state landscape reserve "Kuzova" was created here. Now there are special places for visiting tourists on 3 islands - Russian Kuzov, German Kuzov and Chernetsky.

In addition to the beauties of the surrounding nature, the archipelago attracts with an abundance of seids, labyrinths, ancient settlements of people of the Mesolithic and Bronze Age, religious buildings. The islands are shrouded in many legends and are still a mystery to historians and archaeologists.

Girvas volcano crater

In the small village of Girvas, Kondopoga region of Karelia, there is the world's oldest preserved volcano crater, its age is about 2.5 billion years.

Previously, the full-flowing Suna River flowed here, but after the construction of the dam for the hydroelectric power station, its bed was drained, and the water was allowed to go along a different path, and now petrified lava flows are clearly visible in the half-empty canyon. The crater of the volcano itself does not protrude above the ground, but is a depression filled with water.

Kivach waterfall

Translated from Finnish, the name of the waterfall means "powerful", "impetuous". It is located on the Suna River and is the fourth largest flat waterfall in Europe. Kivach consists of four rapids with a total height of 10.7 meters, of which the sheer drop of water is 8 meters.

Due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station in this area, there was a large outflow of water, which somewhat reduced the attractiveness of the waterfall. The best time to visit this attraction is considered to be spring, when Suna is gaining strength, feeding on melt water. In 1931, the Kivach State Nature Reserve was established around the waterfall.

Waterfall White Bridges (Yukankoski)

This waterfall, located on the Kulismayoki River in the Pitkyaranta region of the republic, is one of the highest and most beautiful in Karelia and reaches about 18 meters in height. In summer, the water in the river warms up well, which allows you to swim in it and stand under the cascading streams of water.

In 1999, a hydrological natural monument "White Bridges" was established on the territory adjacent to the waterfall, with an area of ​​87.9 hectares. Due to its location in the forest, away from the highway, Yukankoski is not very popular with travelers.

Marcial waters

This name bears a balneological and mud resort, as well as a village in the Kondopoga region. The resort was founded by Peter I in 1719 and is the first in Russia.

There are 4 wells here, from which mineral waters flow, their main feature is the amount of iron, which is greater than in other sources in Russia and abroad. In each source, the concentration of iron is different, and the waters also contain calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium.

Sapropelic silt sulphide mud, extracted from the bottom of Lake Gabozero, also has healing properties.

The resort is visited for the treatment of diseases of the blood, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and musculoskeletal systems, respiratory organs. Here, according to the project of Peter I, the Church of St. Peter the Apostle was built, and opposite the temple there is the building of the Marcial Waters Museum of Local Lore.

Valaam island

The name of the island is translated as "high land" - it is the largest of the islands of the Valaam archipelago, located in the north of Lake Ladoga.

Valaam annually attracts thousands of tourists - its rocky territory 9.6 kilometers long and 7.8 kilometers wide is covered with coniferous forests, large and small inland lakes, cut by numerous channels, bays and bays.

Here is the village of Valaam and a monument of Russian architecture - the Valaam stauropegic monastery with many sketes (buildings located in remote places).

The island of good spirits

This island, located on the Voronye Lake, is not marked on any geographical map, for which it is often called the Karelian Shambhala. You can get on it while rafting down the Okhta River and only with the help of the guides' tips.

The place is a traveler's paradise and boasts convenient parking areas, excellent fishing and scenic surroundings. However, most of all, people are attracted by the abundance of wooden crafts on the island - a real open-air museum, created by the hands of tourists. Some of the products date back to the 70s of the last century. According to legend, this place is inhabited by spirits that guard the island and infiltrate every craft, bringing good luck to its manufacturer.

Solovetsky Islands

This archipelago, which includes more than 100 islands, covers 347 square kilometers and is the largest in the White Sea. It is located at the entrance to Onega Bay and is included in the specially protected protected area.

Here is the Solovetsky Monastery with many churches, the Maritime Museum, the airport, the botanical garden, ancient stone labyrinths and a whole system of canals, through which you can go by boat.

The White Sea beluga whale, the white whale, lives near Cape Beluzhi. The beautiful nature and the abundance of historical and architectural monuments attract many excursion groups to these places.

Lake Pisanets

This reservoir is located in the central part of the Republic of Karelia, and has a tectonic origin - the lake was formed as a result of a fracture of the earth's crust, which is clearly evidenced by the symmetry of its shores. The name of the lake is translated as "longest" - taking up to 200 meters in width, it stretches for 5 kilometers in length. In some places, the depth exceeds 200 meters.

On the northern shore of the reservoir there are areas for car parking, convenient places for fishing and launching a boat. Moving south, the shores become higher, forming a gorge with rocks towering 100 meters above the water. The virgin nature, silence and the absence of nearby settlements make this place especially attractive for lovers of solitude.

White Sea

This inland sea, located in the north of the European part of Russia, belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin and has an area of ​​90 square kilometers. Due to the cold water even in summer (up to 20 degrees), there is not too much flow of tourists on the White Sea, and nature in many places remains untouched.

Blueberries and mushrooms grow abundantly on the islands of the sea coast, in the water you can see jellyfish, fish, seals and belugas. A unique sight is the seabed after low tide - it is filled with a variety of living organisms.

Lake Ladoga (Ladoga)

It is located in Karelia and the Leningrad Region and is the largest fresh water body in Europe - the length of the lake is 219, and the maximum width is 138 kilometers. The northern shores are high and rocky, with many bays, peninsulas, large and small islands; the southern coast is shallow, with an abundance of rocky reefs.

A large number of settlements, ports and recreation centers are located along Ladoga, numerous ships glide along the water surface. Numerous historical finds from various eras have been found at the bottom of the lake, and even now these places are popular among diving enthusiasts. Also, mirages and brontids occur here - a rumble coming from the lake, accompanied by boiling water or weak vibrations of the earth.

Lake Onega (Onego)

This lake is called the younger sister of the great Ladoga - it is the second largest fresh water body in Europe. On the territory of Onego there are more than 1,500 islands of various sizes, dozens of ports and marinas are located on the shores, and the Onega Sailing Regatta is held annually.

The water in the lake is clean and transparent thanks to the shungite mineral, which is literally lined with the bottom. In addition to fish, there is a bivalve mollusk that grows mother-of-pearl balls in its shell.

Taiga forests rich in mushrooms and berries, the charm of northern nature, a huge number of historical monuments, architecture, folk art attract many tourists to these places.

Onega petroglyphs

On the eastern coast of Lake Onega in the Pudozh region of Karelia, there are ancient rock paintings dating back to the 4th-3rd millennia BC. They are collected in 24 scattered groups and cover an area of ​​20 kilometers; more than half of the petroglyphs are located at the capes of Peri Nos, Besov Nos and Kladovets.

In total, about 1100 images and signs are carved into the rocks, mainly drawings of birds (especially swans), forest animals, people and boats. Some petroglyphs are up to 4 meters in size.

Among the mystical figures - the mysterious triad "demon, catfish (burbot) and otter (lizard)." To neutralize this evil, around the 15th century, the monks of the Murom Holy Dormition Monastery knocked out a Christian cross over the image.

Kinerma village

The name of this old Karelian village, lost in the Pryazhinsky region, translates as “precious land”. The settlement, founded more than 400 years ago, has up to two dozen houses, half of which are architectural monuments. The buildings are located in a circle, in the center of which is the chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God and the old cemetery.

More recently, the fate of the village was in question, only 1 person lived here permanently. However, thanks to the efforts of local residents, it was possible to restore the buildings, improve the way of life, and attract tourists. For the preservation of its historical appearance, Kinerma was recognized as a complex monument of wooden folk architecture of the Karelian-Livviks. She also won the Most Beautiful Village in Russia competition.

Museum-reserve "Kizhi"

The main part of this unique open-air museum is located on the Kizhi island in Lake Onega. The heart of the collection is the Kizhi Pogost ensemble, which consists of a 22-domed wooden Church of the Transfiguration, a smaller Church of the Intercession and a bell tower that unites them; now the complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The museum is constantly replenished with chapels, houses, icons, household items, outbuildings brought from the surrounding Karelian, Russian and Vepsian villages, it also presents a number of historical objects of Zaonezhie and Petrozavodsk.

Assumption Church

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the city of Kondopoga, on the shores of Lake Onega. The church was built in 1774 in memory of the peasants who died during the Kizhi uprising (1769-1771).

Thanks to its height of 42 meters, it has become the tallest wooden church in Karelia. The interior decoration has survived to this day and its modesty is in contrast to the rich modern temples.

A visit to the Assumption Church is not included in the list of mandatory routes, there is no invasion of tourists, but newlyweds get married and local residents baptize their children. It is worth coming here for the sake of the surrounding beauty and the special atmosphere of this place.

Travel! We urge you to devote your leisure time to travel and hiking! After all, only the road can give a feeling of fullness of life and happiness. Only leaving behind a squeezed sofa and routine, you can see the beautiful places of Karelia!

More than 850 thousand tourists visit Karelia annually

Take a short test and find out which tour is ideal for you

(you can choose 1 or more answers)

Step 1

Who do you want to travel with?

One \ One

With your beloved / beloved

With friends / colleagues

With children / family

With parents / relatives

Select tour type

What would you like to see?

Nature (waterfalls, rocks, forests, rivers and lakes, bays, etc.)

Animals (huskies, horses, petting zoo, etc.)

Architectural objects

Religious sites

Military facilities (fortresses, museums)

Places of power (temples, seids)

Desired direction?

Karelia (Ruskeala, Sortavala, Yakkima)

Novgorod region(Novgorod, Staraya Russa, Valdai)

Pskov region (Pskov, Izborsk, Pechory, Pushkinskie Gory)

Leningrad region.(Mandrogi, Vyborg)

The main thing is to be interesting

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In the near future

On weekend

This month

I still think, but I will go soon

Do not succumb to laziness, take non-standard steps, travel yourself and give your loved ones the joy of discovery. With Sharm Travel, wonderful landscapes, new impressions, intimate knowledge, fresh feelings await you. So, let's go: after all, there, around the bend, you will see the most beautiful places in Karelia!

The most beautiful places in Karelia: where are we going?

In fact, on the Internet you can find a huge number of videos and photos of beautiful places in Karelia. There are hundreds of selfies against the backdrop of the Marble Canyon, and Ladoga in summer and winter, and the nature of the Solovki, and the mesmerizing architecture of the Kizhi in front and back. But in one article we have collected information for you about the most famous landmarks of the region, after reading which you will understand how wonderful yours can be.

I.I.Shishkin, A.I.Kuindzhi, N. Roerich dedicated their works to the nature of Karelia

Look, enjoy the aesthetics of the places, choose how to go - by car or with Sharm Travel, make travel maps, and then share your impressions.

10 most beautiful places in Karelia, which are worth visiting

So, let us show the reader the most interesting and beautiful places in Karelia: in winter and summer, golden autumn and long-awaited spring:

1. Marble canyon

Kizhi is not only an architectural monument. It is also a huge fund of the museum's scientific library, which contains more than 12,000 rare and rarities.

5. Solovetsky Islands

The Solovetsky Islands is not only an opportunity to admire the endless generosity of the nature of Karelia, but also to get to know the history of the region better. And at some moments she was, without exaggeration, scary. The Solovetsky Islands is the place where thousands of prisoners found their last refuge. Perhaps that is why the bells of the active monastery ring so hopelessly on the days of services. Come, feel the energy of this place, and you will see the history of the country from a different angle.

In 1992, the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List

6. Waterfall White Bridges

Listing the natural ones, one cannot but recall the unique Yukanokoski waterfall, also known as White Bridges, the highest waterfall in Karelia. How good it is in the spring, when the rushing waters rush at a breakneck speed along the huge stone steps. It is gorgeous in the gold of the trees in autumn, and in the emerald necklace in summer.

Peat admixtures make the Yukanokoska jets golden

7. Valaam archipelago

The famous island is the largest in the archipelago of the same name, located in Lake Ladoga. Its beauty has been captured by renowned artists. Well, our contemporaries can take at least a thousand pictures of the beautiful nature of the sacred place.

Valaam is not only a beautiful, but also completely unexplored place of anomalous phenomena. Former employee of the museum of the island of Valaam O.V. Bochkareva carried out work on the collection and study of "anomalous phenomena"

8. Lakes Ladoga and Onega

Karelia is rich in unique nature: beautiful places on the map of the region are marked in blue and light blue. This is the heart of the Russian North: Lake Ladoga and Onega. Needless to say, they are the ones who create that unique atmosphere of the area, harsh and sensual at the same time. To be convinced of this, it is enough to come to the coast once and see the sunset. Your heart will forever be given to this land, infinitely beautiful and forever new.

35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and only one flows out - the Neva

9. Mount Owl

In addition to the well-known natural protected areas, there are many historical monuments in Karelia. Many of them are dedicated to very recent events - the Second World War, the flames of which burned the North of Russia, leaving indelible traces. These sights include Mount Filina - the former command grotto of the Finnish army, and now - a functioning military history museum in the rock.

In the rock, there are zeolite, shungite, magnetite, which have a healing effect on the human body.

10. Reserve Kivach

Another unique - and protected by the state - natural monument is the Kivach reserve. More than 100,000 people come here annually to see the unique fauna and flora! And they can be understood: after all, trees grow in the reserve, the age of which is estimated at 3.5 centuries!

The reserve is called "Karelia in miniature" because on its territory there are selga, and ozy, and "curly rocks" and "sheep's foreheads" - all types of reliefs of the region

We are going for beauty and harmony together with Sharm Travel

Do not look for miracles in expensive overseas countries, because our Karelia offers beautiful places for recreation almost for free. Admire the dynamics of the capital, Petrozavodsk, walk along its well-groomed streets, visit museums.

Petrozavodsk is a huge number of parks, attractions, museums, monuments of architecture and history

And when you get tired of the noise of the big city, come to Vuoksa, among the water surface of which it stands on a rock. This place is not only divinely beautiful, but also has a special power to heal the wounds of the soul. Need to rethink life? Welcome to Vuoksa.

The temple on Vuoksa is the only church in the world based on a monolithic rock

Beautiful places in Karelia - here they are, just lend a hand. Discover a new world for yourself - clean, fresh, sincere. Enjoy it, learn to value and cherish what you have, get joy from communicating with people and nature. Call, come in, we will open for you the world of beauty of the Russian North!