Foreign passports and documents

Dictionary of tourist terms. Tourism terms. Glossary of tourism terms Tourism terms and definitions

Travel and traveler.

Travel and tourism - travel & tourism are two inextricably linked concepts that describe a certain way of human life. This is recreation, passive or active entertainment, sports, knowledge of the surrounding world, trade, science, treatment and many others. However, there is always a characteristic action that determines and isolates the journey itself from other spheres of activity - the temporary movement of a person to another locality or country, to a continent, different from his usual location or residence.

Traveling involves individuals, groups of people united by a common interest and purpose, entire expeditions, including military ones, which may include several hundred or even thousands of specialists, as well as diplomats, migrants and settlers. Members of the crews of ships, aircraft and other vehicles have not been to their homeland for years. Thus, travel can be a way of life and work. There is no doubt that the famous traveler Yuri Senkevich, who hosted the popular TV program "Travelers' Club" in the recent past, was not a tourist in most of his trips, since it was not only his job, but also his way of life.

For individual peoples, travel is a way of life that has been established for centuries and is caused by the climatic features of the area of ​​residence. These, for example, include nomadic tribes - Belunji, Bedouins, as well as Gypsies, refugees, internally displaced persons and others. Nomads, together with herds of animals, move annually as the pastures are developed, and they are not even stopped by the borders of states. Thus, Belungi are constantly migrating from Pakistan to Afghanistan, and vice versa, in accordance with climate change and the state of pastures for livestock. Many travel in search of work. Seasonal agricultural workers move from area to area each year as crops are harvested from the south to the north of the United States, with a significant proportion coming from neighboring Mexico.


Travel- a term that has a significant commonality of conceptual meaning, denoting the movement of people in time and space, and a person making a trip, regardless of goals, directions and means of transportation, time intervals, is called a traveler.

Purposes of the trip (visits) according to international standards include:

Leisure activities, recreation and rest;

Visiting relatives and friends;

Business and professional purposes, as well as incentive travel, education and research activities;


Participation in religious events, pilgrimage;

Other purposes, including purchases made during the trip.

The main goal is the goal of the trip (visit), without which the trip cannot take place.

In national practice, the following types of goals are used: service, tourism, private, transit, service personnel (drivers of vehicles and crews of sea, river and aircraft, railway brigades); health-improving, educational, professional-business, sports, religious (for the classification of tours).

Further, depending on the peculiarities of the journey, the traveler himself can be called - a navigator, astronaut, businessman, naturalist, etc. ad infinitum - according to the purpose, direction, means of transportation and other characteristics that are significant or even insignificant.

Under certain conditions, the organization and implementation of the trip may include the use of tourism services provided by enterprises and organizations of the tourism industry. A traveler for statistical purposes is referred to as a visitor. For reasons of taking into account economic factors, visitors are divided into overnight visitors, that is, those who make at least one overnight stay at the place of temporary stay, and one-day visitors who stay at the place of visit for less than 24 hours.

Tourism is:

a) a trip (visit), a trip of an individual to any place outside the usual habitat for specific purposes, that is, activities that visitors carry out outside their permanent place of residence from the moment of departure to return;

b) business activities for the provision of services to the visitor related to the planning and organization of a trip and the implementation of a package of services that ensure the trip.

Types of tourism - domestic, inbound and outbound:

Domestic tourism - travel around the country of persons permanently residing in it;

Inbound tourism - travel around the country of persons permanently residing in other countries;

Outbound tourism - travel of persons permanently residing in one country to another country.

International tourism includes inbound and outbound tourism;

National tourism consists of domestic and outbound tourism;

Tourism within the country is subdivided into inbound and domestic tourism.

Tourist - a citizen visiting a country (or place) of temporary residence for specific purposes, without engaging in a paid activity in the host country and carrying out at least one overnight stay in this country.

According to international standards, the period of stay cannot exceed 12 consecutive months, according to national standards - 6 months. A tourist, as a consumer, is a client of a tour operator or travel agent.

The fundamental difference between a tourist and excursionist consists in the fact that the excursionist is a citizen visiting the country (place) of temporary stay in order to get acquainted with its tourist resources without providing accommodation services, for a period not exceeding 24 hours. The excursionist, as a consumer, is a client of the tour desk.

Tourism industry - a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, entertainment and trade, catering facilities, educational, business and other purposes, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and services of guide-interpreters, other services necessary when organizing and making travel (trips).

Tourist infrastructure - a set of communication routes (roads, access roads, railway stations, airports, marinas, etc.), communications (water supply, electricity and gas networks, heating, sewerage, communication facilities, etc.), tourist resources, tourist display objects, accommodation and catering facilities, trade facilities, household and medical and preventive services, sports facilities, as well as other facilities necessary for the provision and development of the tourism industry.

Tourism resources - natural, historical, socio-cultural and other objects in the country (place) of temporary stay, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists and excursionists, contribute to the restoration and development of their spiritual and physical strength. The tourist resources also include specially protected natural areas (SPNA), as well as health-improving areas and resorts.

Ecological tourism - tourism focused on the direct use of more or less "wild" nature as a habitat for tourists based on the introduction of environmental technologies in all components of the tour.

Travel services and maintenance

Tourist service - the result of direct interaction between the service provider and its consumer (tourist), as well as the service provider's own activities to meet the consumer's needs in organizing the trip (travel) and its implementation and other related needs. According to its functional purpose, a tourist service can be material (accommodation, food, transport) and socio-cultural (excursions and other similar events).

Material services - services that ensure the restoration (change, preservation) of consumer properties of products or the manufacture of new products by order of citizens (tourists), as well as the transportation of goods and people, the creation of conditions for consumption. In particular, material services can include household, repair or manufacturing, housing and communal services, public catering services, transport, etc.

Social and cultural services - services that ensure the maintenance and restoration of physical health, spiritual development of the personality, improvement of professional skills. In particular, this type of service can include medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc.

Tourist service order - a preliminary agreement between the consumer and the service provider, which determines the legal, economic and technical relations of the parties.

Description of the tourist service - information on the main characteristics of tourist services, conditions and cost of service.

The consumer of the tourist service - a citizen (tourist, excursionist) intending to order or purchase, or ordering, purchasing or using tourist goods, works, services exclusively for personal needs, not related to making a profit.

Provider of tourist services - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing services to a consumer.

Service - the activity of the contractor in direct contact with the consumer of the service.

The quality of tourist service - a set of properties of tourist services and service processes to meet the conditioned or anticipated needs of tourists, characterized by the quality of services and culture of service.

The quality of tourist services - a set of characteristics of a tourist service that determine its ability to meet the established or anticipated needs of the tourist.

Service certification - activities to confirm the compliance of services with the requirements established in the standard. Certification of tourism services is subdivided into compulsory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification of services - certification confirming the safety of services provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Voluntary certification - certification of the quality of the services provided is carried out at the initiative of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the basis of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body.

Lack of service - separate inconsistency of the service with the mandatory requirements of standards, the terms of the contract, as well as information provided by the contractor or seller of the service.

A significant drawback - a defect that makes it impossible or unacceptable to use the product (work, service) in accordance with its intended purpose.

Frankfurt Travel Price Reduction Table - a document defining the rate (in percentage) of reducing the cost of the service, depending on the shortcomings of its provision noted by the tourist.

Complaints about the quality of the tourist product - the tourist's official statement about the shortcomings and violations in the provision of services (violations of the contract on tourist services), sent in writing to the tour operator or travel agent within 20 days from the date of expiration of the contract. Claims to the agreement in accordance with the legislation are subject to consideration (satisfaction) within 10 days.

Tourism product (package of tourism services)- a comprehensive tourist service previously organized by the tour operator, including at least two services: transportation of a tourist to the country (place) of temporary stay and accommodation; being sold or offered for sale at a single lump-sum price. In this case, the period for the provision of services exceeds 4 hours or includes an overnight stay. The package may include other travel services related to planning, organizing and conducting a trip (trip). The most common types of tours (service packages):

? inclusive tour(package tour) - standard travel with a choice of tour operators' catalogs;

? individual tour(travel) (FIT - foreign independent tour)- a trip specially designed by the tour operator at the request of the client;

? incentive tour- incentive trip at the expense of the company, organized for its employees in order to improve their qualifications, to a related enterprise;

? orientation tour(fam-trip) - a trip of the tour operator's staff, its sales agents and journalists to get acquainted with the activities of the host country and promote travel services.

Bonus(from lat. bonus good, good) - additional reward, bonus; additional discount.

Botel(from English boat - hotel ) - a hotel-type enterprise for servicing water tourists. Usually located on the shore of an ice-free reservoir.

Brand - a trade mark, the reputation that a product with a given brand acquires as a result of advertising, sales and all its activity in the market. Repositioning a brand - a change in advertising policy.

Voucher - a document certifying payment for goods and services, on the basis of which services and settlements are carried out between tourist organizations and service enterprises. Types of vouchers: personal, invitation voucher, service. The voucher confirms the existence of an agreement between the supplier and the consumer.

Guarantee(fr. garantie) - a condition that ensures something, a guarantee.

Geography of tourism- a section of recreational geography that studies the patterns and factors of the territorial organization of tourism as one of the types of recreation and the corresponding branch of the economy.

Guide(French g uide) - a guide-translator accompanying foreign tourists on a trip around the country; organizes their service on the route, conducts financial settlements for the services provided by the tour program.

Mountain sickness- a painful condition resulting from oxygen starvation when climbing to great heights (over 3000–3500 m). The development of altitude sickness is facilitated by increased ultraviolet radiation, low air humidity and some other factors of high altitude, as well as fatigue and cooling.

Hotel (collective accommodation facility, hotel enterprise)- a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who owns, on lease terms or other legal basis, a property complex (real estate) under unified management (management), with at least ten rooms, and designed to provide citizens with services of hotels and similar places residence. According to the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, hotels, including tourist hotels, are part of hotel enterprises, which also include motels, campings, hostels for visitors and other accommodation facilities.

Hotel activities - activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have or are endowed in the prescribed manner with property rights to any collective accommodation facility under the direct order and management of it, for the provision of accommodation and services to citizens, as well as other activities for the organization and provision of hotel services, including implementation.

Destination - a territory offering a certain set of services that meet the needs of a tourist, satisfying his demand for transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc. ... But destination is a broader concept. For example, for the Japanese, the North of Europe is one big destination, and resorts are an integral part of it.

Diversification ( lat. diversus - different + facere - to do) - diversity, diversified development, changing the profile of activities, expanding the range of tourist services, types of commercial use of national tourist resources.

Reserve - a section of a territory or water area allocated for the preservation and restoration of individual ecosystems or their components, where certain types and forms of economic activity are permanently or temporarily prohibited.

Usually a reserve is created to protect one or many species of animals, plants, as well as individual components of nature and the natural complex as a whole. A nature reserve is a kind of specially protected natural areas and water areas. There are zakazniks: indefinite, long-term (over 5 years, after the expiration of the term, if necessary, it can be extended) and short-term (up to 5 years). Reserves are distinguished depending on the type of object; aquatic, zoological, botanical, geological, etc., as well as complex - landscape.

Reserve- a significant area of ​​the natural territory (water area), completely excluded from the sphere of human economic activity for the protection and study of the natural complex as a whole. Reserves belong to specially protected natural areas and water areas, the lands of which are transferred for perpetual use.

Rest zone- recreational zone - a natural area traditionally used by the population, or a specially organized area for short and long-term recreation. Placed usually within the green zone. Parks, forest parks and other massifs of green spaces and recreation areas within settlements are also sometimes considered as recreation areas.

Quota(compare lat. quota - a part attributable to each, from lat. quot - how much) - a share, a part, a norm of something allowed.

Compensation(lat. compensatio, compensare - to balance; to compensate) - remuneration for something, compensation.

Contractor - management company (firm) that has entered into an agreement for "management by contract".

Compensation limit - see coverage limit.

Coverage limit, the insurer's liability limit (lat. limes (limitis) border, border) - the sum insured (insurance coverage), fixed in the contract or insurance policy, which the insurer undertakes to provide (pay) upon the occurrence of an insured event.

License(lat. licentia - right, permission) - a special permit for the implementation of a specific type of activity, subject to the mandatory observance of licensing requirements and conditions, issued by the licensing authority to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. A license can be canceled by a court decision on the basis of an application from the licensing authority. Simultaneously with filing an application with the court, the licensing authority has the right to suspend the issued license for a period until the entry into force of the court decision.

Licensed type of activity - the type of activity for which a license is required on the territory of the Russian Federation. In tourism, licensed activities include: tour operator and travel agency activities, activities for the sale of rights to club recreation.

License requirements and conditions - a set of requirements and conditions established by the provisions on licensing of specific types of activity, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for the licensee.

Licensee- a legal entity or individual entrepreneur licensed to carry out a specific type of activity.

Logo(gr. logos word + typos imprint) - a trademark (original outline, image of the full or abbreviated name of the company or goods), used specifically to draw attention to the company and its products.

Privileges - providing any benefits.

Marketing(English marketing, market - market, sales) - a system of organizing and managing the activities of a company, aimed at ensuring maximum sales of its products, at meeting needs through exchange.

National park natural(natural-historical) - a vast natural area (water area), which has a large number of sights of high culture, scientific and recreational significance. The tasks of the national park are to preserve the ecosystem and individual objects of nature and culture, to meet the recreational needs of the population, to conduct (or facilitate) scientific research, as well as to educate visitors to love and respect nature. The territory of the national park is partially or completely withdrawn from traditional economic use. Within its limits, the so-called functional zones are distinguished: reserved, buffer and recreational. Each zone is characterized by a special regime for the protection and use of natural resources:

In the protected area, only scientific research is allowed;

In the buffer, tourism is limited along strictly defined routes and study trails;

Recreational - tourism, excursions, rest and spa treatment.

Operator(lat. operator - acting) - a specialist (enterprise) performing work on the management, maintenance of any processes.

Hotel(fr. hotel) - hotel.

Protection of Nature- a system of measures for the conservation, rational use and restoration of natural resources to create optimal conditions for human existence and his harmonious relationship with the environment.

Public Relations - Public Relations.

Natural Monuments- unique or typical natural sites of scientific, cultural or recreational value. Natural monuments include small areas of the tract (areas of valleys, individual groves or communities of rare species of herbaceous plants), as well as isolated objects (waterfalls, caves, trees, rare and supporting geological outcrops, rocky outcrops, reference areas of mineral deposits, mineral sources, meteorite craters, etc.). Natural and anthropogenic objects can also be considered natural monuments: old parks, alleys, lakes on the site of former quarries.

Partnership - participation in the formation of the authorized fund v the form of contributions, participation in management under the "partnership agreement".

Carrier- a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur holding, on the basis of ownership, lease terms or other legal basis, the rights to a passenger vehicle (land, water or air) and carrying out regular or charter transportation of tourists and their luggage on a commercial basis.

Air carrier (air carrier)- an operator licensed to carry passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and carry out regular or charter transportation of tourists and their baggage on a commercial basis.

Reinsurance - secondary insurance, in which the insurer (assignor) transfers part of its responsibility for the insurance object to another insurer (assignee) in order to create a balanced insurance portfolio.

Full board - breakfast lunch dinner.

Half board - two meals a day.

Consumer - a citizen who intends to order or purchase, or ordering, purchasing or using goods (works, services) exclusively for personal (household) needs, not related to making a profit.

Providing services - the activity of the service provider, necessary to ensure the performance of the service.

Preferences(lat. praeferre - to prefer) - advantages that create a particularly favorable treatment for one or several states when importing all or certain groups of imported goods.

Specially protected natural areas and water areas- protected areas, areas of land and water, completely or partially excluded from traditional economic use and intended to maintain ecological balance, protect natural resources, typical and unique natural objects, and meet the educational and recreational needs of the population.

Props - mandatory data set by law or regulations for documents.

Resources(fr. ressources) - funds, reserves, possible sources of something (natural, economic, tourist).

Deal - a bilateral agreement to do something.

Market segment - a collection of consumers who respond in the same way to the same set of marketing incentives.

Certificate(fr. certificat, lat. certum - true + facere - to do) - an official written certificate of something: a quality certificate (a document certifying the quality of a product).

Certification - the form of confirmation of the conformity of objects to the requirements of technical regulations, provisions of standards or terms of contracts, carried out by the certification body.

Job seeker licenses - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who applied to the licensing authority with an application for a license to carry out a specific type of activity.

Specialized accommodation facilities- health resort (treatment and prophylactic) organizations, recreation and tourism organizations. Among them are sanatoriums and boarding houses with treatment, sanatoriums-dispensaries, rest homes, boarding houses, recreation centers and other recreation organizations, tourist centers.

Status(lat. status - state of affairs, position) - legal status, current situation.

Insurance - financial security against possible damage through periodic (insurance) contributions to a special institution (insurance company - insurer), which pays monetary (insurance) compensation to the policyholder in the event of such damage.

Insurance compensation - see insurance.

Insurance fee - see insurance.

Insurance policy - legal confirmation of the insurance contract.

Insurance pool -“Common boiler”, a reserve, where all risks subject to reinsurance are directed for the entire insurance portfolio or for certain types of insurance.

Insurance risk - a probabilistic event, in the event of the occurrence of which insurance is carried out (personal, property, liability insurance).

Insurance case - an accomplished insurance event, with the onset of which the insurer is obliged to pay the policyholder.

Insurance fund(insurance reserves) - a set of financial reserves intended to prevent, localize and compensate for damage caused to the policyholder as a result of an insured event.

Timerat - the right to long-term rest and treatment (from 1 to 20 years) without the right to own real estate (a lease is concluded).

Timeshare(time sharing) - joint ownership of real estate (condominium) with the ability to use it at a certain time, in proportion to the cash contribution.

The usage time is divided into “red” (“season”, the most expensive), “white” (“off-season”), “blue” (“off-season”). The co-owner of the condominium (the owner of the timeshare) can relax in the apartment during “his” weeks or make an exchange: for a place within his own color, red for red, white, blue; white - into white and blue, region by region; when exchanging a prestigious region for a less prestigious one, the time of rest increases. In Russia, about 20 thousand timeshare owners have exported over $ 1 billion since 1991.

Tour(French tour - a walk, a trip) - in international tourism - a tourist trip with pre-planned parameters (route, set of services, terms); organized by the tour operator with the sale at a single price).

Distinguish between one-time and serial, group, family and individual, aviation, air charter, bus, railway. - e, car, cruise and other tours, as well as complex tours (inclusive tours) and tours with a partial set of services. In practice, tours often usually use inappropriate terms "route", "trip", "journey", etc.

Tourist activities- activities of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, activities for planning and organizing recreation in residential clubs (recreation clubs), including the sale of rights to club vacations, as well as other activities for planning, organizing, promoting and selling trips and travel.

Tourist formalities - procedures related to compliance by tourists crossing the state border, certain conditions, rules and requirements established by the state authorities of the country of departure and stay. Formalities are divided into groups: passports and visas; currency control and control over currency exchange; customs regulations and medical formalities.

Top manager - professional manager of the enterprise, occupying a leading position ("top" - top).

Transfer(English transfer and French transfert) - intra-route transportation: airport-hotel, hotel-beach, etc.

Travel agent - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out travel agency activities.

Travel agency activities - activities to promote and sell a tourist product.

Tourist organizations - subjects of the tourism industry, the main activity of which is the implementation of tour operator and travel agency activities.

Tour operator - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out tour operator activities.

Tour operator activity - activities for the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product.

Tour operator catalog (route catalog)- the official information and reference edition of the tour operator, containing a detailed description of the standard travel product offered by the tour operator for retail sale, including a description of the direction (region) of visit and the route, its excursion opportunities, characteristics of accommodation facilities and services offered, rules for retail sale of travel products. The tour operator catalog, in the event that it contains the essential conditions of the contract for tourist services, has the character of a public offer. The tour operator is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in its catalog. Depending on the completeness of the information, the catalog can be official (corporate), advertising, General or special.

Tour operator directory confidential - the official information and reference edition of the tour operator, containing a detailed description of the tourist product offered by the tour operator for small wholesale sale to travel agents included in its agent network, and containing information about various kinds of discounts, conditions for booking trips, etc.

Tourist firm(from Italian firma - signature) - a commercial enterprise organizing trips, hikes, excursions using the services of hotels, transport companies, catering, trade, excursion, sports, health and wellness and other institutions.

Flotel(from English floating - hotel - floating hotel) - a seasonal hotel on a floating base (landing stage, barge, former motor ship, etc.). Provides tourists with comprehensive services (accommodation, meals, etc. .) It is used in places where the nature of the coastal strip or the value of the landscape precludes the possibility of building a permanent hotel enterprise.

Franchise(French franchise - privilege, liberty) - a certain part of the insured's losses that are not subject to compensation by the insurer. It can be conditional, unconditional, hidden. In a notional deductible, the cash constituting it is deducted from the amount of damage under certain conditions. In an unconditional franchise, the monetary funds that constitute the franchise are deducted from any amount of damage. The hidden deductible does not have a direct definition, it is masked in the insurance rules, for example, with the words “the tourist pays for the first day of stay in the hospital himself”.

Franchising - a method of entrepreneurship, thanks to which an entrepreneur (franchisee, franchisee) can merge with an already operating large chain (franchisor, franchisor).

Freight(German fracht) - payment for the carriage of goods or passengers by various types of transport.

Chartering: 1) the conclusion of contracts for the international carriage of goods or passengers; 2) hiring a sea or aircraft.

Hostel - youth hotel.

Charter(English charter) - a charter agreement, according to which one party (the charterer) provides the other party (the charterer) for a fee all or part of the capacity of one or more vehicles for one or several flights for the carriage of goods, passengers, luggage.

Ecology(from the Greek. oikos - home, homeland + ... logic) - the science of the relationship of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment.

Excursion activities - activities of legal entities and individuals who, in the prescribed manner, have the rights to organize visits by citizens of tourist resources in the country (place) of temporary stay and their implementation, as well as other activities that do not include an overnight stay at the place of stay and cover a period of stay no more than 24 hours.

Tour agency - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out excursion activities in accordance with the established procedure, including planning, organizing, promoting and implementing a comprehensive excursion service, including conducting an excursion, as well as providing other services related with conducting an excursion.

Excursion(lat. excursio - trip) - visiting museums, exhibitions, other places of tourist interest for acquaintance, short-term trips (walks) with educational, sports or other purposes on a collective or individual basis.

Guide(guide, guide-translator) - an individual with the appropriate professional education and training, accompanying tourists when they visit places of tourist interest and giving the information necessary for tourists in their native language.

Baggage check is an official document issued by the airline and issued to the passenger during baggage check-in, confirming that the airline assumes the transportation of this baggage and its delivery to the passenger at the end of the transportation.

Duty-free import - a pass for transporting goods across the customs border of the respective country without imposing import duties on them. Usually, personal items are allowed through duty-free within reasonable limits.

Bungalow is a stand-alone structure used to accommodate tourists and is often offered in tropical and southern countries.

A service bureau is a bureau in a hotel that provides a variety of information services, monetary and financial transactions, provides it with transport tickets and tickets for visiting cultural and entertainment events, and organizes medical care.

Voucher - a document issued by a tourist or transport company confirming that the tourist has paid for specific types of services: hotel accommodation, meals, excursion services, travel by transport, etc. and which is the basis for receiving this service.

Visa - a special permit of the relevant authorities of a foreign government to enter, exit, reside or travel through the territory of a given state. All inclusive (all inclusive) - a service system in hotels, in which food, drinks (most often local production) and certain types of services do not require additional payment. A variation of this service system is the max inclusive system, when the list of additional services can be significantly expanded and include free use of the sauna, hairdresser, various sports, etc. High season is the period of the most active tourism activity, the most popular time of the year for travel (travel); the period of the highest tariffs for tourist services. The high season does not always coincide with the seasons. In some countries, it cannot be less than three months.

A guide is a professional guide showing tourists the sights of a city or area.

Group of tourists - a group of persons traveling together, arriving and departing at the same time, on the same conditions (standard package of services) and being a separate unit for the travel agent and the hotel. For a group of tourists, hotel services (accommodation and meals) are provided on preferential terms, i.e. at special prices, one invoice for the entire amount is issued per group. According to international standards, a group is 15 people, but 7-10 people can be considered a group.

Photo from the tour

Diving - scuba diving.

Additional services - a list and volume of services that exceed the volume and list of purchased basic services, and paid for by tourists additionally, at the place of consumption of these services.

Traveller's check is a bank payment instrument that can be exchanged for cash in the currency in which it is issued, or for an equivalent amount in foreign currency at the current exchange rate. Banks issuing travelers' checks guarantee a full refund if these checks are lost due to theft, destruction, etc.

Duty-free (duty free) - a system of duty-free shopping at airports, on board aircraft, ferries and other vehicles, or in certain places where foreigners visit (usually cigarettes, wine, perfumes and souvenirs).

Green corridor is a border crossing point for transporting items that are not subject to mandatory customs declaration.

Arrival card is a special form filled out by a passenger arriving in another country by plane or boat and handed over to the border service.

Continental breakfast - A light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, rolls, butter and jam.

Cruise - a sea or river tourist trip on a motor ship used as a means of transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc., including shore service in the program.

Route - a pre-planned or established route for travelers (tourists) or vehicles.

International tourist voucher - a document combining a voucher and an official document as its integral part; is intended for hotel reservations, car rentals and other types of services that require advance payment.

Low season is the least popular time for travel (travel), as a rule, the period of maximum discounts.

Baggage allowance - the maximum weight or size of baggage accepted by the airline for free transportation. The rates are differentiated by class of passenger seats.

The tour organizer is a private person (sometimes a travel agent) or an organization that gathers a group of tourists to participate in a tour offered by a thyristic firm. As a rule, the organizer of the tour may be given the opportunity to travel free of charge on this route.

Pance ion is a small private hotel (5-10 rooms), where guests are served by the owner or family, who usually live in the same building.

Parking - a place for parking vehicles.

Flight coupon is a part of the ticket, in exchange for which the airline provides the passenger with transportation on the segment indicated in it.

Full board is a type of food in hotels, in which the cost of living includes three or four meals a day).

Half board is a type of food in hotels, in which breakfast and dinner or breakfast and lunch are included in the price of accommodation.

Host - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, a counterparty that receives tourists who have arrived in the country (place) of temporary stay. The content of the service provided by the receiving party is determined by the voucher issued by the sending party.

Tourist travel program (service program, stay) - a plan of successive activities indicating the dates and times of stay at stops on the route, hotel, visits to places of tourist display for the purpose of viewing them (excursions), meals, as well as moving along the route using those indicated in the program intra-route vehicles.

Boarding pass is a card issued to passengers on air and sea lines, which they must hand over to the control service upon boarding.

Direct flight is a flight in which the passenger does not make transfers along the entire route from the point of departure to the point of destination.

Checkout time - the moment of the beginning (end) of the day (usually 12.00 noon), before which the hotel client is obliged to vacate the room or pay in full or in part for the next night.

Accommodation without meals - hotel accommodation, the price of which does not include meals (RO).

Accommodation and breakfast - hotel accommodation, the price of which includes breakfast only (RB, BB).

Full board accommodation - hotel accommodation, the price of which includes three meals a day or meals at any time at the request of the tourist (AL, ALL Incl).

Accommodation with half board - hotel accommodation, the price of which includes two meals a day (optional): breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner (RD).

Rafting - rafting on mountain rivers on boats, catamarans or rafts that are not equipped with motor facilities.

Release date - the day of return by the tour operator (travel agent) to the accommodation facility for unsold (unreserved) rooms, which is separated from the actual date by the duration of the release period.

Release - period (release period) - the period during which numbers are released from the quota.

A registration card is a document issued in a number of countries by the border authorities to temporary visitors upon entry into the country and returned by them to the border authorities upon leaving the country, confirming the registration of these visitors by the authorities of that country.

Regular flight - a flight operated continuously for a specified period in accordance with a previously published schedule.

Reception - a common room or room in hotels for receiving, registering and registering guests, as well as finding the porter on duty to receive and issue room keys and carry out various types of errands for hotel guests.

Safari is a tourist trip with the aim of hunting or exploring the local nature, usually in the countries of Central Africa.

System fortune - sale of a package of travel services at a discount for accommodation without specifying a specific hotel, the name of which becomes known upon arrival at the place of rest. At the same time, accommodation in a hotel of a certain category is guaranteed.

Lift pass is a permit or pass for the use of lifts in a certain place for downhill skiing or snowboarding.

Accompanying person - an employee of a travel company, whose duties include accompanying tourists along the route, organizing accommodation, meals and transportation.

Timeshare - buying the right to use a room for one to two weeks in one place or another for an extended period. At the same time, conditions are created for the exchange of places of rest, which allows the owners of timeshare to change the place of rest.

Tax-free (tax free) - a system of partial refund of value added tax in a number of countries when buying and exporting goods by foreigners. As a rule, it is used in large stores when purchasing goods over a certain amount. Money can be returned when crossing the border or in the country of permanent residence.

Customs declaration - a written or oral statement from tourists to the customs authorities when crossing the border, containing information about things and items transported by tourists.

Customs duty is a tax imposed on certain goods that cross the border of a country.

Customs privileges - partial or complete exemption from customs duties on the import into the country of items or goods that are usually taxed; partial or complete lifting of restrictions on the export of certain items or goods from the country.

Customs is a state institution that controls and passes goods and personal belongings transported through the border, and collects customs duties.

Transit is the transportation of passengers (tourists) from one country to another through an intermediate country.

Transfer - any transportation of a tourist inside the tourist center (delivery from the station, airport or seaport to the hotel and back; from one station, air or sea port to another; from the hotel to the theater and back).

Trekking - hiking on rough terrain without special training of participants.

Tour - a tourist trip along a specific route at a specific time with a specific range of services (transportation, accommodation, meals, etc.). There is a distinction between individual and group travel.

A travel company is an enterprise that sells travel services to consumers. Depending on the functions performed by travel agencies, they are divided into travel agents and tour operators.

Force majeure is a circumstance, the occurrence of which could not be prevented by the party responsible for the fulfillment of the obligation, and which is the reason for the non-fulfillment of the latter (for example, war, natural disaster, etc.).

Photo safari - a tourist trip with a purpose

photographing rare animals and plants in their natural habitat.

Fixed quota - a quota with the assignment of certain rooms of the hotel fund to a specific tour operator (travel agent).

A hostel is a kind of hotels with a small set of services.

Charter - an agreement between the owners of a vehicle (ship, plane, bus, etc.) and the charterer (employer) for the lease of the entire vehicle or part of it for a specific flight or period.

Schengen visa - a single visa for up to three months, which makes it possible to freely move around the territory of the Schengen countries (Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc.) during the validity of the visa.

Buffet is a type of self-service in restaurants, cafes, characterized by the fact that visitors, for a single average fee, receive any number of dishes of their choice from those offered in advance displayed in the hall.

A shopping tour is a tourist trip, the purpose of which is to purchase certain types of goods that are characteristic of the host country.

Abbreviations in tourism

Types of food in hotels

OB or BO (only bed)- no meals, only hotel accommodation

BB (bed & breakfast)- diet, which includes breakfast at the hotel. It can be buffet or continental breakfast

BBT- hotel accommodation with breakfast and treatment.

HB (half board)- half board, 2 meals a day at the hotel. This is usually breakfast and dinner, but some hotels may have breakfast and lunch. Lunch and dinner drinks are usually not included.

HB +- extended half board

HBT- hotel accommodation with half board and treatment.

FB (full board)- full board, 3 meals a day at the hotel (breakfast + lunch + dinner). Lunch and dinner drinks are usually not included.

FB +- Extended full board with local drinks during meals.

FBT- hotel accommodation with full board and medical treatment.

Mini ALL or (mini all inclusive)- full board with local drinks, not only with meals, but in limited quantities (usually beer, wine).

Max inclusive- a kind of all inclusive service system, the list of additional services can be significantly expanded and includes free use of the sauna, hairdresser, various sports, etc.

ALL (all inclusive)- all-inclusive, service system in hotels, food regime, which includes not only 3 meals a day, but also additional services such as light breakfast, snacks, light dinner. Drinks are included in the price. Sometimes it can only be local drinks, and foreign ones are sold for an additional fee.

UAI, ULTRA ALL INC (ultra all inclusive)- meals throughout the day, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local and imported production in unlimited quantities during the day + additional services at the discretion of the hotel administration.

ULTRA ALL INC varieties: elegance all inc, VIP all inc. super all inc, deluxe all Inc, VC all inc, superior all inc, mega all inc, superior all inc VIP service, royal class all inc, ultra deluxe all inc, extended all inc, excellent all inc, max all inc, high class all inc imperial all inc

A-LA CARTE- a menu in which each dish is indicated with its own separate price.

MENU- à la carte meals - a limited number of dishes from the menu, usually at dinner, to choose from (vegetable or meat salad, fish or meat).

Meals on the principle of "buffet" - a type of self-service in restaurants, cafes, characterized by the fact that visitors for a single average fee receive any number of dishes of their choice from among those offered in advance displayed in the hall.

A la carte meals- the tourist is given the opportunity to choose 2-3 dishes from the proposed menu. As a rule, there is a choice of appetizer, main menu and dessert.

Continental breakfast- a light breakfast consisting of coffee (tea), juice, rolls, butter and jam. It is offered, as a rule, in European city hotels.

English breakfast- a full breakfast, usually with fruit juice, scrambled eggs and ham, toast, butter, jam and coffee or tea.

American breakfast buffet- analogue of a continental breakfast + various cuts (sausages, cheeses) and hot dishes (scrambled eggs, sausages).

Types of buildings in the hotel

MB (main building)- main building, central building.

New building- a new building.

APT (appartment)- the type of rooms that, in addition to the living area, have an area equipped with a kitchenette, a set of dishes, an electric stove, a kettle, as a rule, are sold without meals.

BGLW (bungalo)- bungalow - a separate building used to accommodate tourists, often offered in tropical and southern countries

VILLA- a villa, a detached building (may include several separate rooms), VIP level, as a rule, having an advantage over other types of accommodation - its own garden, its own pool, a large area, an exclusive location in the hotel, privacy from other tourists.

Jacuzzi villa- a villa with a jacuzzi.

HV (Holiday Village)- a club hotel, which is a bungalow complex located on a large territory and offering a wide range of sports and entertainment activities. There are HV-1, HV-2 - clubs of 1 and 2 categories, differ in a set of services provided free of charge.

Cabana- a building on the beach (or near the pool), like a bungalow, standing separately from the main building and sometimes equipped as a bedroom.

Chalet- a chalet, a separate house, usually in the mountains, consisting of 2 or more rooms.

Residence- a detached building of the bungalow type.

Executive floor- one or more floors in a hotel with a higher level of service, as well as with an additional set of services.

Hotel room classification

Balcony Room- a room with a balcony.

Connected room- the room is connected to another room by an adjacent door (a very convenient option when accommodating one company / family wishing to be in neighboring rooms).

Duplex- two-story, two-level room.

De Luxe- superior rooms, deluxe categories, larger area than superior.

Family room- family room, which can accommodate at least 4 people, with a large area (often from several rooms).

Sitting area- sitting area - part of the room where armchairs, a coffee table, and sometimes also a sofa are located.

Standart (STD)- standard one-room suite.

Studio- one-room suite is larger than the standard one with its own kitchenette, combined with the room.

Suite- a superior room with an improved layout, as a rule, a large room with a seating area.

Superior- superior room.

Mini Suite- Superior room (better than Superior).

Junior Suite- Superior room: usually a large comfortable room with a fenced-off sleeping place that can be converted into a living room during the day.

Senior Suite- Superior room, as a rule, two-room: living room and bedroom.

Executive Suite- usually a suite with two bedrooms

King suite- "royal suite", which has 2 bedrooms, a living room and a meeting room or study.

Honeymoon room- room for newlyweds, with a large KING SIZE bed and an additional present from the hotel.

ROH (run of the house)- accommodation at the hotel without specifying the type of room and view from the window, accommodation is provided in any category of rooms available at the hotel.

  • HV, HV-1, HV-2(in the hotel name) - holiday village- a hotel consisting of cottages or villas scattered throughout the territory. HV-1 corresponds to 4-5 * hotel stars, HV-2 - 3-4 * stars;
  • Apts, Ap. Htl.(in the name of the hotel) - apart-hotel, hotel with apartments: the rooms have a kitchen and kitchen utensils, sometimes a washing machine.
  • WiFi - Wireless fidelity- wireless Internet access;
  • LAN - Local Area Network- Internet access via a local network;
  • AND HE(on the telephone) - automatic caller ID;
  • IDE-telephone (mainly in hotels in Thailand), also. IDB-telephone - telephone with caller ID and digital answering machine;
  • IDD-telephone - International Direct Dialing- a telephone with the possibility of direct dialing of an international number (and not through an operator at the hotel reception);
  • LCD(usually about TV) - Liquid crystal display- flat liquid crystal screen, also a plasma panel.
RUB- Russian ruble DOP- Dominican peso MXN- Mexican peso
USD($) - US dollar EGP- Egyptian pound AED- UAE dirham
EUR(€) - Euro ILS- Israeli new shekel SCR- Seychelles rupee
BYN- Belarusian ruble IDR- Indonesian rupee THB- thai baht
BGN- Bulgarian lev CNY- CNY TRY- Turkish lira
BRL- Brazilian real CUP- Cuban peso CZK- Czech crown
HUF- Hungarian forint MUR- Mauritian rupee LKR- Sri Lankan rupee
GEL- Georgian lari MVR- Maldivian rufiyaa


  • No show- non-appearance of the passenger for the flight (or the guest at the hotel) without warning. Usually it entails penalties - for example, cancellation of a return ticket in case of no-show for the flight to the resting place or cancellation of all subsequent tickets in case of no-show on the first segment of a connecting flight. If the guest does not show up at the hotel on the day of arrival without warning, the room reservation is often canceled and the payment is not refunded.
  • Stopover - stopover- transfer at a transit point lasting more than 24 hours.
  • Lost & Found/Lost Property(Lost and Found) - the counter at the airport, where you should contact if your luggage has not arrived at its destination, as well as if you have lost something at the airport. If you forgot something on board the aircraft, you must contact the airline.


  • sum insured- the amount of coverage of medical expenses in the event of an insured event for one tourist. The sum insured usually depends on the country and is indicated on the insurance form. Medical insurance is included in the full tour package, no additional payment is required.
  • insurance premium- fee for the conclusion of additional insurance, for example: cancellation insurance, VIP insurance. The amount of the premium depends on the amount of the insured amount.
  • cancellation insurance- insurance of expenses related to cancellation of a trip abroad. Insured events and documents required for reimbursement of expenses are listed in the "Insurance" section for each country. In some countries, especially in the European Union, cancellation insurance is compulsory (when purchasing a full package) and cannot be canceled. Its cost is not included in the package price and is paid separately.
  • unconditional deductible- the set amount of minimum expenses, which is deducted from the insurance indemnity in all cases.
  • conditional deductible- if the amount of damage (costs incurred) does not exceed this amount, the insurance indemnity is not paid. If the amount of damage is more than this amount, then the insurance indemnity is paid in full, without deductions (as in the case of an unconditional deductible).

In a hotel

  • check-in - check-in- check in hotel. In most hotels it is 14.00-15.00. Earlier check-in is possible if the hotel is not completely full and has prepared rooms.
  • check-out - check-out- check-out / check-out from the hotel, check-out time. In hotels in Turkey and Egypt - 12.00. By this time, it is necessary to vacate the number, pay for additional services. The All Inclusive program often ends at 12 noon on the day of departure. Extension of the stay at the hotel is possible at an additional cost. In hotels in other countries, the checkout time can be 10.00, 11.00, and later 12.00. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Tourist's Guide for the selected country before traveling, which contains information about the time of check-in and time of departure.
  • reception(reception, reception, reception) - reception- reception at the hotel. In addition to registration of check-in and check-out, at the reception it is also possible to book an excursion, a table in a restaurant, services of a spa center, babysitting, use a safe, etc.
  • upgrade - upgrade- providing the guest with a room with a category higher than the one originally booked (for example, upgrading a standard room to a deluxe room). There can also be an upgrade of a seat on an airplane / train, an upgrade of a transfer from a group to an individual one, an upgrade of a boarding house, etc. Many hotels provide upgrades for free for all or some categories of guests (for example, newlyweds), a list of such hotels can be found in the "Gifts" section. It is also possible to upgrade a room or a boarding house upon arrival at the hotel for a small surcharge - as a rule, this is more profitable than initially booking a room of a higher category.
  • standard room- a standard hotel room, consisting of a bedroom and a combined bathroom.
  • suite(suite) - a number consisting of several rooms.
  • villa, bungalow, chalet - villa, bungalow, chalet- types of cottages.
  • patio - patio- patio in Spanish-Moorish architecture.
  • sea ​​view(often not translated) - sea view.
  • twin bed- two identical beds, usually in a standard or family room. Can be moved or separated by a bedside table.
  • french bed- double bed ("French"), according to European standards 140-160 cm wide.
  • king-size bed- triple bed (180-200 cm wide). Sometimes a bed 160-180 cm wide is called queen size.
  • butler - butler- butler (in hotels and VIP rooms).
  • room service(usually not translated) - delivery to the room. As a rule, it is made at an additional cost.
  • turn down service- preparing the bed for sleep (additional service in VIP rooms).
  • baby cot, crib(often not translated) - baby cot in the room, upon request, sometimes for a fee.
  • extra bed- extra bed in the room, for example, the third one if there is a twin bed. As a rule, not a full bed, but a folding bed or couch.
  • individual air conditioner- the mode and time of work is set by the tourist at will, usually using the remote control.
  • central air conditioner- managed centrally, the opening hours are set by the hotel administration depending on the weather, season, etc. As a rule, a tourist can turn on / off the central air conditioner, as well as set the desired temperature using the control panel on the wall, but sometimes there are designs without the possibility of individual adjustment.
  • a la carte - a la carte- additional restaurant (or restaurants) in the hotel with specialized cuisine - for example, Italian a la carte restaurant, Turkish, Mexican, barbecue, fish, etc. Unlike the main restaurant, it is usually only open for dinner and not every day. There is no buffet in such restaurants, the choice of dishes is provided à la carte ( à la carte translated from French and is "à la carte"). Guests with the AI ​​guesthouse often have the option of free admission to 1-2 a la carte restaurants per week, by appointment.
  • children's menu in the restaurant there is a buffet corner for children 2-12 years old with more dietary dishes: boiled, not fried, without the addition of hot spices, sauces, etc. Often the table with the children's menu is made lower so that the children can put their own food on their own. The range of children's menus is usually smaller than the adult buffet. The children's menu is not intended for babies and does not include baby food.
  • baby corner in the restaurant - a specially designated table in the main restaurant for the needs of infants, where you can warm up a bottle of milk formula or baby food, make mashed potatoes in a blender, etc. In some hotels, focused on families with children, canned baby food and cereals are available in the baby corner. More information about the possibilities of hotels in different countries for babies from 8 months to 3 years old can be found in the section "Rest with children".
  • Garni(usually hotel garni or garni hotel) - a hotel that does not have a restaurant or other catering establishments. As a rule, guests are only offered overnight stay and breakfast is not provided. There can be different categories, up to 4 *; as a rule, prices are lower in them than in regular hotels. Widely represented in Europe, especially in ski resorts. From the French word garni(house with furnished rooms).
  • Rack-rate- rack rate- "prices off the shelf" - the official prices for hotel accommodation, without discounts (seasonal, corporate, etc.). Usually posted at the reception. As a rule, they differ significantly from the contractual prices of the tour operator.
  • Rent-a-car- car rental. Also occurs rent-a-bike(bike rental), etc.

Games, entertainment, sports

  • animation - animation- entertainment programs in hotels, which are carried out by professional "mass entertainers". Usually these are outdoor games, sports events, playful competitions, dance lessons, etc. Animation can be daytime and evening, adults and children. It is conducted in several languages, in large hotels there is animation in Russian.
  • boccia(sometimes bocce) - boccia- a game that originated in ancient Greece. In modern times, it is played by 2 to 6 players, which are divided into 2 teams. Each has its own color of the balls. White is called a target and is placed at the very edge of the field. The player in any way possible for him tries to throw a heavy leather ball so that it lies closer to the goal. And so on until the last throw. After that the points are calculated. The team that groups its throwing weapons more near the target wins. You can read more about it.
    French petanque and English lounge bowling are also similar to boccia.
  • darts, darts - darts- an accuracy game in which you throw short feathered darts at a target on the wall.
  • squash - squash- a close relative of tennis, but instead of a net - a blank wall. Two players alternately hit the ball against the wall with their rackets, trying to prevent the opponent from parrying the blow.
  • snooker - snooker- a kind of billiards game (as well as pool and "pyramid").
  • ATV - quad bike- a small four-wheeled motorcycle with increased cross-country ability and stability. Used for sports and recreation. Other names: ATV ( All Terrain Vehicle, off-road vehicle), ATV, mini ATV.
  • "banana" - banana- riding on a large inflatable boat in the shape of a banana, tied to a boat. The participants of the skating sit on the "banana" astride.
  • hamburger - hamburger- riding on a large inflatable wheel tied to the boat.
  • snorkeling - snorkeling- scuba diving. The Maldives is a great place for snorkeling, where almost every island has its own house reef 10-20 meters from the coast.
  • diving - diving- scuba diving. Egypt is considered the "Mecca" of divers: the Red Sea is replete with corals and rare fish species.
  • rafting - rafting- river rafting, active recreation and extreme sports. Despite the fact that the term comes from the English. raft- raft, rafting is often called kayaking, canoeing, catamarans, inflatable rubber boats, etc.
  • kayak - kayak- the same as kayak: a narrow, light and maneuverable sports boat, closed at the top, with a two-blade (reversible) oar. Sports kayaks can accommodate up to 4 rowers, and recreational and tourism kayaks usually have one or two, rarely three. Often a kayak is called a one-seater one-piece boat, and a kayak is a two-seater, prefabricated, on a frame made of wood and metal, covered with a waterproof material.
  • canoe - canoe- narrow and light sports boat; It differs from a kayak in that it is not closed from above, and rowing is carried out with an oar with one blade alternately from the left and right sides.
  • water aerobics - aqua aerobics, aquagym- performing various exercises in the water to music with elements of swimming, gymnastics, stretching and strength exercises. Since water is 700 times denser than air, the load on the muscles is higher than with conventional aerobics; in addition, the temperature of the pool water is lower, which allows you to burn more calories. Aqua aerobics stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph, strengthens the respiratory system, and activates metabolism.
  • Thai boxing(tai-bo) is a type of national martial art in Thailand, which includes energetic kicks and punches. Elements of tai-bo are effectively used in fitness, allowing you to burn calories and train the muscles of the legs, arms, chest, shoulder girdle, hips.
  • Pilates - pilates- gymnastics developed by Dr. J. Pilates. Includes elements of yoga, martial arts, meditation, stretching, flexibility, balance, etc. Unlike traditional aerobics and fitness techniques, Pilates exercises are performed slowly, with concentration, without tension, with calm, even breathing. The load is directed primarily at deeply located, medium-sized, weak muscle groups. Pilates is suitable for beginners, overweight people, and those who have suffered from musculoskeletal injuries.

For health

  • balneotherapy(spa therapy) - balneotherapy- water therapy: hot, cold, mud or mineral baths, baths with aromatic oils and herbs, showers, jacuzzi, various types of hydromassage for relaxation, stimulation, weight loss, treatment, etc. The term "balneotherapy" is increasingly used not only for baths, but also for other types of water therapy, for example, ingestion at mineral springs.
  • thalassotherapy - thalassotherapy- a subspecies of balneotherapy, therapy using sea water and algae (from Greek thalassos- the sea). It can be baths with seawater or silt, seaweed wrap ( algae), inhalation of seawater vapor, etc.
  • SPA-center - SPA-center(meets spa, SpA, Spa) - a medical and cosmetology center where balneotherapy (procedures using water) is carried out, as well as other cosmetic and medical procedures (face and body skin care, massage, depilation, masks, body wraps, etc.). From the name of the Belgian spa town, famous for its hot mineral springs. SPA can be deciphered as an abbreviation for Latin phrases "Salus Per Aquam" or "Sanitas Per Aquam"- "health through water". Many hotels have their own spa centers offering a wide range of services. You can check the full list of spa services at various TEZ TOUR hotels by country.
  • shiatsu(shiatsu, shiatsu) - shiatsu- Japanese massage method, pressing with fingers or palm on certain parts of the body.
  • abianga - abhyanga- also called Ayurvedic massage: a massage method based on the traditions of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian treatise on health maintenance, developed over 5 thousand years ago. Abianga massage is usually performed by two masseurs, using certain oils and herbs, and serves to maintain harmony between the body and the spirit of a person.
  • Thai massage - thai massage- Traditional Thai massage. In Thai it is called nuat phaen boran... The peculiarity of this method is that the masseur actively uses not only his hands, but also his forearms, elbows, feet - for example, he walks on the patient's back.
  • lifting - lifting- cosmetic, massage or surgical procedure for tightening the skin (mainly on the face), to get rid of wrinkles, sagging.
  • peeling - peeling- a procedure for exfoliating dead cells from the skin surface. Leaves skin smooth, even and shiny. For peeling, solid particles are used (sand, salt, nut shells, etc.), as well as preparations with fruit acids.
  • lymphatic drainage- a body shaping and cellulite treatment procedure that activates the metabolism in the fat cells of the skin. Lymphatic drainage helps to relieve fatigue, relax muscles, increase skin elasticity, improve complexion, eliminate edema and smooth wrinkles. The therapist acts on the lymphatic system with slow and regular movements throughout the body. Circular motions alternate with deep pressure. The procedure causes the outflow of excess fluid and toxins through the lymphatic vessels.
  • hammam(hamam) - hamam- Turkish sauna. A typical hammam consists of three rooms - a warm room, from which the guest begins to visit the bath, hot (steam) and cold.