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New Year in Belarus with children. New Year in Belarus. Go to the recreation center

New Year in Belarus 2018 from 12/29/2017 to 01/03/2018. 6 days 5 nights. 29.12. (Friday) Departure in the evening on a comfortable bus to Brest at 21-00. "Our good cinema" - a screening of your favorite New Year's films. 30.12. (Saturday) Breakfast. Arrival to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Since 2003, the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" has been inviting guests of Belarus to the world of fairy tales. The new tourist site - the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost, is a symbol of the formation of a new tradition of meeting the Christmas holidays. The guests of the Pushcha had the opportunity to meet with the fairy-tale world, which is a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Excursions in Belovezhskaya Pushcha: Father Frost's estate, open-air cages, "Museum of Nature" The estate of Belarusian Father Frost. The estate is a continuation of the bewitching magic of the ancient forest, a fairy tale created by human hands that naturally fits into its coloring. This is one of the most beautiful places of "residence" of Santa Claus, which are now quite a few in the world. Houses decorated with openwork carvings, lovingly made sculptures of fairy tale characters, an elegant Christmas tree, garlands of multi-colored light bulbs sparkling with thousands of lights create an atmosphere of everlasting holiday, a feeling of magic. , a glade of Twelve Months, a living New Year Tree, 11 meters high, an alley of signs of the Eastern Calendar and others - have their own legends, stories and beliefs. In the Manor you can make your most secret wishes, ask Santa Claus to help in their fulfillment. Excursion enclosures with animals A small forest zoo - demonstration enclosures with wild animals - allows visitors to the national park to admire the majestic bison, graceful deer and roe deer, see the cautious lynx, wolves, bear, fox, wild boar, some species of birds of prey, among which attracts close attention Our biggest owl is an eagle owl Museum of Nature The Museum of Nature of the National Park in its design and richness of collections is one of the largest and best museums of this profile in the Republic of Belarus, and in terms of the number of visitors (about 150 thousand people a year) it has no equal in the republic . The museum has 3 large and 2 small thematic halls with a total area of ​​1320 sq.m., where mainly faunistic collections are presented with the addition of individual elements of the plant world. Late lunch. Hotel accommodation. Free time, walks around the city, shopping. And at sunset, on the main pedestrian street of Brest, you can admire the daily ceremony of lighting retro-lanterns by a lamplighter in the form of Peter the Great. Taking a picture with him is a blessing! 31.12. (Sunday) Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of Brest - one of the oldest cities in Belarus with a rich history and a variety of modern events. Acquaintance with the cultural heritage of this city, its ancient temples and monuments: Holy Cross Church, Freedom Square, St. Nicholas brotherly church, St. Simeon Cathedral, theater of music and drama, etc. Visiting the memorial complex "Brest Hero Fortress". Old buildings , ruins, sculptural and architectural structures, the Courage and Thirst monuments, the Ceremonial Square, the obelisk bayonet and the eternal flame. Departure to Minsk. Accommodation in the hotel "Sputnik". Dinner. Excursion around evening Minsk. The magic of the capital in the light of night lights. An evening tour of Minsk will give you an unforgettable experience. With the onset of dusk, the capital of Belarus changes beyond recognition, and already familiar sights, framed by night illumination, take on a completely different look. On the tour, we will drive along the central streets of the city, stop at the main architectural monuments, admire the bright neon lights and, of course, plunge into the mysterious world of urban legends. During the tour you will learn interesting facts and ancient stories that will take your breath away. During the tour you will see the pearl of Minsk - the building of the National Library, made in the shape of a diamond, symbolizing the value of human knowledge. You can visit the panoramic platform of the National Library, having risen in a glass elevator to a height of 73 m. The magnificent views of the capital and its environs from this height make a vivid impression at any time of the year. Return to the hotel. Preparing for New Year's Eve. Meeting the New Year 2018 - at the choice of tourists: 1) FESTIVE NEW YEAR'S NIGHT WITH A BANQUET in the restaurant of the Sputnik Hotel 22-00 - 04-00. Entertainment program and New Year's banquet in the hotel restaurant. (4200 rubles - ordered together with the tour, if desired) 2) "New Year's roam!" – meeting of the New Year on October Square near the Main New Year tree of the country. Free day. Sightseeing tour of Minsk. The Hero City Minsk is the political, economic and cultural center of the sovereign Republic of Belarus, a home for every fifth inhabitant of the country. Minsk is one of the oldest cities in Europe with a 10-century history, revived from the ruins of the ashes by the labor feat of the Minskers. Acquaintance with the city will begin from the Railway Station Square, where you will see the symbolic gates of the city in the form of two towers and the modern building of the railway station. The tour route will take you to the administrative and political center - Independence Square, where you will learn how the monumental building of the Government House was erected almost by hand and what a sad legend is associated with the construction of the Red Church. From Independence Square begins the main thoroughfare of the city - Independence Avenue. Together with the streets adjacent to it, it is the most integral building complex in the Stalinist Empire style. The researchers compare the central part of the avenue with the Nevsky Prospekt of St. Petersburg, the Champs Elysees in Paris, and even with the architecture of Italian cities of the Renaissance. During a walking tour of the Upper Town (Svoboda Square), where the stone Minsk came from, you will see the architectural ensemble of the 17th-18th centuries, the Gostiny Dvor, shopping arcades, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the restored Town Hall building. You will learn about the main shrine of the Holy Spirit Cathedral - the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God and its miraculous appearance to the townspeople. You will get acquainted with Pobediteley Avenue, where the interactive museum of the history of the Second World War is located, the State Flag Square of the Republic of Belarus, the multifunctional cultural and sports complex Minsk-Arena, which hosted the Ice Hockey World Championship in 2014. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of walking along the quiet streets of the Trinity Suburb! This fabulous "town" under tiled roofs, lost in the center of a noisy metropolis, is charming and unique. You will feel the liveliness of the city of the 19th century, and make sure that the brand new embankment is the perfect place for two. On the "Isle of Tears" you can pay tribute to the soldiers-internationalists and see the crying angel. Lunch. Free time for shopping. Visiting shopping centers - branded stores of Belarusian manufacturers (underwear knitwear, confectionery, shoes, outerwear, cosmetics). Products presented by Belarusian manufacturers are quality, convenience and affordable prices!!! *** 19-30. Dinner at the most famous restaurant of Slavic cuisine "Traktir on Parkovaya", which is famous for magnificent Slavic banquets, cordiality and hospitality, observance of folk traditions and rituals, show-serving of signature dishes, an atmosphere of joy and fun, a wonderful musical program, a picnic in an open area, liqueur on the road, a real Russian oven in the hall, the best dishes of the Slavic brazier! (optional, for an additional fee, cost 1300 rubles) 01/02/2018 (Tuesday). Breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Release of rooms. Dudutki is one of the most popular and visited museums in Belarus, where you can not only have an informative and interesting time, but also relax, taste local products, including moonshine on brovar, ride horses, take a walk around the zoo. In Dudutki, past and present meet, the measured life of an old noble estate of the 19th century and the convenience of a modern tourist center. Here you will be glad to offer you an acquaintance with the way of the lord's court, the work of masters who recreate ancient technologies in action, the culinary heritage of our ancestors, the enchanting nature of the Minsk region, and the amazing wildlife. All exhibits can be touched, tasted, felt. Group gathering. Departure from Minsk. Transfer (45 km). Arrival in Dudutki. You will see the old and only operating windmill in Belarus, learn the history of its construction and the secrets of work, and at the end you will try the miller's treat (lard, bread, onions). In the pottery workshop, you can take the place of the master at the potter's wheel for a few minutes. Then you will visit the village forge, watch the work of a blacksmith and learn the secrets of his craft, if you are lucky, he will choose you as an assistant and give you a freshly forged horseshoe “for good luck”. A visit to a traditional Belarusian bakery will come in handy, where you will be told about the enchanting process of the birth of rye bread, and then a long-awaited treat of the baker (bread, cheese, butter, herbal tea) awaits you. It will be possible to buy a souvenir made of straw and linen in the ethnographic gallery with an exposition of household items of the 18th-20th centuries. But nothing can be compared with a treat on a brovar (old gentry vodka and a traditional snack). Behind the craft yard you can see the zoo and barnyard, where, in addition to the usual cows, geese and chickens, wild boar, ostriches and even American deer live. After a 2.5 hour tour, you will have free time to buy souvenirs and ride a horse or in a cart. Sending the group home. 01/03/2018 (Wednesday).Arrival home in the morning. Cost for 1 person: 2-bed room King size 1st room Extra. place in 1-bed. room Pensioners/student Children up to 16 14900 17400 10500 400 500 The tour price includes: transportation for the entire trip, accommodation in 2-bed rooms with all amenities, 4 breakfasts + 3 lunches, excursions with entrance tickets to museums according to the program. Hotel description: Hotel "Sputnik" is located near the main square of Minsk. It offers single and double (one-room and two-room) rooms of different categories of comfort. Description of rooms: Single - single room with one bed, all amenities, bathroom / shower, TV, telephone, refrigerator. King-size - one room with one large bed, all amenities, bathroom, TV, telephone, refrigerator, hair dryer.

New Year in Belarus 2020 is a great option to organize a vacation in another country, but in a place where you are perfectly understood.

Beautiful winter landscapes and picturesque places native to the Russian soul, architectural monuments and magical estates, luxurious modern cottages and healing health resorts are the undeniable advantages of the New Year in Belarus 2020, with a New Year program designed for both adults and children.

Meeting with open arms every guest, Belarus is able to surprise even experienced and well-worn tourists with reasonable prices and a variety of leisure options, ranging from all-inclusive holidays and individual routes for companies of young people, ending with special offers for lovers and couples with children .

Holidays in Belarus for the New Year 2020 prices of the recreation center

New Year in Belarus 2020 with a New Year program from a hotel or hotel is not only a festive buffet, fun competitions and fireworks, but also numerous excursions to Minsk, Brest and Vitebsk. No less popular destinations - Nesvizh, Dudutki, Grodno and Kamenyuki.

What to see

Without fail, guests of Belarus visit the monuments included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, namely the Mir castle complex and the palace and park ensemble in Nesvizh.

Of particular interest to children and adults are the estate of Father Frost, the Berezinsky Reserve and the favorite among the sights of White Russia - Belovezhskaya Pushcha, on the territory of which the tallest spruce in Europe grows, unique landscapes and the legendary Belaya Vezha are located.

You can learn more about the country by visiting the ethno-museum of material culture "Dudutki", located in the open air. In it, every guest of the country will learn national characteristics, get acquainted with crafts and ethnography, and be imbued with the folk flavor of Belarus.

And the Belarusian center of Europe is located in Polotsk - the central point of the European territory. Each visitor is given a certificate and a photo.

Residence of Father Frost

When choosing one or another hotel to celebrate the New Year in Belarus 2020 with the New Year program, be sure to include a visit to the residence of the main wizard of winter in your vacation plan.

Located in Kamenyuki, Father Frost's estate is open to adults and children.

It is here that you can see real miracles, visit a fairy-tale theater and explore the possessions of a kind old man on a special train. The sightseeing tour necessarily includes a visit to Winter's workshop and many gifts.


Going to Belarus for the New Year, be sure to visit Minsk. Distinguished both by its originality, variety of historical and cultural monuments, and modern architecture, the elegant capital turns into a real fairy tale in winter.

You will remember fun fairs and attractions, excellent skating rinks and ice slides, a unique water park and noisy festivities with moonshine tasting. By the way, you can try this drink in the ethno-museum, where moonshine is brewed in one of the exhibits - a moonshine still.

To meet the New Year and spend a few days in hospitable Belarus, perhaps not a blue, but quite affordable dream, which not everyone has yet appreciated. Beautiful winter landscapes, amazing picturesque places, architectural monuments, fabulous estates, cottages and healing health resorts will open Belarus to many new tourists and will delight guests who have long been in love with it with their originality. The country will meet with joy and pleasantly surprise both wealthy people spoiled by travel, and those who want to relax inexpensively. New Year's offers are full of various options, and each traveler can choose an all-inclusive tour in advance, or create an individual route to suit the tastes of the gathered company. Tourist complexes, hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers and authentic estates in the outback are preparing to receive numerous guests who have decided to celebrate the New Year in Belarus 2018.

Brief overview of New Year's tours

When choosing tours for the New Year holidays in Belarus, you should focus on tourist offers and the country's opportunities in the winter season:

Tour Places to visit Program
Minsk New Year holidays Minsk, Vitebsk, Brest, Dudutki, Father Frost's estate, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky Reserve, Grodno New Year's Eve in Minsk, excursions
Night at the castle Nesvizh Castle or Mir Castle Walk through the old quarters of Minsk, overnight in one of the castles of your choice, excursions
Holidays in Brest Brest, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Minsk, Dudutki, Father Frost's estate, ostrich farm, Kobrin, Nesvizh Accommodation in Brest, visiting museums, castles, palaces
New Year's Eve in Grodno Grodno, Minsk, Lida, Korobchitsy, Dudutki Medieval performances, jousting, organ concert, guided tours
Vouchers in the sanatorium Alesya, Nadzeya, Forest Lakes, Silver Keys, Krinitsa, Belorusochka, Radon Therapeutic procedures, excursions, New Year's banquet

Top 5 places in Belarus to visit

For tourists who are planning a holiday in Belarus for the New Year for the first time, experienced travelers are advised to visit the main winter attractions and outstanding places that allow you to feel the true spirit of the country:

  1. Belovezhskaya Pushcha- the leader among Belarusian sights. People come here to look at the legendary Belaya Vezha covered with snow, amazing landscapes, the highest spruce in Europe and plunge into the era of great historical events for a few hours.
  2. Fairytale residence of Santa Claus is open not only for small guests. She has something to surprise even adults who have not believed in miracles for a long time. The good Belarusian wizard placed his possessions in the town of Kamenyuki, where real miracles, a fairy-tale theater, a festive train for a sightseeing tour of the residence, Winter's workshop and many, many gifts await visitors on New Year's Eve.
  3. Minsk. The elegant Belarusian capital attracts tourists during the New Year holidays to tell their tale and show their majestic architecture and outstanding monuments. The holiday here will be remembered for fairs, attractions, skating rinks, a water park and pleasant prices for all entertainment.
  4. Ethnomuseum of material culture under the open Belarusian sky "Dudutki" will acquaint the guests of the country with national features, crafts, ethnography and color of the people of Belarus. And, of course, it will not do without tasting the national alcoholic heritage - moonshine, brewed in a real museum exhibit - a moonshine still.
  5. Your center of Europe Belarusians also have. It is designated in Polotsk. Tourists who have visited the central point of the European territory are awarded a certificate testifying to this significant event, and a photo for a long memory.

Belarus "at home"

In Belarus there is a holiday for absolutely every taste, but many tourists come here for sincerity, sincerity and authenticity. In this country, you can rent a house with a Belarusian family and live for several days, absorbing the culture, traditions and identity of the Belarusian people. Thanks to this feature, New Year's offers have appeared that will allow you to plunge into the festive folk festivals and national rituals, taste the famous Belarusian potato pancakes and proclaim a New Year's toast with a glass of local moonshine. And after noisy celebrations, you can continue to explore Belarus and go to:

  • Fairy-tale castles (Nesvizh, Mir and others).
  • Brest fortress.
  • Museum of medieval chivalry.
  • Braslav Lakes National Park and many, many other Belarusian sights that charge with incredible strength and energy.

One of the most anticipated holidays is the New Year. So cozy, fun and truly family friendly. Usually this is a delicious New Year's table, garlands and lanterns, sweet gifts for children and surprises for close relatives. But you can spend a wonderful holiday not at home, but with fun and joy in another city. One of such cities that want to receive tourists for the New Year holidays is Minsk. Tours to Belarus for the New Year 2018 great choice. And the prices for New Year's holidays in Belarus are not too high, which is a definite plus. This place turns into a real New Year's fairy tale. Lights and decorations are hung everywhere, people are beaming with smiles in anticipation of the holiday, and a large beautiful Christmas tree appears on the main square.

New Year traditions of Belarus

The celebration of the New Year in Belarus is very similar to Russian and Ukrainian traditions. Fairs with souvenirs and delicious treats are organized on the squares, people dance to cheerful music, and children are entertained with competitions. Young girls and boys go to discos, restaurants or arrange a New Year's party with friends in the apartment. And beloved grandmothers are responsible for watching concerts with famous folk singers.

Of the unusual traditions, it can be noted that children are waiting for gifts not from Grandfather Frost, but from St. Nicholas. The Snow Maiden comes to help in distributing New Year's gifts.

One of the traditions is the correct New Year's table. There should be exactly 12 dishes. Each of them will symbolize a month of the year. Mandatory treats in the New Year - tsibriks. These are national potato balls fried in oil.

Where to go during the New Year holidays

New Year tours in Belarus a great opportunity to see the most interesting places and attractions on the eve of the New Year.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a nature reserve known all over the world. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha there is still an untouched part of the dense and beautiful forests that once covered Poland and Belarus. In addition to vegetation, there are several species of animals in the park. In the nature reserve there is a part that is closed from the eyes of tourists, entry there is prohibited. But, it is strongly recommended to visit the museum and the aviary with animals. The entrance to the museum is about 100 Russian rubles, to the enclosures about the same. A sightseeing tour of Belovezhskaya Pushcha will cost 300 rubles.

Arriving on vacation in Belarus, you can see the most popular places just walking along the streets. All the most fun and interesting is in the city.

Prices for New Year tours to Belarus 2018

Having decided to go on New Year's holidays to Belarus, it is worth considering what to find last minute tours quite problematic. Better book tickets in advance for the required dates. from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles. It includes accommodation in a hotel in a double room or a sanatorium, meals and excursions. Favorite places to visit during the tour are the Brest Fortress and the Berezinsky Reserve. Having bought a ticket for a New Year's holiday in Belarus, you will get a lot of pleasant emotions and a cheerful company.