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Where to celebrate the new year in Evpatoria. Hotels and hostels for the new year in Evpatoria. January Clean Thursday. Restoring strength"

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria, resort

Evpatoria- the famous balneo-mud resort on the western coast of the Crimean peninsula, facing the Kalamitsky Bay, a golden crescent of sandy beaches framing the waters of the Black Sea. The city is located between the largest salt lake in the republic, Sasyk-Sivash, and Moinak Lake, stretched from south to north, which served as a source of healing mud and brine centuries ago.

In Evpatoria, the natural wealth of the Western coast of Crimea is fully used - brine and mud of salt lakes, sea breezes, an abundance of sun and aromas of medicinal plants served to create a network of sanatoriums, boarding houses, health resorts and children's camps. Evpatoria health resorts have formed a kind of city within a city - a green resort area with amusement parks, water entertainment complexes, embankments and parks framed by Mediterranean flora, cultural and entertainment centers.

Geographical position

The Yevpatoria resort is located on the western coast of the Crimean peninsula, in the northwestern tip of the Kalamitsky Bay, which stretches along the Black Sea for 41 km with sandy beaches. More than 1400 km separate the resort from Moscow, about 500 from Krasnodar, 70 km from Simferopol.

Evpatoria lies on a gentle plain, at an altitude of 10 m above sea level, among salt lakes-estuaries, thin isthmuses separated from the expanse of the Black Sea. The resort faces the sandy Evpatoria Bay, which completes the arc of the Kalamitsky Bay. Nature in the vicinity of Yevpatoriya - endless expanses of feather grass and fescue steppes, in some places plowed up for agricultural needs.

Evpatoria is located at the same time on the Black Sea coast and on the estuary lake Sasyk-Sivash, a canal connected to the salt lake of the Saki resort. On the western outskirts of the resort there is Lake Moinaki stretched from south to north - a source of brine and therapeutic mud.

The variety of flora of Evpatoria is provided by gardens and parks of the resort area. Park alleys and paths of squares lie between cypress, plane trees, arborvitae and Crimean pine.


The climate of Evpatoria is arid, seaside-steppe with an abundance of sunshine, frequent and strong winds. no sudden temperature fluctuations.

Winter here is mild and short. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is -1°C.

Summers are hot, dry and sunny. The hottest month is July. The average temperature in July is 23°C. Summer heat is moderated by sea breezes.

Precipitation is about 362 mm per year.

Relative air humidity in spring and winter averages 80%, in summer and autumn - 70%.

Evpatoria is one of the sunniest points of the Crimea. On average, the resort receives 258 sunny days per year, and in some years this figure approaches 300. The number of hours of sunshine is about 2500 per year.

The swimming season in Evpatoria lasts from the beginning of June to the end of September, the water temperature during this period ranges from 17-24 °C.


Cellular services in Evpatoria are provided by mobile operators MTS and Win Mobile, the Beeline network operates in international roaming mode. For calls within Russia, it is most convenient to use MTS tariffs, and if you plan to make calls within the peninsula, it is better to purchase the Win Mobile package. A number of operators offer mobile 3G and 4G Internet service.

In some cafes and restaurants, sanatoriums, boarding houses and resort hotels, as well as at the bus station and Theater Square, wireless Wi-Fi access points are equipped. Internet cafes operate in city libraries.

The telephone code of Evpatoria is +38 (06569).

When calling from other cities of Russia, you should dial +38-06569- the subscriber's number from the mobile, and the subscriber's number from the city 1038-06569-.


The population of Evpatoria is 107,040 people, during the peak of the summer season this figure increases several times. Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Belarusians, Jews, Armenians and Karaites live on the territory of the city.

resort areas

The resort area of ​​Evpatoria occupies the western part of the city. From the east, the recreational zone is limited by Duvanovskaya street and the seaport, from the west by the shore of Lake Moinaki, and from the north by Lenin Avenue. The resort area is the greenest part of the city, it is here that the bulk of health resorts, resort hotels, entertainment centers and attractions for vacationers are concentrated. The territory of the resort area covers the Gorky embankment, a park and squares, a chain of well-maintained beaches.

Transport component

Air transport. To get to Evpatoria, you need to make a flight to Simferopol. Simferopol International Airport receives flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Tyumen and other Russian cities. The distance from Evpatoria to the airport is 70 km. There are several ways to overcome this distance:

Method one: take minibuses No. 49, 98, 100, 115 or trolleybus No. 9 to the Simferopol bus station, and from there take an intercity bus to Evpatoria. Travel time is about one and a half hours.

Method two: by fixed-route taxis No. 49, 98, 100, 115 or trolleybus No. 9 to get to the railway station of Simferopol From the railway station of Simferopol, an electric train runs several times a day to the Evpatoria-Kurort station. Estimated travel time is 2 hours.

Also in the airport hall you can order a taxi to Evpatoria. Travel time from the airport is just over an hour, the cost of a taxi ride, on average, is 1,500 rubles.

Railway transport. The railway station Evpatoria-resort is located directly in the city. Long-distance trains from Moscow, Minsk, Vitebsk arrive at the platform. You can also take the train to the stations of Simferopol and Sevastopol, and from there by intercity buses or electric trains to Evpatoria.

Motor transport. There is a bus station in Evpatoria, connected by passenger traffic with all major cities and resorts of the Crimea, as well as with the cities of the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol and Rostov Region. There are direct flights from Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk and Rostov-on-Don.

Urban land transport Evpatoria - buses, fixed-route taxis and trams. The resort and the surrounding area are connected by suburban bus routes. The city center is surrounded by a tram network, laid in 1914. Also in Evpatoria there are firms offering taxi services, car rentals.


Evpatoria has ample opportunities in the field of beach and outdoor activities, however, the main tourist destination is sanatorium treatment.

Health tourism. The leading healing factors of the resort are brine and therapeutic mud. Rapa - highly mineralized waters of the salt lakes of Evpatoria, used in the form of baths, irrigation and aerosols. High therapeutic properties have sulfide therapeutic mud of estuaries. They are used in health resorts in the form of applications and wraps. On the territory of the resort there are sources of sodium chloride weakly alkaline waters used in drinking treatment.

An important healing factor in Evpatoria is the climate - high solar activity, air saturated with microelements and sea salts favor aerotherapy and heliotherapy.

The resort has a network of sanatorium-and-spa institutions, as well as general resort centers. Community centers include Monacian mud bath- a multidisciplinary medical institution with a powerful medical base. During the high season, the complex offers up to 10,000 procedures per day. The mud bath is equipped with a bathing department, where brine baths are dispensed, gynecological and intestinal irrigations are carried out, two mud departments, a massage room and a pump room.

At the sanatorium "Victory" operates All-resort Yevpatoriya balneary. Doctors-specialists conduct consultations here, automatic terminals for the issuance of mineral water operate, a beauty and health studio, a phytobar operate.

The network of sanatorium-and-spa institutions also includes large health resorts designed to receive several hundred vacationers, small boarding houses and rest houses, resort hotels and health centers.

beach holiday. Evpatoria has long and wide sandy beaches. Golden fine-grained sand, warm and clear water of the sea, flat and shallow bottom of the bay made the beaches of the resort popular. According to official data, more than 70 beaches are equipped in Evpatoria and the surrounding areas, many of them belong to sanatoriums and resort complexes, so the entrance to them is closed or paid.

The central city beach is located near the Embankment. Gorky. The beach is equipped with changing rooms, toilets, a rescue tower, children's attractions and rental shops. It is traditionally crowded here, even at the beginning of the season. Near Lake Moinaki, behind Tereshkova Embankment, there is a free concrete beach with steps descending into the sea. There are sparsely populated city beaches in the area of ​​Simferopolskaya Street.

Children's rest. Sandy beaches and natural healing resources of Yevpatoria have formed the conditions for recreation with children. The resort has a number of summer children's camps, health centers for children. Many health resorts accept guests with children of any age.

Active recreation and sports. In Evpatoria, almost all possible variety of water sports is represented. Guests of the resort can rent a jet ski, a catamaran, try their hand at windsurfing, kite surfing, paddle surfing, and water skiing. There are diving centers in Evpatoria that provide training according to the international CMAS system. Diving tours are carried out.

The beaches are equipped with volleyball courts, ping-pong tables. On the embankment there is a boat station and a yacht club with a berth for pleasure boats. There are stadiums, gyms, fitness centers, open sports grounds in Evpatoria.

Educational tourism. On the territory of Yevpatoriya there are walking excursion routes, acquainting the guests of the city with the heritage of the Crimean Tatars and Karaites, architectural and historical monuments. Resting in Evpatoria, you can also go on a trip to neighboring resort towns, make a trip to the southern coast of Crimea or get acquainted with the sights of the central part of the peninsula.

Important Phones

Useful phone numbers in Evpatoria:
Unified rescue service and fire service - 101
Police - 102
Ambulance - 103
Rescue service on the waters - 3-05-77, 3-05-50
City Information Service - 109
Bus station 3-32-24, information bus station - 6-16-90
Railway station 3-07-78, reference - 5-14-11
Reference maritime station - 3-24-95


Evpatoria, which celebrated its 2500th anniversary, has a huge number of historical, cultural and architectural attractions.

You can make an independent sightseeing tour of the city on foot, or by taking a tourist tram that runs from the railway station. The excursion "Tram of Desires" passes through the whole city. During the trip, guides tell passengers about Lake Moinaki, the history of the city, such sights as the building of the Library named after A.S. Pushkin and the City Theatre.

The main part of the architectural and historical heritage of Evpatoria is concentrated in the historical center of the resort - Little Jerusalem. The old part of the city bears this name because of the neighborhood of spiritual centers of different cultures. The winding old streets unite the Juma-Jami Cathedral Friday Mosque, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Tekiye Dervishes complex, the Karaite Small and Cathedral kenasas, the arched gates of Odun-bazaar-kapysy, medieval Turkish baths, a synagogue and a Lutheran church.

Considerable historical heritage is kept by Duvanovskaya street. If you follow it away from the sea, then on the left you can see a glass pyramid hiding fragments of the ancient Kerkinitida, a Greek polis that existed in the 5th-2nd centuries BC. Historical mansions rise on both sides of Duvanovskaya - pre-revolutionary villas "Lux" and "Sphinx" in neo-Greek style, decorated with bas-reliefs of merchants' houses invariably attract attention.

Leisure at the resort

Restaurants. There are restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, fast food outlets, confectionery and culinary shops in Evpatoria. In the establishments of the resort, preference is given to dishes of the Crimean Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian cuisines, as well as dishes of the Karaites.

Most of the restaurants and cafes are located on the busy Frunze and Duvanovskaya streets, as well as near the Gorky Embankment. The restaurant "Dulber" enjoys the fame of one of the best establishments of the resort. Behind the Greek-style façade hide cozy rooms with wooden furniture and fireplaces. In "Dulber" guests are offered dishes of European and Oriental cuisine, meat and seafood cooked on coals. Not far from Tereshkova Embankment there is a restaurant "St. Petersburg". The classic interiors of the institution are conducive to a leisurely meal. The menu of the restaurant includes dishes of author's cuisine.

One of the most remarkable establishments in Evpatoria is the Yoskin Kot cafe-museum of Jewish cuisine. Here you can taste tsimes with meat, potato pancakes latkes, as well as dishes with very intriguing names "Wanderings of Abraham" and "Original Sin". You can touch the era of the Silver Age by visiting the Anna Akhmatova Literary Cafe, located next to Theater Square.

Authentic Karaite dishes of chebureki-yantyki and hamur-dolma are served at the Karaman restaurant. In another popular institution of the resort, the ethno-restaurant "Jeval", you can try dishes of the Crimean Tatar cuisine - shurpa, pilaf, lagman. Guests are offered more than 15 types of coffee and oriental desserts.

Parks. One of the centers of resort life in Evpatoria is the park named after. Frunze. There are classic attractions, all kinds of swings and carousels, tourist trains. Ponies covered with colorful blankets are led along the walking paths, young guests are met by clowns, cafes and restaurants fill the park with seductive aromas. Recreation areas are equipped for guests - benches and gazebos are hidden in the shade of plane trees and firs.

The main promenade area of ​​the resort is the embankment named after M. Gorky. The embankment is decorated with three rotundas, a sculpture of Hercules, imposingly spread out on a stepped pedestal, and a park of living sculptures. The coastal zone is limited by rows of plane trees, lindens and maples.

All plant diversity of the Crimean peninsula is represented in the Evpatoria arboretum. Maple, pine, cypress and juniper grow here, you can see agave, aloe, almond, yew and pomegranate. A small stream lined with stones flows through the park, small decorative ponds and stone slides are arranged.

Theaters and cinemas. There are several theaters in Evpatoria. The main stage is the Evpatoria Theater named after A. Pushkin, founded in 1910. Evgeny Vakhtangov, Konstantin Stanislavsky performed on its stage at different times, Fyodor Chaliapin and Alexander Vertinsky gave concerts. Also, guests of Evpatoria can visit the Children's Theater "Golden Key", the Puppet Theater, the Theater of Choreographic Miniatures, the Theater of Fire "Tungsten", the Dance Theater of the Peoples of the World.

On the main square of the city there are cinemas "Rocket" and "Coliseum". In the parks of Evpatoria there are open-air summer cinemas.

Museums. Evpatoria does not lack museums. The history of ancient Kerkinitida, medieval Gezlev, the stages of development of resort business and architectural construction are reflected in the collection of the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, which occupies a merchant's mansion on Duvanovskaya Street. A unique collection of photographs is presented at the Postal Museum. Visitors can trace the evolution of postal communications, from horse harnesses and carriages to airplanes and mail trains.

The Reading Room of the Evpatoria Library houses the Book Museum. The museum collection includes editions of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition, the resort has a Chocolate Museum, a Wine Museum and a Medicine Museum.

Entertainment and shopping centers. There are several large shopping centers in Evpatoria. The complexes "Passage", "Maximum" and "Fortuna" unite dozens of clothing stores, fashion boutiques, accessories stores, electronics stores, cafes and restaurants, and gaming zones.

The largest entertainment complex of the resort is the center "Solnyshko". It offers visitors a beach, volleyball and basketball courts, a mini-football field, ping-pong tables, a water park, a dance floor for 2000 people, equipped with the most modern sound equipment. The complex regularly hosts electronic and pop music festivals, rock concerts, dj sets, theme parties and show programs.

On Duvanovskaya street, among historical mansions, there is an entertainment complex "Dinopark". Here, moving figures of dinosaurs, brontosaurs, tyrannosaurus and pterodactyls, a complex of prize attractions, slot machines await visitors. On the second floor of the center there is a bowling club.

You can see marine and freshwater inhabitants in the Evpatoria Aquarium. Behind aquarium glasses live false flatfish, rays, small sharks, snake fish. On the second floor of the complex there is a terrarium.

Slot machines, air hockey, a shooting range and other entertainment are presented in the Pharaoh gaming center on Tereshkova embankment.

Water parks. There are only two water parks in Evpatoria, but both are modern with a large number of attractions and a high level of service. Water park "Banana Republic" is located 9 km south of the center of Evpatoria, on the isthmus between the Black Sea and Lake Sasyk-Sivash. On an area of ​​more than 40,000 sq. m housed 8 swimming pools and 25 attractions for children and adults. The Red Pepper and Blue Fog slides, as high as a seven-story building, attract fans of extreme sports, the Caribbean Pool with two cocktail bars is equipped for recreation, a complex of water slopes and a special pool are open for children.

In the summer of 2014, the water park "At Lukomorye" began its work, located in the very center of the Gorky Embankment. Everything in the water amusement park is imbued with the spirit of A.S. Pushkin - the upper stations of the slides are stylized as huts, in the pools you can see figures of goldfish and heroes, in the very center of the complex there is an oak tree, girded with a golden chain, along which a scientist cat paces. The water park is represented by extreme water slides, family multislide slides, an entertainment pool with cascades and geysers.

Amusement parks. The amusement complex is located in the Frunze Park. Here you will find a traditional range of entertainment for resorts - a small Ferris wheel, children's swings and carousels, a race track, a shooting gallery, and slot machines. On the beach of Evpatoria there are "slingshot" attractions, water attractions - "banana" and "bun".

Dolphinariums. The dolphinarium is open from June to October. Four times a day, performances are given here with the participation of bottlenose dolphins, fur seals and beluga whales.


Evpatoria gives its guests the opportunity to participate in the days of international culture, music and theater festivals, sporting events, to become spectators of concert programs and theatrical performances.

The festive procession marks the beginning of a new holiday season. The carnival presents costumes from different eras and peoples inhabiting the city - Greek tunics, bright outfits of the Crimean Tatars, tailcoats and dresses of the 19th century. The holiday is accompanied by concerts, fairs and colorful show programs.

Every year in Yevpatoriya the International Festival “Earth. Theatre. Children”, in which children's and student theaters from Russia and Ukraine take part. The festival includes open-air performances, concerts and festive fireworks.

Days of various cultures have become traditional events for Evpatoria. So several times a year the day of Greek culture, the day of Jewish culture, the days of culture of the Crimean Tatars are held. The program of events includes performances of vocal and dance groups, tasting of national dishes, fairs.

At the end of summer, the Festival of amateur arts "Summer Evenings on Karaimskaya" takes place in Evpatoria. The greatest attention is drawn to the performances of the theater on stilts and the folk theater of living sculpture.

If you want to make the holidays unforgettable, you only need to book hotels in Evpatoria for the new year 2017 and you will not need to organize a holiday, all this will be done for you by the staff of your chosen accommodation facility. A comfortable 5-star hotel for the New Year in Evpatoria will provide you with an excellent opportunity to relax and just spend time with family and close friends. In order to book a hotel in Evpatoria for the New Year 2017, you just need to go to the VashHotel.RU Internet service website and use the convenient filter to select the option that suits you by location, category and list of services provided. We recommend to our clients such hotels as Union, Viktoriya Guest House, Pension Dolce Vita. The cost depends on many factors, but rest assured, we offer only the best deals on the hotel market and offer prices from 350 rubles per night.

Rest in Evpatoria is good at any time of the year. But still, in the high season, some sophisticated tourists try not to come here. Many tourists, crowded beaches and high prices are not for everyone. There are many reasons to choose a vacation in Evpatoria in December.

First, of course, low prices. After the tourist peak, some hotels stop working for a while, while others greatly reduce the cost of their services so as not to work at a loss. Tours in December to Evpatoria are an excellent choice for those who like to save money.

Hotels in Evpatoria are of high quality, there are members of well-known chains. Hotels often have animators with rooms for children and adults.

Secondly, a pleasant atmosphere of relaxation. There are no restless groups of tourists, no queues at monuments and museums, the streets are almost empty - it's time to relax and spend your holidays in almost complete seclusion.

Thirdly, the cultural program. Rare resorts in the off-season completely quiet down, they become centers of cultural life. Evpatoria in December is no exception. At this time, various festivals, concerts, exhibitions are held here. Museums and attractions also work on schedule. A tour to Evpatoria in December is especially suitable for older people.

New Year in Evpatoria 2017

Your favorite family celebration is just around the corner. New Year in Evpatoria 2017 can become not only fabulous, but healthy holiday. The unique climatic features of the city make it possible to treat various ailments only by being outdoors. A rich history and a large number of architectural monuments will make the January holidays educational as well.

The geographical position of this Crimean island of childhood determines its weather conditions. With the onset of winter, the air temperature rarely drops below zero. However, there are still frosts. If we talk about the period of the so-called "Christmas holidays", the weather in the resort is more like an average autumn in the central part of Russia. The only reminders of the onset of winter are festive decorations and forest beauties installed on the central streets and squares. Although the city is likely to be snow-free, winter holidays can be very fun and active in the city.

Ancient architectural monuments, a mixture of times and cultures - all this Evpatoria. New Year's Eve in this resort city will be remembered for a large number of excursions, pleasant walks along the picturesque embankment and gastronomic adventures. This place is ideal for couples and companies who are not looking for noisy night parties, but, on the contrary, want to enjoy the serene warm January days. This is exactly what this wonderful winter holiday can become.

Evpatoria for the New Year, where to go?

Of course, in addition to banquets and theatrical performances, this resort city can offer its guests a varied cultural program. Only in the city there are about a dozen places worth visiting. True, if this is a museum, check its opening hours in advance.

If you first came to the resort, take a walk along its old streets. So, for example, the Karaim street of the city is a unique and original historical monument, which has absorbed hundreds of years of the peninsula's annals. It looks especially wonderful in the winter season, when it is not full of greenery and flowers, and the delicate patterns and bas-reliefs that adorn the facades of some houses seem to come from another world.

If you are fond of monumental books of cities, then just look around. This place is really amazing with a mixture of cultures and styles of architecture. Orthodox churches, Muslim churches and Jewish synagogues, old mansions and ruins of the last century can stand nearby here. Therefore, you can walk through these labyrinths all day long, especially since most often the days of January allow you to do this.

An important part of the life of the resort city is its gastronomic culture. Since whole groups of people of different nationalities live in this place, this could not but affect the local cuisine. Restaurants in Evpatoria for the New Year offer their visitors to make a gastronomic journey through this Crimean Babylon. Tatar and Russian cuisine, Greek and Caucasian, Ukrainian and Asian, and this is not a complete list of culinary traditions that came here from different regions of the earth.

Another important attraction are the city trams. These old trailers are popular with tourists who miss the Soviet romance. It is especially pleasant to ride them along the festive streets of the city, as you can spend hours watching from the window flickering bright signs and Christmas lights hung in shop windows and flickering faces of the townspeople.

Thus, the January holidays in this, as it can be called, Crimean Babylon will appeal to the widest public. Not by chance New Year in Evpatoria 2016 hosted thousands of tourists from different regions of Russia. Indeed, during this period, the city is an even more wonderful combination of completely incompatible components: from bright festive illuminations to gray outskirts, from ancient historical monuments to modern offices. Gastronomic diversity also attracts collectors of national and old recipes. Therefore, we can say that the January holidays in this sanatorium city will be remembered by those who want to make this holiday bright.

This was reported by the press service of the city administration

On December 19, on St. Nicholas Day at 13.30, a street exhibition of old New Year and Christmas cards will open in front of the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore.

At 15.00 in the afternoon in the hall of the children's school there will be a children's entertainment program.

And the traditional post office of Father Frost will open on Theater Square.

At 11 o'clock in the hotel "Petrotel" (Gogol street, 15a) a charity event "Christmas tree of goodness" will take place.

From 2:30 p.m., a column of fairy-tale New Year characters starts from the center of culture and leisure. It will pass through the streets of the city to the Theater Square, where the XIII Republican festival-competition "Santa Claus is resting - in the arena of Santa Claus" will begin at 15 o'clock.

At 16-30 in the meeting room of the city administration, the winners of the children's competition for the best New Year's toy will be awarded.

At 17:00, the Snow Queen herself and her retinue will arrive at the main square of the city. Artists of the theater on stilts "The Show of Giants" and the theater of fire "Tungsten" will perform a theatrical show based on Andersen's fairy tale. After that, the main event of the day will take place - the lighting of New Year's lights on the main Christmas tree of Evpatoria. The events on this day will end with festive fireworks.

On December 26 at 12.00 noon, a landing party of fabulous snowmen will land on Theater Square. Entrepreneurs of the city helped to make them.

From 22.00 in the evening on December 31, a festive program will begin near the city spruce, which will last until three in the morning on January 01, 2018