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The Taj Mahal is an extraordinary love story preserved in marble. Where is the Taj Mahal located? mausoleum taj mahal message

Shah Jahan or "Lord of the World" is one of the emperors of the Mughal dynasty. At his command, magnificent buildings were built in the state. architectural monuments: the main of which was the mausoleum of the Taj Mahal in Agra, where the beloved wife of the emperor found his refuge, and later he himself.

Shah Jahan was the third son of Padishah Jahangir and, by birth, could not claim the throne.

But through intrigue, struggle with his father and brothers, as well as a successful marriage to his father's niece in 1627, he becomes the head of a large Baburid empire. Under him, the state reached its peak of power and prosperity. Incomes have risen and imperial palaces in luxury could be compared with the best royal houses in Europe.


Shah Jahan was married several times, according to tradition he also had a large harem. But according to historians, he loved one woman all his life. Some sources say beautiful story about how a young shahzade saw a beautiful girl in the market and fell in love with her.

I really want to believe in this beautiful fairy tale about Cinderella. But everything was much more prosaic. Banu Begum was the daughter of the chief minister of the empire and was the prince's cousin. Before the wedding, the lovers had to wait for five whole years.

Firstly, because the first wife of the Shahzade was a Persian princess, it was an advantageous dynastic marriage. Secondly, the royals of the East have been checking with the stars all their lives.

And the favorable moment for the next marriage fell on 1612. Youthful love has stood the test of years. During the wedding, the emperor gave his daughter-in-law a new name. Thus, Mumtaz Mahal appeared, which meant “decoration of the palace”.

It is hard to imagine what passions were seething in the imperial harem. The rejected elder wife weaved intrigues, participated in conspiracies, made scandals. There is a case when Banu Begum was almost poisoned. And although the ruler honestly performed his marital duty in the harem, for many years his heart was captured by Mumtaz Mahal.

She was not just a wife, but also a faithful friend, comrade-in-arms, companion. She also accompanied her husband on his travels.

The woman was present at important meetings, her advice was listened to. At least the fact that Mumtaz was entrusted with keeping the state seal testified to her position. And all this despite the fact that the beloved woman of the padishah regularly brought a child almost every year.

The emperor called his wife Lala, which translated as "a drop of ruby." Grand celebrations and processions were held in honor of Mumtaz Mahal. Of all the padishah's wives, a portrait was ordered only for her, although Islam forbade depicting living people.

The petty mischief of the harem wives did not overshadow the happiness of Shah Jahan and his beloved. In 1627, after the death of his father, the then Shahzade proclaimed himself the ruler of the Mughal Empire. Now he has everything: the throne, the country, his beloved wife. But happiness does not last long.

Three years later, the emperor has to go to suppress the uprising in the province of Burhanpur. The faithful wife, although she was in the last stages of pregnancy, again accompanies her husband. Arriving at the place, Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to the fourteenth child and died. She was 36 years old, of which 17 she lived in a marriage with Shah Jahan.

The emperor swore to his dying wife that he would take care of his eldest daughter Jahanar and build a magnificent tomb in honor of his love.

The second promise was fulfilled, and for what century the whole world has been admiring the Taj Mahal - a symbol of great love and immeasurable grief. Its construction became the meaning of the emperor's life. But the daughter herself was forced to take care of her father. She tried to bring him out of deep mourning, which lasted several years, and then took the place of her late mother in the hierarchy of the palace.

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Shah Jahan buried his dead wife in the province of Burhanpur. A few months later, the body was transferred to Agra, where it was again interred on the banks of the Yamuna. And the emperor was already planning the construction of a mausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal has been under construction for over two decades.

Project and construction

The emperor's choice fell on the city of Agra. In the 17th century, it stood on the same level with Delhi in importance. The final resting place of Mumtaz Mahal was also successful. For several centuries, the tomb was not damaged by a single earthquake.

The builders began the construction of the tomb in 1632. From all over the country, more than 22 thousand skilled craftsmen and just workers were gathered who were engaged in the construction and decoration of the Taj Mahal. The main structure was designed by the architect Ismail Afandi.

The Persian architect and artist Ustad Isa, the famous calligrapher Amanat Khan, the decorator Kazim Khan from Lahore and many other well-known builders worked with him.

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The marble from which the tomb is built has unique properties. The translucent shade of the base material can change its color depending on the time of day: pink in the morning, white in the afternoon, silver at night.

Marble slabs were mined in the quarries of Makrana, which was located at a distance of 300 km from Agra. They were delivered with the help of bulls and elephants. For this, the road was rammed, and the material was piled on special wagons.

The best semi-precious stones were used for decoration: Chinese jade, Iranian amethyst, Russian malachite, Persian turquoise and others brought from different countries. The researchers counted about thirty varieties of stones that adorned the walls of the tomb. The inscriptions were made of black marble.

The area under the Taj Mahal was dug up, the soil was partially replaced. The site was raised above the surface of the river by several tens of meters. The builders installed a special block system, with the help of which heavy marble was delivered to the desired height. In order not to carry water from the river in buckets, they came up with a design of pipes and containers.

The total amount spent by the state treasury for the construction of the tomb was 32 million rupees.

Today, that amount would be $827 million. Shah Jahan spared no expense, because even after his death, his beloved was supposed to receive all the most expensive and exquisite.

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The complex of buildings of the Taj Mahal includes the following buildings:

  • Main entrance. It is made in the form of a high domed wall with two turrets along the edges. After passing it, you can get into courtyard tombs.
  • Mausoleum-mosque. At the corners of the platform there are four minarets, slightly tilted to the side. Such a design feature would not allow high towers when destroyed, fall on the tomb.
  • Two identical buildings on the sides of the tomb. Guest houses are lined up on the left and right for balance.
  • Garden with pool complex.

The architecture of the entire complex is a unique combination of elements of Indian, Persian and Arabic architecture. The appearance of the tomb is similar to the tomb of Emperor Humayun from the Baburid dynasty, which is located in the city of Delhi.

In terms of its height, the Taj Mahal is equal to a twenty-story building, but unusual proportions give it lightness and weightlessness. The ancient architect equalized the height and width of the facade of the building, and made many semicircular niches. The height of the central dome is 25 meters and its diameter is 17 meters. To deliver building materials to such a height, a sloping earth embankment 3.5 kilometers long was built.

The mausoleum itself is set on a large platform, which is 600 meters long and 300 meters wide. On the north side, it ends with a small cliff near the river.

The entrance to the site of the mausoleum is a wide staircase. It is customary to leave shoes here. The interior of the tomb is also beautiful and majestic. The surfaces of the walls are entwined with flowers made of stone and finished with gems, and phrases from the Koran are inscribed above the windows.

In the central room there are two tombs of white and pink marble. But the bodies of the Shah, Mumtaz Mahal and close associates are in the basement, located below ground level.

On the other side of the river, opposite the tomb, you can see an abandoned construction site. Historians claim that Shah Jahan planned to build another mausoleum. Both tombs were to be connected by a bridge of black and white flowers, which would symbolize the community of two souls in love.

But this venture failed. The tomb of Mumtaz Mahal cost the state too much, so it was not possible to allocate funds for another building. In addition, soon one of the emperor's sons, Prince Aurangzeb, killed his brothers and rebelled against his father.

Accusing Shah Jahan of huge expenses, he kept the former ruler under guard in Delhi. After the death, according to the will, the body of the emperor was transferred to the Taj Mahal.

A park

Around the Taj Mahal there is a magnificent park with an area of ​​9 hectares. The territory of the park is divided by four channels, which are connected at right angles. So the ideas of the Koran about paradise were embodied.

Indeed, according to the holy book, rivers flow in paradise not only with water, but also with honey, wine and milk. The center of the park is occupied by a long pond. This arrangement was not accidental. Those who entered the main gate saw two Taj Mahals, one real and the other reflected in the water.

When landscaping, landscape designers of that time often used the number "4". So, the whole park was divided into quadrangular sections. In each part there were 16 flower beds, which were separated from each other by paths. The choice of trees was also not accidental. Fruit varieties and cypresses were planted here, symbolizing life and death.

On three sides, the park is surrounded by a red stone fence. You can get here through the main gate, which is crowned with 22 small domes according to the number of years the tomb was built. The magnificent gates are also symbolic, as if they open the entrance to paradise.

In the old days, exotic birds lived in the park, goldfish splashed in the ponds, and the garden was fragrant with the smell of thousands of wonderful flowers. Later, the area was no longer so carefully looked after, and today it resembles a traditional English park.

After construction

After the fall of the Mughal Empire, some of the buildings belonging to the Baburid dynasty were destroyed and plundered. In the 19th century, the Taj Mahal ceased to play the role of a state shrine. Now it has turned into a place for entertainment. There were even picnics and dances.

The wealth of the tomb began to be taken away, vacationers were not averse to breaking off a piece of a stone flower or breaking off a beautiful stone from the wall. The Taj Mahal also suffered during the uprising of Indian soldiers dissatisfied with the policy of the British.

At one time, plans were made to dismantle the building and then sell the marble. Fortunately, it didn't come to that. And the tomb of the emperor's wife fell into decay more and more.

It is hard to imagine what the Taj Mahal looked like in its time, what riches it possessed. For example, the main doors to the tomb were made of silver. And the floor, on which there were two tombs, contained golden elements. There were also precious bedspreads embroidered with pearls in the room.

This and much more was stolen by foreign soldiers and by the Hindus themselves. According to historians, at the beginning of the 19th century, English dragoons carried a huge amount of pure gold from the tomb.

And only at the beginning of the 20th century, work began on the restoration of the tomb. They were initiated by Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, who paid much attention to the preservation of ancient monuments. The buildings of the Taj Mahal were repaired, the pools were cleaned and filled, and the garden was ennobled.

The Taj Mahal along with the Lotus Temple in Delhi are two of India's most visited attractions. The most stringent measures have been taken to protect monuments.

In order to avoid various incidents on the territory of the Taj Mahal, many police officers are on duty. Those who come to the tomb take off their shoes and leave their property in safes at the exit, except for documents and money.

But the splendid shrine of India is threatened by a different kind of danger. Due to atmospheric pollution, the marble on the building begins to turn yellow and deteriorate. It is required to constantly clean the surfaces of the tomb with special compounds.

Aircraft flights are prohibited over the Taj Mahal, and parking lots have been moved from the complex as far as possible so that exhaust gases do not spoil the ancient mausoleum. A number of urban plants, which polluted the air with their emissions, also had to be closed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists discovered another nuisance: cracks began to appear on the walls of the tomb. Due to the drying up of the Jumna River, the structure of the soil under the Taj Mahal began to change. It is assumed that this may lead in the future to the displacement of earthen layers and the collapse of the palace. Therefore, the authorities of the state of Uttar Pradesh have to carry out work to strengthen the soil.

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More facts about the Taj Mahal

For those who, according to the English traveler Edward Lear, have not yet been lucky enough to see the Taj Mahal, there are several interesting facts:

  1. 1983 - the date of the inclusion of the tomb in the list cultural heritage UNESCO. 99 names of Allah are inscribed on the walls of the main building.
  2. The tomb has incredible acoustics. This was done on purpose so that the words of the prayer would hang in the air for a while. It is calculated that the sound fades here for almost half a minute.
  3. year 2001. India is restless, the conflict with Pakistan continues. To save the tomb from possible destruction from the air, the country's authorities ordered to prepare 400 square meters of dark fabric, which could cover the building from above. In 1942, special scaffolding was already being installed, with the aim of hiding the Taj Mahal from bombing by German and Japanese pilots.
  4. 2007 - Taj Mahal is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Voting was carried out via SMS messages, in which about 100 million people participated.
  5. The main facade of the building was previously located on the side of the Dzhamba River. The facade in that part shone with precious stones. A beautiful terrace was also made, along which guests climbed to the tomb. This entrance was intended for the emperor and his entourage. But over the years, the northern part of the building began to look simpler and poorer, so the entrance was moved to the south side.
  6. Fogs often occur in Agra in January. Against such a background, all the splendor of the Taj Mahal is blurred. For those who want to take good pictures of the tomb, it is better to choose another month.

How to get there

The Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh. You can get here from the capital of India by train, which follows one of the following directions: to Mumbai, Kolkata and Gwalior. Railroad station is called Agra Cantt.

The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal is a recognized masterpiece of world heritage and one of the seven New Wonders of the World, which is located in the city of Agra near the Jumna River in India. The mosque was built in the 17th century by order of Shah Jahan, the padishah of the Mughal Empire, who dedicated the construction of the Taj Mahal to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (later the Indian Shah himself was buried here).

The history of the Taj Mahal mausoleum in India

The creation of the Taj Mahal is associated with the legend of the love of the padishah Shah Jahan and the girl Mumtaz Mahal, who traded at the local market. The Indian ruler was so captivated by her beauty that they soon got married. In a happy marriage, 14 children were born, but during the birth of the last child, Mumtaz Mahal died. Shah Jahan was depressed by the death of his beloved wife and in memory of her ordered the construction of a mausoleum, more beautiful than anywhere else.

The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and was completed in 1653. About 20 thousand craftsmen and workers from all over the empire were involved in the construction. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, there is also a version that the main author of the project is the Persian architect Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi).

The construction of the tomb and platform took approximately 12 years. Over the next ten years, minarets, a mosque, a javab and a large gate were erected.

Tombs of King Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal

Taj Mahal - a wonder of the world: the architecture of the mosque

The Taj Mahal Palace is a five-domed structure with 4 minarets at the corners. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the shah and his wife.

The mosque was erected on a platform, the strength of the foundation is due to the fact that the level of the site was raised 50 meters above the level of the bank of the Jamna River. The total height of the Taj Mahal is 74 meters. In front of the building there is a three-hundred-meter garden with fountains and a marble pool, at a certain angle, the entire structure is symmetrically reflected in its waters.

The most notable component of the Indian Taj Mahal is the white marble dome. The walls are also lined with polished translucent marble with elements precious stones and gems (pearls, sapphires, turquoise, agate, malachite, carnelian and others). The Taj Mahal Mosque is made in accordance with the Islamic religious tradition, the interior is decorated with abstract symbols and lines from the Koran.

The Taj Mahal is considered the jewel of Muslim art in the country of India and the finest example of Mughal style architecture that combines Indian, Persian and Arabic elements.

  • Since 2007, the Indian Taj Mahal has been on the list of the New 7 Wonders of the World.
  • What is the Taj Mahal? This name is translated from Persian as "The Greatest Palace" ("Taj" - a crown, "Mahal" - a palace).
  • Many valuable interior items of the Taj Mahal were stolen - precious stones, gems, the crown of the main dome - a golden spire and even entrance doors made of silver.
  • Due to the characteristics of marble, in different time day and depending on the weather, the Taj Mahal mosque is able to change color: during the day the building looks white, pink at dawn, and silver on a moonlit night.
  • Tens of thousands of people visit the Taj Mahal daily; per year - from 3 to 5 million people. Peak season is October, November and February.
  • The Taj Mahal has been featured in many films, the most popular of which are: "Armageddon", "Mars Attacks!", "Before You Play Box", "Life After People", "The Last Dance", "Slumdog Millionaire".
  • Airplanes are not allowed to fly over the Taj Mahal.

How to visit: price, tickets, opening hours

Entry fee*: for foreigners - 1000 INR**, for citizens of India - 530 INR.**

*The ticket includes a visit to the Taj Mahal, the ancient fort (Agra Fort) and Mini Taj (Baby Taj) - the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula.
**INR - Indian Rupee (1000 INR = 15.32 $)
** Prices are as of October 2017

Opening hours:

  • Daytime: 6:00 - 19:00 (weekdays, except Fridays - the day of prayers in the mosque).
  • Evening time: 20:30 - 00:30 (2 days before and 2 days after the full moon, except Fridays and the month of Ramadan).

Visiting Rules: only small handbags are allowed to be brought into the Taj Mahal, Cell phones, cameras, small video cameras, water in transparent bottles.

How to get to the Taj Mahal Temple

Where is the Taj Mahal: India, Uttar Pradesh, Agra, Tejginj district, Forest Koloni, Dharmaperi.

If you are vacationing in Goa and want to get to the Taj Mahal, then direct flights from Goa airport not in Agra. By plane you can fly to Delhi, and from there there are daily flights to the city of Agra. The distance between Goa and Agra is about 2000 km.

From Delhi to Agra on your own: by plane - 3-4 hours on the way; by bus - $15-20 (3 hours on the way); morning train 12002 Bhopal Shatabdi - 5-10 $ (2-3 hours on the way).

The easiest way: book a tour or organization individual tour to Agra with a visit to the Taj Mahal. Most popular: Goa-Agra tour, Delhi-Agra tour.

To be closer to a popular attraction or to see the Taj Mahal from the rooftops of hotels and guesthouses, book hotels in Agra using the convenient Planet of Hotels service.

2.5 km from the Taj Mahal is the second most popular attraction of the city - Agra Fort. So you can see two architectural masterpieces in one day.

Address: India, Agra
Start of construction: 1632
Completion of construction: 1653
Architect: Ustad Ahmad Lahauri
Height: 72 m
Coordinates: 27°10"30.5"N 78°02"31.4"E


As soon as they did not call the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum! The famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote about the Taj Mahal that this monument is “a tear sparkling on the face of eternity”.

Taj Mahal from bird's eye view

In 1983 the mausoleum was included in the list world heritage UNESCO and recognized as the best example of Indo-Muslim architecture.

Taj Mahal - a legend of love, frozen in marble

Facts and legends are closely intertwined in the history of the white marble masterpiece, but most historians agree that the tomb was built in the 1630s. about the order of the Mughal emperor - Shah Jahan in memory of the untimely deceased wife Mumtaz Mahal. The lovers got married when the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal was 19 years old. Shah Jahan loved only her and did not notice other women. The emperor's wife became his closest adviser, participated in the conduct of state affairs and accompanied her husband in all military campaigns. The couple had 13 children, and during the birth of the 14th child, Mumtaz Mahal died. The emperor sat for a long time at the deathbed of his wife, tirelessly mourning her. Heartbroken, Shah Jahan turned gray, declared a two-year mourning in the country and decided to build a mausoleum in Agra, the capital of the Mughal Empire, on the banks of the Jamna River, which has no equal on Earth, never was and never will be. Construction continued for 22 long years. More than 20,000 people took part in it, among them builders from all over the empire, masters from Venice, Persia, Central Asia and the Arab East. According to legend, the ruler was so impressed by the grandeur and perfection of the tomb that he ordered the hands of the chief architect, Ustad-Ise, to be cut off so that he could not repeat his masterpiece.

View of the Taj Mahal from the garden

Some scholars believe that the mausoleum was designed by Shah Jahan himself, who was passionate about architecture. He gave his creation a name consonant with the name of the deceased wife - Taj Mahal ("Crown of the Palace"). On the other side, the ruler was going to build the same mausoleum for himself, but from black marble, and to connect these two buildings was an openwork bridge made of gray marble, thrown across the river. But the plans of the emperor did not come true. Soon a fierce struggle for power unfolded, during which Aurangzeb, the son of Shah Jahan, overthrew his father from the throne and imprisoned him in the Red Fort for 9 years, after which the prisoner died and was buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.

Architecture of the Taj Mahal

Today, a white marble monument of great love, "the pearl of Indian architecture" is one of the most important sights of India. In 2007, the Taj Mahal entered the New Seven Wonders of the World list, compiled after a poll of more than 100 million votes. The majestic five-domed mausoleum with 4 minarets at the corners rises to a height of 74 meters on a white marble platform and, reflected in the motionless surfaces of an artificial reservoir, seems to hover above the earth like a fabulous mirage.

Taj Mahal from the opposite bank of the Jumna River

Its walls, made of polished marble, shine white on a bright sunny day, radiate a lilac-pink glow at sunset, and silvery on a moonlit night. This marble was brought for construction 300 km from Rajasthan. The walls are inlaid with precious stones and gems; black marble decor with quotes from the Koran. Malachite was brought from Russia, carnelian - from Baghdad, turquoise - from Tibet, sapphires and rubies - from Siam, lapis lazuli - from Ceylon, chrysolite - from the banks of the Nile. Symmetry is impeccably observed in the architecture of the ensemble. It is violated only by the tomb of Shah Jahan, which was built after his death, much later than the tombstone of Mumtuz-Mazal, located strictly in the middle of the mausoleum.

Symbols hidden in the layout of the mausoleum

The Taj Mahal has many symbols. So, for example, in a park framing architectural ensemble, cypress trees grow - the personification of sadness in Islam, and verses (revelations) from the Koran are carved on the entrance gate, addressed to believers and ending with the words "Enter My Paradise!". Thus, one can understand the intention of Shah Jahan - he built a paradise where his beloved will live. Modern researchers argue that, mad with grief, the emperor decided to get closer to divine knowledge by creating a paradise on Earth. Sometimes Shah Jahan said that he was building a throne for Allah himself.

Fragment of the facade of the Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal endangered

At present, the creation of medieval architects is in decline. Cracks have appeared on the walls of the Taj Mahal, it is losing its radiant whiteness due to polluted air., and the minarets deviated from the vertical axis by 3 mm and may collapse in the future. The Jumna River becomes shallow, and this can lead to a change in the soil structure and subsidence of the foundation. And yet, despite all the threats of destruction, the magnificent Taj Mahal has existed for more than 350 years, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world with its romantic legend and architectural perfection.

On July 7, 2007 in Lisbon (Portugal) the new seven wonders of the world were named and the mausoleum-mosque Taj Mahal was included in this list. It is located in Agra (India) near the Jumna River. The easiest way to get to the Taj Mahal is to fly to Delhi and from there take a bus, taxi or train to your destination. The journey by train takes up to 3 hours, by taxi 3-5 hours. It is considered a crime if you visit India and do not see the Taj Mahal.

It is simply impossible to describe the splendor and beauty of this mosque in words. It is truly fabulous and beautiful. architectural structure, which combines elements of Islamic, Persian and Indian architectural style.

The emergence of the Taj Mahal is the story of the tender love of Shah Jahan, the Mughal king, for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Even Prince Shah Jahan married a 19-year-old girl, and his love for her was boundless. Despite the possession of a large harem, he gave all his tenderness and attention to only one Mumtaz. She bore him 14 children, six girls and eight boys. But during the last birth, Jahan's wife died. Shah Jahan's grief was so great that he lost the meaning of life, turned gray, declared 2 years of mourning and even wanted to commit suicide.

Over the grave of his wife, on the orders of Shah Jahan, was built beautiful palace Taj Mahal in which he, a few years later, was buried near the grave of his wife. Taj Mahal is not just a wonder of the world, it is a symbol eternal love two people. Shah Jahan promised before his wife's death to create a monument that would convey all the beauty of Mumtaz.

Construction and architecture of the Taj Mahal

History does not answer the question of who built this mosque. The fact is that in the Islamic world of that period, all the ideas of the building were attributed not to the architect, but to the customer. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. The construction of the palace began in 1631 in December. The construction of the central mausoleum was completed in 1648, and 5 years later the construction of the entire complex was completed. Over 22 years, about 20 thousand people took part in the construction of the Taj Mahal. More than a thousand elephants were used to transport materials from India and Asia. Blocks of marble were dragged by bulls along a specially built 15-kilometer ramp made of rammed earth. Sculptors from Bukhara, masons from Balochistan, inlay masters from south india, calligraphers from Persia and Syria, as well as specialists and craftsmen in cutting marble ornaments and erecting towers.

The Taj Mahal is considered "the pearl of Muslim art in India". The most famous component of the palace is its white marble dome, which, due to appearance Also called an onion dome. Its height is 35 meters. His crown is in the Islamic style (horns of the month pointing upwards) and was originally made of gold, but in the 19th century it was replaced with a bronze copy.

The height of the mosque itself is 74 meters and is represented by a five-domed structure with four minarets at the corners. The minarets are slightly tilted in the opposite direction from the tomb, so as not to damage it during the destruction. A garden with a swimming pool and fountains adjoins the building. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs, which are located strictly above the burial place of the shah and his wife. The walls of the palace are made of marble inlaid with gems (carnelian, agate, malachite, turquoise, etc.). And in the rays of light, the walls are simply mesmerizing. In sunny weather, marble looks white, on a moonlit night it becomes silvery, and at dawn - pink.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal is considered one of the finest examples of architecture. Various plasters, paints, carvings and stone inlays were used to create the decorative elements of the mosque. Also, excerpts from the Koran were used for the decorative and artistic design of the complex. On the gates of the Taj Mahal is inscribed: “O you, the soul of rest! Return to your Lord contented and satisfied! Enter with My servants. Enter My Paradise!"

The interior of the palace used a huge amount of semi-precious and precious stones. The inner hall of the Taj Mahal is a perfect octagon. The height of the walls is 25 meters, and the ceiling is decorated in the form of the sun and is represented by an inner dome.

The only asymmetric element of the complex is the cenotaph of Shah Jahan, which is located near the grave of his wife. It was completed later and is larger than the cenotaph of Mumtaz, but decorated with the same decorative elements. On the gravestone of Mumtaz, calligraphic inscriptions are made that praise her, and on the grave of Jahan it is written: "He went on a journey from this world to the abode of Eternity on the night of the twenty-sixth day, the month of Rajab, 1076."

Adjacent to the architectural complex magnificent garden which stretches for 300 meters in length. In the center of the park there is a water channel lined with marble and there is a pond in the middle of it. It reflects the image of the tomb. Initially, the garden struck with its abundance of vegetation, but over time, the landscaping of the garden has changed.

Myths and legends

There is a legend that Shah Jahan wanted to build an exact copy of the black marble palace on the opposite bank of the river, but did not have time. There is also a myth that the emperor brutally killed architects and craftsmen who took part in the construction of the palace, and all the builders signed an agreement in which they pledged not to take part in the construction of such a structure. But to date, such information has not been confirmed by anything and remains just a fiction and a legend.


Every year the Taj Mahal mosque is visited by millions of tourists from different countries. Tourists are interested in the fact about its optical focus. If you move your back forward to the exit, respectively, facing the palace, then you get the feeling that the mausoleum is just huge against the backdrop of trees and environment. And by the way, planes are not allowed to fly over the Taj Mahal. The mosque is open to the public from 6 am to 7 pm on weekdays, except Friday, when prayers are held there. Also, the Taj Mahal is open for night viewing on the day of the full moon, including two days before and after the full moon, except for Friday and the month of Ramadan.

The girl that the Indian prince Jahan once saw in the market was so beautiful that he immediately brought her to the palace, making her his beloved wife: Mumtaz Mahal managed to captivate her husband so much that he did not look at other women until her death. At the same time, she did not sit at home, she always accompanied him on military campaigns and was the only person in a world he trusted and often consulted.

This gives reason to assert that the story that Mumtaz was of plebeian origin is a myth far from reality. In fact, she had a noble origin, was the daughter of a vizier and was a distant relative of Jahan's mother, and therefore received an extremely good education (otherwise, the young woman would hardly have been able to give constructive advice).

Together they lived for about seventeen years, during which time Mumtaz gave birth to her husband fourteen children, and died during the birth of the last child. First, she was buried in the city in which she died, in Burkhan-Nur, and six months later her remains were transported to one of the most prosperous cities in India, Agra. It was here that the inconsolable widower decided to build a tomb for his wife, which, in terms of beauty, should have become worthy of Mumtaz and, by its very appearance, would tell the descendants of an incredible love story.

In which city to build the mausoleum of the Taj Mahal (“taj” means “crown”, “mahal” - “palace”), it was decided almost immediately: the suburb of Agra, one of the most beautiful and developed cities in India, located on the banks of the river, was best suited for this. way. In order to be able to build a mosque on the chosen territory, Shah Jahan had to exchange this site for a palace located in the center of Agra.

He did not have to regret this: this area near the city was not only extremely beautiful and picturesque, but also turned out to be seismically stable - in the years that have passed since the completion of construction work, earthquakes have failed to cause serious damage to the structure.

The main building was designed by Turkish architect Ismail Afandi from the Ottoman Empire, and his compatriot Usatad Isa is considered the creator of the architectural image of the monument - it was their projects that Jahan liked the most. The choice of the ruler turned out to be successful: the erected Taj Mahal (Agra) turned out to be one of the most outstanding monuments in the world, successfully combining the styles of Indian, Persian and Islamic directions, and was recently recognized as one of the wonders of the world.

Construction of the tomb

The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and the construction lasted twenty-one years (while the tomb was completed ten years earlier). To build this unique complex, more than 20 thousand workers from all over India, as well as architects, artists, sculptors from neighboring countries were involved in the construction work.

The area near the city (Agra) with a size of 1.2 hectares was dug up, after which, in order to reduce the flowability of the soil, the soil was replaced on it. The level of the site planned for the construction of the mosque was raised 50 meters above the shore. After that, the workers dug wells, filled them with rubble stone, thus obtaining a foundation, which, moreover, was supposed to play the role of a kind of pillow during earthquakes and would not allow the complex to collapse.

An interesting fact: instead of bamboo scaffolding, the architects decided to use brick scaffolding: it was easier to work with heavy marble. stone forests looked so impressive that the architects were afraid that it would take several years to dismantle them. Jahan found a way out by announcing that any resident of Agra could take the required number of bricks for himself - and the scaffolding was dismantled in a few days.

In order to deliver building materials to the mosque, the Hindus built a gently sloping earthen platform, along which bulls dragged luggage that was on specially designed carts. They were delivered to the city from all over India (and not only). The most important construction material- white marble was brought to the city from Makrana and Rajasthan, located at a distance of 300 km from Agra.

Raised marble blocks to the desired height with the help of special devices. The water needed for construction work was first extracted from the river, after which it was poured into the reservoir, from where it rose into a special reservoir and was directed through pipes to the construction site.

architectural complex

All buildings architectural complex Taj Mahal, Agra from a geometric point of view were extremely carefully planned. The central building of the complex is a mausoleum that tells about the love story of the ruling couple of India. Surrounding this wonder of the world on three sides are battlements erected from red sandstone, thus leaving the view open only from the side of the river.

The tomb of the Taj Mahal, Agra is surrounded by several more tombs in which other wives of the ruler were buried (they were also built from red sandstone, which was often used in the construction of crypts of that time). Not far from the main mausoleum is the Musical House (now there is a museum).

The main gate, like the main building, is made of marble, the entrance is decorated with an openwork white portico, on top - the eleventh dome, on the sides there are two towers with white domes. On both sides of the central tomb, two large structures were built of red sandstone: the building on the left was used by the inhabitants of Agra, and the right served as a boarding house. They were built for balance - so that nothing would collapse during an earthquake.

In front of the mausoleum is luxury park which is 300 meters long. In the middle of the park, there is an irrigation canal lined with marble, in the center of which a pool was built, in which the mausoleum is completely reflected (paths lead from it to four minarets).

According to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, in the old days Agra and its park struck with an abundance of vegetation: roses, daffodils, a huge number of garden trees grew here. After India came under the British Empire, its appearance changed significantly - and it began to look like an ordinary English lawn.

What does the tomb look like?

The main building of this architectural complex, which is located in the city of Agra, is the Taj Mahal mausoleum built of white marble. It is best viewed from the river, since the wall has not been installed on this side.

It looks especially chic at dawn: the tomb is reflected in the water, creating the illusion of unreality and, if you look at it from the opposite bank, you get the impression that this miracle is floating in the predawn fog, and the rays that have appeared create an amazing play of color on the walls.

Such airiness and a feeling of “hovering” to the mausoleum are given, first of all, by unusual proportions, when the height of the building has the same dimensions as its width, as well as a huge dome, which seems to carry away smaller elements of the structure – four small domes and minarets.

The mausoleum of the Taj Mahal, Agra tells the world about great story love between Jahan and Mumtaz Maha, and has incredible beauty. The height and width of the mausoleum is 74 meters. The facade of the tomb is square in shape, while semicircular niches are built into it, giving the massive building a weightless look. The mausoleum is crowned with a marble dome 35 meters high, shaped like an onion.

The top of the dome is decorated with a month, the horns of which are directed upwards (until the 19th century it was golden, and then it was replaced with an exact copy made of bronze).

At the corners of the tomb, emphasizing the shape of the main dome, there are four smaller vaults that completely repeat its shape. At the corners of the mausoleum, at a slight inclination in the opposite direction from the tomb, there are four towers (minarets) decorated with gilding, about 50 m high (the inclination was provided at an early stage of construction work so that they could not harm the main structure if they fell).

The walls of the Taj Mahal (Agra) are painted with a fine pattern and built of white marble with gems inserted into it (28 types of precious stones in total). Especially a lot of decorating elements can be seen on the pedestals, gates, mosques, as well as at the bottom of the mausoleum.

Thanks to the unique marble, the mausoleum looks different throughout the day: during the day the tomb is white, at dawn it is pink, and on a moonlit night it becomes silvery. Previously, the entrance doors were made of pure silver, but later, like many other valuable decorative elements, they were stolen (by whom - history is silent).

Inside view

Inside, the Taj Mahal (city of Agra) looks no less remarkable than the outside. The entrance to the mausoleum is decorated with a gallery with graceful columns. The hall inside the tomb is an octagon, which can be accessed from either side of the tomb (now this can only be done from the side of the park). Inside the hall, behind a marble screen, there are two sarcophagi made of white marble, which in reality are false tombs, since the graves themselves are under the floor.

On the cover of the sarcophagus of the ruler's wife, inscriptions praising her are engraved. The only asymmetric element in the entire complex is Jahan's sarcophagus, which was installed after his death: the ruler's coffin is slightly larger than the coffin of his wife. The height of the walls inside the building is 25 m, and the ceiling decorated with the sun is made in the form of an inner dome.

The entire space inside the hall is divided by eight arches, above which you can read quotes from the Koran. Four middle arches form balconies with windows through which light enters the hall (besides these windows, the sun's rays enter the room through special openings in the roof). The second floor of the mausoleum can be reached by one of the two side stairs. The walls inside the tomb are everywhere decorated with mosaics of gems, which form various symbols, plants, flowers, letters.

Death of Jahan

After the completion of the construction of the Taj Mahal, Agra, the son of the ruler, Aurangzeb, overthrew his father from the throne and put him in prison, in which the former ruler spent several years (according to one of the legends, her windows overlooked the tomb of his beloved wife he built).

After the death of Jahan, the son fulfilled the will of his father and buried him next to his wife. Thus ended the love story, capturing the memory of itself for centuries in a unique structure that still stands today.