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Red sands of Vietnam. Excursion to Fairy Creek, White and Red Dunes of Mui Ne Mui Ne Sand Dunes

Red dunes, Vietnam

I already wrote about the remote attractions of Mui Ne, such as, as well as the fact that without leaving Mui Ne you can walk along. The Red Dunes are a very popular tourist destination on Mui Ne. These sands are very popular for the reason that they are easy to reach both independently and with a tour. Also on the Red Dunes there are quite interesting entertainments. Well, and most obvious, it's just a very beautiful place, a piece of amazing Vietnamese nature.

Finding the Red Dunes is very easy. If you decide to get to the Red Dunes, then you need to drive all the time towards the fishing village of Mui Ne. The road will go past Boke, past the market, then there will be a nice bonus of this trip - an observation deck in the fishing village. The road is always the same, we do not turn anywhere. After driving a little after the lookout, you will meet a circle, on this circle, you need to move to the second exit. And then you need to continue moving straight directly to the Red Dunes themselves. We shot a short video showing a section of the way through the village of Mui Ne from the observation deck to the circle.

Mui Ne Map

For those who prefer to calculate their own route on the map, we have prepared a map of Mui Ne with attractions.

Observation deck in the fishing village of Mui Ne

Describing the route to the Red Dunes, I mentioned in passing the observation deck in the fishing village. This lookout deserves special attention. There is no way to drive past it, and you just need to stop to inspect it without fail. From the observation deck in Mui Ne, a stunning view of the bay opens up. There are an endless number of fishing boats in this bay during the daytime. All boats are very bright, blue and green colors are more often used in their coloring.

Here you can also see the traditional Vietnamese round boats - "thung chai". I can hardly imagine how you can swim in round boats, but it looks very beautiful.

Boat – Thung Chai, Mui Ne Fishing Village

I would say that fishing boats are such a visiting card of Vietnam, they can be found on any river. But in such numbers we saw them only in the fishing village of Mui Ne. Even if you do not get to the Red Dunes, you must get to the observation deck.

Entertainment on the Red Dunes

Near the Red Dunes there are many different cafes near which you can safely park your bike. Then you will immediately be surrounded by crowds of locals. Everyone will have something like a plastic sled in their hands. Essentially a sheet of plastic. They will offer you an entertainment like sledging from the dunes. This entertainment costs about 100,000 dong per person. Entertainment worthwhile, agree will not regret it.

How does sand sledding work? Your guides will choose for you a high and sheer dune. Then they begin to dig the sand, digging to its wet layers.

Preparing the sled for the dune descent

Throw sand on improvised sleds, and under them. Wet sand is also thrown at the place of your start. And then everything is simple. Sit on the plate, grab the handles, tighten your legs, get a kick back and forward, or rather down the slope. The feeling is indescribable.

Descent from the mountain of sand in the Dunes

Firstly, at first it is very scary, because they offer to move down from a really high and sheer mountain. Secondly, delight, you are also flying down at a good speed. Thirdly, it is unusual, I think all of us rode on a sled, but very few on a sled on the sand. A small list of our observations that will help you enjoy the Red Dunes to the fullest:

  1. When sledding in the Red Dunes, keep your mouth shut or it will get clogged with sand.
  2. The first statement also applies to the eyes, it is better to close your eyes or wear glasses.
  3. It is better to put on those things that you really do not mind. The sand on the dunes is very fine and clogged right into the weaving of clothes. It's impossible to wash. Light T-shirts we spoiled irrevocably.
  4. It is better to go to the Red Dunes in the morning or in the evening. And not as we did, in the very hell. The sand is just hot, you don’t walk along the dunes, but jump from foot to foot.

Such seemingly obvious things will help you enjoy your trip to the Red Dunes to a greater extent. In addition to skiing, guides will help you take cool photos and show you the best views. Yes, and they will be happy to pose for you.

Red dune jumping

Our review of the Red Dunes

Red Dunes is a very interesting place. It is easy and simple to get to it and you can really have fun and enjoy beautiful views, take cool photos. If you are afraid, you can also purchase an excursion to this place. The excursion, as a rule, includes a trip to, a stop at the observation deck in Mui Ne and a visit to the Red Dunes.

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There are great places to stop and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding reality.

Some of the Vietnamese, apparently, also realized this and stopped for a little longer. Well, to fully enjoy it, for sure:

40 km from there is a beautiful place - the White Dunes. But there is no proper road there yet. More precisely, there are no dunes themselves. With asphalt on the roads in Vietnam, everything is fine. You can drive a carpenter on a bike to the White Dunes. True, the "entry ticket" does not cost 10,000. But there is something to see here.

As it is written on the site

Mui Ne White Sand Dunes, along with the Red Dunes, are considered the most beautiful places in the province and, undoubtedly, are the most famous attraction of Mui Ne. Although it is worth saying objectively that their fame is far ahead of their beauty.

The landscape of the white dunes is somewhat reminiscent of the Sahara desert. The entire array of the White Dunes is quite large, more than 10 kilometers long, and is located quite far from the resort area, which is why some tourists do not even reach it, mistaking other formations along the way for it.

Of course, you can limit yourself to just photographing the dunes from the road, but if possible, be sure to walk deep into this desert in miniature. If you got here on a motorcycle, then you will have to leave it in the parking lot (there is paid parking, but you can also leave it just near the road, under the trees), and not ride it into the dunes. There is a high chance of getting stuck in the sands. If you decide not to use paid parking at the camp (see below), then it’s better not to park your vehicle near such a place, since there is a chance that you will be flattened or otherwise “punished”.
The area of ​​the white dunes is huge, and you can drive up to them from any direction. But the most interesting and equipped place is a small conditional camp in the southern part of the sandy massif. Entrance there is paid (20,000 dong per person, but you can bargain), but in fact you will pay just for parking.
The best time to visit the White and Red Dunes is at sunrise or sunset. It is at this time that the most beautiful photographs are obtained.

I have not been to the Sahara, but I think there is something similar 🙂 We ended up in the White Dunes just before sunset. Orestes and I rented an ATV for 400,000 dong for 30 minutes and had a really cool time driving through the sand:

The quad bike is my old dream. I still couldn’t get out in the Crimea, drive these monsters. And the white dunes in Vietnam are the perfect place to make your dream come true. The piece is very cool. Allows you to throw out millions of adrenaline molecules and saturate the blood with thrills. We took turns driving with Orestes, but 30 minutes was enough. We even reached the edge of the desert. Where life takes over the lifeless burning sand:

The road back took only an hour and in the evening we decided to take a walk along the "Mui Ne embankment". I saw a reminder of that day's dinner - Santa's reindeer 🙂

Not far from the embankment there is a breakwater pier, an incomprehensible concrete structure, from which one of the hotels in our Russian-speaking resort glowing in the dark is perfectly visible:

The evening walk was completed by gatherings with unusual tea:

How was your first day of the new year?

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are one of the most popular holiday resorts in Vietnam. There was a separate article about these towns. Be sure to read it so as not to make a fatal mistake when choosing a place to stay in Vietnam:

And this article is about what to see in the vicinity of Mui Ne (Phan Thiet), if fate wanted to bring you to the south of Vietnam.

I already wrote about, which are literally five kilometers from the resort, and today an article about another attraction of Vietnam - the White Dunes of Mui Ne. They differ from the red sand, are much further from Mui Ne, but, in my opinion, are much more spectacular.

White dunes are hills of white sand about 70-80 meters high and about 10 km in area. They are located far from the resort area of ​​Phan Thiet (35 km), so they are not as popular as the red dunes.

If you have already decided to get out into the desert, then it is better to spend an extra two hours and go not only to the red, but also to the white sands. There are almost no people there, and the area of ​​sand formations is quite large. It seems that you are in the Sahara, and not in the south of Vietnam.

You have to climb on your haunches with the help of legs and arms

From the parking lot of the bike to the White Dunes, you need to walk about 10-15 minutes.

On the way we admire the Lotus Lake

You can rent a quad bike and drive on the hills on it.

I really liked the White Dunes of Phan Thiet. I have long wanted to see the desert again, and the wish finally came true in Vietnam. I'm lying on the sand, bastard:

It's important to know:

1. If you go to the White Dunes in the place where the signs on the road lead (from the south of the sandy massif), then the entrance there is paid - 20,000 dong for two. You can park your bike there.

2. During the day, the sand is hot, it is better to cover the body. Long pants and an off-the-shoulder T-shirt are more suitable than a swimsuit.

3. Be sure to take a hat, sunscreen, glasses and a bottle of water.

White dunes of Mui Ne, how to get there?

Type in White Sand Dunes Muine in Google, you will immediately be given the location. The white dunes are located 35 km from the center of Mui Ne. You need to go towards the fishing village and further north along the coast.

There is no public transport, but you can buy a tour in the resort area. The most convenient way to get there is by bike. The round trip takes just over an hour. First we go along the highway along the sea

Road to the White Dunes along the coast

If you are in Mui Ne for kitesurfing, you can take a kite with you. Somewhere in the middle of the way to the white dunes, you can go to the beach, where many ride

Part of the way (a couple of kilometers) will need to drive along the sand along the Lotus Lake.

Dry streams to the right and left
On the way we pass the cemetery
Part of the road runs along the sand along the Lotus Lake
Near the Lotus Lake, locals live in a hut made of planks
Life of poor Vietnamese

In the next article I will talk about the resort of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in the south of Vietnam. Finally, a video where I am in a strange headdress, but without sunstroke. Please be understanding :)

Vietnam is famous for its beautiful natural attractions. Some people like to travel on their own, while others find it easier to purchase a guided tour. However, tours have many nuances. The most important of them is the high prices. All guides are trying only to ensure that tourists open their wallets more often, while the quality of service suffers, and you don’t see the full range of attractions. Most of all, tour guides like to take vacationers to souvenir shops, where the cheat sometimes reaches 80%. Although in fact, you can spend much less and see more.

A similar situation can be found on the way to the red dunes. This is a picturesque place, but you should not take a transfer if you decide to visit it. Some tourists do not know, but you can visit here completely free of charge, since the entrances and exits are freely available.

The Vietnamese red dunes amaze the eye, surprise with their unusual beauty. These places can be called "an amateur", since you will not find any special entertainment here. The red dunes are intended rather for aesthetic pleasure and beautiful photographs. And there is something to see: wild and abandoned beaches and endless desert.

The dunes are located along the once small fishing village of Mui Ne. Throughout their length they have different colors and shades. The sand acquired a bright, thick red color, iridescent in the sun with gold. This spectacle is especially impressive at sunset. Anyone can watch the sunset in the dunes absolutely free of charge and without a time limit. However, even here it was not without numerous tours that are trying to lure tourists in every conceivable and inconceivable way. As part of the tour, you can get to the dunes by quad bikes and bicycles. However, it is very difficult to use such modes of transport in extreme heat, and you won’t be able to see much of anything. So create your own itinerary and don't forget to take your camera.

The red dunes are very picturesque even during bad weather. A strong wind creates unimaginable pictures, creating unusual patterns on the sand. That is why each new visit to the dunes is not like the previous one. During bad weather, it is not advised to come here, but this stops few people.

The excursion program includes one entertainment. It consists in the fact that upon arrival in the village, for a fee, the children offer to slide down the dunes on white sheets, which they symbolically call sledges. It costs money, but it does not bring much pleasure. Only hair clogged with sand and all clothes will remain in memory. Have fun? Now you can take pictures, since the view before your eyes is completely unusual.

To the west of the dunes flows a small river, although it would be more appropriate to call it a stream. The locals called it Fairy Stream. The reservoir is famous not only among tourists, but also among local residents. This is probably why almost all travel videos are not complete without a review of the stream of fairies. Some newlyweds often come to the red dunes to take a couple of photos against the backdrop of unusual landscapes.

In addition to the red dunes, the red canyon is also popular. He settled down a little further, on the way to the white dunes. Many call it a small copy of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. But if you think about it, they don't look alike at all. Red Canyon is a small grain of sand compared to a huge giant.

The unusual shape of the canyon was created by water. For many years she strove for the sea, washing sand out of the soil. Every year the canyon got bigger and deeper. Since precipitation in Vietnam is not rare, the natural formation is periodically subject to changes.

While walking through the expanses of Mui Ne, you can find wild beaches. The water here is calm and relatively clean. In any case, it is not as muddy as Nha Trang. This is due to the fact that there are practically no waves on these beaches.

You have chosen a tour and decided to visit Mui Ne in Vietnam. The peculiarity of the resort in Mui Ne is that all the attractions are located near the village. One day is enough for tourists to visit all the beautiful places. An amazing place near Mui Ne that is worth seeing is the Red Dunes.


The red dunes are a beautiful desert, surrounded by sand and unusual flowers: red, pink and peach. The combination of desert colors and flowers make this place extraordinary, the desert attracts attention and enchants visitors. The sand changes color with the time of day, from milky white to shades of wheat, amber and brown. Such a phenomenon will enchant you.
Red dunes are often referred to as pink, yellow, and golden dunes. In the desert there is an amazing lake, it is called the lake of lotuses. It consists of three reservoirs, which are combined into one, and lotuses grow on top. All tourists love to spend time on the lake, especially newlyweds, couples in love, as well as celebrities. In this place reigns romance, which we lack in everyday life. Video clips are often filmed on the lotus lake. You cannot pick lotuses, this is done by the locals, they have special skills that are necessary to pick flowers in the lake. Tourists, residents willingly sell flowers.

How to get there?

You can get to the red dunes by bus that runs from Phan Thiet to Mui Ne every 20 minutes. If you wish, you can rent a motorcycle or bicycle. You can leave your transport in paid parking at a roadside cafe.


For thrills, it is better to get to the desert by motorcycle or bicycle.
To see the beauty of the desert from above, you need to climb to the top of the dunes, they are not high, it will not be difficult for you to climb up. At the top, you will have an amazing view, luxurious sand that shimmers in the sun, the dunes look like silk that has rolled up and formed folds sliding down. At the top, you can feel freedom, a surge of strength and a charge of positive energy. The mysterious nature, the combination of colors will be an occasion to take many unusual photos. You will have a beautiful view of the bay below. Local guys offer tourists, for a few dollars, a kind of sled, they can have fun descending from the tops of the desert. Sledges are plastic sheets. The plastic is light and soft, it is very convenient to ride it from the tops of the desert. Such an activity will attract not only young people, but also older people. After all, every person inside is a child who wants to forget about life's problems, get distracted and just fool around like in childhood. Remember that you do not need to leave your belongings for the preservation of local children.

How to dress?

If you are going to visit the Red Dunes in Mui Ne, you should wear comfortable shoes. During the climb to the top, your feet will be buried in the sand, so shoes should be as comfortable as possible.
Sand dunes in Mui Ne will enchant and remain in your hearts for life.