Foreign passports and documents

What you need to know about traveling to Cyprus. Everything about Cyprus - the subtleties of tourism or what does an advanced tourist need to know about Cyprus? What to know before traveling

Almost all tours sold on about. Cyprus, are distinguished by a rather high price, which rarely goes down. And there is an explanation for this:

  • about. Cyprus is a very popular destination for a beach holiday. The beaches of Cyprus are not just good, they are one of the best, because most of them are marked with the "Blue Flag", confirming the status of the cleanest coasts;

  • the climate in Cyprus is mild and comfortable for perception by any category of tourists;

  • a wide variety of hotels in Cyprus and a high level of service in them, often regardless of the number of stars.

Everything you need to know about Cyprus

  • Official name
    Republic of Cyprus;

  • Capital
    the city of Nicosia;

  • Territory
    an area of ​​more than 9,251 km²;
    the width of the island is 100 km, the length is 240 km;

  • Official language
    Greek and Turkish.
    The second most important language is English.
    Currently, staff and people
    related to the tourism business, they speak good Russian;

  • Population
    in the south - Greek Cypriots, in the north - Turkish Cypriots.
    The total population of Cyprus is 838,897 people (data from 2011), including:
    • 160,000 people - Turks;
    • 17,000 people - British;
    • more than 40,000 people are Russians.

  • Religion
    Greeks profess Orthodox Christianity, Turks - Islam;

  • Time difference between Moscow and Cyprus
    In winter - minus 2 hours:
    (at a time when in Moscow 12:00, in Cyprus 10:00);
    In summer time - minus 1 hour:
    (at a time when in Moscow 12:00, in Cyprus 11:00).

The geographical position of Cyprus

If you turn to the world map and try to understand where the island of Cyprus is located, then it will not be difficult at all: the state is the third largest island in the Mediterranean with an area of ​​9251 km2.

Knowing the geographical position of the island, it becomes obvious which sea in Cyprus will delight holidaymakers here with warm and crystal clear water.

The entire territorial possession of the island from east to west stretches for a distance of 240 km, and from north to south - 100 km, geographically belongs to Asia.

A few words about the neighbors of Cyprus:

  • on the northern side, the closest neighbor is Turkey, the distance to which is only 75 km;
  • the eastern neighbor at a distance of about 104 km is Syria;
  • on the south side, Cyprus is adjacent to Egypt, which is the most distant neighbor, the distance to which is as much as 370 km.

The entire territory of the island of Cyprus is divided by ownership as follows: 98% is owned by the Republic of Cyprus, and 2% belongs to the British military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Few tourists know about Cyprus and the fact that the Republic of Cyprus is not only the island itself, but also nearby islets such as Agios Georgios, Geronissos, Glyukiotissa, Kila, Kiedes, Kordylia and Mazaki.

In fact, all possessions about. Cyprus is controlled by three states: the Republic of Cyprus has at its disposal the largest part of the island - almost 60%, a little less than 40% is at the disposal of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 3% of the territory is occupied by the UN and 2% of the island is owned by the UK, whose territory is military bases.

Everything you need about the resorts of Cyprus

All resort areas of the island occupy the southern coast of Cyprus.

  • The island's elite resort is Paphos, located in the western part of Cyprus - suitable for a relaxing holiday;

  • The youngest and noisiest resort in the southeast of the island is Ayia Napa, ideal for youth holidays in Cyprus, where life does not stop even at night;
  • Another resort on the southeast coast of the island - Larnaca - an ideal place to relax for any category of tourists, considered the most economical vacation spot on the entire island;

  • The place in Cyprus where you can meet the largest number of Russian tourists is the Limassol resort - the entertainment industry is very well developed here, which attracts tourists here even in winter (a period of tourist calm on the island);

  • The easternmost resort in terms of location - Protaras - is an ideal place to relax with children in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Everything you need to know about the climate in Cyprus

A temperate climate prevails on the island. Cyprus, which has the following features:

  1. A large number of sunny days per year;
  2. A short winter with a mild climate with an average temperature of + 17-19ºС;
  3. Quite long swimming and beach holiday seasons in Cyprus, starting in mid-May and ending only by mid-October;
  4. High air temperatures are perceived quite comfortably - all thanks to the low humidity on the island.

Thanks to the climate, Cyprus can be declared as a year-round resort, because even in the coldest winter month (February), the water temperature does not drop below +14ºС. Therefore, the decision on when it is best to relax in Cyprus is up to you.

Currency exchange in Cyprus

The largest bank in Cyprus is the Bank of Cyprus.
In 2008, the Cyprus currency, the Euro, was officially introduced on the island. Not everyone knows what is on about. It is better to fly to Cyprus with the Euro: dollars here will be gladly exchanged for local currency, but at a very unfavorable rate. !!! Often, exchange offices charge a commission, which is written about in the most inconspicuous place. Things are even worse with rubles in Cyprus: the exchange rate for the Euro is extremely unfavorable and they are accepted only in large banks, and therefore we strongly do not recommend traveling to the island with Russian currency. !!! For lovers of cashless payments in Cyprus, all the conditions for this are provided: Credit cards are accepted everywhere, and withdrawing money from cards at ATMs occurs with minimal commissions.

Visa to Cyprus

All tourists who want to relax on the island and learn a lot of interesting things about Cyprus, when planning a trip, are required to check with a travel agency if they need a visa to Cyprus. For tourists from Russia, a pre-arranged visa is required to stay on the island. As a rule, tourists who go on vacation on a tour package are issued a temporary visa (provision), which is exchanged upon arrival at the airport for a stamp in the passport, giving the right to a one-time stay in the territory of the Republic for a period of not more than 90 days.

All about the safety of tourists in Cyprus

Cyprus is an island that can be called an absolutely safe holiday destination for tourists.
Everything that tourists can be warned about who want to relax in the resorts of Cyprus concerns only the observance of the rules of conduct and the implementation of the laws of another country:

  • the island has some of the toughest smoking rules in public places in the European Union;
  • be careful on the roads: on the island there is left-hand traffic, so unusual for us, traffic;
  • do not park your car in unauthorized places, parking in a prohibited place threatens you with a large fine;
  • keep valuables and documents in safes provided in each hotel free of charge or at some cost;
  • resort to the help of the police in case of an unpleasant situation: the Cypriot police are very attentive to the problems of tourists.

Cyprus beaches

Almost all beaches Cyprus municipal and free! But! The service provided on the best beaches in Cyprus is paid, namely: renting a sunbed and an umbrella will cost money (on average 5 Euro / day). Want to save? Settle down completely free of charge on a bedspread on any of your favorite beaches. Most of the island's beaches are marked with the Blue Flag. The beaches in Cyprus are different: some with golden-gray sand, others with snow-white and fine, and still others can only boast of pebbles.

All about the cuisine and restaurants of Cyprus

In Cyprus, in any of the local restaurants you can taste dishes from Greek cuisine. The island is dominated by a more active use of seafood in the cuisine than on the mainland.

All restaurants of the island are distinguished by their set of dishes related to meze. Speaking about the cuisine of Cyprus, it is worth noting dishes from feta and halloumi cheeses, as well as a list of what you should definitely try on the island, you must include green walnuts in syrup. For lovers of alcoholic beverages, Cyprus has something to offer: locally produced wines, liqueurs and local grape moonshine "zivania". As for tips, in all restaurants, 10% service charge is already included in the bill. Whether or not to leave a tip as a token of gratitude is a personal matter for every tourist.

Hotels in Cyprus

The island has hotels of absolutely all categories: from 2 * to 5 *, and even hotels with the lowest star rating will differ in a decent and decent level of service. Hotels in Cyprus 2 * - apartments. For many tourists, it is surprising that all sockets in Cyprus are three-phase and adapters are needed to use them. Most vacationers learn about this when checking in. Do not be upset - in every hotel at the reception you can take such an adapter for a deposit or buy it for a small price in any nearby store.

Transport in Cyprus

Taxis on the island are very popular among tourists. You can order a car by stopping it on the streets of the city, or by calling it by phone.
There are two tariffs for taxi rides in Cyprus:

  • daytime from 6:00 to 20:30;
  • night from 20:30 to 6:00.

The night rate is usually 15% more expensive than the day rate.
It is possible to hire a vehicle to travel around the cities for sightseeing. The cost of renting such a car is discussed in advance with the driver.

Car rental
An ideal option for those who wish to independently explore all the most beautiful places on the island. Car rental in Cyprus is available to tourists who fall under the terms and conditions of car rental companies:

  • The tourist must fall into the scale of age restrictions - 25-70 years;
  • Car rental companies always ask about driving experience and require at least 2 years of experience.

When renting a car for a long time for trips in Cyprus, unlimited mileage is provided. The average rental price is 35 EUR/day. The rental price does not include insurance and VAT (15%).

Now you know and have the most important and necessary information for traveling to Cyprus. Make up your mind, the resort places of the island deserve attention and are worthy of your visit.

Have a nice holiday!

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Today we will talk about things that surprise and amaze in Cyprus.

Shop hours. In Cyprus, a 6-day work week, on Wednesday and Saturday work on a reduced schedule, until 13.00. This even applies to grocery stores. Therefore, it is advisable to think about buying products in advance. Recently, after the crisis of 2013, which was in Cyprus, the situation has changed a bit. Many shops have begun to work in a normal working schedule, some shops where you can buy groceries are open even on Sundays.

Pharmacies are open until 19 pm. Many pharmacies, especially in summer, have lunch from 12 to 16. Many stores and pharmacies have winter and summer work schedules. In winter they work an hour less.

Another thing that surprises in Cyprus is open cars with ignition keys inside. For example, a Cypriot came to the store for water, left, did not turn off the car, left the keys and left. It doesn't serve any logic. People who come from Russia are surprised to see such things. Things have changed a bit in the last couple of years. Cars began to close, because they began to understand that the car could be stolen.

Cypriot families tend to dress according to the calendar. Not according to the specific weather, but according to the calendar. Autumn has come - everyone wears autumn, winter has come - in winter, despite the fact that it can be +29 outside, people swim and sunbathe on the beaches. This may be due to the fact that they do not have such bright seasons that we are used to in Russia. You can walk down the street in a T-shirt and slates and meet a man in a jacket and boots.

Cypriots do not take off their shoes at home. In Russia, it is customary to take off your shoes near the door and walk around the house in socks or slippers. And if a Cypriot comes to visit you, he will calmly walk in boots. Of course, there is no slush, winter, snow, but it still rains in winter and mud spreads around the apartment. Many Cypriots react aggressively to the offer to take off their shoes. The Cypriots and the Turks have a long-standing conflict, and therefore if you ask them to take off their shoes, they compare themselves with the Turks, who take off their shoes before entering the mosque.

In general, the Cypriots are very joyful people. If Easter is here, then 5 days off, for Christmas there are also 5 days off. They also celebrate the Independence Day of Greece and in general many Greek holidays. Cypriots are always happy for Greece and are always willing to relax with them. In general, Cypriots are very joyful, cheerful and friendly.

The first impression that Cypriots make is that they are naive people, at first it seems that they are not adapted to life. There is a feeling that if snow falls, everything will die and only Russians will remain on the island. Maybe this is due to the heat, but they are relaxed, slow.

There are a lot of apartments for rent in Cyprus. Some properties have been rented out for years. The Cypriots do not have a commercial vein and they are very stubborn. It is very difficult to agree that they threw off the price of rental housing. Real estate can stand empty for years, but they will not reduce prices.

In general, life in Cyprus is relaxed, leisurely and addictive. At first, this life can be stressful. People who have recently arrived in Cyprus from Russia are immediately visible in the crowd, they are a little nervous, twitchy, feeling that everything does not suit them. They see the negative in everything. People in Russia are very tense, and understanding of this happens only after leaving Russia.

Greece is a country where everything is there! Luxurious beaches, clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea, many amazing architectural monuments, excellent cuisine and cozy hotels... The "Cradle of Civilization", as Greece is also called, is located in southern Europe - on a part of the Balkan Peninsula and more than 1400 islands. Symi Island, Greece Visa Schengen visa required to travel to Greece

Sunny Bulgaria is located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula. The shores of the country are washed by the Black Sea. In Bulgaria, the swimming season starts at the end of May and ends in September. The beaches in Bulgaria are sandy. The ski season starts in December and lasts until mid-February. When choosing a tour to Bulgaria, tourists most often choose the beach resorts of Albena, Golden Sands,

Croatia is located in the southeast of Europe, its shores are washed by the Adriatic Sea. Croatia has absorbed all the best that is in Europe, the prices here are pleasant, and hotels in Croatia can claim the first place in terms of hospitality. Snow-white beaches, Mediterranean nature, picturesque towns - this is only a small part of the beauties of the former Yugoslav Republic. Summer in Croatia is dry

Camel caravan in the Sahara, Tunisia. Find out the prices for tours to Tunisia People go to Tunisia to relax in first-class spas, bargain at the oriental bazaar, ride a camel through the largest desert in the world and, of course, have a wonderful rest in hotels on the seashore. Holidays in Tunisia have become a good substitute for holidays in Egyptian resorts: tours here are inexpensive, service in hotels is decent.

Holidays in Montenegro are chosen by tourists who want not only to get acquainted with the culture of the country and look at historical sights, but also to enjoy the magnificent nature. The plane flies from Moscow to Montenegro for 3 hours. Time in Montenegro is two hours behind Moscow. There are as many as 5 reasons to go to Montenegro Visa In the territory of the country

Description of Cyprus

It is no coincidence that Cyprus attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. The hot sun, beautiful blue sky, clear sea and beaches, positive people - these are the criteria that many people are guided by when choosing a place to relax. And Cyprus, of course, is the champion among Mediterranean resorts! Cyprus is a beautiful island with unique natural contrasts - a real paradise on Earth!

Many tourists who have been here say that there is no better place to relax than Cyprus. Snow-white sandy beaches bathed in the sun and the azure Mediterranean Sea give way to mountain ranges covered with dense forests, and citrus orchards and banana plantations give way to vineyards and olive groves. Not without reason, it was on the island of Cyprus that the patroness of all lovers, the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, emerged from the sea foam.

Compared to other Mediterranean countries, Cyprus has the warmest sea and the longest summer - the swimming season on the island begins in late April and ends in November, and spring begins in February. In Cyprus, 340 out of 365 days a year are sunny!


After Sicily and Sardinia, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean with an area of ​​9251 sq. km.

Capital of Cyprus- Nicosia, it houses the main administrative institutions: the residence of the president, ministries and parliament. The largest cities: Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca.

The length of the island from north to south at its widest point is 96 km, from east to west - 224 km. A mountainous spit protruding far into the sea in the northeast of the island gives a special shape to Cyprus.


Time in Cyprus is 1 hour behind Moscow time in summer, 2 hours in winter.


The "coolest" place in Cyprus is the west coast around Paphos, where the air temperature in summer is 3-4 degrees lower than in Limassol or Larnaca. In general, you can swim throughout the year, the water temperature is rarely below 18 C. From the beginning of April to October - is considered the warmest period of the year. Therefore, warm clothes, for example, a jacket, may be useful only for an excursion to the mountains. From November to March, the weather remains moderate and warm, with some cool days with occasional rain possible. Average minimum and maximum temperatures in winter and summer: in August - min 21 C (night) and max 36 C (day) - in February - min 6 C (night) and max 16 C (day). The climate is subtropical Mediterranean.


The official language of Cyprus is the Cypriot dialect of the Greek language. In addition to it, Turkish is widely spoken as a native language. About 90% of the population speaks English, which actually performs the functions of the second state language. The Russians are quite captivated by the fact that the Russian language has become more and more widespread on the island lately. And the point is not only that recently more and more tourists from the Russian Federation have come to the island - it just so happened historically that a lot of emigrants from the former USSR live in Cyprus.


The main religion in Cyprus, as well as in Russia, is Orthodoxy. Historians claim that a Christian state was first created in Cyprus. According to legend, Cyprus was visited by St. Elena, she brought here a part of the "cross of the Lord" and founded the first Christian monastery. Until now, several active monasteries have been preserved on the island, incl. a monastery with rather strict orders. Women are not allowed to enter the territory of the monastery, laymen are not allowed to spend more than 2 hours on the territory of the monastery. The same religion and many other things contribute to a very friendly attitude of the Cypriots towards the Russians.


78% of the population are Greek Cypriots (by religion - Orthodox) and about 18% Turkish Cypriots (Sunni Muslims), Armenians and others also live. There is also a rapidly growing Russian community. About 80 thousand immigrants from Turkey live in the territory of the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus".

Emergency Phones

Ambulance - 199, 112
Firefighters - 199, 112
Police - 112, 199,
Helpline - 90901460
City police departments:
Nicosia - 22802020
Limassol - 25805050
Paphos - 26806060
Larnaca - 24804040
Reference hospital - 90901400
Inquiry night pharmacies – 192

Currency exchange

It is not difficult to exchange currency in Cyprus. This can be done at any bank or at one of the many currency exchange offices (the second option is usually more profitable). Major types of credit cards, as well as traveler's checks, are accepted in many large stores and malls and can be easily cashed out.


Telecommunications in Cyprus are served by CYTA, which provides both domestic and international services: telephone, fax, telex, mobile communications (NMT 900 and GSM), data transmission, Internet and more.

All telephone calls in Cyprus are paid. You can call from the public telephone, from the hotel room, from the pay phone. If there is no pay phone nearby, go to any shop or restaurant on the way and ask permission to call - you will not be refused. Payphones in Cyprus are of two types: payphones that accept coins in denominations of 2, 5, 10 or 20 cents, and machines that accept special calling cards. The card ("Telecard") can be purchased at any souvenir shop, kiosk, bank branch, post office. The cost of the card is 3, 5 or 10 СJ;, depending on the amount of paid time.


Citizens of Russia and other CIS countries require a visa to travel to Cyprus.

Citizens of a number of countries do not require a visa to visit Cyprus for up to 90 days. These are the countries of the European Union, the USA, Israel, Canada, Australia and some others. The full list can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus.

Tourist visa (Short Stay Visa, category C) - for persons whose purpose of stay is tourism.

Visitor visa (Short Stay Visa, category C) - for persons who wish to visit relatives or friends in Cyprus.

Transit Visa (category B) - for persons traveling through the territory of Cyprus to third countries.

Entry to Cyprus on a Schengen visa.

Citizens of third countries who have valid Schengen visas (type C, single, double, multiple) and have already entered the territory of the Schengen area, according to the conditions for granting the Schengen visas issued to them, have the right to enter and stay in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus without a national visa for a period equal to the remaining period of stay provided for by the visa issued by him, but not more than the period of validity of this visa. Important! Holders of single-entry Schengen visas category C must enter the territory of Cyprus directly from the Schengen territory.
Validity of visas
Transit visa: valid for 6 months, the visa allows you to stay in Cyprus on the way to your destination up to 5 days in each direction.
Tourist and visitor visas: multiple entry visa - valid for 3 years from the date of issue, stay in Cyprus for up to 90 years within six months.

Documents required for obtaining a visa:

- Valid passport

— 2 photos, size 3.5*4.5

- Completed and signed application form

– Completed and signed migration rules

— Certificate from the place of work/study on company letterhead indicating the main details of the company, position, salary, phrases that the workplace and salary are saved for the period of the trip

– A private entrepreneur provides copies of a certificate of registration of a private entrepreneur, a tax payer, certified by a notary, and a certificate from the tax office that there is no debt to the state, a copy of the report for the last quarter

Confirmation of financial solvency:

— Bank statement indicating the balance of funds

— Travel checks

– Copies of real estate documents

– If the purpose of the trip is business, then it is necessary to provide an official invitation on the letterhead of a Cypriot law firm on behalf of the director of the company, containing comprehensive information about the inviting party (detailed information about this company, its areas of activity, address, contact phone number), as well as the timing and the purpose of the invited party’s stay in Cyprus and a guarantee of his return to Ukraine + financial guarantees (approximately $ 80 for 1 day of stay)

– To travel on a private invitation, you must provide an official invitation on the letterhead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, certified by a notary + a photocopy of the first page of the passport of the inviting person, his financial guarantees (approximately $ 80 for 1 day of stay) in case the Cypriot side undertakes the financial security

– To travel at the invitation of a foreign person temporarily residing or working in Cyprus, it is necessary to provide an official invitation on the letterhead of the employer of the inviting person, containing comprehensive information about the inviting party (passport number, position held, place of residence, contact phone number, family relationship), and also, about the terms and purpose of the invited party’s stay in Cyprus and a guarantee of return to their homeland + A copy of the pink card (PINK SLIP) or a document allowing temporary residence and work in Cyprus + A copy of the employment contract of the inviting person + The tenancy agreement of the inviting person + financial guarantees (Approximately $80 for 1 day of stay) if the inviter is responsible for the financial support.

– To travel at the invitation of a citizen who is married in Cyprus, you must provide an official invitation from a citizen of Cyprus who is married to a citizen of Ukraine (on the official letterhead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, certified by a notary) + marriage certificate between a citizen of Cyprus and a citizen of Ukraine + A copy of the inviter's passport + financial guarantees (approximately $80 for 1 day of stay) if the inviter undertakes financial security.

– To make a trip to your own property, you must provide an official invitation from a Cypriot law firm or lawyer, confirming the fact that you own private property and that it is not currently under pledge, not sold, etc. + a copy of the contract of sale of real estate + financial guarantees at the rate of 80 dollars for 1 day of stay

- If you have old passports - copies of visas

– If you have a valid multiple entry visa of the Schengen countries and used at least 1 time at the destination, you do not need to apply for a visa to Cyprus

A child who has a separate travel document pays a consular fee, pensioners also pay a consular fee

Holidays and non-working days in Cyprus

January 1 - New Year, St. Vasily
January 6 - Epiphany Day
March 25 - Greek Independence Day
April 1 - Greek Cypriot national holiday
May 1 - Labor Day
August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin
October 1 - Cyprus Independence Day
October 28 - Greek national holiday
December 25 - Christmas

Good Friday, Easter, Trinity are celebrated according to the old style (Julian calendar of the Orthodox Church)
In addition to the main ones, Cypriots celebrate about 40 more holidays a year, among them:

February: Carnival, begins 50 days before Orthodox Easter. Particularly colorful are the processions of mummers in Limassol.

May: Antestyria. Flower Festival on one of May Sundays.

May/June: Cataclysmos. The holiday falls on Trinity. It is associated with the memory of the global flood and the salvation of Noah. In coastal cities, in particular in Larnaca, maritime parades and a large fair are held on this day.

July: Festival in Limassol. Folklore festival, as well as a film and theater festival, an art fair.

The second half of August is the Lemon Festival in Karavas.

September: Grape Festival in Limassol. For two weeks in the city park, the flow of visitors who want to taste Cypriot wine for free does not dry out.


There are no railways on the island. Due to the small size of Cyprus, there is also no domestic air traffic, so the main means of transportation are: taxis, buses, minibuses (carry out intercity flights and intracity transportation), and road transport.

bus service

Buses are not a very popular form of transport in Cyprus, but they are also cheap. Basically, bus routes connect cities with villages, as well as the most famous tourist places. They connect both the center of any resort in Cyprus with the tourist area, and all the main cities of Cyprus. The traffic interval in tourist areas is usually 20-30 minutes.

Fixed-route taxi in Cyprus

In addition to ordinary taxis in Cyprus, the so-called “service taxi” also provides transport links between the main cities. It will cost twice as much as a bus, but cheaper than a regular taxi, because. transports up to 10 people, however, for the same reason, the duration of the trip increases significantly due to the fact that the service taxi follows various roundabout routes. Places can be reserved in advance by phone or through the reception of your hotel.

An ordinary taxi in Cyprus is the most optimal for the movement of tourists, because. Most of the drivers are Russian-speaking and know perfectly well what and where is located on the island. Every taxi driver deserves the status of a private guide in Cyprus.

Car rent

The conditions for renting a car may be different for each company. Car rental prices usually include unlimited mileage, car insurance, and a city map. Gasoline is paid separately.

You need to be as careful as possible on the roads, because. on the island, the movement is left-handed, the steering wheel is on the right, and gear shifting is carried out with the left hand, and of course it is necessary to control the movement from an unusual side. Rental cars can be identified by red license plates that begin with the letter Z. On Sundays, service stations work in shifts. Most petrol stations are open 24/7.


In a restaurant, it is quite enough to reward the waiter with 10% of the bill. In a taxi it is not customary to ask for change. The maid and porter can be given a few coins.

The shops

For lovers and lovers of shopping, Cyprus will seem like a paradise. There are not just a lot of shops on the island, there are “not counting” them here! From the imposing Ermes shopping centers in every city in Cyprus, to the scattering of fashion brands and brands on the main trading arteries of Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca - Anexertisias streets and arch. Makarius, souvenir shops in the tourist areas of every city in Cyprus, as well as countless Cypriot jewelry stores, fur salons, tiny boutiques of designer clothes from France and Italy, hiding their treasures in the nooks and crannies of the main trade routes - believe me, all this magnificence is dizzying and captivating spirit! Opening hours from May to September 8.00 - 13.00 and 16.00 - 19.00, opening hours from October to April 8.00 - 13.00 and 14.30 - 18.00. Shops are closed on Sundays and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. In tourist areas, almost all shops are open without interruption.

National cuisine

The cuisine of Cyprus is of Mediterranean and Oriental origin with some traces of English influence. Both Greek and Turkish cuisines have an Oriental influence and therefore favor heavily flavored oils and spices and very sweet dishes. Of course, in large hotels you can also order dishes of the so-called "international" cuisine, often they are listed on the menu in English. These hotels offer an English breakfast, and while exploring the city, you can taste both local and any cuisine. A purely Cypriot dish, which involves not just some separate dish, but a special gastronomic ritual, is meze (in Turkish, mezeler or through-ler).

Rather, these are several dishes, or rather a whole gastronomic ritual, in which the order of serving dishes plays an important role. There must be at least 15 of them. The point is to try a little of everything. Before you start meze, you need to “work up” an appetite, and then eat in small quantities and at a slow pace, otherwise you won’t be able to withstand the load. "Siga, whitefish" - as the Cypriots say. The order of serving meze dishes is approximately the following. Start with appetizers such as tahini (a creamy sesame seed paste), talatturi (cold yogurt with finely chopped cucumbers and mint, with garlic), taramasalata (fish caviar whipped with parsley, lemon juice and finely chopped onions, forming a pink creamy sauce), "hummus" - an Arabic snack (combines the taste of peas, sesame paste, olive oil and parsley).

Sweets in Cypriot cuisine are mostly of oriental origin. Something we are familiar with in the shops of Oriental Sweets (see below). Cypriot honey is very tasty. Almost all year round in Cyprus - fresh fruits and vegetables. The potato crop is harvested 3-4 times a year. Local strawberries appear at the end of January and you can buy them until November. Cyprus is famous for its citrus fruits, local varieties of oranges, tangerines and grapefruits are juicy and make excellent juices. By the way, pay attention to Cypriot juices - they are of very good quality and, as a rule, are produced without added sugar and preservatives.

The coffee that ends any lunch is very popular. In the north of Cyprus there are no big differences in culinary tastes from the south. Unless pork dishes are unlikely to be on the menu. To get the most complete picture of Cypriot cuisine, order a meze at any restaurant. This is such a complex lunch of about 20 dishes that will be served on the table as they are eaten. Each chef has his own opinion about which dishes should be included in the meze, but the “mandatory” set and the order of serving dishes are strictly observed. First, the table will be filled with salads, cheeses, cold and hot appetizers from vegetables, meat, seafood, then “real” meat dishes will appear, and at the end of the meal you will find sweet dishes and fruits. In addition to meat, some taverns serve fish meze.

The Greek influence on the national cuisine is the strongest. Everywhere in Cyprus you can find taverns offering national dishes of Cypriot cuisine.


Stone of Aphrodite

On a narrow pebbly beach, pressed against the road leading from Paphos to Limassol, lies, far into the sea, a huge stone. It is so large that it resembles a rock as high as a multi-storey building. Already its very presence here, on a flat beach, far from the mountains (only whitish limestone hills scorched by the sun stretch along the coast), is mysterious. The stone is surrounded by several brothers of much smaller sizes, as if by fragments that have flown away from it. Some almost completely went under water, overgrown with green and brown algae, colonies of small shells. Others rise high above the waves, whirlpools swirling in white foam at their base.

This is the stone of Aphrodite, known far beyond the island, near which, as the legends and poems of antiquity tell, the goddess stepped from the foam of the waves onto the land of Cyprus.

According to Homer, Zephyr's wet breath brought Aphrodite to the island surrounded by foam and in the roar of a storm.

Hesiod describes the circumstances of Aphrodite's birth in his Theogony. The children of the sky god Uranus and the goddess of the earth Gaia aroused the hatred of their father with their terrible appearance, and he did not let them out of the mother's womb. Gaia, suffering from the weight of the children hidden in her, decided to stop the spontaneous fertility of her husband, and at her instigation, the son Kronos castrated Uranus. Where the blood of Uranus got into the sea, foam formed, from which the beautiful Aphrodite arose (“afros” in Greek - foam). The sea coast near Paphos, with its beaches of small pebbles and bizarre rocks, is indeed worthy of being the scene of this poetic myth. And the fate of ancient Paphos is largely connected with it.

Sanctuary of Apollo Khilatsky

A little away from the ruins of ancient Kourion is the ancient sanctuary of Apollo Hylates, the patron saint of forests and all forest dwellers, as well as the city itself. The ancient inhabitants believed that everything related to nature depended on it, and therefore they built the temple in an amazing place. Cypresses and other Mediterranean trees grow around. The ground is covered with fragrant herbs and flowers. There is peace and tranquility in the air. It is the harmonious unity with nature that is the dominant of the temple. The first mention of the sanctuary dates back to the 7th century BC, but it was given its final form already in the 1st century. The temple of Apollo was surrounded by a wall, and one could enter its territory through two gates. The temple itself was not large, and the altar played the main role here. It was modeled on Roman temples, in which the altar stood on a podium, wide steps led to it.
In the temple of Apollo Khilatsky, only the base of the podium with a staircase and several columns in the open air remained from the altar. Despite the low popularity of the temple, its significance is evidenced by the fact that only the high priest was allowed to the altar. And those bold ones who touched the altar or even approached it were thrown off the cliff into the sea.

Kykkos Monastery

Kykkos Monastery Founded in 1100, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kykkos Monastery is now the largest, most famous and richest in Cyprus. It is famous throughout the Orthodox world, and pilgrims flock here all year round. The monastery houses one of the three surviving icons of the Mother of God, the authorship of which is attributed to the Apostle Luke. Although the monastery burned to the ground several times, the icon always remained unharmed. The monastery church is a three-oil basilica in the Franco-Byzantine style. Its interior is decorated with beautiful frescoes of the 18th century. In front of the iconostasis, there is a miraculous icon of the intercessor of Russia placed in a frame made of a tortoise shell adorned with pearls. In 1790, the entire surface of the shrine was covered with a gold frame, hiding the apostolic inscription from view. The corridors of the monastery are decorated with modern mosaics depicting saints and miracles performed by Christ. In his younger years, the first president of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III, served in Kykkos, buried not far from these places.


Ayia Napa

The youngest in the country, but already a popular resort with a vibrant nightlife, ideal for youth recreation (there are a huge number of discos, bars, taverns). The water park, wide beaches with golden sand, shallow safe sea make this place attractive for families with children. In addition, many lovers of water sports and outdoor activities come to Ayia Napa: here you can go scuba diving, rowing, windsurfing, fishing, water skiing, boats, yachts. The resort is 1 hour 15 minutes from Larnaca Airport by bus or 40 minutes by taxi.


The third largest city on the southeast coast, a popular resort. Right on the embankment of Larnaca, there are many cafes and taverns where you can enjoy the wonderful seascape and watch the strolling public over lunch or a glass of wine. There is also a harbor with moored high-speed yachts. Most of the hotels are located in the tourist area of ​​Larnaca, created to the east of the city on the coast of a sandy bay. The airport is located 5 km from the resort area.

Small gray pebbles mixed with sand. The most famous is Mackenzie Beach.


The second largest city and the largest resort center of Cyprus, lying on the southern coast, Limassol is considered the most cheerful and "cosmopolitan" city, loved by both "party" youth and family vacationers and respectable public. Limassol is perfect for those who come to Cyprus for the first time and want to see the main regions of the island. This is the most "Russian-speaking" resort on the island. Limassol is about an hour's drive from Larnaca Airport.

Gray sand, in places - pebbles. The wild beach Ladies Mile is considered the best.

Interesting facts about Cyprus

British scientists have found that Cyprus is one of the most favorable places to live
According to a study published by the British medical journal The Lancet, the countries of Cyprus and Iceland are among the most favorable regions in Europe for those who wish to become long-lived. Scientists have calculated that over the past 20 years, in 37 Europe, life expectancy has declined, despite significant advances in the field of medicine. This indicator, according to the researchers, was influenced by three factors: HIV disease, smoking and obesity. Unlike most European countries, the average life expectancy in Cyprus and Iceland has remained at the same level.

Ten Cypriots in the list of the richest people in the UK

The Sunday Times has published a ranking of the richest people in the UK. In addition to well-known billionaires, the list also includes 10 Greek Cypriots. Of which the first place is occupied by Alkis David, whose fortune is estimated at 1 billion 200 million pounds. Stelios Hadji-Ioannou came in second with £820m. Third place among the Cypriot millionaires was taken by Michalis Lemos - 605 million pounds, the fourth was Chris Lazaris with 522 million and Nicholas Roditis was in fifth place, his fortune is estimated at 350 million pounds.

British pensioners prefer to live in Cyprus

The latest research by The Sunday Times showed that Cyprus is the top five destinations for the British to move after retirement. Aphrodite Island left behind such countries as Belize, France, Panama and Italy.

A place for carefree and safe living after retirement was evaluated according to nine basic criteria. These include income tax, inheritance tax, property tax, as well as real estate prices, cost of living, security of ownership, health care system, weather conditions and local culture.

Maximum score for each 10 points. The result of Cyprus is 66 points out of 90 possible. This is followed by Belize with 60 points, France and Panama - 59 each, Italy - 52. The indisputable advantages of Cyprus are: the climate, the widespread use of the English language, and, of course, the banking and legal systems built on the British model.

Swimming in Cyprus is 100% safe

Cyprus received the highest marks in the annual European bathing water quality survey.
Thus, for the second year in a row, water in absolutely all water bodies of Cyprus (including the sea, rivers and lakes) complies with EU physical, chemical and microbiological standards. As part of the study, water in 111 reservoirs in Cyprus was tested for the presence of microorganisms such as E. coli and streptococcus, as well as for a number of other parameters.

In comparison, last year 2% of beaches in the EU, mostly in Italy, were closed due to non-compliance with regulations.

Limassol Aims to Become Europe's Capital of Culture

Cyprus is included in the list of leaders in the production of wine.

Cyprus is washed by the sea on all sides, but there is almost no fishing on the island. It has to do with coastal currents.

Taxi drivers-Cypriots do not give change! It's just not accepted.

It is very difficult to find a book lover in Cyprus - the islanders hardly read books, preferring newspapers and magazines to them.

Cypriot women love to dress fashionably. According to the EU data, even when the sales level fell sharply due to the financial crisis, clothing retail sales in Cyprus only rose!

The islanders travel a lot and prefer mainly the Greek islands of Kerkyra, Mykonos, Crete, etc.

Ninety percent of the islanders speak excellent English, so communication with them is not difficult.

In order to get married in Cyprus, you only need to spend three days on the island!

Cyprus hosts one of the largest Russian diasporas in the world.

Russians are given the opportunity to enter Cyprus without a visa!

In the city of Limassol, you can catch the Russian "Autoradio" on a wave of 102.2 FM.

The island has coffee shops exclusively for men. Women are strictly prohibited from entering such establishments!

The common gesture “everything is ok” (thumb and forefinger folded into a ring) in Cyprus means “homosexual”, therefore it is not recommended for use.

In Cyprus, you can swim in the cool sea and in an hour ski in the Troodos mountains.