Foreign passports and documents

Interesting facts about asia. Amazing Facts About Asia Interesting Facts About Asia

North Korea's official name: Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The local population calls it "Joseon" ("Country of morning freshness").

Fun facts about India

India is the “big paradise” in Asia. Exotic culture, invaluable art, modern cities, national natural parks and friendly people - all this makes the country an excellent tourist destination with vast expanses of indescribable beauty. Until the 21st century, India has managed to maintain a traditional lifestyle. It regularly hosts the Festival of Laxmi, one of the most famous Hindu religious festivals. Laxmi is the goddess of peace and prosperity. This festival plays a significant role in the lives of many Indians. India has gone down in history as the birthplace of Mohandas K. Gandhi, whose legacy is democracy. Once Gandhi said: "We ourselves must become the changes that we want to see in the world."

Turkey is a Eurasian country stretching from the peninsula of Asia Minor (or Anatolia) in western Asia to Thrace (Rumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. It is thanks to its strategic location that Turkey is famous for its unique blend of Eastern and Western traditions. Turkey is surrounded by eight countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. From the south of Turkey are the Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus, from the west - the Aegean Sea and its archipelago, and from the north - the Black Sea. Continue reading this article for more interesting information about Turkey.

The Philippines (officially the Republic of the Philippines) is an archipelago of 7,107 islands lying in the Pacific Ocean. This island nation in Southeast Asia is surrounded by countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau and the Republic of China. The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that does not have common land borders with its neighbors.

Singapore today is a developed city-state, a capital and a republic at the same time, but only 50 years ago this country was considered one of the poorest, and the majority of the population sympathized with the communists. Local political leader Lee Kuan Yew took power into his own hands and, with a handful of patriotic saratniks, brought order to the country.

As the Japanese poet Murasaki Shikibu, who lived in the 9th century, said, “It's hard to find someone who really understands you. Usually people judge only by their own yardsticks. " The hardest thing for us to understand is the Japanese themselves.

Let's take a look at 7 interesting facts about Laos.

Thailand is an amazing and wonderful country. Therefore, our interesting facts will now be about Thailand.

We offer seven facts about Singapore according to

Facts about India

India has it all - from saris to spicy dishes, beautiful beaches and heavy snowfall! In this article, we will tell you interesting and surprising facts about India that will give you a better understanding of the different cultures and lifestyles of this country.

Indonesia is considered one of the most popular destinations in the world today. The name "Indonesia" comes from the Latin word "Indus" ("India") and the Greek "nesos" ("islands"). Indonesia became popular in the 1900s. Now this beautiful country ranks fourth among the most visited countries in the world. In this article, you can read some interesting information about Indonesia.

Goddess girls are not uncommon in Nepal. They are the living embodiment of the goddess Taleju. To get into the goddess, you need to go through a competitive selection according to 32 parameters. The selected one lives in the palace without any problems. But as soon as the girls start menstruating, they are expelled from the palace.

Two Oceans, thirty seas, one hundred thousand islands, the best airlines in the world and much more - this is what awaits you in Southeast Asia! The countries of Southeast Asia are attracted by the opportunity to get everything at once in one trip. Great climate, great beaches, diving and surfing opportunities, sea cruises, exotic nature, unusual cuisine, ancient temples and palaces, noisy festivals, great shopping - the list goes on and on.


1.Stunningly beautiful landscape. A riot of colors. Year-round flowering of nature. Beautiful beaches. Unusual beauty of ancient architectural monuments.

2. "Bait" for tourists: here is the best and cheapest diving in the world.

3. Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) is a city of chaos, neon lights and benevolent people.

4. Fabulous beauty, clean deserted beaches and low prices. As if everything was created for the perfect holiday!

5. Vietnam is one of the most mysterious and amazing countries in Southeast Asia. There is no sweltering heat here, the sun is soft and gentle, the air is humid and clean, the water is clear and inviting - Vietnam has everything you need for relaxation, in order to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and be saturated with a charge of vivacity and energy.

6. For those who appreciate natural beauty on vacation, there is a very popular West Lake, Lake Xuan-Huong, Kamchi waterfalls, Thong-Nyat Park, where the Flower Festival is regularly held, Chua-Mot-cat pagoda, and the Valley of Love.

7. Vietnamese cuisine has absorbed the traditions of French cuisine - you can feel it by the abundance of pates and cheeses that can be bought everywhere. A minimum of fats, a maximum of fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood make Vietnamese food popular not only among sophisticated gourmets, but also among fans of healthy eating.

8. Phan Thiet is a very popular resort in Vietnam. Phan Thiet is great for families. It is a quiet and cozy resort. With sandy beaches and wonderful comfortable hotels.

9. Nha Trang is one of the best holiday destinations in the country. The city itself is also known as a health resort: there is a clinic for mud therapy and treatment with mineral water for joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also treats some skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system, lungs and bronchi.

10. Phu Quoc is the largest island in Vietnam, equal in area to Singapore. Beautiful sandy beaches, planted with coconut palms, frame the pristine rainforest here. There are two large pearl growing plantations on the island - Japanese and American, therefore Phu Quoc is often called the "pearl island".


1. Among the mind-boggling number of islands that make up Indonesia (there are 17,508!), Only about 6,000 are actually inhabited. The largest islands in Indonesia are Java, Sumatra, New Guinea, Sulawesi ( Sulawesi) and Kalimantan.

2. Bali has long been the most popular destination in Indonesia. The beautiful landscapes of this picturesque corner attract tourists and nature lovers from all over the world. A lot of interesting things await tourists here. The greatest demand is for cultural events and dances, delicate leather goods, and foot-tapping music.

3. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.

4. Another feature of Indonesia is that this country has a very diverse culture, its inhabitants speak 580 languages ​​and dialects.

5. Java Island - the world famous temple complexes of Borobudur (the third largest Buddhist temple in the world - Borobudur (VIII century) not far from Yogyakarta. Its height is 34 m, and the area is 12.3 thousand square meters.) and Prambanan.

6. Komodo - it is part of the Komodo National Park of worldwide importance. Founded in 1980, the park covers three large volcanic islands (Komodo, Rinka and Padar). It is home to the largest land lizard on the planet - the famous Komodo dragon, or monitor lizard (Varanus komodoensis), of which there are several hundred individuals.

7. Flores Islands. The most famous volcano in Flores is the Kelimutu volcano, whose height is 1.639 m. Its three crater lakes change color from time to time and it is not yet fully understood what exactly leads to this change.

8. Ubud is an ancient city in the central mountainous part of the island of Bali, located 10 km north of Denpasar at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Ubud is considered the cultural center of the island. There are many museums here.

9. Sumatra - there are many active volcanoes on and near the island.

10. The island of Kalimantan (also Borneo) is a large island (the third largest in the world), the only island in the world divided between three recognized states: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.


1. Malaysia is a country of smiles and unique, diverse charms that attract guests.

2. A charming land of warmth and kindness, in any corner of which you can get acquainted with Real Asia and become its part.

3. Ultra-modern architecture and unique nature.

4. The country is endowed with evergreen forests and beautiful coastal waters with a unique fauna and flora and fauna, amazing for this part of the planet.

5. In Malaysia, you can choose: either spend time in a modern city with its shops and places of entertainment, or lie in the sun on the white sand by the sea.

6. We offer ecotourism, mountaineering in the region of Mount Kinabulu, one of the highest peaks in the region.

7. You can watch the life of orangutans in Sepilok or go scuba diving in the area of ​​Sipadan Island.

8. Visit the tallest building in the world, the Petrones business center.

9. Malaysia has something for everyone: historian, businessman, tourist, vacationer or city bustle.

10. It is unrepeatable to remember spending a vacation with your family in Malaysia, about which the English writer Somerset Maugham, visiting Penang, wrote: "If you have not seen this place, you have not seen the world."


1. Picturesque nature, magnificent beaches, unconventional culture, genuine hospitality of the local population, unique religious buildings and ruins of antiquity - all this attracts, like a magnet, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world.

2. Thais are unusually polite, friendly and hospitable, especially towards visitors.

3. Today, Thailand has preserved the face of its unique culture. This is largely due to the fact that, unlike other countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand has never been colonized by Europeans.

4 The list of the most valuable World Heritage Sites (UNESCO) includes five representatives of Thailand. These are nature reserves and archaeological sites of the past.

5. The best transvestite shows in Southeast Asia. Theatrical performances, where the actors are transvestites. Some of them are participants in international beauty contests.

6. Thai cuisine is famous for its combination of four flavors - salty, sweet, sour and bitter. But if a tourist is afraid to eat rather peculiar Thai dishes, there are no problems: in Thailand cuisines of almost all countries of the world are presented.

7. In Thailand, skyscrapers and antiquity, permissiveness and law-abidingness, low prices and superinfrastructure harmoniously coexist. Having been there at least once, you will want to return there again and again.

8. Holidays in Thailand is a great opportunity to spend your vacation, basking on the white beaches of the ocean, under the dazzling sun.

9. Also in Thailand, amateurs and professionals of diving annually gather: the marine flora and fauna of the region is distinguished by an unforgettable riot of colors, so diving into the transparent waters of the ocean and a walk to coral reefs will leave an indelible impression on the trip!

10. Thailand is a country of orchids and shimmering sapphires, clear rivers and impenetrable jungles.


1. In Singapore, you can shop that you have dreamed of all your life.

2. Singapore impresses with its variety of popular nightlife spots. Many clubs are located on the back and highest buildings in the country.

3. Singapore Night Safari is the first park in the world specially created for watching animals at night.

4. The Singapore Zoo is considered one of the best in the world.

5. The Fountain of Wealth was created according to the philosophy of Feng Shui and since 1998 is the largest in the world.

6. The tallest in Asia, the Singapore flyer, 165 meters high.

7. Botanical garden with 20,000 plants - Okenarium 2,500 sea creatures of 250 species - 4-D cinema.

8. An architectural masterpiece, the Esplanade theater and the huge Wild Wild Wet water park.

9. Bird Park is one of the most beautiful parks in the world, the territory of which is inhabited by 8000 birds of 600 species collected from all over the planet.

10. Today, Sentosa remains the best resort in Singapore, a tropical paradise, museums and a nature reserve all rolled into one.


1. This is one of the few places on Earth where you understand that the magic word "exotic" has not yet lost its original meaning.

2. Immediately four Filipino attractions were in the top ten contenders for a place in the list of seven new wonders of nature.

3. Rice terraces are an incredible and ancient creation of human hands, created over 2000 years ago.

4. On Bohol Island you will meet the world's smallest monkey - the tarsier.

5. The beaches of the Philippine Islands are considered the best in the world.

6. Here you can meet whales during a boat trip, and the underwater world will amaze you with a variety of corals and living creatures inhabiting them.

7. Manila is the largest shopping center in Asia.

8. Prices in the Philippines for services and goods will pleasantly surprise you.

9. The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world and the only Christian state in Asia.

10. Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit the Philippines.


1. Myanmar is not yet spoiled by tourism and tourists, and therefore is extremely hospitable

2. Myanmar has the largest concentration of Buddhist historical sites in the world

3. About half of the country's population are monks. Monks in Myanmar are incredibly revered

4. On the mountain lake Inle, you will plunge into the world of people who built their homes and temples on the water, living according to different laws, unusual for Europeans, in a different time dimension

5. Here you will find incredibly friendly and helpful people, not to mention the service staff

6. Yangon - the capital of Myanmar, is considered the cleanest city in Southeast Asia from an environmental point of view

7. Due to the low attendance of the country, the sea and beaches are pristine here.

8. For all purchases, visits to restaurants and souvenirs, you will spend an indecently small amount

9. In Myanmar, namely in Mandalay, you will see the largest book in the world, which takes 450 days for monks to read.

10. Only in Myanmar will you take a break from mobile phone calls! There is almost no cellular connection!

Sri Lanka.

1. The symbol of Sri Lanka is the world famous Ceylon tea. Sri Lanka ranks 2nd in the world in tea exports.

2. Sri Lanka is the center of world Buddhism. The atmosphere of benevolence and serenity that prevails in this country is the result of the deep centuries-old influence of Buddhist teachings on the worldview and way of life of the Sri Lankans.

3. Sri Lanka can rightfully be proud of any of its incomprehensible landscapes - from golden beaches, caressed by the Indian Ocean to numerous ridges and slopes that form terraces, rice fields and dense forests.

4. Sri Lanka has been famous for its spices for many centuries. The Matale Spice Garden gives you the opportunity to see the cultivation of cinnamon, cardamom, peppers and other exotic plants.

5. There are more than a hundred waterfalls in Sri Lanka. One of the highest waterfalls in the world with a single stream is the 212-meter Bridal Veil Waterfall.

6. The largest cave temple in South Asia is the stone temple of the sleeping Buddha. The temple houses the largest collection of Buddha statues, many of which are over 2000 years old. 73 of them are gold plated.

7. Newlyweds from all over the world spend an unforgettable honeymoon in Sri Lanka, and exotic wedding ceremonies organized in hotels make this important event in life special.

8. More and more tourists come to Sri Lanka to improve their health. The oldest methods of Ayurveda and aromatherapy treatment, time-tested and improved by modern technologies, relieve stress, fatigue and discomfort, increase the human body's resistance to disease, and give a strong rejuvenating effect.

9. Of the 130 world historical values ​​protected by UNESCO, seven are located on this amazing island

10. The whole world knows traditional Sri Lankan spices, aromatic teas of all kinds, exotic fruits, gems, batik and, of course, the warmth of the friendly owners of the island. You will have the opportunity to taste wonderful traditional dishes, including the delicious "curry" - specially prepared meat or vegetables with spices and rice.


1. In Kathmandu - the capital of Nepal - there are 7 sites that UNESCO included in the list of world heritage sites, including the Buddhist temples Boudnath and Swayambudnath.

2. If you give tea to local hermits - Sadhus, then in return you will receive a blessing - a red dot on the forehead called tikka.

3. Most of the streets in Nepalese cities do not have names, so it is quite easy to get lost there.

4. In some cities of Nepal, cars and motorcycles are prohibited.

5. Most of the world's mountains above 8 kilometers are located in Nepal - this attracts climbers and rafters from all over the world.

6. One of the most honorable professions in Nepal is the potter. There is even a special caste of potters.

7. Nepal proudly calls itself "the only Hindu kingdom in the world": 86.5% of the population are Hindus.


I leave Hanoi early in the morning. The sun had just risen. But the streets are packed with thousands (!) Of motorbikes ...

Travel around the world in a minute.

Probably everyone would like to have the opportunity to sweep around the world and absorb the beauty of nature from all over the world ...

1. Asia is the largest continent of the planet in terms of area and population. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the area of ​​the Moon (44 million 500 thousand square kilometers and 37 million square kilometers, respectively).

2. Asia has a population of 4 billion, or more than 60% of the world's population. If all these people stand next to each other, holding hands, they will circumnavigate the globe more than 100 times along the equator.

3. More than half of Asia's population lives in two countries - China (1.3 billion people) and India (1.1 billion people). India is projected to surpass China in population in 20 years.

4. The borders of Asia stretch from the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains in the west to the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea in the south. In the south, Asia is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the north - by the Arctic Ocean, and in the Far East - by the Pacific Ocean.

5. Asia can be divided into seven sub-continents:
1). Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan;
2). East Asia - China, Mongolia, Taiwan, North and South Korea;
3). North Asia - Russia;
4). Indian subcontinent - India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka;
5). Southeast Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos;
6). Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam;
7). Southwest Asia - Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon.

6. The three leading economic powers in Asia are China, Japan and India. They are ranked second, third and fourth, respectively. However, the population of tiny Japan is less than 1/10 of the population of China or India. However, Asia's economy lags behind those of North America and Europe.

7. The three dominant financial centers in Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.

8. The predominant religions in Asia are Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism / Taoism, and Islam.

9. The westernmost point of Asia is Cape Baba, located in the northwest of Turkey.

10. The northernmost point of Asia is Cape Chelyuskin in Siberia.

11. The width of Asia is 8,527 km.

12. Asia has the highest and lowest point on Earth: Mount Everest (8,848 m above sea level) and the Dead Sea (395 m below sea level).

13. Asia is the cradle of human civilization, which originated in the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates.

14. Ten longest rivers in Asia:
1). Yangtze (Chang Jiang) - 6 300 km,
2). Yellow River (Huang He) - 5 464 km,
3). Lena - 4 400 km,
4). Mekong - 4 350 km,
5). Irtysh - 4,248 km,
6). Yenisei - 4,090 km,
7). Ob - 3 650 km,
eight). Lower Tunguska - 2 989 km,
nine). Indus - 2 900 km,
ten). Brahmaputra - 2900 km.

If all these rivers are connected to each other, they will circle the globe along the equator.

15. Ten highest mountain peaks in Asia:
1). Everest - 8 848 m, Nepal-Tibet,
2). K2 - 8 611 m, Pakistan-China,
3). Kangchenjunga - 8 586 m, Nepal-Sikkim (India),
4). Lhotse - 8 516 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
5). Makalu - 8 462 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
6). Cho Oyu - 8 201 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
7). Dhaulagiri - 8167 m, Nepal,
eight). Manaslu - 8 156 m, Nepal,
nine). Nanga Parbat - 8 125 m, Pakistan,
ten). Annapurna 8 091 m, Nepal.

If all these peaks are put one on top of the other, they will reach space. For comparison, we can mention that Mount Fuji (3,776 meters) is more than twice as low as the lowest peak on this list.

Asia is the largest part of the world, home to many ancient cultures and a center of attraction for tourists. There are densely populated urban centers with towering skyscrapers and secluded islands with picturesque beaches. Foreign blog ITsGR9 chose 10 most interesting places in Asia worth visiting.

10. Boracay Island, Philippines

The beach of Boracay Island with its fine white sand is a favorite place for relaxation among locals and visitors, one of the. Carefree atmosphere, exhilarating nightlife, beach parties, culinary delights, luxury spas, thrilling extreme sports - leaving this island out is a big mistake.

9. Phu Quoc Islands, Vietnam

The coast of the Nha Trang province is the resting place of most local residents, they are located here. And tourists may be more interested in Phu Quoc Island with its elegant beaches and clear water, in which the coral reefs surrounding the island and their colorful inhabitants are perfectly visible. The 99 Summits mountain range is replete with waterfalls, plants and rare animal species.

8. "Rabbit Island" (Khao Tonsei), Cambodia

The island is located close to the mainland, a 20-minute drive from the town of Kep. In local bungalows there is no TV, no internet, no air conditioning, this allowed the island to become one of the most in the world. The purpose of the resort is to give a modern person the opportunity to feel the unity with nature, which modern technologies can only interfere with.

7. Bangkok, Thailand

One of the best, teeming with chic beaches and first-class restaurants. In Thailand's fast-growing capital, ancient Buddhist temples sit side by side with glass and steel malls. There is also a huge statue of the Golden Buddha four and a half meters high, a stunning aquarium inside a multi-storey shopping center and the world's largest outdoor market.

6. Seoul, Korea

Most Westerners imagine something futuristic when they say Seoul, but South Koreans themselves are true to their cultural heritage. In the city center, next to towers of concrete and steel, are the ancient witnesses of the country's past. One of them is Gyeongbokgung Palace, the oldest and largest monument of the Joseon Dynasty. However, there was also a place for entertainment, in Seoul there is one of the world's largest.

5. Bali, Indonesia

This island has a unique energy: a bizarre mixture of sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters and volcanoes on the horizon makes tourists feel like the heroes of the magazine "Around the World". Here the weary traveler finds a tropical paradise where you can just lie on a sun lounger and not worry about anything. You can visit spas, do water sports, mingle with macaques in the monkey forest, or visit the "land at sea" - a temple on a sheer cliff. Bali is one of the year round holiday destinations!

4. Tokyo, Japan

The rating of the most interesting places in Asia could not do without the Japanese capital. The word "Tokyo" brings to mind the latest technological advances, manga, anime, and the Harayuzuku quarter. Indeed, this huge, bubbling cauldron is where the latest trends in technology or fashion are born. Tokyo is also famous for its green space, huge shopping centers and excellent museums.

3. Hong Kong, China

Here, the tourist enjoys luxurious parks and is in awe of breathtaking cityscapes from the tops of skyscrapers. It also has great beaches, museums, and world-class restaurants.

2. Singapore

This modern metropolis, and at the same time, is the perfect combination of scenic landscapes and high technology. In Singapore, there is a fountain of wealth that has entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in existence. For those who wish to increase their capital, you need to make sure that the upper jets of the fountain are turned off, then go around the fountain three times clockwise, make a wish and touch the water with your palm.

1. Beijing, China

The cultural and political capital of China topped the list of the most interesting cities for tourists in Asia. Some of the most significant places are Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City palace complex. There are also secluded Lamaist monasteries nestled in the heart of world-famous stadiums, and restaurants of astounding local cuisine.

Asia occupies one of the largest parts of the world. Moreover, it is here that practically the bulk of the population lives. The power and influence of Asian countries in the world only grows every year. It is here that the world's leading manufacturers tend to locate their production plants because of the cheap labor. Asia has everything for a comfortable life and relaxation. People come here to work, rest and study. Therefore, we further suggest reading more interesting and mysterious facts about Asia.

1. Asia in terms of population and area is considered the largest continent on the planet.

2. More than 4 billion people make up the population of Asia, in percentage terms it is 60% of the total population of the Earth.

3. India and China have the largest populations in Asia.

4. In the west, Asia extends from the Ural Mountains to the Suez Canal.

5. In the south, Asia is washed by the Black and Caspian Seas.

6. The Indian Ocean washes Asia in the south.

7. In the east, Asia borders the Pacific Ocean.

8. The Arctic Ocean washes the shores of Asia in the north.

9. Asia can be divided into seven sub-continents.

10. India, Japan and China are considered to be some of the leading economies in Asia.

11. Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo are the three dominant financial centers.

12. Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism are the main religions in Asia.

13. More than 8527 km width of Asia.

14. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in Asia.

15. The Dead Sea, which is located in Asia, is the lowest point above ground level.

16. It is Asia that is considered the cradle of human civilization.

17. Asia has more than ten of the longest rivers.

18. Asia has a huge number of the highest mountains.

19. The shallow inland sea of ​​the Indian Ocean is called the Persian Gulf.

20. 85% of the territory of Siberia is occupied by permafrost.

21. Tejen is the longest river in Asia.

22. The world's largest reservoir is located on the Angara River.

23. Bamboo is the tallest plant on Earth.

24. Indian rattan palm is the longest plant in the world.

25. Plants grow in the Indian mountains at the highest point in the world.

26. The two neighboring islands, Sumatra and Java, have similar natural conditions.

27. People of Asian countries are not afraid to settle at the foot of functioning volcanoes.

28. The New Year is considered the birthday of every Vietnamese.

29. New Year in Thailand is called Sonkran.

31. The largest shopping center is located in the Chinese city of Dongguan.

32. North Korea is celebrating its version of Christmas.

34. Five time zones can cover the territory of modern China.

35. In one time zone, there is a sense of the unity of the Chinese people.

36. Being overweight is prohibited by Japanese law.

37. One third of the world's population is India and China.

38. More than 500 years of Muslim traditions.

39. There is only the right hand - this is an exotic custom in India.

40. In honor of important events, names are given to children in China.

41. Analytical and individual thinking is more characteristic of the inhabitants of oriental cultures.

42. Inhabitants of Asian countries are subject to the collectivist-holistic trend.

43. In some Asian countries, there is no separate designation for green and blue.

44. In Asian countries, a variety of spices and spices are worth their weight in gold.

45. A large garbage pit is located in the Pacific Ocean area.

46. ​​Residents of Asia with ease of different weights are able to carry objects on their heads.

47. The population of India exceeds the number of South and North America.

48. It is in Asia that the largest city in the world will be located in the future.

49. Istanbul is the most unusual city in Asia.

50. The famous Bosphorus Bay crosses the Asian expanses.

51. Oriental women are distinguished by modesty and purity.

52. The cow is considered a sacred animal in most Asian countries.

53. The spell of the snake is considered a fairly ancient profession.

54. The famous sushi dish originated in South Asia.

55. Uzbekistan ranks fourth in the world in terms of gold reserves.

56. The five world cotton producers include the Asian country Uzbekistan.

57. The seventh place in the world is occupied by the countries of Asia for the amount of uranium.

58. Asia is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of copper mining.

59. The largest TV tower in Asia is considered to be the Tashkent TV tower.

60. Almost all public transport in Tashkent consists of Mercedes buses.

61. Mirzachul melons are considered the most delicious in the world.

62. At night you can see the clear starry sky in Tashkent.

63. It is in Asia that fresh and natural fruits can be found.

64. India is considered to be a great Asian paradise.

65. Turkey is famous for its unique combination of western and eastern traditions.

66. The Philippine Islands are comprised of over 7000 islands.

67. Today, Singapore is considered a developed city-state.

68. Indonesia is considered one of the most popular destinations in the world.

69. The girl goddess can be found in Nepal.

70. China is considered one of the most ancient civilizations.

71. South Korea is famous for its rich heritage and culture.

72. In industrial terms, Taiwan is considered the most industrialized country.

73. In "Nippon" the Japanese name their country.

74. Asia is considered the fastest growing continent.

75. The territory of South Asia is considered to be contrasting and unique.

76. Southeast Asia is considered the most populous part of the world.

77. More than 600 dialects can be found in Asian countries.

78. Tourists consider Nepal to be the kingdom of spirits and mystics.

79. The country of monks is Myanmar.

80. The best resort in Asia is Thailand.

81. The island of Bali will delight guests with exotic nature and optimal climate.

82. The life of orangutans can be observed on the island of Sepilok.

83. The Komodo dragon lives on the island of Komodo.

84. The largest marine aquarium is located in Singapore.

85. Rainforests and mountains occupy the largest part of Asia.

86. Asia is considered the place of love and romance.

87. The Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia.

88. Vietnam has the cheapest diving in the world.

89. Malaysia is a great place for servers.

90. The most mud and thermal springs are located in Sri Lanka.

91. Bali's beaches are considered the best for surfing.

92. The islands of Sumatru, Taiwan and Borneo are the most populated islands in Asia.

93. The largest river in the world runs through Asia.

94. Some of the best minerals in the world are found in Asia.

95. Once part of Asia was considered under the control of the USSR.

96. The Silk Road once passed through the former part of Asia.

97. There is a rare endangered species of tigers in Asia.

98. There are more than a hundred exotic species of pandas in Asia.

99. The peoples of Asia were once ruled by the Taliban.

100. Japan is considered the most developed country in Asia.