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Message who built the pyramids how why. Who and how actually built the pyramids. - Who was involved in the construction of the pyramids

For several centuries, the mysteries of Ancient Egypt have been in the focus of attention of historians and archaeologists. When it comes to this ancient civilization, first of all, one recalls the grandiose pyramids, many of whose secrets have not yet been revealed. Among such mysteries, which are still far from being solved, is the construction of a great structure - the largest of all the pyramids of Cheops that have come down to our time.

Famous and mysterious civilization

Of all the oldest civilizations, the culture of Ancient Egypt is perhaps the best studied. And the point here is not only in the multitude of historical artifacts and architectural monuments that have survived to this day, but also in the abundance of written sources. Even historians and geographers of Antiquity paid attention to this country and, describing the culture and religion of the Egyptians, did not ignore the construction of the great pyramids in Ancient Egypt.

And when, in the 19th century, the Frenchman Champollion was able to decipher the hieroglyphic writing of this ancient people, scientists gained access to a huge array of information in the form of papyri, stone steles with hieroglyphs and numerous inscriptions on the walls of tombs and temples.

The history of the ancient Egyptian civilization goes back almost 40 centuries, and it contains many interesting, bright and often mysterious pages. But the greatest attention is attracted by the Ancient Kingdom, the great pharaohs, the construction of the pyramids and the mysteries associated with them.

When the pyramids were built

The era that Egyptologists call the Old Kingdom lasted from 3000 to 2100 BC. e., just at this time the Egyptian rulers were fond of building pyramids. All tombs erected earlier or later are much smaller in size, and the quality is worse, which affected their preservation. It seems that the heirs of the architects of the great pharaohs at once lost the knowledge of their ancestors. Or were they completely different people who replaced an incomprehensibly disappeared race?

The pyramids were erected in the period and even later, in the era of the Ptolemies. But not all pharaohs "ordered" such tombs for themselves. So, at present, more than a hundred pyramids are known, built over 3 thousand years - from 2630, when the first pyramid was erected, until the 4th century AD. NS.

The predecessors of the great pyramids

Before the great ones were erected, the history of the construction of these grandiose buildings totaled more than one hundred years.

According to the generally accepted version, the pyramids served as tombs in which the pharaohs were buried. Long before the construction of these structures, the rulers of Egypt were buried in mastabas - relatively small buildings. But in the XXVI century BC. NS. the first real pyramids were built, the construction of which began with the era of Pharaoh Djoser. The tomb named after him is located 20 km from Cairo and is very different in appearance from those that are called great.

It has a stepped shape and gives the impression of several mastabas stacked on top of one another. True, its dimensions are rather big - more than 120 meters around the perimeter and 62 meters in height. This is a grandiose building for its time, but it cannot be compared with the pyramid of Cheops.

By the way, a lot is known about the construction of the tomb of Djoser, even written sources have survived, which mention the name of the architect - Imhotep. After one and a half thousand years, he became the patron saint of scribes and doctors.

The first of the classical pyramids is the tomb of Pharaoh Snofu, the construction of which was completed in 2589. The limestone blocks of this tomb have a reddish tint, which is why Egyptologists call it “red” or “pink”.

Great pyramids

This is the name of the three cyclopean tetrahedrons located in Giza, on the left bank of the Nile.

The oldest and largest of them is the pyramid of Khufu, or, as the ancient Greeks called it, Cheops. It is she who is most often called the Great, which is not surprising, because the length of each of its sides is 230 meters, and the height is 146 meters. Now, however, it is slightly lower due to destruction and weathering.

The second largest is the tomb of Chephren, the son of Cheops. Its height is 136 meters, although visually it looks higher than the Khufu pyramid, because it was built on a hill. Not far from it you can see the famous Sphinx, whose face, according to legend, is a sculptural portrait of Khafre.

The third - the pyramid of Pharaoh Mikerin - is only 66 meters high, and it was built much later. Nevertheless, this pyramid looks very harmonious and is considered the most beautiful of the greats.

Modern man is accustomed to grandiose structures, but his imagination is also shaken by the great pyramids of Egypt, the history and secrets of construction.

Secrets and riddles

As far back as the Antiquity, monumental structures in Giza were included in the list of the main wonders of the world, of which the ancient Greeks numbered only seven. Today it is very difficult to comprehend the plan of the ancient rulers, who spent colossal funds and human resources on the construction of such gigantic tombs. Thousands of people for 20-30 years were cut off from the economy and were engaged in the construction of a tomb for their ruler. Such irrational use of labor is questionable.

Since the time when the great pyramids were erected, the mysteries of construction have not ceased to attract the attention of scientists.

Perhaps the construction of the great pyramid had a completely different goal? In the pyramid of Cheops, three chambers were found, which Egyptologists called burial, but in none of them were found mummies of the dead and objects that necessarily accompanied a person to the kingdom of Osiris. There are no decorations or drawings on the walls of the burial chambers either, or rather, there is only one small portrait in the corridor on the wall.

The sarcophagus found in the pyramid of Khafre is also empty, although many statues were found inside this tomb, but there are no things that, according to Egyptian customs, were placed in the tombs.

Egyptologists believe that the pyramids were plundered. Perhaps, but it is not entirely clear why the robbers also needed the mummies of the buried pharaohs.

There are many mysteries associated with these cyclopean structures in Giza, but the very first question that arises in a person who saw them with his own eyes: how did the construction of the great pyramids of Ancient Egypt take place?

Amazing facts

Cyclopean structures demonstrate the phenomenal knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy and geodesy. The faces of the Cheops Pyramid, for example, are precisely oriented to the south, north, west and east, and the diagonal coincides with the direction of the meridian. Moreover, this accuracy is higher than that of the observatory in Paris.

And such a shape, ideal from the point of view of geometry, is huge in size, and even composed of separate blocks!

Therefore, the knowledge of the ancients in the field of building art is even more impressive. The pyramids are built from giant stone monoliths weighing up to 15 tons. The granite blocks, with which the walls of the main burial chamber of the Khufu pyramid are faced, weighed 60 tons each. How did such colossus rise if this chamber is at a height of 43 meters? And some of the boulders of Khafren's tomb generally weigh 150 tons.

The construction of the great pyramid of Cheops required the ancient architects to process, drag and lift more than 2 million such blocks to a very significant height. Even modern technology does not make this task easy.

A completely natural surprise arises: why did the Egyptians need to drag such colossus to a height of several tens of meters? Wasn't it easier to put together a pyramid of smaller stones? After all, they were able to somehow "cut" these blocks from a solid rock mass, why didn't they make it easier for themselves by sawing them into pieces?

Besides this, there is another mystery. The blocks were not just laid in rows, but they were so carefully processed and tightly fitted to each other that in some places the gap between the plates is less than 0.5 millimeters.

After the construction of the pyramid, it was still faced with stone slabs, which, however, had long been taken away for the construction of houses by enterprising local residents.

How did the ancient architects manage to solve this incredibly difficult task? There are many theories, but they all have their flaws and weaknesses.

Herodotus' version

The famous historian of Antiquity Herodotus visited Egypt and saw the Egyptian pyramids. The construction, a description of which was left by an ancient Greek scientist, looked like this.

Hundreds of people on drags dragged the stone block to the pyramid under construction, and then, using a wooden gate and a system of levers, lifted it to the first platform, equipped at the lower level of the structure. Then the next lifting mechanism came into play. And so, moving from one platform to another, the blocks were raised to the required height.

It is difficult even to imagine how much effort was required by the great Egyptian pyramids. Their construction (photo, according to Herodotus, see below) was really an extremely difficult task.

For a long time this version was adhered to by the majority of Egyptologists, although it raised doubts. It is difficult to imagine such wooden lifts that could withstand tens of tons of weight. And dragging millions of multi-ton blocks on the drags seems difficult.

Can Herodotus be trusted? Firstly, he did not witness the construction of the great pyramids, since he lived much later, although, perhaps, he could observe how smaller tombs were erected.

Secondly, the famous scientist of Antiquity often sinned against the truth in his writings, trusting the stories of travelers or ancient manuscripts.

The "ramp" theory

In the 20th century, the version proposed by the French researcher Jacques Philippe Louer became popular among Egyptologists. He suggested that the stone blocks were moved not on drags, but on rollers along a special embankment-ramp, which gradually became higher and, accordingly, longer.

The construction of the great pyramid (photo of the image below), therefore, required a lot of ingenuity.

But this version also has its drawbacks. Firstly, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that the work of thousands of workers on dragging stone blocks was not at all facilitated by this method, because the blocks had to be dragged up the mountain, into which the embankment gradually turned. And this is extremely difficult.

Secondly, the slope of the ramp should be no more than 10˚, therefore, its length will be more than a kilometer. To build such an embankment requires labor no less than the construction of the tomb itself.

Even if it was not one ramp, but several, built from one tier of the pyramid to another, it is still a colossal work with dubious results. Especially when you consider that it takes several hundred people to move each block, and there is practically nowhere to place them on narrow platforms and embankments.

In 1978, admirers from Japan tried to build a pyramid with a height of only 11 meters using drags and embankments. They could not complete the construction, inviting modern technology to help.

It seems that people with the technology that was in ancient times cannot do this. Or were they not people? Who Built the Great Pyramids at Giza?

Aliens or Atlanteans?

The version that the great pyramids were built by representatives of a different race, despite its fantastic nature, has quite rational grounds.

Firstly, it is doubtful that the people who lived in the Bronze Age possessed the tools and technologies that allowed them to process such an array of wild stone and build from it a perfect, in terms of geometry, structure weighing more than one million tons.

Secondly, the statement that the great pyramids were built in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. e., controversial. It was expressed by the same Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century. BC. and described the Egyptian pyramids, the construction of which was completed almost 2 thousand years before his visit. In his writings, he simply retold what the priests told him.

There are suggestions that these cyclopean structures were erected much earlier, perhaps 8-12 thousand years ago, and maybe all 80. These assumptions are based on the fact that, apparently, the pyramids, sphinx and temples around them survived the flood era. This is evidenced by traces of erosion, which were found on the lower part of the Sphinx statue and the lower tiers of the pyramids.

Thirdly, the great pyramids are clearly objects related in one way or another to astronomy and space. Moreover, this is their purpose is more important than the function of the tombs. Suffice it to recall that there are no burials in them, although there is what Egyptologists call sarcophagi.

The theory of the extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids in the 60s was popularized by the Swiss Erich von Deniken. However, all his evidence is more likely a figment of the writer's imagination than the result of serious research.

Assuming that aliens organized the construction of the great pyramid, the photo should look something like the picture below.

The Atlantean version has no less fans. According to this theory, the pyramids, long before the emergence of the ancient Egyptian civilization, were built by representatives of some other race, who possessed either super-developed technology or the ability by willpower to move colossal blocks of stone through the air. Just like Master Yoda from the famous Star Wars movie.

It is practically impossible to prove, as well as to refute these theories, using scientific methods. But perhaps there is a less fantastic answer to the question of who built the great pyramids? Why could not the ancient Egyptians, who possessed various knowledge in other areas, have done this? There is one that removes the veil of mystery surrounding the construction of the great pyramid.

Concrete version

If the handling and processing of multi-ton stone blocks is so laborious, couldn't the ancient builders have used an easier method of pouring concrete?

This point of view is actively defended and proved by several well-known scientists of different specialties.

The French chemist Joseph Davidovich, having made a chemical analysis of the material of the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid was built, suggested that this is not a natural stone, but concrete of a complex composition. It was made on the basis of ground rock, and is the so-called Davidovich's conclusions were confirmed by a number of American researchers.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. G. Fomenko, having examined the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid was built, believes that the "concrete version" is the most plausible. The builders simply grind the excess stone, added binding admixtures, for example, lime, lifted the base for concrete in baskets to the construction site, and already there they loaded it into the formwork and diluted it with water. When the mixture solidified, the formwork was disassembled and transferred to another place.

Decades later, concrete was compressed so much that it became indistinguishable from natural stone.

It turns out that during the construction of the great pyramid, not stone, but concrete blocks were used? It would seem that this version is quite logical and explains many of the mysteries of the construction of the ancient pyramids, including the complexity of transportation and the quality of block processing. But it has its weak points, and it raises questions no less than other theories.

Firstly, it is very difficult to imagine how the ancient builders could grind more than 6 million tons of rock without the use of technology. After all, this is exactly the weight of the Cheops pyramid.

Secondly, the possibility of using wooden formwork in Egypt, where wood has always been highly valued, is questionable. Even the boats of the pharaohs were made of papyrus.

Thirdly, the ancient architects, undoubtedly, could have come up with the idea of ​​making concrete. But the question arises: where did this knowledge go then? Already a few centuries after the construction of the great pyramid, not a trace remained of them. Tombs of this kind were still being erected, but they were all just a pitiful likeness of those that stand on the plateau at Giza. And up to the present time, from the pyramids of a later period, most often formless piles of stones have remained.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty how the great pyramids were built, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed.

Not only Ancient Egypt, but also other civilizations of the past keep many mysteries, which makes acquaintance with their history an incredibly fascinating journey into the past.

I wonder why the Egyptian pyramids, built after the completion of the three great pyramids at Giza, have exactly the same slope of the faces, 43.5 ° +, as the pyramids at Teotihuacan?

And how to explain such a strange "coincidence": the peaks of the Khafre pyramid and the Great Pyramid are at the same height, counting from sea level? Although the heights of the pyramids are different?

Scattered in different parts of our planet are monuments of bygone civilizations: pyramids and other megalithic structures, which are amazing for the common man in the street. There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids of various sizes and styles on Earth (See the article by William Saylor "Gods are architects") - in Europe (photo 1, photo 2 - Bosnia), Africa, the Middle and Far East, in Southeast Asia (photo 3, photo 4 - China) and on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, in North and South America (photo 5 - Mexico), and even on the seabed (photo 6, photo 7, photo 8), and in Antarctica (photo 9, photo 10 ).

The official version about the authors and methods of construction of such structures does not stand up to the slightest criticism and crumbles to dust with an impartial examination of the accumulated facts. Despite this, modern "scientists" diligently support the inventions of their predecessors. Why do they support? Some of them do not know the true history of civilization and are sincerely mistaken, someone is afraid of losing their regalia and authority, and someone fulfills order to falsify history.

Among the majority of adherents of alternative history, trying to deal with the issues put in the title of this article, there is also no unity, and there is only a desire to take people interested in the true history away from reality. But to substantiate their half-true theories, they have to show people a small part of genuine facts. This is what we will use.

Let's take a close look at the most famous megaliths: the pyramids and other structures of ancient Egypt. Before you focus your gaze on the megaliths one countries, we note that megaliths in different parts of the world have very similar"Handwriting" of construction technology. The kinship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry from blocks of complex shapes (of course, simpler, rectangular blocks were also used).

Compare yourself, photo 11 and photo 12 were taken in Sacsayhuaman (Peru), photo 13 in Cuzco (Peru), photo 14 in Abydos (Egypt), photo 15, photo 16 Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece). One can draw a conclusion about the close connection of different cultures if we look at the stylized human head carved from the monolith at the foot of the Inca pyramid (Photo 17), and a similar head near the pyramid on the ocean floor (Photo 18 and Photo 19)! The same continuity in stylized stone figures is observed among the Maya Indians (photo 20).

How the megaliths were built

The question of how the megaliths were built can be answered by the traces left by tools on the processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves, their shape, structure and chemical composition.

Tool tracks... There are many traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left with a copper instrument. Traces on the blocks have survived for more than 10 ... 12 thousand years and have not been erased by atmospheric precipitation, winds and temperature changes, which suggests that the blocks were either made of very hard stone or high-quality concrete (which will be discussed below). On the site "Alternative history laboratories" there are plenty of high-quality photographs, looking at which you can draw interesting conclusions not only about how they built, but also about who built the ancient, monumental objects.

Look at photo 38, this is a trace from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm! Could a copper drill leave such a mark? No, he can not! It is generally impossible to drill a stone with a copper drill! And it is completely impractical to make tubular drills from copper or bronze ... Photo 39 shows a cut made with a circular saw (not copper, of course). Such stone processing is possible only with tools made of hard-alloy steels, the presence of which among builders testifies to the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan, a quarry has survived, in which gray granite was mined. It contains an unfinished block weighing about 1200 tons(photo 40)! If you pay attention to collateral the effects of block cutting, it immediately becomes obvious high level of technical capabilities quarry developers. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block !!!) is very even (photo 41), the angle of the quarry is processed with a constant radius of curvature in height (photo 42), and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters ...

No one would specially align the walls of the quarry, it is absolutely unnecessary! In addition, the bottom of the quarry is pierced by numerous pits (photo 43, photo 44) of unknown purpose. Perhaps these are holes for installing equipment, or simply the machine crashed into the granite more than the required depth by the mistake of the person serving it ... Such side effects from working in a quarry could only appear when using high-tech machines that handled hard gray granite with ease.

The great technical capabilities of the megalith builders are also indicated by the sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids. On one of the faces of the Menkaur pyramid, there are traces of alignment of the face after stacking blocks photo 45, photo 46. Leveling large surface areas is a complex technical task. If the pyramid were built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would be the opposite: first, making the finished blocks, and only then laying them.

Output: megaliths were built using machinery for processing stone level, least, modern civilization.

Block shape... Quite a few blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires a clear movement of the processing tool in three planes (photo 47, photo 48). With manual processing achieve such a result impossible, these are clearly the "fruits" of a highly developed civilization, which had at its disposal sophisticated machinery!

Very often, ancient builders used blocks of huge sizes (about a thousand tons or more). The question is why? What do you think, for semi-wild people, as our ancestors are drawn, it was easier to build from blocks of what size: from large ones weighing tens and hundreds of tons, or small ones weighing tens or hundreds of kilograms? Obviously, relatively light blocks are much easier to manufacture and move. Even with the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are very often used.

So why in history textbooks the myth that the megaliths were built by primitive people who, like ants, clung to the blocks and turned them with levers, pulled with ropes, are diligently supported? Apparently, so that we continue to believe that quite recently our ancestors got down from the trees, crawled out of the dugouts ... And so that we never draw the obvious conclusion that only a civilization for which the production and movement of large blocks can be used for construction such blocks are NOT particularly difficult.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks... During the construction of megaliths, blocks were used, both from natural stone and from concrete. The use of concrete is supported by many facts.

The upper blocks, which have not been eroded by sandstorms, clearly show the imprints of the mat left during the casting of the blocks (Photo 53). The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to the visible imprints on the blocks, there were also hairs stuck to the surface layer of the blocks. These facts clearly indicate the manufacture of concrete blocks. In addition, on the faults of the blocks, their layered structure is clearly traced, which arose as a result of filling the blocks with parts (photo 54). Chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used for the construction of megaliths is millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone (and grinding stones is much more difficult than grinding grain). This indicates that in the manufacture of such concrete, a special car equipment, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

Output: megaliths were built using machinery for preparing concrete and lifting equipment for moving large stone blocks. The level of development of the technology used was not less modern, and some of its characteristics are significantly outnumbered modern analogues.

The first hint that the location of the ancient pyramidal complexes on Earth is subordinate to a certain plan is contained, apparently, in the "Secret Doctrine", E.P. Blavatsky (included in the epigraph). The "four corners of the world" quoted in quotation marks suggest a reference to some source with a description of what these corners are and where they are located. The author was not able to find out where these 4 corners came from for Elena Petrovna, but the use of such a phrase does not seem to be accidental. Otherwise, one would expect phrases like “scattered all over the world” or “found everywhere” or something similar. However, the entire "Secret Doctrine" consists of hints and ambiguities, so the only thing that can be said here is that the location of the complexes is apparently not accidental.

Nowadays, the idea of ​​a world pyramid system has received wide (among those interested in this topic) advertising, thanks to the works of Professor Ernst Muldashev. "Sensational results of a Tibetan scientific expedition organized by the weekly" AiF ".

Indian pyramid of Brihadeshwar.

This pyramid is located in the city of Thanjavur (India) and is part of a large temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This is a very beautiful and intricate pyramid: complex in architecture, decorated with colored figures ... Very unusual! According to some sources, the age of this pyramid is much older than generally accepted. For example, scientists of the Laboratory for Alternative History consider it one of the oldest pyramids in the world, miraculously preserved to this day ...

And here is what they write about this pyramid-temple on the Internet:

“It is believed to be the largest temple in India dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple previously performed two functions simultaneously: it was both a fortress and a temple. Brihadesvara is the richest temple of Shiva.

The temple was made in the form of a pyramid, which was built in the era of the Chola dynasty. For that time, this temple was built very quickly - in just 25 years. The height of the pyramid is 58 meters, and the length of each of the four temple walls forming a rectangle is 152 and 76 meters.

It is also believed that this temple has a huge treasury that contains the most incredible treasures. For many centuries, wealthy people who worshiped Shiva, the dancing god, have given this temple jewels and lands. The servants of the temple carefully guard the secret of what exactly may be in the treasury. "

Pyramids of China.

The existence of the Chinese pyramids was not discovered until the middle of the twentieth century. For many years, the Chinese government has forbidden seekers from other countries to visit ancient buildings. In satellite photographs, sixteen pyramids are located near the city of Xi'an.

Australian trader Fred Mayer Schroder, in his diaries written in 1912, mentioned the ancient pyramids in China. He led caravans and traded with many countries. Another caravan, passing by the Mongolian-Chinese border with a Mongol guide, said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the city of Xi'an. " And after several tiring days, an amazing picture opened up in front of the merchant: a very beautiful structure with four sides of regular shape and a flat top. He was struck by the greatness and power of the pyramids, he thought about the people who built such a magnificent structure, their knowledge and power to do such things. The caravan approached the pyramids from the east, in the main group of pyramids there were three large ones, and the rest gradually decreased to the smallest located in the south. The chain of pyramids stretched about ten kilometers in length.

For many years these pyramids were unknown to anyone; the Chinese government carefully concealed their existence. The largest pyramid is approximately three hundred meters high and about five hundred meters at the base. This pyramid is much larger than the Cheops pyramid. This pyramid is strictly oriented to the cardinal points and is painted in different colors: red - south, north - black, white - west, and east - green-blue. The faces of the pyramid were steps leading to the very top of the pyramid, but now these steps have crumbled over time. You can climb only to the middle of the pyramid, since the lower steps are large and represent a step with an area of ​​about one square meter.

In China, all buildings were made of clay and the pyramid is no exception. Trees and shrubs grow on the slopes of the pyramid, making the pyramid look like a natural object. According to ancient books, the age of these pyramids is more than five thousand years, in them the pyramids are indicated as existing for many centuries before the writing of these books. And only not many have seen these pyramids, no one is allowed to them. The Chinese authorities are keeping the existence of these pyramids a secret.

It is very interesting that these pyramids are located at 34 degrees north latitude, and their layout is very similar to the Egyptian one. The Egyptian pyramids are located at 30 degrees north latitude, and there is a geometric correspondence with the pyramids, which suggests that one civilization built the pyramids. It is long in a circle, between the pyramids of Shansi and Cheops, equal to 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude and corresponds to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, corresponds to the harmonic equivalent of mass. The same number is obtained from the distance between the pyramids №4,5,6 in Shanxi and the Great Egyptian pyramid.

These calculations are impressive and suggest that the correspondence to the harmonic equivalent of mass and the location of the pyramid complexes on the planet has a certain connection, and they were built as a single whole for a specific purpose. It is in these groups of pyramids that they allow you to resonate in unison with all harmonic fields. The construction of pyramids is possibly associated with electronic processes associated with the transmission of information over great distances. According to the data from the Egyptian pyramids, there were special electronic devices inside them, which made it possible to generate certain vibrations. These vibrations were amplified by the pyramids and transmitted over a huge distance. All information about this was lost, as many ancient books were destroyed. Perhaps the transmissions were not limited to only the earth, the pyramids were used as a huge transmitter-receiver for communication with other planets located at great distances. This riddle has not been solved, since we have not yet received the exact information about their purpose. But today it is already known for sure that the pyramids were not at all built by the rulers to whom they are attributed.

Pyramids of Tibet.

In 1999, an expedition of scientists from Ufa, consisting of four people (E.R. Muldashev, R.Sh. Mirkhaidarov, S.A. Seliverstov and R.G. Yusupov) went to Tibet in search of the fabulous City of the Gods. Its result exceeded the wildest expectations of researchers: they discovered the largest group of pyramids in the world! All pyramids are very ancient. Their age is much older than the age of the Egyptian pyramids, which, unlike the Tibetan ones, are much better preserved. For comparison, if the average age of the Great Egyptian pyramids is about 4,600 years, then, according to some estimates, the age of the Tibetan pyramids is about 1,000,000 years! Since most of the pyramids, due to their amazing antiquity, have significantly suffered from time, the question naturally arises: could scientists see the pyramids where they simply do not exist? In other words, confuse the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains with the shape of a pyramid? After all, Tibet is one of the mysterious places of the planet, for many people it is sacred. Every year hundreds of pilgrims from different countries of the world come there, as well as tourists. Why did none of them notice the pyramids before this expedition?

First of all, despite the great destruction, if you look closely, you can clearly see the fairly clear contours of the pyramids. However, in order not to be mistaken, the scientists entered the obtained data into a computer (photographs, sketches, video filming), which processed them. As a result of such processing, it became clear where is the pyramid in the picture, and where is the usual mountain. Why people did not notice them before is also quite understandable. The fact is that the psychology of pilgrims is very specific. These people are immersed in themselves. After overcoming many difficulties on their way and reaching the holy places, which of course is Tibet, they plunge into meditation and disconnect from reality. The scientific view is alien and unnecessary for them. At the same time, there is no information about the presence of scientific expeditions in this area. Nicholas Roerich was here, but he could not reach the sacred Mount Kailash, in the area of ​​which the pyramid complex was discovered. Even the Ufa expedition itself, with great difficulty, managed to obtain permission from the Chinese authorities for a scientific expedition in that area.

In total, scientists have discovered about 100 pyramids, as well as various monuments clearly oriented to the cardinal points and located around the most sacred and revered Mount Kailash for the entire eastern world. It is the main pyramid and is 6,714 meters high. All other pyramids are very different in shape and size from each other. Their height ranges from 100 to 1,800 meters. For comparison, let us recall that the highest Egyptian pyramid, the Cheops pyramid, originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of the cladding has been lost over the years, its height is only 138 meters!
Among the pyramids there are rather strange stone formations with concave or flat surfaces, called "mirrors" by the members of the expedition. As it turned out, they have a very curious purpose. In addition, something very similar to huge stone statues of people was discovered.

Material from the site

There are several hundred pyramids on Earth - from relatively small ones to buildings with a 30-storey building. But scientists still have questions about their functionality.

Common features

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered all over the planet vary in size, shape, as well as the time of construction, they have much more in common than it might seem at first glance. Researchers note in many ways a similar handwriting of the construction of the pyramids. This applies both to the processing of the stone and to its laying. Some pyramids, in particular, the Mexican ones and those that are in the ocean depths, are united by the presence at the foot of a “stylized head” carved out of the monolith.

Scientists at the University of California recently mapped all known pyramids and found that they are located roughly on the same line. If we take the pyramids of Giza as a starting point, then this line ends at the pyramids of Guimar, erected in the Canary Islands.
According to the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl, the similarity of the ancient megalithic structures is due to the fact that there was an exchange of experience between the islands and continents. With his expeditions, Heyerdahl proved the possibility of ancient people sailing over fairly long distances.


The most popular hypothesis for the construction of the pyramids is the desire of contemporaries to immortalize the name of the earthly ruler by erecting a tomb for him. For these purposes, according to most historians, special burial chambers were created in the Egyptian pyramids, which were equipped for the posthumous life of the pharaoh: he was left with jewelry, household utensils, furniture, weapons. And false corridors and stone doors, according to popular belief, were supposed to protect the pharaoh from uninvited guests.

Nevertheless, according to archaeologists, mummies have never been found in the pyramids. Burials were made in necropolises. For example, the mummy of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings, Ramses II - in rock tombs, and the mummy of Cheops, the "owner" of the largest Egyptian pyramid, was never found.

Knowledge store

One of the latest versions of the functional purpose of the pyramids suggests that they were erected as a repository of knowledge of previous civilizations, in which astronomical and geographical information is expressed in the language of geometry.
Domestic and foreign scientists, including the British mathematician John Legon, conducting numerous calculations of the lengths of the faces and bases of the pyramids, their volumes, areas and even the distances between the pyramids, discovered strict regularities of the multiplicity of series of numbers.
In particular, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Cheops pyramid to its height is equal to 2Pi. Based on this fact, scientists conclude that the pyramid serves as a cartographic projection at a scale of 1: 43,200 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Navigation station

The French researchers A. de Belizal and L. Chaomery made an unusual assumption that the Great Pyramid of Egypt served as a transmitting station. According to the researchers, due to the enormous mass of the pyramid and the peculiarities of its shape, which represented a "false vibrational prism", an opportunity for powerful radiation was created.

In their opinion, radio esthetic studies carried out by French specialists showed that radiation could be recorded at a very large distance using a reduced model of such a pyramid. This allowed ancient people, without a compass, to orient the route of a ship in the sea or a caravan in the desert.


Olga Dluzhnevskaya, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, suggests that the Mexican pyramid of Kukulkan could serve as a calendar. Along the entire perimeter, the structure is surrounded by stairs: on each side there are 91 steps - a total of 364, which is equal to the number of days in a Mayan calendar year. The stairs are divided into 18 flights, each of which corresponds to a month - this is the number of the Mayan calendar.
Moreover, the location of the pyramid is very clearly oriented to the cardinal points, which on the days of the equinox creates an opportunity for an unusual visual effect. When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, something like a huge snake is formed: its head appears at the base of the stairs, while its body extends upward along the entire pyramid.

Energy transformer

According to one of the hypotheses, pyramids are powerful generators capable of converting negative energy into positive. So, it is assumed that the accumulated energy of the Cheops pyramid is focused in the royal room at the location of the sarcophagus.
Russian engineer Alexander Golod indirectly confirms the functional purpose of the ancient pyramids, building the so-called energy pyramids, which, in his opinion, harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and have a positive effect on humans. However, official science is skeptical about the theories of the Russian researcher.


Recently, scientists are more and more inclined to the version that the ancient pyramids were observatories. In particular, this is indicated by the "astronomical orientation" of the pyramids: at sunset at the summer solstice, and at sunrise at the winter solstice.
Egyptologist Nikolai Danilov says that the Great Pyramid as an observatory was mentioned by Arab historians. However, for a long time it was not clear how astronomers could climb the smooth walls of the pyramid, or how the internal structure of the pyramid corresponded to the objectives of the observatory.

The answer was found by the English astronomer Richard Proctor, studying the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Proclus. It noted that the Great Pyramid was used as an observatory when it was completed to the level of the Great Gallery, which overlooked a square platform.

Modern researchers are puzzled by one fact: why is the ascending tunnel of the Great Pyramid suddenly replaced by a gallery whose height exceeds 8 meters? Proctor attributes this to the convenience of stargazing. “If an ancient astronomer needed a large observation slit, precisely bisected by a meridian across the North Pole, in order to observe the passage of celestial bodies, what would he require of an architect? A very high tunnel with vertical walls, ”the researcher concludes.

Photos from open sources

Of all the pyramids built by people of different eras and cultures on our planet, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt are the most famous. The reason for this is the titanic size of the three most famous Egyptian pyramids - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin (Menkaure). The pyramid of Cheops is the largest pyramid in the world, with a height of almost one and a half hundred meters, included in the ancient Greek list of "Seven Wonders of the World". Ironically, it is the oldest structure on this list and at the same time the only one that has survived to this day.

Egyptian pyramids are quite numerous. Today, about a hundred Egyptian pyramids are known, which are in varying degrees of preservation and located in various regions of Egypt. But, despite more than two centuries of these studies, not all pyramids have been discovered yet. In February 2013, Belgian archaeologists found the previously unknown pyramid of Vizier Ramses II. The location of some of the small Egyptian pyramids covered by the desert sands is known only through infrared images from space, so scientists have yet to investigate them.

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The versions about the construction of the Egyptian pyramids by the legendary Atlanteans or representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations should hardly be taken seriously. Engineering evolution is clearly visible in the history of their construction. The oldest pyramids, the Hubs and Djoser, have a round (layered) and stepped shape, respectively. The broken pyramid of Sneferu has a non-standard angle of inclination of the edges of the upper part.

Famous pyramids also exist in other parts of the world. First of all, we should mention the Mesoamerican pyramids, built by the Aztecs, Mayans and other civilizations of the new world. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids used as tombs, the Mesoamerican pyramids were temples. Their predominantly stepped shape and flat tops served practical purposes. The flat platforms on the tops were used as stages for religious ceremonies (including human sacrifice), to which the priests climbed the stairs on the outside of the pyramids.

Pyramids - tombs numbering about a hundred are located in the vicinity of the Chinese city of Xi'an. However, scholars do not have access to them, since Chinese laws prohibit opening the imperial burials. The six step pyramids of Guimar are located on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands), and the unique Buddhist pyramid of Borobudur is located on the Indian island of Java. Etemenaki - the ziggurat (temple) of ancient Babylon, considered the prototype of the biblical Tower of Babel, also had the shape of a stepped pyramid.

Underwater pyramids

Probably not all pyramids are to be found on earth. In areas of existence in the past of developed human civilizations, which for geological reasons turned out to be flooded by the seas, the pyramids could well be under water. In 1986, the so-called underwater pyramids near Yonaguni Island were discovered in Japan, but the dispute between the supporters of the natural and artificial origin of these objects is still ongoing.

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The energy of the pyramids

Some esotericists believe that there is a beneficial energy of the pyramids, acting on the people inside them. According to the project of the Russian engineer Alexander Golod, many energy pyramids were built in Russia and some foreign countries (Ukraine, Georgia). Official science does not recognize the healing properties of the pyramids, and the improvement in the condition of some patients after visiting the pyramids is explained by the placebo effect.

Photos from open sources

Perhaps the main secret of the pyramids is not even in the design features, as well as the nature of the religious and practical purposes for which the pyramids were used from different times. Many people find it mysterious that architectural structures so similar in design were built by people of such different countries and eras. In fact, at the level of construction technologies of the ancient world, the pyramidal shape was most suitable for creating large buildings.