Foreign passports and documents

How to sit down from trains. Visa news on the countries of the former USSR can land from the train

According to paragraph 36 of the Rules for the provision of transportation services on railway transport of passengers, as well as cargo, baggage and cargo for personal, family, domestic and other needs that are not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.03.2005 No. 111, The passenger can be removed from the train:

a) employees of the internal affairs bodies - if it is by landing on the train or in the path of the following route, public order and interferes with the calm of other passengers. At the same time, funds in the amount of the cost of travel for the uneedic distance and the cost of transportation of baggage are not returned;

b) medical workers - in the case of a passenger disease that prevents the possibility of its further trip or threatening the health of other passengers, if it is not possible to put it separately. The passenger is removed from the train only on the railway station, where there are necessary medical institutions.

c) employees of the carrier, which in the prescribed manner is entrusted to monitor the presence of travel documents in passengers (tickets), - if the passenger drives without a travel document (ticket) or on an invalid travel document (ticket) and refuses to pay the fare in the manner determined the rules of transportation of passengers, baggage, loading;

d) in other cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, detention by employees of the internal affairs bodies on suspicion of committing a crime in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the passenger removed from the train with medical workers due to the disease when returning a partially unused travel document (ticket) on long-distance trains It has the right to receive at a ticket office at a passenger removal station from the train ticket cost for the uneediced distance on the basis of the mark of the stop in the passage and document from the hospital. At the same time, a fee is charged for issuing a refund of money on an unused travel document (ticket).

In other cases, the ticket price is not refundable.

According to paragraph 48 of the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo in federal railway transport, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by order of December 19, 2013 N 473, when landing a passenger, a pass document (ticket), a document certifying his identity, on the basis of Which is issued a travel document (ticket), if there is benefits for travel - documents confirming the right to benefits, as well as weight compliance, hand-baled passenger dimensions by established standards.

If the passenger's name is inconsistent or the identity document number, respectively, the name or number of the document specified in the direct document (ticket), in the absence or change (correction) of the last name or the number of the document certifying the person, and other information in a travel document (BILET) The passenger to landing on the far-distance train and suburban message is not allowed.

In case of discrepancies in the document certifying the personality of the passenger, with the data specified in the travel document (ticket) (no more than one letter in the name and no more than one digit in the room), the passenger is allowed for travel on a train of long-distance follows or suburban message indicating places .

If when boarding the train, the passenger presents a travel document (ticket), the name of the passenger in which does not correspond to the name in the Passenger Personality document, and the document confirming the fact of changing the name, then such a passenger is allowed for travel on the train of long-distance and suburban reports indicating places.

Planting passengers is made in the car specified in the travel document (ticket). At intermediate stations, the landing of passengers is allowed in any train car with the subsequent transition to the wagon specified in the travel document (ticket).

The passage of a specific category of a certain category is allowed only upon presentation of a travel document (ticket) to the commuter train of this category.

When landing in a suburban train without specifying places, the passenger in the case of control makes a travel document (ticket), and if there are privileges for travel, documents confirming the right to benefits.

A non-ticketless citizen detected without a travel document (ticket) or an invalid ticket (ticket) (ticket) during control:

A fly-free citizen discovered in a long-range train is obliged to pay the fare from the landing station to the nearest station on which it is removed from the train if it is not possible to place a freight location on the train. Travel is issued without providing space.

A fly-free citizen discovered in a commuter train is obliged to pay the fare from the landing station to the station of its destination. At the same time, a fee for registration of a travel document (ticket) is charged. If a bilome-free citizen declares the desire to leave the train, he pays for the fare to the station, which will leave the train, and the collection for issuing a travel document (ticket) on the train.

In case of refusal to pay for the fare and leave the train, a shipless citizen is removed from the train carrier at the nearest station or stopping point.

A fly-free citizen discovered when conducting control after the end of the trip by train of the suburban message is obliged to pay for the destination station from the landing station to the destination station and a fee for registration of a travel document (ticket).

The passenger who landed on the suburban station at stations, stopping points, where there are no tickets and self-service terminals, is not a serviceless citizen and must pay the fare from the landing station to the station of its destination on the train or after the trip at the destination station. At the same time, a fee for the design of a travel document (ticket) and hand-made prison is not charged.

After this post of an indignant woman in Facebook, the transport prosecutor's office began checking.

Muscovite Alena Bochenkov told in the social network about the case with his daughter. Yule 13 years old. For the summer, the girl was recorded in the city camp in the cultural center ZIL. The family lives in Biryulyovo, the subway in this Moscow district is not, so Julia gets to the camp on the train - from the Biryulyovo-Commodity platform to Paveletsky railway station and back. In the morning on Tuesday, she went to the camp, but he felt bad and parents on the phone asked the warfare to let her go home. Girlfriend spent a schoolgirl to Paveletskoy, where she had to sit on the train. And the girl stopped going into contact.

"I was hoping that Yu fell asleep on the train," writes Alena Bochenkov. - She sleeps in the subway, in the car, on the plane. The patient could fall asleep and in the train. Telephone Yulka simply missed calls, it was outside the access zone. I sat next to the computer with the schedule of this damn train and watched the timer, where my child probably sleeps. Then she, sleepy, finally took the phone. I immediately asked Yulku not to go to the nearest platform "85 kilometer", and go out in 7 minutes to Zhilnevo, where many reverse trains. And my child, scientific with trust, treat people in shape, said that in the car the controller - he woke it up. "

Mom asked Julia to come to the control and explain the situation: they say, she slept his station, help to go out on the right platform and buy a ticket to the opposite direction. The girl had money with them. And, we remind, she is only 13 years old.

"Yu put the phone. And I called 3 minutes: "Maam ... I was landed with the train ...", - the woman continues. - The controller asked her to go to the tambour. And there politely asked to leave the train, because she has no ticket to this station, but only to Biryulyovo-Commodity. And landed it on a piece of concrete in the forest. Chesslovo, Muscovites - Look at the map - there is nothing. You can not sit on a bus or a taxi - they are not. You can not buy return tickets - there is simply no reverse platform to Moscow. And this, mother, the controller knew all this! And she landed her with another crafty, drunk man. Consciously landed a 13-year-old girl with a drunken man! "

In this case, lucky. The drunkard fell asleep, barely sat down on the bench. Maniacs on a desert station (where until the next train - three hours) did not happen. The girl had a telephone with them. Father rushed after the child in the suburbs, to the Sutpinsky district, - to this station "85 kilometer" on a road 60 with a kilometers gas from MKAD.

Employees of the central suburban passenger company were promptly responded to this message.

We have quickly conducted a check, as a result of which the inconsistency of the fulfillment of the fulfillment by the cashier-controller was revealed, "the press service of the CPC reported. - Such situations are unacceptable, we always carefully investigate them and react sharply. The controller will definitely be attracted to disciplinary recovery.

As it turned out, the controller did not have the right to plant a child.

We have a special instruction that directly prohibits controllers under any circumstances to plant children from the train and prescribes to provide them with any necessary assistance, "declare in the company. - In this case, the cashier controller did not help the girl in a difficult situation for her, which is unacceptable. With all the staff of the central suburban passenger company, additional unscheduled instructions will be carried out in connection with this incident, so that such cases in no case are allowed in the future.

Observation of the anti-bacter law is monitored by police. The law enforcement agency received a message that now checks will be more thorough and frequent. In addition, video cameras will be used to control the order on the platforms and the "catch" of smokers. At the stations where video surveillance is already installed, the image will be transmitted in parallel to the duty unit. According to the police, this will reduce the number of people who smoke in public places.

In trains for the order and compliance with the norms of the anti-bacade will follow the accompaniment. They are available in each composition and periodically patrol cars. If the patrol has discovered a person who is smoking, an administrative protocol is drawn up. At its foundation, a fine is written out in the place established by law.

Railways employees are also required to follow smokers. When a smoking person is found, they can prevent him about administrative responsibility and the fact that they can cause a policeman. To finfing the conductors of you, if you smoke, can not, but contact representatives of power enters their responsibilities. There is instructions on how the employees of the transport company and representatives of law enforcement agencies should interact.

Please note that it is forbidden to smoke on the platforms of end stations and train stations, as well as in trains, including a long-distance train. Passengers can go to smoke at intermediate stop stations. In the future, it is planned to develop rules and instructions that will help determine that the smoker is a passenger of the passing train.

Some of the information about the anti-bachet law

The law entered into force in the summer of 2013 (June 1). A year later, the list of places with a ban for smoking was significantly expanded. It is impossible to smoke in all public places:

  • in cafes and restaurants;
  • in hotels;
  • in the shops;
  • on the summer sites of commercial institutions;
  • at stops;
  • at railway stations and stations;
  • on ships;
  • in ports;
  • near the metro and so on.

For smoking in a public place, a fine of 500 to 1500 rubles is relying. If you were caught with "polishing" on the playground, you will have to pay several times more - from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.

Can land from the train?

Lawyer Sergey Kuznetsov commented on the situation and reassured smokers. He said that if the police was found by the fact of smoking, he may be fined to finish you after drawing up the administrative protocol, but it is not possible to plant from the train for it.

The basis for landing from the train can be hooliganism and debrouds, but not smoking. If the penalty is not paid within 2 months, its size will increase three times. With the accumulation of fines, the total amount of more than 10 thousand rubles, a person will not be able to go abroad until he does not pay off with the state.

What do medicines think?

A narcologist-psychiatrist with a scientific degree said that the measures applied by the government against smokers traveling in long-distance trains are ineffective. Nicotine addiction is a serious illness. A person is simply physically able to go on the train without smoking, and the poet will look for ways to solve the problem.

Someone will smoke at stations, someone will negotiate with the wiring to smoke in the window in a closed coupe. According to the doctor, there should be a separate car for smokers, where they can enjoy a cigarette.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating smoking wagons has long been received from activists, but did not find support in the Russian Railways, therefore passengers have to get out and look for ways to smoke.

In just early six months, the total amount of smoking fines amounted to about 6.5 million. In total, more than 30 thousand Muscovites were caught in public places in public places.

The case was like this: a fast far distance train, a coupe. Riding far away, all places are busy: I, Khokhol - "Simple Captation", running with family from the war, another 2-passengers, which I did not remember, because "I saw" their only night. In the morning of the 1st from the stations, a man of about 30 years sits down, in the process of looking at the tattoo, the tattoo "for the Airborne Forces" is noticed, slightly subsided. However, everything is cultural, especially among the reigning in the corridor of a multinational and middle-aged bear.
They crossed a pair of phrases, he is silent, I'm silent. By noon, I notices that travelers found a common topic in the form of war. After a couple of hours, a paratrooper is extracted by some kind of emphasis, and its use begins.
I am toned with adequate drunkenness, so the 1st day passes calmly, although the unreximated stupidity of Khokhl (I wanted to write correctly, but I won't throw out words from the song), who was confused on an annoying desire to impose a sense of self-enjoyment.
In the afternoon of the next day, after thought, "it seems, everyone drank everything, and no longer will be" I watch a paratrooper who enters into a compartment more than six bottles of vodka ... sailed.

I will not torment the reader, I will turn to the point: in the evening of this day, at 23 o'clock 10 minutes of local time I ask the company to start abide by silence and go to bed - a paratrooper Schlock, the Khokoli darling. During the next iterations, the "request - send" paratrooper smoothly moves to the threats of "throw out" and "see, you will not reach," after which, together with Khokhl, smoking is sent, and I am to the conductor.
I find the conductors in the vestibule, summarize the essence of the problem. One of them turns out to be the head of the train (we are going to the headquarters), and immediately decides: the violator will be planted at the nearest station. It is worth noting that the paratrooper before the destination has remained about 1500 km.
The conductor goes in the compartment: "-Corrify things." According to LNP, it was a mistake: sharply turned into a norse schoolboy from Alfa-Samtsa, the paratrooper persuades me, the conductor, the boss, whom about what rides to the child - Berperorlytically. In some way, LNP forms the thought in him that he was forgiven, after which he falls to bed, and we fill the paper and communicate.
After 1.5 hours, the train stops at the station, the police comes. The second act of the performance begins: now about what I am a bad moskal, and what good everyone else, the employee is listening, which then offers a compromise to me: the troubleshooting will apologize and will try quietly, and I will refuse complaints, I do not agree.
After fifteen minutes later, the collector leaves the car, the Khokhol avoids this fate by catching the hose on its upper shelf.

What am I wrote all this? Often I hear the view that you are hard to fight with blessing and rudeness, and then it will also come sideways. It is true, but not always. The trains are now following the order, so get rid of the fellow traveler, which decided that his personal space is the whole car, easy.

1. The LDL complaint on the violation of the order of passengers brings the desired effect.
2. Yes, you will need to fill the paper by specifying your personal data, including the address.
3. No, one who bothers you, see this paper, most likely, will not.
4. Many people are bold and alimilly only think that they will not be anything for it.
5. This head of the train is the best of all I went with whom. Very competently combined the hardness of decisions with adequacy, in the car there was a full order, did not go to Torgashi from the stations, the conductors did not take a lottery.

The story of which could be a very sad finale occurred in one of the trains. A 13-year-old girl The controller landed from the train in the deaf forest - at a station of 85 kilometers from Moscow in the company with a drunken man. Parents of the girls who waited for her on another platform did not know what happened, and spent several hours in a state of wild alarm. Now the transport prosecutor's office has been doing business.

Deaf middlewaves 85 kilometers from Moscow. On the one hand - the forest, on the other - the rails. In such decorations, 13-year-old Julia landed a suburban train controller. After the time called the hare. And there, on the platform, I paid a drunken man for 40 years.

"This is an unknown place around the forest, I do not know what to do next. He frightened somehow a little, "Julia told in an interview with the Moscow 24 TV channel.

The controller landed it because she slept her station. With a ticket to Biryuleva left further. Now Julia says - lucky. Drunk passenger immediately fell asleep on the bench. A whole hour, the girl caught the network, tried to call the parents.

"He landed her on the deaf perty, the 85th kilometer, where there are no buses, residential arrays and electricians the next two hours! Where there is only a shop and plate! Your vigilant conductor could not show vigilance to one station later?! " - Wrote in Facebook Alena Bochenkov.

Next station "Livileovo". Large. From there you can go on any transport. But the 85th kilometer is irretrievable, only trains from Moscow are stopped there. There and on the car it is difficult to get away - you get drunk in the forest.

When Julia sounded with dad, who was waiting for her at the station in Biryulyovo, he had no place for himself.

"Of course, we were afraid of a terrible way. I am in the vicious way of thought bad chas. An additional color attached to what was planted on the platform in the forest of an adult man, "says the father of the girl Vladimir Song.

Another point - Julia felt badly. In the train, it entered the temperature. From the Moscow Children's Camp had to return home earlier than usual. Perhaps in such a state, she would not prevent the accompaniment of counselors.

"A call was made to Pope, Dad confirmed the leader that the girl can go home herself. In addition, she signed an official statement from parents that she independently leaves the cultural center, "said PR-manager of the Cultural Center Zil Anastasia Krivich.

Seals on Paveletsky train station. And immediately fell asleep under the knuckles of the wheels. It happens with everyone. But even if the 13-year-old Julia was a malicious belligerent, the conductor must act differently.

"What he should have done - first of all to find out how old she was. If she was 13 years old and she was without a ticket, he had to call the police and convey to her a child, and later the police had to contact their parents, "explains the lawyer Alexander Spirichev.

This is part of the job instruction that each train controller knows or any other transport. Earned - justify colleague employees of the central suburban passenger company.

"The controller is actually just already, probably, how the robot worked and therefore did not think about the fact that in front of him the child. He worked as an ordinary adult man, "says Sergei Rusov, director of the Central Suburban Passenger Passenger Company.

This is how the vehicle acted, apparently, the conductor in Yekaterinburg. The girl lost passage. Obediently went to the cold and went home on foot for two hours.

And in Moscow, the school makers seven hours were looking for volunteers and the police. It turned out, lost money, could not pay for travel in a minibus. It was confused and did not ask other passengers to help. Also landed. Wandered around the city.

"A fairly abnormal situation, because the child is not ready for this. When he falls into such circumstances, this is a state of insecurity, condition of defenselessness, misunderstanding, what actions should be now, it, of course, leads to the fact that the child is injured, "says the psychologist Annette Orlova.

There are many stories, but end in different ways. In Barnaul, the mother of a teenager with a retardation of mental development did not have time to pop up on him. He could only take out in response to the fact that he was literally thrown into the final. Frostbite. Amputation. A month later, death.

Controller who landed the girl in the forest was already reprimanded. After publicity, the transport prosecutor's office was engaged in the media. The investigation is also on the control of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Possible liability under the article "Leaving in danger". This is a fine up to 80 thousand rubles or imprisonment before the year. Girl's parents do not insist on punishment. Just want it to no longer happen to this. After all, Yulino journey could end anything.

"I am now telling all this so that the same people in shape, controllers thought and showed some human feelings," says the Father of Julia.