Foreign passports and documents

Who actually blew up the twin towers in New York? Terrorist attack September 11 Pentagon

Without receiving support in Congress, the head of state in early March 2011 gave an indication to resume military courts against held in prison on Guantanamo suspects in terrorism.

In early April 2011, the US Prosecutor General Eric Holder confirmed that the accused Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four more accused of September 11 will not appear before the US Court of Justice, and before the Special Military Commission on the Base Guantanamo.

On May 31, 2011, the US Military Prosecutor's Office again presented accusations of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 with five suspects, including Khalid Shahih Mohammed.

On May 5, 2012, the military tribunal official accusations of five suspects in involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States. They are accused of organizing a conspiracy, attack on civilians, intentional causing physical damage, murder, violation of the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking of aircraft and terrorism.

All five of the accused refused to answer, whether they recognize themselves guilty.

The Federal District Judge of New York George Deniels issued a correspondence court decision, according to which Iran should pay $ 7.5 billion to relatives and other representatives of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon building. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities should pay three more billion to insurers who covered the property damage and other material losses. Previously, Deniels judge decided that Tehran could not prove his innocence to assist the organizers of the terrorist attack, and in connection with which the Iranian authorities are responsible for the damage caused during it.

On the site of destroyed twin towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the memorial of the World Trade Center. It is two square fountain basin located right at the bases of the former twin towers, on the interior walls of which the cascade fall into the flow of water flowing into square holes located on the bottom of each pool.

Names of 2983 victims of terrorist attacks (including six people who died in the terrorist attack in the World Trade Center in 1993) are carved on bronze plates, which posted parapets of both fountains.

A new complex of the World Trade Center was opened. It is the fourth high skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 at the corner of a plot of 65 thousand square meters, where the twin towers of the destroyed shopping center were previously stood.

It is celebrated in the United States as a Patriot Day, since 2009, after approval of the Act 111-13 of the United States of the United States, this date is also referred to as a national day of ministry and memory.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

She passed 17 years from the very day, with nine-eleven, when three skyscrapers collapsed in New York. No, I was not mistaken. Not two, namely, three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember. And when the third aircraft crashed into a repaired wing of the Pentagon, and strangely almost self-esteem, and another fell in the desert. And this is not all the riddles of the running tragedy.

So, in the morning of September 11, 2001, there were some unknowns with four Boeing aircraft (two in Boston, one in Washington and another in Newark), after which the first two aircraft crashed into the New York skyscrapers of WTC-1 and WTC-2, The third - hit the Pentagon wall, and the fourth - was crashes near Shenxville, Pennsylvania. Two WTC towers, attacked by aircraft, for one and a half hours suddenly quite strangely collapsed, carefully beaten inside. Also, for some reason, the neighboring skyscraper of the WTC 7 was completely collapsed, although there were no aircraft in it.

He passed only a few days after the "terrorist attacks", as was ready the first official version of the entire happening and named performers. Usama Bin Laden was guilty immediately, he led by this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his brainchild al-Qaida. Also, the names of all 19 hijackers were immediately named, who had dismissed their cars near the airports, in which the Quran and instructions in Arabic "How to control the aircraft" were found, and the preserved passports of the "terrorists" found a miracle in the wreckage of aircraft. It followed that it is necessary to urgently begin to bomb Afghanistan and invade Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was established under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States". The former Governor of New Jersey Thomas Kean was chaired. The Commission included former CIA officers, FBIs, the Ministry of Justice and other government agencies. He led by all the actions and progress of the investigation of Philip Zelikov (Philip Zelikow), a member of the President of the President of Bush Jr., who also worked as the elder.

The final form of the official version indicated above was adopted on July 22, 2004, when the above-mentioned commission consisting of 83 people finished a report on 585 pages. The report of the Cina Commission confirmed the above version, which now remains the only and irrefutable.

And now we will give some facts that show the US intelligence services can "investigate" and receive the necessary results of the necessary and obviously announced results.

Cell Phones

The official report alleges that all information from Boeing, crashed into a skyscraper of the WTC, was transferred to the land on mobile phones. In particular, Betty Ong flight attendant (Betty Ong) spoke 23 minutes, and Madeline Sweeney Madeline Sweeney - 25 minutes. The last words of sui were: "I see water! I see the building! " .

And now the fact about which "forgotten" the authors of the official report. In 2001, calls from a cell phone from an airplane flying at a speed of more than 700 km / h were impossible.

The fact is that when the phone gets into the area of \u200b\u200bbroadcasting a base station, or "honeycomb", the so-called "greeting" occurs, which in 2001 occupied at least eight seconds. The "greeting" system was not calculated at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, has developed a system that uses a satellite with cell phone calls from the aircraft on which a special mobile base station is installed. On July 15, 2004, a trial launch of the system was performed, after which it began to function.

Cheating at speed

In the official report of the Kina Commission, there is a scheme of allegedly moving the flight 175, cut into the South Tower of WTC, according to which the plane overcame the final direct plot from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes.

Boeing Movement Scheme for New York

And now the fact: the distance between Trenton and New York in the straight line is 85 kilometers. For an even account, it is even possible to consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the aircraft overcame this distance in 4 minutes. We find the average speed of the liner in this area: v \u003d 80 km / 4 min \u003d 20 km / min \u003d 1200 km / h. We get the speed of the sound.

Of course, Boeing-767 was not supersonic. The technical characteristics of the Boeing 767-200 says that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km / h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where air density is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at a height of several hundred meters. In the same technical specifications, it is said that the maximum allowable speed of Boeing-767-200 (the so-called VNE - VELOCITY NEVER Exceed), exceeding the aircraft simply starts to collapse, is 0.86 sound speeds, that is, about 1000 km / h. Therefore, even if the plane managed to develop the speed of sound, he would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe that it is impossible for purely physical. So, another lie of the official investigation.

"Gemini" could not collapse independently

According to the official report, the Stodzati-storey Skyscraper WTC-1 has collapsed after 1 hour 42 minutes after the aircraft strike, and its twin WTC-2 - after 56 minutes. The reason, of course, is indicated - the blow and the subsequent fire that occurred after the "Boeing" hit in the building.

But here there are still some no less amazing facts.

It turns out that "Gemini" were calculated so that in addition to wind loads, the frontal blow of Boeing-707 could withstand the largest passenger airliner in those years. In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, building the buildings, calculated the effect of Boeing-707 collision from the TTC Tower. He reported on the results in the New York Times newspaper, arguing that the towers would withstand the liner's blow flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, having accepted the liner, the skyscraper would stand, not being subjected to serious structural destruction. In other words, the central frame and the remaining perimeter stand will withstand an additional load formed by the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. It was with such a margin of strength "Gemini" were built.

Frank Demartini, one of the leaders of the WTC construction project, confirms this thought: the building is designed with such a calculation to withstand Boeing-707 with maximum take-off weight. It was the largest plane of that time. I am sure that the building would still stand even a few blows of aircraft, since his structure resembled the frequent mesh from mosquitoes, and the plane is like a pencil that is picked up and does not affect the structure of its remaining part.

The fire could also not destroy skyscrapers. Here is the evidence that the official report is lying again:

So, the WTC-1 building has grown the first blow. Nevertheless, in the next one and a half hours, something happened as a result of a fire that provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this is the first and only case in world history, when the skyscraper turns into a pile of Ruins as a result of a two-hour fire - this is if you believe the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms - British Steel and Building Research Establishment - conducted a series of experiments in the city of Cardington to reveal the effect of fires on structures with steel frame. On the experimental model of the eight-storey building, steel structures did not have fire-resistant protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900 ° C (!) With a critical allowed maximum of 600 ° C, no destruction occurred in any of the six experiments, although certain deformations took place.

In August 2005, John Hall (John R. Hall Jr.) from the National Fire Association of the United States, published an analytical work "Fires in high-altitude facilities". In particular, it contains statistics, according to which only in 2002, 7,300 fires occurred in high-rise buildings, many of which were very intense and continued for many hours, while it was time to absorb not one floor. Despite the presence of victims and significant damage, none of these fires led to collapsions.

If this is not enough, then here are some more specific examples of the strongest fires over the past decades:

On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in a 38-storey building ONE MERIDIAN PLAZA in Philadelphia. The fire began on the 22nd floor, covered 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, many glasses were knocked out, granite crackled and causing bearing walls. Nevertheless, the building surrendered and none of his part fell.

On May 4, 1988, the 62-storey Building of First Interstate Bank in Los Angeles was caught fire. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, burned 4.5 floors - from the 12th to the 16th. But the supporting structures were completely survived, and only minor damage received several inter-storey floors. The building survived.

On August 5, 1970, an explosion rang out an explosion in a 50-storey building 1 New York Plaza and there was a fire that lasted six hours. There were no collaps.

On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper in the Venezuelan city of Caracas caught fire. The fire flashed at the level of the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) Floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

And finally, a fire in the very New York World Trade Center. On February 13, 1975, a fire occurred in the northern tower on the 11th floor, as a result of which 65% of the floor burned out completely. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and upwards until the 16th floors, not touched, nevertheless, office space and limited to mines inside the central framework. The fire continued for three hours, and despite its much higher than September 11, 2001, the intensity, the structure of the building was not injured. Not only the central framework remained absolutely unharmed, inside of which the fire mainly and spread, but also all inter-storey floors.

Fire VTZ in 1975

And the 47-mental "WTC 7" collapsed himself ... by chance.

The official report claims that the WTC-7 "collapsed" due to the weakening of the supporting structures, despite the fact that no plane hit it.

About the demolition of the building number 7 WTC, as it turned out, everyone knew very few. His destruction has passed somehow unnoticed against the background of other events of that day. In this 47-storey skyscraper, which also wore the name of Salomon Brothers (Salomon Brothers), housed offices of the FBI, the Ministry of Defense, the Tax Service 1RS (according to Online Journal, with a huge number of compromises, including the infamous ENRON), counterintelligence USA, Stock Exchange (with evidence of stock fraud), as well as various financial institutions. His collapse occurred approximately 17:20 in New York time, and several rather curious incidents are connected with it.

FEMA claims that this building collapsed on the same reasons as "Gemini" - due to the weakening of the supporting structures. But why? The plane did not fall into it. Fires in it were not raging - only in three places there were small local foci of ignition: in the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of all WTC, then the building number 7 is the most remote from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex also the street. Where does he have damage? This is diminished about this.

Here is such a small fire allegedly affected the full destruction of the WTC-7 building

And the most "truthful" in the light of BBC even reported the collapse of the WTC-7 in advance.

Indeed, the reportage of the British BBC television channel (Air Force) is unique. In the release of television, which was broadcast at 10:00 in London time, that is, at 17:00 on New York, the lead behaved to televisers that the WTC-7 building collapsed in New York. But before his collapse remained 20 minutes. Moreover, the correspondent of the channel Jane Standley (Jane Standley) in his own direct report from New York told about the collapse of the WTC-7, while on his background. On a rare photo, this moment is depicted - the WTS-7 building is indicated by the arrows. Signature at the bottom of the screen reads: "47-storey building Salomon Brothers near the World Trade Center also collapsed."

Air Force talks about the destruction of the WTC 7

However, at some point, apparently, the televisers understood what happened, and at 17:14 the translation of the broadcast from New York suddenly distorted with the interference, and after a few seconds and disappeared.

How else to explain this incredible "LAP", if not the pre-written script written? Is it possible that the building was planned to demolish a little earlier, but before London simply did not have time to bring information about the delay of this mice of the play, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got a press release before all this happened? But from whom and how?

Of course, such a casus caused a lot of questions to the Air Force TV channel. However, the head of the news department Richard Porter (Richard Porter) explained this mysterious story: "We are not part of the conspiracy. No one told us what to tell and what to do on September 11th. Nobody reported to us in advance that the building should fall. We did not receive any press release, nor the scenarios of the events that should happen. "

It turns out that if no one reported anything in advance, which means they themselves, on their own initiative they spoke about the collapse of the building, which will occur in 20 minutes. But we read on: "We have not survived the original record of reports from September 11 - but not because of the conspiracy, but due to confusion." The news entry of one of the most important day of the TV channel of the day was suddenly lost.

The dead "terrorists" were alive

Official list of "hijackers"

The list was equipped with the following comment: "In the FBI is absolutely confident in accuracy of identification of nineteen hijackers responsible for terrorist attacks on September 11. In addition, the investigation on September 11 was carefully tested by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, as well as jointly by the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives. None of these inspections caused the slightest doubts about the identities of nineteen hijackers. "

On September 23, 2001, the British Air Force Agency unexpectedly reported that Al-Shekhry Valid, Citizen of Saudi Arabia, and a named hijacker of AA11 flight, is currently alive, well and perfectly feels in Casablanca, Morocco. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia confirmed that he studied at a flight school in the city of Dayton Beach, Florida. He left the United States in September 2000 and works in the airline Royal Air Morocco. This is further confirmed by the Associated Press, according to which Valid Al-Shekhry appeared in the American Embassy in Morocco: "The FBI released his photo, which was converted in newspapers and television worldwide. The same Mr. Al-Shehry appeared in Morocco, thereby proving that he was not a member of the suicide pilot team. TOTAL, minus one.

Wawe Al-Shekhry (AA11) is also alive and well. He works by the pilot, and his father is a diplomat of Saudi Arabia in Bombay. The newspaper Los Angeles Times in the article on September 21, 2001 reports that the head of the Embassy of the Saudi Arabia Embassy in the United States, Gaafar Allabani confirmed that he personally talked with his father, and with his son. TOTAL, minus two.

Abdulaziz Al-Omari (AA11) During his studies in Denver lost his passport, which in due time reported to the police. Now he works as an engineer at SAUDI Telecom. The Telegraph newspaper on September 23, 2001 quotes it: "I could not believe when I saw myself in the FBI lists. They showed my name, my photo and my date of birth, but I'm not a suicide bomber. I'm here. I'm alive. I do not have a concept how to control the plane. I had no relation to all this. " Total minus three.

Side al-Gamdi (UA93), Saudi Airlines pilot, during the events of September 11, was in Tunisia, where with 22 other pilots, the Airbus-320 aircraft management was conducted. The Telegraph quotes his words: "FBI did not provide any evidence of my involvement in attacks. You do not imagine what it is, to be called a dead terrorist when I am alive and innocent. " TOTAL, minus four.

Ahmed Al-us (UA93) works as head of office work in Saudi airlines in Er Riyadh: "As you can see, I am alive. I was shocked, seeing my name in the lists [terrorists]. I have never heard of Pennsylvania, where I, it turns out, hijacked the plane. " TOTAL, minus five.

Salem Al-Hamzi (AA77) works at a chemical plant in the city of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia: "I was never in the USA, and in the last two years I did not leave Saudi Arabia." Total minus six.

Khalid Al-Midhar (AA77) - a programmer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: "I want to think that this is some kind of mistake." According to Chicago Tribune, he watched TV when his friends began to call him and cope if he was alive. TOTAL, minus seven.

According to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in the United States, also alive and healthy Mohand Al-Shekhry (UA175) and Satam Al-Suits (AA11). Satam, minus nine.

And only on September 23, 2001, the head of the FBI, Robert Müller, said: "There are doubts about the identities of some hijackers. There is no legal evidence confirming the personality of the hijackers."
But with all the evidence of the frank falsification with the names of the "terrorists", in the official report of the Kina Commission, all the same 19 initial names appear.

Fake bin Laden

And since now there is no evidence of the involvement of "hijackers" to the terrorist attacks, it means that al-Qaida seems to be like that, and bombing Afghanistan as it should not be.

But within a few days after the fall of the skyscrapers, the United States "suddenly" appears a video of the recognition of Usama Bin Laden dated December 14, 2001. Her allegedly found in the house in Jalalabad. And it is this entry that the Outcome of the Official Commission is based on the final conclusion - 9/11 terrorist attacks carried out Osama Ben Laden and, of course, Al-Keda.

But immediately draws attention to the fact that this video of very poor quality. And the person himself, who, according to the FBI, there is Ben Laden, is absolutely not like him, and it is clearly visible even despite the poor quality. He is more dense, he has another form of nose, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones. The FBI file says that Ben Laden is left-handed, and on the video he records something right hand. In addition, the gold ring is distinguished on his finger, and Islam, as you know, prohibits a man to wear gold jewelry, and there is no word in the dossier on Ben Laden.

Two "Ben Laden"

Two Ben Laden are depicted in the photo: on the left - the simulator with the Jelalabad video recording, right - real. Even the naked eye shows that on the frame from the video and in the photo two completely different people, and the only similarities between them are a beard and turban. And again amazing the fantastic arrogance of American intelligence agencies, which did not even bother with such a "trifle" as the use of someone, even a little bit like this Bin Laden.

As a result, I understood the puncture with Bin Laden, the head of the investigative department of the FBI Rex Tom (Rex Tomb) confessed: "September 11 terrorist attacks do not mean in the dossier of Osama Bin Laden, since there is no evidence of his involvement in the events of September 11" .

On March 29, 2006, "split" already vice president of Richard Cheney (Richard Cheney): "We never claimed that Usama Ben Laden was somehow related to the events of September 11. We have never had convincing evidence. "

However, in the official report of the Kina Commission, the main acting person was so remained Usama Bin Laden, and the main material evidence is already a refuted video fake.

How to destroy evidence

Steel, remaining after the destruction of the frames of the TDC towers, hastily sent to recycling, without allowing even investigators to her. More than 185 thousand tons of steel were liquidated from the "epicenter". Firefighters reported to the US Congress that about 80% (!) Steel fragments were exported, and investigators could not even require the preservation of the remains for analysis. In particular, the Chinese Corporation Shanghai Baosteel Group acquired fifty thousand tons of steel from the collapse of the WTC in the form of a scrap at a price of 120 dollars per ton. Thousands of tons began to be sent for processing and in India.

Similar actions caused a wave of indignation among independent researchers and families of the victims, but the newly-made mayor of New York Mike Bloomberg (Mike Bloomberg), who has replaced Rudolph Giuliani at the end of 2001, answered that there are other ways to investigate the tragedy 11 September. He also noticed that "a simple inspection of a piece of metal will not tell you anything."

Despite the protests of all those wishing to look at these "metal pieces", the export of scrap was in full swing. The official reason for such a hurry was that it was "a completely useless garbage, which only interferes." Apparently, this "garbage" was so "useless" that his export passed under the strictest control, and trucks that exported steel wreckage from the "epicenter" area were equipped with expensive tracking devices so that God forbid, this perfectly useless garbage was not somewhere other than smelting furnaces. The steel was exported from the "crime scene" in such a speedy mode, that even a specially created Government Commission (Building Performance Assessment Team - the Commission for Evaluation of the Constructive Building Characteristics), having received the opportunity only to take a look at the remains, did not have the right to learn these remains With buildings drawings. What, in fact, puts the meaning of the creation of this commission in question.

Editor-in-Chief of Fire Engineering Magazine Bill Manning (Bill Manning) on \u200b\u200bbehalf of the firefighters expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of government organizations on the destruction of evidence and the full removal of independent researchers from the possibility of studying them: "We have reasons to believe that" official investigations "... are not Than other, as a blatant farce imposed by political forces, the main interests of which, to put it mildly, are very far from the disclosure of the truth ... the destruction of the evidence should stop immediately. "

Manning also stressed that the destruction of this steel is illegal: "According to the National Standard for Fire Investigation, all evidence of any fires in buildings with a height of more than 10 floors should be saved, and no exceptions from this rule."

And on September 26, 2001, Mayor Rudolf Juliani banned all video and photography in the epicenter area. One photographer, who preferred not to call his own name, the police erased the pictures made by the digital camera and threatened the arrest, if he appears once again, but he managed to restore erased images using the Photorescue program.

As a result, everything that could shed light on the 9/11 terrorist attack was very quickly destroyed and no expert could have become familiar with the "real evidence."

The consequences of "terrorist attacks"

In less than two weeks after September 11, a very interesting legislative legislative (the so-called patriotic) act was presented to the Congress approval (the so-called patriotic) act. And in early October 2001, the American invasion of Afghanistan began. These are unprecedented rates of decision-making, preparation for their implementation and actually incarnation. That's just the essence of these most measures causes a large number of questions.

Consideration of the so-called anti-terrorism bill called by the patriotic act, Congress began on September 24, 2001. This bill was generally very remarkable both in content and according to the methods of its introduction.

First, he fell to Congress, bypassing the channels prescribed by law, that is, without the prior discussion under the command of administrative and budget management.

Secondly, the then John Ashcroft John Ashcroft (John Ashcroft) demanded from Congress to take it within one week and unchanged. Despite such strict and specific instructions, the controversial document still caused certain discussions - to obvious discontent of the minister. I realized that it would not be possible to push the bill to "push" the bill, Eshcroft at a joint meeting with the heads of the Senate and the House of Representatives, warned that new terrorist attacks are commented, and the Congress will be to blame if the law is not accepted now. It was an obvious blackmail, and the statement itself was absurd, but Congress was not ready to withstand such pressure from the minister.

Just in case, to finally "sell" the adoption of this act, two particularly stubborn congressmen - Tom Daesl (Tom Daschle) and Patrick Leah (Patrick Leah), actively opposed, received an envelope with the disputes of Siberian ulcers by mail ...

The Ron Paul Congressman Ron Paul told in an interview with the Washington Times newspaper that no congressman even allowed to read this act. Nevertheless, on October 12, he was approved by both chambers of Congress, and on October 26, 2001, President Bush put his signature on the document, thereby giving a patriotic act of the law.

What is the meaning of the patriotic act? Firstly, this act gives the right to federal employees to make searches of dwellings, workplace, computer and private ownership of citizens or without notice without notice, or with post-change notice when the search was already produced.

Secondly, the CIA received an unlimited possibility without a court decision to install a surveillance for its citizens, if this is done "during intelligence purposes." This includes listening to telephone conversations, and tracking the user's online activity. By the way, up to this point, the appointment of the CIA was in intelligence activities solely with respect to foreign "elements".

Thirdly, the FBI and other powerful agencies have the right to request medical, financial and academic records and state marks on any person, only after presenting a warrant that the Court is obliged to issue if it is required to investigate in order to protect against international terrorism. At the same time, a sufficient basis for the search is not even required, and the organization that the order is presented is not to report that the FBI requested this data. Including those whose data were requested!

Fourth, de facto is limited to freedom of speech, for any careless phrase can now be regarded as a terrorist conspiracy. According to this act, internal terrorism includes "actions that are exchanged as attempts with threats or violence to influence the political course of the state." As you can see, the concept of "internal terrorism" is defined so vague that almost any political or other activist group (the same Greenpeace, for example), may fall under this definition. Yes, and any disroxant with the actions of the government, too, not insured from this. In addition to these act, several other directives appeared.

P.S. And this is only a small part of those "evidence", which were found in the "most reliable" official investigation of the tragedy 9/11. But this, in my opinion, it is enough to understand what the US methods go to their goals, destroying more than three thousand Americans. In continuing the investigation, I will talk about a mysterious aircraft that cut into the Pentagon and strangely disappeared, and the rest, no less mysterious aircraft of that terrible day - the Eleventh of September 2001.

September 11, 2001 in the United States carried out a series of terrorist attacks, which caused the death of 2977 people. According to the official version, destructive attacks were carried out by members of the Al-Qaida grouping *, but there are facts that can refute the generally accepted point of view.

Fast version

The official version of what happened is. Early in the morning of September 11, 2001, four passenger "Boeing" were captured in the air Arab terrorists. The hijackers were armed only by stationery knives and gas cans. Two aircraft attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan, the third aircraft was sent to the Pentagon building, the fourth did not fly to the Capitol and collapsed in the middle of the field in Pennsylvania.

This version was formed literally a few days after the tragedy and the US government did not change it anymore. Such spelling conclusions suggest that in Washington to this was preparing in advance.

We have already come across a situation where in the White House "knew exactly" that Saddam Hussein develops weapons of mass destruction, Muammar Gaddafi sponsors international terrorism, and Bashar Assad uses chemical buildings.

None of these accusations confirmed. However, these suspicions have become a pretext for US authorized by the US authorities in Iraq, Libya and Syria. It is expected that after the events of September 11, the Americans have intensified hostilities in Afghanistan.

Immediately after the explosions, the head "Al Caida" * Usama Ben Laden declared his innocence to terrorist attacks. An unusual behavior for a person who was always happy to take responsibility for terrorist attacks, which was committed with his participation. Later, Ben Laden was still confessed in involvement in the events of September 11, however, according to some, it was a person only similar to the leader Al Caida *.

Strange destruction

Probably, do not everyone know that during the attack on New York, three buildings of the World Trade Center (WTC) collapsed. In addition to the well-known twin towers №1 and №2, there was also a skyscraper number 7. The Government Commission, created to investigate the events of September 11, chose the fact that the fact. The house at number 7 is a 47-storey height, visually inferior to its twins in growth.

In particular, the New York Department of the Headquarters of the CIA was located. This building escaped the aircraft hit, but by 5 o'clock in the evening collapsed by the same scheme as the twin towers.

According to the authorities, the reason for the collapse of the building was the burning fragments that fell on it from the collapsing skyscrapers, as well as the fire for this. However, much closer to the towers were the WTC buildings at the numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6, and they all survived. Maybe the fall of the 7th house was another reason?

As for the twin towers, the researchers still worries a curious question: why not only the upper floors of the building struck, but also the bottom? The official version of the unbalance: when the building is destroyed, the top dried over and his rest.

However, there is a problem. Parts of the tower design fell not in different directions, but they were straightforward under the base, as if a card house.

WTC designers, everything as one claims that when the height is erected, an aircraft will be taken into account, as it happens with all skyscrapers. If the catastrophic script is still happening, then, according to them, it cannot lead to the destructive consequences of this scale.

On the frames of the catastrophe, it is clear that the planes are cut completely differently into the buildings: in the northern tower, the liner "entered" right in the center, to the southern - under an acute angle, having chopped the height edge. At the same time, the destruction of the towers was surprisingly uniform and symmetric, as with a prepared explosion. And then there is a strange: the first collapse of the southern tower is collapsed, and only after half an hour the North falls, where the consequences of the disaster should have been more impressive.

Experts analyzed the video crash and almost unanimously stated that this is how the industrial demolition of buildings occurs. And indeed, if you carefully view the slow motion of the catastrophe, it can be seen how the explosive waves run on equal distances at the entire height of the building - as if it was detonated in advance the charge.

Here are two more facts that will make thinking. Shortly before the terrorist attack, the planes later flew off, closed for repairs. And a few weeks before the tragedy, the owner of the twin towers, Larry Silverstein insured them by $ 3 billion, and the insurance against terrorist attacks was spelled out with a separate paragraph.

Electoral fire

If you believe the official conclusions, then hundreds of thousands of tons of steel structures melted in the monstrous fiery fire, and hundreds of tons of concrete were erased into dust.

Is it possible that the flammable air kerosene, the combustion temperature of which is less than 1000 ° C caused the "tremble" tempered steel, which melts not less than at 2000 ° C. At the same time, there was a critical loss of strength of 50 massive beams at once, which is possible only if the fuel evenly differed in all the floors of the floor.

As a result of explosions from the passengers of both "Boeing", charred and non-identifying particles of bodies remained. Meanwhile, the passport of Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers of the aircraft, which became one of the main evidence testified in favor of the "Al Caida" guilt *, turned out to be absolutely unharmed. According to the Commission, the document miraculously survived a powerful explosion, fell out of the plane and landed safely near the building.

The US government has so rushing to come to the desired conclusion, which was not even going to pay attention to such incidents. Further more.

The Investigation Commission announced a recognition of a part of passengers and members of the crews of aircraft according to DNA residues. And this after the fire actually destroyed the body of a liner, made of high-resistant air aluminum temperatures.

It is curious that despite the "DNA remains" preserved fantasticly, black boxes were recognized by completely destroyed fire. Looking at this, it will only remain to believe that the fire acted selectively, without not guided by the laws of the physical world.

Without traces

The third vigorous "Boeing", which operated No. 77 of American Airlines, according to official data, crashed into the Pentagon building. To apply the most sensitive damage to the construction and people, terrorists sent a liner at the lowest trajectory. It is known that the height of "Boeing 757" is 13 meters, the Pentagon is 24 meters.

Based on this, the final kilometers of the flight of the liner should have been held at an altitude of just a few meters above the ground, which is practically impossible task for pilots, which have just completed express courses.

Moreover, such a maneuver was absolutely unjustified, since, according to many specialists, would not lead to such damage as with a fall at an angle. In this case, it would be difficult to miss even inexperienced pilot, considering the impressive Pentagon Square - 117 363 sq.m. It turns out that terrorists who carefully planned the terrorist attack, chose a more complex and less effective way.

However, the main incident is ahead. Independent researchers studied photos of the catastrophe alarmed the fact that "Boeing" when hitting the building did not leave marks from the wings. There was no debris and nearby. Moreover, all sorts of hints on fragments of the aircraft were absent inside the destroyed section of the building. According to the official conclusions, they were all destroyed by powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

All listed facts suggest the idea of \u200b\u200banother cause of destruction in the Pentagon - a planned explosion. But if we assume that Boeing 757 did not crawl into the Pentagon, where then the car was disappeared with passengers and the crew of this ill-fated flight?

As for the fourth "Boeing," who did not fly to the Capitol and fell in the Pennsylvania fields, then it was fewer questions. However, non-stalks are still there. The authorities claim that the cause of the death of people was a blow to the Earth, but to detect how many significant number of aircraft fragments on the estimated place of the fall failed. Eyewitnesses say that the debris was scattered for many kilometers. According to the assumption of researchers who do not share the official point of view, the liner could be shot down in the air of the rocket, brushed from the fighter.

The official version reads: passengers, contacting mobile phones with relatives, learned that two aircraft were crashed into the building in Manhattan and decided to prevent the plans of the hijackers. It was as a result that the plane knocked on board struggled from the course and went to a steep peak. However, experts argue that the opportunity to use cellular communication in flight appeared only since 2005.

Avoid differences

In this story, everyone is alarming, including the behavior of the Higher American officials. Thus, President George Bush had long ignored the invitation to speak in front of the Congress, but when he agreed to the meeting, at first glance, the conditions for the fulfillment of a logical explanation. He insisted on the restriction of the conversation in time - no more than an hour and obligatory invitation to the event of Vice President Dick Cheney. At the request of the head of the White House from the Commission that was investigating the tragedy, only two people were to be present.

After a long debate, it was still possible to agree on the participation of 10 members of the Commission and remove the time limit. Everyone expected during a meeting to hear from the president exhaustive, and most importantly reliable information about what happened, but everything turned out to be much more difficult. Bush did not allow to produce video, audio recording and even stense the meeting. In addition, Bush and Cheney refused to give an oath, which could assure listeners in the truthfulness of what was said.

In April 2004, the performance finally took place. However, to this day it is not known that Bush and Cheney have come to congressmen. Many pay attention to the absurdity of this situation. It looks like this if one witness agreed to act in court only in the presence of another witness. Why do you need it? Probably in order to avoid inconsistencies in the dacha tests.

In the world, the conviction is stronger every year that the terrorist attacks were planned by the US intelligence services to justify the actions of the American military in the Middle East. But the final conclusions are premature. While it is safe to say only the following: if the US authorities and did not suit the terrorist attacks themselves, they, at least they did not prevent them from planning.

* Al-Qaida - terrorist group, prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation

Event that has changed people's life

It will not be an exaggeration to say that this day has become the most unusual on the planet in the 21st century. Then the inhabitants of all countries of the world adopted their views to the screens of their televisions, "mess" on the Internet. And there, on the screens, something completely unimaginable, resembling shots from a fantastic militant. Huge passenger liners crashed into the skyscrapers of New York, the high buildings were folded as toy houses, drowning in dust clubs resembling a volcanic eruption. And - People: Infinite Crowds Screaming, Running through the streets, or frozen in distance with a mobile phone near the ear ...

Alas, it was not a film, but a practically direct report from the scene, which subsequently will be called the largest act of terrorism in the history of mankind. Events weighing and quite official name: "Terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York."

Terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 - as it happened

It is difficult to describe what happened is difficult, if only because the narrator inevitably rolls into emotions, in personal assessments, and even into its own memories. Moreover, so far, after many years, in the picture of the grand terrorist attack, certain riddles remain, unexplored moments, inconsistency of interpretations. Nevertheless, the essence of what happened in the following.

The group of Islamic terrorists captured the four passenger liners filled with people in the morning and performed planned flights. Further investigation has shown that in the total attackers there were 19 people, they all belonged to one organization, Al-Qaida. Each of the aircraft there was at least one person who has been trained and able to manage the passenger ship.

Two aircraft terrorists sent to high buildings - the Southern and Northern Tower of the World Trade Center, which were proudly Manhattan and towering in its southern part. Airplanes crashed into these skyscrapers alternately, with an interval of about 16 minutes. As a result of the buildings of the building, the buildings caught fire, and they were subsequently completely destroyed, the burgue of a huge number of people. Naturally, all passengers in airplanes died.

The third aircraft fell on the building of the Pentagon, and the fourth suffered a catastrophe in Pennsylvania, hanged into the field. As the investigation showed, its goal, apparently, was the building of the US Congress, but the terrorists did not manage to make a conceived: the struggle against the crew and passengers began on board, which eventually led to the fall of the aircraft. Naturally, all on the third and fourth vessel also died.

Pentagon building after collision with aircraft

At the moment it is stated that 2977 people died as a result of these sad events, not counting the 19 attackers. Also, 23 people are still listed among the disappearance.

This is how a brief description of this extraordinary event looks like, but for a more accurate picture, it must be supplemented by some important facts.

Terrorist attack September 11, 2001 - Additional facts

All captured flights followed their timetables for distant California, that is, there were a lot of fuel on their board, because the grips occurred shortly after the departures. In the northern tower, the plane flew at the level of the approximately 95th floor, in the southern - approximately at the level of the 80th. It is impossible to say more precisely, since in both cases it was a binging, very large aircraft, and the area of \u200b\u200bcontact was not one floor.

The terrible fire and destruction caused by a catastrophe led to the collapse of giant buildings. The south tower fell first, following her, about half an hour - North (fire in the building was raging 102 minutes). The third building, also included in the complex of the World Trade Center, fell closer to the evening. It was too close to the towing towers, and could not stand the temperature and mechanical effects that came to his walls. In addition, accumulated gas from the destroyed communications exploded inside the building.

Some time passed between the seizure of airplanes and their crash, during which many passengers managed to connect with their loved ones and friends for mobile communications. Someone forgiven with life, someone tried to contact the intelligence services. Many records of these negotiations have been preserved: emotional, deep, filled with fear and grief, but also love for native people.

In some cases, passengers and crew tried to provide resistance to terrorists. One of the aircraft, as already mentioned, as a result of such heroic actions did not reach his goal. In Boeing, cut into the northern tower, died before the collision, at least one passenger and the crew commander; This is proved by a consequence.

Place of crashing of the 4th aircraft in Pennsylvania

In the first hours after the terrorist act, the US life has changed beyond recognition. No aircraft received permission to arrive in the country and landing at its airfields. Passenger flights inside the state were canceled, all foreign boards went landing in Canada and Mexico. Hundreds of fighters raised into the air, which patrolled the sky around all major cities.

A special role was given to New York. Thousands of firefighters, doctors and rescuers worked on Manhattan. All city police officers were involved, colleagues from other regions were sent to help. Destroyed twin towers left behind gigantic dilutions, the burning in which they lasted about 100 days, and many harmful chemicals were distinguished into the air.

Subsequently, the US intelligence agency found out that from 19 terrorists most (15 people) had citizenship of Saudi Arabia, the rest were submitted by the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. They were not typical Shahidov fanatics: everyone had a good education and a well-established life philosophy.

The consequences of terrorist attack

The grand terrorist act on September 11 had consequences corresponding to its scale. They manifested themselves in various spheres of life, and all over the world. Here are just some of them.


In addition to the fully destroyed three of the TCC skyscrapers, they were significantly damaged, or even destroyed, several more nearby buildings, including one church. Lost archives, works of art, countless documents. The southern part of Manhattan for many years weakened its business value. A very large damage was caused by the Pentagon building.


The US government and Congress created a special commission, known as the "Commission 9/11". She worked for two years, and came to the conclusion that the main organizer and culprit of the attack was the organization of Islamic fundamentalists of Al-Qaida, which spent about half a billion dollars on a plot. The origin of these funds remains a mystery so far.

Headed the organization of Saudit Usama Ben Laden. The basis of her ideology was hate to Israel and the United States. In subsequent years, America, together with its allies, launched an unprecedented struggle with fundamentalists, first of all, with al-Qaeda. Her leader was destroyed in Afghanistan by an American special detachment, in May 2011.

All the leading countries of the world revised their views on terrorism, realizing his global danger. Almost everywhere, security measures have been significantly tightened, especially on aircraft.

You can talk about the economic consequences of the event, and about his military meaning, about the impact on geopolitics. But, perhaps, the main thing is that it should be noted is a change, if you can put it, the modern philosophy of life. After such terrible events, all people, without exception, were acutely realized, in which, in essence, we live in a fragile world. Even the most powerful country is vulnerable in this world, and the danger lies with a person not only in warring states. The terrorist attack in New York showed that the boundaries between enemies and friends became ghostly, and the cruelty of wars do not necessarily show themselves only on the fronts of local conflicts.

There are beautiful temporary memorials on the site of the former twin towers; Standing monuments are under construction. The American nation celebrates a sorrowful date as the day of ministry and memory. And in New York there is a high monument of the work of Zurab Tsereteli - "tear of grief". Inside the split bronze plate - a huge steel drop. This is a symbol of grief not only about those who died in the terrorist attack of people. And maybe even not so much. This tear - symbolizes the overall pain of humanity, which after September 11 became largely different, not so careless and happy.