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Montego Bay Jamaica rest. Virtual tours. Cruises on Jamaica - Montego Bay

The most popular entertainment was a trip to Dunns River waterfalls, including alloy on bamboo roofs. The alloy takes place along the Marta-Brare River, which will lead you to a small settlement called Ocho Rios. Here is the inspection of local attractions, you can get acquainted with the life of indigenous people and visit several local shops. After that, the path will lie to the waterfalls, which are considered the most beautiful on Jamaica. Magnificent silver cascades are more like the turbulent sources of thermal waters that can be seen in the caves. From all sides of the waterfalls are surrounded by tropical gardens, thickets of orchids, lilies and fern. You can stroll through the palm groves and see huge bread trees.

No less popular alloy on the Black River River, which will lead to an old estate, not far from which is the Roma factory called Appleton Rum Factory. The excursion program includes the inspection of the factory and mansion, as well as the tasting of the local Roma. It is worth noting that the alloy occurs in very picturesque places, so you can fully appreciate the magnificence of local nature. Copyright www.Syt.

After watching all the sights of Montego Bay, you can go on a tour of the neighboring Kingston. On the way to the city you will pass through banana plantations, small settlements and mountain arrays. The excursion program includes a visit to the city of Port Antonio, which was once a real pirate base. In Kingston, you have plenty of attractions, so it remains only to choose a tour of the soul and go to the road.

Many beautiful historic buildings have been preserved in the city, among which are chic mansions of planters. One of the most beautiful is the mansion of Rose Hall, it was built for one of the wealthy British workers in the late 18th century. Initially, its estate was about 3,000 hectares, not so long ago the complete reconstruction of the historic building was completed. Today, there are interesting excursions on it, during which you can see all the hidden corners of the mansion, and a popular bar works on the first floor of a historic building.

No less interesting historical monument is the ancient mansion of Greenwood Great House. Once he also belonged to a rich landowner, and after his death in the mansion opened the library, now she is the oldest library in the city. Some books stored in it are invaluable museum exhibits, except the vintage books in the library you can see beautiful antique furniture, musical instruments, as well as other antique items.

The popular site of walks at the locals and guests of the city is Sam Sharpe's Square, she received its name in honor of the famous fighter for independence. Today, the monument to Sam Shamp is considered the main decoration of the square, and here you can see a small stone building, in which the prison was previously located. Despite the fact that the prison is not functioning for a long time, the historical building was decided not to destroy.

The Saint James Church is considered the most significant in the city of Religious attraction. She does not accidentally consider one of the most beautiful churches on the island, it was built in the best traditions of Georgian style. An excellent church was able to maintain his primordial appearance, interesting religious artifacts are stored in its walls.

In the historic mansion, Town House today is one of the most popular hotels, the story of this building is very exciting. Initially, he belonged to the family of a wealthy merchant, and after the local priest lived in the building. The most mysterious period in the history of the villa is associated with time when Masons settled. It is believed that they later were later and opened the first hotel in it. Today, all stories fans seek at least one day in this unusual hotel, shrouded in historical charm.

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(Montego Bay) - the most famous and one of the most popular Jamaican resorts, as well as the second largest city of Jamaica.

In Montego Bay, there is an international airport, houses provided by Jamais, as well as the most fashionable hotels in Jamaica. Some luxury hotel complexes with villas are built on the site of former sugar plantations, in which old mansions and wind mills are preserved. It is especially felt by the unique Jamaican flavor.

In the center you can find a variety of bars, restaurants, entertainment centers and nightclubs. As a result, the noisy resort attracts many tourists from Canada, USA and Europe.

The center of attraction of tourists in Montego Bay is never a clench street Gloucester Ave, which is the homeland of the region of Hip Strip. Most of the hotels, restaurants, bars and souvenir beads of the resort neatly lined up along the beach. The real life of Jamaica can be seen in the center - Downtown and his heart - the pedestrian SAM SAMPE SQ.

By the way, in Montego Bay, the best golf courses on Jamaica, as well as excellent conditions for diving and surfing: near the resort there is an underwater park for lovers of deep-water diving, as well as five 18-hole golf courses that are open to all.

Next door to Montego Bay there are ancient houses of planters, here you can see how tropical cultures are cultivated. Tourists can visit the nature reserve and feed from the hands of exotic hummingbirds or ride along the river in the canoe when the flames of torches, to the place where every summer, the Regga Festival collects world-famous performers, and the nights are pulsing in the tact of incendiary musical rhythms.

But the most important thing is that kilometers of magic white and sandy beaches stretched in Montego Bay, and from the city center to any of them it is easy to get on foot.

Montego Bay video

In the heart of the popular resort, amazing plantative mansions are still preserved. One of the most famous - Rose-Hall, built by the British slave owner at the end of the 18th century. During the heyday, the ownership extended at 2600 hectares, where more than 2000 slaves worked. Around the mansion ...

Montego Bay: Excursions and Events

Every year, in July, in Montego Bay, the reggae festival is held, which the world stars of the genre are coming. The festival lasts about a week and includes several large concerts, on which you can hear all the modern varieties of reggae: from melodic and calm to noisy and aggressive.

History of Montego Bay.

Montego Bay is located on the coast of the northeast of Jamaica Island when the Montuga River is shifted. It was here that the second expedition of Columbus was landed in 1494. The name of the city allegedly comes from the distorted Spanish word "MANTECA", which is translated as "Saletz" - during the Spanish dominion ...

Climate in Montego Bay

In Montego Bay, the tropical climate type prevails. The temperature in August average is + 29 ... + 31 ° C, in January rises to +28 ° C. In the summer month (from May to September) in Montego Bay, the rainy season comes, so this time is not popular with tourists.

Montego Bay: Entertainment and Active Leisure

The resort is a great many restaurants and lively nightlife, and in the vicinity of the city - the best on the island of a golf course. For fans of active recreation, alloys are held on the Black River River (Martha Brae) and Hiking Blue Mountains (Blue Mountains), and the diving and surfing centers are also offered.

Transport features of Montego Bay

Within the center, Hip Strip district and Gloucester Ave can be easily walking on foot: only 2.5 km separate Kent Ave from Sam Sharpe SQ. For all other areas you will need a car or taxi, as there is no bus service in the city.

Montego Bay Metro Line (0.35 dollars) runs on suburbs, like a taxi, and minibuses. Departure and arrival at St James and Barnett Sts. The official taxi is easy to find on Gloucester AVE, the minimum fare is about $ 8. Exemplary rates from Gloucester Ave to 8 dollars airport, Greenwood - $ 20, Ironshore - 10 dollars, Montego Freeport and Rose Hall are the same 10 "green".

Rent a car will cost about $ 50 per day, but keep in mind that at the airport the rental price is higher. Requirements for lease: Availability of driving rights, age - from 25 to 70 years. Left-sided movement.

Published fly hunting in the run, 04/03/2014 - 18:17


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One of the most famous cities in the Caribbean - Montego Bay!

On the Cariba there is the most common and tourist visited by the city - Montego Bay. The azure beaches of this town and the hospitable people are not inferior to Mexican Acapulco. Every year a lot of flight courts comes to the port, which run between the Caribbean Islands, and at the local airport, more than a hundred airplanes are landing.

The sights of Jamaica are not limited to its capital Kingston or the unique nature of the island. And the city of Montego Bay is full of right to their number. Founded in the 15th century, today the city is one of the largest rest centers on the island.

Tours to Jamaica - Montego Bay

Despite its respectable age, Montego Bay appears to the eyes of guests the island with a modern city, albeit with a certain medieval charm. Fabulous beaches and unique capabilities for diving directly close to the coast make Montego Bay one of the most popular holiday destinations on Jamaica. Most tourists coming on vacation to Jamaica choose the place of their holidays and deployment on the island of Montego Bay. First of all, divers and divers find everything here that the soul can wish and the heart of a diving amateur. Vacation held here is a suite and luxury of communication with the underwater world.

Montego Bay occupies second place in magnitude in Jamaica and this is the most popular resort of the island. Here is the most advanced tourist infrastructure. Many hotels are located between sand bays, they are always happy to take tourists and holidaymakers. Montego Bay pleases the eye with a multitude of palm trees and a variety of beautiful flowers. On one side, this city is surrounded by sea water, and the other side in the bright greenery of the tropics. People who live there lead a modest lifestyle, they face goats around their homes and grow vegetables. Vacationers love to walk through the most beautiful streets of the city.

Car rental on Jamaica - Montego Bay

In addition, most tourists receive their first impression of Jamaica in this city, because both international airport is the island in close proximity to it. The center of Montego Bay is one of the most interesting attractions of Jamaica. Not comparable to a mixture of modern buildings and simple, poor huts and a hubar, which constantly lead tourists to the state of death, even surprise. A trip to Jamaica without visiting Montei Bay, this is something like a cake without sugar. Historic buildings in the city center completes the perfection of the painting.

Photos of Montego Bay

Attractions Montego Bay

Tourism for Montego Bay is extremely important from an economic point of view. In antiquity, Jamaica was famous for the largest slave market. Some of the attractions of Jamaica make it possible to look into those distant times. And you need to wish resting on Jamaica to inspect them and get acquainted with the rich history of this Caribbean Island.

Building called " The Cage.", i.e." cell"Comes from the era of the slave trade. Practically from the moment of the construction, it served as a place where slaves were kept, in which they were often turned into a drunken one after the start of the curfews of walks or tramps. Z.denia " Cell"(Keija) was built in 1806, and from those who were detained by local tramps, slaves, fugitives, who were caught late in the evening, usually at night.

Cruises on Jamaica - Montego Bay

A lot of buildings were destroyed in 1811, in a fire. A few colonial buildings remained on Glochester-Avenue and Kent-Avenue. The most important attraction is the Church - St. Jeims Pershem Church. This temple was built in 1775, he is the biggest on Jamaica and is located on Pere Street Street.

The monument to Sam Shampa was erected, this was the pastor, he fought for the rights of these slaves. At the end of 1831, the rebellion bounce broke out, but unsuccessfully, it was suppressed by local authorities. Only after seven years, slavery was canceled. In Montego Bay, a very large variety of kabaks, restaurants and small cafes. Each tourist will find a place to their taste. There is a very large selection of delicious dishes. The crown dish is a dish of pork or bird in a sharp marinade. You are attracted by this town and leaves for yourself a long memoirs.

One of the most pretty attractions is not only the city, but the whole Jamaica is the St. James Church ( St. James Parish Church.). Land-built in the style of late Georgianism, the church is considered the most beautiful on the whole island. And being on vacation in Montego Bay, miss the opportunity to inspect this wonderful construction. In general, churches and religious attractions on Jamaica are a mandatory program.

An interesting attraction of Jamaica is also considered a hotel " Town House" (Town House.). The building in which the hotel is located today, performed various functions during his history, and initially was not at all expected that they could also be a hotel. And if you are lucky to stay on Jamaica in this hotel, you will have a witness for the long-lasting time. Initially, the Tyne House was built as a city villa for living in it of a more or less wealthy merchant. Then the building was used as the priest's house.

A little later, the construction chose a Masonic bed for himself and it was Masons who became the first to use it as a hotel. Today, on the first floor, guests can enjoy a colonial-style restaurant and very high quality cuisine. Try to spend your holiday on Jamaica as high quality and knowledgeable. Do not miss in your plans to the city of Montego Bay and do not regret the time to get acquainted with him.

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Two of our cruise routes intersect in this paradise: November 02, 2011, when we, saying goodbye to the deep autumn of New York, just touched the perpetual summer of the Caribbean Islands and November 07 - on the third day of the cruise through the Caribbean Islands.

From the natural attractions of Jamaica, the most famous are the beaches of Montego Bay, as well as sea gardens with oysterny banks. As a result of the annual sociological surveys, Jamaica was more than once the best tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean. Jamaica's resort areas include Negril, Montego Bay, Port Antonio, Ocho Rios, Kingston, Rannaway Bay, Mandeville.

Travelers in Montego Bay expect a large selection of restaurants, as well as lively nightlife, magnificent sandy beaches and chain stores, a place for deep-water swimming pools, an underwater park, as well as 5 eighteen golf courses, a nature reserve, ancient house planters.

Negril is a luxurious beach, as well as screams with crystal clear water, a picturesque fishing village, a mysterious waterfall of Yas, a very colorful town of Epton, in which the famous Jamaican Rum is manufactured.

The resort of Ocho Rios, which consists of a chain of beaches, capes, bays, fishing villages, small seaside vintage cities that are born with huge majestic mountains, this resort finds in the very center of the northern coast of Jamaica. It is the center of water sports, golf and tennis, in Chave Cove, there are the best conditions for equestrian conditions in the Caribbean Islands.

Open markets, as well as boutiques offer tourists various wood sculptures, semi-precious stones, chasing, exotic spices and sauces, and tape recordings and reggae records. Be sure to purchase the famous coffee Blue Mountain. As well as the marks of Mersa and Epton, the marks.

The most famous from the cultural attractions of Jamaica are Spanish Town, the Royal House, the Rodney Memorial, as well as the Cathedral of St. Catherine.

Jamaica scored was populated by Indians. The Spaniards settled here in 1550, at the same time the intensive extermination of the local population began. Spaniards and renamed the bay, calling him the Bay of Sala, because there was a huge number of pigs. The Spaniards did their business on it, they were engaged in exporting pigs, smalts, skin into their colonies. From the word "mantega", which translated lades, salty, and the name of the city went. With the onset of the time of the British domination (1655), the name of the city is changing into English or becomes "Montego Bay", and Jamaitsa call their city of Laskovo Mo Wow or Mobia.

Montego Bay is one of the major cities of Jamaica Island. It is located in St. James's neighborhood at the mouth of the Montuga River, on the shore of the Gulf, on the edge of the coastal strip felling off the rest of the island of the mountains, on the so-called Jamaican Riviera. They say that Christopher Columbus is noticed this place "the bay of good weather." This amazing fancy city is considered the tourist capital of Jamaica. This is a city with a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Montego Bay is a small town - you can go to anywhere on foot.

Traditional business card:

In the port of Montego Bay, beautiful and majestic cruise liners are coming daily, cargo ships. Nearby is a free economic zone on which the production of clothing is produced for exports, mainly in the United States and Canada. Sangster International Airport - MBJ International Airport is located on the coast of the Bay of the Caribbean. His runway starts from the very edge of the water and when landing the aircraft it seems that it sitster on the water.

Montego Bay consists of three main parts. Actually the city itself with its colorful and busy streets. Here are shops, markets and banks. The Montego Bay architecture is a mixture of houses in the colonial style that have come down from the last century, which are interspersed with modern buildings. The second part is given under the territory of hotels and stretches along the coast through the entire city. The third part is villas and hotels located on the slope of the mountains in the vicinity of the city. Next to Monghe Bay are ancient house planters. On plantations and now, as in the distant past, tropical cultures are cultivated.

In the very center of the tourist capital, the SAM Sharpe Square is paved with a cobblestone. Square is named after the Baptist Decacon Sam Sharpe famous for the "Christmas Bunut" in 1834. On the square there are ruins of the prison buildings, built in 1804. Prison was initially intended for contentrunaway slaves and useduntil 1906, the Spaniards, almost completely destroying the local population, began to bring slaves from Africa. Here is a memorial in honor of the National Hero Sam Sharpe, and the statues of slaves.

On Harbor Street is the largest, but not the only one, the Montego Bay market. Montego Bay markets attract buyers abundance of vegetables and fruits, different seafood, as well asoffer a huge selection a variety of goods andsouvenir products. For shopping lovers, this is a real paradise!

The Art Gallery of Heavens in Montego Bay is devoted to the main works of Polish captain and artist Michael Leschinsky. The gallery is located in his former house and studio on the slope of a picturesque hill in the village of Belmot, a suburb of Montego Bay. The art gallery of the Indians introduces the culture of indigenous people of Jamaica.

Greenwood-Groji-House in the Grinwood Museum is a wonderful collection of old furniture of musical instruments, cards.

Main entertainment for tourists in Jamaica is water entertainment. Dazzling white sandy beach Walter Fletcher with a sea park located on it offers entertainment for every taste. Here you can enjoy water sports, ride boats with glass bottom, hydrocycles, as well as play beach volleyball or tennis, jump on trampolines. And, of course, just sunbathe under the affectionate Caribbean Sun, presenting yourself with a pirate, or a prisoner of pirates. After all, Jamaica has long been a refuge for sea wolves.

And one more entertainment, which is not anywhere in any park of the world. In the natural reserve, tourists will be able to feed from the hands of exotic birds - Hummingbird. Beautiful wildlife with magnificent waterfalls and evergreen forests, azure sea and dazzling white sand. It is possible to get acquainted with the vegetation world of the island not only in the park, but in the botanical garden.

The Underwater Park of the Mo Bay - Andershi Submarine, on which every wishes can dive into a depth of six feet under the water, and comfortably settled in the chair to watch the underwater world of the Caribbean Sea. And this is a whole fabulous underwater kingdom decorated with exotic vegetation and hundreds of thousands of various species of fish and turtles.

For lovers of outdoor activities in nature in Montego Bay are organized tours of Marta Rivers - Brahe and Rake - River. Traveling on the thirty-foot roofs from the bamboo on the river will reveal the mystery, full of charming corners of nature. The river is very calm, and therefore swimming on a raft under the leadership of the captain, you will allow you to enjoy the beauty of landscapes. You can ride along the river on canoe, feeling yourself with a real Indian. As well as in the summer, visit the Regga Festival, which collects in the mountains many performers of incendiary musical rhythms.

And finally, a completely striking and unique place: it Glistening Waters or Glowing Lagoon. In the evening it looks just amazing! Unforgettably! Millions of the smallest luminous organisms permeate the lagoon with a magic flickering light. Leaving anything from any comparable impressions!

In addition, in Montego Bay, you can enjoy a golf game, because there is Tryall Golf Clubwho spread out 2200 acres of land on the shore of the very blue caribbean sea and there are five 18-hole golf courses.

Vintage plantations with houses of that time, acting and cast under museums tell about the past of the city and the whole Jamaica. Belvedere is one of the first plantations of sugar cane on JamaicaNow the already existing plantation is open to the public, so that everyone can enjoy the natural beauties of rivers and waterfalls, exotic plants and animals.

In the east of the city of Montego Bay, is located farm House Rose Hall Great House, built in 1770. Having visited it, you can hear the stories of the inhabitants about the White Witch Rose Hall, which, according to the legend, killed her three husbands and terrorized all the slaves belonging to her.

Theater Bob MarleyIn which every hour show a documentary with his participation for all lovers of his music, and those cat had no pleasure to visit his concert. Bob Marley is an outstanding historical figure, the performer of a plurality of popular songs in the style of Rggie.

The store adjacent to the theater has the widest choice in the world of T-shirts with the image of Bob Marley.

Sunset in Montego Bay Symbolized and denotes not the end of the day, but the beginning of the pulsating tropical night. At night, restaurants, bars and clubs come to life. Night clubs and restaurants offer a variety of entertainment seven nights a week with live jazz music, fashion show, cabaret.

The kitchen, like everything on Jamaica, is filled with exotic, it combines the traditions of Spanish, English, African, Indian and Chinese cuisine: the main dish - seafood, chicken meat and kids - the base for meat dishes, obviously the whole pork was taken out of the Spaniards. In a variety of options, rice, seasoned with local greens. Desserts and pastries are very interesting - after all, they add a variety of tropical fruits and coconuts, and Guayavu, and Pineapple, and Mango. Jamaica rum is an old pirate drink. Only here you will be able to offer patties with filling from dried shrimp, from salt mackerel, which is prepared by a special recipe in coconut milk, as well as banana-coconut pudding.

Well, as well as without delicate and fragrant meat on the grill? Without him!

In the fall, a variety of festivals are held on Jamaica. All September in Montego Bay was given to the Caribbean festival (Rums of the Caribbean). It is dedicated to how it is clear from the name, the old traditions of the production of the famous Jamaican Roma and pirates, which made this drink legendary - "and-th, and a bottle of Roma!". At the festival fair it will be possible to try a variety of roma and products made on its basis.

Cable & Wireless Golf Academy Kingston is held Festival of Wine and Food (Wine and Food Festival). His sponsor is a charity foundation, struggling with heart disease in Jamaica. Guests of the festival will be offered a variety of wines and dishes created from products useful for the heart.