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Who and why built the pyramids on earth. Why did the ancients build pyramids all over the earth? - Is the exact age of the pyramids known now?

The first hint that the location of the ancient pyramidal complexes on Earth is subordinate to a certain plan is contained, apparently, in the "Secret Doctrine", E.P. Blavatsky (included in the epigraph). The "four corners of the world" in quotation marks suggest a reference to some source with a description of what these corners are and where they are located. The author was not able to find out where these 4 corners came from for Elena Petrovna, but the use of such a phrase does not seem to be accidental. Otherwise, one would expect phrases like “scattered all over the world” or “found everywhere” or something similar. However, the entire "Secret Doctrine" consists of hints and ambiguities, so the only thing that can be said here is that the location of the complexes is probably not accidental.

Nowadays, the idea of ​​a world pyramid system has received wide (among those interested in this topic) advertising, thanks to the works of Professor Ernst Muldashev. "Sensational results of a Tibetan scientific expedition organized by the weekly" AiF ".

Indian pyramid of Brihadeshwar.

This pyramid is located in the city of Thanjavur (India) and is part of a large temple dedicated to the god Shiva. This is a very beautiful and intricate pyramid: complex in architecture, decorated with colored figures ... Very unusual! According to some sources, the age of this pyramid is much older than generally accepted. For example, scientists from the Laboratory for Alternative History consider it one of the oldest pyramids in the world, miraculously preserved to this day ...

And here is what they write about this pyramid-temple on the Internet:

“It is believed to be the largest temple in India dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple previously performed two functions simultaneously: it was both a fortress and a temple. Brihadesvara is the richest temple of Shiva.

The temple is in the form of a pyramid, which was built in the era of the Cholov dynasty. For that time, this temple was built very quickly - in just 25 years. The height of the pyramid is 58 meters, and the length of each of the four temple walls forming a rectangle is 152 and 76 meters.

It is also believed that this temple has a huge treasury that contains the most incredible treasures. For many centuries, wealthy people who worshiped Shiva, the dancing god, gave this temple jewels and lands. The servants of the temple carefully guard the secret of what exactly may be in the treasury. "

Pyramids of China.

The existence of the Chinese pyramids was only discovered in the middle of the twentieth century. For many years, the Chinese government has forbidden seekers from other countries to visit ancient buildings. Satellite photographs show sixteen pyramids near the city of Xi'an.

Australian trader Fred Mayer Schroder, in his diaries written in 1912, mentioned ancient pyramids in China. He drove caravans and traded with many countries. Another caravan, passing by the Mongolian-Chinese border with a Mongol guide, he said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the city of Xi'an. " And after several tiring days, an amazing picture opened up in front of the merchant: a very beautiful structure with four sides of regular shape and a flat top. He was struck by the greatness and power of the pyramids, he thought about the people who built such a magnificent structure, their knowledge and power to do such things. The caravan approached the pyramids from the east, in the main group of pyramids there were three large ones, and the rest gradually decreased to the smallest located in the south. The chain of pyramids stretched about ten kilometers in length.

These pyramids were unknown to anyone for many years; the Chinese government carefully concealed their existence. The largest pyramid is approximately three hundred meters high and about five hundred meters at the base. This pyramid is much larger than the Cheops pyramid. This pyramid is strictly oriented to the cardinal points and is painted in different colors: red - south, north - black, white - west, and east - green-blue. The faces of the pyramid were steps leading to the very top of the pyramid, but now these steps have crumbled over time. You can climb only to the middle of the pyramid, since the lower steps are large and represent a step with an area of ​​about one square meter.

In China, all buildings were made of clay and the pyramid is no exception. Trees and bushes grow on the slopes of the pyramid, giving the pyramid a resemblance to a natural object. According to ancient books, the age of these pyramids is more than five thousand years, in them the pyramids are indicated as existing for many centuries before the writing of these books. And only not many have seen these pyramids, no one is allowed to them. The Chinese authorities are keeping the existence of these pyramids a secret.

It is very interesting that these pyramids are located at 34 degrees north latitude, and their layout is very similar to the Egyptian one. The Egyptian pyramids are located at 30 degrees north latitude, and there is a geometric correspondence with the pyramids, which suggests that one civilization built the pyramids. It is long in a circle, between the pyramids of Shansi and Cheops, equal to 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude and corresponds to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, corresponds to the harmonic equivalent of mass. The same number is obtained from the distance between the pyramids №4,5,6 in Shanxi and the Great Egyptian pyramid.

These calculations are impressive and suggest that the correspondence to the harmonic equivalent of mass and the location of the pyramid complexes on the planet has a certain connection, and they were built as a single whole for a specific purpose. It is in these groups of pyramids that they allow you to resonate in unison with all harmonic fields. The construction of pyramids is possibly associated with electronic processes associated with the transmission of information over great distances. According to the data from the Egyptian pyramids, there were special electronic devices inside them, which made it possible to generate certain vibrations. These vibrations were amplified by the pyramids and transmitted over a huge distance. All information about this was lost, as many ancient books were destroyed. Perhaps the transmissions were not limited only to the earth, the pyramids were used as a huge transmitter-receiver for communication with other planets located at great distances. This mystery has not been solved, since we have not yet received the exact information about their purpose. But today it is already known for sure that the pyramids were not at all built by the rulers to whom they are attributed.

Pyramids of Tibet.

In 1999, an expedition of scientists from Ufa, consisting of four people (E.R. Muldashev, R.Sh. Mirkhaidarov, S.A. Seliverstov and R.G. Yusupov) went to Tibet in search of the fabulous City of the Gods. Its result exceeded the wildest expectations of researchers: they discovered the largest group of pyramids in the world! All pyramids are very ancient. Their age is much older than the age of the Egyptian pyramids, which, unlike the Tibetan ones, are much better preserved. For comparison, if the average age of the Great Egyptian pyramids is about 4,600 years, then, according to some estimates, the age of the Tibetan pyramids is about 1,000,000 years! Since most of the pyramids, due to their amazing antiquity, have significantly suffered from time, the question naturally arises: could scientists see the pyramids where they simply do not exist? In other words, confuse the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains with the shape of a pyramid? After all, Tibet is one of the mysterious places of the planet, for many people it is sacred. Every year hundreds of pilgrims from different countries of the world come there, as well as tourists. Why did none of them notice the pyramids before this expedition?

First of all, despite the great destruction, if you look closely, you can clearly see the fairly clear contours of the pyramids. However, in order not to be mistaken, the scientists entered the obtained data into a computer (photographs, sketches, video filming), which processed them. As a result of such processing, it became clear where is the pyramid in the picture, and where is the usual mountain. Why people did not notice them before is also quite understandable. The fact is that the psychology of pilgrims is very specific. These people are immersed in themselves. After overcoming many difficulties on their way and reaching the holy places, which of course is Tibet, they plunge into meditation and disconnect from reality. The scientific view is alien and unnecessary for them. At the same time, there is no information about the presence of scientific expeditions in this area. Nicholas Roerich was here, but he could not reach the sacred Mount Kailash, in the area of ​​which the pyramid complex was discovered. Even the Ufa expedition itself, with great difficulty, managed to obtain permission from the Chinese authorities for a scientific expedition in that area.

In total, scientists have discovered about 100 pyramids, as well as various monuments, clearly oriented to the cardinal points and located around the most sacred and revered Mount Kailash for the entire eastern world. It is the main pyramid and is 6,714 meters high. All other pyramids in shape and size are very different from each other. Their height ranges from 100 to 1,800 meters. For comparison, let us recall that the highest Egyptian pyramid, the Cheops pyramid, originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of the cladding has been lost over the years, its height is only 138 meters!
Among the pyramids there are rather strange stone formations with concave or flat surfaces, called "mirrors" by the members of the expedition. As it turned out, they have a very curious purpose. In addition, something very similar to huge stone statues of people was discovered.

Material from the site

For several centuries, the mysteries of Ancient Egypt have been in the focus of attention of historians and archaeologists. When it comes to this ancient civilization, first of all, one recalls the grandiose pyramids, many of whose secrets have not yet been revealed. Among such mysteries, which are still far from being solved, is the construction of a great structure - the largest of all the pyramids of Cheops that have come down to our time.

Famous and mysterious civilization

Of all the oldest civilizations, the culture of Ancient Egypt is perhaps the best studied. And the point here is not only in the multitude of historical artifacts and architectural monuments that have survived to this day, but also in the abundance of written sources. Even historians and geographers of Antiquity paid attention to this country and, describing the culture and religion of the Egyptians, did not ignore the construction of the great pyramids in Ancient Egypt.

And when, in the 19th century, the Frenchman Champollion was able to decipher the hieroglyphic writing of this ancient people, scientists gained access to a huge array of information in the form of papyri, stone steles with hieroglyphs and numerous inscriptions on the walls of tombs and temples.

The history of the ancient Egyptian civilization goes back almost 40 centuries, and there are many interesting, bright and often mysterious pages in it. But the greatest attention is drawn to the Ancient Kingdom, the great pharaohs, the construction of the pyramids and the mysteries associated with them.

When the pyramids were built

The era that Egyptologists call the Old Kingdom lasted from 3000 to 2100 BC. e., just at this time, the Egyptian rulers were fond of building pyramids. All tombs erected earlier or later are much smaller in size, and the quality is worse, which affected their preservation. It seems that the heirs of the architects of the great pharaohs at once lost the knowledge of their ancestors. Or were they completely different people who replaced an incomprehensibly disappeared race?

The pyramids were erected in the period and even later, in the era of the Ptolemies. But not all pharaohs "ordered" such tombs for themselves. So, at present, more than a hundred pyramids are known, built over 3 thousand years - from 2630, when the first pyramid was erected, until the 4th century AD. NS.

The predecessors of the great pyramids

Before the great ones were erected, the history of the construction of these grandiose buildings totaled more than one hundred years.

According to the generally accepted version, the pyramids served as tombs in which the pharaohs were buried. Long before the construction of these structures, the rulers of Egypt were buried in mastabas - relatively small buildings. But in the XXVI century BC. NS. the first real pyramids were built, the construction of which began with the era of Pharaoh Djoser. The tomb named after him is located 20 km from Cairo and is very different in appearance from those that are called great.

It has a stepped shape and gives the impression of several mastabas stacked on top of one another. True, its dimensions are rather big - more than 120 meters around the perimeter and 62 meters in height. This is a grandiose building for its time, but it cannot be compared with the pyramid of Cheops.

By the way, a lot is known about the construction of the tomb of Djoser; even written sources have survived, which mention the name of the architect - Imhotep. After one and a half thousand years, he became the patron saint of scribes and doctors.

The first of the classical pyramids is the tomb of Pharaoh Snofu, the construction of which was completed in 2589. The limestone blocks of this tomb are reddish, which is why Egyptologists call it “red” or “pink”.

Great pyramids

This is the name of the three cyclopean tetrahedrons located in Giza, on the left bank of the Nile.

The oldest and largest of them is the pyramid of Khufu, or, as the ancient Greeks called it, Cheops. It is it that is most often called the Great, which is not surprising, because the length of each of its sides is 230 meters, and the height is 146 meters. Now, however, it is slightly lower due to destruction and weathering.

The second largest is the tomb of Chephren, the son of Cheops. Its height is 136 meters, although visually it looks higher than the Khufu pyramid, because it was built on a hill. Not far from it you can see the famous Sphinx, whose face, according to legend, is a sculptural portrait of Khafre.

The third - the pyramid of Pharaoh Mikerin - is only 66 meters high, and it was built much later. Nevertheless, this pyramid looks very harmonious and is considered the most beautiful of the greats.

Modern man is accustomed to grandiose structures, but his imagination is also shaken by the great pyramids of Egypt, the history and secrets of construction.

Secrets and riddles

The monumental structures in Giza were included in the list of the main wonders of the world, of which the ancient Greeks numbered only seven, even in the era of Antiquity. Today it is very difficult to comprehend the plan of the ancient rulers, who spent colossal funds and human resources on the construction of such gigantic tombs. Thousands of people for 20-30 years were cut off from the economy and were engaged in the construction of a tomb for their ruler. Such irrational use of labor is questionable.

Since the time when the great pyramids were erected, the secrets of construction have not ceased to attract the attention of scientists.

Perhaps the construction of the great pyramid had a completely different goal? In the pyramid of Cheops, three chambers were found, which Egyptologists called burial, but in none of them were found mummies of the dead and objects that necessarily accompanied a person to the kingdom of Osiris. There are no decorations or drawings on the walls of the burial chambers either, or rather, there is only one small portrait on the wall in the corridor.

The sarcophagus found in the pyramid of Khafre is also empty, although many statues were found inside this tomb, but there are no things that, according to Egyptian customs, were placed in the tombs.

Egyptologists believe that the pyramids were plundered. Perhaps, but not entirely clear, why the robbers also needed the mummies of the buried pharaohs.

There are many mysteries associated with these cyclopean structures in Giza, but the very first question that arises in a person who saw them firsthand: how did the construction of the great pyramids of Ancient Egypt take place?

Amazing facts

Cyclopean structures demonstrate the phenomenal knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy and geodesy. The faces of the Cheops Pyramid, for example, are precisely oriented to the south, north, west and east, and the diagonal coincides with the direction of the meridian. Moreover, this accuracy is higher than that of the observatory in Paris.

And such a shape, ideal from the point of view of geometry, is huge in size, and even composed of separate blocks!

Therefore, the knowledge of the ancients in the field of building art is even more impressive. The pyramids are built from giant stone monoliths weighing up to 15 tons. The granite blocks lining the walls of the main burial chamber of the Khufu pyramid weighed 60 tons each. How did such colossus rise, if this chamber is at a height of 43 meters? And some of the stone blocks of Khafren's tomb generally weigh 150 tons.

The construction of the great pyramid of Cheops required the ancient architects to process, drag and lift more than 2 million such blocks to a very significant height. Even modern technology does not make this task easy.

A completely natural surprise arises: why did the Egyptians need to drag such colossus to a height of several tens of meters? Wasn't it easier to put together a pyramid of smaller stones? After all, they were able to somehow "cut" these blocks from a solid rock mass, why didn't they make their task easier by sawing them into pieces?

Besides this, there is another mystery. The blocks were not just laid in rows, but they were so carefully processed and tightly fitted to each other that in some places the gap between the plates is less than 0.5 millimeters.

After the construction of the pyramid, it was still faced with stone slabs, which, however, had long been taken away for the construction of houses by enterprising local residents.

How did the ancient architects manage to solve this incredibly difficult task? There are many theories, but they all have their flaws and weaknesses.

Herodotus' version

The famous historian of Antiquity Herodotus visited Egypt and saw the Egyptian pyramids. The construction, a description of which was left by an ancient Greek scientist, looked like this.

Hundreds of people on drags dragged the stone block to the pyramid under construction, and then, with the help of a wooden gate and a system of levers, lifted it to the first platform, equipped at the lower level of the structure. Then the next lifting mechanism came into play. And so, moving from one site to another, the blocks were raised to the desired height.

It is difficult even to imagine how much effort was required by the great Egyptian pyramids. Their construction (photo, according to Herodotus, see below) was really an extremely difficult task.

For a long time this version was adhered to by the majority of Egyptologists, although it raised doubts. It is difficult to imagine such wooden lifts that could withstand tens of tons of weight. And dragging millions of multi-ton blocks on the drags seems difficult.

Can Herodotus be trusted? Firstly, he did not witness the construction of the great pyramids, since he lived much later, although, perhaps, he could observe how smaller tombs were erected.

Secondly, the famous scientist of Antiquity often sinned against the truth in his writings, trusting the stories of travelers or ancient manuscripts.

The "ramp" theory

In the 20th century, the version proposed by the French researcher Jacques Philippe Louer became popular among Egyptologists. He suggested that the stone blocks were moved not on drags, but on rollers along a special embankment-ramp, which gradually became higher and, accordingly, longer.

The construction of the great pyramid (photo of the image below), therefore, required a lot of ingenuity.

But this version also has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the work of thousands of workers on dragging stone blocks was not at all facilitated by this method, because the blocks had to be dragged up the mountain, into which the embankment gradually turned. And this is extremely difficult.

Secondly, the slope of the ramp should be no more than 10˚, therefore, its length will be more than a kilometer. To build such an embankment requires labor no less than the construction of the tomb itself.

Even if it was not one ramp, but several, built from one tier of the pyramid to another, it is still a colossal work with dubious results. Especially when you consider that it takes several hundred people to move each block, and there is practically no place for them to be placed on narrow platforms and embankments.

In 1978, admirers from Japan tried to build a pyramid with a height of only 11 meters using drags and embankments. They could not complete the construction, inviting modern technology to help.

It seems that people with the technology that was in ancient times cannot do this. Or were they not people? Who Built the Great Pyramids at Giza?

Aliens or Atlanteans?

The version that the great pyramids were built by representatives of a different race, despite its fantastic nature, has quite rational grounds.

Firstly, it is doubtful that the people who lived in the Bronze Age possessed the tools and technologies that allowed them to process such an array of wild stone and build from it a perfect, in terms of geometry, structure weighing more than one million tons.

Secondly, the statement that the great pyramids were built in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. e., controversial. It was expressed by the same Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century. BC. and described the Egyptian pyramids, the construction of which was completed almost 2 thousand years before his visit. In his writings, he simply retold what the priests told him.

There are assumptions that these cyclopean structures were erected much earlier, perhaps 8-12 thousand years ago, and maybe all 80. These assumptions are based on the fact that, apparently, the pyramids, the sphinx and the temples around them survived the flood era. This is evidenced by traces of erosion, which were found on the lower part of the Sphinx statue and the lower tiers of the pyramids.

Thirdly, the great pyramids are clearly objects related in one way or another to astronomy and space. Moreover, this is their purpose is more important than the function of the tombs. Suffice it to recall that there are no burials in them, although there is what Egyptologists call sarcophagi.

The theory of the extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids in the 60s was popularized by the Swiss Erich von Deniken. However, all his evidence is more likely a figment of the writer's imagination than the result of serious research.

Assuming that aliens organized the construction of the great pyramid, the photo should look something like the picture below.

The Atlantean version has no less fans. According to this theory, the pyramids, long before the emergence of the ancient Egyptian civilization, were built by representatives of some other race, who possessed either super-developed technology or the ability by willpower to move colossal blocks of stone through the air. Just like Master Yoda from the famous Star Wars movie.

It is practically impossible to prove, as well as to refute these theories, by scientific methods. But perhaps there is a less fantastic answer to the question of who built the great pyramids? Why could not the ancient Egyptians, who had a variety of knowledge in other areas, have done this? There is one that removes the veil of mystery surrounding the construction of the great pyramid.

Concrete version

If the handling and processing of multi-ton stone blocks is so laborious, couldn't the ancient builders have used an easier method of pouring concrete?

This point of view is actively defended and proved by several well-known scientists of different specialties.

The French chemist Joseph Davidovich, having made a chemical analysis of the material of the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid is built, suggested that this is not a natural stone, but concrete of a complex composition. It was made on the basis of ground rock, and is the so-called Davidovich's conclusions were confirmed by a number of American researchers.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. G. Fomenko, having examined the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid is built, believes that the "concrete version" is the most plausible. The builders simply grind the excess stone, add binding admixtures, for example, lime, lifted the base for concrete in baskets to the construction site and already there they loaded it into the formwork and diluted with water. When the mixture solidified, the formwork was disassembled and transferred to another place.

Decades later, concrete was compressed so much that it became indistinguishable from natural stone.

It turns out that during the construction of the great pyramid, not stone, but concrete blocks were used? It would seem that this version is quite logical and explains many of the mysteries of the construction of the ancient pyramids, including the complexity of transportation and the quality of block processing. But it has its weak points, and it raises questions no less than other theories.

Firstly, it is very difficult to imagine how the ancient builders could grind more than 6 million tons of rock without the use of technology. After all, this is exactly the weight of the Cheops pyramid.

Secondly, the possibility of using wooden formwork in Egypt, where wood has always been highly valued, is questionable. Even the boats of the pharaohs were made of papyrus.

Thirdly, the ancient architects, undoubtedly, could have come up with the idea of ​​making concrete. But the question arises: where did this knowledge go then? Already a few centuries after the construction of the great pyramid, not a trace remained of them. Tombs of this kind were still being erected, but they were all just a pitiful resemblance to those that stand on the plateau at Giza. And up to the present time, most often formless piles of stones have remained from the pyramids of a later period.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty how the great pyramids were built, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed.

Not only Ancient Egypt, but also other civilizations of the past keep many mysteries, which makes acquaintance with their history an incredibly fascinating journey into the past.

The Egyptian pyramids, built by aliens, according to the proponents of this point of view, were a cosmodrome where their spaceships landed, including for refueling.

At the top of the Cheops pyramid, there is now a flat area. According to scientists, there was a triangular stone pyramidion, but perhaps it was not there at all. It is hard to imagine that he just disappeared, because his weight was about one hundred tons.

Why aren't the aliens using the pyramids for their intended purpose now? Experts agree that although extraterrestrial beings continue to visit our planet, they no longer need pyramids. In view of technical progress, they now have other ships that do not need such a cosmodrome. Thus, Pyramids of Egypt Is a kind of outdated alien space equipment.

Signs have been preserved in the pyramids indicating the placement of special alien equipment there. So, in the Great Gallery, there are 28 recesses on the walls. One gets the impression that they housed something, perhaps some kind of mechanisms and devices, with the help of which, in particular, energy was generated for the functioning of ships.

Where did all these devices go? Most likely, they were destroyed by the aliens themselves. After the invention of more advanced means of transportation, the old technology was no longer needed.

In the middle of the pyramid, in the king's room, is a large granite box. It may have contained alien fuel. There is also an opinion that various chemical processes took place in this room for a reason, this room is finished with granite, not limestone, because granite is much harder and more reliable. The room is completely sealed, except for two tunnels, which scientists believe are ventilation shafts. But is it?

The tunnels have entrance holes 20 x 20 cm, they are located on the walls at a distance of 1 m from the floor. Is it a coincidence that the top of the granite box is at the same height. Another oddity is that the walls of the tunnels are made of large stone slabs, which suggests that it was not water that flowed through them, but something else. It can be concluded that fuel was supplied to the top through the tunnels for refueling ships.

At the bottom of the pyramid there is a room with an uneven bottom. This is odd because all the other rooms are perfectly aligned. Perhaps there was a warehouse in it, so they did not bring it to perfect condition. The room has a tunnel leading upstairs. Most likely, an elevator was moving along the tunnel, transporting substances from the warehouse.

And the aliens moved inside the pyramids with the help of special elevators, like capsules through numerous tunnels. It's no coincidence that all these tunnels have such precise dimensions.

How did the aliens build the pyramids? It can be assumed that they did not move the stone blocks manually, but through the air using special beams that were generated by alien ships.

Why information about aliens is hidden

There are two main reasons why information about an alien civilization is so carefully hidden.

The first reason is to prevent panic among the population. It is known that the US government has created a special project "Blue Book". According to official information, he was supposed to study alien phenomena. In fact, he developed various ways to hide the fact of the existence of aliens from the inhabitants of the planet.

Another reason is that the world powers are trying to get ahead of each other in the field of alien technology research. By studying high-tech equipment, you can gain the ability to apply extraterrestrial knowledge to produce unrivaled types of weapons.

Despite this secrecy, an increasing number of the planet's inhabitants believe that we are not alone in this universe.

The version about the construction of pyramids by a highly developed civilization

This theory also does not apply to the officially recognized, but boils down to the fact that the pyramids were built by people.

Proponents of this theory believe that once upon a time there was already a civilization on Earth with a high level of consciousness and technology.

According to one theory, such a civilization was the Atlanteans (inhabitants of Atlantis), who built the pyramids or helped the inhabitants of Egypt in this.

According to another version, the ancient inhabitants of Egypt were able to find and apply the technologies of civilizations that existed in the past for the construction of pyramids. Again, historians know nothing about the existence of such civilizations.

Another theory boils down to the fact that the ancient Egyptians themselves were at an extremely high stage of development.


Summing up, we can come to the following conclusion: the one who built the pyramids of Egypt clearly had a high level of development in the field of technology. This level of knowledge could only be possessed by an extraterrestrial civilization or, as we call them, aliens.

Pyramids are by far one of the most mysterious structures on our planet. Perhaps, nothing beats their grandeur and perfection of the executed plan. But only today comes the understanding that the meaning of these places of worship extends far beyond the notions of official science - such as: tombs, "barns for storing grain" or even religious temples.

Many scientists agree that these buildings are the most ancient receivers and transmitters of information. And, obviously, there is some part of the truth in this. But, most likely, not all. The real possibilities and goals of creating these structures are much broader and more functional. It seems that these were also excellent power plants - accumulating and generating electricity. energy due to their structure and the material from which they were mainly built. Granite, marble, concrete slabs of silicon sand - served as resonators with external vibrations of the Planet and Space. A d linen, limestone, brick - were used as insulating material. If you look deeper, then of course, in the beginning, a difference was created in the potential of the more subtle energies - called high-frequency static / direct current. And only then, through transformer devices (which are depicted in many on the walls of the internal premises of some of the pyramids), they were fed to various technical devices for household and industrial purposes - from lighting lamps to electrolytic devices and sawmill-grinding equipment ...

By the way, at that time there was no need to use special wires for transporting e-mail. energy. Used transmitting-receiving resonators - based on the same internal structure of matter and external form. Substance - identical content + exact proportions metal alloys. Shapes - spheres, crosses, cubes, etc. - including pyramidal shapes. But that's a different story. Which we will talk about another time.

In the meantime, let's return to the topic of the pyramids themselves and their purpose.

So, according to another version, the pyramids were built as pyramidal lenses - to concentrate the output / input of energy from / from the Earth and Space. And they were built not chaotically - but strictly along certain energy lines and intersections of their nodes.

So if we consider the Earth itself as a crystal, then the pyramids were built on the "tops" of the corners of this crystal. For example:

Simply put, the pyramids were built in order to stabilize the Earth's magnetic field. All pyramids were located at certain points on the Earth in order to change the electromagnetic flow passing through them. In other words, the pyramid itself is nothing more than an ordinary lens that modulates the flows passing through it. Feeding the energy fields of the Earth and preventing the movement of the lithosphere at the same time.

Although, to be absolutely certain, the pyramids did not change the electromagnetic flow itself, but the gravitational and its adjacent levels - being, as it were, a funnel with its wide part facing downward to capture the gravitational radiation of the Earth and the concentration of radiation at the top. Here physical interactions take place, which are still little mastered by modern science. Academic scientists have yet to tackle this issue, since it is customary in the scientific world to ignore facts if they cannot yet be explained. And by the way, the pyramids were not necessarily built from start to finish. Often, a suitable height was used, which was lined with the necessary building and assembly material - giving it the desired pyramidal shape.

And it is worth SEPARATELY UNDERLINE a VERY IMPORTANT POINT: most of the pyramid complexes are absolutely precisely tied to the main "reference points" of the constellation Orion (most often to the Orion belt). And this gives some researchers reason to insist on the theory of "Orion enslavement of the Earth." And already in this version, the theory of the Planet unbalanced by the pyramids contradicts the opinion of those who insist on the stabilizing role of the same pyramids.

As always, Truth seems to be somewhere in between. That is, the pyramids were built. in its various forms, for all purposes - simultaneously: and as capacitors-power plants-energy transmitters; and as receivers and transmitters of information - both within the Earth and near and far Space; and as a station for body rejuvenation and organ regeneration; and as a station for teleportation of objects and bodies of people / gods themselves. And this was a ubiquitous phenomenon in ancient times.

Therefore, the pyramids were built not only in Egypt. They were built and preserved to varying degrees throughout the world. Both on the surface and underground and under water. And even on other planets and their satellites.

And in support of all of the above, I will give a photo of specific artifact objects - pyramids - on different continents - in different countries of the world:

And let's start our journey around the world:

As expected, the aperitif is the already well-known pyramids of Egypt:

Pyramids in Numibia (Sudan):

Many other images of pyramids in Egypt and Africa

Pyramids at Teotihuacan, Mexico

"State of the City of Snakes" - the pyramids of Kalamkul in Mexico

Altun Ha-pyramid - Belize + Temple of the Great Jaguar - Honduras

Grand pyramid + pyramidal complex Machu Picchu in Peru ...

Now let us be transported to the other end of the World. Pyramids in Europe:

Bosnia. Mount Visočica - Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramids in Romania:

Pyramids in France:

And in many other places in Europe -

And few people know that there are ancient pyramids in Russia:


Altai, pyramid of Sartyklai

Ural ...

Kamchatka ... + Baikal

Chukotka + Kola Peninsula


And here is the video evidence of the presence of ancient pyramids in Russia -

Now let's turn our attention to Asia and take a look at the local pyramids:

Tibet + India

Indonesia + Cambodia (Kampuchea)

And what is under the water?

Japan Underwater Pyramids - Yonaguni ...

Underwater Pyramids of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea:

A little video on this topic:

Pyramids of atlantis

Underwater pyramids of North America

China's underwater pyramids


Well, and quite unexpectedly - the pyramids in Antarctica:

VIDEO: Pyramids of Antarctica


And finally, we'll arm ourselves with a telescope and take a close look at the near space:

Lunar surface + magnification


VIDEO: Pyramid and Remains of Structures on the Moon

VIDEO: Traces of an ancient civilization on the Moon


And this is Mars:

The Pyramid of Cheops- the tallest pyramid in Egypt, at the same time it is the most mysterious and majestic structure in the world. This is the only remaining miracle from the oldest list of the seven wonders of the world, a masterpiece of engineering and architectural art not only because of its gigantic size (its height is 150 meters, area is 4000 square meters, gigantic stones are stacked in 200 rows).

The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2550 year BC. One gets the impression that it is simply not subject to time, but, by the way, it is already at least 5 thousand years old. Who built them, and even so skillfully - a question to which there is no answer.

It is believed that the Cheops pyramid weighs 6,3 million tons, and it contains more building material than all cathedrals, churches and chapels in England! Until the 13th century, the pyramid was faced with white polished limestone. But after an earthquake in the 13th century, which loosened some of the shell stones, the Arabs began to use the cladding to build and rebuild Cairo's mosques and palaces (including the Sultan Hassan Mosque).

Historians claim that the construction of the pyramid lasted 14 - 20 years, and their architect was Hemiun- the vizier of Cheops. In books on the history of ancient Egypt, pictures of pyramid-building are shown, where Egyptian workers use cranes from palm branches to build a pyramid - how naive! Not so long ago, a team of Egyptologists conducted a small experiment - they tried to build a miniature pyramid 10 meters high using such cranes from palm branches, imitating the construction conditions of that time. The result was disastrous, palm cranes simply could not withstand the weight of the stones, so scientists soon had to curtail their attempts.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the only pyramid with ascending and descending passages. It is impossible not to highlight the huge slope present in its construction, which is called the "great gallery". At its end there is a narrow passage that leads to the "king's room", where the walls are decorated with polished granite. Scientists believe that the "king's room" was a triumph of Egyptian geometry, because, according to their calculations, it was built according to the golden ratio. The sarcophagus is made of a monolith of red granite, while its dimensions are even larger than the entrance to the room itself. The sarcophagus was first discovered in open form and no valuable things were found in it. Nowadays, no one knows if it was intended for the body of the pharaoh.

In the very center is the smallest room - the Queen's Room. The eastern wall of the pyramid of Cheops has a niche where, according to the hypothesis of Egyptologists, there was a statue of the Pharaoh's wife. The third room is unfinished and is located underground at a depth of 27.5 meters. It is crudely decorated, without the luxury inherent in the other two rooms. Among Egyptologists, there is an opinion that this particular room was supposed to serve as a burial chamber for the pharaoh, but Cheops changed his mind and ordered to build it higher.

Some constructive facts testify to the deep astronomical and mathematical knowledge of the priests who supervise the construction of the Cheops pyramid. For example, adding the four sides of the base of this pyramid and dividing the resulting number by its height, we get 3.1416 - the well-known number "Pi". And the next feature is simply amazing - the height of the Cheops pyramid exactly coincides with a billionth fraction of the distance from the Earth to the Sun! It turns out that the Egyptians already 5,000 years ago possessed the knowledge that even the scientists of the Newtonian era did not have. It is not surprising that in our days there are a variety of assumptions about how the pyramid of Cheops was built, up to hypotheses about the intervention of aliens in this process.

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