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What a child who fell from the ladder. PE in Pulkovo: the girl fallen from the ladder died. The guilty of emergency faces a criminal case

A two-way child suffered an operation, but it was not possible to save his life. Who is to blame for what happened and what will be compensation to relatives of the dead?

The girl who fell out of the airplane in Pulkovo was died. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Health Committee of the Administration of St. Petersburg. A semi-cooled child conducted an operation, the girl was in resuscitation in severe condition.

The incident occurred on September 28. The ladder fell when the passengers left the plane. From the height of three meters fell 1973 years old and her granddaughter. They were hospitalized. As reported by "Fontanka", the woman was diagnosed with a fracture of the leg, and the girl was injured by the head.

A criminal case was initiated, the head of the Pulkovo Special Transportation Service of the Pulkovo and another airport officer was detained. Who is responsible for the happening tragedy and what can the native deceased girl count on?

Alexander Zamidalawyer, managing partner of the Bureau "Zabida and Partners""The question of who is to blame for this case will depend on the results of the investigation. The most important thing in this case is to establish a causal relationship between perfect actions and the consequences. I will look with sadness to look at this situation if it will develop on the scenario of the investigation of the catastrophe at the Sayano-Shushenskaya GRES, there the investigators have made a careless crime of the group of persons. Or the terrorist attack in Domodedovo, when the airport owner was impulsed by the effects of the terrorist attack. None nor the other design was answered by the Russian law. It may also be in this situation. Life in Russia in the prism judicial practice Today very little is valued, the average compensation amount, according to this practice, for the careless causing death ranges from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. But there is a situation, as in the case of Domodedovo. After all, all crimes associated with minors are on special control at the Chairman of the TCR. And if he performs in the press with a statement that compensation should be big, and will indicate its size, most likely, the airport will be forced to pay it in pretrial order to avoid unreasonable expansion of the circle of suspects. "

After this incident at Pulkovo airport, they reported an extraordinary purchase of ladders as soon as possible. North-West Investigative Office initiated testing of trains at the airfields of cities included in the relevant Federal District.

The criminal case was initiated after the incident in St. Petersburg at Pulkovo Airport. When the passengers came out of the plane, the ladder fell. The victims of two are a woman and her one and a half year old granddaughter. They collapsed down three-meter height directly on concrete coating. Injuries are very serious. Doctors are fighting for the life of the child now.

The faulty ladder is now disassembled literally on the details - the specialists are trying to understand why the design capable of withstanding weight in hundreds of kilograms, afternoon fell right under the legs of two passengers. On amateur frames made a couple of minutes after the incident, the floor is visible adjacent to the aircraft. It was literally in half.

"When the passengers exit from the aircraft, part of the ladder broke away. As a result, a woman was born in 1973 with a half-year-old child fell on the ground. Both were injured and were hospitalized to the hospital, "said Mary Dobrynin, senior assistant to the head of the North-Western SU in transport.

44-year-old Maria Kobyleckskaya with granddaughter Varey rested on the Black Sea. Returned to St. Petersburg. At the airport, the woman had first aid, but injuries were serious, I had to call an ambulance.

"The patient arrived in our institution two hours after the injury is obtained in a state of mean severity, the state is regarded as stable. Our forecast is such that treatment requires at least two weeks. She has a head injury, breasts - is regarded as light, and leading injury - limbs. There are a fracture and dislocation of the ankle joint, "Alexander is found by Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery of the City Hospital No. 26 of St. Petersburg.

Watering cooking, falling from three-meter height, hit his head. All night the doctors fought for her life, they did not even let mom be allowed in the ward.

"In extremely serious condition, it is unknown, will survive or not, they operated at night. She, besides strongly shaking and hemorrhage into the brain, bruises of liver, hearts, lungs. I do not know how it will be next. I was allowed literally for two minutes to her in intensive care, she after surgery lies now in artificial coma"," Said Mother of the victim Girl Daria Petrov.

Drapp is considered a safe and reliable device. This is actually an electric car with a staircase instead of the body. Docking machine produces partially under the control of automation. Incidents with them in world practice were. But last time in Pulkovo in 2011, a six-year-old boy stumbled into a gap between the airplane and the ladder. Then it happened light bruises.

Whether the ladder was now faulty or the incorrect actions of staff led the incident, finds out the investigation. The criminal case under the article "Provision of services that do not meet the safety requirements of the life or health of consumers has been established." Until the end of the investigation, all Pulkovo ladders are derived from operation.

Six people were injured as a result of falling from a ladder when landing on a plane in Barnaul, three of them were hospitalized. The message about this is posted on the site press service of the Ministry of Transport of the Altai Territory.

"The ladder was folded, as a result of which five passengers suffered, two hospitalization was required. Three people are in the regional clinical hospital of ambulance. The airport is apologized and guarantees the provision of all the medical services complex," the text says.

The air harbor administration issued a decree on the extraordinary verification of the technical condition of all traps. Commission is formed to establish the causes of the incident. It is reported that the ladder was inspected according to the regulations in October 2018. There were no complaints about his state.

Discovered with a two-hour delay flew from Barnaul to Moscow, TASS reported in the press service of the local airport. "The departure was supposed to take place at 07:30 (03:30 MSK). Airplane" Ural Airlines"Departed at 09:38 (05:38 Moscow time). Now the Commission is checking [on the fact of the incident]," said the agency's interlocutor, adding that the rest of the passengers feel fine.

investigative committee Occurs the case in two articles: due to the possible negligence and the provision of services that do not meet the security requirements. As it turned out, the support platform support was improvised analogue and did not comply with security requirements.

The media previously wrote that nothing unusual in replacing the part of the route on the airport recorders was not available: the service of special transport has a branched network of units, the masters of which are obliged at the requests of all Pulkovo units to make parts, repair separate parts, nodes and aggregates, and also perform "non-standard Production tasks "on their own. Therefore, the original axis of the American manufacturer FMC was replaced by homemade, sharpened in Pulkovo.

A two-year-old girl who fell from the "Ural Airlines" airplane in Pulkovo airport, died. Doctors could not save the child. Familiar families told about this agency "Rosbalt".

Official comments from the investigators about the death of the girl have not yet been received. Earlier, the investigative committee on transport reported that after the tragedy he will check all the lathes of aircraft.

"After the incident at Pulkovo Airport, when the latitude of the ladder collapsed, which led to a drop from a height of more than three meters of two passengers - a 44-year-old woman with a half-year granddaughter, entrusted to the leaders of the investigative departments in transport to organize work to establish the circumstances of the current operation of passenger trains at the airfields Within the territory of the operational service, including the issues of their state accounting, "the press service of the department reports.

Recall, as a result of the incident, which occurred on September 28, the woman received fractures, a girl - a cranial injury. Passengers of the flight "Moscow - St. Petersburg" fell upon leaving the aircraft on self-propelled ladder, which collapsed due to damage to the rotary part of the platform.

The Investigative Committee has raised the case on the article on negligence and on the provision of services that do not meet the safety requirements of the life or health of consumers. The accused on the case of falling passengers is one of Pulkovo airport leaders. In addition, Pulkovo's mechanics sent under the home arrest, it was raised on it under an article about poor-quality repairs.

In the press service of the "Ural Airlines", the incidents do not comment, as the ladder belonged not to them, and Pulkovo airport.

Mother of the girl who died after falling from a ladder in Pulkovo: Doctors did not even come to me to talk

The mother of the girl who died after the fall from the aircraft ladder in the St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport, told about PE.

"I met them at the airport, stood waiting-waited, they were not all. Already people came out from that flight, the issuance of baggage ended, they are not. I already tried to call, no one took the phone. Then my mother got through and reported that they were in the medical center. I asked what happened, I was answered that they fell. I thought they fell down at the bottom, stumbled about the steps. But when I came to the medicalpoint, I realized that they fell from above, "says Daria Petrov.

According to the mother, within an hour after the fall, the child was taken to the hospital.

"I wrote to me who were on this board. They said that when they descended, the ladder was already walking, "the parent marked.

According to Petrova, despite complaints of passengers, a faulty ladder was not replaced, and the outlet of the passengers stopped only after an accident.

"Mom held her on his hands, on her other hand she had a bag. She doried by one foot from the side of the aircraft and immediately fell, "the mother added.

"Doctors have tried to start the heart for half an hour, but nothing happened. 17 days completely it was on medical support. She herself could not breathe from the first day, "she says.

In the death of a child, Daria Petrov vinit Pulkovo employees.

We will remind, the incident with a fall of a woman and a child with a ladder in Pulkovo occurred on September 28. For this fact, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Negalness". Investigators detained the head of the mechanical work site, which was responsible for conducting repeated repair of the ladder. According to the investigation, he could allow the acceptance of the work of improper quality.

Mother reported Death Details Falling from a ladder in Pulkovo Girls

A two-year-old girl who fell from the plane to the airport at Pulkovo Airport, died from a heart stop. About this TV channel Ren TV stated her mother.

"Yesterday the child had a heart. It was already the fourth stop per day. The child has already suffered three clinical death by that time. Doctors have no longer able to start the heart. They tried to start it for half an hour, but could not, "the woman told.

Early in the morning about the death of a child told Rosbalt with reference to relatives.

The girl from September 28 was in intensive care with a cranial trauma. Doctors evaluated her condition as heavy.

10:49 - REGNUM half-year-old girl who has received heavy injuries when falling from a ladder with a grandmother in St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport at the end of September, died in one of the city hospitals on Saturday, October 14, despite all the efforts of doctors. This is reported by the media and relatives of the girl in social networks.

When falling from a faulty ladder from a height of more than three meters, the girl received a brain injury, concussion, other damage and was hospitalized in serious condition. In the hospital, the child suffered several operations, but the doctors were powerless before the severity of damage.

As it turned out, the turning part of the wide spreading platform of the wrapped ladder was repeatedly repaired at the site of the mechanical work of the service of the Special Transport of the airport. The investigation assumes that these repairs were poor-quality.

During the investigation, the head of the mechanical work of the SpetsTransport LLC LLC was detained Aerial doors Northern capital» ( management Company Petersburg airport "Pulkovo"). By the court, he is placed under house arrest.

Also established an involvement of an official from among the leadership of one of the directorates of LLC "VHSS" to commit a crime. The preventive measure is not elected.

In addition, a criminal case was initiated on the signs of a crime provided for by part 2 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence, which caused by negligence causing serious harm to human health). Its defendants are not yet defined.

After PE in Pulkovo, the state of the passenger infrastructure at the airports of other cities included in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the North-Western Investigation Department in the transport of the RF IC were studied. At the airports of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Yaroslavl and Pskov, similar violations were identified, procedural tests were started.