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Yalta in May how to dress. Rest in Yalta in May. What are the prices for holidays in Yalta in May

May Yalta is filled with the smell of fresh greenery, sea salt and a premonition of the inevitably approaching hot season. At the end of spring, the most impatient vacationers are already opening the swimming season, although the sea water at this time can still be cool. But nevertheless, in early May, the resort city loudly announces the opening of the tourist season, and does it every year in a new way, preparing original surprises for visitors.

The first decade of May becomes the most eventful, when several holidays come together at once. This is May Day, which coincides with the opening of the season, and Victory Day, which attracts many tourists. A long weekend is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of the Crimea, visit the sea and relax even before the start of the official holiday season.

From the first days of May, a whole marathon of concerts begins in Yalta, which are held on the embankment. Artists from Crimea and Russia take part in them. Also these days it will be interesting for both children and adults to visit the museum under open air"Glade of fairy tales", where guests will be greeted fairy-tale heroes favorite animated series, contests and shows will be held. Many events are designed specifically for the younger audience; discos, soap bubble parties, games with prizes and many surprises are organized for children.

Jazz fans will be able to visit Jaliton, a music festival that brings together famous jazz bands and performers from all over the peninsula, as well as different corners Russia. The festival gathers about two hundred participants annually, tens of times more visitors come.

Yalta is my favorite city in Crimea. It is considered a resort, and tourist season lasts from June to September, but at any time of the year I have a great rest here and find something to my liking.

May is a good time to relax in Yalta:

  • the sun does not bake yet, there is no sweltering heat, it is warm. I go hiking in the mountains with a tent and enjoy the beauty of nature;
  • there are few tourists, there are no queues, you can get on all the planned excursions;
  • It is convenient to take pictures, no stranger constantly interferes in the frame;
  • the prices are reasonable, there is still no excitement among vacationers, it is easy to rent housing.

But the sea is cold and you won't be able to swim. Water temperature - +13 ° С. But you can wander around the heated pebbles, sunbathe, take a walk along the coast.

At the end of May last year I was lucky enough to swim. The temperature during the day during the week reached + 20 ° С, the sea quickly warmed up, and I had a chance to open the swimming season.

For walks in May, the most optimal weather conditions. Little precipitation falls, it gets dark late, and the thermometer approaches +18 ° C during the day. It's time for hiking and the conquest of the Ai-Petri peak. You can visit the Uchan-Su waterfall before it dries up from the heat. But at nights it is still cool - 12 ° С. Long sleeves, sneakers, windbreaker will come in handy.

May Yalta air is light, fresh, filled with aromas of flowering trees and flowers. I returned from rest full of strength and energy.

In the evening, I advise you to walk along the embankment and breathe in the sea air. There are many attractions in the city: palaces, parks, the Botanical Garden, the zoo, the Glade of Fairy Tales Museum.

It will be interesting for children to visit the dolphinarium and the water area. They show performances of marine animals. Instead of lying on the beach uselessly, I tasted all the corners of Yalta.

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At the end of spring, our compatriots, in search of warmth, gladly go to the Crimean peninsula in sunny Yalta, where at this time roses are already blooming and the lilac inflorescences of wisteria emit an aroma. But those who come with the intention of swimming in the sea will be disappointed - the water is still cool. Yalta in May will appeal to those who crave sea air and walks.

Weather in Yalta in May and May holidays

The closer to summer, the warmer it gets in Yalta. Although the daily air temperature fluctuates around +18 degrees, warming up to +25 degrees is more and more often recorded. However, it is only during the day that you can walk without outerwear, and with the onset of twilight at +12 in a T-shirt or shirt, you will no longer get warm.

Long-term experience indicates that, unlike the steppe area of ​​Crimea, spring comes to Yalta with a delay. In the last days of May, it is warm in summer, not only in the daytime, but also in the dark.

It is worth going to the sea not to splash in water, warmed up to only +15, but to soak up in a swimsuit in the rays of the friendly sun. May ultraviolet, in contrast to the summer sun, is much softer and healthier for the body in terms of strengthening immunity. On some days, the sky is still gloomy, and rain is pouring from gray clouds.

Yalta in May: where to go

In the last spring month, few vacationers rush to Yalta, so there is no excitement. The owners are still keeping prices for rented housing within reasonable limits. For these reasons, it makes sense to visit a fragrant blooming warm city on the Crimean peninsula.

Beach vacation

Yalta's cold sea water is the only deterrent to the opening of the swimming season. Although it must be admitted, not everyone is stopped by this - individual brave men still do not deny themselves the pleasure of plunging into invigorating water and even swimming to the envy of other onlookers.

Most of the holidaymakers have to stroll along the coast to admire the "walruses" in the stormy sea and shoot videos of extreme swimming with gadgets. In their view, pleasant sunbathing, which promote the production of vitamin D in the body, are still preferable to invigorating sea baths.

Entertainment and excursions

What is attractive for the guests of Yalta in the last weeks of spring? First of all, nature plays with all colors and hops with aromas. After winter holidays cold and gloomy weather begins to depress people. The body needs sunlight and warmth. Where, if not in Crimea, can this need be satisfied?

It is advisable for a tourist who finds himself in Yalta in May to head to the famous city ​​embankment and slowly walk along it. And after that you can go further to get acquainted with the rest of the city's sights. These include the palace of the Emir of Bukhara.

Construction lasted from 1907 to 1911. Thanks to its delightful beauty, it has an apt name - "Fascinating" (in the Turkic translation it sounds like "Dilkiso"). At both sides main staircase froze with a frightening look, two guards, golden Lions. Snow-white columns rise up to the second floor. The upper part of each of the windows has a semicircular shape resembling a horseshoe, which is typical for the Moorish style. When creating the domes, the craftsmen adhered to the Turkish style.

Only three kilometers separate from Yalta the village of Livadia, which owes its celebrity to the White Palace. In the very center resort town Alupka (17 km from Yalta) is the former summer residence Russian leader of the 18th century Count Vorontsov. The construction took two decades of the first half of the last century (1828-1848). In general, the architects have combined the English and neo-Moorish styles. In addition, during appearance there is an echo of an era spanning the period from the 8th to the 16th century. During the Yalta Conference in 1945, a delegation from Great Britain lived here.

Cable car

The distance between them is only 600 meters, overcoming which takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Multi-colored double cabins, moving without stopping, slowly rise, passing the avenue of cypress trees. In clear weather, from the domed Darsan hill, a huge sea surface extends 40 km into the distance.

Yalta organizes sightseeing trips towards the famous Massandra wine factory, the highest waterfall on the peninsula (almost 90 m) Uchan-Su (Turkic name for “flying water”). You can drive to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden shuttle bus or by trolleybus. Children are unlikely to refuse an offer to see representatives wildlife in the Zoo "Fairy Tale", formidable reptiles in a crocodile farm, trained smart mammals in the dolphinarium.

Holidays and festivals

Every year, following the tradition, in early May, fans of jazz music from all over the world come to Yalta for the Jaliton festival. In concerts in open areas south coast Crimea, not only professional, but also novice performers demonstrate their skills.

Every year on May 9 in Yalta, as in the entire vast country, Victory Day is celebrated. The celebration begins with a solemn meeting at 10 o'clock on the Hill of Glory. Here veterans, representatives of local authorities, townspeople bring flowers to the Eternal Flame. Songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War, verses are read. It is planned to recreate the camp of a soldier's life, a dramatization depicting the moment the Red Army men took the height.

In mid-April, the traditional "Tulip Parade" started in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, which presents various varieties of beautiful plants of 80 thousand shapes and shades. Yalta in May is good in its own way. At this time, the rest is considered budgetary and pleasant for those who cannot stand the scorching summer sun.

In May, Yalta invites everyone to enjoy the warmth, spring and the unique charm of blooming wisteria and roses. It is too early to swim at this time. Read on the Tour-Calendar, what can please and surprise you with Yalta in May!

Weather in Yalta in May and May holidays

In May, Yalta is already much warmer. The average air temperature in the daytime is about + 18 ° C, on some days it can reach + 25 ° C. It is still cool at night - around + 12 ° C, so you should definitely take warm clothes with you. It is believed that the spring in Yalta, in comparison with the steppe regions of the peninsula, is later. By the end of the month, it gets much warmer, both during the day and at night. The sea temperature is +15 ° C, so it's too early to swim, but sunbathing on fine days is quite pleasant. So, the weather in Yalta in May is usually sunny and warm, but cloudy and even rainy days however, this is possible even in summer.

In May, there are still not many vacationers in Yalta, the weather is pleasant, and the cost of housing is still low - an excellent option to enjoy the blooming spring city and warmth by the sea.

Beach vacation

It's too early to open the bathing season in May - the sea is still cold, although there are some daredevils who are not averse to splashing around.

But spending time on the coast, sunbathing or walking on the water on fine days is quite pleasant. The video shows one of the few windy days with a stormy sea.

Entertainment and excursions

What attracts Yalta in May? Of course, a riot of colors, heady aromas - in real spring! After the endlessly long Russian winter, one wants so much to bask in the sun, to feel the breath of the warm wind carrying the dizzying smells of flowering plants! One of the warm May days you can walk along the famous Yalta embankment, because it is from it that most tourists begin their acquaintance with the city.

In addition to the embankment, palaces are also noteworthy - right in the city there is an elegant Moorish palace that belonged to the emir of Bukhara. Three kilometers from Yalta, in Livadia, there is the White Livadia Palace. Vorontsov Palace, perhaps the most delightful of all, is located in Alupka. When it is good weather, do not miss the opportunity to ride the funicular and see the city from above. Small cabins slowly crawl past the cypress trees to Darsan Hill. In addition, many excursions start from the city - to the oldest wine factory "Massandra", to the waterfall "Uchan-Su", to the "Nikitsky Botanical Garden", children will be interested in the large Crimean zoo "Fairy Tale", a dolphinarium, a crocodilearium and much more. !

Holidays and festivals

In May, a number of interesting events take place in Yalta, one of them is the annual International Jazz Festival "Jaliton". Musicians from far and near abroad come to the event; both beginners and well-known jazz masters are participants in the concerts. Concerts are held at many open areas of the South Coast. Lovers of beauty and nature should go to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where a truly spring holiday - "Tulip Parade" is taking place! Of course, the city does not ignore the celebration of the Victory Day. The main official events take place on May 9 at the Hill of Glory.

What are the prices for holidays in Yalta in May?

Summer excitement for holidays in Crimea has not yet come, so the cost of living in Yalta in May is much lower than in July and August. It is believed that it is best to rest in Crimea's sanatoriums at the end of spring - for prices and for the healthiness of the air.