Foreign passports and documents

Schedule of trains for the station Uspenskaya. Uspenskaya station: timetable of trains and electric trains for the station. What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration

Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways on the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for the ticket using one of the proposed methods. Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Can I pay for a ticket with a card? Is it safe?

Oh sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure was designed in accordance with the PCI DSS international security standard. The gateway software has successfully passed the audit for version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard payment form is optimized for different browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to a website is a modern and quick way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train, you must either go through electronic registration or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can go through it by clicking on the corresponding button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need an original ID and a printed boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.Print e-ticket can be at any time before the train leaves at the ticket office at the station or at the self-check-in terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

The train and electric train schedule for Uspenskaya station for 2020 contains 1 trains and 6 electric trains. The traffic schedule is updated daily, taking into account all current changes from Russian Railways. The first train arrives at the station at 0. It follows from the Uspenskaya station to the Yasinovataya station. The latter departs from the platform at 13:30, following from Uspenskaya station to Yasinovataya station. On average, trains stand at the Uspenskaya station for about minutes.

The first train leaves to the Taganrog stopping point (old railway station) at 04:49. The last train leaves at 19 hours 23 minutes to the Taganrog stop (old station). The average parking time of an electric train at the Uspenskaya station is min. All changes in the schedule of commuter trains for today and tomorrow are immediately displayed on the site.

Almost all suburban trains run daily, only a few of them have a special schedule. Most long-distance trains run on their own schedule.

Long-distance train tickets can be bought online on our website, at the cost set by Russian Railways. You can pay by card and return tickets in accordance with the Rules.

Train tickets can be bought at the ticket office of Uspenskaya station.

The journey takes 10 hours in total.

On the territory not controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where all transport links were destroyed, a public transport was launched across the border with the Russian Federation.

The train follows from Yasinovataya and Donetsk through Ilovaisk to the border section - Uspenskaya station (Avilo-Uspenka village), which is located on the border with the Rostov region. There, all passengers can change to the Uspenskaya-Rostov electric train (the schedule of these trains is the same) and get to Rostov through Taganrog.

The network has already received impressions of eyewitnesses who traveled from Donetsk to Rostov and back. It is reported, in particular, that the train from Donetsk represents three-car diesel train. "This three-car diesel train from Luhansk, by the way, is a modern, latest model. The cabin of the locomotive is somewhat reminiscent of an airplane. There is a lot of electronics that the Ilovaisk depot team has successfully tested. tracks - poles with scraps of wires. Actually, that's why it was the diesel train that was launched to the border, "writes Ruslan Melnikov. It consists of only three carriages, designed for 273 seats.

First reviews

"Vesti" talked with the Donetsk people who have already traveled along this route and calculated how long it will take. So, the first section of the route: Yasinovataya (Donetsk) - Uspenskaya station. From Donetsk, the departure point is the Donetsk-2 station in the Kalininsky district of the city (Shevchenko Boulevard - Krasnogvardeisky Prospekt).

The train that follows the route "Yasinovataya – Uspenskaya" leaves at 6:30. He arrives at the Uspenskaya station at 11:30. That is, the travel time is 5 hours. If a passenger travels from Donetsk, then the time is reduced by 50 minutes.

There is already a diesel Rostov-Uspenskaya-Rostov from 11:30 to 13:30. During this time, that is, in 2 hours, a customs inspection must go through both the DPR and the Russian Federation. Then, on this diesel engine, you can get to Rostov-on-Don in 3 hours 11 minutes. That is, the passenger arrives at the place at 16:41. It turns out that the travel time from Yasinovataya to Rostov will be 10 hours 11 minutes, and from Donetsk, respectively, 50 minutes less.

Ticket price: from Yasinovataya to Uspenskaya 26 rubles (from Donetsk - 19 rubles), from Uspenskaya to Rostov - 250 rubles, that is, a total of 276 rubles (92 UAH).


If we compare this route, with the bus and car, the price of a ticket for the Donetsk-Rostov bus is 500 rubles (167 UAH). Travel time is from 6 to 9 hours (the time may increase if there are long queues at customs).

The fastest, but also the most expensive travel option is to cross the border with the Russian Federation on foot. The price of a taxi from Donetsk to the Uspenka checkpoint is 1.5 thousand rubles (500 UAH). The journey takes about 1.5 hours. The pedestrian crossing also takes 1.5 hours. From Uspenka to Rostov the price of a taxi is 2,000 rubles (667 hryvnia), the trip takes 1.5 hours. The entire route will take 4.5 hours, and the trip will cost 3500 rubles or 1167 UAH.

annotation: The article discusses a special case of a trip from Donetsk to Rostov-on-Don (Russia) in March 2016 and the subjective thoughts on this matter of a certain physicist-sybarite. The article may be of interest to people wishing to travel from the DPR to the Russian Federation at low financial costs.

Keywords: Donetsk, Uspenka, customs, Rostov-on-Don, diesel, train, travel, border.

Canceled the diesel ... for how long? Who knows…

"... until further notice!" - sounded in the announcement on the radio, which we heard in the morning of March 02, 2016 at the station "Donetsk-2" (Pokrovsky market).

For us, this radio broadcast was like a bolt from the blue, because we carefully planned a business trip for several months. And no wonder: the concept of "travel expenses" in the present budget of the university in the Donetsk People's Republic does not actually exist.

Do you want to go on a business trip ?! Science ?! .. Yes, no problem! Any whim AT YOUR expense ...

We heard approximately these words when we tried to formalize travel expenses officially ... We did issue the documents ... but not expenses, but simply certificates. The concept of "payment" is not our case, although we seem to live in a "people's" republic ...

Well, okay. Politics - politics, and scientific work at the department should continue. Otherwise, we are worthless. And we decided to go at our own expense. Of course, according to the most "budgetary" option. And here…

"Dear passengers! Train "Yasinovataya - Uspenka" canceled until further notice ... ".

Like this ... suddenly and without warning. 30 minutes before departure ...

And on the platform there are a couple of dozen potential passengers. Are they worth ?! Where are they? And… here is their last bag-check food flashed among the trees. We will catch up!

Hello, we see that you are in a hurry somewhere. Is there a chance to quickly get to Uspenka?

Oh sure. Do you need to go there? To the post office?

No, we are in Rostov for a conference ...

So stick with us. We are to Ilovaisk, and you will change there.

... so ... the recipe!

If you arrived at the Donetsk-2 station, and instead of a train to Uspenka, you received a shish without oil ... do not despair!

Urgently hurry up for the next minibus flight, which will take you to the central bus station of the city of Makeevka. In our case, it was route number 121 (how we got to it is a separate, funny story).

  1. For 15 rubles on route No. 121 we reach the central bus station of Makeevka.

  2. Exactly at 08:00 a bus "Makeevka - Amvrosievka" departs from there through the station. Ilovaisk. Travel to Ilovaisk costs 36 rubles.

  3. In Ilovaisk you need to get off at the railway station. At approximately 9:30 am, the diesel "Ilovaisk - Uspenka" starts from there. The ticket price is either 16 or 18 rubles (I don't remember).

  4. And we come to Uspenka!

  5. Here we have two options. One is proven. At 13:05, the train leaves from there to Rostov-on-Don. The fare is 210 rubles. The train arrives in Rostov at 4:24 pm (a little later, our local friends in the RND suggested that a bus should go from Uspenka to Rostov. And supposedly, it is even cheaper than the train. We don't know ... we haven't checked it yet).

It does not matter. The most important thing is that we drove from Donetsk (DPR) to Rostov (RF) at the lowest price:

15 + 36 + 18 + 210 \u003d 279 rubles.

And if our train hadn't been canceled ... we would have saved a few more coins.

Now about the border crossing. Customs officers and border guards from the DPR are extremely loyal to you: they enter the station in front of Uspenka and quickly check your documents. The dog with the police ... I mean, the border guard dog quickly walks through the carriage and pays almost no attention to your sandwiches laid out on the table ... on the carriage benches.

But with Russian border control it is a little more complicated. As soon as the train arrives at the station, customs officers and border guards enter from two sides - the first and the last carriages. The rest of the doors are closed. All passengers are first checked by border guards (passports), and then by selective control at the exit from the carriage and mandatory control through an X-ray frame near the train (like at an airport, you put your bag on the conveyor belt and you yourself go through the metal detector arch).

There is a little trick here: if you HIGHLYhurry up, then you have to sit not in the central car, but on the shop of the first (or last) car closest to the exit doors. Then you will be checked and released faster.

But if you did not come to Uspenka to drop in at the post office and immediately take the return flight back ... do not rush. Sit calmly in the central carriage and tell jokes. Anyway, the train to Rostov won't leave without you!

Something like this ... The rest of the details, if you are interested, - in the comments to this text.

Oh yes! Another funny nuance. The toilet in Uspenka is free, as in Ilovaisk ... but you can only get there if you have a passport! :) After all, he is on the platform BEFORE the border! :) And right next to the border post on the platform you will be met by a polite ... yes, yes! that notorious "Buryat" with a wide, kind and smiling face. He will ask for your documents, politely smile at you ... and let you into the longed-for distance :)
Bon Voyage! :)

UPD .: As it turned out, the direct diesel train was canceled "due to lack of diesel fuel." We hope this is temporary.

True, the press service of the DPR Ministry of Transport for some reason announced this only two (!) Weeks later ... Well, better late, of course, than not at all ... But I would like it to be announced on time.

But suburban trains from Yasinovataya to Ilovaisk run quite normally. Moreover, they run starting at 4:30 in the morning. And there you can change to Uspenka:

"Transfer at Ilovaisk station from suburban train No. 6145 Yasinovataya-Ilovaisk (8: 15-9: 23) to suburban train No. 6931 Ilovaisk-Uspenskaya (9: 32-11: 30)."
So, now you don't need to go further than Makeyevka! Just get there early in the morning to the Makeyevka Railway Station and there IMMEDIATELY take a train (for example, No. 6145) and then drive quietly to Uspenka