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Mysterious triangles on the ground. What are the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle? What is the infertility triangle

Independent researchers prove that there are many mysterious zones on Earth, in which, like in the famous Bermuda Triangle, people and equipment, say, planes disappear without a trace.

And one of these places can be called the Alaska Triangle near the city of Anchorage - an area of \u200b\u200bthe 49th state of the United States, famous not only for its harsh climate, but also for the mysterious disappearances of people, both tourists and locals.

The first recorded case of such a plan is considered to be the loss of an Alaska-Texas flight with 44 passengers on board in 1950. The airplane simply disappeared - no traces of it have been found so far. A little later, a private plane with four passengers disappeared into oblivion ...

All this could be attributed to an accident, the harsh climate and the desolation of this region, which is why it is very problematic to find the crashed equipment here. But here's what is striking and even terrifying: since then, more than 16 thousand people have disappeared without a trace in the Alaska Triangle. And not a single person has been found yet ...

Representatives of the local tribe of the Tlingit Indians claim that this place is a concentration of evil spirits that kidnap people and equipment that disturb their peace.

The conspiracy theorists have their own theory on this score. They believe that an ancient pyramid of enormous size, which they call black, is "hidden" in Alaska, capable of harnessing the power of the entire Earth. Former military man Bruce L. Pearson claims that the American authorities have long been trying to master the secret of the black pyramid and that he himself, as an expert, participated in this project and therefore can say with confidence that the structure is not our civilization and was created many thousands of years ago.

There were also other witnesses of this secret military zone, the purpose of which remains to unravel the secret of the gloomy pyramid and use it. It is possible that people and equipment disappear here, as they willingly or unwillingly interfere with the military. But this is only a version, and the US official authorities in every possible way disown it, all the more difficult it is to assume that the study of that ancient pyramid began by the American military in the middle of the last century and there is, in general, so little information about this ...

There is also an official explanation of scientists for the strange disappearance of people in the Alaska Triangle. Naturally, academicians reduce everything to geopathogenic zones, extreme electromagnetic currents and so on, with which the Bermuda Triangle and a number of mysterious places on our planet have long been "awarded" by them. However, such theories are too far-fetched, because they cannot explain the fantastic disappearances of people, planes and other equipment, which simply does not fit into the framework of our physical laws.

Based on materials

  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Christopher Columbus, Sargasso Sea and Bermuda Triangle

The Pacific Triangle is an area in the western Pacific where mysterious ship and aircraft disappearances or not. The area is bounded by a triangle with the Japanese Islands in the north, the Mariana Islands in the south and the island of Taiwan in the west.
This area has other names:

  • 1.The devil's sea.
  • 2. Devil's triangle.
  • 3.Formosian triangle.
  • 4. Dragon triangle.
  • 5. Japanese Bermuda.
There are two points of view regarding the Pacific Triangle, like the Bermuda Triangle:
1. The Pacific Triangle exists.
2. There is no Pacific triangle.
Proponents of the first point of view believe that the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Pacific Triangle do occur. The reasons for these disappearances, in their opinion, are:
  • 1. Unusual weather events.
  • 2. A hole in the sky through which you can enter parallel worlds. It is this hole that leads to strange changes in time and space.
  • 3. Ghost ships that seek to sink all ships sailing through their territory.
  • 4. Alien abductions.
  • 5. Malfunction of navigation and communication equipment.
  • 6. Dragons from the depths that take sailors to their underground space. Proponents of this theory argue that underwater palaces inhabited by dragons exist at the bottom of the Pacific Triangle. Among all dragons, the great dragon stands out, who is their king. This information is shared among the Chinese and Japanese.
It is possible that there are other reasons for the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Pacific Triangle that I am not aware of.
In 1968, the American biologist Ivan Terence Sanderson (1911-1973) suggested that the Earth is surrounded by eerie zones:
  • 1.The Bermuda Triangle.
  • 2. The Gibraltarian wedge in Algeria.
  • 3.Pacific triangle.
  • 4.Afghan Anomaly.
  • 5 the Hawaiian anomaly
On the seabed off the coast of Japan, stepped underwater pyramids, similar to those in Mexico, have been discovered. This discovery took place in 1985, when diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake dived and saw huge stone blocks. A certain part of people associate these pyramids with underwater dragon palaces.
Some experts believe that anomalous phenomena may be somehow connected with underwater pyramids, which were clearly not built by our civilization, but by some much more ancient one, located on Earth in those distant times when islands and continents had different outlines.
If we assume that the Pacific Triangle exists, then the Bermuda Triangle also exists. Interestingly, both triangles are at the same latitude. Interestingly, both triangles are in the Northern Hemisphere. Interestingly, both triangles are in the western part of the ocean, one triangle in the western Pacific and the other triangle in the western Atlantic. Coincidence? Or maybe there is some kind of relationship between these triangles?
In the literature, especially in the ufological, there is information that UFOs and ghost ships were seen in the Pacific Triangle.
Japanese fishermen note that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Japanese island of Miyakejima they saw ghost ships several times. It is the Japanese fishermen who call the Pacific waters around this island the Devil's Sea. The Devil's Sea is sometimes called the cemetery of the Pacific Ocean, as it swallowed up more than a dozen ships.
If we assume that the Pacific Triangle is associated with the abduction of earthlings by aliens, then the question arises - why did the aliens choose this triangle as the place of abduction of earthlings? What's unusual about this Pacific Triangle? Only the aliens themselves can answer this question.
There is information according to which 48 ships disappeared in the Pacific Triangle in 10 months of 1993 and more than 200 sailors perished under unclear circumstances. Whether this is so or not - I cannot answer this question, since this information must be proved.
Proponents of the second point of view believe that the disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Pacific Triangle are as common as in the Bermuda Triangle, which does not occur more often than in other areas of the oceans. In their opinion, these disappearances are due to natural causes. The second point of view is trying to provide a scientific explanation for the phenomena occurring in the Pacific Triangle. More realistic reasons are the meteorological situation.
Strong winds blow from all sides of the Pacific Triangle. Powerful storms, tornadoes, hurricanes often occur here. In this area, numerous air and water currents converge, leading to the formation of wandering waves, reaching a height of about 30 meters. This height is enough to cover a large ship.
The Pacific Triangle is known for evidence of an ever-changing seascape. Here, the islands form and disappear overnight through volcanic activity and underwater earthquakes. There is nothing mysterious in this information, since the above indicates various geological processes taking place on Earth.
In the scientific literature there is information that since 1955 the Pacific Triangle has been an anomalous zone and unsafe for sailors. The question immediately arises - why exactly since 1955. What's so unusual happened that the countdown has been going on since 1955?
There are a lot of questions in the world that still have no answers. I will end this work with a question - does the Pacific Triangle really exist?

The Bermuda Triangle is a mystical region of the Atlantic Ocean located between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, where a huge number of ships and planes have disappeared. Many aircraft and watercraft simply disappeared from the radar line of sight, despite good weather and no reports of any breakdowns. Despite numerous rumors about sunken ships in this area, they are only slightly larger than in other parts of the world. In fact, most daily departures and journeys end well.

Press reports of the disappearance of the crew did not attract public attention until the 20th century. A very unfortunate incident occurred in March 1918, when the huge American bulk carrier Cyclops carrying 300 people and 10,000 tons of manganese ore sank between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. Cyclops did not send emergency signals, although he had all the necessary technical equipment for this. In addition, the search for the ship did not even lead to the finding of its wreckage.

American President Woodrow Wilson commented on the incident: "Only the sea and God knows what happened to this heavy ship" In 1941, two similar ships disappeared. They also left no tracks and sailed along the same route. Soon there were rumors about the negative energy of this place.

In December 1945, exercises were planned for naval bombers. The group leader had problems navigating and then disappeared without a trace. The remaining five bombers flew aimlessly nearby until they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down. On the same day, a rescue plane with a team of 13 people disappeared. After a long search, in the hope of finding at least some wreckage, the military representatives were forced to declare: "It feels like they all flew to Mars!"

In addition to everything, by this time 3 more passenger vehicles were missing. Since then, many paranormal lovers have begun to blame this zone, attributing to it an alien base, a temporary hole, a sunken Atlantis, sea monsters, a distortion of gravity. Those who thought more logically stated about magnetic anomalies, tornadoes and the release of methane from the ocean trench.

Methane may well become the basis for crashes. The least dense gas can cause control problems. Appliances under the influence of gas could fail. During night flights, pilots do not see the ground and are guided only by the numbers from the dashboard, which incorrectly record the gained altitude. In addition, the ingress of this substance into the engine can also cause a disaster.

The space, called the Devil's or Bermuda Triangle, covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 500,000 square miles. Christopher Columbus, on his first voyage to a new earth, reported that a bright flash of fire (possibly a meteorite) lit up the ocean at night and continued to glow lightly for several weeks. He also described erratic, changing compass readings.

Extremely powerful hurricanes and storms that form in the Atlantic near the equator have caused thousands of deaths and millions in losses. Some researchers blame the incident on the Gulf Stream, which originates in the Gulf of Mexico. Any current is an internal river that can affect the route and movement of transport, especially if it splashes down. A similar event happened to the cruiser "Witchcraft" in December 1967. Unusually large waves can appear even in calm seas. One of these was the Ocean Ranger in 1982, which overturned the world's largest offshore platform.

In all likelihood, it is foolish to put forward a specific factor that caused so many crashes and casualties. It's like trying to put forward the only cause of road accidents in a particular city. One way or another, this mystical place will attract the attention of people around the world for a long time.

In the Atlantic Ocean, or rather in its western part (near the southeastern shores of the United States) there is a mysterious place - Bermuda Triangle... Aircraft and ships disappear more often in this area. More than 400 cases of unexplained disappearances of people, aircraft and ships have been recorded.

The first known evidence was recorded by Columbus. On October 11, 1492, from the ship "Santa Maria", he and his crew observed a certain glow above the water. Also in this area, the navigator repeatedly saw "fiery arrows" that burst out of the water and flew into the sky.

This glow is observed today. Scientists are trying to give an explanation for this mysterious phenomenon. Perhaps these are schools of unexplored fish or some tectonic processes at the bottom of the ocean. But no one can give a definite answer.

The same Columbus noticed that the compass in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious Bermuda Triangle behaves very strangely, showing the wrong direction.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries. on the territory of the "triangle" ships were actively disappearing. In 1921 a ship was found with sails raised and food ready to eat, but not a single person was on the ship! There are only two live cats left. And this is not the only such case.
A distinctive feature of the disappearances is the complete absence of the crew, without any signs of struggle or violence, while the animals, if they were present on the ship, always remain untouched.

In the 40s of the 20th century, airplanes began to actively disappear. As a rule, there are no disastrous messages, the planes follow their course, there is communication with them, everything is calm on board. But then the connection is simply cut off, the aircraft disappears from the radar screens, and searches give nothing.

There are many versions trying to explain the mysterious disappearances of people and technology in the Bermuda Triangle. For example, underwater UFOs that have a "base" in this area, the pilots of these unidentified flying objects collect biological material from the Earth for their research; a portal that bends space and time and leads to other dimensions or even Universes; disturbance of electromagnetic waves, due to which the equipment fails. But these assumptions do not give many answers, such as the complete safety of the ships and the absence of the crew.

Diving specialist M. Fisher, while searching for sunken Spanish ships with gold, found a steam locomotive at the bottom of the ocean! How he got there remains a mystery.

Researcher of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle A. Anderson made the assumption that there are "12 devil's graves" on our planet. The scientist established that these are diamond-shaped areas between 30-40 parallels to the north and south of the equator.

Thus, a kind of "network" is emerging that includes both poles (this network also includes the Bermuda Triangle). In these mysterious places, evidence of anomalous phenomena is most common.

According to A. Anderson, "magnetic funnels" are formed in these areas, which can transfer objects that have fallen into them instantly over long distances, or even into another dimension or time!

His theory is confirmed by the so-called phenomenon of "untimely arrival of aircraft." The bottom line is that without a strong tailwind, the plane cannot arrive earlier than the schedule, but usually no strong winds are recorded.

Such cases most often occur in the territory of the mysterious "triangle". As if the planes flew into the "funnel" and successfully got out of it.

Be that as it may, the Bermuda Triangle to this day remains one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Scientists are struggling to solve the mystery of this region of the Atlantic Ocean. Captains of ships, pilots of aircraft, if possible, do not cross the "triangle". This mysterious place is fraught with many questions that have yet to be answered.

Perhaps the most famous mystical place in the world is the Bermuda Triangle, a stretch of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Florida and Pueroto Rico.

The name of the Bermuda Triangle has already become a household name and, of course, we all have repeatedly heard stories about the inexplicable and traceless disappearances of ships and planes in it, about the ghost ships found here abandoned by the crew, about mysterious movements in time, instantaneous in space, and many other creepy things.

There are also a great many explanations for all these phenomena - some claim that aliens are hunting here, others believe that there are temporary or black holes in the Bermuda Triangle, others suggest that the fault is caused by cracks in space, and some even think that people are being kidnapped inhabitants of the vanished Atlantis!

At the same time, skeptics and scientists do not find anything mystical in the ill-fame of the triangle - it has been established that this area is very difficult to navigate, since there are many shoals here, and storms and cyclones often arise.

In 1502, a Spanish navigator Bermudez came across islands surrounded by dangerous shoals and reefs off the coast of Central America. He called them the Devil's Isles. And only a few decades later they began to be called Bermuda in honor of himself.

For many centuries, the area of \u200b\u200bBermuda was recognized as dangerous by travelers, but it was only in the 20th century that the unsuccessful area expanded so significantly.

It all began in 1950, when a correspondent for the Associated Press, one of the world's largest news agencies, wrote about mysterious disappearances in the area, which he called "the sea of \u200b\u200bthe devil." The famous name appeared only 14 years later in the publication of Vincent Gaddis in one of the magazines about the unknown.

However, the real popularity of the triangle was brought by Charles Berlitz's book "The Bermuda Triangle" in 1974, which collected all the mysterious cases that occurred in this zone.

At the same time, it was later established that some of the facts in the book were presented incorrectly, and other strange cases occurred generally outside the boundaries of that very triangle. But some argued that they wanted to hide the secret of these waters at any cost.

Modern history already has more than a hundred mysterious disappearances without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. This is an area with difficult weather conditions and very busy water and air traffic. Therefore, when ships suddenly disappear from the radar in good weather conditions, it is hard not to notice.

In 1945, the disappearance of a military squadron attracted increased attention to this anomalous zone. Five Avenger-class torpedo bombers with an experienced crew suddenly and without a trace disappeared during a normal flight in clear weather and over calm seas.

In radio communications, the pilots spoke about the failure of navigation equipment, complete disorientation and ... panic “We do not know where the west is. Nothing works ... Strange ... We cannot determine the direction. Even the ocean does not look the same as usual! .. ".

After the navigation equipment completely failed, the pilots tried to find land in the west for an hour and a half, then for about an hour in the east, but they never found it. It's like an entire American state has disappeared. And when the crew saw the ground, they did not recognize it at all, and did not dare to land.

The last words of the pilots still cause a lot of controversy: “We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We do not know where we are, the water is green, not white. "

The search for five aircraft or their wreckage turned out to be in vain, moreover, during the search, another of the aircraft disappeared - the seaplane Martin Mariner.

Skeptics later put forward versions that the pilots were not experienced enough, that the pilots had lost their bearings, that aircraft of this type were unreliable and could easily explode due to fuel leakage. This could have happened with one plane, but it is difficult to assume that five planes ignited spontaneously every second and therefore none of the pilots reported the crash.

In 1963, the 130 m long cargo ship Marine Sulfur Queen disappeared without a trace. The vessel disappeared without distress signals and its remains were not found. The exact location of the vessel at the time of the disappearance is unknown, but its course gave grounds to speak of the disappearance of the Marine Sulfur Queen in the Bermuda Triangle.

The disasters that have taken place and are happening in the Bermuda Triangle area have become, on the one hand, an object of close public attention, and, on the other hand, an opportunity for speculation and cheap sensations. Many scientific theories have been created to explain the unexpected disorientation of people and equipment failure in the area. But until scientists have come to a consensus, many continue to see the presence of mysticism in the mysterious disappearances.

Underwater Bermuda Triangle

What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle under water? The bottom relief in this area is interesting and diverse, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the lost Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  • Deep-water plains of oceanic basins - 35%;
  • Shelf with shallows - 25%;
  • Slope and foot of the mainland - 18%;
  • Plateau - 15%;
  • Deep ocean trenches - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican trough);
  • Deep straits - 2%;
  • Seamounts - 0.3% (there are six of them in total).

Theories of the origin of the anomalous zone

There is a consensus about how the Bermuda Triangle, frightening to many sailors and pilots, appeared - as a result of geological activity. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious and mysterious about the appearance of this place. Researchers put forward other opinions, but all of them were criticized by scientists.

If we take into account the circumstance due to which over the past 100 years about half a thousand aircraft and ships have disappeared in the zone of anomalous phenomena, we can say that something strange is still in the Bermuda Triangle. This is what causes the death of people, sea and air transport.

Let's pay attention to some theories that are an attempt to explain what is happening in the anomalous zone:

  • the cause of the catastrophes is giant wandering waves, the height of which is 30 meters;
  • infrasonic waves are generated in the ocean, as a result of which the crew panic - people rush into the water;
  • in the mystical area there are the so-called "blue holes", which are the remnants of tunnels through which you can move in time;
  • gigantic gas bubbles filled with methane are formed in the ocean (getting into such a bubble, sea and air transport begins to go to the bottom, since the density of air or water inside the formed bubble is very low);
  • the mystical water area - the place where the lost city of Atlantis was once located (according to legend, crystals were the sources of its energy: now they send waves from the bottom of the ocean that disable the navigation equipment of aircraft and ships);
  • a sharp change in weather conditions in the water area occurs due to the presence there of a powerful warm current of the Gulf Stream;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bmystical incidents - the place through which aliens make their way to our Earth;
  • the impossibility of finding the remnants of air and sea transport in distress is due to the peculiarities of the relief that is characteristic of the bottom of the water area - it is confusing and mysterious;
  • air and sea transport is disappearing due to the fact that it is exposed to deliberate attacks in the form of piracy and unofficial hostilities;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe water area, the curvature of space occurs, there is a magnetic fog.

Photo - Bermuda Triangle

Video - 10 mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle