Foreign passports and documents

First time I fly by plane what you need to know. First time at the airport - detailed instructions for beginners with a photo. How is registration going

Air tickets have been bought, suitcases are packed, there are only a few days left before the start of the vacation, but instead of joy you start to worry. Excitement is growing every day, because you are flying for the first time and all that worries you now is how to behave at the airport, how everything will go, whether you will get lost, whether you will confuse the plane, etc. You can stop worrying, you just found the most detailed instructions “ first time at the airport”For beginners, which will answer all your questions.

So before departure, after purchasing an air ticket, before boarding the plane, you need to go through the following necessary procedures:

1. Customs control, before or after registration
2. Check-in and check-in baggage
3. Passport control
4. Security search

Everything is easy and simple, it is extremely difficult to miss the plane or get lost at the airport, the main thing is to carefully read and follow our most detailed instructions ” first time at the airport“.

And so - the route has been chosen, the ticket has been bought, the things are packed, the money is ready, the documents are checked several times (your personal signature must be in the passport). You did not forget to put money on your phone and activate roaming. All this should be checked before leaving home. The belongings are divided into luggage and carry-on luggage. Carry-on baggage is part of the items that will lie next to you in the cabin during the flight. It can be large electronic equipment (laptop, camera, camcorder), fragile souvenirs. It is strongly discouraged to check them in as baggage - they may be damaged during loading and loading.

Do not attempt to carry the above items in your carry-on baggage

It is prohibited to carry in carry-on baggage:
- liquids in bottles over 100 milliliters
- flammable and explosive substances (acetone, hairspray, etc.)
- stabbing and cutting objects (knives, nail scissors, etc.)
- heavy items exceeding the established weight limit for carry-on baggage

Information about these restrictions should be read on the airline's website, especially if you are flying with a connection. Some foreign airports have strict security rules (for example, in the EU countries, during security checks, mascara may be withdrawn).

Never try to carry sharp-edged objects in your carry-on baggage. At least they will be confiscated from you, the maximum you are guaranteed a conversation with the airport security service. Sharpshell Assembly Box at Lima Airport, Peru

We clarify that if you are flying in business class, then you are allowed to carry for free - no more than 30 kilograms; in economy class - no more than 20 kilograms. Please note that the weight of your bag or suitcase is included in the weight of your luggage. If you overweight, you will have to pay extra at the airline's fares. Before check-in, there are special devices in the departure hall where for a certain fee your things will be carefully and securely packed in transparent polyethylene. This guarantees you the integrity and safety of your belongings in the hold and maximum peace of mind during the flight.

Almost all over the world (hotels, transport, travel agencies) you will be understood in English. If you are flying abroad, then it is advisable to carefully read on the Internet information about the country, customs, and sights. Learn a few phrases in the local language so that you can explain yourself at the airport or with the police in case of a problem. Or prepare these phrases on a piece of paper, you can also take a dictionary or phrasebook with you.

Whatever you first time at the airport or you are a regular air passenger, we suggest putting copies of all documents inside your luggage and attaching a badge with your name, surname and contact phone number (for paranoid people in several copies and in different places), in case your luggage is lost. For advanced people, it is useful to upload scans of all travel documents to their e-mail, and, if necessary, use electronic copies. This trifle will save you from extremely rare unpleasant accidents in the future.

Carry-on baggage on the plane. Always put passports, important documents, money and plastic cards in your carry-on baggage

Important! Never put documents, money and plastic cards in your checked baggage.

So you are ready for a lot of new and interesting experiences, let's proceed to registration. Moreover, you can register at the airport in two ways, this is online registration and registration in the old way.

Option 1 - online check-in at the airport:
More and more airlines are offering online check-in over the Internet. It can be passed at any time during the day before departure and at least an hour before scheduled departure without arriving at the airport. In this case, you can register from any computer with Internet access. All passengers can check-in online: flying with or without luggage, in a group or with children, regardless of whether they are flying in economy or business class. To complete online registration, you need to open the airline's website, find the tab that says online registration and click on it. Then fill in, usually this:

E-ticket number or booking code
- departure airport
- name and surname of the passenger
- departure date

After entering the necessary information for registration, the system will generate a boarding pass, which must be printed out (this will be the document that must be presented at the airport at the exit when boarding the plane). At the airport, for online registered passengers, you need to check in your luggage at a special counter and not stand in a huge general queue, and if you are flying only with hand luggage, then immediately go to security check and passport control.

Option 2 - regular registration:
You have decided to use the traditional check-in form upon arrival at the airport. Check-in for the flight opens as a standard three hours before departure and closes 50 minutes before scheduled departure. Pioneers need to arrive 2 or 3 hours early to avoid the hustle and bustle, rush, worry, confusion and excitement. Departure and arrival times on air tickets are always indicated only local. This must be borne in mind when preparing for the trip. Otherwise, you can miss your plane or even derail your trip.

Check-in at the airport in the usual way with a queue

At the entrance to the airport, you need to go through the gate of a metal detector, the luggage will be scanned on a self-propelled belt - it goes quickly. Inside the airport there is a board (information monitor) with departures. It says Departures in English - Departures. In the printout of the electronic ticket, we find the flight number Flight (for example, UN777) the destination city and on the scoreboard we find our flight. Once again, we clarify the direction and remember the number of the check-in counter, where they will exchange the ticket for a boarding pass, which is a pass for the plane. Note - if you arrived too early, your flight may not yet be shown on the scoreboard.

Approaching the check-in counter, you present your passport, ticket and voice your wishes about a seat on the plane (at the aisle, at the emergency exit, at the window, etc.). Taking into account your wishes and possibilities, you will be given a coupon with a seat. Then they will weigh and accept your luggage. Both the luggage and the ticket will be labeled with a number. Make sure you have a tag on your baggage that shows your name and flight number, and a baggage receipt on your ticket.

The boarding pass contains important information - the date and time of departure, flight number, boarding time, gate number (Gate) and, most importantly, your seat number in the aircraft cabin. The boarding time will be repeated several times over the speakerphone at the airport. Loud and clear every 10-15 minutes.

Boarding pass. Click on the photo to enlarge

With your passport and boarding pass, go to the customs inspection area. This is the most meticulous check before boarding. Customs control is recognized to find out if you have antiques, large sums of money, drugs, weapons, excise goods, etc. with you. You must declare this in the customs declaration. Therefore, before passport control, you fill out a customs declaration if you have something to declare, if not, a declaration is not required.

For the convenience of passengers, there are two types of border crossing at international airports: green and red corridors. You choose the corridor yourself. 99 percent of tourists have nothing to declare, so you can freely walk through the green corridor.

Signpost for the green corridor to exit the airport. This corridor is suitable for 99% of tourists

Customs officers have the right to ask you to show your baggage for inspection, but this is an extremely rare practice. Therefore, before passport control, a customs declaration is filled out if there is something to declare, if not, a declaration is not required. Then you need to go to the passport control area. The border guard will check your boarding pass and passport.

After passport control, you need to go through a personal search. When going through security control, you must present your passport, boarding pass and ticket. Aviation security staff will tell you what to do. Attention! If you have implanted devices, do not enter the area of \u200b\u200bthe stationary metal detector. First, contact the aviation security inspector and explain your situation to him.

After passing through security, you enter the boarding waiting room. Now you can relax and walk around the waiting room, buy some souvenirs and wait for the boarding announcement. After the announcement, you need to go to the gate indicated on the boarding pass and present this pass to the person on duty. You only need a boarding pass and possibly your passport again. At airports with heavy traffic, sometimes they do not announce the start of boarding. Therefore, you should always remember about the landing time and at the specified time independently approach the desired exit (Gate) Boarding the plane takes place either by bus or through a special accordion connecting the plane with the terminal building.

After landing at the airport, you go through the same procedures as when landing. First, passport control: the border guard will check your passport, boarding pass, visa or entry permit. Then you get your luggage and go through customs. If your baggage is not found or it is damaged, you must contact an airport employee (Lost and found).

K see nothing complicated, even if you first time at the airport.

Fly with pleasure!

Date of publication: 2013-05-17

The information in the article is periodically updated, now it is up to date as of August 2016

In this article, the resource talks about the important points and nuances that are associated with the first flight on an airplane, and also gives a number of recommendations for novice tourists. Read on to find out what you can and should do at the airport, and what you shouldn't do so that your journey begins with a pleasant and comfortable departure.

Arrive at the appropriate airport terminal 3 hours before departure - this is how long the check-in begins for the flight (it ends 40 minutes before departure). It is important to learn a simple fact: the duration of all types of control (due to queues) is absolutely unpredictable. At times, half an hour may be enough, and sometimes two hours will not be enough. At the same time, all airport employees strictly adhere to the established regulations - no one will make exceptions for you. Late for check-in, the passenger is automatically late for the plane (even if there is a decent amount of time before departure). According to statistics, the number of passengers who missed their flight is 1-2%. Do you want to trade your first flight for an instructive lesson, which will leave an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time?

At the airport, all departing passengers go through the following stages:

  • check-in and baggage drop-off;
  • customs control;
  • passport control;
  • security control, Duty Free shops and boarding.

Check-in and baggage drop-off

Once in the airport terminal building, the first thing you need to do is find your flight on an electronic board and look at the numbers of the counters where they check-in.

check-in (check-in) starts 3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. If this is your first flight on an airplane, then use the standard check-in procedure at a special counter, as in this case you can ask all your questions to the airline employee. The main thing - do not hesitate to clarify the details or ask again if you do not understand what to do at the airport after check-in.

It should be noted that this is not the only check-in option for the flight. There are two more: online check-in on the airline's website and automated check-in using an electronic self-service terminal in the airport building. Of course, for most people it is more convenient to register with their help (much more time is given, there is no queue). However, if this is your first flight on an airplane, then for reliability it is better to stop at the standard procedure.

When checking in for a flight, there is baggage drop into the cargo hold of the aircraft. Each passenger is entitled to one piece of baggage, one bag weighing 20 to 25 kg (depending on the airline's rules). After checking in the baggage, the passenger receives luggage tag (baggage tag), which is usually glued to the spine of your boarding pass. Never check your valuables and essentials in your luggage - they can be carried as carry-on luggage (a bag that you can take on board the aircraft). Restrictions on the size and weight of carry-on baggage are set by each airline separately.

After check-in, the passenger receives boarding pass (boarding pass) - a document confirming the right to board the aircraft. The boarding pass contains full information about the upcoming flight.

Customs control at the airport

customs control (customs control) - a set of measures to control compliance with customs rules and regulations. If a passenger carries a weapon, a large amount of money, antiques or other items that are subject to mandatory duties, he must enter them in the customs declaration.

To simplify customs control, there are two special zones -. If the departing passenger does not have things and items that are obligatory for declaration with him, he can proceed through the “green” corridor. As a rule, this applies to 95% of all passengers. If you are transporting something that is subject to customs duties, then you need to go along the "red" corridor. If this is your first flight on an airplane, then most likely you have not yet had the experience of preparing the relevant documents and "high-speed" registration of the customs declaration, so we advise you to inquire in advance about the rules for the transportation of taxable things and items.

Passport control at the airport

Passport control (passport control) - verification of a passenger's identity document. The control of the presence of an entry visa is not carried out, although in rare cases, which by and large are a violation of passenger rights, they may be required to show.

Security Control, Duty Free and Boarding

(security control) - examination of passengers, personal belongings and hand luggage. It is during this procedure that the search for firearms, explosive and flammable objects, which, once on board the aircraft, can become instruments of violence in the hands of terrorists, is carried out. Every year, the security rules become more stringent, and the inspection is more thorough.

Security control is carried out as follows: a passenger goes through a metal detector frame, and his personal belongings, previously folded into a special container, are X-rayed. These things include:

  • carry-on luggage, outerwear and headwear;
  • shoes (everyone has to take them off for a while; instead they give out shoe covers);
  • telephones, audio and video players, laptops and other electrical equipment;
  • metal items from pockets or clothing left on the passenger (keys, belt).

If a passenger refuses to take off his outer clothing or shoes, he can go through a scan using an X-ray control system (recall that such a procedure can be hazardous to health). As a rule, for respectable citizens, security control is remembered only by surprises that relate to the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage (water, creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, colognes, gels, toothpaste, shaving foam, deodorants, etc.). Passengers carrying flowers need to go through a special phytocontrol, and tourists with animals - a veterinary one.

When all procedures have been completed, the passenger goes to a special area in neutral territory to wait landing (boarding) on \u200b\u200bthe plane. From a legal point of view, he has already left the country of departure, so in this area, in addition to the waiting room and cafe, there are also shops Duty Free... Their number and size directly depend on the importance of the airport. When you find yourself among the relatively cheap goods, do not forget that you must carefully monitor the announcements over the loudspeaker so as not to miss the start of boarding on your flight. As soon as it starts, proceed to one of the special gates (GATE), the number of which is indicated on your boarding pass. From there, passengers are transported to the plane via a telescopic gangway. If there is no such innovation at the airport, then those who fly off are taken to the aircraft ladder in the old fashioned way - by bus.

Why does being late for check-in lead to a missed flight?

Many passengers, being literally 5–10 minutes late for check-in, are perplexed: why the airline cannot make an exception to let them on board, because “the plane is still on the ground”. The point is that there is a time frame for servicing the aircraft. Their violation leads to a delay in departure, which, in turn, is fraught with the loss of a queue for takeoff and a long wait for a new free "window". In conditions when some passengers have to transfer, while others have already planned important things and meetings, such an expectation can turn into serious problems.

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Air travelers going on the road for the first time in their lives wonder how to fly an airplane, what are the rules and nuances. Although this does not present any difficulty, in order to feel more confident, it is better to stock up on the necessary knowledge and advice on the eve of the flight.

The step-by-step instructions, up to the end of the journey, have several strictly sequential stages:

  • check-in;
  • baggage drop-off;
  • security inspection;
  • passport control;
  • waiting for boarding;
  • boarding the liner;
  • flight;
  • control of passports at the destination airport;
  • baggage claim and exit.
Important! The stages are completed only when performing international flights. The procedure is simplified on domestic flights. In particular, there is no border control of passports.


To describe how to board a plane step by step, you need to start with registration. So, if a passenger can say to himself: “This is the first time I fly on an airplane,” then he already knows that he has to arrive at the airport. Moreover, in large cities there may be several airports and terminals. The airport name and terminal number are indicated on the ticket, which must be carefully examined.

Having reached the airport, you need to find an electronic scoreboard in its hall, which contains information about flights departing in the near future. Usually the board is located near the entrance in a conspicuous place. The English version of the name is "Departures". To find your way around, you need to look for your flight number in the list, then along the line its current status.

Important! You cannot navigate by the destination airport and departure time. Different flights can take off to the same city, and the time sometimes changes.

condition Value Passenger actions
Chek-in, Chek-in open, Open Registration in progress. You can go to the registration desks, the numbers of which are indicated right there. There are usually several of them.
Delayed Departure is delayed. The hours of the expected departure are also indicated here. But this is not the opening hours of the registration, it will start earlier. If the time of the delayed departure is not listed, you need to go to the airline counter to find out more information.
Canceled Flight cancellation. Contact the airline's representative office, they may offer to fly on another flight.
Empty graph Check-in is not open yet due to the early arrival of the passenger. Wait at the airport until check-in opens.
Boarding Boarding has begun. Registration is complete. The passenger can contact the representatives of the airline. Some airports have counters for latecomers. But there is no guarantee that you will still be able to get on the plane.

There are three options for registration:

  • at the registration desk;
  • at the self-check-in terminal;
  • over the internet from home.

Check-in at the airport

At the indicated check-in counters, the passenger presents his ticket with a passport. Sometimes, during international flights, they check for a visa of the country of destination, perhaps they will be asked to present a return ticket and even the bank card used to pay for the travel document. The procedure for registering and boarding a plane with an electronic ticket is no different. The only difference is that it is enough to show your passport at the registration desk without showing your ticket.

After that, the passenger will be given a boarding pass, which contains important information:

  • boarding gate number (Gate);
  • seat in the cabin of the liner;
  • boarding start hours.
Important! The start time of registration procedures at the airport is 3 hours before departure, and the end time is 40 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

Transit passengers are issued a boarding document for a connecting flight.

The second way to check in at the airport is at a self check-in machine. It is necessary to find the terminal of the airline with which the air traveler is flying. It looks like payment terminals for mobile phones and other services, only the device will have an airline logo. There, the surname, the ticket code are entered step by step, you may need to scan your passport, then you are prompted to choose a seat. A boarding pass will be automatically printed with the same information as issued at check-in counters.

Through the Internet

Online registration is available even by mobile phone. It opens at different times for different air carriers. At least one day before the departure of the plane, and for some companies - 1 month. On the air carrier's website, you need to find the button or tab "Check-in" and step by step enter the ticket code, personal data, choose the seat you like. The process ends with a printout of the boarding pass.

The boarding pass can also be printed at the airport's electronic terminals or requested at the check-in counter.

Important! Any electronic check-in method is not suitable for travelers traveling with pets and accompanying people with disabilities. According to the rules of individual air carriers, it is not possible to check-in at the terminals with children under the age of two.

Baggage drop-off and carry-on baggage

Baggage is left at the check-in desks regardless of the check-in method. For passengers who have already checked in online, there are special drop off counters, where suitcases are accepted according to an expedited procedure. With the usual check-in method, baggage is accepted at the counters at the same time. The suitcases will be weighed and tagged. The baggage check is also issued to the passenger. It is often stuck on the boarding pass. You can use it to identify your suitcase. Then the baggage will be sent to the plane for loading on a conveyor belt.

The baggage allowance must be clarified when purchasing a ticket. Carry-on baggage is also weighed, tagged and returned to the passenger. As a rule, its weight should not exceed 5-8 kg.

What you need to do to avoid problems when checking in your baggage:

  1. Weigh the suitcase and if its weight exceeds the norm, transfer individual items to carry-on luggage, without violating the baggage rules.
  2. Study in advance the rules for transporting fragile and oversized cargo, which must be securely packed. In this case, you may need to independently carry oversized baggage to another counter - "Oversized baggage desk".

Security inspection

At Russian airports, passport control is usually carried out first, then a security check. In many foreign airports, the opposite is true: security is examined first.

Pre-flight screening is a thorough check by airport employees of the passenger's personal belongings - what is with them and in hand luggage. Outerwear, often shoes, belts, watches, must be removed and placed on a conveyor belt that will carry them through the scanning machine. The passenger himself is directed to pass through the metal detector frame.

  1. Take plastic containers, put bags, clothes and other things there, place them on a conveyor belt.
  2. Check if there is any with you - liquids in vessels exceeding 100 milliliters, piercing and cutting objects, etc. All this is packed in luggage checked in at the check-in counters. Baby food and life-saving drugs are rushing by as an exception.
  3. A passenger with a pacemaker warns a security officer. He will be examined personally by a worker of the same gender without going through a metal detector.
Important! During security checks, the passenger must be as serious as possible. Remember that jokes about bombs, weapons, etc. may be taken as a reason for taking him off the flight.

International flights

The main difference between pre-flight inspection on international flights is the passage of customs control. If a passenger is not carrying items subject to customs declaration, he goes through the "green corridor".

If there is cash currency (or rubles) in the amount equivalent to 10 thousand US dollars, value, etc., according to the rules of transportation, a declaration is filled out in the “red corridor” of customs.

Important! It is mandatory to fill in the declaration before check-in for the flight.

Passport control

Border control of passports is carried out for international flights. It is usually labeled "Passport control". Here it is required to show the passport with a boarding pass to the border guard officer. He will check the document against the database to see if the air traveler has obstacles to leaving the country. Then he will put a stamp on the place and date of crossing the border.

Departure area

There are cafes, restaurants, Duty free shops in the departure waiting area, but first you need to:

  1. Find your gate. His number is sometimes changed. This is announced by speakerphone and duplicated on information stands.
  2. Remember the location of your Gate and then walk around the pre-flight zone, remembering to return strictly to the time indicated in the boarding document (Boarding time).


When boarding begins, the flight number and the name of the destination airport appear on the display at the desired Gate. The passenger must make sure that this is his flight and show his passport with a boarding pass at the exit. The larger side of the ticket will be torn off, the other must be kept until arriving at the destination and receiving the suitcases.

You get on the plane in two ways:

  • by bus they are taken to the liner, where they go up the ladder;
  • pass through the telescopic "sleeve" directly into the aircraft.
Important! If delivery to the plane is made by bus, it is beneficial not to rush, but to go at the end. The platform bus will be waiting for all passengers. When landing through the "sleeve", it is better to go first and calmly find your seat.

On board the aircraft, flight attendants will show you where the passenger's seat is. Personal belongings are stored in the overhead rack over the seat. If there is no space in the overhead rack above your seat, you can use other bins.

Now that check-in and boarding are complete, it's time to enjoy your air travel.


While on board the liner, you must follow the general rules and instructions received on the plane:

  • fasten your seat belts when required;
  • do not get up from the seats during takeoff and landing, getting into turbulence zones;
  • no smoking, etc.

Depending on the level of service, breakfast, lunch or dinner and drinks will be offered. If this is a low-cost airline, then for an additional fee. On board there are newspapers, magazines, sometimes monitors with video entertainment, blankets, sets for children.

Important! Ears may get blocked during takeoff and landing. Lollipops or chewing gum can help ease the discomfort.

Passage of control upon arrival

After the end of the flight, if it was an international flight, there are three types of procedures for obtaining permission to cross the border:

  • visa processing upon arrival;
  • filling out an immigration card;
  • passport control.

Visa on arrival

At the airports of those countries where a similar procedure is provided for Russians, one has to go straight from the plane to the “Visa on arrival” counters. Then - the usual control of passports.

Filling out an immigration card

For states requiring a completed immigration card from each foreigner, its form is most often issued on board the liner at the end of the flight. It is filled out in English, indicating the purpose of the visit to the country, the time of stay, the address of the hotel or apartment, the number of the arriving flight, etc. Forms can be obtained after leaving the plane, near special counters near the passport control.

Passport control

In some countries, the passenger immediately goes to Passport control. Here you must show your foreign passport with a boarding pass and visa (obtained in advance or upon arrival), immigration card (if required). An airport employee checks the documents, puts a mark in the passport about crossing the border. Sometimes, in accordance with the rules of entry into the country, they will be asked to show return tickets, medical insurance, etc.

Important! Foreigners should queue up at the Foreign Passports or All Passports counters.

Receipt of baggage

Following the “Baggage” or “Luggage” signs, the passenger goes to the baggage conveyors. The information board of large airports will show the number of the arrived flight and the number of the baggage conveyor. If there are doubts about the suitcase, the numbers of the baggage tag and the tag issued to the passenger are checked.

Oversized baggage is checked out at separate counters.

Important! If a passenger possesses items subject to customs declaration, he passes through the customs “red corridor”. The rest go through "green".

Transfer at the transit airport

Flights can be operated with a connection on one ticket. A passenger who has received a boarding pass for the next flight at the airport of departure follows the signs to the Transfer area.

  1. You do not need to receive your luggage upon arrival at the intermediate airport; it will be reloaded onto another airliner.
  2. If the first plane is late, you need to contact the counter where the transfer passengers are checked out. There you will be asked to take the next flight.
  3. For the states of the Schengen agreement, passport control is mandatory only if the intermediate and final destination are in the countries of the Schengen area.
  4. If the boarding pass is not issued at the airport of departure, it is received at the transit area of \u200b\u200bthe intermediate airport. You just need to go to the counter for transfer passengers with a ticket and passport.
  5. You need to wait for your flight in the transit area, which is also the departure area, with cafes, restaurants and shops.
Important! When transferring at airports in some countries (for example, the USA), a transit visa is required, and passengers are forced to collect their luggage.

When two separate stopovers are purchased, different rules apply:

  1. At the place of departure, only one flight is checked in.
  2. Upon arrival at the intermediate airport, you must go through passport control and collect your luggage. Then the procedure of registration and boarding is repeated in full with the second ticket. Sometimes you will need to move to a nearby terminal or even to another airport.
  3. If you miss the next flight, the ticket will be lost.

A passenger flying for the first time on an airplane should, if possible, choose a direct flight or with a connection on one ticket.

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If you often travel by plane or have ever experienced long flights, then you probably imagine how tiring it can be. therefore websitei've put together some helpful tips to help you fly in comfort and land fresh and rested.

1. The best seat in the cabin is by the window

Choosing a place near the window, you kill several birds with one stone: firstly, you can lean against the wall to take a nap, and secondly, the neighbors will not bother you to get out. And of course, you will be provided with a wonderful view.

2. Choose comfortable clothes

The days when the most exquisite outfits were chosen for travel by plane are long gone - give preference to comfortable and comfortable clothes that will not restrain your movements.

During long flights the temperature in the cabin can change, so it is best to dress in "layers" eg T-shirt, sweater, sweatshirt. Remember to bring warm socks with you so you can take off your shoes and stay warm.

3. Take water with you, exclude the use of caffeine and alcohol

To avoid dehydration, don't forget to drink plenty of water during the flight... The glasses offered by the flight attendants are not too large, and in order not to wait again, it is better to stock up on a few bottles of water (do not forget to buy it only after checking your luggage).

Better to avoid caffeinated drinks: it interferes with sleep, increases dehydration. Alcohol may relieve stress a little, but it can also lead to dehydration and lethargy.

4. Take care of your face

Humidity levels are very low on board, so our skin suffers in the first place. In order not to experience discomfort, follow these tips:

  • Direct the air flow from the air conditioner to a location other than your face.
  • If your skin starts to shine, wipe your face with cleansing wipes and apply a moisturizer.
  • Do not spray water on your face - this will dry out your skin even more. Or blot it with a tissue after spraying.

5. Sit back in a chair

Sitting for a long time makes my legs feel numb and my back gets very tired, and the seats on the plane are not very comfortable. Place a pillow, rolled up scarf or sweater under your lower back, and cover yourself with a blanket. It is better to ask for a pillow and a blanket as soon as you get on board the plane (sometimes they run out quickly).

Also remember that the higher your feet are in relation to the floor, the better, so try placing them directly on top of your own luggage under the seat in front.

6. Stock up on everything you need for a comfortable sleep

Instead of massive gadgets like a big laptop and a few thick books it is better to take a bag with useful things in flight with you... With them, even in economy class, you will be able to sleep and relax:

  • Ear plugs or noise canceling headphones.
  • Sleep mask.
  • Neck support pillow.

7. How to prevent blocked ears

Differences in pressure, especially during takeoff and landing, can cause unpleasant congestion in your ears. To get rid of her try yawning widely, swallowing a few times, or sucking on hard candy.

8. Try to move

Spending several hours in one position is not easy: the body becomes numb, and the blood accumulates in the lower limbs and does not reach the top of the body. Try to get out of the chair at least once an hour, and also do a little warm-up right in the chair: some airlines print exercise reminders for their passengers.

9. Bring a healthy snack with you

Low levels of pressure and humidity on board lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the taste buds. It is for this reason that airlines add a lot of spices, salt and sugar to their dinners, and this is not always beneficial. Consider a snacks you can take with you on the plane: fruits, nuts, yogurt.

10. Make a plan for your flight

By plane, you can quickly get to anywhere in the world. Frequent flyers confidently prepare for the upcoming flight, well understanding all the nuances of air travel. Those who are planning a flight on a liner for the first time need to study some of the rules for travelers and familiarize themselves with the recommendations of experienced specialists, thanks to which the upcoming flight will take place in a comfortable and safe mode.

In this article, we will consider all the nuances of flying on an airplane for those who make it for the first time, how to properly prepare, the requirements for behavior in the terminal building and in the cabin of the airliner, advice for a beginner on how to avoid mistakes and not be afraid of the flight.

How to book and purchase an air ticket

You can buy a plane ticket at the airport ticket office, in a specialized agency or via the Internet.

Booking air tickets online is the most convenient and profitable way. The cost of such tickets is always lower than at the box office. The passenger can use aggregator search engines and a low price calendar to find a ticket to the desired destination at the best price.

When buying a ticket at the box office, the passenger receives a paper document, when issued via the Internet - an electronic ticket.

How to buy a ticket online:

  1. We choose a suitable option on the site.
  2. Press the button "Buy" or "Book".
  3. If necessary, we issue additional services from the list of proposed options.
  4. We pay by electronic payment, for example, from a bank card.
  5. We receive an itinerary receipt by e-mail. The document can be printed on a printer or in a self-service terminal at the airport of departure.

Important: when issuing an air ticket online, enter the passenger data without errors and be sure to double-check the correctness of the entered data.

An electronic ticket has the same legal force as a paper counterpart. The possibility of a refund or exchange of a ticket in the event of a change in departure plans is determined according to the fare rules.

Preparing to fly an airplane

The tickets have been bought, it's time to properly prepare for the upcoming air travel and mentally tune in to the flight.

If you have health problems or symptoms of motion sickness appear during long trips, be sure to consult your doctor and take the necessary medications on the road.

What you need to know about baggage

Passengers can carry main and carry-on baggage on the plane. The first involves transportation in the cargo compartment of the liner. Such things are packed in travel bags or suitcases. Baggage is checked in at the airport near a special counter and is marked. A tear-off tag is attached to the passenger's boarding pass, by which he can receive personal belongings at the arrival airport.

Carry-on baggage is carried in the cabin. The passenger can pack in his hand luggage all the most necessary and valuable - documents, money, medicines, mobile phone, keys, etc. Information on whether it is possible to use gadgets and electronic devices in flight can be read.

Airline rules for carrying baggage and hand luggage on the plane:

  1. The passenger can take on board personal items, the weight and size of which does not exceed the permissible limits. Information on the number of luggage bags, their dimensions and weight category must be clarified in advance with the airline for whose plane the ticket was booked.
  2. You also need to familiarize yourself with the list of things prohibited for transportation on the plane. Such items cannot be taken on the road. Airlines also define restrictions on the carriage of specific items in the cabin or in checked baggage. Specify all information on this issue in advance on the airline's website.

Take only the essentials on the road. Don't overload your bags with unnecessary items. Pack your things in high-quality bags or suitcases, without defects or damage, with working zippers and locks.

What clothes are better to fly

To make your trip on the liner as comfortable as possible, choose comfortable clothes for the flight, rather than smart ones. The best option is sportswear made from breathable fabric and lightweight shoes, such as sneakers or ordinary slippers. You can take them in your hand luggage and change your shoes in the cabin.

People with varicose veins should take special compression stockings on board to facilitate blood flow.

How to behave at the airport

At the entrance to the airport building, look for the electronic departure board and find information about your flight on it.

Decoding of inscriptions on the electronic board:

  1. On time or Open "Time" - indicates the start time of registration.
  2. Check-in, Open or Check-in Open - check-in for the flight has started.
  3. Delayed - the flight is delayed. Next to the inscription there may be a time for which a departure delay is expected.
  4. Canceled - the flight is canceled.

Registration and passport control

To get on the plane, you need to go through mandatory check-in for the flight and.

Check-in can be done at the counter at the airport or in the self-service terminal (if there are such devices in the departure hall). Online registration via the Internet is also allowed. It opens 24 hours before departure, so you can check in while still at home. The main thing is to print the boarding pass that will be sent to your email.

Registration process:

  1. The passenger takes the queue and prepares the necessary documents.
  2. Shows the itinerary receipt and passport to the airline employee.
  3. After checking the data, the specialist issues a boarding pass to the passenger. With this document he goes to the baggage drop-off counter.

During the registration procedure, you need to choose a seat on the plane. For the convenience of passengers, a layout of the airliner's cabin has been created, by which you can easily determine the most convenient places for accommodation, which have not yet been booked by other travelers.

All seats on the plane are divided into several categories, some of them are free, others are paid, but the most comfortable. Experts recommend not saving money and booking extra-comfort seats with increased legroom, which is especially important if you are planning a long-term flight.

After checking in and dropping off the baggage, the passenger must go through:

  • passport control;
  • customs control (when departing abroad);
  • pre-flight inspection (through a metal detector to identify prohibited items).

Having passed all the pre-flight procedures, you can go to board the plane.

How is boarding a plane

Passengers stay in the sterile departure area until the dispatcher announces boarding the flight over the speakerphone. Travelers come to a special exit (gate), show the company employee their passport and boarding pass, go through the corridor (green / red) and go out to the closed airport area where the planes are located.

Tourists are taken to the airliner by buses. Some airports are equipped with telescopic bridges, passing through which passengers find themselves on board.

In the cabin, passengers are met by flight attendants. They help tourists to find seats on the plane according to the purchased tickets.

Other helpful related articles:

Rules of conduct on board an aircraft

On board the aircraft, all passengers are required to comply with the etiquette and safety rules approved by the air carrier.

Obligations of the passenger:

  1. Carry out all flight attendant commands.
  2. Do not create conflict situations.
  3. Culturally and quietly communicate with other passengers and on the phone.
  4. Do not use drugs on board. Also, smoking on the plane is strictly prohibited.
  5. When flying with a child, parents are obliged to monitor the behavior of the young passenger and accompany him to the toilet.
  6. When taking off and landing, turn off your mobile phone and other working gadgets.

Before takeoff, the flight attendant will give a short briefing about, tell you how to act in an emergency and what not to do when the plane is gaining altitude and going to land. This information must be listened to carefully. In the seat pocket you can also find booklets with detailed rules of conduct on the plane.

If the rules of etiquette and safety are violated, the passenger can be punished with a fine. Malicious violators who pose a potential threat to other passengers on the flight can be arrested for several days and included in an emergency (blacklist), which in the future will not allow using the services of air carriers.

How easy it is to transfer the flight

The flight by plane is very difficult for many passengers. To make your flight as comfortable as possible, you need to properly prepare for the flight and follow a few simple recommendations from experienced travelers.

How easy it is to transfer the flight:

  1. Choose convenient locations. If you get seasick on the way, take the seats in the bow of the aircraft (book tickets for such seats in advance).
  2. Drink plenty of fluids on board.
  3. Mint lozenges or gum can help relieve congestion in your ears.
  4. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes on the plane.
  5. Try to relax, do not think about the bad, keep yourself busy with something fun. You can take a book to read, a tablet for watching movies, or a magazine with crosswords.
  6. If you have a long flight, take a small pillow under your head, a light blanket for cover, earplugs and an eye mask.
  7. If your limbs become numb during the flight, walk around the cabin. You can perform simple gymnastic exercises.
  8. Do not take strong tea, coffee, or alcohol during the flight. Avoid fatty foods. Light snack foods, vegetables, fruits are preferred.

What to do if it's scary to fly for the first time

Almost all passengers are afraid to fly an airplane for the first time.

How to overcome your fear of the first flight:

  1. Think good. Try to relax and distract yourself, find an exciting activity on the plane - read a book, listen to your favorite music, watch the clouds from the windows.
  2. If you're afraid of heights, take aisle seats.
  3. In order not to feel strong shaking when entering the turbulence zone, try to take a seat in the nose or middle of the aircraft.
  4. Take lollipops on the road. They are distracting, prevent motion sickness and congestion in the ears.
  5. Correct breathing - deep inhalation and exhalation through the mouth - will allow you to immerse yourself in a peaceful atmosphere.
  6. To feel comfortable during the flight, wear loose clothing, remove uncomfortable shoes, and replace them with your favorite indoor slippers.

Don't be afraid to fly airplanes. This type of transport is considered the safest, which is proven by statistical data.

In order for the planned flight on an airliner to be successful and not cause significant discomfort, prepare correctly for the upcoming trip and follow the advice of experienced tourists.

  1. Get some sleep before your flight.
  2. Take your first aid kit with essential drugs on the road.
  3. Wash your hands frequently on the plane, use antibacterial gels or wet wipes.
  4. Try not to eat foods "heavy" for the stomach on the plane.
  5. Drink plenty of water. For drinks, give preference to tomato juice or regular still water.
  6. Bring your skin moisturizer on the road. Use it during flight to keep the epidermis from drying out. Also, a cream for leg fatigue is useful when flying.
  7. In order not to interfere with noise and light in the cabin, use earplugs and a sleep mask. They will help you fall asleep faster.
  8. Do not hesitate to exercise on the plane if you have problems with numbness in your arms or legs.
  9. If your neck becomes numb, place a travel pillow or bolster under your head (these accessories must be purchased in advance).
  10. Do not drink alcohol before flying or while traveling, even in small doses.

Your first flight: what mistakes beginners make

Many people who fly for the first time make mistakes that can be easily eliminated if you carefully read the guidelines for beginners and the rules of conduct on the plane.

The most common mistakes novice tourists make:

  1. I miscalculated the time and arrived at the airport after the check-in was complete. Late passengers are not allowed on the plane.
  2. Took a lot of luggage and the counter showed an overweight You have to pay extra for excess cargo.
  3. Before the trip I ate well poorly digestible food. Unpleasant symptoms appear during the flight.
  4. I have consumed alcohol. Such drinks can lead to the most unforeseen consequences.
  5. I did not choose a place in advance and all the way I had to sit in the most uncomfortable places located next to the toilet room.
  6. I did not specify with the airline whether meals are provided on the plane, and what menu will be offered during the flight. In order not to stay hungry, check this information or take light food for a snack.

Many mistakes are made, but if you properly prepare for the upcoming flight, you will be able to avoid them, and at the same time create all the conditions for a comfortable air travel on the safest transport - an airplane!