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What is the biggest monument. The tallest statues in the world (30 photos). History of the creation of the Washington Monument

To immortalize something by creating a monument has always been considered a noble deed. Every country has monuments different sizes, beautiful and ugly, there is historical monuments, but there are comic ones.

The largest monument to Lenin

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, there are still many monuments to Lenin. In some places, of course, they were demolished, but some are still standing. There are such monuments abroad.

The largest is located in the city of Volgograd. It is installed on the banks of the Volga and is turned to face it. The overall height is fifty-seven meters. The sculpture itself is twenty-seven meters, and the pedestal rises thirty meters. This monument is recognized as the largest, which is why it ended up in the Guinness Book of Records. It is included in the section of monuments erected to real people.

The opening took place in the spring of 1973. The material from which the sculpture is made is monolithic reinforced concrete. The rigidity was achieved thanks to the steel ropes stretched inside. The pedestal is built on piles, fully lined with granite blocks. Its weight is nine and a half thousand tons.

On the site of this monument, from 1952 to the early seventies, there was a monument to Stalin, made of the rarest native copper. After it was demolished, the pedestal remained empty for several years. It turns out that the pedestal is much older than the monument to Lenin.

The largest monuments in Russia

Of the huge number of monuments in Russia, the monument to Peter the Great is recognized as the largest. It is also called "300 years of the Russian fleet" and is located in Moscow. Its height is ninety-eight meters. The sculptor is Zurab Tsereteli.

Before the monument to Peter the Great appeared, the largest in Russia was the Motherland in Volgograd. Its height is only two meters lower and is ninety-six meters. The sculpture is called "The Motherland Calls!" It is part of the architectural ensemble and its compositional center. The total weight of the sculpture is eight thousand tons.

In the city of Murmansk, a monument to Alyosha is erected. It rises, standing on a hill " Cape Verde". Installation year - 1974th. He looks at the valley, which is called the Valley of Glory, where there were bloody battles. A similar monument is erected in Bulgaria. The height of "Murmansk Alyosha" together with the pedestal is forty two and a half meters. Alyosha is a broad-shouldered warrior in a raincoat. It can be seen from anywhere in the city, since the cape on which it stands rises above sea level by one hundred and seventy three meters.

One of the symbols of the Soviet era is the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman monument. Its height with a pedestal is fifty meters. It is installed in Moscow. There is also a monument to Gagarin, cast from titanium, on a 40-meter pedestal.

The ugliest monuments

Not all monuments are beautiful. There is a rating of the ugliest and weirdest. The monument to Abbot Faria in India on Goa is recognized as such. He depicts the abbot in a hypnotic session with a patient.

The metronome located in New York is considered an ugly monument. This "work of art" was created in 1999. There is a monument to Michael Jackson in the UK. It is installed at the stadium of one of the football clubs. The customer of such a terrible statue is the owner of the football club Al-Fayed.

The monument to Peter the Great, which is located in Moscow, is also recognized as ugly. They even wanted to dismantle it, but the cost of dismantling is too high. There is a monument in the city of Seoul, whose name is "Amabel". The monument is a strange metal structure. It resembles a rose. Since it was not cheap to dismantle and send this monument to the museum, it was decided to hide it with the help of several trees.

In the city of Prague there is "Peeing Men" - this is a fountain in the form of two men over two meters high, who urinate in the pool. In the city of Deisburg in Germany, there is a disgusting monument to the Savior of Life. This multicolored, gaudy creation is a plump woman, dressed in a swimsuit, who merged in ecstasy with an incomprehensible creature resembling a bird on fat legs. A monument to the twelve-meter finger was erected in Paris.

The tallest monument in the world

Of all the highest monuments on the planet, the champion for several years has been the statue of Buddha, which is installed in Japan. The opening took place in 1995. This giant's material is bronze. Its height is one hundred and twenty meters, of which ten meters is the height of the base and ten meters is the height of the lotus platform. The observation deck was built at a height of eighty meters. Those who wish there are lifted by a special elevator.

In 2008, a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni was opened in Myanmar, which, together with the pedestal, rises one hundred and thirty meters, its height without a pedestal is one hundred and sixteen meters. It was built on donations from ordinary people for twelve years.

The tallest monument in the world is the Spring Temple Buddha, made of copper. It is installed in one of the Chinese provinces. Its height with a pedestal is one hundred and fifty-three meters. The total height of the complex, taking into account the hill on which the statue stands, is two hundred and eight meters.

Monuments are fundamental creatures. And there is beauty that is very easy to destroy - for example, fragile butterflies. But even these creatures are quite large. For example, according to the site, the wingspan of the world's largest butterflies exceeds 30 cm.
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Large size is one of the parameters, possessing which you can become famous all over the world. Glorifying the great gods, great victories, great people, or just a loved one, modern sculptors create giant monuments, hoping that their brainchildren will live for centuries. Actually, maybe some of these giants will remain on Earth forever, and distant generations of people will study these buildings, as we studied the pyramids or some Colossus of Rhodes. In the article, we have listed the 15 tallest monuments in the world.

For a comparative analysis, we took monuments higher than 40 meters. The truth is that most of the giants are erected in China and Japan, and represent various forms of Buddha on earth. But if all the Big Buddhas of Asia are included in the top ten, then there will be no place for other statues at all.

Washington Monument 169 meters

This obelisk was erected in Washington, USA, as a monument to George Washington - the first president of the United States. At that time, and before construction Eiffel tower, it was considered the tallest structure on Earth.

Victory Monument 141.8 meters

The monument was opened on May 9, 1995 and is part of the whole Memorial complex Victories in Moscow. Its height of 141.8 meters was not chosen by chance - 10 cm for each day of the war.

Spring Temple Buddha 128 meters

The most tall statue in the world, depicting Buddha Vairochana. Moreover, 20 meters in height is a lotus pedestal. It was erected not so long ago, in 2002. The Buddha rises above the village of Zhaocun in Henan province in China.

Daibutsu Usiku 120 meters

The statue depicts Buddha Amitabha. And also, 20 meters of its height is taken away by a platform in the shape of a flower. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.

Lezhong Sasaja 116 meters

This huge sculptural structure is located in the Sikain District of Myanmar. The official height of the standing Buddha does not include the 13.4 meter pedestal. Another Buddha lies at the foot of the standing one, he was erected almost 17 years earlier.

Guanyin Goddess Statue 108 meters

The statue is located near the Nanshan Temple in Sanya City, Hainan Island in China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the island, and the faces of the others are towards the sea. Construction took six years and was completed in 2005.

Cristo Rei (Christ the King) 103 meters

The statue of Jesus Christ is located in the city of Almada, Portugal. The portico base raises the statue 75 meters above the ground. The growth of Christ himself is 28 meters.

Motherland 102 meters

This monument stands in Kiev on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is part of the complex " National Museum the history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. " and was erected in 1981. The height of the sculpture from the pedestal to the tip of the sword is 62 m. The official height of the monument is calculated with the base.

Monument to Peter the Great 98 meters

Statue of Liberty 93 meters

It is often referred to as the symbol of the United States. This is a gift from French citizens for the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The height is calculated taking into account the base and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

Motherland is calling! 85 meters

The statue is included in the set "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", which is located on the Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. At the time of creation, the sculpture was the tallest in the world. The height of the female figure without a sword is 52 meters.

Maitreya Buddha statue 74 meters

The Buddha is carved right in the Lingyunshan Mountain, near the city of Leshan. Three rivers of the Chinese province of Sichuan flow here. They began to carve this giant back in 713, all construction lasted 90 years. Until the middle of the 17th century, the body of this Buddha was hidden up to the neck by a 13-storey temple called the Pavilion of the Great Image. But later the Temple burned down.

Genghis Khan statue 50 meters

The monument to the founder of the Mongol Empire is located, where? In Mongolia! In the city of Tsongzhin-Boldog. A huge horse with a rider is installed directly on the building of the art gallery. There is an observation deck in the horse's head.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin 42.5 meters





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Christ of Mercy - Nicaragua, 26 meters

Erected in the town of San Juan del Sur, the tallest statue in Central America:

Statue of Christ the King - Colombia, 26 meters

Located in the city of Cali, built in 1953. Located at an altitude of 1440 meters above sea level, weight 446 tons:

Christ Rei Delhi - East Timor, height 27 meters

This statue is a gift from the government of Indonesia (in 1996, when East Timor was still a province of this state, it gained independence in 2002). It is made of copper and consists of 27 sections.

Christ the King - Portugal, 28 meters

The erection of the statue began in Lisbon in 1940 and was completed in 1959. She is considered a symbol of peace, saving Portugal from the horrors of World War II:

Christ Ricusitado (Resurrected) - Mexico, 30 meters

The statue is located in the cemetery of the town of San Rafaele. Built in 1970 from pink granite:

Blessing of Christ - Indonesia, 30 meters

The statue is located in the city of Manado. It is made from 35 tons of stainless steel and 25 tons of steel strands. The local Catholic community raised money for the statue. The statue is unusual in that it tilts 20 degrees forward:

Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1926-1931. In 2010, the fingers and eyebrows of the statue were damaged by a thunderstorm, after which lightning rods were installed in it:

Christ Vung Tau - Vietnam, 32 meters

The statue is located in the city of Vung Tau, its construction was started in 1974, completed in 1993. Metal beams in a halo are a lightning rod. The statue is made of concrete with granite inserts:

Christ the King - Poland, 33 meters + crown 3 meters

Together with the crown, it is the tallest statue in the world (36 meters). 33 meters - symbolizes the age of Christ. Made of concrete and fiberglass, weight 440 tons:

Christ of Peace - Bolivia, 34.2 meters

The statue also has a pedestal 6.2 meters high. Located in the city of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. The heaviest statue of Christ in the world - 2220 tons. The stairs inside the statue (1399 steps) can be reached by observation decklocated in the head.

In which countries and cities are the tallest monuments, statues in the world? Rating of the tallest statues with a list, description, photo

Tall statues amaze with their grandeur and excite the imagination of tourists. Many people remember the story of Gulliver, looking at the majestic sculptures. Huge statues are in different corners the world. Sculptors, architects and project authors wanted to celebrate their creations so that they would stand for centuries. They managed to do it. We offer you to get acquainted with the list of the tallest monuments, statues of the whole world.

If you list all these structures, then besides the Buddha statues, there will be no others in our rating. We will not describe here all the sculptures dedicated to Buddha in order to acquaint you with other, no less magnificent structures. So let's get started.

The tallest monuments and statues with an indication of the height, names of countries, cities:

  1. Victory Monument (Russia, Moscow) - 141.8 m;
  2. Krishto Rey (Portugal, Almada) - 138 m;
  3. Wellington Column (Great Britain, Liverpool) - 132 m;
  4. Lezhong-Sasazha (Myanmar, Khatakan Taung village) - 129.24 m;
  5. Goddess Guanyin Statue (China, Sanya) - 108 m;
  6. Sculpture "Motherland" (Ukraine, Kiev) - 102 m;
  7. Goddess Kannon statue (Japan, Sendai) - 100 m;
  8. Statue of Liberty (USA, New York) - 93 m;
  9. Statue of buddha (China, Wuxi) - 88 m;
  10. (Russia, Volgograd) - 87 m;
  11. Statue of Saint Rita (Brazil, Santa Cruz) - 56 m;
  12. Genghis Khan statue (Mongolia, Tsongin-Boldog area) - height 50 m;
  13. Christ King statue (Poland, Swiebodzin) - 52 m;
  14. (Russia, Murmansk) - 42.5 m;
  15. Statue of the Virgin Mary of Kita (Ecuador, Quito) - 41 m.

These sculptures were erected in different years and centuries, they glorify saints, warriors and great people, pay tribute to significant events of the people and the country. Each of these statues contains history and, at times, incredible wonders.

Victory Monument

In the capital of Russia, on Poklonnaya Hill, the Victory Monument was erected, timed to coincide with the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Important: The height of the monument is 141.8 m. And this figure has a reason. For every day of a bloody war, there are 10 centimeters.

This monument is the highest in Russia. It also ranks first in our rating. The shape of the monument is rather complicated. The statue is made in the form of a triangular bayonet with bronze bas-reliefs. Almost at the very top of the bayonet is the goddess Nike with a victory crown in her hands, as well as cupids trumpeting about victory.

The Victory Monument is located on a hill. There are service buildings on this hill. The state of the sculpture is monitored here.

Victory Monument ranks 1st in the list of tallest statues

Goddess Nika and two cupids

The highest monument in Russia

Krishto Rey

This statue was built in Portugal near the city of Almada. The figure represents Jesus Christ, addressed to people. Cristo Rei is 138 m high, of which the sculpture of Jesus Christ is 28 m, the base is 110 m. The base of the structure is presented in the form of four pillars connected to a common base.

At the foot of the Cristo Rei statue there is an observation deck from which you can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding area and the Tagus River. It is better to admire the statue from afar at night, when the lights are lit on it. Special lights allow you to see the statue better.

Important: The construction of this structure has interesting story... The project for the construction of the sculpture was signed in 1940. Thus, they wanted to ask God that Portugal would not be involved in the Second World War.

Funds for the construction of the statue were raised by the people of Portugal. People donated money and asked God to save the lives of their families and friends.

Inside the statue is a guest house, a chapel and a church. There is an elevator inside that will quickly take you to the observation deck.

Majestic statue of Cristo Rey, Portugal

Huge statue up close

Krishto Rey from behind

Wellington Column

Important: There is a monument to Wellington in Liverpool. Its other name is the Waterloo Monument. After the death of the Duke of Wellington, it was decided to erect a monument in honor of the Duke and his victories.

The townspeople collected money for the installation of the column. The first stone of the column was laid in 1861; construction was completed by 1865.

The monument features steps, a pedestal and a tall column on which the figure of the Duke of Wellington is installed. The height of the figure is 25 m. There are bronze eagles on all sides of the pedestal. One side depicts the Battle of Waterloo.

Liverpool, Wellington Column

Eagles around the column

Duke of Wellington figure


This statue is in the form of a huge standing Buddha. You can see the large-scale statue in the vicinity of Khatakan Taung in Myanmar. All tourists who go to Myanmar are recommended to visit this unique place to see the majestic statue live. After all, the photo does not convey the entire scale of the structure.

The height of the statue is over 129 m, of which the Buddha is 116 m, and the rest is reserved for the pedestal. The construction of the statue took 12 long years. The official opening took place in 2008.

The Lezhong-Sasazha statue is mostly yellow. The statue is hollow inside. There is a museum dedicated to Buddhism.

Important: For local residents this statue is a place of religious worship, and for tourists of other faiths - a landmark in Myanmar. The statue can be seen from afar, it is surrounded by a huge garden with many plants.


Statue face up close

Goddess Guanyin Statue

In the city of Sanya on the resort island of Hainan, the statue of the Goddess Guanyin is majestically located. Its height is as much as 108 m. The statue was built over 6 years. The statue was unveiled in 2005. This sculpture can be seen from anywhere in the city. The first thing that greets guests of the island is a statue. It is worth noting that there are always a lot of guests, because the island is a famous resort.

The peculiarity of the statue is that it has three faces. One face is directed towards the island and the other two are directed towards the sea. This personifies the protection and patronage of the goddess from all sides.

Important: Traditionally, the goddess Guanyin is the patroness of women and children. Those who have trouble conceiving can turn to the goddess. Many tourists from all over the world go to the island specifically in order to ask the goddess to fulfill their dream and give a child.

However, tourists do not always manage to quickly get to the statue: access to it opens at certain hours.

The statue of the goddess Guanyin, located on the island of Hainan, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. This structure is the tallest statue dedicated to this goddess in the whole world.

The magnificent island of Hainan

Majestic statue

Tourists go to the goddess Guanyin


On the right bank of the Dnieper River in Kiev, the majestic construction of the Motherland was erected. The statue is dedicated to the Great Victory won in 1945.

Important: The statue represents a woman with a sword and shield in her hands.

The statue was erected in 1981. The famous sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich worked on the project of the statue. After his death, the project was headed by Vasily Borodai. The height of the statue with a pedestal is 102 m, the statue itself is 62 m. A sculpture of this size in those years was the largest work in the USSR. The statue is made of steel, although it was planned to cover it with gold leaf. The entire statue is welded.

According to forecasts, the construction will stand for over 150 years. The statue is not afraid even of an earthquake with a scale of 9 points. There are elevators inside the building that lift people to observation platforms... From the height of the statue you can admire the beauty of the city of Kiev.

At the base of the building is a three-story museum. There is a square in front of it, which can simultaneously accommodate 30 thousand people. Events timed to the Victory Day are held here.

Tall Statue - Motherland

World statues rating

It looks like a statue up close

Goddess Kannon statue

In the city of Sendai, near Tokyo, the main attraction is the statue of the goddess Kannon. Height - 100 m. The statue is considered the patroness of the city since 1991, this is the year of the construction of the structure. The statue is white.

According to Japanese mythology, the goddess of mercy Kannon helps people and gives them happiness. The goddess can take on different forms, she can come to a person in 33 images. The image of a cat with an outstretched paw, which attracts good luck, takes its roots from here. According to the legend, one prince took shelter from the rain under a large tree. Suddenly he saw a cat beckoning with its paw. The prince went to the call of the animal, and suddenly lightning hit the tree, and it crumbled into small chips.

Important: The Cannon company, which is known primarily for its cameras, is named after this goddess.

The statue is located on the territory of the temple, where they pray to the goddess of mercy. Tourists and everyone can go up the stairs or take the elevator upstairs, where they can look at the Japanese city of Sendai.

Tall Goddess Kannon statue, Sendai

View of the statue from afar

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is called the symbol of America. From the ground to the top of the torch, the height is 93 m. The image of this statue can often be seen on postcards, souvenirs, in the cinema. The Statue of Liberty was opened in 1886.

Important: Everyone is accustomed to calling this sculpture the Statue of Liberty, but not everyone knows its full name - "Freedom that illuminates the world." This statue is a gift to the people of the United States from the French people who supported America in the fight for democracy.

Fundraising for the construction of the statue was carried out in France and the United States. For this, exhibitions, balls, sports competitions and other events were organized. It was assumed that the statue will be made for the 100th anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence. However, by this date (1876) only a hand with a torch had been made. The Statue of Liberty got to New York only in 1885, and it was opened in 1886.

The statue is located on Liberty Island, which until 1956 was called Bedlow. The statue has been restored many times. In connection with the terrorist attacks, the statue was repeatedly closed for visiting with tourists. Currently, the statue is open to the public, but before getting there it is necessary to go through a search.

Statue of Liberty, America

World famous statue

View of the statue from afar

Statue of buddha

The bronze majestic Buddha is located at the top of Lingshan Hill in chinese city Wuxi. The city became popular after the statue was erected in 1997. Tourists and pilgrims from different parts of the planet began to come here to worship Buddha.

Sculptors and architects worked on the creation and installation of the statue for 3 years. The height of this structure is simply amazing, the head of the statue goes into the sky. The statue is 88 meters long and weighs about 800 tons. The statue had to be erected in parts. The blocks were installed and welded together. The opening of the statue was attended by many representatives from other countries.

Money for the construction of the Buddha statue was collected in many parts of China. Interestingly, the statue has underground floors.

To go to the big Buddha, you first need to go to the small one - 8 meters high. Only then is access to the steps leading to the Buddha opened. There are 216 steps in total.

Important: According to the legend, passing 2 steps, a person loses 1 suffering. Thus, having passed all 216 steps, one can get rid of 108 sufferings.

Long climb to the big Buddha

Huge Buddha up close

View from afar

Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!"

Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" rises in the city of Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan.

Important: Motherland is a woman with a raised sword in her hand. She steps forward. The statue personifies the Motherland, which calls its faithful sons to fight the enemy.

The statue is located on a large mound, the height of which is almost 14 m. This mound is a bulk one, the remains of 34505 soldiers rest here. Imagine this figure!

To get to the sculpture, you need to walk along the serpentine path. From the foot of the mound you can count 200 steps - exactly as long as the Battle of Stalingrad lasted.

The total height of the statue is 85 m, and the height of the figure is 52 m. The weight of the Motherland is 8000 tons. The steel sword in hand weighs 14 tons. The construction of the statue took 8 years. The discovery took place in 1959.

There is a copy of the statue in the Chinese city of Manchuria.

"The Motherland Calls!"

Close-up view

Huge statue

Statue of Saint Rita

The statue of Saint Rita is installed in Brazil in the city of Santa Cruz. The height of the statue is 56 m.

Important: Saint Rita is revered in countries Latin America... On the day of remembrance of this saint, people decorate their homes with roses, and also give them to each other. The saint is often portrayed with roses in her hands.

According to legends, Saint Rita was born into a family of middle-aged and poor parents. From childhood, the girl was brought up in the spirit of Christianity, she was a devout child. The girl wanted to devote her life to serving God, but her parents persuaded her to get married.

Subsequently, Rita's husband was killed, and already adult sons wanted to deal with their father's killers. However, Saint Rita asked God not to make her sons murderers. As a result, both of her sons soon died of illness.

After the death of her sons, Saint Rita spent the rest of her life in the monastery, helping people. One day she was assigned to water a long-withered vine. And a miracle happened - the vine came to life.

Before her death, Rita was visited by a relative. Rita asked her to go to the garden and bring her a rose and 2 figs. A relative thought that Saint Rita had gone crazy, because it was winter, but nevertheless she complied with the request. Imagine her surprise when, among the snow, she found a rose and fig fruits. Rita considered that this was a sign from God that the souls of her children and her husband were saved.

Construction of the statue of Saint Rita

It looks like a statue of St. Rita at night

Genghis Khan statue

It is not hard to guess where you can see the statue of the famous khan and conqueror. This is Mongolia. A statue in the form of Genghis Khan on horseback. Its height is 50 m, of which the figure of a horse with a rider is 40 m. The statue was opened in 2008.

Important: The Genghis Khan statue is the largest equestrian statue.

The place for the statue was not chosen by chance. According to legend, not far from this place, Genghis found a golden whip. There are 36 columns around the statue of the conqueror. They were built in honor of the khans of the Mongol Empire.

The pedestal houses restaurants, souvenir shops, a museum and an art gallery. And on the horse's head is a mischievous playground.

The territory adjacent to the pedestal is planned to be developed to attract tourists. According to the project, there will be a whole complex of entertainment, including a golf course, a lake, a theater, a theme park of Mongolian life.

For the people of Mongolia, the statue is very important and honorable, because the history of the nation began with the name of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan on an iron horse is a symbol of this country.

Monument to Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan statue

Close up view of the statue

Christ the King statue

There are many sculptures representing God. They are found in different parts of the world. One of these statues can be seen in Poland. This sculpture was discovered in 2010. It took about two years to build and erect the statue.

For a while, construction was suspended, as a power line passes nearby. However, this issue was soon settled, and construction continued. The height of the statue reaches 33 m. There is a gilded crown on the head of the statue. The monument is hollow.

Important: A statue in the form of Jesus facing people with outstretched hands. This personifies the main symbol of the Christian faith - the cross.

Statue of Christ the Tsar, Poland

Close up view of the statue

Golden crown on a statue

Memorial complex "Alyosha"

The legendary "Alyosha" is located in the city of Murmansk. The full name of the memorial is "Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War." But most people know this monument by its abbreviated name.

Important: "Alyosha" is a symbol of the city of Murmansk. The monument represents the figure of a Russian soldier in a raincoat-tent with a machine gun over his shoulders. Alyosha's eyes are directed into the distance, to where the enemies came to our land.

The opening took place in 1974. In those years, many monuments, statues and memorials were erected that saluted the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The total height of the monument is 42.5 m. Inside the monument is hollow, but its weight is huge - 5000 tons.

The opening of "Alyosha" was very solemn. Old-timers recalled this day as one of the most significant and solemn in the life of the city. An eternal flame was set at the opening. Many locals and tourists come to the monument to lay flowers. People remember the heroic deed of their ancestors.

Memoril "Alyosha", Murmansk

Monument "Alyosha"

Statue of the Virgin Mary of Kita

The statue of the Virgin Mary of Kita is the tallest structure in Ecuador. Its height is 41 m.The statue was erected in 1976.

Despite the height of the statue, its weight is relatively low. The statue is made of lturjuj material - aluminum.

Important: The sculpture represents the Virgin Mary, who stands on the globe. You can see a snake under the feet of the Virgin Mary.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor is to show that the Saint will protect the city and people from all evil. A distinctive feature of the statue is that the Virgin Mary has wings behind her back. This image is not typical for Christian iconography. The statue is located on the Panecillo hill in the city of Quito in Ecuador.

Statue of the Virgin Mary of Kita

Close up view of the statue

This is what the statue looks like at night

In the photographs, the listed statues may seem small, but in fact they are very large and majestic. It is worth seeing with your own eyes. Over the years, others have taken the first places in the list of the tallest monuments. So, in 2018, it is planned to open the world's largest statue of Patel in India. The estimated height of the statue is 182 m.

Video: Top 10 tallest statues in the world

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional image of a human figure, an animal, and sometimes a fantastic one.

Most of the tallest statues in the world are in China, but Russia also has its own record holders. By tradition, let's start from the last place.


A place: Volgograd, Russia
Total height of the monument: 57 meters away
Year: 1973

Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin at the entrance to the Volga-Don shipping channel. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest monument to a person who actually lived.


A place: Moscow, Russia
Total height of the monument: 58 meters away
Year: 1937

"Ideal and Symbol of the Soviet Era". The famous sculptural group of two figures with a hammer and sickle raised above their heads.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor, the boy and the girl personify the owners of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry.

"Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" is a symbol of the Mosfilm film studio.


A place: Kiev, Ukraine
Total height of the monument: 61 meters away
Year: 2000—2001

Monument dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. The monument is located in the center of Kiev on the Independence Square.


A place: Leshan, China
Total height of the monument: 71 meters away
Year: 713

The statue of Buddha is carved into the thickness of the rock in Lingyunshan Mountain at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan and for more than a millennium was the tallest sculpture in the world.


A place: Foshan, China
Total height of the monument: 77 meters away


A place: Wuxi, China
Total height of the monument: 88 meters away

Considered the largest bronze statue in the world:


A place: Ang Thong, Thailand
Total height of the monument: 92 meters


A place: New York, USA
Total height of the monument: 93 meters

She is one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and in the world. Since its inception, the statue has served as a navigational landmark and has been used as a lighthouse.

The crown, which can be reached by a staircase of 365 steps, offers expansive views of New York Harbor:


A place: Moscow, Russia
Total height of the monument: 98 meters away

The work of Zurab Tsereteli, commissioned by the Moscow Government for artificial islandpiled up at the division of the Moskva River. (Photo by Yuri Dmitrienko):

Then the monument caused almost unanimous rejection in public circles and architects in connection with its appearance and lack of value for the city.


A place: Changsha, China
Total height of the monument: 99 meters away


A place: Sendai, Japan
Total height of the monument: 100 meters

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue.

Inside the statue there is an elevator that takes you to the very top.


A place: Kiev, Ukraine
Total height of the monument: 102 meters

The monument-sculpture "Motherland" is located on the high right bank of the Dnieper.

In one hand, the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons.


A place: Volgograd, Russia
Total height of the monument: 102 meters

Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on the Mamayev Kurgan. The size of the sculpture can be estimated by the people nearby:

Large size is one of the parameters, possessing which you can become famous all over the world. Glorifying the great gods, great victories, great people, or just a loved one, modern sculptors create giant monuments, hoping that their brainchildren will live for centuries. Actually, maybe some of these giants will remain on Earth forever, and distant generations of people will study these buildings, as we studied the pyramids or some Colossus of Rhodes. In the article, we have listed the 15 tallest monuments in the world.

For a comparative analysis, we took monuments higher than 40 meters. The truth is that most of the giants are erected in China and Japan, and represent various forms of Buddha on earth. But if all the Big Buddhas of Asia are included in the top ten, then there will be no place for other statues at all.

Washington Monument 169 meters

This obelisk was erected in Washington, USA, as a monument to George Washington - the first president of the United States. At that time, and before the construction of the Eiffel Tower, it was considered the tallest structure on Earth.

Victory Monument 141.8 meters

The monument was opened on May 9, 1995 and is part of the whole Victory Memorial Complex in Moscow. Its height of 141.8 meters was not chosen by chance - 10 cm for each day of the war.

Spring Temple Buddha 128 meters

The tallest statue in the world depicting Buddha Vairochana. Moreover, 20 meters in height is a lotus pedestal. It was erected not so long ago, in 2002. The Buddha rises above the village of Zhaocun in Henan province, China.

Daibutsu Usiku 120 meters

The statue depicts Buddha Amitabha. And also, 20 meters of its height is taken away by a platform in the shape of a flower. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.

Lezhong Sasaja 116 meters

This huge sculptural structure is located in the Sikain District of Myanmar. The official height of the standing Buddha does not include the 13.4 meter pedestal. Another Buddha lies at the foot of the standing one, he was erected almost 17 years earlier.

Guanyin Goddess Statue 108 meters

The statue is located near the Nanshan Temple in Sanya City, Hainan Island in China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the island, and the faces of the others are towards the sea. Construction took six years and was completed in 2005.

Cristo Rei (Christ the King) 103 meters

The statue of Jesus Christ is located in the city of Almada, Portugal. The portico base raises the statue 75 meters above the ground. The growth of Christ himself is 28 meters.

Motherland 102 meters

This monument stands in Kiev on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is part of the complex "National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and was erected in 1981. The height of the sculpture from the pedestal to the tip of the sword is 62 m. The official height of the monument is calculated with the base.

Monument to Peter the Great 98 meters

Statue of Liberty 93 meters

It is often referred to as the symbol of the United States. This is a gift from French citizens for the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The height is calculated taking into account the base and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

Motherland is calling! 85 meters

The statue is included in the set "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", which is located on the Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. At the time of creation, the sculpture was the tallest in the world. The height of the female figure without a sword is 52 meters.

Maitreya Buddha statue 74 meters

The Buddha is carved right in the Lingyunshan Mountain, near the city of Leshan. Three rivers of the Chinese province of Sichuan flow here. They began to carve this giant back in 713, all construction lasted 90 years. Until the middle of the 17th century, the body of this Buddha was hidden up to the neck by a 13-storey temple called the Pavilion of the Great Image. But later the Temple burned down.

Genghis Khan statue 50 meters

The monument to the founder of the Mongol Empire is located, where? In Mongolia! In the city of Tsongzhin-Boldog. A huge horse with a rider is installed directly on the building of the art gallery. There is an observation deck in the horse's head.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin 42.5 meters





South America, Asia and Catholic Europe are the regions where the largest statues of Christ are located. Its highest monument is located in Bolivia - 34.2 meters. If we take into account the crown, then the tallest statue of Christ is in Poland, 36 meters.












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Christ of Mercy - Nicaragua, 26 meters

Erected in the town of San Juan del Sur, the tallest statue in Central America:

Statue of Christ the King - Colombia, 26 meters

Located in the city of Cali, built in 1953. Located at an altitude of 1440 meters above sea level, weight 446 tons:

Christ Rei Delhi - East Timor, height 27 meters

This statue is a gift from the government of Indonesia (in 1996, when East Timor was still a province of this state, it gained independence in 2002). It is made of copper and consists of 27 sections.

Christ the King - Portugal, 28 meters

The erection of the statue began in Lisbon in 1940 and was completed in 1959. She is considered a symbol of peace, saving Portugal from the horrors of World War II:

Christ Ricusitado (Resurrected) - Mexico, 30 meters

The statue is located in the cemetery of the town of San Rafaele. Built in 1970 from pink granite:

Blessing of Christ - Indonesia, 30 meters

The statue is located in the city of Manado. It is made from 35 tons of stainless steel and 25 tons of steel strands. The local Catholic community raised money for the statue. The statue is unusual in that it tilts 20 degrees forward:

Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1926-1931. In 2010, the fingers and eyebrows of the statue were damaged by a thunderstorm, after which lightning rods were installed in it:

Christ Vung Tau - Vietnam, 32 meters

The statue is located in the city of Vung Tau, its construction was started in 1974, completed in 1993. Metal beams in a halo are a lightning rod. The statue is made of concrete with granite inserts:

Christ the King - Poland, 33 meters + crown 3 meters

Together with the crown, it is the tallest statue in the world (36 meters). 33 meters - symbolizes the age of Christ. Made of concrete and fiberglass, weight 440 tons:

Christ of Peace - Bolivia, 34.2 meters

The statue also has a pedestal 6.2 meters high. Located in the city of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. The heaviest statue of Christ in the world - 2220 tons. The stairs inside the statue (1399 steps) lead to the observation deck in the head.