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Concert venue without. Concert Zone Navigator: A Beginner's Help. Opera House "Auditorio de Tenerife" in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Cathedral on Malaya Gruzinskaya - active Catholic Church, and concerts are held in their free time from worship. Conducting concerts is a centuries-old tradition that opens up to everyone (regardless of beliefs and views) the opportunity to join the millennial cultural heritage... But, as in any place, there are certain rules:

Invitation Cards

Admission to most concerts is by invitation only. You can buy them directly at the Cathedral, as well as on our website. You can read more about how to do this and, what is no less important, why you need to do this on our website. Be careful not to buy tickets from resellers and resources not listed on our website: such invitations may not be valid.
Tickets can be refunded only before the concert (no later than 30 minutes before the start of the concert). The organizers have the right to replace the announced concert with another, in which case the tickets can be returned to the ticket office at the Cathedral until the beginning of the concert.
Remember that invitations are not required to visit the Cathedral at a time other than the concert. The temple is open daily from 7:00 to 20:00. Tickets are also not needed in cases where it is indicated in the poster or program of the event that admission is free.

Appearance (dress code)
It is not necessary to choose evening dresses: concerts are held within the walls of the current Cathedral - you just need to remember this. From strict instructions: clothes should not open the neckline, knees, back or shoulders; it should not contain defiant inscriptions or images. For the rest, you can get by with a completely democratic form of clothing.
Our lovely listeners are free to choose what to wear according to their taste: be it a dress or trousers; covering your head is optional. Men are supposed to be in the Cathedral without a headdress.
We draw your attention to the fact that there is no wardrobe in the Cathedral. Visitors enter the temple in outer clothing, which can be removed if desired and left with them. In the cold season, the Cathedral premises are heated.

The concerts in the Cathedral are open to everyone, including the smallest listeners. The only limitation is your own strength and sanity. We do not recommend taking babies to evening concerts. For family outings, it is better to choose a daytime concert (series "concerts for the whole family").
If the child starts crying or being capricious, you will have to go out with him to the porch or even leave the concert earlier. In this regard, we ask listeners with small children to be located in places closer to the exit. Based on our practice, children under 5-6 years old almost never "endure" a full-fledged evening concert.

Our smaller brothers
We fully share the love of Saint Francis for all creation, but we ask you to leave your pets at home. They are not admitted to the Cathedral, even at a very respectable age.

Omnia mea ...
Please avoid coming to the Cathedral for the concert along with food, drinks, suitcases and other bulky, explosive and cutting objects. you will not be allowed into the hall with them.

What is the best time to approach?

It is best to come to the concert no earlier than 20-15 minutes before its start. The fact is that before the concerts in the Cathedral, services are held, and after them the hall is prepared for the concert, during which the listeners are forced to be in the vestibule, where it is quite crowded. To avoid unpleasant impressions, we urge you to be punctual.
However, we ask you not to be late. The entrance of latecomers into the hall is carried out only during the breaks between the numbers of the concert program, while visitors are required to occupy the nearest to the entrance free places (the seats indicated in the ticket of the latecomer lose their relevance)

I am thinking of purchasing a ticket just before the concert ...
Yes it is possible. Within an hour before the start of the concert, you can purchase a ticket by going down the stairs (from the narthex - to the left). In such cases, we highly recommend that you come a little earlier and, upon purchasing your tickets, take the opportunity to visit a nearby cafe or just walk around the beautiful territory of the Cathedral.

Sobriety of mind and peace of mind
Please be calm and do not rush to bypass everyone else on the way to the cherished goal as soon as the caretakers begin to let the audience into the hall. This behavior is not only inappropriate in the church, but also dangerous to health. We look forward to your understanding!
(We also hope that you understand the said sobriety, as we do - in every sense.)

Control of invitations
Please be prepared to show your invitation cards to the rangers. In case you have a special invitation for social organizations, be prepared to also demonstrate a document confirming the fact of participation in a specific organization.

Seats in the central and side aisles
Please take seats as indicated on your tickets.
If your invitations to seats in the central nave - the row and seat are indicated on the ticket.
If you have chosen a free seating in the side aisles, you can take any place, but only in the side aisles (not in the central one).
If you have any difficulties, please contact the caretakers for help.

Altar, chapel, stained glass windows, confessionals, organs, bells ...
You can learn more about how our Cathedral is arranged at. We kindly ask you not to produce it privately, and not to walk around the Cathedral for such a purpose (“look”) before the concert. Moreover, we ask you not to enter the altar and behind the fences. After the concert, if you wish, you can ask your questions about the structure of the Cathedral to our employees (they wear name badges).

Photo and video
You can shoot in the Cathedral during a concert, but only without a flash. If you are going to post photos or videos on a social network, please, if possible, put down the geotag and hashtag #sobornamaloigruzinskaya

About what is unacceptable
Once again, we urge you to remember that the Cathedral is a functioning church. Please follow the generally accepted rules of conduct. For non-observance, you may be asked to leave the room. In the temple, as in other public places, you cannot kiss, behave defiantly, be rude and disturb other people. If the caretaker asks you to leave the hall, you must do so immediately. You can find out the reasons and all the circumstances in the vestibule at the administration.

Applause and flowers
During concerts in the Cathedral, it is allowed to express your approval with applause. Those who wish can give flowers to the performers at the end of the concert. If you need help with bouquets, you can contact the caretakers.

- When purchasing tickets at the Cathedral, you can ask our staff purchase and prepare a bouquet for the end of the concertso that you can hand it to the performer or another person. You can also leave flowers as decoration for the Cathedral.
- In the narthex of the temple, after each concert, you can purchase disks with organ music recordingsmade directly in Cathedral
- After each concert as part of the Music of the World's Cathedrals series you can sign up for an excursion to the main organ.
- When purchasing tickets at the Cathedral (or when ordering them by phone), you can ask our employee order a taxi for you... Immediately after the concert, you will be met by one of the best taxis in the city. Right in front of the Cathedral.

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Here, for example, is the scheme of the Olympic Stadium. We see a fan zone, a dance floor, two VIP boxes and stands.

Typical layout of a large club

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This is a diagram of the Moscow Stadium Live, the largest club in Europe. Several VIP boxes and a dance floor.

Typical small club layout

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This is a Moscow club layout with a capacity of only 1000 people. This scheme is also relevant for the vast majority of clubs, say, Voronezh or Novosibirsk. Tables (they are also VIP-seats) and a dance floor.

Well, now let's move on to the analysis of each of the zones.

1. Fan zone


1. Action. This is the most popular area, so this is where the main fun takes place.

2. For the nearsighted. By location, this zone is the closest to the stage, so from here you will see your favorite musicians in the best possible way if you break into the front rows.

3. Feelings. It is here that the epicenter of the concert atmosphere is located: the fan base always gathers in the fan zone, which sings along louder than anyone else, creating a unique collective backing vocals, here they burn sparklers (if agreed with the venue), hold flash mobs and wave flags.

4. Sound. Most often, the post of sound technician is located at the end of the fan zone, respectively, the sound in the hall is tuned with an orientation to the bulk of the people who are here. Not always, but more often than not, it is in the fan zone that the best sound on the site is.

5. Access to the body. At especially cool concerts, some musicians easily "go to the people" or stage diving. Trust me, it's always fun.

6. Trophies. Fans-gatherers can replenish their collection of drumsticks and picks only when they are in the fan zone, because trophies simply do not fly away beyond it.


1. People. They everywhere. You simply do not have personal space, as there are a lot of people and little space. Not only do you want not to miss anything, so the closer to the stage, the greater the concentration of people per square meter. It will be difficult for sociophobes.

2. Injury hazard. Here you may well fly from the elbow to the left, over the head from the too active mosh of a neighbor behind, and if a slam starts ... In general, hold on, buddy!

3. Flash mobs. From the stage, a good flash mob often looks pretty cool, but for you, in the epicenter of the fan zone, all these banners, posters and flags can obstruct your view. In principle, all this is not for long, and you can endure for the sake of a cool group, but there are always dissatisfied people. Who knows, you might not like it too much.

4. Exit. At large venues and festivals, after the end of the concert, people are released in parts - first the VIP, then the stands ... Visitors to the fan zone are the last to leave in this case.

5. Cameras. Someone is constantly filming something here. Every now and then the screen of your nearest neighbor's mobile phone appears in front of your face, which is not always pleasant.

6. High frequency. Shrieking girls are here too, yeah. The decibelometer periodically rolls over.


The fan zone is for those who do not stand behind the whole concert, but support the whole movement. Here you need to sing, dance, jump and generally create activity. People who want to stand / sit quietly, just listen to music and look at the musicians are clearly not here. You need to be prepared for some of the disadvantages of the zone and not get hung up on them, enjoying your favorite music and the atmosphere of the event.

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2. Dance floor


1. Price. The cost of a dance floor ticket is lower compared to the fan zone.

2. For the brutal. If you want concert "meat" - you are definitely here! The dance floor is always the epicenter of slam, circlepit and the like. To understand whether you like it all - you need, of course, to experience it once. We also saw one and a half meter little inches happily running into the slam along with huge muscular men, so who knows.

3. Communication. Here you will not be bored while waiting for the concert. While the gathering of visitors is underway, and the performers are preparing to go on stage, there is a high probability that an interesting conversation about music, festivals, favorite songs and anything else will develop with people nearby.

4. Degree. Most clubs have a bar next to the dance floor. You don't have to go far for drinks and water.


1. Distance. The dance floor is located immediately behind the fan zone, and more often than not the same happens there, but you are moved away from the stage by a certain number of meters and the crowd of people.

2. Again, people. Here you may well be doused with beer by those who walked around, embellish the concert with alcohol or wrinkle your ribs in a slam before injury (rarely, but this happens).

3. Lottery. Sounds not always good.

4. Intrusiveness. Drunken visitors to the bar can distract from a pleasant pastime.


If your main goal is to "hang out and mix", then you, no doubt, here. People who are not ready to support the whole concert movement have nothing to do on the dance floor. Seeing the action on stage will only partially work, so you should not go to the dance floor and those who wish to personally contemplate every detail.

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3. VIP boxes


1. Review. Here, no one bothers you to consider the musicians and all their actions. The boxes are always located on a level above the fan zone, dance floor and stage, so those who want to see everything - here.

2. Calmness. Music lovers with children, older people and those visitors who just want to sit without moving and listen to their favorite music are comfortably located in the box.

3. Privileges. Guests with VIP tickets often have a separate entrance, cloakroom and bar. VIP-zones sometimes represent a sofa or armchairs with a table, and the waiters promptly bring everything that you order from the menu, so that those who are especially hungry can also eat or drink.

4. Pleasant surprises. Next to you, one of your favorite musicians, who has come to support colleagues in the workshop, may well sip wine decorously.

5. Variability. If you suddenly want to dance and move, you can go to the fan zone.


1. The price of the issue. The cost of tickets for the stands sometimes goes beyond all reasonable boundaries! We'll have to fork out, because you have to pay for comfort.


VIP boxes are a suitable option for those who want to be left alone. Here you can sit quietly, listen to music and watch how the concert magic happens down there. Well, the photos / videos from here are the coolest!

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4. Tribunes


1. Personal space. Something, but it is. For an amateur, of course, a plus, but: you are far enough from the dance floor and fan zone so that the concert movement does not touch you.

2. Comfort. You sit yourself like in a movie theater, enjoying the spectacle.


1. Limitation. If you want to be active, the chances are high that you will not succeed. You cannot enter the fan zone, there is nowhere else to dance, and on the spot you will interfere with those sitting behind.

2. Remoteness. To see the scene, grab your binoculars at the theater around the corner.


If you want peace, but there is a local crisis in your wallet. A budget version of VIP boxes without a bar, blackjack and ... you get the idea.

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We conducted a small survey among visitors to our VKontakte group and found out which concert zone our subscribers prefer.

Where will you go next time?

We hope we've helped newcomers in the difficult task of choosing the best venue for the perfect concert.

Go to concerts, listen to good music and have fun with every note!

A quick guide to choosing a venue for a classical music concert.

You have selected the concert you want to attend. Now there is another important step ahead - the choice of the location.

From this article you will find out what to look for when buying a ticket, where is it better to sit, price-quality ratio.

Where to start choosing a venue for a concert?

The halls are different. Blue, white, red

  • What zones are there on the diagram?
  • Is there a balcony or is there only a parterre in the hall?
  • How many seats are there in the hall?

Balcony or parterre? What's better?

Everyone is asking this question. It must be understood that a balcony or a choir is an elevation in the hall. those. you will be looking at the musician from above.

The balcony can be central, right, left. The central balcony or choir is located at the very end of the parterre, above the last rows of the parterre. This means that the distance to the artist is the same, but there are no hundreds of heads in front of you.

The location of the right and left balconies is clear from their name. Balconies often “climb” onto the stage. Those. You will be sitting very close to the performer, but you may be looking at him from the side.

Usually the balcony belongs to the budget category and is quite significantly lower than the parterre. At the same time, by audibility, there will be - how lucky.

The parterre can be flat and with a slight elevation. The center of the parterre is always a priority. And how close to buy a ticket from the stage is up to you and your wallet.

If you are going to a concert with a child under 10 years old, but for some reason take the end of the parterre, I highly recommend taking seats near the aisle (in the middle). This is necessary so that you put your child at the aisle, and your child can lean out slightly in the middle of the hall and the musician can be seen, even in the last row of the stalls. Otherwise, your child will only see people's heads.

Where will you be able to see and hear well?

It's no secret that the cheaper the place, the farther it is from the stage. Accordingly, the farther it is from the scene, the worse it will be for you to see and hear. Of course, you always want to sit as close as possible, but let's say at a piano concert, the difference is not big where to sit. this instrument is powerful and loud. It will be heard everywhere.

And if you went to a classical guitar concert, then sit closer. This is due to the characteristics of the instrument.

There is also an important factor. If you see that there are few tickets left, I highly recommend buying a seat for yourself as close as possible. A large number of people in the hall absorb the sound like a sponge, which means that the further you sit, the more people will be in front of you.

Summing up.

Based on our 6 years of experience in organizing concerts and drawing up schemes the best places.

You should always focus on your budget, but it's better not to skimp on really cool concerts.

Have a good leisure and new impressions!

I had a great 15 minutes at the club. I came to the concert, in some century I decided to go to the VIP balcony. But there were problems with the security, or rather with the stupid rules of the club, there was a camera in my briefcase, the club's security was asked to hand it over to the box (As in a supermarket, it does not inspire confidence, it is located at the entrance). I was not going to shoot anything on it (I was driving after work, where I needed it, and I could not take it anywhere; and guys this is "Thursday" and this is "city" - I have an object that fits in my palm in an inactive state, which is hidden far away, people go to the concert after work and there may be photographers among them), it is corny even to take it out and unbutton his briefcase (I am glad that you considered it a highly professional technique, but "oh" it is not entirely true).
I offered to leave them a minimum of batteries, a maximum of lenses, and take the carcass with them, since without this he is not a worker (a guarantee for protection that I cannot use it), and the carcass is the most valuable and its cost is quite high (I am not comfortable leaving it in the proposed place and it makes no sense to sit and worry the whole concert) - but this did not suit the security.
As a result, I still had a used VIP ticket in my hands, but I could not attend the concert. Thank you, there is nothing more to say.
And now the bottom line: If you offer people to leave expensive things in boxes at the checkpoint, then be kind enough to establish trustworthy saves or, at worst, draw up an agreement on the provision of such services, where there is at least some guarantees, I do not doubt the competence of the security personnel, but there is no desire and no sense in trying to create a problem situation out of nothing. In the event of a loss, you, like myself, know what to say to both sides to get out of the water dry. This is not the case. Modify this moment, I certainly understand that everyone is running around and clapping with flashes, but the option I proposed was the most optimal, I was ready for any sanctions if applied, but not leave it somewhere with someone). As for the integrity of the guard, a sufficient number of people with prof. cameras (with lenses, since they are considered super-professional because of the lenses) they missed the concert, was there any point in standing my ground and making me leave my things in your shaky box? This is nonsense, again I understand these rules, but it was possible to get out of the situation. I do not demand a conversation with the administrators (this is stupid, and the rules are clear to me, but there was no violation on my part, and I am not going to return the money (the concert cannot be returned, the money does not matter, the situation itself is like a stain now), I just understand what how there were 15 years ago the rules of dinosaurs, so they remained, apparently. Eternal problems with some kind of clumsy and wooden fulfillment of obligations. I may be wrong a hundred times, but if you have "no photography" turned into "no carry" then Create at least a storage locker condition and document every situation.
And if honestly there was an opinion that no one cares about the inspection of things, it is important to find a person with something expensive and make him leave the thing without documentary confirmation (there are simply no guarantees) - I of course offered you also a familiar way out of the situation, but you offer conditions that just leave no choice. I have no doubt about your professionalism, but guys, I'm not so dashing as to tempt fate with you, where in case of loss you just throw up your hands, it's very similar to a weird scam. You have to spoil your mood and leave. Thank. I hope you pay attention to my remark, because except as a theatrical performance it can not be called anything else. There are rules, and there are proposals for their solution, what you suggest in this situation is the level of a supermarket, not a concert club in the center of Moscow.
P.S. There are no questions to the organizers of the event, sound, etc. did not have time to evaluate - left. I apologize in advance for the spelling or if offended. It boiled. I hope in the future if the situation repeats itself, you will revise this use case using my example and solve this problem in a different way. But thank you for giving us the opportunity to listen to Western music on your site, albeit with complications, if the next time I get to you and will be in the same situation, I hope this problem will be solved in a more civilized way.