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Elk Island National Park brief information. Losiny Ostrov is a national park of the Moscow region. Excursion routes in the park

(including within the city of Moscow). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 128 km 2. Today Losinoostrovsky park is a place where wild animals live in their natural environment and a huge number of plants grow, including those listed in the Red Book.

Age-old traditions of caring for nature

The protected area was established in 1983. Previously, this territory was the location of the hunting grounds of the last representatives of the Romanov family. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating in a given area natural park appeared much earlier. It is believed that conifers have been purposefully planted in the area for 115 years. Losinoostrovsky park-reserve is one of the oldest in our country and one of the largest forest parks on the territory of the Moscow region. Why did the green zone get such a strange name? The thing is that in the old days the forests located between villages and fields were often called islands. In addition, Elk Island was indeed dug in, and mere mortals were not allowed to visit this place, which was intended for walks and hunting of royalty.

The modern territory of Losiny Island

Today, the reserve is divided into three natural kingdoms - this is a protected area, which is closed for tourist visits and is carefully guarded. This is a place where wild animals constantly live in their natural environment; research... Losinoostrovsky Park also has a protected area open to tourists. it natural area, which you can visit with a guide. During such a walk, you can learn more about the animals and plants of the reserve, the history of Losiny Island, and if you are lucky, you can even see wild animals with your own eyes, including “tame” elks. There are also museums and excursion paths. The scheme of Losinoostrovsky Park makes it possible to note that the reserve also has a third zone - open for mass visits by vacationers in free mode.

Flora and fauna

It's hard to believe, but the park did not remain without care and maintenance even during the Second World War. In those difficult years, new trees and shrubs were planted on the territory. Today the reserve is home to over 700 plant species, 36 lichen species, 90 mushroom species and 150 algae. Losinoostrovsky Park boasts trees that have celebrated their centenary. Interesting place - Alekseevskaya grove, in which the age of which is at least 250 years old. Found in the reserve and rare species herbs, throughout the summer there are a lot of berries and flowers. The fauna of the park is no less impressive. According to experts, about 280 species of animals live here in their natural environment. The park is inhabited by elks, which once gave it its name, as well as wild boars, roe deer, beavers, and fur-bearing animals. Fish and amphibians are found in local waters. You can also meet in the reserve a variety of reptiles, a wide variety of birds, many species of insects.

Excursions to the reserve

If you want to spend the day in the domain wildlife, learn something new or go on an interesting educational walk with children, the best place in the capital for you - Losinoostrovsky Park. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 128 square kilometers; various tourist routes are laid along its territory. Visitors are offered several options for ecological travel. In addition, on the territory of the reserve you can visit the museum of peasant life, royal hunting and a children's zoo corner. To book an excursion, contact one of the Park's Visit Centers.

Independent rest

In the part of the park, open to the public, there are no attractions and cafes familiar to many recreation areas. It is a place for relaxing walks and bicycles. It is not forbidden to arrange picnics in the park. Just don't forget to clean up all the trash after you, let's save Losinoostrovsky Park! Shish kebabs in the area accessible for mass visits and walks can also be fried. However, this should be done strictly in designated places, on special sites, using barbecues. Remember - the future of a natural area depends on the behavior and care of each visitor. In addition, for failure to comply with simple rules for the protection of nature in the reserve faces a serious fine.

How to get there?

Many residents of the capital cannot even believe that such a clean and beautiful natural corner can exist in the immediate vicinity of big city... In order to dispel such doubts, it is enough to see Losinoostrovsky Park with your own eyes once. How to get to this reserve? The park has many entrances, and, what is noteworthy, some of them are from Moscow, while others are from the region. You can get to the park from Korolev, Balashikha, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi. It is most convenient to get from Moscow to VDNKh, and then drive a few more stops by land transport... If you wish, you can go to personal car to any of the entrances to the recreation area. We bring to your attention a detailed schematic map of Losiny Island and its surroundings, which will help you draw up the most convenient route. The reserve is open all year round, but, according to many tourists, it is most beautiful and interesting here in the summer.

Elk Island

the first in Russia national park (created in 1983). It is located in the north-east of Moscow and its forest park protective belt, it starts from the Sokolniki forest park, 8 km from the Kremlin and continues beyond the Moscow Ring Road to Mytishchi, Korolev (former Kaliningrad), Shchelkov and Balashikha. The area is over 11 thousand hectares, of which 3 thousand hectares are within the boundaries of Moscow. It stretches 22 km from west to east, 10 km from north to south. It includes 6 forestries: Losinoostrovskoye and Yauzskoye - in the urban part of the park, Losino-Pogonnoye, Alekseevskoye, Mytishinskoye and Shchelkovskoye - in the regional.

The history of Losiny Ostrov goes back many centuries. Dense forests, stretching northeast of Moscow, were mentioned as part of the palace Taininskaya volost, which belonged to the great Moscow princes. It is known that Ivan IV the Terrible often hunted here. But Losiny Ostrov received its name only during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, for whom canine moose hunting was organized in these places; in the southwestern part of Losiny Ostrov a falconry was created, and this area became known as Sokolniki. Since the 17th century. the territory of Losiny Ostrov was intensively used. Since the XVIII century. it is under special supervision: forest protection has been introduced, decrees have been issued several times on the conservation of valuable forests. In 1809, Pogonno-Losiny Ostrov (the main part of the park) and the nearby groves were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Kremlin Building Expedition.

In 1842, active forest management began in the forests of Losiny Ostrov. On large areas, deforestation was carried out, coniferous crops were laid, swamps were drained, roads were laid. In 1912, an attempt was made to organize in Losiny Ostrov national park, but this was prevented by the First World War. In the 1930s - 1940s, when the creation of the Moscow nature reserve was planned, Losiny Ostrov was planned as one of its 10 sites. But only in 1983 Losiny Ostrov was officially granted the status of a national park.

Modern Losiny Ostrov is a natural complex unique in its size, diversity of forest communities, flora and fauna, preserved within the multimillion urban agglomeration. Here grow the oldest pine and spruce forests in the Moscow Region, vast broad-leaved forests of linden with oak and maple, century-old floodplain black alder forests, birch and aspen forests. In the depths of the forest, small raised and transitional swamps survived. A special attraction of Losiny Ostrov is the vast low-lying swamps along the river. Yauze with open shallow waters, thickets of reeds and cattails. On the territory of Losiny Ostrov, there are the sources of the Yauza and Pekhorka rivers, numerous rivers and streams flow into them - Ichka, Budaika, Los, Nekhlyudov sleeve, Bogorodsky brook, etc.

The flora of the national park numbers over 700 species. In the herbaceous cover of coniferous forests, oxalis, blueberries or reed grass predominate, they are accompanied by a double-leaved mine, round-leaved wintergreen, European deciduous, lingonberry, etc. , buttercup anemone, goose onion, multiflorous kupena, aconite, etc. In the marshes among stunted pines and sphagnum mosses grow cotton grass and marsh sedge, wild rosemary, cassandra, blueberries, cranberries, sundew and other marsh plants. In Losiny Ostrov, lily of the valley and a swimsuit are common, there are dense corydalis, wolf bast, yellow iris, lubki two-leaved and greenish, Fuchs' fingernail and other plant species specially protected in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The fauna of Losiny Ostrov is exceptionally rich, which includes 45 species of mammals, 185 species of birds, 4 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians and at least 20 species of fish. As in the distant past, an elk remains its usual inhabitant, and a wild boar is not uncommon. Along with such widespread animals in the Moscow region as the mole, hedgehog, fox, weasel, hares (hare and hare), squirrel, the pine marten, ermine, mink, black polecat, hazel dormouse, and several species of bats live in the national park. Sika deer have been living in its forests since the pre-war years, beavers have recently been successfully re-acclimatized. Up to 125 species of birds nest in Losiny Ostrov, swans, geese, cranes stop during the flight, different types waders and ducks. In the depths of Losiny Ostrov, already rare in the vicinity of Moscow, there are already vipers, a legless spindle lizard, a gray toad.

Losiny Ostrov - a museum of wildlife under open air... A variety of landscapes are preserved on its territory, including such natural monuments as the 250-year-old Alekseevskaya (pine) grove, the 100-150-year-old pine massif “Grivka” and the coniferous forest “Kholudeevka”. Centennial linden forests (linden forests), especially on the territory of the Yauzsky forest park, and an oak grove in Losino-Pogonny forest park are distinguished by high aesthetic and scientific value; some specimens of oak trees classified as natural monuments reach 250 years of age.

Upper Yauzsky wetland complex, which includes the river. Yauza with its tributaries Ichka, Budayka, Pekhorka, etc., is also protected as a natural monument. Along the rivers Yauza and Budaiki, the Friends of the Forest and Youth of Maxima parks were created (1988-92) total area 180 ha).

Visitors can also get acquainted with historical sights: traces ancient settlements, which existed in pre-Mongol times (X century), with an old waterworks, which began to supply Moscow (since 1830) with Mytishchi water, etc. A significant part of Losiny Ostrov is occupied by a specially protected zone with reserved areas, the visit to which is limited. Recreation areas for Muscovites have been created in places adjacent to residential areas.

B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozov.

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1992 .

See what "Losiny Ostrov" is in other dictionaries:

    Elk Island - Elk Island. Losiny Ostrov, national park, northeast of Moscow (partly within the administrative boundaries of the city). The area is 11 thousand hectares. Founded in 1983. Coniferous deciduous forests of spruce and linden prevail with the participation of oak, maple, on ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    The first national park in Russia in the north-east of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Founded in 1983. St. 11 thousand hectares. The protected grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible Tsar. From the 17th century. the territory of the park was intensively used; from the 19th century ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Elk Island, the first national park in Russia, in the north-east of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Founded in 1983. Pl. St. 11 thousand hectares. The protected grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible Tsar. From the 17th century. the territory of the park is intensive ... ... Russian history

    Losiny Ostrov National Park IUCN Category II (National Park) Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    Losiny Ostrov is the first national park in Russia, located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The largest forest area in Moscow and the largest among the forests located within the city (Moscow part). View of a part of Elk Island ... ... Wikipedia

    The first national park in Russia, in the north-east of Moscow and in the Moscow region. It was formed in 1983. The area is over 11 thousand hectares. Protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible "Tsar's reserved grove". Since the 17th century. the territory of the park is intensive ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Elk Island - Sp Losinyj Òstrovas Ap Losinyy Ostrov L nac. parkas RF Maskvos sr ... Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

    Elk Island - Los other island (natural area in Moscow) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Nat. park in Moscow and Moscow region Organized in 1983 on pl. 11 816 ha, of which approx. 9 600 (81%) are forests. In the south and west it is adjacent to residential areas and industrial zones. The territory is crossed by automobiles (Moscow Ring, etc. Geographical encyclopedia

Moscow natural elk Island National Park photo which can be seen on the net, is the only nature reserve located inside the metropolis. The distance from the park area to the Kremlin is only eight kilometers. Previously, these lands were considered part of the palace Taininskaya volost, where Ivan the Terrible himself organized hunting. The park got its name when Alexei Mikhailovich began to reign, releasing his hounds to chase moose. The beginning of the eighteenth century was the time when forest protection was organized here. Drainage of swampy areas, cutting of large areas of forest, and active construction of roads were carried out.

Shortly before the start of the revolution losiny Ostrov reserve photo which is striking in its beauty, just had to become a park. However, these plans were then not destined to come true, since World War... The Moscow government assigned the park status to these territories only in 1983. Not far from the residential buildings of the million-plus city, the diverse natural nature of Middle Russia has been preserved. The sources of the Yauza River with its floodplains and lakes are surrounded by raised bogs and meadows with birch groves, coniferous and deciduous forests. Various representatives of the fauna live here, there are rare, almost extinct plants. A relatively small area unites all landscapes that belong to the central latitudes of Russia, that is, flat plains, moraine gentle hilly hills, crevices of small rivers, swampy lowlands, sandy plains with bogs, taiga zones, birch forests, different types of swamps, swampy meadows, and so on.

The parkland is characterized by a mosaic contrasting placement of distinctive biotypes. That is why according to photo of Losiny Ostrov park it can be seen that it visually differs significantly from any suburban forest area precisely by the naturalness of its landscapes.

The area of \u200b\u200bthis nature protection zone is 128 km 2, 30 km 2 of which are located within Moscow. The territory is diverse, therefore, two percent of it is occupied by water bodies, 5% - swampy areas, 83% - variegated forests. The National Park Zone is divided into three land categories:

  1. A territory closed to the public is considered specially protected. The authorities preserve the natural appearance of natural complexes where birds nest, and various species of large mammals live.
  2. The area with open access can be visited by tourists as part of educational and excursion groups along specially prepared ecological routes.
  3. The recreational area is used for mass visits and recreation.

A unique object of untouched nature is located in the north-east of the capital. Considering losiny Ostrov park map, you can see that its northern, southern and western borders are closely adjacent to densely populated Moscow quarters, industrial zones. Railways and highways run near the park. The territory of the park is divided into two parts by the Moscow ring road.

Protected objects

Among all the valuable objects of the national park, there are several main ones. Most of them are in closed access, that is, they are not available to visitors. This is done in order to preserve the pristine purity and intactness of the local ecological systems. Under protection came:

  1. Alekseevskaya grove, on the territory of which a pine forest grows 160-220 years old. The height of the pines reaches forty meters, and the diameter is eighty centimeters. This natural monument is of regional importance.
  2. The pine mane looks like a natural forest. The area is occupied by a 150 year old pine forest dating back to the 1865 culture.
  3. Mytishchi floodplains are a complex system of reed bogs and shallow waters. The area is considered a favorite nesting area for waterfowl and waterfowl, for temporary stopping of large flocks.
  4. The raised bog is considered the only area of \u200b\u200bthe park where rare species of lichens, as well as other typical oligotrophic flora, grow. Special botanical monitoring is carried out here every year, as well as numerous paleobotanical studies.
  5. A transitional swamp with numerous orchids is considered to be a place where the palm root grow en masse. The zone is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems.

Local variety animals of Elk Island occupy different parts of it. The faunal complex includes three territorial components. The taiga species include the three-toed woodpecker, elk, white hare, bank vole, and so on. Among the representatives of the species of southern European forests, the oriole, green woodpecker, wood mouse, marten, and others are found here. There are also steppe and forest-steppe types of fauna, including the baby mouse, gray partridge, corncrake and kestrel. Total on the territory of the national protected area 44 species of mammals, 170 species of birds, 9 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles, as well as 19 types of fish and more than 500 invertebrates live. Of the fish, there are carp, pike, bream, roach, perch.

The strongest impact on the inhabitants of the park is exerted by anthropogenic factors. Under their pressure, fauna species characteristic of the Moscow region over the past hundred years, for example, lynx, black stork, wood grouse, and eagle owl, have partially disappeared.

The presented photos of Losiny isle also seen several species of animals have been acclimatized by man. Among them are the raccoon dog, sika deer and American mink. Of the river inhabitants, it is worth highlighting the river beaver, which occupies the territory downstream of the Yauza. Representatives of protected species listed in the Red Book of Russia also live here. These include the European average woodpecker, snake eagle, black-throated loon, eagle owl, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, spotted eagle, white-tailed eagle and black stork.

Recreational park area

The recreational part of the park is always open to visitors. The largest influx of tourists is seen in the vicinity of residential areas. Even in the middle of woodlands, there are areas equipped for recreation, where benches or gazebos are installed, children's play areas with sports grounds. In addition, sports equipment can be rented in the park. For cycling enthusiasts, the many kilometers of trails are attractive, which are also ideal for joggers and roller skaters. The National Natural Heritage Site is a great place to walk.

It is here that you can find such a dense forest, about which the writers told in their fairy tales.

Not only wild inhabitants of Losiny Island meet visitors. There is also a stable in the park, where horse-riding enthusiasts go horseback riding. If you stock up on nuts, you can hand feed the squirrels. With the onset of winter, guests of the park change their shoes into skis, and you can go ice skating on the ice of a frozen reservoir. It should also be noted that the keepers of the reserve carefully monitor the observance of sanitary standards. The territory is regularly cleaned of all kinds of garbage, dump sites, the consequences of illegal picnics. Maximum attention is paid to areas where there is a high concentration of visitors, that is, around playgrounds, along popular walking trails, and so on. The forestry of the park also contains a cultural and educational center called "Russian life", where all kinds of expositions about the life of the Slavs in the 19th and 20th centuries are displayed.

Before how to get to Losiny Island, you need to know that there are several options for the path. The visitor can reach the reserve on foot from the nearest metro stations "Babushkinskaya" or "Medvedkovo". It is also not far from the railway platform of the Yaroslavl direction "Los". If you use a ground public transport, it is best to take bus # 136 or # 172, departing from the stop “m. Podbelsky Street ".

In ancient times, the forests northeast of Moscow were a favorite place for the royal chase and falconry. The first sovereign of All Russia, Ivan the Terrible, loved to go bear hunting here. A little later, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on these lands set up the "Sovereign's Way of Trap" - a hunting farm with a special, reserved and protected status. It was forbidden for mere mortals to catch animals and birds, cut trees, pick berries, and build houses.

And at a time when in other forests near Moscow there were almost no animals left, moose were still found in these places. This fact partially explains the wonderful name "Elk Island". Why - an island? It's just that in the old days, this was the name of the forests located between villages and fields, moreover, Losiny Ostrov was surrounded by a deep moat filled with water.

The territory of Losiny Ostrov remained tsarist possessions until the revolution, even the Yaroslavl railway line laid nearby in 1860 did not disturb the natural balance of the reserve, and all the diversity of flora and fauna was preserved.

In 1842, when the territory of the park was a little over 6 thousand hectares, the foundation was laid for organized forestry. All work here began to be carried out according to the rules of "forest science".

Forest audits carried out in the period 1842-1912 led to the division of Losiny Ostrov into 4 parts:

  • the park;
  • suburban village;
  • reserve;
  • operational area.

The Losiny Ostrov State National Park received its status only in 1983 and has preserved it to this day, remaining the most valuable natural monument.

Today it is divided into three zones:

1. Reserved, where nature is preserved intact. It is a habitat for rare wild animals and birds, therefore, it is not only closed to the public, but also protected;

2. educational and excursion, through which several ecological and tourist routes, which can be passed with a guide. There are 4 visitor centers here;

3. Recreational, serving as a place of mass recreation.

Losiny Ostrov stretches from Sokolniki Park to the cities of Balashikha, Shchelkovo, Korolev and Mytishchi, occupying 12 thousand hectares, only two-thirds of which are located outside the Moscow Ring Road. It is only 8 km from the Kremlin to the southwestern border of the park. Its length from north to south is 10 km, and from west to east - as much as 22 km.

In the very center of Losiny Ostrov, not far from Mytishchi, there is a swamp; it is from here that the Yauza River originates, the floodplain of which is often flooded. In addition to the Yauza, many rivulets and streams flow through the reserve, forming a whole water network. Once upon a time, canals with a total length of more than 100 km were laid here. Many of them are now abandoned.

Even in the pre-war years, the largest was built - the Akulov canal, connecting the Volga with the Yauza and Pekhorka rivers. It serves to supply the Volga water to the capital.

Even in the most difficult war years, trees were planted on Losiny Island. Many enthusiasts have worked here - foresters and landscape designers, who have put a lot of effort into preserving and increasing natural wealth this reserve.

The modern flora of Losiny Ostrov includes:

  • more than 700 plant species;
  • 90 types of mushrooms;
  • 36 types of lichens;
  • 150 types of algae.

Here you can find plants listed in the Russian and Moscow Red Book.

Losiny Ostrov is a real pearl of Russian nature. Here are preserved centuries-old pine and lime forests, oak forests and taiga spruce forests. The pines growing in the famous Alekseevskaya ship grove, which are neither more nor less than 250 years old, amaze the imagination and impress with their beauty!

The grass cover of the national park is made up of forest forest, buttercup anemone, lungwort, goose onion, two-leaved mine, zelenchuk, sedge, and wintergreen. There are also many berries: lingonberry, blueberry, oxalis, strawberry.

The fauna of the park is also very diverse. More than 280 species of animals and birds are found in Losiny Ostrov, including:

  • 180 species of birds;
  • 40 species of mammals;
  • 4 types of reptiles;
  • 8 types of amphibians;
  • more than 20 species of freshwater fish.

As in the old days, moose live here.

In the postwar years, sika deer were brought to the park, the beaver population was completely restored, and wild boars bred.

Fur-bearing animals also live in the reserve - mink, ermine, marten, black ferret.

At night, bats are circling over the forest, and their eternal enemies are owls.

Due to a significant forest area and long-term limitation of forestry activities, the Losiny Ostrov National Park remains one of the richest and most interesting forests in the Moscow Region against the backdrop of the urban panorama of the multimillion city in terms of the richness of flora and fauna.

Moscow region, Moscow city

Foundation history
"Elk Island" is unique territory... Here, near the multimillion-dollar city, the nature of Central Russia has been preserved in its natural state in all its diversity: coniferous, birch and broad-leaved forests, areas of meadows and raised bogs, the sources of the Yauza with lakes and floodplains. Beavers, wild boars and elks, many birds of prey live ten kilometers from the Kremlin, and rare plants in the Moscow region grow.
The Losiny Ostrov National Park is one of the first in Russia, created in 1983 on the territory that since ancient times served as protected hunting grounds of the great dukes and kings.

Physical and geographical features
Geographically, the park is confined to the junction of the Meshcherskaya lowland and the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge, which is the watershed of the Moscow and Klyazma rivers. The most picturesque area in the southwest of the park. On the territory of the park are the sources of the rivers Yauza and Pekhorka, there are several ponds: Alekseevsky, Golyanovsky, Kazenny and others. All these reservoirs are located in the recreational area of \u200b\u200bthe park. Swamps in the park occupy a fairly large area. The Verkhne-Yauzsky wetland complex with an area of \u200b\u200babout 1000 hectares is of particular value.
The climate of the region is moderately continental. The coldest month is January (average temperature is -10 ° C), the warmest is July (average temperature is + 19.5 ° C).

Diversity of flora and fauna
Forests cover about 80% of the national park area. These are birch forests, coniferous, deciduous forests.
The flora is dominated by forest species, a relatively large number of weeds, invasive species are characteristic, because the park is surrounded by settlements, transport routes and agricultural land.
In the park, rare species of herbaceous plants that are subject to protection on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region are quite widely represented. Here you can find common wolfberry, lily of the valley, European swimsuit, nettle-leaved bell, double-leaved lyubka, annual lyubka.
An exceptionally interesting object of the park is the Alekseevskaya Grove, on the territory of which the protected regime has been preserved for a long time. This is a unique forest area almost 250 years old, the main forest-forming species of which is pine.
Very diverse animal world parka. In the past 15 years, thanks to the restoration of a large wetland complex in the upper reaches of the Yauza River and the allocation of a significant protected area in terms of area, a very interesting ornithocomplex of near-water and meadow birds has formed here, and spawning grounds have emerged.
Sika deer, elks, wild boars, minks, squirrels live or appear during migration in the forest, surrounded on all sides by cities with a multimillion population, muskrats build their huts, and beavers erect dams.
On the territory of the park, 13 species of diurnal birds of prey and owls nest, of which the red-footed fawn and the lesser spotted eagle are rare in the Moscow region. The most common fish are pike, crucian carp, perch, roach, bream, burbot.

Cultural heritage
The long history of the development of the region and the proximity to the "white stone" explain the large number of cultural monuments in the park. During archaeological excavations, Vyatichi burial mounds (XI-XII centuries) and ancient settlements were discovered. During excavations in the Alekseevskaya grove, the remains of a palace structure were found late XVII century.
The history of the Mytishchi pumping station is closely connected with the construction of the first gravity water pipeline in Russia in the time of Catherine II. Once upon a time in these parts there was a chapel on the famous Thunder Spring, the most abundant source of water for the capital city. And the Belokamennaya station on the first Moscow district railroad - a rare monument of industrial architecture.

What to watch
NP "Losiny Ostrov" preserves not only the forests that once surrounded the Kremlin, but also the history of the rural way of life of our ancestors. In the museum "Russian life", located in the estate of Losinoostrovsky forestry, you will see how archaeological finds the origins of Slavism, and everyday objects of the XIX-XX centuries. In winter, after walking through the forest, in the hut you can warm up by the stove, drink hot fragrant tea. On hot days, the house gives you coolness. From here you can organize horseback riding in the park: in the summer in a tarantass, in the winter - in a sleigh with bells.
Ecological trails of Losiny Ostrov are one of the possibilities of combining recreation with the knowledge of nature and history of the Moscow suburbs. The most visited route is the "Such a familiar forest" trail. You can walk along it both independently and with a guide. Dense thickets of fir trees create the feeling of a fabulous dense forest and it is hard to believe that you are within the boundaries of Moscow, 2 km from the Yaroslavskoe highway and only 15 km from the Kremlin.

Based on materials from and