Foreign passports and documents

Underground map of the planet. The mystery of the ancient underground tunnels. Life jacket from the Indian Ocean in the Moscow region

Underneath Europe there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of underground tunnels, the origin of which remains a mystery. This type of tunnel is called "erdstall" and is very narrow. 1 to 1.2 m in height and about 60 cm in width.

There are also connecting tunnels, which are even smaller and are unlikely to be passed through by an adult or overweight person. Some tunnel systems are rings, most tunnels in such systems are less than 50 m long.

The age of the tunnels is roughly defined as the early Middle Ages. Since no historical artifacts have been found in the tunnels, it is difficult to determine the exact age. For the same reason, it is unlikely that these tunnels were ever used as hiding places or as housing. Although this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

The most common theory is that these are structures of religious significance, and that they may have belonged to some kind of non-Christian cult. Adding to the mystery is the fact that these tunnels have never been mentioned in historical texts. We may never know where they came from.

According to the German archaeologist Dr. Heinrich Kusch, who recently published a book entitled "Secrets of the Underground Door to the Ancient World", the tunnels appeared in the Stone Age - 5000 years ago, in the Neolithic period, since they are usually located next to the camps of people of that time. They also talk about earlier times - 12,000 years ago.

There is data from radiocarbon analysis that the Bavarian tunnels are about 1500 years old, there are also later, medieval ones. Some have been known for a long time, others, like Erdstall, were discovered by accident. A cow nibbled grass on an alpine meadow - and suddenly fell into the ground. It cannot be said that they did not know about these tunnels before the book was published, but somehow this was not too advertised, if not to say frankly - it was hushed up. Dark tunnels are still largely unknown to scientists. In this respect, the book was a real event.

“We would like to use the help of physicists for radiocarbon dating, expertise; theologians and specialists in prehistoric times, ”says one of the Alborn researchers. No dissertation has yet been written on this topic to date.

At least 700 of these tunnels have been found in Bavaria alone, and about 500 in Austria. They have bizarre names among the people, such as "Schrazelloch" ("hole of the goblins") or "Alraunenhöhle" ("mandrake cave"). Some sagas say that they were part of the long tunnels connecting the castles.

European tunnels, as a rule, have the same vaulted structure, the height is about 70 centimeters, often the tunnels are connected by passages with a diameter of 40 centimeters, into which a normal person can barely squeeze. Kushch supposes that before the underground network was even larger, but part of it gradually collapsed. Or not found yet.

Some experts believe that the net was a way to protect humans from predators, while others think that some of the connected tunnels were used as crossings to travel safely regardless of war, violence, and even weather over land. One thing is true - obviously this method of traveling underground was extremely popular. True, it is not very clear to whom.

The book notes that chapels were often built at the entrances to the tunnels, perhaps because the Church feared pagan heritage, or perhaps in order to thus eliminate its influence. Many tunnels were filled up, their entrances were walled up. Sometimes in the caves you come across reliefs, as for example at Bösenreutin near the city of Lindau on Lake Constance.

It depicts a goblin with a tail. Perhaps some galleries were temples for the followers of some pagan rituals, it is quite possible that these people simply used what they did not build. In some chronicles, references to these tunnels have been found as on the way to the underworld.

But looking at these underground passages, and they are clearly artificial, one cannot get rid of the thought that a person must have been clearly uncomfortable and uncomfortable in them. Try to crouch down at least ten meters. And on your knees, you also do not travel for a long time. It is difficult to breathe there and a long siege, hiding from enemies, cannot be sustained.

All this gives the impression that the myths about gnomes (or dwarfs, hobbits, goblins - call it what you want) really have real ground, or rather, have proof of what is underneath.

Many researchers of the underground depths argue that under almost every modern large city there is a whole network of branched tunnels and corridors. Also found underground tunnels, which can be called transcontinental. Many underground structures were quite capable of being built by modern people or even Neanderthals. However, there are many kilometers of passages, the creation of which used technologies unknown to date. Moreover, all these mysteries are not somewhere in Egypt or Peru (although there are plenty of them there too), but right at our side.

Since 1997, the Kosmopoisk expedition has carefully studied the world-famous Medveditskaya ridge located in the Volga region. Scientists have discovered a system of tunnels that stretches for several tens of kilometers. The tunnels have an oval or circular cross-section with a diameter of 8 to 20 meters and are located at a depth of 30 meters.

The diameter of the tunnels varies from 20 to 35 meters as they approach the Medveditskaya ridge, and in the area of ​​the hill itself, the size of the cavities reaches more than 100 meters. Several seven-meter tunnels leave from here at different angles. Medveditskaya ridge is a kind of crossroads, a junction where tunnels from different regions connect. Scientists believe that from here you can go not only to the Crimea and the Caucasus, but also to the northern regions of Russia and even to the North American continent.

A huge cavity under the largest Ai-Petri massif, hanging over Simeiz and Alupka, was discovered by Crimean speleologists. In addition, tunnels were found connecting the Crimea and the Caucasus. In the course of a number of expeditions, the ufologists of the Caucasian region determined that there are tunnels under the Uvarov ridge, one of which leads directly to the Crimean peninsula, and the other through several cities: Yeisk, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don.

A vertical mine has existed in the gorge under the town of Gelendzhik for a long time. It has a diameter of about one and a half meters and a depth of over 100 m. Its feature is smooth walls. The researchers concluded that the rock was subjected to both mechanical and thermal action, after which a solid layer 2 meters thick was formed. This is impossible to create with the help of modern technology. In addition, there is a high-intensity background radiation in the mine.

In the region of Western Europe, on the border with Poland and Slovenia, Babia Gora is located. Since ancient times, the secret of this mountain has been kept by the inhabitants of the surrounding area. As one person named Vincent said, he went to Babya Mountain with his father in the 60s. They climbed to a height of about 600 meters and pushed one of the protruding boulders to the side. Their eyes opened the entrance to the tunnel. The tunnel itself was wide, straight. An entire train could fit in it. The shiny and smooth surface of the floor and walls seemed to be covered with glass. An inclined tunnel led them into a spacious hall resembling a huge barrel. Several tunnels went out of it in different directions. Some of them were circular, others were triangular. Vincent's father argued that from here through the tunnels you can get to different continents. The right tunnel leads to Russia, then to the Caucasus, to China and Japan, and then to America. The left tunnel runs to Germany, England and further to the American continent. The tunnels are interconnected.

Scientists have found an underground city located under the Turkish city of Derikuyu. Numerous rooms of the city are connected by passages. The builders of that time provided the underground empire with a perfect life support system. Everything here was thought out to the smallest detail: warehouses for food, rooms for animals, rooms for receiving and preparing food, for meetings, for sleeping ...

At the same time, schools and religious temples were not forgotten. The entrances to the dungeon were blocked by granite doors thanks to a precisely calculated blocking device. And the ventilation system, which supplied the underground city with air, continues to work flawlessly to this day!

Here were discovered the cultural values ​​of the Hittites, whose kingdom was established in the 17th century BC. Scientists only have to find out for what reasons the people went into the dungeon. An underground civilization could exist unnoticed by earth inhabitants for more than a thousand years.

According to many archaeologists from different countries, it is obvious that on our planet there is a world system of underground communications, consisting of junction stations, many kilometers of tunnels, huge cities and small settlements with a perfect and developed life support system. And their ventilation system at any time of the year allows you to maintain an air temperature that is quite suitable for life.

All these data indicate that long before mankind, civilizations with advanced technologies existed on Earth. In addition, some scientists have come to the extravagant conclusion that the underground tunnel systems left by the most ancient peoples are currently being used for UFO movements and the life of a mysterious civilization that lives simultaneously with us on Earth. This is confirmed by observers who often report unidentified flying objects soaring vertically into the sky above those places where the tunnel exits to the surface are located.

South America hides many secrets and wonders. One of the most mysterious places is underground tunnels Chinkanas (Las Chincanas)... These endless and intricate grottoes have attracted the interest of researchers for many centuries. However, no matter how many expeditions were sent to Chinkanas, most of them could not provide at least some significant data about the underground system, and some adventurers completely disappeared into the tunnels without a trace. This is also why interest in Chinkanas does not fade over the years. Many believe that dungeons were the inspiration for The King of Horrors, Howard Loughcraft. In addition, when it became known about the disappearance of the members of the expedition, many began to talk about the legend of the serpent people that exist in the underground labyrinths... Similar legends are present in the folklore of several Indian peoples of South America at once. There are also versions stating that the treasures of the Incas are hidden in Chinkanas.

Underground tunnels are located near the city of Cuzco in Peru, in the area of ​​the ruins of the fortress Saxayhuaman... Local Indians say that the most sacred places of the Incas were located in the developed system of grottoes and passages. The story goes that at the beginning of the twentieth century, a group of American students decided to end the secret of Chinkanas. Young people stocked up on ropes, hooks, candles and provisions, knowing that, against their will, they could spend many days in the underground labyrinth. In addition, the students were ready to meet in Chinkanas many traps set by the Incas to guard their treasures. But the most terrible enemy for them turned out to be darkness and their own disorientation. Wandering in the tunnels for about a month, they got to a small cave, the passage into which was so small that even the most slender among adventurers could not squeeze through it. Then the picks went into action, as a result the breach was widened. What was the surprise of the students when they stumbled upon a dirty, emaciated and distraught old man, clutching an ear of pure gold corn in one hand. Soon the expedition managed to climb out, the old man turned out to be a young adventurer who had tried his luck in Chinkanas a few months before the students. A few days after leaving the tunnels, he died of exhaustion. Of course, today it is no longer possible to verify the authenticity of this story, however it attracted even more people to the caves.

The Indians say that foreigners will never return safe or sound from the tunnels, because with their presence they desecrate sacred places. Some shamans still make sacrifices to the caves in order to appease the pagan gods. In 1923, another expedition was sent to Chinkanas. This time it consisted of archaeologists from the University of Lima. As soon as scientists reached the Pacific coast, communication with them was interrupted. Twelve days later, only one person returned from the expedition. He was able to tell about countless turns, grottoes and dark caves, and he also remembered that some of the passages were equipped with traps. Perhaps it was just the delirium of a madman, because colleagues noticed that the scientist looks like a person who has lost his mind, but there is also a possibility that this is a reality that is hiding in the tunnels underground. They did not check, in order to avoid the loss of people in the future, the police blocked the only (as they thought) entrance to the tunnel.

However, in the early fifties, another entrance to the Chinkanas was discovered in the vicinity of Cuzco. This became known relatively recently, thanks to references found in the archives of the library of the local university. From them, our contemporaries received information that in 1952 an expedition was equipped to the caves, consisting of seven scientists from France and the United States. Since it was planned to explore only a small space located immediately after the entrance, provisions were taken for a maximum of a couple of days. But as in other cases of Chinkanas research, the expedition unexpectedly dragged on for several weeks. After fifteen days, only one scientist managed to rise to the surface. It was the Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere, who was very emaciated and was in a semi-conscious state. And yet, he managed to get the story that his companions fell into a deep abyss, and he, having lost his orientation in the dark, wandered through the tunnels for a long time. It should be noted that this story, moreover, confirmed by written data, looks more truthful. But one mysterious fact still remained unexplained. The Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere, who died a few days after leaving the Chinkanas, was sick with the bubonic plague, where this infection came from several hundred meters underground remains a mystery.

But even several centuries before the above expeditions were carried out, it was known that a huge labyrinth of tunnels was hidden underground in Cuzco. Many Jesuit priests, who were engaged in enlightenment and introduction to Christianity of the local population, wrote about him. For example, in the middle of the sixteenth century, Father Agnelio Oliva remarked: "The Indians say that Huayna Capac built a huge labyrinth underground with buildings, bridges and fortresses." It is complemented by the priest Martin de Moya, who wrote: “A large cave near Cusco, passing through the whole city, connects with tunnels that take the direction to Sacsayhuaman, then the underground system goes further, going down the hill through the San Cristobal temple and comes to the city of Santo -Domingo. Perhaps this is how the Incas created escape routes in the event of a surprise attack. " Twenty years later, the Jesuit Garcilaso de la Vega made another note that describes Chinkanas in more detail: “The labyrinth consisted of real underground streets, as well as caves, with absolutely identical entrances. The system is so complex that even the most daring adventurers dare not enter it without a reel of rope, the end of which is tied to the main entrance. Some believe that the tunnels lead to the very heart of the Andes, and where they end no one knows. " However, most people of that time avoided even talking about caves, let alone traveling through them, because in the memory of the Indians there were still numerous legends passed down from mouth to mouth, and they, in turn, told them to the Spaniards.

Interestingly, chinkanas are found not only in the Cusco region. Not so long ago, tunnels were found passing through Lima. In addition, similar dungeons exist under Machu Picchu. Among other things, Chinkanas were also found in the area of ​​the Bolivian city of Samaipata. So it is quite possible that a huge part of South America is shrouded in a network of tunnels. By the way, archaeologists still cannot study many of the tunnels, because after about a hundred meters the passages are littered with huge boulders. Some believe that the descendants of the Incas still live in Chinkanas, thus fenced off from the outside world. Of course, this theory seems absurd, but it has its own adherents. Underground tunnels have always caused a lot of controversy, although some skeptics claim that the hype around them was created by the media and tourism organizations, and Chinkanas are actually just natural underground caves. Contrary to this point of view, many studies have shown that the tunnels were created by man, because they contain stairs, as well as entrance breaches have a very atypical shape.

There are also versions that Chinkanas is the very El Dorado, coveted by many medieval gold miners. However, there is no evidence of this, except for a golden ear clutched in the hand of the unfortunate adventurer. In addition, it is generally accepted that Eldorado was supposed to be in the region of the Amazon River or its tributary Orinoco. At the same time, it is known that this precious metal was used very, very often in the decoration of many significant buildings in Cusco. From the memories of the conquerors of the Inca empire, it becomes clear that the legends about the golden city did not arise by chance. Indeed, according to the legend, in the temple of the Sun of Korinkancha, not only ritual statues and an altar were made of gold, but also windows, doors, floors and ceilings. It is logical to assume that such reserves of precious metal could not "sink through the earth." However, it is quite possible that this was the case, considering that the Incas could lower their treasures into underground vaults and fill up the course until better times.

But if the previous versions are at least in the least plausible, then fantastic theories are also associated with Chinkanas. For example, some, relying on the stories of the Indians about the people-snakes, believe that the underground tunnels are the refuge of the evolved dinosaurs. Allegedly, the small lizard Stechonychosaurus, which lived on our planet seventy years ago, gradually turned into an intelligent creature, very similar in intelligence and morphology to modern people. According to the scientist Dale Russell, this is quite possible, because humanity began to develop much later, so that the Stochonychosaurus had a huge amount of time for evolution. In addition, the lizard could survive several ice ages while underground. As a result, there appeared manosaur civilization, which explains many of the finds made at Chinkanas. For example, strangely shaped fossilized footprints in ancient rocks. In addition, the famous Ica stones, which depict people in the society of lizards, indirectly point to this version. Supporters of this version also say that today in underground tunnels, man-rexes no longer live - they became extinct many centuries ago, having transferred all their knowledge to the Indians.

At the same time, research in Chinkanas is still ongoing. For example, an attempt to repeat the route of one of the missing expeditions was undertaken by Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, who has been researching the Inca empire for most of his life. His group entered the underground labyrinth through a gap under the altar of a ruined temple near Cuzco. At first, the scientists walked through a wide round tunnel, reminiscent of a ventilation shaft. Then the passage began to narrow, and its walls stopped reflecting infrared rays. Then the researchers decided to use a special spectrograph, thanks to which it was possible to determine that the walls of Chinkanas contain a large amount of aluminum. Interestingly, the scientists did not manage to take a sample of the rock, because all the tools broke, trying to make at least a small hole in the surface. In addition, the tunnel continued to narrow and soon its diameter did not exceed ninety centimeters. Then Raul Rios Centeno decided to turn back. What else would have been revealed by continuing the path of scientists remained a mystery.

Underground tunnels that are found on all continents of the Earth. The mystery of man-made structures has not yet been solved by specialists. For what purpose and who built them, the specialists do not know.

Ancient passages underground

Jan Pienk the Polish believes that ancient tunnels are located all over the planet, including at the bottom of the oceans. These tunnels seem to have been burned out in the firmament of the earth. The walls of the tunnels are solidified molten rock, very similar to glass. Such mining technology is still unknown to modern specialists. The oldest tunnels are about a million years old and were found in 1965 by Juan Moritz, an ethnologist from Argentina. His expedition surveyed the province of Morona Santiago in Ecuador and mapped the tunnels that are located at a depth of 230 meters. The walls of these tunnels are very smooth, as if polished, there are ventilation pipes in the walls. The length of these tunnels is hundreds of kilometers in various directions, one of which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Until now, most of the tunnels have not been explored.

Andrew Thomas of America believes that ancient tunnels run through the North American continent, linking it to Europe and East Asia. The most important intersections of these tunnels are called junctions. One such node is located under Mount Shasta in California. One of the offshoots leads from here into a large area that was discovered near California under the Pacific Ocean floor.

Tibet is one important site. It is riddled with ancient underground tunnels, the walls of these tunnels are perfectly smooth. Buddhist monks believe that it is here, in the depths of the mountains, that Shambhala is located, where the initiates live. They move through tunnels in special devices with great speed.

Recently, huge, unexplored voids have been discovered in Egypt under the pyramids on the Giza plateau. These tunnels diverge in different directions: north to the Black Sea, to Tibet to the east and west to the Atlantic Ocean. Where they connect to the American system.

There is another knot of ancient tunnels in the Caucasus and Crimea. Under the Uvarov Ridge in the Caucasus, cavers discovered tunnels leading to the Crimea, the Volga region and the Caspian Sea. The Medveditskaya mountain range, located in the Volga region, has a network of tunnels in its depths. Most of the tunnels have a circular cross-section and a diameter of 7 to 30 meters. There are large halls.

Russian researcher P. Miroshnichenko tells in his book "The Legend of the LSP" that the whole of Russia is sewn with ancient tunnels. At the moment, not all tunnels have been found. One of the ancient tunnels was discovered in the 1950s when a tunnel was being built in the Tatar Strait. One of the participants in the construction says: the tunnellers did not so much build as they restored some ancient tunnel. But they never made it to the end. There is an assumption that this tunnel travels through Sakhalin to Japan and America.

Ancient people were waiting for a nuclear strike

The older and deeper the tunnel, the more perfect and more precisely oriented it is. Discovered tunnels in Western Europe, 12 thousand years old, are the youngest, they are the most structurally rough of all ancient tunnels found. But even such tunnels could not be built by primitive people. It remains only to assume that a highly developed civilization existed on Earth in ancient times, which disappeared for unknown reasons. Leaving only our uncivilized ancestors.

Experts, speaking about the disappearance of a highly developed civilization, point to the possibility of unleashing a nuclear war in antiquity. A group of French scientists studied several large craters on the surface of the Earth, it is believed that these are traces of meteorites, but perhaps the craters were formed from nuclear explosions. Some of the craters are 25 thousand years old. South Africa has the deepest crater.

Researchers believe that it was formed from a nuclear strike. Power, which is more than 500 thousand tons in TNT equivalent.

Ancient mankind, most likely, knew about the preparatory nuclear bombardment and was preparing for it. Perhaps this is why the underground tunnels were made. Whether they helped is not known. Another question arises: who built these tunnels that are hundreds of thousands of years old?

Underground country

The appearance of the tunnels is easier to explain by the activities of aliens. But many researchers now say that these tunnels were created by the inhabitants of the Earth and possessed of high technologies. The ancient tunnels may have been built in anticipation of some kind of natural global catastrophe.

About once every 60 years, the most damaging ones occur. Less powerful catastrophes occur every 100, 41 and 21 thousand years. The ancient "superhumans" knew about this, so they built underground tunnels, and then left for good in huge natural cavities under the ground, where they have their own flora and fauna, their own seas. Theoretically, modern science admits the existence of a self-sufficient biosphere underground, and ancient people could well have settled in this underground world.

There are suggestions that these people still live “under our feet”. During the laying of a mine in England, miners heard the sounds of working mechanisms from underground. When they broke through the stone mass, we saw a well leading down, the walls of the well were perfectly smooth, the sounds intensified. Experts became interested in the find, the workers were taken out of the mine. The special services became interested in the study of the dungeon in New Zealand. From the depths of this dungeon, sounds similar to the howl of a siren and blows were also heard. In China, the province of Hunan, an underground hall was found where there are many drawings depicting people sitting in apparatus similar to. Sounds are periodically heard from the dungeon.

There is one more proof of the existence of the underworld. Mysterious animals sometimes appear on Earth - one of these animals is the Chupacabra. They are considered extinct animals or completely unknown, appear for a short time and disappear into obscurity. Most likely, the underworld is connected to our underground tunnels through which these mysterious creatures come to us.

Scientists believe that the level of underground civilization is higher than ours. It is from there that aircraft come to us. After all, if you think about it, "plates" of aliens visit us too often. It is more logical to assume that they are not in space, but much closer. They try to keep their world secret from people, for this they disguise themselves as aliens.

The underground world where people live for millions of years remains a mystery to scientists. But it is quite possible that the secret services have solved this riddle long ago and it is possible that they have been in contact with its inhabitants for a long time.

The same ancient tunnels, judging by publications, radio and television broadcasts of previous years, were found by the builders of modern metro tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kiev and other cities. This suggests that along with metro tunnels, rivers hidden in concrete boxes, sewerage and drainage systems and the latest state-of-the-art "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, there are also numerous underground communications from earlier eras.... They form a multi-level, intricately intertwined system of countless underground passages and chambers, and the oldest buildings are located deeper than the metro line and, probably, continue far beyond the cities. There is information that on the territory of Ancient Russia there were underground galleries hundreds of kilometers long, connecting the largest cities of the country. Entering them, for example, in Kiev, it was possible to get off in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And not a word is said about all these grandiose underground structures in any reference book. There are no published maps or publications dedicated to them. And all because in all countries the location of underground communications
- state secrets, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers who study them unofficially.
That is why, from the scanty information about underground structures, it is always difficult to understand where the legend ends and reality begins. I myself would consider many stories to be nothing more than a beautiful legend, if my acquaintance diggers did not tell me about their adventures in underground labyrinths, if I somehow did not fall into the hands of nowhere published reports on the search for the Library of Ivan the Terrible under the surface of Moscow and other cities of the Moscow region, with a detailed description of the ancient underground passages and their diagrams, and if I myself had not visited many underground cities in Turkey and Israel and saw their gigantic scale (in width and depth).
Of the underground communications found in other countries, it should be noted the tunnel found on the Babia mountain (height 1725 m) in the Tatra-Beskydy mountain range, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. UFO encounters also took place at this place quite often. The Polish ufologist Robert Lesnyakevich, who is studying this anomalous zone, in search of information about the events that took place here in earlier times, contacted another Polish expert on this kind of problems, Dr. Jan Pajonk, a professor at the university in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.
Professor Payonk wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and high school student, he heard the following story from an elderly man named Vincent:
« Many years ago ... my father ... said that the time had come for me to find out the secret that the inhabitants of our area have long passed on from father to son. And this secret is the hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also told me to remember the road well, because he would show me it only once.
After that we went on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ...
When we leaned on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily shifted to the side. An opening was opened into which a cart could freely enter, together with a horse harnessed to it ...
A tunnel opened in front of us, going down rather steeply. Father moved forward, I
- behind him, stunned by what had happened. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a slightly flattened circle, was as straight as an arrow, and so wide and high that an entire train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and there were almost no footsteps. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.
Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until we came to a spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross section, others
- rounded.
... the father spoke again: