Foreign passports and documents

Chinese pyramids. Great and mysterious Chinese pyramids. The giant white pyramid in China

As you know, there are many mysterious monuments of bygone civilizations in the world, the purpose of which can hardly be fully explained in terms of rational concepts we are accustomed to. The most intriguing among them are the pyramids erected in various parts of the planet. Of particular interest is the Great White, discovered only a few decades ago and practically unexplored.

A vision of a mysterious pyramid

Traditionally, the image of the pyramids in our minds is associated with the idea of ​​Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, a significant number of them have been discovered and studied in Central America. However, the reports that appeared in the media in the 80s of the XX century became a real world sensation.

They cited the report of the American pilot D. Gausman, submitted to his command in March 1945. This message continues to be a sensation today. According to the pilot, while returning from a mission, he was flying thirty kilometers from the Chinese city of Xian, his plane suddenly began to lose altitude for some unknown reason. When it dropped so much that it was below the clouds that covered the earth, the astonished American was presented with a truly fantastic sight.

Directly below him lay a gigantic white pyramid, shrouded in a strange glow. One got the impression that it was made of some kind of silvery stone or even metal. After flying around the mysterious colossus several times and taking a series of photographs, the pilot continued on his way, and as he moved away from the pyramid, his car began to gain altitude again.

The opinions of skeptics

The report presented by him did not arouse the confidence of scientists and, together with the accompanying photographs, lay in the archive for forty years. The story of the pilot seemed too incredible, and the photographs he had taken in general raised doubts about their authenticity.

According to the calculations made on their basis, the height of the structure reached 300 m, and the length of the side of the base was no less than 230 m, which was exactly twice the size of the largest structure in the world - the Cheops pyramid. And nevertheless, it is this structure previously unknown to world science - the Great White Pyramid in China, a photo of which is presented in the article - that has become one of the main mysteries of the past century. As it turned out later, she was not alone.

For many years, the Chinese authorities, for some unknown reason, carefully concealed the presence of pyramids on their country's territory. They succeeded, since satellites did not exist at that time, and it was impossible to see anything from space. However, the pyramids turned out to be that awl, which was very difficult to hide.

Enthusiast from New Zealand

Following the American pilot, Bruce Katy, an aviator from New Zealand, told the world about them, who in the 60s also discovered the Great White Pyramid during the flight. In China, as he later found out, at the beginning of the 20th century, two Australian merchants traveled and described in their diaries the structure they saw, but not one, but more than fifteen. Finding an opportunity to familiarize himself with their records and having managed to obtain the appropriate permission from the local authorities, Bruce Katie made a trip to the area indicated by them. There he made sketches, as well as photographs of 16 of which were the White Pyramid.

In China, oddly enough, the locations of these ancient monuments were closed for visits not only to foreigners, but also to their own citizens. What is used in other countries to attract tourists and generate profit was included in the list of secret objects here.

The beginning of the study of the Chinese pyramids

Only in 1994, some relief was made for the Austrian archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorf. As a result, in the Tsiyanyan region - a vast and sparsely populated area - he discovered a whole valley of the pyramids, numbering more than a hundred of these ancient structures. All of them had the correct geometric shape and, despite the fact that they were smaller than the tallest - the White Pyramid (in China), the photo of which was presented in his report by the American pilot, still reached forty meters.

The official recognition by the authorities of the Celestial Empire of the presence of pyramids on their territory followed only in 2000, and the admission of archaeologists to them was very limited on the grounds that they are all in close proximity to military facilities. But nevertheless, even this made it possible to carry out certain studies.

A valley full of mysteries

The place where the largest number of these historical monuments is located is called the Valley of the Pyramids. More than four hundred of them are concentrated here. Unlike the Egyptian, the Chinese and those found in Central America have a truncated top, forming a flat horizontal platform. In China, they are made from a local clay rock called loess.

It is important to note the following fact: despite their impressive dimensions, reaching 50 meters in height and more, all of them, with rare exceptions, are monolithic and, accordingly, cannot be tombs, since they do not have internal cavities. Why, then, were these colossi built?

Among them, a group of 20 structures, located in a regular square, whose sides are precisely oriented to the cardinal points, stands out. It is established that the oldest pyramid of this valley was built in 1032 BC.

Victims of an unknown weapon

The most interesting object of archaeological research is the White Pyramid. In China, the coordinates of this structure (34 ° 26 "05" "N and 108 ° 52" 12 "" E) have not been a secret since D. Gausman made them public in 1945 in his report. The excavations have shown that it is the tomb of one of the emperors of the Qin dynasty - Gao-tsong. It was also established that at least 700 thousand people died during its erection, the remains of which were then laid in the walls of the pyramid and densely compacted with layers of soil. This event dates back to 200 BC.

Such a barbaric custom was not news to archaeologists; something else struck them. The fact is that the bones of all the victims were randomly mixed among themselves, as if people were torn apart by an unknown force before death.

The wrath of the mysterious forces

A more detailed study made some adjustments to the overall picture, but added riddles too. It became obvious that the dead were not builders, but the army of the emperor's servants, intended to accompany him in the afterlife, but they were killed with the help of hi-tech weapons unknown to us, the traces of which could not be found.

Another interesting fact has been established. As it turned out, the burial of the emperor was carried out at his request in a pyramid, built almost a thousand years before that and had no internal cavity. Apparently, the current channel leading into its bowels was pierced specifically for burial. Was not the death of so many imperial servants a reaction of unknown forces to penetration into the forbidden zone?

Unknown anomalies

In the area where the White Pyramid is located, a large number of anomalous phenomena that cannot be explained have also been recorded. There were, for example, cases of mysterious disappearances of people and unprovoked plane crashes. In addition, very often people who find themselves in this area stop navigating in space and have

Bearers of ancient knowledge

In this regard, the records of two Austrian merchants who visited the area at the beginning of the 20th century (they were discussed above) acquired a new meaning. In their diaries, they describe a meeting with a Buddhist monk, who told them that the White Pyramid in China was built by the emperor - a descendant of the "sons of heaven." An ancient legend tells how his ancestors flew on iron fire-breathing dragons and gave people some secret knowledge.

These words have, if not direct, then indirect confirmation. For example, the Chinese professor Wang Shiping made an interesting discovery related to the place where the White Pyramid is located. In China, the geometrical center of all parts of the world is located, and, as it turned out, the pyramid is located exactly at this point, which, of course, proves the knowledge of the ancient builders about the spherical shape of the Earth, as well as the shape and location of the continents.

If we assume that the “sons of heaven” had real prototypes, then who could have been if not aliens from outer space? The white pyramid in China, the photo of which caused the bewilderment of scientists back in 1945, is surrounded by so many inexplicable, but documented phenomena and facts that one involuntarily creates the feeling that some extraterrestrial force is erecting barriers, preventing modern people from entering them.

Unexpected and daring conclusions

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the features of the construction of pyramids located on different continents and thousands of kilometers away from each other, scientists have found in them such a number of similarities that one involuntarily suggests the conclusion that they are all the creations of one highly developed civilization. For example, the White Pyramid in China is largely identical to similar structures on the American continent and North Africa.

It is also curious to note that in many photographs transmitted to Earth from the surface of Mars, heights are clearly visible, resembling in their outlines a pyramid, subjected to the influence of time and natural erosion. If this is really then, undoubtedly, they are the work of the same builders, whose will was also the White Pyramid in China. Unfortunately, history does not always provide exhaustive answers and sometimes forces scientists to be content with only hypotheses. However, they also stimulate the inexhaustible enthusiasm of researchers.

What the White Pyramid looks like in China from a satellite

And in conclusion, about one more interesting observation made by scientists in recent years. As you know, researchers have at their disposal the most modern technology, thanks to which the monuments of ancient civilizations, including the White Pyramid in China, are being studied. A satellite photo flying over the place where it is located displayed a completely unexpected picture.

It turned out that it is the basis in a group of pyramids, in its location exactly corresponding to the position of the stars of the constellation Cygnus, which personifies eternal life in Chinese mythology. Previously, they did not know about this, since the general picture could only be seen from space. Hence the question: who and why needed to create this giant symbol?

The key to the dream

It is very possible that the reason why the Chinese have kept their pyramids secret from the rest of the world for a long time is because of some secret knowledge to which they hold the key. And it is not excluded that the solution to this "eighth wonder of the world" can raise the world civilization to a qualitatively new level, opening up hitherto unknown opportunities for people and fulfilling their dream of immortality.

Hausdorff's book, published in 1994 and dedicated to the secrets hidden in the history of China, was called "The White Pyramid". The title of the book refers the reader to a story that happened during the Second World War. On a routine flight from India to China, American pilot James Gaussmann had engine problems and had to descend. He later recalled: “I turned away to avoid colliding with the mountain, and soon a wide plain opened up in front of us. Directly below us was a giant white pyramid. She looked like some kind of fabulous building. It all sparkled with dazzling whiteness. It could be some kind of metal or a special stone. She was white on all sides. I especially remember its top: there was a huge piece of something that looked like a precious stone, possibly a crystal. We had no opportunity to sit in that place, although we wanted to do so. We were all amazed at the sheer size of this thing ... "

The pilot flew three times around the mysterious structure, but did not find a place where he could land, so he again headed for Assam, noting the location of the object on the map. This report was first published in the already mentioned book by Bruce Casey. True, it does not say how Gaussmann's report got to Casey, which by itself implies the presence of some kind of mystery. In an article published in the November 2002 issue of the British Fortean Times, researcher Steve Marshall suggested that Gaussmann's report was just an inaccurate account of an actual and well-documented survey of the site by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Director of the Far East Department of Trans World Airline.

Sheehan's report appeared in the New York Times on March 28, 1947, and was titled "A US Air Force Pilot's Report on the Great Pyramid of China in a Remote Highlands in Southwest Xi'an." Since all the previously mentioned "pyramids-tombs" are located strictly north and east of Xi'an, Sheehan's report suggests that he found another, much more impressive. According to Sheehan, the pyramid he saw appears to be "small compared to the Egyptian ones." Here's how the article described it: “He roughly estimates it to be about 1000 feet high and its base 1500 feet wide. According to him, the pyramid is located in the foothills of the Qinling Ridge, about 65 km from the provincial capital of Xi'an. The second pyramid, as follows from his story, turned out to be significantly smaller than the first. This huge structure, Colonel Sheehan continues, is located at the far end of a rather long valley in an inaccessible place. At the opposite end of the valley are hundreds of burial mounds. They, according to the colonel, can be seen from the railway bed, laid nearby. " A similar story also appeared in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “Giant Pyramid in Western China. According to a report by a Southland Air employee (also March 28, 1947) and in the Chicago Daily News. According to an article published in the English-language North China Daily News on March 31, the size of the pyramid was determined by simply comparing it to the size of a nearby village.

Sheehan also notes the following: “When I first flew around it, I was struck by its clear pyramidal shape and sheer size. But during the war years, I simply did not think about it, partly because it seemed incredible that no one in the world knew about something so huge. From the air, we noticed only a few paths that led from the pyramid to the nearby village. " It also follows from this text that the colonel saw this structure several years before the publication of his report, during the war years.

On March 30, 1947, a photograph appeared in the New York Sunday News. However, the published photo was cropped so that it did not bear the name of the newspaper agency that took it - “NEA Telephoto”; it has been preserved in other photographs printed later. However, the photo did not match Sheehan's description of the White Pyramid. In addition, he said that the pyramid is located at the foot of a mountain range, and in the photo the structure is located on a flat plain. What to do about it? On the one hand, it seems that Shihan saw the already known field of pyramids located near Xi'an, but inaccurately determined its location. But on the other hand, there may be some mystery behind all this, which is reflected in the title of Hausdorff's book and the title of Marshall's article from The Fortean Times.

Chris Meyer also examined dozens of aerial photographs and found several more pyramids on them, but all of them are not where the description should be "White Pyramid". They lie northwest of Xi'an, none of them located in the highlands south of the provincial capital, where Shihan places the structure he saw. And all the pyramids lie on a flat, open area. Worse, Mayer determined that where, according to Sheehan, he saw the "White Pyramid", there was no flat enough area at all to accommodate it.

When Mayer finally visited Xi'an, he surveyed the area, comparing it to the famous 1947 black and white photograph from the New York Sunday News, and came to the conclusion that it depicts ... the Maolin Mausoleum. In addition, a tourist guide in English called Xi'an. Historical Landmarks, ”published in 2002. In the section on Maolin, he read the following:“ In the 1930s, an American pilot photographed the Maolin Mausoleum, believing that he had discovered a pyramid in China. ” Thus, despite the large list of errors in dating (in this edition in English, numbers and dates are very often confused), apparently, this book puts the final point in the debate about what was depicted in that 1947 photograph.

But did you manage to explain everything? Was Sheehan wrong or not? In a personal correspondence with Leslie Carlson, in one of his letters, Sheehan suggested that the publication inaccurately named the size of the pyramid he saw. In his opinion, it would be correct to indicate its height within 500 feet, and this is already quite consistent with the structures that we talked about above. But one problem remains: Sheehan insisted that the object he saw was northwest of the city. Maybe he was wrong here too? Very different. Shihan pointed out a specific place - at the foot of the Qinling Ridge, 50 km from the provincial capital. Mayer studied this part of the terrain, but did not find any pyramid in satellite photographs. When he flew out of Xi'an, the plane flew just over the area where the "White Pyramid" was allegedly located. The researcher did not manage to notice a valley large enough to erect such a structure on it. Seems like the end of the controversy?

By the way, as early as April 1, 1947, the Los Angeles Times published the following article: “The report of the giant pyramid in China is called a mistake. Nanjing, March 31 (Associated Press) - The Central News Agency reports today that the provincial authorities are officially declaring, "After careful scrutiny, the report on the discovery of a giant pyramid in Shaanxi Province is proven to be without foundation." Are we dealing with an April Fool's joke too early? Or was the date April 1 a pure coincidence? Perhaps the refusal to admit the existence of the pyramid should be viewed as an April Fool's joke? Not very successful, I must say. Something is not clear. Moreover, three weeks later, the North China Daily published a long article: the account of a lecture on the history of the city of Xi'an, which was held on April 24 by the Royal Asiatic Society. During the discussion, the question of the pyramid was raised, but the conversation quickly faded. So, is it an April Fools' joke? Or an example of the amazing stubbornness of some interested persons who deny the existence of the pyramid and thereby indirectly prove that it does exist somewhere?

Say what you like, but the history of the "White Pyramid" still remains a mystery. It is extremely unlikely that the pyramid could be where Colonel Sheehan is pointing. Therefore, the story about her may really turn out to be just a joke, which was reinforced by the original photograph taken somewhere near the other pyramids. Subsequently, it seems, Casey either invented, or somewhere came across a reworked version of this story, in which Sheehan turned into a kind of "James Gaussmann." What can you say here? Maybe these names are similar, if you perceive them by ear, but not enough to confuse them. I am not claiming that Casey invented everything himself, but the intelligence services are known for their frequent copying of newspaper articles, changing details and then presenting them as "top secret information." Why do they need it? In short, this is because the employees of these very services are mainly engaged in this: they read local newspapers, process information and put the stamp "Top Secret" on it, thereby creating the illusion among officials from Washington that they are not at all sitting behind tables and do not read local newspapers, but, on the contrary, secretly meet with their agents at secret meetings. If this is so, then we can say that in the case of the White Pyramid we are dealing with a falsified spy report or an April Fool's joke (as you like), as well as an observation error made by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Well, well, if the Great White Pyramid does not exist in China, we know at least that there are other true pyramids there.

But ... there is always this "but"! When journalist Julie Byron was writing an article about "The Riddles of the Pyramids," she went on the trail of Colonel Sheehan's son, Donald. The journalist asked him what his father had seen, and he told her that the colonel had actually seen the pyramid even before the newspaper articles appeared, and that several high-ranking airline officials were with him on the 1947 flight. The purpose of that mission was to obtain from the local authorities the right to fly the airline's aircraft over China. Donald Sheehan was convinced that the photographs of the structure he saw were taken by his father or someone who accompanied him. However, the son reviewed all the papers of his father, but the photo of the pyramid was never found. However, Donald found three unsigned newspaper clippings that mentioned Colonel Sheehan flying at low altitude in order to photograph the area. And in two of these clippings, it was said that the colonel kept these photos at home; the same was stated in the March 31st North China Daily article. Some of the newspaper clippings contained photographs belonging to the NEA (Newsape Enterprise Association), but Sheehan's son could not claim that they were made by his father or that they depicted the very structure that caused so much controversy.

As for the NEA company, it is known for another very famous photo: "The Roswell Meteorological Probe." An inquisitive reader will surely remember that this particular photo was at the center of the discussion about the probable crash of an alien ship in New Mexico, which allegedly happened there ... in early 1947. Interesting coincidence, isn't it?

In general, it seems that Hausdorff has set himself the task of turning the White Pyramid into an even greater myth than it really is. In particular, Steve Marshall was deeply disappointed by Hausdorff's assertion that, according to his calculations, the height of the pyramid is 300 m.This was said in a radio interview that he gave to American journalist Laura Lee in 1997 during a Florida) World Conference of Ancient Astronautics. Forced to confirm such things, which Hausdorff undoubtedly said in a fit of enthusiasm, not guided by scientific data, Marshall continues to rush with this statement "as with a written bag", instead of one day give it a principled assessment and move on. And the principal assessment is as follows: Hausdorff is the man who proclaimed the beginning of the New era of the pyramids in China. He is a pioneer in the study of the Chinese pyramids, and, like any pioneer, he has some quite excusable flaws and mistakes. Ten years after that interview, thousands of tourists can (although rarely use this opportunity) themselves to come to China and see all these amazing structures. So, a streak of a new dawn has finally dawned over these historical monuments. However, all this is still only "early morning".

White pyramid in China has been one of the most coveted objects of study for the world scientific community for several decades. The heated debates around this unusual historical and cultural object do not subside to this day, and the reason for this is not at all the secrets of the pyramids in China, but the very fact of their existence.

Until recently, only a few foreigners were lucky enough to see the White Pyramid, located near the Chinese city of Xian, thanks to which the news of its existence spread throughout the world. This, it would seem, a unique find should have become a place of pilgrimage for representatives of the scientific world, as happened with the Egyptian pyramids, but White pyramid is located in China - a country closed for foreigners to visit, without the appropriate permission from the authorities of the Celestial Empire. And the latter, for some unknown reason, are in no hurry to issue such a permit.

So it is up to archaeologists who want to unravel the secrets of the White Pyramid in China. content with the study of old photographs taken by the American pilot James Gussmann back in 1945, the results of an expedition to this area by the German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff, as well as fragmentary historical references and satellite photographs from Google Earth. And this is all despite the fact that White pyramid... possibly the largest architectural monument of antiquity on our planet, because according to scientists, its height is about 300 m, and the length of the side of the square of the base is 485 m!

The exact geographical coordinates of the location of the White Pyramid on the map are also known - 34? 26'05 "N and 108? 52'12 "east longitude (the Chinese province of Shaanxi), but even this fact does not allow scientists to get to it and witness this miracle with their own eyes, not to mention careful research. Why the Chinese authorities take such a position remains unknown and incomprehensible to many. After all, most of the other historical and cultural monuments of the Celestial Empire are open for free access to foreigners. Therefore, scientists only have to speculate about what the White Pyramid really is in China and what secrets it is hiding from us.

The giant white pyramid in China

White Pyramid in China should have long been a sensation and the object of careful research by archaeologists. Its height is more than 2 times the height of the famous Cheops pyramid. The height of the white pyramid is 300 m, and the height of the world famous pyramid of Cheops is 148 m.

The giant white pyramid, 300 meters high and 485 meters long at the base, became famous thanks to a photograph taken from the air by US Air Force pilot James Gossman in the spring of 1945 during World War II.

Gossman flew between India and China. Due to engine problems, the pilot was forced to descend to a lower altitude. In a message to the intelligence officer, Gossman wrote:

I banked to avoid the mountains and we came out to the level of the valley. Directly below us was a giant white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. She was shimmering white. Perhaps it was metal, or some kind of stone. She was pure white on all sides. The crystal at the top of the pyramid was remarkable, sparkling like a huge gem. We had no way to land, even though we wanted to. We were amazed at the unusualness of what we saw. *

A photograph of a white pyramid in China south of Xi'an city was published by the New York Sunday News on March 30, 1947. The white pyramid in the photograph immediately became the center of endless exploration and speculation. Bruce L. Catty, after studying the work of Hartwig Hausdorff ** in 1978, indicated the exact location of the White Pyramid in China: 34º 26'05 "N. and 108º 52'12 "east longitude. in Shaanxi province

It remains a mystery why the Chinese authorities are not just not interested in the archaeological study of the White Pyramid, but for a long time denied and carefully concealed the fact of its existence.

Today, the pyramids in China can be viewed using Google Earth. However, the largest pyramid of China cannot be seen from the satellite, the question arises why? Was it disguised or destroyed? What secrets are hidden by the pyramids in China, why they are so carefully hidden from archaeologists and simply curious. All over the world, the tourism business is one of the most profitable items of state income. What secrets of the pyramids outweigh the material interest in the development of tourism? The question remains open and further fuels interest in the pyramids in China.

The mystery of the huge White Pyramid in China

It is known that there are 400 ancient pyramids in the Shang-Si region north of the city of Hean in China. Scientists have identified: these pyramids are burial mounds. Their height is from 25 to 100 m. But the Chinese still hide the great white pyramid from the eyes of the public and the press. It is located to the north of the others, in the area of ​​the Zia-Lin River. And that's what is known about her today.

The white pyramid is huge. Its height is about 300 m. almost 2 times higher than the Cheops pyramid. It was first discovered at the end of World War II by American pilot James Gausman. He was returning from an operation to a base in India. His plane began to deafen on Chinese territory in the Hean area. Flying at low altitude, Gausmann saw an incredible pyramid. The pilot even managed to photograph her, and this picture was attached to the report.

Another American saw, inspired by the stories of Gausmann, in 1947 went in search of the pyramid and found it. The gigantic structure was impressive. Even from above, it seemed huge and dazzlingly white. But the Chinese did not want foreigners to do further research. And only in the 90s, the Austrian scientist managed to make a trip to the areas of China that were closed to foreigners, adjacent to the city of Hean. He carefully examined the White Pyramid. Finely crafted giant slabs, carefully stacked and fitted together. What tools did the ancient Chinese use? How did they manage to move the slabs and then lift them to unprecedented heights?

According to an ancient Chinese legend, the pyramids testify to the visit of our planet by aliens from other galaxies. The manuscripts indicate that the emperors of ancient China were convinced of the existence of alien civilizations. Moreover, some of them claimed to be the descendants of the sons of the sky of those strange creatures who roared down to Earth on iron dragons. But almost every legend is fraught with a grain of truth.


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White pyramid

Hausdorff's book, published in 1994 and dedicated to the secrets hidden in the history of China, was called "The White Pyramid". The title of the book refers the reader to a story that happened during the Second World War. On a routine flight from India to China, American pilot James Gaussmann had engine problems and had to descend. He later recalled: “I turned away to avoid colliding with the mountain, and soon a wide plain opened up in front of us. Directly below us was a giant white pyramid. She looked like some kind of fabulous building. It all sparkled with dazzling whiteness. It could be some kind of metal or a special stone. She was white on all sides. I especially remember its top: there was a huge piece of something that looked like a precious stone, possibly a crystal. We had no opportunity to sit in that place, although we wanted to do so. We were all amazed at the sheer size of this thing ... "

The pilot flew three times around the mysterious structure, but did not find a place where he could land, so he again headed for Assam, noting the location of the object on the map. This report was first published in the already mentioned book by Bruce Casey. True, it does not say how Gaussmann's report got to Casey, which by itself implies the presence of some kind of mystery. In an article published in the November 2002 issue of the British Fortean Times, researcher Steve Marshall suggested that Gaussmann's report was just an inaccurate account of an actual and well-documented survey of the site by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Director of the Far East Department of Trans World Airline.

Sheehan's report appeared in the New York Times on March 28, 1947, and was titled "A US Air Force Pilot's Report on the Great Pyramid of China in a Remote Highlands in Southwest Xi'an." Since all the previously mentioned "pyramids-tombs" are located strictly north and east of Xi'an, Sheehan's report suggests that he found another, much more impressive. According to Sheehan, the pyramid he saw appears to be "small compared to the Egyptian ones." Here's how the article described it: “He roughly estimates it to be about 1000 feet high and its base 1500 feet wide. According to him, the pyramid is located in the foothills of the Qinling Ridge, about 65 km from the provincial capital of Xi'an. The second pyramid, as follows from his story, turned out to be significantly smaller than the first. This huge structure, Colonel Sheehan continues, is located at the far end of a rather long valley in an inaccessible place. At the opposite end of the valley are hundreds of burial mounds. They, according to the colonel, can be seen from the railway bed, laid nearby. " A similar story also appeared in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “Giant Pyramid in Western China. According to a report by a Southland Air employee (also March 28, 1947) and in the Chicago Daily News. According to an article published in the English-language North China Daily News on March 31, the size of the pyramid was determined by simply comparing it to the size of a nearby village.

Sheehan also notes the following: “When I first flew around it, I was struck by its clear pyramidal shape and sheer size. But during the war years, I simply did not think about it, partly because it seemed incredible that no one in the world knew about something so huge. From the air, we noticed only a few paths that led from the pyramid to the nearby village. " It also follows from this text that the colonel saw this structure several years before the publication of his report, during the war years.

On March 30, 1947, a photograph appeared in the New York Sunday News. However, the published photo was cropped so that it did not bear the name of the newspaper agency that took it - “NEA Telephoto”; it has been preserved in other photographs printed later. However, the photo did not match Sheehan's description of the White Pyramid. In addition, he said that the pyramid is located at the foot of a mountain range, and in the photo the structure is located on a flat plain. What to do about it? On the one hand, it seems that Shihan saw the already known field of pyramids located near Xi'an, but inaccurately determined its location. But on the other hand, there may be some mystery behind all this, which is reflected in the title of Hausdorff's book and the title of Marshall's article from The Fortean Times.

Chris Meyer also examined dozens of aerial photographs and found several more pyramids on them, but all of them are not where the description should be "White Pyramid". They lie northwest of Xi'an, none of them located in the highlands south of the provincial capital, where Shihan places the structure he saw. And all the pyramids lie on a flat, open area. Worse, Meyer determined that where Sheehan said he saw the White Pyramid, there was no flat enough area at all for it to sit on.

When Mayer finally visited Xi'an, he surveyed the area, comparing it to the famous 1947 black and white photograph from the New York Sunday News, and came to the conclusion that it depicts ... the Maolin Mausoleum. In addition, a tourist guide in English called Xi'an. Historic Landmarks ”, published in 2002. In the section on Maolin, he read the following:“ In the 1930s, an American pilot photographed the Maolin Mausoleum, believing that he had discovered a pyramid in China. ” Thus, despite the large list of errors in dating (in this edition in English, numbers and dates are very often confused), apparently, this book puts the final point in the debate about what was depicted in that 1947 photograph.

But did you manage to explain everything? Was Sheehan wrong or not? In a personal correspondence with Leslie Carlson, in one of his letters, Sheehan suggested that the publication inaccurately named the size of the pyramid he saw. In his opinion, it would be correct to indicate its height within 500 feet, and this is already quite consistent with the structures that we talked about above. But one problem remains: Sheehan insisted that the object he saw was northwest of the city. Maybe he was wrong here too? Very different. Shihan pointed out a specific place - at the foot of the Qinling Ridge, 50 km from the provincial capital. Mayer studied this part of the terrain, but did not find any pyramid in satellite photographs. When he flew out of Xi'an, the plane flew just over the area where the "White Pyramid" was allegedly located. The researcher did not manage to notice a valley large enough to erect such a structure on it. Seems like the end of the controversy?

By the way, as early as April 1, 1947, the Los Angeles Times published the following article: “The report of the giant pyramid in China is called a mistake. Nanjing, March 31 (Associated Press) - The Central News Agency reports today that the provincial authorities are officially declaring, "After careful scrutiny, the report on the discovery of a giant pyramid in Shaanxi Province is proven to be without foundation." Are we dealing with an April Fool's joke too early? Or was the date April 1 a pure coincidence? Perhaps the refusal to admit the existence of the pyramid should be viewed as an April Fool's joke? Not very successful, I must say. Something is not clear. Moreover, three weeks later, the North China Daily published a long article: the account of a lecture on the history of the city of Xi'an, which was held on April 24 by the Royal Asiatic Society. During the discussion, the question of the pyramid was raised, but the conversation quickly faded. So, is it an April Fools' joke? Or an example of the amazing stubbornness of some interested persons who deny the existence of the pyramid and thereby indirectly prove that it does exist somewhere?

Say what you like, but the history of the "White Pyramid" still remains a mystery. It is extremely unlikely that the pyramid could be where Colonel Sheehan is pointing. Therefore, the story about her may really turn out to be just a joke, which was reinforced by the original photograph taken somewhere near the other pyramids. Subsequently, it seems, Casey either invented, or somewhere came across a reworked version of this story, in which Sheehan turned into a kind of "James Gaussmann." What can you say here? Maybe these names are similar, if you perceive them by ear, but not enough to confuse them. I am not claiming that Casey invented everything himself, but the intelligence services are known for their frequent copying of newspaper articles, changing details and then presenting them as "top secret information." Why do they need it? In short, this is because the employees of these very services are mainly engaged in this: they read local newspapers, process information and put the stamp "Top Secret" on it, thereby creating the illusion among officials from Washington that they are not at all sitting behind tables and do not read local newspapers, but, on the contrary, secretly meet with their agents at secret meetings. If this is so, then we can say that in the case of the White Pyramid we are dealing with a falsified spy report or an April Fool's joke (as you like), as well as an observation error made by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Well, well, if the Great White Pyramid does not exist in China, we know at least that there are other true pyramids there.

But ... there is always this "but"! When journalist Julie Byron was writing an article about "The Riddles of the Pyramids," she went on the trail of Colonel Sheehan's son, Donald. The journalist asked him what his father had seen, and he told her that the colonel had actually seen the pyramid even before the newspaper articles appeared, and that several high-ranking airline officials were with him on the 1947 flight. The purpose of that mission was to obtain from the local authorities the right to fly the airline's aircraft over China. Donald Sheehan was convinced that the photographs of the structure he saw were taken by his father or someone who accompanied him. However, the son reviewed all the papers of his father, but the photo of the pyramid was never found. However, Donald found three unsigned newspaper clippings that mentioned Colonel Sheehan flying at low altitude in order to photograph the area. And in two of these clippings, it was said that the colonel kept these photos at home; the same was stated in the March 31st North China Daily article. Some of the newspaper clippings contained photographs belonging to the NEA (Newsape Enterprise Association), but Sheehan's son could not claim that they were made by his father or that they depicted the very structure that caused so much controversy.

As for the NEA company, it is known for another very famous photo: "The Roswell Meteorological Probe." An inquisitive reader will surely remember that this particular photo was at the center of the discussion about the probable crash of an alien ship in New Mexico, which allegedly happened there ... in early 1947. Interesting coincidence, isn't it?

In general, it seems that Hausdorff has set himself the task of turning the White Pyramid into an even greater myth than it really is. In particular, Steve Marshall was deeply disappointed by Hausdorff's assertion that, according to his calculations, the height of the pyramid is 300 m.This was said in a radio interview that he gave to American journalist Laura Lee in 1997 during a Florida) World Conference of Ancient Astronautics. Forced to confirm such things, which Hausdorff undoubtedly said in a fit of enthusiasm, not guided by scientific data, Marshall continues to rush with this statement "as with a written bag", instead of one day give it a principled assessment and move on. And the principal assessment is as follows: Hausdorff is the man who proclaimed the beginning of the New era of the pyramids in China. He is a pioneer in the study of the Chinese pyramids, and, like any pioneer, he has some quite excusable flaws and mistakes. Ten years after that interview, thousands of tourists can (although rarely use this opportunity) themselves to come to China and see all these amazing structures. So, a streak of a new dawn has finally dawned over these historical monuments. However, all this is still only "early morning".

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Have you ever heard of the Chinese pyramids, dear readers? If so, then you already know that there are more of them than the Egyptian and Mexican combined. They are just as ancient and, most likely, at one time performed the same functions, the secret of which has not yet been revealed.

At the same time, the height of the Great White Pyramid in China is 300 meters, that is, it is twice as high as the Cheops pyramid. But tourists are not allowed to visit her and her other "sisters". Why do the Chinese hide from the world these unique monuments of ancient culture? Maybe they got into some of the secrets of their purpose, learned to use and do not want to share their discoveries with the rest of the world?

Discovery of the American pilot

In the spring of 1945, US Air Force pilot James Kaufman made a reconnaissance flight over Chinese territory. In the area of ​​the Qinling Ridge, southwest of the city of Xi'an, a motor has gone bad. The pilot was forced to descend below in order, in case of emergency, to find a place for an emergency landing. Flying over a high mountain valley, he suddenly discovered something incomprehensible.

This is how he put it in his report: “I flew around the mountain and reached a flat valley. Right below me lay a giant white pyramid, enveloped in an almost unreal, light glow.

It seemed to me that it was made of metal or stone of a very special breed. I have flown over the silvery white colossus several times. The most remarkable thing about it is the top: a large piece of metal that resembles a precious stone. "

Since the reconnaissance aircraft was equipped with the most advanced photographic equipment at that time, Kaufman managed to take fairly high-quality pictures of this unusual object. Pentagon experts, having studied the photographs, came to the conclusion that the height of the pyramid is 300 meters, and the length of the side of its base is 490 meters.

For comparison: the height of the Cheops pyramid initially reached "only" 146.60 meters, and the length of the side of the base - 230.33 meters. It turns out that the largest pyramid in the world is in China!

The Kaufman report and photographs were classified as "Top Secret" and hidden in the Pentagon archives.

Two years later, former US Air Force Colonel Maurice Sheehan, then head of the Far East branch of Trans World Airlines, flew over the mysterious pyramid. This was reported in the New York Times on March 28, 1947. But scientists took it with a fair amount of skepticism. And for many years this discovery was forgotten.

Australian trader's journey

It wasn't until 1963 that New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi was lucky enough to find the diaries and an article by Australian merchant Fred Mayer Schroder, written in 1912. He led caravans from the Great Wall of China into the interior of the country.

One day, Schroder was driving with his companion, a local monk, across the Sichuan plain near the ancient Chinese capital, the present-day city of Xi'an.

He described what he saw in his diary: “After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something towering on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but when we drove closer, we saw that it was a structure with correctly beveled edges and a flat top. "

Then several more pyramids appeared: “We approached them from the east and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids gradually decreased in size to the smallest in the south. They stretched six or eight miles across the plain, towering over cultivated land and villages. They were under people's noses and remained completely unknown to the Western world. "

The merchant noticed that the sides of all pyramids are strictly oriented to the cardinal points. Unlike the Egyptian ones, the Chinese pyramids are adobe, faced with stone slabs. Most of them have flat tops, and on their faces there were once made steps leading to the top (which makes the Chinese pyramids in common with the Mexican ones), but they are littered with fragments of stone cladding that crumbled from above. Trees and shrubs have grown on the slopes over the centuries. This smooths out the geometric shape of the pyramid and makes it look like a natural object.

Schroder asked his companion about the age of the pyramids. The Guru replied: "In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are referred to as ancient, built under the ancient emperors, who said they were descended from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons." One of these emperors, named Huangdi, is said in written sources that he came from the constellation Leo and flew back after 100 years of reign.

Object not found

The Valley of the Pyramids is closed to the public as it is located in the area where secret military facilities are located. And yet, in 1994, Austrian Hartwig Hausdorff managed to get permission to explore this mysterious area and even shoot an 18-minute film on a video camera.

In the Shaanxi province, in the Xi'an region, over an area of ​​2,000 square kilometers, he discovered more than 100 pyramids. Satellite photography can quadruple this figure.

But the Great White Pyramid was not found by any of the researchers. Thus, the Russian traveler from Vladivostok Maksim Yakovenko, who visited the valley of the pyramids in 2008, following Schroder and Hausdorf, identifies it with Mount Lianshan, in the tomb on the slope of which Emperor Gaozu (618-626) is buried.

Indeed, this mountain is a huge pyramid with four faces and a flat top, its height is about 300 meters. But each face has its own color: the north is black, the east is blue-green, the south is red, only the west is white.

The flat top is covered with yellow earth. And pilot James Kaufman saw the silvery-white structure. Only the height is the same. But there are three such giant pyramids in Shaanxi Province. The Great White Pyramid is not visible on satellite images. Perhaps because she has been very well disguised lately?

Did the Russians live here?

Why do the Chinese keep their pyramids secret? First of all, because in this area there are a cosmodrome for launching satellites, a ballistic missile launch site and other secret military facilities. Moreover, satellite images show that the ultra-modern space complex and a large ancient pyramid are connected by two straight lines. Perhaps the Chinese have learned to use some of the energetic properties of the pyramids.

According to another version, the Chinese are not sure that these structures were built by them and belong to the Chinese culture. According to legend, hieroglyphs, land reclamation, and other technologies were presented to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire by a tribe of Dinlins - blue-eyed and fair-haired people who had flown in from the north. They also built the pyramids.

In ancient burial grounds, the remains of people of the white race and a rather curious sign were found - a circle of red ocher, inside which two fish were swimming towards each other. This is an ancient Slavic symbol, which in China was transformed into yang and yin.

Transmitter Earth

American researcher Vance Tied points to the undeniable connection of the Chinese pyramids with the Egyptian, Central American and ... Martian ones.

In his opinion, each group of pyramids “contains all the harmonic relationships that make it possible to resonate in unison with all existing fields (light, magnetic and others). It is now known that if we build electronic stations in different parts of the globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, we can maintain a connection between two points across the globe.

Perhaps these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose ... Contact might not be limited to Earth. Under certain conditions, contact between different dimensions or through millions of miles of outer space was possible. The globe was used as a transmitter. "

In short, there are many hypotheses, but the pyramids still keep their secrets.

Mikhail YURIEV