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Greek resorts for sea holidays with children. The best beaches, hotels. Prices and reviews. Resorts of Greece How to relax in Greece

Tatyana Solomatina

Which resort to choose in Greece?

Hello again, dear readers! It's December and summer is still far away, but already now many people are thinking about vacation. I want to draw your attention to sunny Greece.


Pieria is a fairly large region located between the city of Thessaloniki and the capital. Vacationers will like the fact that you can combine a sightseeing holiday with a beach holiday. Not far from here are the famous ones, it is convenient to get to Athens.

The area is located at the base of the Olympus mountain range. If you have a car, housing can be rented in small villages in the mountainous part, this will allow you to hike and enjoy the magnificent mountain scenery, while being close to the sea and in complete silence.

Sandy beaches interspersed with small pebbles and a smooth entry into the water, a large selection of water activities, create the best conditions for families with children.


Thessaloniki is the second largest metropolis in Greece after the capital. However, thanks to the competent layout of the streets, there is no crowding and feeling of the crowd. It is pleasant to walk along the streets of the city, considering the numerous monuments of architecture.

Young people will like the rest, various festivals are often held in the city, musical events are offered.


Volos is not yet as well-known as other resorts in Greece, but quite comfortable and beautiful. Despite the fact that all the infrastructure is available, there are few tourists. There is no airport nearby and public transport is difficult. However, if you are by car, it is better to take a closer look at the resort.

There is no beach in the city itself. But in the surrounding villages there are amazing bays with clean and clear water. Peace and quiet are guaranteed. It will interest tourists who like a relaxing holiday surrounded by beautiful nature. Perfect for families with small children, but teenagers will be bored here.

In conclusion, about the mainland resorts, I want to say that if you are going for a beach holiday and do not set a goal to visit certain attractions located only there, then it is better to choose other resorts in Greece. In my opinion, the beaches are better on the islands, there are more coves, the sea is more beautiful, and there are no less interesting historical sites than on the mainland, although there are always exceptions.



Halkidiki is one of my favorite places in Greece. Very green, with many small beautiful coves. In some places, the rocks fancifully hang over the emerald transparent water, creating natural grottoes. There are very few people, most of the peninsula is magnificent, wild, untouched nature.

There are also disadvantages. There are few attractions here. The ones that do exist are pretty far away. If you don’t plan, then housing should be chosen in towns where there is the necessary infrastructure, or take a tour to. Because in small villages it is difficult to find a good store or ATM.

This place is just meant for a beach holiday. Here you can find quiet and uncrowded resorts or even rent a house on the shore away from everyone. Gorgeous nature and magnificent beaches will not leave indifferent any tourist.


Peloponnese is a fairly popular place, but more for outdoor activities, there are many ancient sights. Sparta, which in those distant times became famous for its opposition to Athens, is located here. As a rule, tourists come here to visit certain historical places.

As in all of Greece, there are excellent beaches and beautiful nature. Cons: It's hard to get here. In the summer, Aeroflot sometimes flies, but there is no permanent connection with Russia. You can fly through other cities in Greece, but this lengthens the journey and makes the transfer difficult.



Crete is the largest island in Greece and one of the best holiday destinations. Here you can find everything that a tourist needs. The unusual mountain landscape and magnificent sandy beaches, especially in the north of the island, will not leave anyone indifferent.

It is suitable for literally everyone to relax, it is not difficult to find something to their liking, many interesting places, a huge choice of accommodation for every budget.

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Rhodes is a favorite island of Russian tourists, thanks to a large selection of tours and reasonable prices. The vegetation here is slightly less than in Crete, there are many cozy coves, there are historical monuments.

You can safely go to rest for everyone. As in Cyprus, the infrastructure is well developed everywhere, there are many beaches, only the prices are slightly lower.

I wrote a separate article about this island. There is a lot of useful tourist information there. And the article contains a complete overview of the resorts of the island.


Corfu is located in the west of Greece. Very picturesque green island. The coastline is winding, there are many rocks in which quiet coves are hidden. It is not difficult to find secluded places here, there is beautiful nature around. Cozy hotels offer real European service. The island is comfortable for families with children, soft sand and a gentle entrance to the water. Read more about the best beaches in Corfu.


Kos is a chic and expensive resort for the elite, not without reason, Hollywood stars choose it for relaxation. The island is small, located in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea. There is a lot of greenery here, the nature is very beautiful.

The prices are high, so it’s most likely that you won’t be able to relax on a budget. You can view the cost here.


Zakynthos is an amazingly beautiful island that you want to return to. Two rows of mountain ranges close the valley from bad weather. Lush vegetation, sheer cliffs, picturesque bays closed from the sea with golden sand - a real paradise for tourists.

Unfortunately, they rarely land on the island; you can only get here by local airlines or by ferry.


Santorini is a small island of volcanic origin with a coastline of 70 km. The white houses of local residents are succinctly inscribed in the mountain landscape. It has its own, some kind of aristocratic, cozy atmosphere. Life flows slowly, time seems to stop.

If you move a little away from the tourist trails, you can find wild places and enjoy solitude. The beaches of the island are very diverse, even the sand in each place has its own shade, from pale yellow to bright red.

Holidays on the island are expensive. As a rule, tourists come here for one day as part of excursion groups.

Look for information on the island of Santorini.


There are many resorts in Greece and it is really difficult to choose. Beautiful nature and gorgeous beaches can be found in almost every corner of this sunny country. So where is the best place to relax in Greece? How many people, so many opinions. Where one likes it, it will not necessarily be good for another.

If you, dear readers, are interested in my opinion, then now I would act in the following sequence:

  1. We read general information about the country and about the main resorts
  2. We look at prices for tours or accommodation and air tickets (maybe you will come across cheap tickets and it will be more profitable to go on your own)
  3. Based on the second point, we decide how to relax, through a tour operator or on your own. How to make the right decision I wrote
  4. Most likely, for the first acquaintance with the country, I would choose one of the islands, focusing on price-nature-quality-easy transfer (in that order). You may have other priorities
  5. Having decided on the island, read detailed information about the resorts of this place, based on fresh reviews on the network.
  6. Then choose accommodation, hotel or house (if not a tour)
  7. Now redeem the tour or tickets (if you are traveling on your own)

This plan is not suitable only for those who purposefully travel to see certain attractions. It is easier for such tourists, you just need to choose a resort closer to the desired places to visit.

That's all I wanted to talk about, I hope you have a general picture of the resorts of Greece.

My personal impressions will soon be available from the stories under the heading "My travels". In the meantime, I suggest you read the article. It seems to me that this is a relevant question. Subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to receive new publications.

Recently, in some minor magazine, I came across a note that this country, too, will soon be closed to Russians. Allegedly, they will make a couple of provocations for this purpose. Didn't hear anything? It will be a pity. Write in the comments what you think about this. Very interesting to read.

And I'll say goodbye to you for a while. Share the article on social networks, convenient buttons are below.

Tatyana Solomatina

Greece is quite a popular country for tourism. It is chosen by both lovers of sights and beautiful nature, as well as connoisseurs of comfortable service. In our article, we will tell you in detail everything about Greece: its sights, hotels, weather conditions and other nuances so that your vacation in this country will bring maximum pleasure and be remembered for a long time.

Antique architecture and centuries of history

Greece is a country with a rich history. It is called the country of the gods, the birthplace of philosophers and the cradle of European civilization. This country has a great architectural past, in which temples of extraordinary beauty and grandeur are of particular attention.

Where is

Greece is located on the Balkan Peninsula and its adjacent islands, which make up one fifth of the country. It is washed by the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian seas. The total area of ​​the territory is 131,957 square kilometers.

Greece map

How to get from Moscow

Tours to Greece from Moscow are best done by plane. Aeroflot and Olympic Airways operate flights between Moscow and Athens with ticket prices starting at 180 euros. Thessaloniki can be reached with East Line, Aeroflot, Ellinair and UTair airlines. The average price will be from 230 euros.

During the holiday season, airlines offer direct flights to the Greek islands with a price of 349 euros, in winter you need to fly to them with a connection in Thessaloniki or Athens.

It is also possible to travel to Greece by train, making a change in Belgrade or Sofia. But this is a rather complicated and costly option. Travel time will be more than 90 hours, and the amount spent on railway tickets will exceed the cost of air tickets.

Popular Destinations in Greece

Greece is a country where everyone can choose a corner where they can relax with pleasure. The most popular holiday destinations:

  • An island with wonderful beaches, of which the most famous are Red Beach, Kamari and Perissa.
  • Corfu (Kerkyra). Clean beaches, rich architecture and picturesque nature are presented in full on this island, washed by the Ionian Sea.
  • The largest Greek island. The north side will be to the taste of lovers of a lively holiday, for those who appreciate pristine beaches and solitude, the south side is suitable.
  • Represented by clean beaches and constant parties, as well as picturesque nature. Various types of water sports are widely developed.
  • A very sunny island with lots of beaches and beautiful architecture.

Among the cities of Greece, the most popular are Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Ioannina and Nafplio.
The best ski resorts are Vasilitsa, Kaimaktsalan and Seli.
The best mountainous places in Greece are Olympus, Zagorochoria, Parnassus, Pelion.

Weather in the country of white sands

The climate in Greece is temperate Mediterranean, so winters are wet and summers are very hot. The best time to relax is from May to October, the rest of the time there may be frequent rains.

Water temperature

The lowest water temperature in the resort months is in May, it is +19 degrees, the warmest water is in July-August, up to +26 degrees, in other months it is +23 ... +24 °C.

Air temperature

The air temperature during the holiday season averages +30 degrees. The hottest months are July and the first half of August. During this period of time, the thermometers can reach +35 degrees.

Curious tourists

When planning a vacation, every tourist will be able to find a suitable resort for himself, plan excursions and visit interesting places.

The main attractions of Greece can be considered:

  • Acropolis. It is located in Athens and is famous for its temples, including the Temple of Poseidon on the Aegean coast and the Temple of the Parthenon. Also of interest will be the first theater of ancient Greece - the theater of Dionysus.
  • The island is famous not only for the number of resort areas, but also for its interesting places. Among them are the Palace of Knossos, which, according to mythology, was built by Daedalus, and the palace of Rhadamanthus, which impresses with unusual forms of rooms.
  • Sanctuary on the island of Peloponnese, in which the Olympic Games originated and were held. Since 1896, the Olympic flame has been lit again in the sanctuary, which is sent to the venue of the next Olympic Games.
  • The island is the largest center of chivalric culture. The main attraction there is the Castle of the Knights, whose construction dates back to the 14th century.
  • Located in central Greece at the foot of Mount Parnassus. There you can visit the temple of Apollo and the ancient Delphic theater.
  • Epidaurus. The ruins of this city are located on the Argolis peninsula. The attraction of Ancient Greece is the amphitheater of Epidaurus with 1400 seats, which is famous for its wonderful acoustics.
  • It is located 160 kilometers from Thessaloniki. The monasteries stand on steep cliffs, to which a road has now been laid. There you can admire ancient icons and art objects.
  • Mycenae. They are located in the northern part of the Peloponnese. Here you can look at the "Lion's Gate", the royal palace and the tomb of Agamemnon.
  • Located in the national park in the mountains of Pindus. Named the deepest in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. Its depth is 490 meters and its length is about 20 kilometers.
  • It is located 26 kilometers from the city of Areopoli. The cave has an amazing atmosphere with wall galleries, stalactites and stalagmites. An underground river also flows there, which allows you to move around the cave in a boat.

Beach Greece

Most of the beaches in Greece are sandy, less often there are small pebbles and rocky ones. All beaches are municipal, umbrellas and sun loungers can be rented for an average of 4 euros per day. On some beaches, it is possible to rent umbrellas and sunbeds for free, subject to the purchase of drinks there.

In 2017, 486 Greek beaches were awarded the Blue Flag award, which confirms their high quality.

In order for the trip to be successful, we will get acquainted with the resorts of Greece and consider where it is better to relax, focusing on the purpose of the trip.

Without children

Among tourists who are eager to have a fun and stormy vacation, beaches are a priority, which are distinguished by entertainment programs. Among them, the most popular are:

  • Faliraki on the island of Rhodes;
  • Super Paradise Beach on the island of Mykonos;
  • Sidari on the island of Corfu;
  • Adelianos Kambos in Crete.

Rest on such beaches will definitely not be boring and will be remembered for a long time.

The best places for families with children

For tourists traveling with children, the priority in choosing beaches is comfort, shallow sea, as well as the availability of the benefits of civilization and various attractions for children.

Greece has a large number of beaches for families to relax, of which the most popular are:

  • Agios Gordios (Corfu Island);
  • Elafonisi (Crete);
  • Marathi (Akrotiri Peninsula);
  • Agios Georgios (Naxos island);
  • Monastiri (Island of Paros).

On any of these beaches, little pranksters will be able to enjoy their vacation to the fullest, just like their parents.

Lovers of "spicy"

Beaches and excursions are far from all that can be said about tourist Greece. For lovers of risk and extreme sports, there are also interesting activities here:

  • Rafting. These risky boat trips are especially popular in the Peloponnese, where every tourist can choose a rafting with a level of difficulty that suits him.
  • Canoes and kayaks. Practiced in quiet lakes such as Plastira and Cremaston in Thrace.
  • Jeep safari. Those who want to feel the speed and extreme can safely go to the mountainous Nafpaktos and Kisavos.
  • Tracking. Walking the lost paths, descending into the gorges and climbing the mountains are best done in Zagorohoria, the Vikos gorge on Olympus and in the Tembi valley.
  • Rapel. This is a descent along steep slopes using special equipment. The most suitable place for this is Meteora with the route along the old path of the monks.

Thrill-seekers will definitely find something to see in Greece and get extreme impressions.

In the houses of Greece, shoes are not taken off, and an invitation to visit does not imply the sharing of a meal.

Nightlife in the land of white sands

The nightlife in Greece is vibrant and fun with a lot of different cafes and bars. Night clubs are open until 6-7 in the morning, offering vacationers a rich program and music for every taste. The most popular places among party-goers:

  • Athens. They are rightfully considered the club center of Greece, however, the prices here are not cheap. An entrance ticket to a disco costs about 15 euros, food - from 40 euros, and a bottle of alcohol can drag on 150 euros.
  • Thessaloniki. This small town impresses with an abundance of various nightclubs for every taste, which can be not only in the city center, but also on the roofs of buildings.
  • The most famous island with nightlife. It is often called the second Ibiza.
  • The main concentration of entertainment facilities here is located in the resorts of Lindos and Faliraki and in the capital of the island. Here everyone will find a nightclub to their liking.
  • Skiathos. First of all, it is famous for its beaches, but the local population has perfectly adapted to the demand of tourists for nightlife. The island has a large number of nightclubs and discos.

Did you know? During the siesta (from 14:00 to 18:00) and after 22:00 in Greece, it is not customary to make phone calls.

Meals and accommodation

The primary task of every traveler is to solve the issues with food, accommodation and transport in the most convenient way.

Where to settle?

Greece is famous for its hotels for every taste and budget. You should take care of choosing a hotel in advance, especially at the peak of the tourist season. Hotels set the highest cost of living from May to September, however, various discounts and promotional offers are possible throughout the year.

The price for accommodation depends on the season. On average, a room in a two-star hotel costs 30-60 euros per day, hotels with three or four stars offer accommodation for 60-120 euros, and five stars suggest an initial price for rooms from 100 euros.

Holidays in hotels with the all-inclusive system are also gaining popularity in Greece, but you should be prepared that the daily price will exceed the cost of a standard room by at least twice.

Public transport and car rental

The most developed public transport in Athens is represented by the metro and a wide network of buses and trolleybuses. The one-way fare for all modes of transport is 1.50 euros.

In large cities in Greece, a well-developed network of buses, and in small ones, transport can run according to a schedule that you will have to adapt to.

The cost of a taxi is 3.20 euros plus 25 cents per kilometer.
To rent a car, you need an international driver's license, a driving experience of at least three years and an age of 25 to 70 years. The average cost of an economy class car is 40 euros.

Most gas stations in Greece usually close at 19:00. The exceptions are filling stations in large cities and on freeways.

Cuisine and food

Greek cuisine is famous for its abundance of vegetables and herbs, cheeses, olives, olive oil and wine. In various cafes and restaurants with a local flavor, you can taste various dishes for every taste. Portions are usually large and prices are reasonable. If you do not order expensive dishes and alcohol, the average bill in a restaurant will be 15-25 euros.

You can also eat in hotels, the average price per day will be 15-20 euros.

Shopping and Greece

Many tourists go to Greece for shopping. In this country, you can profitably buy leather shoes and high-quality knitwear. The price of a fur coat is usually 1500-3000 euros.

If the main purpose of your visit to this country is shopping, then it is most advisable to do it during seasonal sales. August-September - the time of sales of the summer collection, and February-March - winter.

In Greece, when buying fur products, you must keep a receipt, which will need to be presented at customs.

Greece is a country to which you want to constantly return. Its rich architecture, clean beaches, amazing places and excellent cuisine will make your stay in this country unforgettable.

Where is the best place in Greece: beaches

So, you have decided to go to Greece, but don't know where yet. We invite you to read our short overview of most beaches to get a rough idea of ​​the direction, and then go directly to those cities or islands that you like best. Let's start with the capital region. In Athens itself, tourists usually do not swim, but if you want to combine sightseeing with a beach holiday, you can easily stay somewhere nearby. Naturally, the division is arbitrary, but you can imagine what tourists do in a particular region.

Where is the best place to relax in Greece? Athens and surroundings

Glyfada is the Athenian Riviera. It is located on the Saronic Gulf, where families mainly rest. The beaches are mostly sandy. The beach is simpler, but well organized - Asteria Seaside, the beach is more expensive - Ballax Beach. There is a lot of entertainment here. In the area of ​​Vravrona you can enjoy white sand, in Varkiza - a gentle entrance to the sea (a good option for families with children), for those who want to do water sports - Lagonissi. The closest to Athens is Kavouri, if you plan to travel to the capital often, you will like it. One of the most famous is Loutraki. Here the beaches are pebbly, with small and large pebbles. There are also many discos and entertainment. Marathon resort - with a convenient entrance to the sea, sandy beaches, again, great for children.

Where is the best place to go in Greece? Peloponnese Peninsula

If you have chosen this wonderful peninsula, you will surely find the most suitable beach for yourself. By the way, there are even municipal beaches with free umbrellas and sun loungers (a rarity!).

If you are relaxing with your family, then look at the beaches of Alykes, Arachos, Kalogria, Stupa, Seliantika.

Fans of active water entertainment and water sports will like Akrata, Zakharo, Psili Ammos, Karathonas, Porto Heli, Eleonas. Young people will definitely like Nerokosmos, where there are a lot of entertainments. Nature lovers will appreciate the beauty of Romanos Beach and the surrounding area. By the way, there are sea turtles here.

Where to relax in Greece: arriving in Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki is a wonderful city with a huge number of attractions, and also quite ancient. However, due to the large port, the sea in this area is not conducive to swimming. Therefore, tourists who have flown here are transported along the entire coast. There are a huge number of hotels in the vicinity, many of them have their own beaches, but there are also municipal ones. Mostly they are sandy, well-equipped, some of them are marked with "blue flags" - an international environmental mark.

Where better to Greece: shopping

Many people love Greece not only for its wonderful beaches, but also for the opportunity to buy fur coats, gold and clothes. If everything is clear with the second and third - it is everywhere, then you should be more careful with fur coats. Of course, they are sold everywhere in Greece, but still it is much more profitable to go as close as possible to the factories. In Greece, shopping lovers should go to the city of Kastoria. It was here that a huge number of fur factories were concentrated. There are also exhibition centers, shops, excursions to places where fur coats are sold. If a fur coat is your main goal, then it is better to take a special tour. This is very profitable, but usually you will be required to purchase the product (usually from 1000 euros). Remember that one person is not allowed to export more than 3 fur coats from Greece. Another important nuance is that when buying a fur coat in Kastoria, you are unlikely to receive a tax refund (Tax Free).

Where can you go first? Perhaps, in the EDICA fur center, one of the largest. There are more than a hundred exhibition pavilions, they represent different factories. The center is focused specifically on tourists, including those from Russia.

Individual showrooms of factories are also in demand. For example, Papadopoulos Furs (mass and exclusive models), Avanti (own creative workshop), Naomi (many elite options for those who are looking for exclusive) and others.

Which island of Greece is better to choose?

If you plan to relax on the island, then most likely you dream of enjoying the beach and nature. Nature in Greece is chic almost everywhere, but the beaches must be chosen carefully. Especially if it is important for you whether to lie on sand or pebbles, in a well-equipped place or not. At the same time, hotels can often have their own beaches - better than municipal ones, especially if it is a 5 * hotel.

Which Greek island to choose? Crete

Crete has been one of the most popular destinations for many years. Almost everywhere in the north the beaches are sandy. Pebble - mainly in the south, sand and pebble are found in the east of Crete, in the region of Ierapetra and Sitia. Pay attention to two beaches: Balos and Falasarna (Chania) - they are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in the world, they have been repeatedly noted in various ratings, top lists. The nature of Crete and the architecture are very diverse, it makes sense to travel around the island to appreciate the richness of the colors of Greece.

Where to fly to Greece? Rhodes

Rhodes is perhaps the second most popular island. Here, chic vegetation is perfectly combined with the opportunity to relax in a high-class hotel (although there are many economy options). Sandy, pebble and sandy-pebble beaches are mixed here, without a special system, so to select a specific city, it is better to go to its page. It should be noted that Gennadi and Kiotari beaches are located far from the main tourist places - where you can relax calmly. Many people love Lindos for its variety of services, and athletes usually choose Ialyssos.

Choose the islands of Greece. Kos

Kos is an almost completely “sandy” island, sand and pebble beaches come across only in the area of ​​​​Psalidi and Agios Fokas. The most popular is Marmari, a pleasant white sand - on Kardamena, with children you can go to Lambi - there is a gentle entrance and sand that is pleasant to the touch. At the same time, there is something for adults to do: there is a rental.

Corfu. Another popular resort in Greece

In Corfu, as well as in Rhodes, the beaches are mixed: next to the sandy one, it can turn out to be pebbly, and sometimes even without much transition. The island has been gaining popularity among Russian tourists in recent years: more and more tour operators are opening this destination. With children, they usually go on vacation to Agios Stefanos and Dassia, since there is a gentle entrance to the sea. Party-goers choose Sidari, but in any case, the island will appeal to all lovers of gorgeous views. Incredible photos of rocks, bays, forests will delight you for a very long time!

Zakynthos or Santorini?

Surprisingly, for some reason, tourists often cannot choose between these two islands. Zakynthos - more nature, Santorini - more architecture and unusual views, more like Italy. There are not so many popular places both there and there. When choosing where it is better to fly to Greece, on Zakynthos you can consider the beaches of Daphni and Gerakas (sand, there are sea turtles), as well as Marathias (pebbles). Diving lovers usually go to Limnionas beach, there are all conditions for this. Santorini will amaze the imagination with unusual colors. The houses and buildings here are mostly white, but the sand ... sometimes black, sometimes red! Dark - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bPerissa and Kamari, red - in Aktorini, the beach is called "Red".

You can also go to less popular islands: Thassos (almost along the entire perimeter - beaches, sand), Astypalea (also sand, but beaches are not everywhere), Kalymnos (pebbles), Karpathos (sand, pebbles, there is very light sand), Leros ( mostly sandy), Mykonos (sand) and others. If you have questions about where to fly to Greece, ask them in the comments.

Greece is one of the most popular beach holiday destinations for tourists from all over the world. Vacationers are attracted by the transparent sea and clean beaches, such a set is available both in mainland resorts and in island ones.

Today we will consider holidays at the most popular island resorts: Crete, Rhodes, Kos, Corfu, Santorini, Halkidiki, Peloponnese. Judging by the reviews of tourists, it is on the islands that the best sandy beaches are. However, it is difficult to immediately decide where to go to rest, the islands differ significantly from each other and, first of all, by the seas, and there are only 6 of them.

  • ionian sea: west about. Crete, east Corfu, western Peloponnese .
  • Aegean Sea: west about. Rhodes, oh Kos, oh Santorini, Chalkidiki, east of the peninsula Peloponnese.
  • Mediterranean Sea: east about Rhodes.
  • Adriatic Sea: west about. Corfu.
  • Cretan Sea: north about. Crete.
  • Libyan Sea: south about. Crete.

Map of Greece with resort cities in Russian

To add a map of resorts in Greece to your site, copy the HTML code and paste it into the source code of the page:

And also today we will find out where the best beaches are in Greece, where it is cheapest to relax, what the weather is like in island resorts throughout the year and what to see from the sights during your vacation. And you yourself will decide where to go to rest.

Island resorts in Greece Type of rest Beach type t°C summer/winter Price summer/winter
Vacation with children
Sandy+27°C / +10°C /
Vacation with children
Sandy Pebble Stony+29°C / +13°C /
Vacation with children
Sandy Pebble+27°C / +14°C /
Vacation with children
Sandy Pebble+28°C / +14°C /
Vacation with children
Sandy Pebble29°C / +13°C /
Vacation with children
Sandy+28°C / +14°C /
Sandy+25°C / +15°C /

Where to go in Greece?

Which resort to choose for an exciting family vacation with children, and where to go for a secluded vacation for two and where is it better for young people to relax?

Consider the most attractive resorts for different categories of vacationers with excellent beaches, sunny weather and affordable prices.

Holidays with the family:

For holidays with small children, the sandy, gently sloping beaches of the islands of Halkidiki and Corfu are more popular. In addition, most local hotels provide extensive infrastructure for children.

And it is better to go to Rhodes and Crete with school-age children, they will be interested there on excursions, in water parks, and in zoos.

Recreation for youth

The best resorts for young people are located on the Halkidiki peninsula, the place of Kallithea is especially fond of tourists. There are party bars, nightclubs and great service. And lovers of diving and surfing favor the resorts of Rhodes, the western coast of Crete and the island of Kos.

Recreation for couples

For a leisurely vacation for two, the islands of Corfu and Peloponnese are suitable. Here you will find resort villages near the sea, comfortable sandy beaches and cozy cafes, parks.

You can also book a vacation in a budget hotel or choose a hotel for wealthy guests, there is an opportunity for this, and the choice is yours.

Holidays in Halkidiki

The peninsula of Chalkidiki is the main resort place for the entire mainland of Greece. famous for the beauty of the small coves and, of course, for its geographical shape, forming a trident, or three "fingers": Kassandra, Sithonia and Agion Oros (Athos).

Oddly enough, there are few tourists on the island at any time of the year, and most of the island is covered by wild, lush nature.

  • The resorts of the Halkidiki peninsula are not crowded, there are few vacationers even in the high season, an excellent method for a relaxing, comfortable stay. There are good beaches here, it is even possible to book a whole house by the sea.
  • The peninsula has beautiful nature and an abundance of historical monuments.
  • All beaches of the peninsula are well-groomed and convenient for tourists, besides, in which case, there are first-class bars and nightclubs.
  • For an avid traveler, it will be a bit boring here, there will be a lack of sights, and they are far away, you will have to rent a car or book a tour to expensive hotels. This is the only way to ensure proximity to ATMs and shops.
  • The airport is not close, about 70 km from Thessaloniki.

The beaches of Halkidiki

Comfortable, well-groomed beaches are very popular not only among families with children, but also among young people. And this is not surprising, since there are as many as 500 km of coastline with sandy beaches that have been awarded the Blue Flag.

And the best beaches are: Agios Ioannis, Agios Nicholas, Kriaritsi, Lagomandra, Porto Karras. Plus, the resorts of Sithonia and Kassandra have developed infrastructure.

Prices for tours to Halkidiki

Once the peninsula of Halkidiki was considered a resort place only for wealthy tourists, but recently there have appeared a lot of budget hotels.

Therefore, to the delight of everyone, the peninsula is open to all categories of tourists, you can quite inexpensively relax by the sea in a 3 * hotel.

Weather in Halkidiki

The holiday season in Halkidiki, as in other European holiday destinations, opens in mid-spring, just when the long-awaited time for holidays and vacations comes.

The season lasts for half a year, but, according to tradition, the greatest demand for recreation is observed in the high season, in July and August. During these months, both the prices for tours and the air temperature rise. Just at the same time, most of the holidaymakers come here.

However, the best time to visit Halkidiki is still the velvet season, September and the first half of October. And then only rains and a decrease in air and water temperatures.

What to see in Halkidiki?

In Halkidiki there will be time to sunbathe on the beach and swim, as well as visit the various festivals and holidays that take place here in July.

For instance, Kassandra festival, Tuna festival or Sardine festival, Saint Panteleimon festival. At this time, you can taste the delicious local cuisine, try homemade wine and dance.

Halkidiki is also a famous place of pilgrimage, for example, to the spiritual center of Orthodoxy throughout Greece - Holy Athos, which is located 150 km from the city of Thessaloniki. In addition to religious buildings, you can also visit other historical sites.

  • Anthropological Museum of Petralona, 50 km from Thessaloniki.
  • Impressive Potidaea channel, whose width is 40 m, and the length is 1300 m. The channel is located 70 km from the city of Thessaloniki.
  • soaring monasteries of Meteora built on the tops of rocks, 600 m high, they are located 2 hours by car from the city of Thessaloniki, it is about 189 km.
  • Birthplace of Aristotle ancient cities of Olynthos and Stagira, 90 km from Thessaloniki.

Holidays in the Peloponnese

The Peloponnese peninsula is the southernmost point of the Greek mainland. Holidays here are popular, mainly among history buffs, since the famous ancient Sparta is located here. Of course, in addition to the rich history, the island has excellent beaches surrounded by beautiful nature.

  • The peninsula is located far from the airport, it will not be easy to get to it, and there is no permanent connection with Russia.
  • There are no large resort areas, they are mostly small scattered and unrelated villages, each of them has its own infrastructure and a certain set of tourist services.

Peloponnese beaches

The Peloponnese has a coastline of 1100 km with hundreds of luxurious beaches, and the first places in the ranking of the best beaches are those located on the shores of the Ionian Sea, and more precisely in the Messinia region.

There are beaches with both soft sand and small pebbles. In addition, the Ionian Sea is ideal for learning to swim, as its density is the highest among all the Greek seas.

For a family holiday choose Argolis beach, it is quiet, secluded and clean, also awarded the Blue Flag. A beaches of Gythio suitable for many tourists and those who prefer pebbles, and those who sand. There are well-groomed and wild places, as well as filled with tourists and secluded.

Prices for tours to the Peloponnese

Holidays in the Peloponnese are inferior to Halkidiki, perhaps only in popularity, but no less good beaches and beautiful nature.

But there are not so many hotels here, but in the west of the peninsula there are famous hotel complexes Aldemar or Grekotel, the same as in Rhodes and Crete, which include many tourist services, including thalassotherapy centers.

Peloponnese weather

The landscape of the peninsula is diverse, there are mountainous areas, and the sea coast, and the central part. A light breeze blows on the coast, so hot weather is easily tolerated. The warmest regions are Patra, Kalamata and Argolis.

In general, the Peloponnese has a mild Mediterranean climate, with an average temperature of +29°C in summer and +13°C in winter.

What to see in the Peloponnese?

Peloponnese has a great historical heritage, the abundance of sights is simply amazing and the first thing you should get acquainted with is Olympia.

  • Olympia- the place where the Olympic Games originated in 776 BC and where the Olympic flame is still lit.
  • Also the most significant archaeological site of the Peloponnese is Mycenae. An ancient Greek city, where the number of sights simply rolls over and requires a separate article. The main thing that you should know is that it was the Mycenaean king who led the Greeks in the campaign against Troy. Mycenae is simply a sacred place for all lovers of ancient Greek myths.
  • Visit also Amphitheater at Epidaurus with its unique and perfect acoustics, accommodating 14 thousand spectators.
  • Must see and Corinth Canal separating the mainland from the peninsula. The idea of ​​​​which belongs to the emperor Nero, but it was only possible to realize it in the 19th century. Now the canal is a structure 23 meters wide and with walls up to 75 meters high.

Holidays in Crete

Crete is the largest island in the country, it has both magnificent sandy beaches and a picturesque mountainous area. Rest here will not leave anyone indifferent: neither noisy youth, nor married couples with children, nor newlyweds.

  • An excellent beach holiday by the sea is guaranteed in Crete, especially since the choice of accommodation is huge. Crete is washed by 3 seas - Cretan in the north, Libyan in the south and Ionian in the West.
  • All hotels in Crete have excellent service.
  • The island has a large number of entertainment - bars, restaurants, water parks.

The beaches of Crete

From the west, the island of Crete is washed by Ionian by the sea, its temperature in the high season reaches + 25-26 ° C, you can swim in June.

Libyan the sea washes the southern part of Crete, there are many rocks and sand and pebble beaches, and the bottom of the sea near the coast is rocky, which creates inconvenience for tourists when entering the water. In addition, underwater cold currents flow in this part of the coast, which noticeably cool the water.

Cretan the sea washes the island in its northern part. The sea itself is unpredictable, unrest at sea is as common as calm, it is impossible to predict what the sea will be like today. But most of the beaches are sandy and well-groomed, especially those that are not in the cities themselves, but 10 km from them.

Which of the seas to choose for recreation is up to you, but I assure you for sure that you can have a wonderful time on each of them. Basically, for a seaside holiday in Crete, tourists choose beaches such as: Elounda, Rethymnon, Chania, Agios Nikolaos, Hersonissos.

Prices for tours to Crete

No wonder Crete is so popular with all categories of tourists around the world. Prices for tours to the island are acceptable for literally everyone. There is simply a huge selection of places to stay in Crete.

Tours to Crete High season low season
For 7 days

Weather in Crete

Despite the fact that Crete is the southernmost of the Greek islands, cold currents pass near its shores, which inevitably affects the water temperature. In addition, the weather in any season of the year is windy.

Tourist season in the north of Crete It starts only in May and lasts until October. And on south tourists come a month earlier, already in April. Therefore, if you cannot stand the heat, then choose the middle of spring or autumn and go to the south of the island.

The high season, July and August, is best spent on the coast, where the wind will ease the heat. And for sightseeing, choose the beginning of summer or autumn. And also consider the winter months, the temperature in winter is comfortable for walking on excursions, on average + 17 ° C and it rains infrequently, the only exception is January.

What to see in Crete?

The main tourist sites are concentrated in the center of the island, where you will find ancient ruins, medieval monuments, and natural attractions. Here everyone will find something to their liking.

  • Knossos and Phaistos palaces- the largest palaces on the island, which played an important role in the history of the Minoan civilization, and also left behind many mysteries and assumptions about the date of the start of their construction.
  • Labyrinth of the Minotaur. Many scientists believe that it is Knossos palace and there is nothing but a labyrinth in which King Minos settled the Minotaur. It is believed so because of the intricate system of the interior of the palace, and the dimensions of the building are almost immeasurable. You also have to check whether the Palace of Knossos is actually the labyrinth of the Minotaur, it is located 5 km from Heraklion.
  • The largest in Europe Samaria Gorge or, in other words, Samaria National Park, located in the mountains of Lefka Ori in the southwest of Crete.
  • The ancient city of Gortyn survived its power and flourishing during the pre-Aryan era. There are ruins of fortresses and monasteries on more than 2000 square meters. meters. And the Code of Laws of the city, carved on the wall of the Odeon, is more than 2500 years old, and this is one of the oldest written legislative documents in Europe.

Holidays in Rhodes

Rhodes is the most beloved island among our compatriots. And all due to fairly reasonable prices for tours and a large number of them. Almost everyone can safely go to the island to relax: parents with children, pensioners, and connoisseurs of beauty.

Greece, Rhodes island, port, Aegean Sea / © Emilia_Baczynska/pixabay

  • The island has a well-developed infrastructure.
  • There are many attractions in Rhodes.
  • And local restaurants and cafes are famous for their delicious national cuisine.
  • On Rhodes, a great vacation will be for parents with children, adult tourists and everyone who travels to the sea, first of all, to visit local historical monuments there.
  • There are many excellent beaches, eyes widen where to go, since the western coast of Rhodes is washed by the Aegean Sea, and the eastern by the Mediterranean.
  • There are attractions on the island, but they are located far from the center of the resort.
  • Strong winds are possible on Rhodes, especially on the Aegean coast.
  • There are many beaches on the island, but among them there are few sandy beaches.

The beaches of Rhodes

Resting on Rhodes, you can swim in two seas: in the Aegean in the west and in the Mediterranean in the east. As these two seas are not similar to each other, so are the shores and beaches of the island.

Rhodes has both sandy and pebble beaches, but sand and pebbles are the majority. So there are sandy beaches on the Mediterranean coast, in Faliraki and Kallithea, Kolymbia, Tsambiki, and pebble or sand and pebble beaches on the coast of the Aegean Sea, in Ixia, Ialyssos.

The Aegean coast is a little windy, but the sea is exhilarating and cooler and is preferred by surfers. The Mediterranean coast is calmer, the wind, if any, is minimal and light, and the sea is calm and warm, an ideal place for families with children.

Weather in Rhodes

The tourist season in Rhodes lasts from May to early November, and the best time to relax is from June to October, when the sea is warm and the sun shines brightly.

If you also plan to visit the sights, then choose the velvet season from September to early November, then there is no heat anymore, and the sea still retains heat.

From the second half of November, the low season begins, when there are no tourists and some hotels, restaurants close, a chilly wind blows and it rains.

What to see in Rhodes?

Excursions on the island are good because you don’t have to travel far, the island is small, only 90 km from the south coast to the north.

  • The most popular tourist attractions among tourists are the following tourist places: Acropolis, Old Town, Rhodes Fortress, as well as Butterfly Valley, landscape Rodini park.
  • The female half of the guests of the island massively travels to Monastery of Our Lady Tsambika, which is located on the east coast, near the town of Archengolos, 29 km from Rhodes. It is believed that after visiting this holy place, newlyweds have no problems with childbearing.
  • Also, many tourists visit Valley of the Seven Springs. According to legend, anyone who overcomes their fear and dares to go through a dark tunnel in ankle-deep icy water, at the exit from it, will be cleansed of the seven sins. The valley is located in the city of Lindos, 25 km from Rhodes, on the Mediterranean coast.

Holidays in Corfu

The picturesque island of Corfu is the northernmost of all the Greek islands, famous for its lush green nature, rocky mountains and winding coastline, where quiet coves hide.

Here you can have a quiet beach holiday with children in hotels with a high European level and adjoining sandy beaches with a gentle entry into the water.

  • The island has a mild climate, in the high season there is no strong heat, beautiful nature and excellent beaches.
  • A bonus for all vacationers on the island is two seas: the Adriatic in the west and the Ionian in the east. So there is something to think about, which resort and which sea to choose for relaxation.
  • The resorts of the island are praised by both retired tourists and families with children, and mainly for the pleasant climate, convenient beaches and picturesque nature, as well as for the absence of noisy establishments.

The beaches of Corfu

The island's Ionian coastline is varied, with beaches of fine golden sand, gently sloping waters and pebbly, rocky shores. This coast is mostly popular among diving enthusiasts.

The most beautiful and popular beach among tourists - Sidari beach. It is separated from 2 sides by rocks that form a beautiful bay, ideal for a quiet holiday. Tourists also love the beaches: Barbati, Kalami, Paleokastritsa, Dassia, Agios Gordios, and young people choose Kavos and Sidari.

Prices for tours in Corfu

Vacation tours in Corfu are not the cheapest, and in the recent past, a vacation on the island could cost you a pretty penny, but the resort is developing and gaining more and more popularity, due to this, budget hotels 3 and 4 * appear.

Tours in Corfu High season low season
For 7 days

Weather in Corfu

Corfu is popular with tourists due to its mild Mediterranean climate. It is not cold in winter and there is practically no rain, and in summer it is not hot, even in the high season and a light wind blows, the air temperature is about +28°C.

Sea water for swimming warms up sufficiently only in mid-June, and by July the water temperature reaches +25°C.

All categories of guests will be comfortable here: children, pensioners, and youth. Due to low temperatures, the beach season on the island begins later than on other southern islands, and it ends earlier, it starts to rain in the second half of September.

What to see in Corfu?

While on vacation on the island of Corfu, be sure to visit the architectural sights that the island has acquired throughout its history.

So the island at one time belonged to the Italians, and the British, and the French, so there is something to see, even a simple walk along medieval streets, so strongly reminiscent of French, will be a pleasure.

  • Be sure to visit the majestic Palace of Saints Michael and George which originally served as the residence British lord.
  • Also take a tour of Achillion Palace, built Austrian Empress Elizabeth in 1890 . It is located just half an hour from the capital of the island, Kerkyra.
  • Of the archaeological sites you can also explore Old Fortress Paleo Frurio, 14 km from the capital of the island.
  • Angelokastro Castle popular with tourists, it is also known as the fortress of the Archangel Michael. The castle sits on top of a slope, the highest point on the island's northeast coastline.

Children will be interested in visiting Sidari Water Park, 10 minutes from Sidari beach, or take a boat ride with the whole family, especially since you don’t need a license when driving a boat up to 30 horsepower.

Holidays on Kos

The small Island of Kos is a resort for the elite, located in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea. There is a lot of greenery and excellent beaches, which are especially loved by Hollywood stars.

  • Vacation on the island is considered one of the best for families with children, as well as romantic youth, and conservative pensioners.
  • Prices for tours to Kos

    Although the island of Kos is positioned as a resort for wealthy tourists, with a strong desire, you can still find a suitable tour that will not hit your budget, especially if you consider holidays during the velvet season from September to October and with early booking.

    Tours onKos High season low season
    For 7 days

    Weather in Kos

    Holidays on the island are not as highly in demand as other island resorts in Greece, but here the rest will be just as good. The weather is warm from April to October, this is the time of the influx of tourists from all over the world.

    The highest air temperatures are observed from June to the first half of September, +30°C and above. The weather in the low season, from November to March, is characterized by heavy rains and a cold air temperature of +15-19°C.

    You can swim from about May to October. And the best time for a beach holiday is the second half of September and October. At this time, you can already swim in plenty in the warm sea and are not afraid of sunburn.

    Weather onKos Air temperature during the day Air temperature at night Ancient Agora.
    • ancient agora- this is the historical part of the island with many ruins dating from completely different eras, and it is located in the city of Kos, right on the coast.
    • You will also be interested in visiting Archaeological Museum of Kos, Venetian fortress Antimachia 20 km from the capital of the island.
    • See also the significant archaeological site of Kos Asclepeion, which is located just 4 km from the town of Kos.

    Holidays in Santorini

    Probably, there is not a single person who has not heard of the fabulous island of Santorini or Thira. This island of volcanic origin in the Aegean Sea, as in the picture, is small, but peculiar.

    Life seems to stop here, and the blue and white houses of the locals are as natural and beautiful as the local nature, all this is an integral part of the island's landscape.

    Yes, Santorini is an expensive island, many tourists allow themselves to look here only for one day and as part of an excursion group. But the island is fabulous, so you can safely hope for a miracle, namely early booking, last-minute tours and the right month of the year. Mid-spring in Santorini is the beginning of the tourist season, and it lasts until the end of October. High season: June, July, August - this is an active sun, warm sea, delicious food and night discos, a time for young people and a romantic getaway for two.

    In the velvet season, September and October, the older generation and tourists come who cannot stand the heat, but love the warm sea. The low season, from November to March, is characterized by rather cold weather with wind and rain.

    What to see in Santorini?

    To get to know the island, it would be ideal to get to one of the festivals taking place here. They are most often held on religious holidays.

    For example, in July Agios Ioannis in Monolithos, and in August - Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the end of the beach season, they also celebrate Jazz and Wine Festivals.

    A history buff will be interested to know that Santorini is considered part of the once-existing Atlantis. And in confirmation of this, there are many historical monuments on the island:

    • For instance, antique and chief on the island Fira city(Thira), which was formed as a result of the strongest volcanic eruption in the 16th century. BC e. The ruins of residential buildings and temples have been preserved there, and many interesting finds are also exhibited in Museum of Thira.
    • And 12 km from Thira is the city Akrotiri and his eponymous Archaeological reserve.
    • Among the main religious buildings of the island: a snow-white cathedral with a bright blue roof - Ayiu Mina Church and Monastery of Elijah the Prophet with a library and a rich collection of icons.

Not sure where to go to Greece for the first time? We have selected for you the 4 most popular and favorite destinations among travelers from all over the world, talked about their features and shared tips on how to spend time, where to stay and what to see. Read and make your choice!

For the first time in Greece - where to go?

In Greece, you can get acquainted with ancient culture and mythology, enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Aegean Sea, soak up the Greek sun on the white sandy beaches of Greece, walk in the mountains with the cleanest air, admire the white buildings and taste delicious Greek cuisine.

Where to go and what to see

  • Church of Panagia Paraportiani (Panagia Paraportiani);
  • "Little Venice";
  • an area with buildings of the 18th century, where the mansions of the great captains stand everywhere with colorful balconies and stylish windows;
  • strange windmills, impressively located on the slope;
  • white sandy beaches stretching along the perimeter of the island.

Where to stay

Mykonos is a tourist island, so you won't have any problems finding accommodation. - from luxury hotels to budget guesthouses and hostels, you can also search for hotels through the form on the left. For the very economical, there is Couchsurfing.

Things to do

  • In Mykonos, many holidays and festivals are held in the summer, all this is accompanied by rivers of delicious wine and mountains of delicious food.
  • Also, this "Isle of the Winds" is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, surfers and sailors come here from all over the world. Mykonos has a wide range of windsurfing beaches. The most isolated beaches are considered the best: Kórfos, Fteliá, Meyáli Ámmos and Kalafátis. Almost all beaches teach surfing.
  • In Mykonos you can play tennis or minigolf at Ayios Stéfanos, beach volleyball at Ayia Ánna, skydiving or jet skiing at Eliá or Kalafátis. Even diving enthusiasts will not be left behind and will be able to explore the beauty of the underwater life of the Aegean Sea.

Mykonos is a standard choice where you can hang out, go on interesting excursions, and enjoy a beach holiday to your heart's content. Therefore, if you are going to visit Greece for the first time, and your budget allows, visit Mykonos, you will not be disappointed.

First time to Greece: Paros

Paros is one of the most popular holiday destinations for young people. Unlike Mykonos, this island is a more budget option. Unparalleled natural beauty, developed tourist infrastructure, beaches with clear waters, Byzantine footpaths connecting traditional Greek villages, breathtaking landscapes and pulsating nightlife - all this awaits you in Paros.

Parikia, the capital of the island, is also home to famous whitewashed rectangular buildings and impressive neoclassical mansions.

Where to go and what to see

  • the village of Naousa, here the ruins of a Venetian fortress stand at the entrance to its small port;
  • Lefkes is also a village, it is built into a mountain and surrounded by greenery on all sides, located at the highest point of the island of Paros, from here a breathtaking view of the island opens;
  • Márpissa is a traditional village with a strong medieval character dating back to the 15th century;
  • marble quarries in Marathi, where the famous Parian marble was mined.

Where to stay

It all depends on how much you plan to spend. There are options for every taste and budget.

Things to do

  • Attending a religious festival is a great opportunity to taste the sweet wines produced in the Monemvassiá and Mantilariá vineyards. On August 15, one of these events is traditionally organized near the Panayia Ekatontapyliani church.
  • Explore the island on horseback. There are two "horse rentals" here, one near the sea in Ambelás and the other in Ystérni. Such a walk around the island is a great way to see the most beautiful places in Paros with your own eyes.
  • The sun-drenched beaches of Chrissí Aktí, Santa Maria, Poúnda and the crystal clear waters of the sea will captivate all beach lovers. You can also go surfing here.
  • Surrounded by red and green clay cliffs, Kalóyeros Beach provides you with an effective and natural spa for free. Cover your body with clay and let it dry in the sun, after a while wash the clay into the sea - your skin will be soft and velvety.

Price statistics for tours to Greece

If you are not yet ready to travel on your own, then price statistics for tours to Greece will help you. Here you can find the lowest prices for holidays in Greece from leading tour operators.

First time to Greece: Skiathos

Skiathos is the most popular resort island in the Northern Sporades. Despite the rapid growth of the tourism sector, the countryside is still picturesque and unspoilt. The island is adorned with more than 60 beaches with crystal clear waters, the most famous of which is Koukounariés beach, which is considered to be the third most beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. Add to all this a vibrant nightlife, and you will understand why thousands of travelers travel to this island every year.

Where to go and what to see

  • the capital of the island - the city of Skiathos with its cobbled stone, cozy streets and white buildings;
  • a picturesque harbor surrounded by 4 islets;
  • the small island of Boúrtzi, where the ruins of a Venetian fortress nestled among dense vegetation;
  • home, and now a museum of the famous author Alexandros Papadiamantis (Alexandros Papadiamantis);
  • Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which houses 4 museums.

Where to stay

Skiathos has a variety of hotels, hostels and rooms at affordable prices. You can also stay at Camping Koukounariés.

Things to do

  • Every summer the island hosts colorful cultural events, concerts and art exhibitions.
  • Take a breathtaking trail that starts from Asélinos, past the Kounistra monastery, the small beach of Asélinos and Alygariés beach, and ends at Kehriá beach.
  • The entire nightlife of the island is concentrated on the street near the Old Harbor. Bars and nightclubs are open here all night until morning and are always full of fun young people. The Ammoudiá area often hosts open-air parties (it's easy to find them, you just need to follow the road leading to the airport).

First time to Greece: Chios

The island of Ios is practically in no way inferior to the famous and sometimes overrated Mykonos and Santorini. Walk the picturesque streets, enjoy the elegance of the buildings, swim in the warm clear waters of the world-famous beaches of Mylopótamos and Maganári, taste the obscenely delicious Greek delicacies.

Where to go and what to see

  • Be sure to visit Hóra, perched on the famous hill with its snow-white cubic buildings and covered lanes.
  • See 12 windmills.
  • Panayia Gremiótissa (Madonna of the Rocks) is located at the highest point of Hòra, with amazing views of the bay and the neighboring island of Sikinos.
  • The Byzantine castle of Paleókastro, built on the very top of a hill.
  • The summer theater "Odysseas Elytis", built in one of the favorite places of the poet Odysseas Elytis and well preserved from 2800 BC.

Where to stay

There are many wonderful hotels and hostels, there are cozy family pensions near the beaches. There are also several camping areas on the island. Keep in mind that Chios does not have the same luxury as Mykonos and Santorini, but there are many beautiful places to walk.

Things to do

  • I think you already understood that August 15 is a special day for the Greeks, Ios is proof of this. On this day, one of the most impressive Panagia Gremiotissa celebrations takes place here, when the procession carries the famous icon of the Virgin Mary around the Hóra, all this is accompanied by a banquet, playing national instruments and dancing.
  • Walk along the ancient paths Ayia Theodóti-Hóra, Ayia Iríni-Valmá beach, Hóra-Pýrgos-Psáthi, Hóra-Áyios Spyridonas-Perivolia-Áyios Prókopas-Pelekaniá, which are still used by local shepherds, so you will see the most beautiful locations of the island.
  • The mountains of Ios are ideal for climbing, mountaineering or cycling. On the peaks, you will have an unforgettable view of the island and the endless expanse of the Aegean Sea.
  • On the beaches of Mylopótamos and Manganári, you can rent equipment for water sports, all the same surfing, water skiing, diving. Here you can learn how to surf and canoe.
  • There are plenty of clubs, bars and restaurants on this island as well. Every day, crowds of young people enjoy colorful cocktails, dancing until dawn and night swimming here.

That's all, if you are going to Greece for the first time and still don't know where to go, listen to our advice. V