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Sharm El Sheikh where to go. The best excursions from Sharm El Sheikh. What excursions to visit? Where to buy excursions

The most interesting and remarkable in is the amazing, azure and always warm Red Sea with its unusual, colorful inhabitants and plants. This is what tourists from all over the world come here for. What else can be seen in these fabulous lands, where to go, what to be surprised about, we will tell further.

Naama Bay

It is impossible to be in Sharm and not visit the main and very old street of Naama Bay. No matter how far your hotel is located, you will still come here, and more than once. The first hotels were built right here, in the bay of the same name, quiet and calm, securely sheltered from the wind and bad weather. Wide pedestrian area - promenade, great for evening walks. It is clean here, barkers and sellers are not too intrusive. On the sides of the street there are a variety of entertainment venues: clubs, discos, casinos. In small shops you can buy anything, there are well-known retail chains that occupy large areas. It is recommended to visit the shopping center and the Panorama cafe, the Pasha disco. On the three-kilometer Naama Bay there are many cafes, bars, restaurants. It's fun and safe here at night.

Naama Bay

Ras Mohammed

Egypt's Ras Mohammed National Park is located 25 km from Sharm El Sheikh. In translation, the name means "the head of Mohammed." Here they go under water in order to observe coral reefs and exotic animals in them. Not all places are safe for snorkeling, as you can get caught in strong currents. You can get to the reserve by water and by land. It is best to buy a tour from the operator, as it is problematic to get here on your own. With children, the option on the water is no longer possible, since the yacht or boat does not come close to land and you will need to swim some distance. The most convenient way to buy a tour is by bus. In comfortable conditions with air conditioning, you will go on an interesting tour. The journey will take about half an hour. You will see a lot of interesting things in the reserve itself and on the way to it. Mangrove trees are impressive, which have adapted to grow right in salt water. The magical salt lake is another wonder of Ras Mohammed. You can swim in it, but you will not be able to dive with your head, as the salt water will push the body up. The cost of the tour ranges from $ 25 per adult and $ 15 per child. The price includes lunch and an entrance fee of $5.

Climbing Mount Sinai

The dream of every believer is to visit Mount Moses. He received the 10 commandments from sin for man from God. They say that everyone who has been here is forgiven of all sins. The ascent is at night and very difficult. Before dawn, travelers walk 6 km, at the end climbing a long and sharply uphill multi-stage staircase. There are two ways. One is the shortest and most difficult with 3570 steps. This is the Path of Repentance. The second path "Camel Trail" is gentler and longer. Camels climb it, the Bedouins offer weaker people a paid climb. After 20 minutes of ascent, both trails merge into one.

Even in summer, the air temperature in these places drops very low at night. Bedouins rent blankets for $5-8. It is even more difficult to go back down the slippery stairs. However, no one gets hurt, as Moses is believed to keep his guests safe from harm.

All the difficulties overcome will be nothing compared to the delight that embraces the pilgrims at dawn. A picturesque spectacle will be remembered by every person forever! The Sinai mountains, illuminated by a small red, rising sun, turn pink, everyone contemplating this incredible spectacle is embraced by unimaginable happiness, joy, all sorrows and insults are forgotten.

In the morning, those who descend will have breakfast at the monastery of St. Catherine, which is protected by UNESCO as the oldest monastery in the world. For more than 3000 years, the legendary Bush Burning Bush has been growing here, against the background of which Moses turned to God. No matter how they tried to plant it in other places, the shoots did not take root.

Tip: dress warmly, take comfortable shoes with non-slip soles and be sure to have a flashlight. Water and fruits will not interfere. Climbing the mountain is not cold and even hot. As you ascend, the oxygen in the air becomes less and less, so you have to rest. That's when it gets very cold.

Independent ascent to Mount Moses is almost impossible. Groups of 10-12 people are guided through the checkpoint with a check of documents.

The tour costs $35-40 for an adult. It is dangerous for children to climb.

Mount Sinai


The uninhabited island, territorially belonging to Saudi Arabia, Tiran attracts many tourists. A breathtaking sight awaits them - an incredible beauty of the sea with a variety of coral reefs and broken ships, flocks of colorful outlandish fish. The island itself is a large rock, on which there is nothing remarkable, but around it there are underwater reefs of amazing beauty, named after their explorers:

  • Jackson;
  • Gordon;
  • Woodhouse;
  • Thomas.

Near each tourists swim for several hours. In calm weather, diving in these places is excellent.

Tourists are delivered to the island from Naama Bay by a comfortable boat accompanied by a guide. The tour lasts 5-6 hours. The cost of the tour depends on the hotel or operator, as well as the availability of diving equipment.

Pyramids of Egypt

Fascinating tour to the Bedouin village

The trip is made on quad bikes in the evening. The journey takes two hours. There is a safety briefing before departure. Tourists will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins living in the desert, taste their drinks and food. These are traditional wild mint tea, freshly baked bread, vegetables, fried meat, rice cooked in the traditional way. Rich buffet meals are included in the price of the tour. During the trip, you can climb a mountainside, see a picturesque sunset in the desert, watch the stars through a telescope.

The price of the tour is approximately $50 per person.

Tutankhamun Museum in Sharm

Unlike the museum in Cairo, where the originals of the sarcophagus and gold mask of Tutankhamen are exhibited, all 100 exhibits are exact and indistinguishable copies. However, this does not detract from the interest in artifacts. The collection is constantly updated. The exhibits can be touched and photographed. The guide will tell you about the events of ancient Egypt, the fascinating life of the pharaohs and ordinary Egyptians. The tour will be useful for children. A transfer will pick you up from the hotel. The cost is $25 for an adult and $15 for a child.

Snorkeling at the Blue Hole

A wonderful place for diving is located 10 km from Dahab in the Gulf of Aqaba. This incredible spectacle of the most beautiful underwater world does not leave anyone indifferent. Tourists are brought from Sharm el-Sheikh by bus. It is convenient to view landscapes from its windows. On the way you can see the cemetery of the Bedouins. Then they transfer to camels and follow to the oasis, where it is pleasant to relax and descend into the Blue Hole. On the way back, they have lunch, stop by Dahab, where you can go shopping and buy unusual souvenirs. The cost of the tour is about $18 per person.

blue hole

Water parks in Sharm El Sheikh

Some hotels in Sharm El Sheikh have water parks. There are two largest ones: Albatross Aqua Blue and Cleo Park, stylized as ancient Egypt. Water parks are entire cities with numerous and diverse slides, rivers, swimming pools and children's areas where children can be left under the supervision of staff for a while.

It is best to go on water activities organized from your own hotel. Such a visit will cost you $ 30, while an independent trip will cost much more. Operators have a significant discount, which allows them to set the price of tickets less and still earn money. On the territory of water parks you can buy food, drinks, souvenirs.

Panoramic Submarine Tour

The underwater world of the Red Sea looks impressive from 18 windows of a submarine submerged in depth. An air-conditioned car will take you from the hotel to the beach. You will immediately go under water. In comfortable conditions, you can safely enjoy the beauties of coral reefs, colorful fish, mysterious inhabitants, and rare plants. Entertainment price $45.

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With the guide site you will see all the sights of Sharm El Sheikh in 24 hours.

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Royal Gulf - this is how the name of one of the most popular seaside resorts in Egypt - Sharm el-Sheikh is translated from Arabic.

The main attractions of Sharm el-Sheikh are, of course, magnificent well-maintained beaches and the picturesque underwater world of coral reefs.

But in this guide, we will not write about diving, trips to the Ras Mohamed marine reserve and such tourist attractions as "quad bike safaris", "camel rides", "dinner and tea with Bedouins". This will be offered to you in every hotel, in every travel agency.

We will tell you what to see in Sharm el-Sheikh itself.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh. 10:00 - 11:00 - wake up and have breakfast at the hotel

What should be the first thing to do on vacation in Egypt? That's right, get some sleep! Therefore, we will not be blown up by the alarm clock at 8:00 - we are on vacation. Moreover, there are not so many sights in Sharm el-Sheikh, it is not worth rushing, as in London, to see everything. But be that as it may, you should not sleep longer than 10 - oversleep breakfast!


As for the choice of hotel, we would recommend staying at the Sultan Gardens Resort, which is often called one of the best in Sharm El Sheikh. Room prices are not so cheap, however, believe me, the Sultan's vacation is definitely worth it. Standard all inclusive double room costs $121 per night.

However, we will not impose. You can choose a hotel to your taste in our article.

11:00 - 15:00 - we go to the water park

Before sunset in Egypt, you can usually do only two things: either swim or sit in well-air-conditioned rooms. We offer you the first option, but with a share of extreme. Take swimming trunks, sunblock - and forward to the water park.

There are several water parks in Sharm El Sheikh. The most popular are Cleo Park and Albatross Aqua. The first is decorated much more interesting - in the ancient Egyptian style. But in terms of entertainment, it’s not so good here, for adults there are just a couple of slides.


The water park is located on the territory of the hotel of the same name in the center of the Hadaba residential area. Don't be afraid - everyone is welcome. Works from 10:00 to 22:00. The prices for both the first and the second water park are the same: guides have $35 for adults and $25 for children (including lunch). On the spot, if you come yourself, it is more expensive: $40 and $30, respectively.


The easiest way to get to the water park is by taxi (minibuses in Egypt are still a pleasure). Just call the driver Albatross Aqua.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.15:00 - 16:00 - walk in the Il Mercato area

After a break in the water park, do not rush to leave the Hadabe area. After all, there is something to see here too. In fact, this is an elite part of the city, where offices, restaurants, cafes, shops, and car dealerships are lined up.

As you already understood from the name, Il Mercato Street claims the title of "Italy in Egypt". Indeed, very nicely designed. On the net, you can even read that Il Mercato is supposedly good shopping - do not believe it. 10-15 brand stores, which are also in Ukraine, the prices are no different.

So just walk along Il Mercato, take a couple of pictures. Especially against the backdrop of the chic complex "1001 Nights".

The territory of Hadabe even runs the original "mini-train", with wagons for tourists. However, a typical "divorce" - the area can be slowly bypassed in 20 minutes.


Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.16:00 - 17:00 - cool off on the ice rink

Even after lunch it is quite hot in Sharm el-Sheikh, therefore, in order to cool off a bit, we move to another elite area - Soho.

It would probably be more accurate to say that Soho is not a district, but a street between the Savoy and Siera hotels with singing fountains, shops, children's carousels and a stage where various musical groups often perform. But the main attraction is the ice rink! Imagine an ice rink in Egypt!


It is located in the center, right by the singing fountain, you will not pass by. The cost of an hour of skiing is $15. You can take a coach, but it would be strange if an Egyptian teaches a Ukrainian how to skate, don't you think? However, we do not undertake to assert that all the coaches there are local.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.17:00 - 18:00 - dinner at Fares restaurant

By evening, it's time to move to the Old City. First, let's run for dinner, because the appetite for the whole day worked up a very good one.

With all the variety of establishments, good restaurants in Sharm el-Sheikh, once or twice, and miscalculated. One of the best is Fares, which is located in the Old Town on the territory of the market.

  • FIND OUT what to try in Egypt from our article

Here they serve chic shrimp, make an excellent mix of seafood on the coals, and be sure to try the signature Fares soup. Come with the waiter to the exhibition table and choose the products yourself.

By the way, the service is pleasant - the waiters work quickly and imperceptibly (often in Egypt the service is very intrusive), they understand Russian. The menu in Russian is also present.


With all this - very reasonable prices. The average cost of dinner per person is $20.

It is advisable to arrive exactly at 17-18. You will be late for an hour - you will stand in line, the restaurant is bursting with visitors.


Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.18:00 - 19:00 - buying souvenirs at the market in the Old Town

Since we ended up in the Old City, it’s a sin to leave here empty-handed. Moreover, if you need souvenirs, you need to buy them here, and not in shops at hotels. It will be much cheaper.

  • READ

Carpets, clothes, hookahs, spices, souvenirs - you can find everything here. Even if you won't buy anything, purely out of ethnographic curiosity, it's worth wandering around the bazaar.

© Getty Images

By the way, every evening a local star named Tito performs here. You will not see such a performance of a belly dance anywhere else - we recommend it. Ask any merchant: "When will Tito arrive?" They will tell you.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.19:00 - 20:00 - smoke a hookah in a cozy cafe

After a hearty dinner, you need to ... smoke! Even if you hate cigarettes, the hookah in Sharm El Sheikh is a must try. Moreover, the atmosphere in hookah bars is very inviting: lie down on the carpet, put a pillow under your head, everything around you sparkles, oriental music plays.

There are good hookah cafes on Naama Bay. It is just logical for us to move there from the Old Town, since it is in this area that the nightlife of Sharm is concentrated.


In principle, the choice of an institution does not matter - go to the first one you like, order a hookah, hibiscus tea and relax - let the whole world wait. This pleasure will cost some $ 3.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.20:00 - 22:00 walk along Naama Bay

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Naama Bay is the main attraction of Sharm El Sheikh. This is the heart of the city, a street that, using the popular template, never sleeps.

Restaurants, clubs, shops - all this is here in such a concentration that it dazzles the eyes. You can stop by the Hard Rock cafe, grab a cup of coffee at StarBucks Coffee, or stop by the iconic Little Buddha.


However, do not rush to spend money and energy - we still have a cherry in store for dessert!

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh.22:00 until dawn - party at the PACHA club

We mentioned the cherry not by chance - it is she who is the symbol of the legendary PACHA club. This network of establishments is famous all over the world. Ask any clubber what his dream is, and he'll probably say, "Hang out at PACHA."


True, they mostly dream of a club located in Ibiza, but we assure you that the scale of PACHA is also impressive. There is even a swimming pool on site! Plus a very good sound, excellent light - everything is on the level.

    Helpful information:

Note! You have the right to visit the beaches of other hotels, but, alas, without taking up sun loungers. But you can admire the colorful fish scurrying along the coast without sunbeds!

One of the most fabulous places in Sharm El Sheikh is the Colored Canyon, which is located about 150 kilometers from the city. It is a collection of rocks that are formed from sand and have their own unique color. You will see red, yellow, white, gray and even beige rocks here! This charm appeared due to the presence of iron and manganese oxide.

This canyon is rightfully considered "space on Earth"! In ancient times, there was a large river here, but soon it dried up, and under the influence of constant winds, sandy hills began to “grow”. Even pictures taken by a professional photographer are unable to fully reflect all the miraculous beauty of this place.

The cost of an excursion to the canyon is on average $50-60. There are no age restrictions.

Ras Mohammed

An extensive reserve, which, being founded in 1989, is the first national park in Egypt. Particularly noteworthy are the features of the landscape of Ras Mohammed: sand dunes and crushed rivers are combined here with wonderful mountains that nature has been creating for thousands of years with the help of sand and wind.

The local underwater world is also rich and diverse! If you wish, you can go diving, since there are plenty of places for this - Eel Garden, Ras Ghozlan, Jackfich, etc. We also recommend visiting the Shark Observatory, which is inhabited by sharks and barracudas. Do not forget to take a picture against the backdrop of the "Mushroom" - a huge fifteen-meter pillar of coral.

On the local beaches you can see representatives of the fauna - foxes, gazelles, white storks and predatory hyenas.

Abu Galum

Another national park that is very popular among vacationers. Abu Galum Protected Area is a real find for everyone who loves natural attractions. A vast area of ​​over 500 km², where you can visit the vast pebble beaches, admire the mountain ranges, see beautiful coral reefs. During the tour, look under your feet - there are a lot of cute snails and shells!

The flora of the park has about 176 plants, and among the local inhabitants you can find funny moufflons, hyenas, chanterelles and snakes - for example, a viper or a black cobra. There are also a couple of Bedouin villages who have decided to move away from the entire civilized world.


Nawamis is a mysterious structure located in the east of Sinai. These are prehistoric cylindrical structures with a diameter of 3 to 6 meters, made with an inward slope. Structures 2.5 meters high are built of massive sand blocks and have one hole each.

Archaeologists did a great job here, during which they managed to find various ancient objects - copper and flint tools, shell bracelets, dishes, colored beads. Scientists believe that all these are burial accessories made in the fourth millennium (!) BC.

It is believed that Nawamis is an ordinary burial chamber, although it is still unclear who was buried here. Come here on a tour to see all these delights with your own eyes!

Serabit El Hadi m

This is an archaeological site of great interest to tourists. Serabit el Khadim is located about 40 kilometers from the city.

In the third millennium BC. e. in ancient Egypt, many mined turquoise, which was used to paint statues and create figures of scarab beetles. They were engaged in such a trade for a long time, and in the 18th century BC they even built a temple to Hathor, the goddess, who, as it was then believed, was the patroness of the blue stone. And it is this temple that can be seen in Serabit el-Hadi m!

The building, from which only ruins remained, is located at an 800-meter height. You can also go down into the abandoned mines, where the treasured stone was once mined. There will also be something to see!

The best diving spots

Sharm El Sheikh is ideal for diving - huge isolated reefs, strong tides, clear transparent water, where turtles, sharks and dolphins meet. The peculiarity of the local is the possibility of diving at the site of the death of ancient ships, access to which is open - you can visit ancient ships that transported spices, mail steamers of the 19th century, and even modern cargo ships. Each of these places can be reached within a one-day excursion, although it is better to live on a yacht and periodically go to sea.

The ideal place for diving is summer! The water temperature reaches 20-40ᵒС, so do not forget about sunscreen. The most popular diving centers in the city are listed below:

  • Ras Hamila;
  • Umm Sid;
  • White Kings;
  • paradise;
  • Shark Bay;
  • "Turtle Bay";
  • "Gardens" (cave gardens);
  • Amphora;
  • Sodfa.

Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh - diving


After tiring excursions, you can have fun. But where? There are many options if you want to go to a disco - check out the best nightclubs in the resort, which are described in. We will consider exotic places already in the city itself.

"Singing Fountains" in Soho

One of the finest attractions within the resort are the Singing Fountains in Soho Square. In fact, this is a large light and music fountain, every day gathering hundreds of tourists around it, attracted by its dynamics and play. You can listen to exotic oriental music here and see how the fountains gracefully “dance” to it.

Attention! During the day, the fountains are often turned off, but in the evening the “dances” are repeated every fifteen minutes.

Video - Singing fountains

Dolphin show

If during your vacation you yearned for your homeland, you can visit the dolphinarium at the intersection of Sharm El Isee and City Council. And all because… performers from Russia – Masha, Stesha and Styopka, accompanied by trainers from Krasnodar! These dolphins are very popular in the resort: every day dozens of vacationers come to see how they play volleyball or jump through the rings. You can take pictures with Russian bottlenose dolphins and even swim with them a little.

We did not plan to talk about discos, but the Taj Mahal entertainment center is a special case, as it is the most popular dance venue in Sharm el-Sheikh. The disco is located in an advantageous location - just fifteen minutes from any of the hotels. You can dance from 23:00 to 4:00, moreover, in the open air! World-class DJs often come here, and there is also a bar with a huge range of drinks and snacks. If you wish, you can relax next to the luminous foam pool.

Attention! If you get to Taj Mahal along with an organized tour, you are entitled to one free drink.

The entrance ticket costs $40.

- children's amusement park

For several years of its existence, this park has become one of the most visited places in the city. Despite the modest sizehundreds of tourists visit every day, primarily because of the fabulous atmosphere that allows you to plunge into the carefree world of childhood. Attractions, clowns, ice cream and cotton candy - all this will definitely appeal not only to adults, but also to children! Here everyone can find entertainment to their liking. Someone will like the room of fear, and someone will be delighted with the colorful horses on the carousel.

The park is located on the territory of the hotel Sunshine , admission is free for everyone.

And in the end, I would like to briefly talk about the Old Market. This is a huge oriental bazaar located in the heart of the Old City (one of the districts of Sharm el-Sheikh). You can buy clothes, jewelry and, of course, various souvenirs here. Each of the sellers will call you in broken Russian, so be prepared for increased attention.

ExcursionDays of the weekCost for 1 adult ($)Cost per child aged 5-12 ($)Cost for 1 child up to 5 years ($)Tour Information
Mount Moses and St. Catherine's MonasteryWed, Fri, Sun45 20 0 The duration of the program is 22:00 - 13:00. Bring a dry breakfast, sports shoes, warm and practical clothes, a scarf for women on the territory of the monastery and a passport.
Monastery of St. CatherineMon., Thu.50 20 0 Lunch included, drinks included In the morning, transfer to the monastery, tour of the monastery with a visit to the service, lunch at the restaurant (buffet), departure to Dahab, visit to the market (1.5 hours). Program duration: from 07:00 to 18:00. Bring your passport, dry breakfast, comfortable shoes, practical clothes that meet the requirements of the monastery, a headscarf for women on the territory of the monastery.
Super Canyon: Salama Canyon - Red Canyon - Blue HoleTh., Sun.70 35 0 Lunch included, drinks during lunch
Ras Muhamed Nature Reserve (bus)Tue.45 20 0 Lunch + soft drinks incl. Program duration: from 8:00 to 16:30.
Ras Muhamed Nature Reserve (yacht)mon. - Sun.55 25 0 Lunch + soft drinks incl.
Scuba diving 1/2 dive on Tiran Islandmon. - Sat.55/90 prohibitedprohibitedEquipment, lunch and drinks incl.
Dolphinarium: dolphin showMon., Tues., Wed., Fri.25 13 0 Program duration 45 min
Swimming with dolphinsmon. - Sun.150 150 150 Dolphin therapy, swimming with a dolphin 25 min
SOHO SQUAREmon. - Sun.10 10 0 From 21:00 to 00:00
Bedouin dinner, camel rideTue, Fri.55 30 0 Refreshments incl.

Have fun!

Product Name
Where can I buy
alabaster souvenirsGurna village, Theban necropolis
tapestriesHarraniya village, Giza
rare books and printsbookstores in cairo
glass productsCairo
musical instrumentsCairo
high quality papyrusLuxor Museum, Cairo
incense and spicesKhan el Khalili Market, Cairo

If you are going to Sharm el-Sheikh, you should clearly understand: Egypt is a country where abnormal service is the norm. Understanding this, you will not be disappointed in a holiday on the Red Sea. The Arabs are sure that the inflated price of a product adds value to it. That loudly and assertively inviting a tourist to your store is a compliment. What can I say, soon you will experience the delights of tourism in the Muslim world. In the meantime, we offer a subjective answer to the question of what must be done in Sharm el-Sheikh.

What to do in Sharm El Sheikh in the early days

1. Drink mango fresh. And at least five more types of fresh juices. The average price for a glass of freshly squeezed juice is 15-100 pounds. Depends on the institution. The quality is about the same everywhere. Start your acquaintance with fresh juices with mango, one of the most popular fruits in Egypt.

More than 10 types of mangoes are grown in the country. Among the most delicious varieties: Indian, Hindi, Sadiki, Sokari, Timor, Alfonso. The mango season lasts more than six months: from July to February. Kilo sell for 2-6 dollars. Cheaper in supermarkets than handmade. In which cafes in Sharm El Sheikh are cheap and tasty juices, read. Pictured is a vegetable and fruit shop in Hainur.

Lemon fresh. Damn good.

2. Try sugarcane juice. They do it in many cafes. About the place where a glass of sweet drink is sold for 5 pounds, read the material.

3. Go to the Farsha cafe. Warehouse cafe, nonsense cafe, dystopian cafe. A place where everything or almost everything is made of junk. But this is a pile of rubbish, from which you do not want to climb out. Cafe Farsha is located on the slope of the mountain. Rests on the seashore. Read about the menu and prices in the material.

4. Swim at night. Allah does not command to enter the water after sunset. But if you are a tourist and you have money, a devout Muslim will close his eyes and allow. There is a beach nearby. Entrance is paid, about 70 pounds a day pass. They let you in in the evening too!

5. Try Roast Pigeon. We did it in . With God blessing!

Where to go in Sharm el-Sheikh when you get comfortable

6. Feed the cat. Show the Egyptians an example of civic responsibility. Skinny stray animals wander in droves around Sharm el-Sheikh. They cluster at supermarkets, for example, near. Sometimes they run under tables in cafes and restaurants. The Egyptians are not driven by the issues of sterilization of pets. Therefore, there are a lot of cats (in search of free cats) and kittens (in search of food) on the streets. Cats sit in the corners - either pregnant or lactating. Everything is like in Arab families.

7. Rock out at a foam party by the sea at the Eden Ibiza club. Or go to any other night disco. Cool move on Fridays at the Hard Rock café in Nabq. Thursdays - in Space, perhaps the biggest club in Sharm. The full list of worthy clubs is published by the secret guest at the link.

8. Leave a review for the "excellent" service in the store. Arabs love it when tourists write in a "book of reviews and suggestions." Souvenirs are given for favor. But they don't know what we left in the review. How many funny messages you find when you read the recommendations of compatriots. Funny to tears.

9. Open another world - underwater. Dive with scuba gear. Or at least snorkel. Or at least go on a boat trip on a boat with a transparent bottom.

10. Overeat fish and seafood for a penny at the fish market in the Old City (next to the main mosque El Sahaba Mosque, street leading to).

The most expensive shrimp on the fish market is 170 pounds per kilogram. The price includes grilling, sauce, packaging. The waiting time for the order is about 40 minutes. You choose the product yourself.

It seems that this city was brought here by a magical wind from the European coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Sharm El Sheikh (old name Ofira) is not far away 1970 was a village medium size, but in four decades it has become a luxurious resort town, pearl of the Egyptian Riviera.

"Sheikh's Bay", as the name of the city is translated from Egyptian, stretched for 30 km along the coast of the Red Sea in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. Desert tropical climate (average annual temperature - 23 degrees Celsius, minimum rainfall) allows you to receive foreign guests all year round. Sharm El Sheikh is located between two national reserves, and that section of the coastline on which construction is allowed is completely built up with hotels. Since the city does not build buildings higher than five floors, it remains to grow only inland. It is growing, investment companies are investing huge amounts of money in the development of its infrastructure.

There is a lot to see in Sharm El Sheikh and the surrounding area. Here is the list main attractions most frequently visited by tourists:


Il Mercato - originally built business district Sharm El Sheikh. Offices interspersed with trendy restaurants, boutiques and entertainment complexes. There is a small tourist train. You can visit the amphitheater. This is Egypt, unlike Egypt. Entertainment Palace "1001 Nights", the Egyptian Disneyland, is located here. Shows taking place in it attract a large number of tourists. Tours here are very popular. Ticket price for adults - 45$ ; children - 25 $. You can order by phone +201061049618 .


Old city

Second gate, departure from the area, which in Sharm el-Sheikh is called the Old City. Despite the fact that this area has been repeatedly restored and once completely rebuilt, the aura of Ancient Egypt, familiar to us from history books, has been preserved here.

Nearby is Old Market, a real oriental bazaar. A huge selection of spices and seasonings, you can buy a hookah or products of Egyptian artisans. You can easily get here without a guide. regular bus or taxi.


Tiran Islands

Coral Islands (Tirana) are great as an object boat trip on a boat or yacht, a very picturesque journey to the coral reefs. Diving and snorkeling, tropical fish, sea turtles, dolphins. Excursion price from 30$ to 45$. Can be ordered by phone +201286700601 .



Located in hadabe, a modern residential area of ​​Sharm El Sheikh. The original hour-long show will be interesting for adults and especially for children. Performances start at 3 pm, trainers and dolphins arrived from Russia. The dolphins' names are Styosha, Masha and Styopa. Holiday atmosphere, unique tricks, positive emotions.

After the performance, those who wish can swim with dolphins for a fee. Also take pictures or make videos with dolphins. The tour is worth it 25 $ swim with dolphins - 90 $ . +380939634060 Julia. +201122984442 Karim (Egypt). Email mail: [email protected] .


Naama Bay

Naama Bay street. Shopping center of the city. Heaven on earth for shoppers. An unimaginable number of various shops. colorful detail - hookah smoking tents.

Here is located hard rock cafe- the most popular place among young people in Sharm el-Sheikh. On the facade there is a huge guitar, a kind of visiting card of the institution. Dancing all night long The cafe itself has a lot of rarities from pop stars. There is also a nightclub nearby. Bus Stop Pacha, also not deprived of the attention of tourists.


Soho. Singing Fountains. In the evening, a huge number of tourists gather here. In fact, this is one grandiose light and music fountain. This miracle is located on a square well known to tourists. "Soho Square", in front of the hotel Savoy Sharm El Sheikh.

During the day, the fountains do not work, they turn on from seven o'clock in the evening. The performance is repeated every hour for 15 minutes. To the sounds of enchanting oriental music, the fountains change their shape and color, growing up to 15 meters. By the way, the Singing Fountains Square is a favorite place for performances visiting celebrities.


Water park "Cleo-Park"

"Cleo-Park" is conceived as a symbiosis of a water park and an amusement park. A rare tourist will deny himself the pleasure of riding with a breeze from steep water slides. Describing the local attractions is a futile exercise - this must be seen. Excursion cost 30 to 50 dollars. Excursions to the "Singing Fountains" and to the Aquapark: Tel. +20111766 5552; +201012546218 . Email mail:


The Colored Canyon is a mountain gorge formed on the territory of modern Egypt. several million years ago. As a result of a strong earthquake, the earth's crust was fractured. The rocks have fantastic coloring.

The wind, working on the landscape for thousands of years, has created unique sculptural forms. Landscapes from the film about distant planets. The length of the gorge is about five kilometers. At times, the canyon narrows so much that only one person can pass through. Guides sometimes pour water on the stones and the patterns on them seem to bloom. An unforgettable sight. Tour price: 40 $ .


Abu Galum Reserve

As a rule, jeeps go to the reserve. But this excursion also includes a camel ride, as well as diving in the famous Blue hole in Dahab, considered the "cemetery of divers".

Vertical cave, surrounded by coral reefs, more than a hundred meters deep. A unique opportunity to visit one of the most exotic places in Egypt. Bedouin village, purest mountain springs, amazing sea views. A trip there will cost you 45 $ .


Ras Mohammed National Park

Southern part of the Sinai Peninsula. Here is one of top ten diving beaches. More than 150 species of corals, mangroves, 1200 representatives of underwater fauna, endemic plants, gazelles, reptiles, foxes, white storks - an incomplete list of what you have to see.

The real miracle of the Ras Mohammed reserve - magic bay. The water in it contains twice as many mineral salts, which makes it look like the Dead Sea. You won’t be able to walk on water, but reading a magazine while lying on the water surface is easy! 45$ for an adult and 25$ spend on a child by choosing this excursion.

Excursions in Abu Galum and Ras Mohammed can be purchased by tel. +201061049618 . Mail: [email protected] .


Sharm el Maya bay

The cozy bay of Sharm el Maya is located near Old City and Hadab. For example, it is only seven kilometers from it.

The unique geographical position of the bay (it is surrounded by mountains and rocks on three sides) makes it one of the quietest and most peaceful places in the entire area.

Municipal and private hotel beaches are covered with sand and are an excellent place for snorkeling and a leisurely beach holiday.


Ras Um El Sid Bay

Literally translated from Arabic, the name of the bay Ras Um El Sid (Ras Um El Sid) means "mother cape".

The place is recognized diving facility. The abundance of marine life and vegetation here is simply unimaginable, so the interest from fans of underwater filming and entertainment is quite natural and justified. Even Jacques Yves Cousteau at one time he included this bay in the top ten of his favorite corners of the planet.

In addition, during the time you can visit: Monastery of Saint Catherine, mountain Sinai, Luxor, Nabq Bay, Pharaoh's Island, go sea fishing, take a trip in a bathyscaphe or a boat with a transparent bottom. Lovers of romance are waiting for a walk on a yacht.

If the sights of Sharm el-Sheikh impressed you so much that you decided to relax in this sunny corner of Egypt, you can get acquainted with the most interesting hotels in the city. Have a nice rest!

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