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We are driving from Antalya Airport to Belek. Belek Cost and Opening Hours

Wondering how to get to Belek/Serik in Serik, Turkey? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Belek/Serik with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit offers free real-time maps and navigation to help you navigate the city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Belek/Serik in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Belek Serik? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Boğazkent; Boğazkent Koop.

You can get to Belek/Serik by Bus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (Bus) ,

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Getting to Belek/Serik is easy with us, which is why over 720 million users trust Moovit as the best transportation app. Including residents of Serik! No need to install a separate bus app and a separate subway app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app to help you find the most up-to-date bus and subway timetables.

Antalya airport-- serves flights with tourists traveling to Belek.

The airport has two international terminals and one domestic.

Fly from Moscow: about 3 hours
Time difference from Moscow:-1 hour

The address: 10 km from Antalya along the Antalya-Alanya highway, Antalya province, Tyrkey
Telephone:+(90 242) 444 74 23

How to get from the airport to Belek

get there from airport Antalya to Belek You can take a taxi or bus. In order to get to Belek by bus, you will need to get to the bus station in Antalya (Kazim Ozalp Cad). Then you should transfer to the bus to Belek. From Antalya to Belek about 30 km., travel time about 30-40 minutes.

Public transport in Belek

It is convenient to move around Belek by fixed-route taxis - dolmush. They can also be used to reach other cities in the province of Antalya.

Shuttle bus fare: from 1 $

Taxi in Belek

You can get to Belek and drive around the city on Taxi. Yellow cars with drivers will take you to any part of the city and beyond. However, it is worth remembering that nightly rates are 2 times more expensive. The cost of a taxi ride from Belek to Antalya starts from $20. Many of the drivers will offer you cards with phone numbers, by calling which you can call this particular taxi.

I returned to Turkey for the fourth time. I first came to Antalya in 2010, and I want to emphasize that every time I get to know this country from a new perspective. Trips to Turkey are always full of vivid impressions, hospitality and national flavor. This time we bought a tour with a friend completely spontaneously - it was difficult to refuse the offer, and we wanted to relax for a long time. Having packed everything we needed for two days, we were waiting in anticipation for our flight at the airport. The excitement was pleasant, because we were flying to a previously unfamiliar resort - Belek. Unlike Alanya, where, as the travel agent has repeatedly stated, economy class hotels are generally simpler, Belek promised us an incredible premium vacation in a beautiful room overlooking the sea.

Airports near Belek

  • Antalya
  • Isparta

The vast majority of tourists and those who just need to be in Belek arrive at the main international airport of Antalya. In addition to it, there are several more regional airports, but their communication is mostly local.

It is better to fly through Isparta airport in case of emergency or force majeure. Since you will have to overcome a distance of 150-170 km to Belek (depending on the place of residence), which will significantly increase both material and time costs.

Moreover, the prices for tickets to Antalya are always democratic, so there will simply be no point in such savings. You can book and buy air tickets, for example, here or search for relevant offers in the browser search engine. Moreover, the Antalya airport and the resort of Belek are only 23-40 km away, depending on the chosen hotel.

Antalya airport

The airport is very well maintained and beautiful, besides it is the main point where tourists arrive at the resorts of the Mediterranean coast, such as Tekirova, Kiris, Goynuk, Beldibi, Belek, Side, Alanya and others. In Europe, this is the 15th airport in terms of the number of passengers served per year.

It is impossible to get lost at the airport, signs are everywhere, security and information service. In addition, the locals understand Russian without any problems. At the exit of the airport building, taxis are waiting in line. Transfers for tourists are located further. All visitors are greeted with the appropriate signs.

How to get to Belek from Antalya Airport by bus

Public transport from the airport to the resort is not provided, with the exception of pre-ordered from the tour operator or a group transfer meeting the party.

Belek resort cannot be reached directly. Using the Havaş buses, you can get to the center of Antalya. Most flights arrive at Terminal 1, the distance between the terminals is rather big.

The Havaş bus stop is located opposite the Domestic departure passenger entrance. After entering the station area, you need to turn right and go along the airport building. According to the schedule, buses No. 600 depart every 30 minutes from 8.00 to 23.00. The exact timetable, corresponding to an interval of half an hour, is indicated on the information boards at the airport.

In addition, taxis also run - Dolmus, which are no different from a regular minibus. They will deliver to the nearest public transport stop. Very often this type of transport is pretty crowded.

The final point of public transport in Belek is a bus stop, it is called Belek Otobüs Durağı. In Antalya, it is best to take a bus or dolmush to Belek in front of the Deepo shopping center, where minibuses and transit buses communicate. These are Belek-Bartin and Belek-Edirne. They run every 45-60 minutes. The latest flights Belek - Bartin: departure at 21.45, arrival in Antalya - 22.21, Belek - Edirne: departure at 21.45, arrival - 23.00. Both routes go through the center of Antalya and are happy to pick up late tourists.

Buying a ticket

You can buy a ticket at the Belek Otobüs Durağı bus stop in Belek or at the Deepo shopping center in the center of Antalya, as well as at the Antalya bus station.


One-way fare on Havas buses is 10 liras (about 3 euros). A trip to the Dolmushi will cost 13 liras (3.8 euros). The price of a bus ticket from the center of Antalya to Belek is 5 liras (1.5 euros).

How to get to Belek from Antalya Airport by taxi

The taxi rank is located right at the exit of the airport on the right. Cars have a characteristic yellow coloring. The parking lot has a Russian-speaking administrator and a stand with all the basic prices. Travel time from the airport to the resort is no more than an hour, depending on the congestion of the route.

Taxi fare

For taxi services, you will need to pay no more than 100 Turkish liras (29-30 euros).

How to get to Belek with a rental car from Antalya Airport

Renting a car at the airport is not difficult. The cost of renting a car per day ranges from 80-100 Turkish liras (23-30 euros) when it comes to a small car.

Isparta Airport

The airport is small, smaller than Antalya Airport, but also has international status. There are more local people at the airport, fewer tourists. There are no problems with taxis, unlike public transport. It is not provided here. Free trade shops are much more modest than in Istanbul and Antalya.

But such beauty can be seen in the province of Isparta:

How to get to Belek from Isparta airport by bus

There are no scheduled buses from Isparta airport to Belek resort. The exception is when the tour operator meets visitors at the airport on a group transfer.

How to get to Belek from Isparta airport by taxi

Travel time from the airport to the resort is 2-2.5 hours, depending on the condition of the roads and the presence of traffic jams.


For a taxi ride, you will have to pay about 500 Turkish liras (145 euros).

How to get to Belek with a rental car from Isparta Airport

The car rental service is located at the airport, the prices for car rental are on the stand and correspond to 80-100 lira (23-30 euros) per day. A car of a higher level than a small and small car will cost 120-150 Turkish liras (35-45 euros).

If you plan your trip in advance, you can avoid many unwanted nuances. This time, although we bought a ticket in a hurry, we finally decided to try to rent a car for free movement around Belek. We didn’t regret it at all, because on the way we managed to enjoy the incredible landscapes and be left to our own devices, we got to the Kursunle waterfall (about 20 km away) - I really liked it! We booked a car the day before departure. We thought about good roaming on the trip in advance, so it was not difficult to book a car. Prices and conditions of this service can be found on special resources on the Internet. You can rent a car here or on other similar sites.

Belek is located 45 km from Antalya, which makes Antalya International Airport the closest airport to the resort. There are several ways to get from Antalya Airport to Belek: order an individual transfer, get to the Antalya bus station, from where you can go to Belek by bus or use a taxi. So, let's go in order: there are many transfer companies operating in the direction of Antalya Airport - Belek, but all of them are united by the fact that the transfer must be ordered in advance by filling out the form on the website or by contacting by phone.

The websites of most companies provide all the necessary information (prices, number of passengers, cars, etc.), for example, Via Transfer -, AntalyaTransfer - and BelekTransfer -

The second way is more economical, but more time and effort consuming, requires you to get to the Antalya bus station, and you can do this by Havas or Antalya Büyükşehir Belediye Otobüsleri buses, as well as a taxi where you can transfer to the bus to Belek.
A taxi ride from the airport to Belek will cost you from $ 80, the cost should be agreed in advance.

In the case of a holiday in Belek, choosing between hotels, villas and apartments, you should probably choose the first ones. Most Belek hotels have 4-5 stars, are located on the 1st line, and have a huge territory often equipped with tennis courts, several swimming pools and, of course, golf courses. The following hotels are considered the best resort hotels: Adam & Eve, Gloria Golf Resort, Rixos Premium, Gloria Verde Resort & SPA, Cornelia De luxe, Susesi De Luxe, Ela Quallity and IC Santai.

There are only a few hotels in the resort and, basically, they are located on the second or even third coastline. Book hotel in Belek It is possible on such Internet resources as: Booking. com or, as well as directly on the site of the selected hotel.

You can choose and book a villa or apartment in Belek on the following sites: VillaRenters ( or AntalyaHomes (, and of course, you should make a reservation in advance, saving your money and time.

Belek Transport

Of the public transport in Belek, there are only dolmushi and taxis. On dolmush you can move around the resort and between the villages of the resort, and some dolmush can even take you to Antalya, Kemer or Side. Please note that dolmush do not run at night, so if necessary, you will have to take a taxi. The fare in dolmush starts from 2 Turkish liras or 1 US dollar. Some hotels provide their guests with free services to Antalya or nearby villages, some hotels charge a small fee for this.

Taxis in Belek look traditional for Turkey - these are yellow cars, which are easy to recognize. The fare should be based on the principle of landing and each subsequent kilometer of the route, but since Belek is a resort town, it is better to agree on the price in advance before landing.

Most of the beaches in Belek are owned by hotels, which makes them free for hotel guests. In addition to a developed infrastructure and a high level of service, the beaches of Belek boast a considerable number of Blue Flags. The coast of Belek stretches for almost 20 km, and pine-eucalyptus forests almost come close to the beaches.

Sandy or sandy-pebbly, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and the water is crystal clear. On the beaches of Belek, sea turtles lay their eggs, so some of the resort's beaches are nature reserves.

There are no cultural and historical attractions directly in Belek or in nearby resort settlements. The only thing that can be classified as a natural monument is the Kapryulu Canyon National Park, which occupies an area of ​​about 500 hectares.

The park is a cypress-eucalyptus forest, where several species of unique birds live, such as Tuto-Alba owl, as well as caretta-caretta turtles. In the park, you can not only walk and enjoy communication with nature, but also go horseback riding, climbing and some water sports, such as rafting on a mountain river.

Not far from Belek is the ancient city of Perge, built in the 7th century BC. Today, only ruins remain of the ancient city, namely the sacrificial altar to Artemis, the ancient city center - Agora, monumental gates, an amphitheater for 12 thousand spectators and the remains of Roman baths.

Also nearby is another ancient city - Aspendos. The main attraction of Aspendos is the well-known ancient theater, built in the 2nd century BC, and capable of accommodating 17,000 spectators and 500 orchestra musicians. To this day, various concerts and festivals are held annually in the theater. In addition to the theater, Aspendos has preserved a stadium, a basilica, 3 necropolises, an agora and baths.

Outbound tours of Belek coincide with outbound tours of other resorts on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, namely: an excursion to Pamukkale and Cappadocia, an excursion to the cities of Demre, Mira and Kekova. They also often offer boat trips and a sightseeing tour of Antalya.

Things to Do in Belek

Belek is a quiet and peaceful resort without a vibrant nightlife, as, for example, in Bodrum or Marmaris, however, Belek cannot even be compared with Antalya or Kemer.

Of course, there are bars and small discos in the resort, but there are no large nightclubs, and, basically, all "life" is concentrated on the territory of hotels. Hotels regularly hold discos on their territory, and large hotels often invite celebrities to concerts. The hotels also offer horseback riding, individual and group sports, water sports and, of course, golf as entertainment.

The best golf courses not only in Belek, but also in Turkey are: National Golf Club, Gloria, Robinson Nobilis and Tat Golf International.

Belek is a very small resort town on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Antalya, which almost entirely consists of large hotels. It is in Belek that "All Inclusive" vouchers are often sold. But what is there to do here, except to spend all the time on the territory of the hotel? You can go to with a lot of entertainment, especially since it is very close. Below I will tell you how you can easily and quickly get from Belek to Antalya.

The distance between the two largest resort towns is only 42 km - mere trifles by Turkish standards.

This is how the route looks on the map:

2. Options for getting there

2.1. By bus

The most "predictable" option: at the bus station in Belek (it is called Belek Otobüs Durağı) buy a ticket and take a bus or minibus to Antalya.

In addition, you can “catch” the right bus at any point of Turizm cadessi street, just by waving your hand. Minibuses in this direction go approximately every 15 minutes. Regular buses (for example, from KamilKoc) - every hour at 8.00, 9.00 and so on until 20.00.

How long does it take to get to Antalya? In time, the journey by bus takes 40-50 minutes, and the cost will cost about 30-40 lira.

By the way, “transit” buses also go through Belek to Antalya - from, and.

2.2. By taxi

In time, a taxi ride to Antalya Airport will take about half an hour and will cost 50-60 lira. I note that Belek is considered an expensive resort relative to the nearest Alanya or. Therefore, taxi services here will cost much more than, say, in Alanya.

If you do not want to look for a taxi in the city, you can pre-book an individual transfer via the Internet at (cost from 40 euro).

2.3. Hotel transfer

Most hotels in Turkey have their own buses that take tourists directly to the airport, so if you need not Antalya itself, but its airport, then you can go on a special transfer. This service must be booked in advance. But if you are on a package tour, then the transfer will already be included in the price of the tour, so you should not worry about it.

And if you need directly to Antalya, then the hotel will offer you a taxi service. As a rule, a taxi from the hotel will cost more than a regular public taxi, which can be hailed on the street.

2.4. As part of the tour

Hotel guides will certainly insist on this option, citing the fact that public transport in Belek runs rarely and is packed to capacity during the season.

In fact, it's not like that at all. The distance between the cities is small, buses and minibuses run regularly in this direction, and the journey itself is inexpensive. In my opinion, it is much more convenient and cheaper to get from Belek to Antalya on your own.

But if you are going to Antalya on specific excursions, and not just walk around or, for example, go to shopping centers, then in some cases it will be more profitable to go on an excursion than to get on your own. Because in the case of an independent trip around Antalya itself, you will also have to move on your own, spend extra time on travel, and as part of the tour, all the logistics have already been thought out for you. The only thing worth considering is that all organized excursions necessarily include shopping, which you may not need at all, and there will be less time for sightseeing.

2.5. By rented car

If you have an international driving license, then renting a car would be an ideal option to travel from Belek to Antalya for one day. You will not be tied to the schedule of transport, and in Antalya it will be much easier to move around than to deal with local transport.

You can see the cost of booking a car and order a car (cars are available in Belek costing from 38 euros per day).

2.6. With fellow travelers

3. Where to buy tickets

Bus tickets can be bought either at the bus station in Belek or directly from the driver.

4. How to get from the Antalya bus station to the city center

The final destination of the bus from Belek to Antalya is the Antalya Otogarı bus station. Although there are also buses that go to the airport or to.

This is how the entrance to the Antalya bus station looks like:

The easiest way to get from Otogar to the city center is by light rail. We leave the bus terminal, focusing on the AntRay signs, turn left and go around the terminal to the tram stop.

In time, a tram ride from Antalya Otogarı to Ismetpasa station in the center of Antalya will take half an hour. Tickets can be bought at the turnstiles at the Otogar tram stop.

Detailed information about the Antalya bus station can be found in the article "".

Just in case: bus number 600 departs from the bus station every 30-60 minutes (Havalimani - Otogar route). Travel time is about an hour, and the regularity of the flight depends on the time of day.

5. Conclusion

In my opinion, it is more convenient and cheaper to get from Belek to Antalya by bus or local minibus. Both transports run regularly and frequently, and in time the journey takes less than an hour. You can take a dolmush or a bus not only at the bus station, but also near the hotel or on the main street of Belek, simply by waving your hand to the driver.

A taxi to Antalya is unreasonably expensive, and the tour involves an unnecessary waste of time collecting passengers from all the hotels along the way and a mandatory visit to Turkish shops.

By the way, if you are just going to Antalya, but have not yet chosen a hotel, then I advise you to look at the hotellook search engine website (there you can find the best offers from 40 booking systems) or choose one of these hotels with a high rating:

How did you get from Belek to Antalya? What excursions did you go on? Write in the comments!