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What sights of Yerevan are worth seeing? Sights of Yerevan. Photo with description on the map of the city, what to see for a tourist Cognac factories "Ararat" and "Noy"

The distances between the main attractions of the capital of Armenia are small, so most tourists who come to prefer to travel on foot. The locals are very friendly and always ready to help you find the right house or street.

Erebuni fortress. Fenya Photos

Yerevan attractions Erebuni fortress.

Almost all travelers who first come to Yerevan try to see the ancient fortress of Erebuni. It was from her that the construction of the city began in the second half of the 8th century. Surprisingly, the location of the historical fortification was only discovered at the beginning of the last century, and before the archaeological excavations, no one knew exactly where it was located. The ruins of the fortress were found under a layer of earth on the Arin-Berd hill. Erebuni fortress on Arin-Berd hill. Today, the reconstructed fortress is open to tourists. It restored palace and outbuildings, places of worship and a powerful citadel. At the foot of the hill there is the Erebuni Museum, which tells about archaeological finds on the site of the ancient city. Here you can see arrowheads, medieval ceramics, bronze objects, jewelry and fragments of wall paintings. The Fortress Museum is open daily, except Monday, from 10.00 to 18.00.


Yerevan attractions Cascade.

Tumanyan Street ends at a natural mountain slope. In the 60s of the last century, the Grand Cascade was built on it, consisting of stands, places for recreation, flower beds and fountains. The Yerevan Cascade is interesting as an original urban planning solution and a place from where a wonderful view of the whole city and the mountains surrounding it opens. You can go upstairs by stairs or escalator.

Collection of sculptures at the Cascade.

Yerevan collection of sculptures near the Cascade.

At the foot of the cascade, festivals and jazz concerts are often held for everyone, and the audience during these performances sits on travertine stands and steps. At the base of the cascade, there is a private collection of sculptures created by the famous Colombian artist Fernando Botero. The collection of sculptures was presented to the city by an American businessman and collector of Armenian origin Gerald Cafesjian.

Hrazdan bridge. Photo from

Yerevan Hrazdan bridge.

Walking around Yerevan, it is interesting to look at the Big Hrazdan Bridge, which hangs over the river flowing through the city. A picturesque bridge structure appeared over a deep gorge in 1954. The single-arch bridge has a length of more than 370 m and rises 60.5 m above the river. Its second name is the Kievyan Bridge.

"Mother Armenia"

Yerevan "Mother Armenia".

In the north, behind Saralanja Street, on the green slopes of the Norskaya Upland, there is a large park of Haghtanak (Victory). This is a great place for walking and getting to know the history and traditions of Yerevan. Pedestrian alleys are laid in the park and there is a picturesque Lake Arevik. There are war memorials in different places in Haghtanak, the most important of which is the majestic monument “Mother Armenia”, installed near the Eternal Flame. A bronze figure of a woman holding a sword rises on a powerful granite base. The monument has a height of 43.5 m. A whole museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War is arranged in its pedestal, and around you can see samples of military equipment.

Tsitsernakaberd. Photo from the site

Yerevan Tsitsernakaberd.

There is a tragic page in the history of the Armenian people that echoes with pain in the hearts of Armenians all over the world. At the beginning of the last century, the Ottoman Empire carried out an unprecedented genocide of Armenians, which resulted in the killing of military and civilians, the destruction of cultural heritage and the mass deportation of the population from the territories of their original residence. As a result, 1.5 million people died - about half of all Armenians living then. On April 24, throughout the country and in the Armenian diaspora around the world, the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Genocide is celebrated. In Yerevan, on the hill of Tsitsernakaberd, a memorial complex dedicated to the tragic page of Armenian history was opened. A memorial stele 44 m high is installed here and the Eternal Flame burns. Nearby you can see a long wall, on which the names of all the settlements where the massacre took place are indicated. In 1995, a museum dedicated to the Armenian Genocide became part of the memorial.

Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator. Photo from the site

Yerevan Temple of St. Gregory the Illuminator.

The largest Armenian temple is the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator. It is also considered one of the largest temples in Transcaucasia. The temple was erected not so long ago, in 2001, to the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity by the country. The huge cathedral complex consists of several churches and includes the cathedral itself, as well as the churches of St. Tiridates III and the Holy Queen Ashkhen. These temples are named after the ascetics who helped Gregory the Illuminator in spreading the Christian faith among the Armenians. The cathedral has an area of ​​3822 m2 and rises 54 meters above the ground.

Church of St. Katoghike Surb Astvatsatsin in the foreground.

Yerevan Church of St. Katoghike Surb Astvatsatsin.

The oldest temple in Yerevan - the Church of St. Katoghike Surb Astvatsatsin (or the Holy Mother of God) - was built in 1264. It endured devastating earthquakes and wars, but was almost completely destroyed in 1936 during a state-led anti-religious campaign. When Armenia gained independence, the old temple was restored and opened to believers in 1995.

Church of Saint Zoravor. Photo from the site

Yerevan Saint Zoravor Church.

Another old Yerevan temple can be seen in the Shaar quarter. This is the church of St. Zoravor, which existed as a monastery complex until the 17th century. In 1679, a terrible earthquake took place in the city, which destroyed many buildings. The temple that has survived to this day was built in 1693 from bright red stone with private donations. At the end of the 19th century, the chapel of St. Ananias was added to it in memory of the tomb of the apostle, which was located here before.

Blue Mosque.

Yerevan Blue Mosque.

Opposite the Central Market rises the building of the Blue Mosque. It appeared in the city in 1766 and today it is a large Muslim complex. The complete reconstruction of the mosque was carried out in the 1990s at the expense of Iran, and now the religious building is used by the Iranian community of Armenia. The facade of the mosque from the side of Mesrop Mashtots Avenue, the dome of the temple and the minaret are decorated with majolica and decorative faience tiles. Blue and blue colors predominate in the color scheme, which is why the mosque got its name - Blue.

Museum Matenadaran.

Yerevan Museum Matenadaran.

Yerevan, as a city with an ancient history, has interesting museum collections. The most unusual museum in Yerevan is Matenadaran, which is located on Mesrop Mashtots Avenue, 59. This is a unique repository of ancient manuscripts, which is the pride of Armenian culture. More than 17 thousand manuscripts written in different languages ​​of the world - Armenian, Greek, Syriac, Persian and Hebrew are stored and studied by specialists in the Matenadaran. The collection continues to grow even today, largely thanks to the representatives of the Armenian diaspora living in the United States and European countries.

National Gallery of Armenia.

Yerevan National Gallery of Armenia.

The main museum of fine arts of the country, the National Gallery of Armenia, operates in Yerevan. It is located in the museum building on Republic Square. The two lower floors of the building are reserved for the national historical museum, and works of art are exhibited in 56 halls located from the third to the eighth floors. In addition to works of Armenian painting and graphics, in the gallery you can see the works of Western European and Russian artists. It is noteworthy that many canvases painted by the famous marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky (Hovhannes Ayvazyan), as well as paintings by Van Dyck and Peter Paul Rubens are kept here. The gallery is open to visitors on all days except Monday: from Tuesday to Saturday from 11.00 to 17.30, and on Sunday from 11.00 to 17.00.

Yerevan national cuisine.

A trip to Yerevan is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the colorful Armenian cuisine. The culinary traditions of Armenia are closely connected with the traditions of hospitality that distinguish the inhabitants of the mountains. Local cuisine is an integral part of the history of this people, and it is as old as the city itself. The Armenian table rarely has less than three courses, and none of the guests is ever left hungry. They like to serve meat treats here, and Yerevan chefs perfectly prepare different types of meat. Since there are no religious prohibitions on the use of any products in the country, you can find dishes from pork, beef, lamb, chicken and venison in the menu of restaurants and eateries in Yerevan.

Perhaps there is no city in the world more hospitable than Yerevan. Attractions, photos with descriptions of which you can find below, are always ready to tell you a little more about this unusual place. The Pink City is the name of the Armenian city. Welcome to the ancient lands of Yerevan and its environs.

Grand Cascade in Yerevan

For many residents of Yerevan, various places in the city are special, but most agree that the Grand Cascade is the main attraction. This masterpiece is located on the Kanaker hills and is an amazing ensemble that skillfully combines fountains, stairs, sculptures, flower beds.

The creation of the architect Tamanyan has become the main miracle of the capital of Armenia. Subsequently, a monument to this man even appeared here. The main purpose of the huge snow-white staircase is to connect the lower part of the city with the upper one. From the height of the attraction, an amazing view of the entire city opens up.

Blue Mosque in Yerevan

On the map of Yerevan, the Blue Mosque in 1768. The shrine was created as a symbol of great friendship between the two peoples - Iranian and Armenian. The attraction is huge, being the largest Muslim cathedral in the entire Caucasus.

The shrine consists of 28 pavilions. It also boasts a minaret, whose height is 24 m.

The highlight of the building is that all the domes are covered with majolica and faience tiles. In the courtyard of the mosque there is a place that Yeghishe Charents considered his favorite and often looked here. In the shade of a mulberry tree, he was very fond of drinking tea.

House Museum of Aram Khachaturian

No city in the Caucasus can boast of such a huge number of attractions as Yerevan. There are unique buildings, monuments and fountains everywhere. The locals consider the house-museum of the wonderful Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian to be a real gem.

Local authorities organized a museum in the building back in 1982, almost immediately after the death of the musician. The house belonged to Aram's brother. Vaghinak and his family lived here for a long time, and Aram often came to visit them.

The composer's music is regularly played in the museum. The director of the institution is the most talented conductor Gohar Harutyunyan.

Yerevan Zoo

Every resident and guest of the city knows about the most fun place in the capital - the Yerevan Zoo. Walking along it is equally interesting and informative for both young visitors and adults.

The first guests appeared at the zoo in 1941. The project was designed by the architect Grigory Aghababyan. More than two and a half thousand animals live on the territory. Also here you can see about 300 species of various reptiles, birds and other representatives of the fauna. The total area of ​​the zoo is 25 hectares. In addition to pet enclosures, there are also various carousels where the smallest visitors can have a great time.

Erebuni Fortress

Around 782 BC, a large fortress appeared on Red Hill. This strategic object served as an observation post for the entire Ararat valley.

The construction of the fortress was led by the ruler of the Kingdom of Van Argishti the First.

According to legend, after the construction was completed, King Argishti declared the city the greatest in the world, where the most proud and unconquered people would live.

Residents of Yerevan believe that more than 2700 years ago, it was within the walls of the Erebuni fortress that the modern capital of Armenia was born. Tourists visiting the city can view with interest the ruins of the citadel and huge walls, the height of which was more than 12 m.

Monument "Mother Armenia"

Armenia, like most neighboring states, felt the horror and grief of the Great Patriotic War. That is why there is a large monument “Mother Armenia” in Yerevan, the height of which is 54 m. The monument is completely made of copper and symbolizes the struggle of the Armenian people against the invaders.

The homeland is depicted by a woman sheathing a sword. The height of the sculpture itself is 22 m. It is installed on a huge 32-meter pedestal. Like most of these attractions, this one has a museum located at the base. There is a huge exposition of objects telling about military events and battles.

Sergei Parajanov Museum

There are many interesting museums in the city of Yerevan that can tell a lot of interesting things, but the museum dedicated to the work of the unique director Sergei Parajanov will be of interest to everyone.

This man was born in 1924, in an Armenian family, in the Georgian city of Tbilisi. He devoted all his work to his historical homeland - Armenia. That is why, in 1991, the Parajanov Museum was opened in Yerevan. The museum is a small house where the director spent his free time. Here is a large exposition of his works of art, beliefs and objects that help to understand the essence of a man of genius.

Monument to David of Sasun

Each guest of the city of Yerevan, who arrives at the railway station, is greeted by a beautiful statue of David of Sassoun. The monument is a huge stone on which stands a rider on a horse. The height of the sculpture, made of forged copper, is 12.5 m, and its weight is more than three and a half tons.

According to folk tales and legends, David was a great hero and hero with unique strength. He helped people and brought good to the world with his deeds.

The whole monument symbolizes determination and valor, which is manifested in the battle with enemies.

Singing fountains in Yerevan

Singing fountains are located on Freedom Square and are located opposite the Museum of Armenia. This miracle of technology was created about 50 years ago. The creation of the attraction was led by the outstanding scientist Abraham Abrahamyan. To look at these beautiful fountains, tourists travel great distances.


On the very bank of the Vorotan River there is a small, but very beautiful and cozy settlement, which is called Sisian. The first attraction is the forty-meter Shaki waterfall, surrounded by grottoes and rocks. Also nearby is an ancient shrine - St. George's Church. It was built back in the distant 7th century.

Around the town of Sisian, rock formations can be seen everywhere. They are engraved with inscriptions and drawings dating back to the second millennium BC.

This concludes our tourist review "Yerevan: sights (photo with description)". Do you know something special about the beauty of the city and its surroundings? Then we are waiting for you with feedback in the comments.

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1. Yerevan Cascade

A giant staircase made of white travertine (572 steps, more than 300 meters) on the slope of the Kanaker hill leading to the majestic obelisk "Reborn Armenia". The cascade was built in Soviet times according to the project of the "father of the city" architect Alexander Tamanyan, in the 2000s it underwent a large-scale reconstruction carried out with the money of an American businessman of Armenian origin Gerard Cafesjian, whose parents emigrated to the United States from Western Armenia (now it is the territory of Turkey), fleeing from genocide.

Coordinates 40.1911, 44.51562.

2. Matenadaran

Matenadaran is a repository of ancient manuscripts and the pride of all Armenians. Inside the cathedral-like building are more than 23,000 manuscripts, documents and maps. It was based on the collection of the Etchmiadzin Monastery, nationalized in 1920. In front of the building there is a statue of Saint Mesrop Mashtots showing his alphabet to a student. In the outer gallery of the Matenadaran there are carved stone tombs and khachkars brought here from all over Armenia.

How to get there: coordinates 40.19193, 44.52085, address st. Mashtots 53. You can get from Place de France by trolleybuses 1 and 9. Working mode: Tue-Sat 10:00-16:30.

Excursions in Armenia from local residents

If there is no car, then to explore the sights of Armenia, it is best to take an individual tour from local residents. Your guides will be writers, artists, photographers, journalists who are in love with their country and know almost everything about it.

In the morning you will be picked up from your hotel in Yerevan, you will be taken to the most interesting places all day long, you will be told many interesting stories and legends, and in the evening you will be returned back - tired, but very satisfied.

At the moment, many different options are offered in Yerevan - both overview and thematic (for example, a tour of "wine" Armenia or the most interesting monasteries). To see all available options, click
View all tours.

At the booking stage, you will need to pay online only 20% of the cost of the tour - give the rest of the amount to the guide before starting it.

3. Tsitsernakaberd

This is one of the most important sights of Yerevan and all of Armenia. In 1964, the leadership of the Armenian SSR turned to Moscow with a request to erect a monument to all the Armenians who fell in the First World War. The then union leadership was not particularly interested in that period of national history and no one was in a hurry to give permission - then on April 24, 1965, for the first time in the Soviet Union, a mass demonstration took place in Yerevan, in which about 100 thousand people participated. In the year of the 50th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, people demanded to build a memorial and perpetuate the memory of the victims.

As a result, the allied leadership gave the go-ahead and a giant Tsitsernakaberd (“Fortress of the Swallow”) complex appeared in the western part of Yerevan, consisting of a stele split in two and an eternal flame framed by a cone of 12 marble slabs. The stele symbolizes Western and Eastern Armenia (Western currently belongs to Turkey), and the plates symbolize the 12 lost regions of the country.

How to get there: coordinates 40.18582, 44.4903, minibuses to the Hamalir stop, on foot through the Hrazdan stadium, or from the Barekamutyun metro station along the Kievyan bridge. Working mode: Tue-Sun 11:00-16:00.

4. Erebuni Fortress-Museum

Erebuni is another source of pride for all Armenians. The fortress dates back to 782 BC. - that is, she is three decades older. And since the age of Yerevan is considered to be from the moment Erebuni was built, it turns out that the capital of Armenia is older than one of the most ancient and great cities in the world. On the territory of the fortress there is a museum where you can get acquainted with the life of the ancient kingdom of Urartu, the predecessor of Armenia.

How to get there: address Erebuni street, 38; coordinates 40.14138, 44.5353. From the metro station "Zoravar Arndranik" you can take trolleybus 2. Working mode: Tue-Sun 10:00-15:00.

5. Lake Sevan

Along with Mount Ararat, Sevan is one of the most famous natural symbols of the country. Therefore, to visit Armenia and not get out to the famous lake for at least half a day means simply not to see Armenia. Sevan is located just 70 km from Yerevan, and almost all of its attractions are very conveniently located along the western (closest to the capital) coast.

If you have time and desire, you can go around the lake, at the same time looking at the landscapes of the Gegharkunik region, in the center of which Sevan is located.

Coordinates: 40.56373, 45.0111 (Sevanavank monastery); 63 km northeast of Yerevan. From the Northern Bus Station of Yerevan, you can take a passing minibus to Dilijan or Ijevan. Stop at the peninsula, from it to the monastery 1 km on foot. Also, minibuses to Sevan go from the Yeritasardakan metro station.

6. Tsaghkadzor

Tsaghkadzor("gorge of flowers") - the only ski resort in Armenia, in the past, the all-Union training center for Olympians. It is a small picturesque village located in a mountain valley. The lifts of Tsaghkadzor also work in the summer - at this time many Yerevan residents come here, escaping from their city melted by the heat.

Coordinates 40.53485, 44.69752; 50 km northeast of Yerevan, 5 km from the city of Hrazdan.

7. Garni pagan temple

The unique temple of the pagan god Mitra is the only one in the Caucasus and in general on the territory of the former USSR. Located in a very picturesque place - on a rocky ledge above the gorge of the Azat River, it looks like a greatly reduced copy of the Athenian Parthenon.

Until the middle of the last century, the temple lay in ruins, until it was restored by Soviet restorers under the leadership of Alexander Saginyan (the original basalt blocks were not found in the required quantity, and new ones were used - and this is very clearly visible).

Coordinates 40.11256, 44.72962; 28 km east of Yerevan. From Yerevan to Garni you can take a passing minibus 255 or 266 to the village of Goght - departure from the Gai Pogots bus station. The cost is 300 drams (ruble/$), travel time is about an hour. Working mode: May-November Tue-Sat 9:00-22:00, Sun until 15:30, December-April Tue-Sat 9:00-17:30, Sun until 15:30.

8. "Monastery of the Spear" Geghard

Geghard- one of the most popular sights of Armenia and a place of religious pilgrimage. The word "gegard" means "spear" - for a long time the monastery kept the tip of the sacred spear, with which the Roman centurion Longinus pierced Jesus crucified on the cross, saving him from torment. The complex is partially located in caves - the churches of the monastery form a single space with them.

Coordinates: 40.14029, 44.81786; 40 km southeast of Yerevan. First, by minibus to Garni, then 8 km on foot or by taxi (3000 drams / 400 rubles / 6.2 $). Working mode: Mon-Sun 08:00-19:00.

9. Khor Virap Monastery

The name of the monastery means "Deep Pit" - it was here that the Christian Grigor languished in the dungeon, after his liberation, he became the baptist of Armenia. Due to its location (almost on the border with Turkey) Khor Virap is perhaps the best observation deck on Mount Ararat, sacred for Armenians. Currently, the mountain is located on Turkish territory, and this fact is extremely painfully perceived by all Armenians - they firmly believe that one day Ararat will again be Armenian.

Coordinates: 39.87819, 44.57575; located 48 km southeast of Yerevan. From Yerevan, you can take a minibus to the city of Artashat - ask the driver to stop at the turn to Khor Virap. From this place to the monastery you need to walk about 4 km. Working mode: daily 9:00-18:00.

10. Areni

Areni is the center of Armenian winemaking. It produces wine from local Areni grapes with the addition of Saperavi. The vineyards are located in the Vayots Dzor valley and their area is very small - so the local wine is produced in relatively small quantities.

Famous Armenian fruit wines are also produced in Areni, as well as sun-dried fruits. Almost all enterprises - both large wineries and small family wineries - offer tastings for tourists.

The sights of the village are located on its northern outskirts - this is the Church of the Virgin with reliefs by the sculptor Momik (1321), the ruins of the palace of Prince Orbelyan of the XIII century and the three-arched bridge of 1280.

How to get there: coordinates 39.72059, 45.1837; 12 km southeast of Yeghegnadzor. You can get there by passing minibus to Goris.

11. Noravank Monastery

Noravank, founded in the 13th century at the end of a narrow long gorge, is one of the most spectacular sights in Armenia. Noravank is especially beautiful at sunset, when the soft light highlights the red rocks surrounding the monastery. A stunningly picturesque road leads from the Yerevan-Goris highway to the monastery, laid among the rocks red from excess iron:

In addition to its natural component, Noravank is known for its collection of Armenian khachkars (stone crosses) - one of the best in Armenia.

How to get there: coordinates 39.68461, 45.23305; 120 km southeast of Yerevan, 8 km southeast of Areni. From the Yerevan Kilikia bus station by minibus to Goris (3000 drams / 400 rubles / $ 6), get off near the turn to Noravank. Then 8 km hitchhiking or on foot. Working hours: daylight hours.

12. Caravanserai of Prince Orbelyan on the Selim Pass

The ancient caravanserai is located on the Selim pass - the highest point of the mountain road connecting the regions of Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor. Once upon a time, the caravan Silk Road passed here, and in 1332, Prince Chesar Orbelyan ordered the construction of a shelter for merchants and travelers on the pass - this is how a basalt structure decorated with bas-reliefs appeared on a mountain plateau blown by all the winds. A three-aisled hall, a vestibule, a chapel and a dwelling with small rooms have survived to this day.

Coordinates: 39.94957, 45.23588. You can drive along the Selim pass only from April to October. In winter, the pass is covered with snow and closed to traffic.

13. Balneological resort Jermuk

"Armenian Borjomi" and simply one of the best water resorts in the Caucasus. Here, in addition to many healing mineral springs (the word Jermuk itself means “hot spring”), such important factors as the predominance of clear weather, the absence of fog in spring and autumn, windless and little snowy winters and exceptionally clean mountain air coincided. All this led to the emergence of the year-round balneological resort Jermuk, the most famous in Armenia.

How to get there: coordinates 39.84038, 45.66625 (Drinking Gallery), 175 km southeast of Yerevan. You can get from Yerevan to Jermuk by bus from the Kilikia bus station.

14. Karahunj

Karahunj are basalt stones, which are often called the "Armenian Stonehenge" because of their location. From a certain angle, boulders look like frozen warriors, so they are often called Zorats Karer - "stone army". Regarding the appointment of Karahunj, scientists do not have a common opinion - whether it is an ancient observatory, or a cemetery, or a cattle pen.

How to get there: coordinates 39.55172, 46.02872, 205 km southeast of Yerevan. You can take any minibus from Yerevan to Goris (ask the driver to drop off at Karahunj) - the complex is located 500 meters from the road.

15. Tatev Monastery

One of the most famous and revered monasteries in Armenia and the most interesting attraction in the southern part of the country. Tatev Monastery is located in the Syunik region of Armenia, 20 km from the city of Goris on a mountain plateau near a cliff, near the village of the same name. It was built in the 9th-13th centuries, although it was founded much earlier - in the 4th century. Already in the 10th century, the Tatev monastery had about a thousand inhabitants and was the largest among the 48 monasteries of the Syunik kingdom.

Not far from the monastery is the world's longest reversible cable car "Wings of Tatev".

How to get there: coordinates 39.37963, 46.24814; 250 km from Yerevan and 20 km from Goris. From Yerevan by minibus from the Kilikia bus station to Goris, then by taxi to the monastery. Working mode: Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00 (in winter 10:00-18:00).

Opening hours of the Wings of Tatev cable car: from 9:00 to 19:45 (19:45 is the departure time of the last car from the Tatev station), the cable car does not operate on Mondays.

16. Cave city Khndzoresk

An ancient city-fortress, where people lived permanently in the middle of the last century. Khndzoresk is located 10-15 minutes by car from Goris in the direction of the Karabakh border. It was probably difficult to choose a place more inconvenient for living, but for people who lived in these parts two hundred years ago, “convenience” was not the main criterion for assessing the suitability of housing - the main goal was to survive during the permanent invasions of the Gentiles.

In addition to the recently inhabited caves, Khndzoresk is known for a very picturesque suspension bridge over the gorge.

How to get there: coordinates 39.50456, 46.43505. From Yerevan, from the Kilikia bus station, by minibus to Goris, then by taxi to the cave city. Working hours: daylight hours.

17. Memorial of the defense of Mount Musa Dag (Musaler)

In 1915, at the height of the deportations and murders of Armenians by the Turks, the inhabitants of several Armenian villages in Cilicia (currently on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey) were ordered by the Ottoman authorities to prepare for deportation. The inhabitants of the villages, having already heard about the atrocities of the Turks, refused to obey and went to the top of Mount Musa-Dag - only about 5 thousand people. Despite the lack of weapons, they held the defense against the regular units of the Turkish army for almost two months, inflicting serious damage on them. The Armenians who survived this heroic defense were saved by a French cruiser passing by.

Coordinates: 40.17063, 44.37203; near the village of Ptgunk.Opening hours: Tue-Sun 9:30-17:30.

18. Temple of Zvartnots

Ruin Zvatnotsa(“Temple of the Vigilant Angels”) are located in the very place where, according to legend, the meeting of the Armenian king Trdat III with Gregory the Illuminator, later the “baptist” of Armenia and its first Catholicos, took place.

The temple was built in 643-652 by Catholicos Nerses III the Builder - it turned out so well that the Byzantine emperor Constans II, who was present at the consecration of the temple, wished to build something similar.

Coordinates: 40.16064, 44.33616; 10 km west of Yerevan.Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00, Sun until 15:00.

19. Churches of St. Hripsime and Gayane in Vagharshapat

It is not for nothing that Vagharshapat is called the “city of three churches”. In addition to the main monastery for all Armenians, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, there are two ancient churches dedicated to the virgin martyrs Hripsime and Gayane. Both churches are considered masterpieces of Armenian architecture and are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Church of Saint Hripsime was built in 618 in honor of one of the 40 Christian virgins who came to Armenia from the Roman Empire in the hope of getting rid of persecution. But Hripsime had the misfortune to please the then king of Armenia Trdat III. The monarch wished her to be his wife - and when Hripsime answered that "belongs only to Christ", he was offended and ordered to stone her to death. Then, according to legend, the loving king fell into madness, from which only the Christian Grigor, who until then had been languishing in prison, could cure him. Having been healed, the king himself became a devout Christian, and Gregory became the Illuminator and “baptist” of Armenia.

Church of Saint Gayane was built in honor of the abbess of those 40 Christian virgins, also killed on the orders of the touchy Trdat. The church is valuable because it has survived to this day almost in its original form - the relics of St. Gayane rest in its crypt.

Saint Hripsime church coordinates: 40.16699, 44.30946; 1.5 km east of Holy Etchmiadzin (on the way to Yerevan).

Saint Gayane church coordinates: 40.1575, 44.29184, 200 meters south of Holy Etchmiadzin.

20. Holy Etchmiadzin

Etchmiadzin- this is a kind of "Armenian Vatican", here is the main temple of all Armenians, Mayar-Tachar ("Mother Church"). By the way, the town itself, which was called Echmiadzin in Soviet times, was renamed Vagharshapat in 1995.

The name Echmiadzin is translated from Armenian as "The Descent of the Only Begotten". According to legend, Saint Gregory the Illuminator could not choose a place for the temple for a long time. And then he had a vision in a dream: in a ray of light, the Only Begotten Son of God (Miatsin) descended to earth from heaven. In his hand he held a golden hammer - hitting the ground with it, he indicated the place for the future temple.

Coordinates: 40.16183, 44.29111, 15 km from Yerevan. It can be reached by minibuses and bus 111 from the Kilikia bus station. Taxi from Yerevan 3000 drams (400 rubles / $ 6.3). Working mode: cathedral Mon-Sun 7:00-20:00; museum Tue-Sat 10:30-17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00, ticket 1500 drams / 200 rubles / $ 3.15.

21. Historical and Archaeological Museum "Metsamor"

Here are the archaeological artifacts discovered during the excavations of the ancient settlement Metsamor. In the 4th-2nd millennium BC, there was a relatively highly developed economic and cultural center here - the city had a large fortress, an observatory in the form of a ziggurat pyramid, and a large temple complex.

Dedicated to the battle that took place on May 21-28, 1918 between the Armenian militia and the regular Turkish army that invaded Eastern Armenia. Given the genocide that the Turks inflicted on the Armenians in Western Armenia, this battle was not for freedom and independence, but for the very right to life. The Armenians won and saved Eastern Armenia from the fate of Western. In terms of its place in national historiography and self-consciousness, Sardarapat for Armenians is about the same as Stalingrad for Russians.

Coordinates: 40.08989, 43.95594, located near the village of Araks, 45 km from Yerevan, 10 km southwest of Armavir. Working mode: Tue-Sun 9:00-17:30. It is better to explore the museum complex with a guided tour.

23. Mount Aragats

Aragats(4090 m) - the highest mountain of modern Armenia (Ararat is de facto Armenian now). According to legend, Aragats was the sister of Ararat, but one day they quarreled and were separated forever. Around the mountain is the marz (region) of Aragatsotn, known for its stunning landscapes and interesting sights - the "fortress in the clouds" Amberd (IMHO, these are the most impressive ruins of Armenia), the Kari-Lich mountain lake (the only place above 3000 meters, which can be reached by ordinary car), Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory and others.

Amberd fortress coordinates: 40.38961, 44.22581.

Lake Kari Lich coordinates: 40.47377, 44.18447.

Byurakan coordinates: 40.33084, 44.27342.

24. Haghpat Monastery

Haghpat is considered one of the most "landscape" monasteries in Armenia - it rises on a mountain plateau above the Yerevan-Tbilisi highway. In 1768-1795, the great Armenian poet Sayat Nova lived in the monastery, exiled here by the Georgian king Erekle II from. Upon learning of the Persian invasion of Tiflis, Sayat Nova left the monastery and went to the Georgian capital to save his family. He succeeded - but the poet himself was killed by the Persians on Tbilisi's Meidani Square.

Haghpat Monastery is famous for its ancient khachkars – among which is the khachkar of Christ the Savior, an internationally recognized masterpiece of Armenian stone cutters.

How to get there: coordinates 41.09371, 44.71198. Minibus to Alaverdi from the Northern Bus Station of Yerevan and from the Zoravar Andranik metro station, then a taxi to the monastery. Opening hours: 08:00-19:00.

25. Sanahin Monastery

The monastic complex Sanahin of the 10th-13th centuries rises on a mountain plateau above the gorge of the Debed River. Sanahin is located not far from the Haghpat monastery and is very similar in appearance - for this reason, these two monasteries are often combined into a single tourist and pilgrimage route.

Yerevan is the largest and one of the oldest cities in Armenia, where one third of the country's population lives. Yerevan is several centuries older than Rome itself, and is a cultural and historical center. The sights of Yerevan are worth visiting for every curious tourist. And also plunge into the culture, tasting the local cuisine and learning about the camp from local guides.

What to see in Yerevan?

The main and most interesting sights of the city with photos and descriptions.

1. Republic Square

Republic Square is one of the most visited attractions in Yerevan, which attracts tourists not only during the day, but also at night. This part of the city can boast of its attractiveness at any time. The square embodies the central part of the city, and was built in the middle of the 20th century. From all sides, the square is surrounded by government buildings made of beautiful stone - pink and white tuff. The bases are made of a stronger and more durable material - black basalt. There is a beautiful fountain in the middle of the square. It is he who looks best at night, as it has a beautiful backlight that automatically turns on when darkness comes. Visit the square during the day and at night and see for yourself its many-sided beauty.

2. Big Cascade

The Grand Cascade is the most beautiful and famous symbol of Yerevan, known far beyond the borders of the country. It is he who is depicted on most souvenirs and which is recommended to visit in the first place. Endless stairs go up to the top of the hill. Along the way, flower beds and small fountains will come across. As you rise, the panorama of the city will expand. And from the highest point, a fabulous view of the Ararat ridge with its snow-capped peaks opens up. This landmark of Yerevan has a rather long history. They began to build it back in the 70s, but did not have time to finish it. And only thanks to a patron from America, the Cascade was completed. The presence of a large number of modern sculptures and an escalator attracts tourists to this huge object.

3. Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque is one of the architectural monuments of Yerevan, which is very popular among tourists. This is the only surviving mosque in the city. Erected back in 1766 according to the project and decree of the Persian Khan, the mosque was much larger. But in the course of history, earthquakes destroyed three of the four minarets. The remaining minaret in Soviet times served as a museum of the city and at the same time a planetarium. Only thanks to this it has been perfectly preserved to this day. Currently, the mosque serves its intended purpose, and is visited by Iranian Muslims. It is recommended that you cover your shoulders and legs before visiting the mosque. This is a mandatory rule for all mosques; without it, entry to the temple is prohibited. The temple is open to everyone every day.

4. Erebuni Fortress

The ancient fortress is located very close to the city, in the Ararat valley, and is the first capital of the ancient people of Urartu. The date of the construction of the fortress is attributed to the foundation of Yerevan, and presumably this happened in the 7th century BC. Already at that time, the ancient people handled the stone perfectly, and at one time built an impregnable fortress that protected them for a very long time. Modern archaeologists constantly find interesting artifacts that tell in more detail about how Urartu lived and what type of activity they were engaged in. More details about the history of the fortress and the people who lived at that time can be heard on an excursion to the local history museum. This is a must visit place in Yerevan!

5. Mother Armenia

Among the symbolic sights of Yerevan, Mother Armenia occupies a special place. The majestic monument rose over the city back in 1950 in memory of the Great Patriotic War. The victory over fascist Germany was hard for all the republics of the Soviet Union, and was especially destructive for Armenia. The Mother Armenia monument towered 54 meters above the city and is located in the central park "Victory". The monument is so large that a museum dedicated to the events of the Second World War and the Karabakh conflict is perfectly located inside it. Also, tourists can observe samples of weapons that were used during the hostilities.

Armenians are quite talkative and can tell a lot of interesting stories, just ask about interesting events.

6. Singing fountains

Singing fountains were among the most popular tourist places in Yerevan. The attraction is located on the main square of the city and was built by a local brilliant architect back in the late 60s of the last century. Scientists from all over the Soviet Union were invited to the construction of the fountain, but they were headed by the architect and doctor of technical sciences Abram Abrahamyan. For a long time they were the decoration of the city, until with the advent of 2007 they began to collapse. Only thanks to French financial support, the Singing Fountains were completely restored, and they again decorate the main square of the city and create a melody that is pleasant to the ear. They work from late May to October and delight tourists with their unusual sounds and shapes.

7. Sergei Parajanov Museum

A talented avant-garde director of Soviet cinema lived and worked during the Soviet era. It was Parajanov who glorified Armenian films not only throughout the entire union, but also far beyond the borders of a large country. He was born and lived almost his entire adult life in Tbilisi. He created many brilliant paintings, and when the genius died in 1991, a museum was opened in Yerevan, dedicated to both creativity and the master himself. Arriving at the museum, you can get acquainted with the works that he photographed throughout his life, as well as with his personal belongings. It is easy enough to imagine what difficulties he faced during his work. The museum tried to recreate Parajanov's apartment as accurately as possible, completely repeating the fashion of that time.

8. Yerevan Zoo

The zoo in Yerevan begins its story in 1941, almost on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. During its long existence within its walls, it collected a very large variety of animals, about 300 species, and gave them excellent living conditions. Today, the zoo has about 3,000 guests, attracting not only local residents, but also tourists from all over the world. For most pets, the most natural conditions have been created, and predators have been allowed to hunt for their future food. This prevents them from getting bored and gradually turning into dull animals. The zoo is quite large, and covers an area of ​​25 hectares. This is the best attraction in Yerevan to visit with children.

9. Yerevan History Museum

If you are interested in history, then be sure to visit the Yerevan History Museum. It is located opposite the central square and the singing fountain, and combines an art gallery and a museum in one building. In its rooms equipped with expositions, it is easy to trace the history of the city from its foundation in the 7th century BC to the present day. The museum is so big that you can walk in it for several hours. An interesting excursion will tell you about the most important events that took place in the city. The numbers alone can tell a lot: 400 thousand various exhibits and artifacts. And shoes, which, according to experts, are more than 5,000 years old, are considered the oldest in the world.

10. Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator

The Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator is a majestic architectural landmark of Yerevan, built in 2001. This huge temple in the heart of the city attracts not only believers and pilgrims, but also ordinary tourists who hunt in search of new experiences. Due to the correct geometric shapes, the external appearance of the cathedral looks quite severe. But inside it is an ordinary Armenian church. If you are lucky, you will be able to watch the local wedding ceremony and hear the sounds of a real organ.

11. Matenadaran Museum

This museum in Yerevan is already unusual in that it contains 17 thousand of the most diverse handwritten manuscripts in its vaults. Yes, you understood correctly, Matenadaran is nothing more than a museum of ancient manuscripts found not only on the territory of modern Armenia. You can also see here 2000 old leather-bound handwritten books, written in a single copy. This treasure trove of knowledge used to belong to scientists, philosophers and alchemists of their time, and got to the museum in a variety of ways. Some of them were found during excavations, and some were donated by people. The museum keeps within its walls the very first scripts of the Armenian language and shows how the very first handwritten font looked like.

12. Park of Lovers

Don't know what to see in Yerevan, but are you already planning a visit to this hospitable city? Then read our review about the most popular sights of Yerevan, and you can make an excursion route yourself.

What to see in Yerevan first of all?

1. Complex "Cascade"

Complex "Cascade" of five open terraces

A unique architectural composition that unites two parts of the city. This landmark of Yerevan, located on the top of the Kanaker hills, includes flower beds, artificial fountains, sculptural compositions (including a monument to the architect Tamanyan) and stair structures, artistically designed and arranged according to a certain system. There is also a main building and a memorial erected in honor of the Armenians who fell from the 1915 genocide.

2. Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex

View of the Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex

More than 50 years ago, a memorial was erected on the top of Mount Tsitsernakaberd in honor of one and a half million Armenians who died from the Turkish genocide. Today it is a sacred place of pilgrimage for many thousands of believers from all over the world.

3. Republic Square

Oval Republic Square with fountains singing in the evenings

The real decoration of the square is the main clock of the state with bells and 2750 small fountains. If you do not know what to see in Yerevan in 1 day, come here. Within walking distance from each other are: the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Post of Armenia, the Government building with the city chimes and the National Museum of History. By the way, if you are interested in the best hotels in Yerevan, Marriott Armenia will offer its services here.

4. Armenian government building

The facade of the building of the government of Armenia overlooks the Revolution Square

Luxurious polygonal building with a spacious courtyard. The building with a basalt base was erected from white and pink felsic tuff. The interior space is reserved for a reception hall, a press center and rooms for government meetings. In addition to the meetings themselves, exhibitions are often held here for residents and guests of the city.

5. Charles Aznavour Square

Charles Aznavour Square is named after the famous chansonnier GeoO

Let's continue to make a rating from the story of the one that is especially loved not only by tourists, but also by the people of Yerevan themselves. About 15 years ago, the beautiful semicircular square was renamed in honor of an honorary citizen of the country - Charles was personally present at its re-opening. The central part is decorated with 12 fountains. There are also majestic statues of a bull and a spider, a huge chessboard. In good weather, youth holidays, shows and performances of rock bands are held on the square.

Check out the beautiful places of Yerevan in this wonderful video!

6. Northern Avenue

Northern Avenue - a pedestrian street for shopping enthusiasts Dmitry Karyshev

The entire avenue is entirely a zone for pedestrians. On the left and right sides there are high-rise buildings with bars, souvenir shops, restaurants and business centers. All high-rise buildings are finished with pink tuff and travertine. The width and length of the pedestrian street is 10 m and 1.5 km. respectively. Travel along this avenue, we especially recommend shopping lovers.

7. Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque symbolizes the fortress of the Armenian-Iranian friendship

The territory of the temple complex is about 7 thousand square meters. m. This includes: a library, a minaret, a dome, an exhibition hall, a ritual building and a well-groomed courtyard. The only Muslim cathedral in Armenia got its name due to the lining of the corresponding color. Whatever religion you are, you should not refuse to go to the Blue Mosque. As the reviews say, here every tourist feels calm and happy.

8. Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator

Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in one of the picturesque parks of the city

Your trip to the capital cannot be complete until you visit one of the most imposing and significant sites in the city. Inside the cathedral, relics are kept, formerly located in the Naples monastery and associated with St. Gregory the Illuminator. The buildings of the temple have a picturesque and incredibly breathtaking view, including because they are located against the backdrop of mountain peaks.

9. St. Zoravor Church

Altar in the Church of St. Zoravor Diego Delso

An ancient medieval temple with a well-groomed territory has a strict appearance and no less ascetic interior decoration. In the halls of the three-nave basilica without domes, under the foundation slab, the relics of the Apostle Ananias, who founded the church of St. Zoravor in the 7th century. The vestibules are decorated with domed belfries, the walls - with khachkars of the 17th century.

10. Monument "Mother Armenia"

The monument "Mother Armenia" was erected in 1967 in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War

To search for this architectural and historical monument, the recommendations of the navigator and you do not need. The statue, 22 meters high, rises on a pedestal more than 50 meters high: you can see it from anywhere in the capital. The pedestal is made of black granite with carved patterns, "Mother Armenia" itself is made of forged copper.

11. Matenadaran

Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran named after St. Mesrop Mashtots

It is impossible to call the Matenadaran an ordinary museum. The ancient exhibits presented are examples of ancient medicine and art, handicraft and science, and the first written language. It is in this research center that the most ancient manuscripts of the Armenian people are kept.

12. Sculpture "Smoking Woman"

Sculpture "Smoking woman" in the Cafesjian Art Center (Cascade) Dmitry Karyshev

One of the three sculptures by the famous master Fernando Botero, made in the form of a rather well-fed naked lady, reclining with a cigarette in her hands on her stomach. If you are interested in the best sights of Yerevan, be sure to come and see her, the Colombian Botero is one of the highest paid contemporary sculptors in the world.

13. Yerevan brandy factory "ArArAt"

The building of the Yerevan brandy factory "ArArAt" Vicuna R

Visitors are invited to buy and taste local alcoholic drinks, watch the process of their production and listen to the history of the founding of the legendary company. Even if you have no desire to inspect cognac barrels in the cellar or visit tasting rooms, come to this factory by all means. You will be able to walk along the alley of evergreen trees of the patio, planted by the honored guests of the plant.

14. Yerevan Railway Station

Yerevan railway station stands on David of Sasun Square Clay Gilliland

The majestic monument of Sasuntsi David, a masterpiece of Armenian architecture, rises on the forecourt square. The modern Yerevan railway station can be called a complex with a long history. The main building with an administrative building and side porticos is made of pink tuff, which is familiar to the capital. External cornices and columns attract attention with decor - stone bunches of grapes and national Armenian ornaments.

15. History Museum and Art Gallery of Armenia

Historical Museum and Art Gallery of Armenia on Republic Square Rita Willaert

One of those sights where you should go in Yerevan with a guide. The fact is that almost all the signatures of the expositions are presented not in English or Russian, but in Armenian. The museum shares a common area with a gallery of unique paintings. Its territory is divided into several departments, including the department of historical architecture, numismatics, ethnography and archeology. The samples belong to completely different eras - from the Stone Age to the end of the 19th century.

16. Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater

South facade of the Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater and Freedom Square

A wonderful place for those who are passionate about music and do not know what to visit in Armenia. If you don't want to buy fairly inexpensive tickets for opera and ballet performances, enjoy the unique architectural look of the building. Nearby there is a beautiful square, many outdoor cafes, playgrounds and the most beautiful Freedom Square in the city.

17. Sergei Parajanov Museum

The museum is dedicated to the avant-garde director who made Armenian cinema famous all over the world Սէրուժ

It is most interesting to visit this private museum as part of an excursion group. The two-story building is located above the gorge, thanks to which wonderful panoramic views open from the windows. The house was built for the great director, but he did not have time to live there. More than one and a half thousand exhibits and exhibition archives are related to the life, work and thoughts of Parajanov.

18. Dalan Art Gallery

Entrance to Dalan Armineaghayan Art Gallery building

In addition to permanent exhibitions of post-Soviet masters of art, temporary exhibitions of artists of our time are held here. In the art halls it is offered not only to enjoy the paintings, but also to taste national dishes and buy traditional souvenirs.

19. Megerian Carpet Museum

Armenian carpets from different schools Lori-m

The collection features over 50 rare ancient carpets, including a unique hand-woven carpet from the 17th century. During the tour, you can hear a lot of fascinating stories about the production of products, as well as buy your favorite carpet from natural materials or place an order for its creation (the cost of offers is different). All products are woven exclusively by hand. Master classes are held for those wishing to try their hand at weaving carpets. The complex combines a restaurant, a museum, a shop and a factory. You can try baking lavash, or just enjoy national dishes and drinks, dance and listen to music.

20. Flea market "Vernissage"

Handmade dolls at the Vernissage flea market

By visiting such and interesting places in Yerevan, it is impossible to leave the capital empty-handed. It offers handmade dolls beloved by tourists, national musical instruments, plates, dishes, paintings, carpets, ceramics, board games, wood products. There are also antiques. The cost of products in most cases is affordable and low (if we are not talking about collectible items, which are also quite a few here). Market hours are every day. However, we recommend coming here on Saturday and Sunday - the number of goods will be maximum.

Sights of Yerevan: what else to visit in Yerevan?

We told you about the main attractions of Yerevan briefly. Apart from these, you should also visit:

21. Yerevan Zoo

Vultures at Yerevan Zoo Tiia Monto

The zoo was built over 75 years ago. Now more than 200 species of various inhabitants live on an area of ​​​​25 hectares. You can look at animals and birds, take pictures with them. In addition, the landscaped park offers plenty of entertainment for guests of all ages. The zoo has an excellent reputation, thanks to the cleanliness of the picturesque territory, the well-groomed animals and the impressive size of their enclosures.

22. Park of lovers

Waterfall in the Park of Lovers iretina

A wonderful public place for recreation, in the amphitheater of which exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, and musical performances are regularly held. One of the decorations of the park is a sculpture in honor of G. Emin. The landscaped area has a small outdoor restaurant, fountains, sculptures and an artificial lake with several islands. For all guests of the park of lovers free Wi-Fi is distributed. The main author of the project is the famous Swiss Pierre Rembach.

23. Erebuni Fortress

Ruins of the ancient city in the Ararat valley

The “bloody” fortress got its name due to the fact that it is located on the top of the Arin-Berd hill, covered with poppies. During the flowering of plants, the mountain seems to be covered in blood. Arriving to inspect the fortress city, you should visit its museum - here are exhibits that tell about the traditions and life of the culture of Urartu. At the foot of the mountain there are many unusual monuments (modern sculptural compositions). From the fortress itself you can see panoramic views of Ararat and the capital.

24. Khor Virap

Khor Virap Monastery against the backdrop of Mount Ararat

Armenian temple, located near the border with Turkey. One of the reasons for its fame is its location near Ararat. It was at the foot of the biblical mountain that Noah ended up on his ark after the Great Flood. Visitors are invited to take part in the ceremonies of releasing snow-white doves, it is possible to visit the historical underground dungeon in which St. George the Illuminator, and to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.

25. Church of St. Anne

Church of St. Anna in the Kentron district of Yerevan city Valen1988

The real treasury of cultural objects of Armenia and ancient monuments is the ancient city of Yerevan. The mountains surrounding the capital frame the urban landscapes with a picturesque frame, and the best way to relax in nature is to go outside of Yerevan. But having limited time to get acquainted with the city, it is still worth starting with the city's historical monuments and shrines. Church of St. Anne - a new building, 2015. The design of the temple of light stone in the traditional style of Armenian architecture conveys a certain spirit of antiquity. The building is located in the Kentron area next to the 12th century Katoghike Church. The original project of the building belongs to the architect V. Movsisyan - it was according to his idea that the Church of St. Anna is located next to the old chapel, and visually, as it were, “embraces” the ancient shrine. The construction is a one-domed temple in the shape of a cross.

26. Freedom Square

Freedom Square and the southern facade of the Opera House building in Yerevan Spetsnaz 1981

Golden autumn is an epithet that best describes the second autumn month in Yerevan: the yellowing foliage gives local parks and squares a special charm. And in October, the citizens celebrate the birthday of Yerevan - one of the favorite local holidays, when interesting events are held in various parts of the capital, and one of the epicenters of the holiday falls on Freedom Square. Knowing this, visitors do not hesitate for a long time what to see in Yerevan in October , and plan a trip in such a way as to visit Freedom Square on the days of the holiday. This is a cozy place in the heart of Yerevan, where the main salt of the city's attractions is concentrated - for example, here you can see the Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater, a number of monuments to cultural figures, there is even a small lake called Swan, which in winter becomes a big skating rink. There are also a number of cafes and restaurants here - in a word, this is the best district of Yerevan for exploring the Armenian capital.

27. House Museum of Aram Khachaturian

The house-museum of the Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian in the center of the Armenian capital Yerevan Armineaghayan

The capital of Armenia is full of contrasts - the haunted places of Yerevan coexist with cultural institutions, and a network of ancient streets with colorful oriental architecture is woven into modern city blocks. One of the precious pearls of Yerevan is the house-museum of the great composer Aram Khachaturian, who is especially revered in Armenia as the author of world-famous musical works and as a genius who opened a fundamentally new look at the ancient folk music of Armenia. The museum was created in 1982 after the death of the composer in the very center of the capital, so that the glory of the musical genius would not fade for many years. These walls contain the most valuable exhibits reflecting the life of the composer - these are things from his personal office, letters, and photographs. There is even a personal conductor's baton and a piano, behind which the composer worked. The museum has a library with a collection of scores.

Exposition halls of the Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan Armineaghayan

Usually tourists try to come to Yerevan in spring or summer, but what to see in Yerevan in winter? Winter for Armenia is a low tourist season, but some tourists like it. Fortunately, in winter, the museums of Yerevan work as usual and you can combine business with pleasure, escaping from the winter cold during an educational excursion. For example, visit the Museum of Russian Art, whose exposition is based on the collection of the famous doctor and public figure Aram Abrahamyan. Here is presented the best period in the history of Russian art, in which the masters of the Russian art school of world renown created their masterpieces. The museum was founded in 1984, located on the first floor of one of the most beautiful city buildings. The basis of the exposition is the work of 120 painters of the period of the 19th-20th centuries, while many of the works are grouped according to associations in which the artists were members during their lifetime.

29. House Museum of Martiros Saryan

House-museum of the outstanding artist of the 20th century Martiros Saryan in Yerevan Sophie Sarian
Collection relating to the life and work of the famous Armenian artist M. Saryan Armineaghayan

Another cultural institution deserves to be included in the top 10 sights of Yerevan - the house-museum of Martiros Saryan, which is a collection of works of fine art by the great Armenian artist. Saryan was a master of decorative landscapes, colorful still lifes, characteristic portraits, theatrical scenery and literary illustrations. For a special style of writing, this artist was called a master of solar art. In total, Saryan wrote about 5 thousand works, which are now presented in many museums in Russia and Armenia. But those works that are shown in the House-Museum are quite enough to study the creative path of the master. On the first floor of the building there are graphic sketches, illustrations, sketches for scenery, as well as a memorial room with the painter's personal belongings. The second floor - the main masterpieces of the author - landscapes, portraits, still lifes. The third floor shows the earliest period of his work.

30. Museum of Modern Art

Collection of Armenian sculpture and painting of the 20th and 21st centuries at the Preacher Lad Museum of Modern Art

July is a sunny time in Yerevan, it's time for out-of-town trips to nature. Guests of the capital will not have to choose for a long time what to see in Yerevan in July - the choice of destinations is very large. These are the waterfalls of Dzhemruk, and mineral springs, and the enchanting forests of Dilijan, and much more interesting things. But a country trip can be supplemented with an evening promenade along city avenues, when the heat of the day leaves and the long-awaited coolness sets in. On Republic Square - admire the magnificent show of singing fountains, or dilute a serene rest with an educational visit to the Museum of Modern Art. Delving into history, it is worth noting that the museum was founded in the 1970s solely on donations from artists. Today, one of the largest collections of Armenian painting and sculpture of the 20th-21st centuries is kept in these walls. And at the heart of the exposition are the works of the “sixties”, from which the museum collection was born.

We will be glad if the sights of Yerevan indicated by us, the photos with the names and descriptions of which you have now seen, will interest you and your family.