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Italy Lazio region. Regions of Italy. Region of Lazio Brief history of Lazio

If you want to visit the sea in Italy, and just have a good vacation, you should pay attention to Lazio. There are not only excellent sea beaches, but also quite decent coasts near lakes and rivers. In addition, Italy, and Lazio in particular, is very rich in historical sites and sights, so there is definitely something to see here.

Where is?

Lazio (Italy) is a large region located in the central part of the country. Its capital is also located in it - the great city of Rome with many temples, cathedrals, fortresses, terms and other historical sights.

The total area is more than 17 thousand km2. The territory runs along the Apennine Mountains and the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. In total, the region includes 5 provinces:

  1. Frosione.
  2. Latina.
  3. Rieti.
  4. Viterbo.

Also, the state of the Vatican is completely surrounded by the lands of Lazio.

How to get there?

Since Lazio is a region in central Italy, you can only get here by plane, which lands at the airport in Rome, or by car, having made a small rally. There is another option with the train, but due to transfers and the rather high cost of tickets, it is practically unsuitable for consideration. For Europeans, there are many more options available, such as cruise ships, trains, planes, buses and, of course, personal transport. Among the Italians themselves, there is even a saying that, they say, all roads lead to Rome.


The easiest way to get to the center of Italy - Lazio - is by plane. You can fly from Moscow in just 3 hours 55 minutes, which, in principle, is not so much. The cost of a one-way ticket starts from 4,500 rubles, but, as a rule, these are flights with one or two transfers. For a direct flight, you need to pay a little more than a thousand on top. Basically, the basic price tag for a non-stop flight varies within a radius of 12-15 thousand rubles.


Owners of a private car can also go to Italy, to Lazio, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the road will require considerable fuel costs. The journey from Moscow to Rome will take approximately 31 to 35 hours, excluding rest stops. It is also worth remembering that in Europe there are tolls on many roads, and the price for it is different everywhere, it all depends on the country.

As for the journey itself to this region in Italy (Lazio), after leaving Moscow, the path will pass through Belarus. Next, you need to drive through the territory of Poland, then the Czech Republic, Austria and, finally, Italy.


It's time to tell a little more about the central region of Italy - Lazio.

Its population is 5 million 870 thousand people, most of whom are immigrants from other countries. The main share falls, of course, on Rome. Over 4 million people live there.

The climate in the region is quite mild and favorable. The average air temperature in summer reaches 25-26 degrees Celsius. In winter, the thermometer does not fall below +9.

The main activity in the region is the service sector, which is quite logical. Every year, the capital of Italy - Rome, which is located in Lazio - is visited by more than 7 million people, and in order to ensure a comfortable stay, it is necessary to create high-quality conditions. The biggest tourist boom came in 2012, when more than 40 million tourists visited these places.

Agriculture is also very well developed in Lazio. Preference, of course, is given to the cultivation of olives and grapes, from which Italian fine wines are made.

Housing and prices

Another rather serious issue that should be paid attention to is accommodation in Lazio. As mentioned earlier, the region consists of 5 provinces. Accordingly, in order to find a more profitable and interesting offer, it is worth considering all the options. More on this below.


It is located in the northern part of Rome. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi and furnished. There is a private bathroom with all amenities. There is also a bar and a shared terrace where you can sunbathe.

As for the price, a classic double room for 10 days will cost 18 thousand rubles, and this is without taking into account the city tax of 3 euros per night per person. Thus, if you rest alone, then another 30 euros will have to be added to 18 thousand, and if together, then this is already 60 euros.


Living in Frosion will be something similar to Rome. The conditions and service here are about the same, but the price tag is slightly higher. For a double room with a huge bed and all the amenities at the Waterfall B & B, including a separate dining area and kitchenette, they ask for a little more than 2000 rubles. per night. Rest for 10 days will cost 21,842 rubles. and you don't have to pay any city taxes.


The city of Latina attracts vacationers primarily with a relaxing holiday, classic Italian cuisine and the sea coast. Prices here are much higher than in Rome. So, for a ten-day vacation in a breakfast + bed hotel with all possible amenities, you will have to pay almost 39 thousand rubles. In fairness, it should be noted that although this is a budget option, the service and comfort at the hotel are at a very high level. There are even electric blankets.


Rieti can offer tourists gourmet cuisine, a quiet and relaxing holiday, and the opportunity to admire the old town. Rieti, by the way, has the smallest number of people compared to the other four provinces. However, this does not lower the price.

The Priscilla B&B is very popular with tourists and has the lowest price tag of all available options at the time of writing. Rest for 10 days for two will cost 30 thousand rubles (15 thousand per person). For this amount, a king-size bed, air conditioning, a private bathroom, a kitchen, a seating area, TV, internet and more are available. The list, in general, is standard. Plus, every day you will have to pay a tax fee of one and a half euros per person.


Last option for today. Viterbo has an old town and many historical places, in fact, that's why they come here. The most popular and affordable option is the L "alfiere guest house. It is located just 3.5 km from the historical center in the city. Accommodation for 10 days will cost 26 thousand rubles. Plus a tax fee of 1 euro per night and another 1 euro per day for cleaning the room.In terms of amenities, there is everything you need and even more, for example, a coffee machine, a washing machine, a refrigerator, etc.

Based on all the above options, the most profitable place, in terms of living, is Rome, even taking into account the tax fee, but, as they say, everyone chooses what he likes best.

Recreation features

The main reason tourists come to Lazio is the sea. It is very warm in Italy in summer, it is a pleasure to relax by the sea on the beach. In addition to the sea, you can also go to one of the largest rivers - the Tiber, where there are also lovers of swimming in fresh water, but there are not so many of them. Yet the sea in Italy is more popular.

In addition, do not forget about the rich history of the country, its sights and architectural masterpieces. Some of the buildings are very old.

In general, the whole holiday goes like this. People taste classic food, swim, sunbathe, travel around the region from one province to another, enjoy the sights and go on excursions.


In conclusion, I would like to separately talk about the most famous sights in Lazio, which you should definitely visit if you have the opportunity.

You should probably start with the Circeo National Park. It was founded by order of himself in 1934. The main goal was to preserve the remnants of the Pontic Marshes. Over time, the remains of Neanderthals and their tools began to be found there. The total area of ​​the park is simply huge - 8.5 km2. In total, the Circeo National Park is divided into 5 zones: forest, cape, coastal dunes, swamps and the island of Zannone.

The second place is the great Colosseum, the construction of which began in 72 BC. e. This place needs no introduction, probably there is no such person who has never heard of it.

Next, be sure to visit the Pantheon. This temple was built in 27 BC. e. and is still the most significant object built in those days. Many architects to this day argue about how the dome of the temple was erected, because at that time it was extremely difficult to do this.

Since the territory of Lazio completely surrounds the state of the Vatican, you should definitely go to the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. The only thing worth remembering about the queues in some places.

Do not forget about the castle of Sant'Angelo, the Capitoline Hill, the Baths of Trajan and All this is no longer in the Vatican, if that.

Lazio is a treasure trove of historical sites and sights. Seeing everything in a short vacation is simply unrealistic, even taking into account excursions, although, on the other hand, this is probably the best option to date.

Actually, that's all. Have a nice trip!

The Lazio region is the administrative center of Italy. Here is Rome - the cradle of the Roman Empire, as well as the Vatican - the stronghold of the Roman Catholic Church.

Lazio is the center of Italian and European culture. It became the center of monuments of architecture, painting, archeology and history. The vast cultural heritage of Rome is only a fraction of the hundreds of cultural sites and monuments in the region. In addition to the typical Roman monuments in the area of ​​​​Ancient Ostia, there is also Hadrian's Villa in, the Temple of Jupiter in Terracina, the Appian Forum in Sezze, Lavinium in Pomezia, the Etruscan Necropolis in Cerveteri, the Tuscany Necropolis, and the Tarquinia Necropolis.

Of great interest to tourists are the Papal Baths and, of course, the famous ones.

The Tyrrhenian pearls of Sperlonga, Sabaudia, Gaeta and Terracina attract tens of thousands of tourists every year.

Wines of Lazio Frascati superiore D.O.C. and East! East! East! di Montefiascone D.O.C. have become prestigious "made in Italy" brands.

Cuisine of Lazio became famous bucatini all'amatriciana e alla carbonara, and Easter cake (torta di Pasqua).

Note to tourists:

It smells of history and tradition. The smell of antiquity excites. Roman water runs through the oldest aqueduct in the history of European civilization. Exactly 11 of them were built - in 300 BC. - and they gave water per capita twice as much as the current ones.

The mighty Colosseum gave the plebeians spectacles. Trade roads, at the crossroads of which Rome was created, gave a lot of salt and bread. The greedy patricians of Rome brought him glory and territories, and the Church - unlimited power in time. The gates of the Flaminia and Piazza del Popolo threw the pilgrims into confusion, and the strong walls of the city discouraged the desire to climb up and proclaim oneself conqueror.

The giant magnet of the metropolis mercilessly attracted untold riches from all known corners of the world. Can anyone dare to give a rough estimate of the cost of St. Peter's Basilica in wagonloads of gold? Rome absorbed absolutely everything, including cultural flows, scientific achievements, but most of all - bold architectural ideas. The architectural monuments of Rome are the gold reserve of civilization that every mortal would like to touch.

Nettuno. On weekends, the Romans flee to the mountains or the sea, and tourists who "capture" the inexpensive coast of nearby cities and towns carry out daring "raids" on the capital. These multidirectional streams of people do not wave handkerchiefs to each other and do not keep the muzzle in their pockets do the right thing. The tactics of tourists are win-win - with one blow all the balls: the sea, islands, fishing, shopping and a cultural trip to the capital of the empire.

The Sperlonga Riviera seems endless. The finest golden sand creates a great contrast to the blue sea and blue sky. The day and night life of Sperlonga is concentrated here. It seems that the descendants of long-suffering fishermen cannot get enough of peace and freedom. In fact, these are hosts of Romans and tourists from abroad filling bars and restaurants, sailing on yachts, fishing, making films about themselves in a paradise and, finally, just escaping from the merciless heat.

Both the name and this city enchant, and I want to get to know him better at all costs. It is saturated with the colors of the Mediterranean, the smells of the surf and Neapolitan cuisine. Its narrow streets and colorful buildings breathe history, the greenery of the parks is reflected in the blue of the sea, and in the evening the promenade is filled with the sounds of arriving fishing boats and the cries of fresh fish merchants. An amazing atmosphere of simple communication and friendliness reigns here. In addition to the clear sea and golden beaches, in this city you will find entertainment for every taste. From scuba diving to windsurfing flying on a transparent wave, from an interesting city tour to the opportunity to go to any of the islands of the Pontic archipelago. You choose!

Anzio. The Roman emperors Caligula and Nero were born in this place. They were destined to become the most popular characters in Italian history and world cinema. Anzio in ancient times was called Antium, the territory was inhabited by the Volscian tribes, who were engaged in fishing, trade and piracy.

After joining the Roman Empire, Anzio became the site of the construction of holiday villas for the Roman nobility, a tradition that continues today.

The territory of the region is mostly hilly (54%) and mountainous (26.1%), plains (19.9%) are located in the coastal zone. In the eastern part, there is a small part of the Apennine mountain range, bordering on the regions of Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo. On this territory there are low and isolated Sabine Mountains (Monti Sabini) and Reatini Mountains (Monti Reatini), the highest point of which is Mount Terminillo (Monte Terminillo), 2213 m. Monti Ernici), distinguished by their aridity and poor vegetation. South of the Tiber is a group of Albanian hills (Colli Albani). In the southern part of the region are the mountains of Lepini (Monti Lepini), Auzoni (Monti Ausoni) and Aurunchi (Monti Aurunci). In the east of Lazio is the highest mountain in the region - Gorzano (Monte Gorzano), 2458 m.

Between the Ernici Mountains and the Preappennino foothills lies the Ciociaria Valley (valle della Ciociaria), a very fertile area where the Liri and Sacco rivers flow. The Tiber River and other small rivers flow into the Tyrrhenian Sea, including the Marta, which originates from the lakes of Bolsena (Lago di Bolsena) and Fiora (Fiora). Lake Bolsena with an area of ​​113.5 square kilometers is the fifth largest in Italy. Other lakes in Lazio include Lake Vico in the Cimini Mountains, Bracciano in the Sabatini Mountains, Lago di Albano and Lago di Nemi in the Alban Hills.

Lake Bolsena. Photo from

The coast is low and sandy, with several capes, opposite Cape Gaeta (Promontorio di Gaeta) and the port of the same name is the Pontino archipelago (Pontino), consisting of six small islands of volcanic origin.

Climate. The coastal part of the Lazio region is under the influence of the sea, which softens the winter and refreshes the summer. On the coast and plains, rains are rare, while in the mountains they are plentiful, especially in winter and spring. In coastal areas, the average temperature is +9-10°C in January and +24-25°C in July. The farther from the sea, the more continental the climate becomes: on the hills, in the mountains, winters are characterized by lower temperatures, which can drop below zero at night. The coldest is in the province of Rieti, followed by Frosinone, Viterbo, Rome and Latina. Snow for Rome is the exception rather than the rule, but in terms of the number of sunny days per year, Rome ranks first among other regional centers of Italy.


Archaeological evidence indicates the presence on the territory of modern Lazio of various Indo-European peoples already in the second millennium BC, among which were the Latins. There is an assumption that it was from this Italian tribe that the name of the region came. According to another version, the word Latium (Latium) comes from "Latus" (Latus), which can be translated as "extensive", "flat".

In addition to the Latins, the Sabines, Volsci, Guernics, Aequis, Avrunks lived in these places, whose tribes lived in the central and southern regions of Lazio, while the northern zones of the region were occupied by the Etruscans, whose influence continued until the 5th century BC. From the 5th to the 1st century BC The history of Lazio is connected with the conquests of Ancient Rome, which gradually subjugated and assimilated the Latins.

Ancient Etruscan burial in Cerveteri. Photo


In terms of population density, Lazio ranks third in Italy, second only to Lombardy and Campania. The province of Rome is the most populous with 4.208.740 inhabitants, followed by the provinces of Latina (556.934 inhabitants), Frosinone (498.204 inhabitants), Viterbo (321.008), Rieti (160.570).

More than half of the inhabitants are concentrated in Rome alone - 2 million 768 thousand people. The other most populated cities of Lazio are Latina (120 thousand), Giudonia Montecelio (84 thousand), Fiumicino (72 thousand), Aprilia (71 thousand), Viterbo (64 thousand).

As of December 31, 2010, 542,688 foreign citizens lived in Lazio. Among them, the most numerous is the Romanian diaspora (196.410 people), followed by people from the Philippines (32.126), Poland (24.392), Albania (23.337), Ukraine (18.922).


It is no coincidence that Lazio ranks first among the regions of Italy in terms of the number of tourist visits, because this ancient land with rich traditions is considered the cradle of civilization. It attracts the largest number of tourists, annually it is visited by about 20 million tourists, Italian and foreign.

Rome (Roma), a city on the Tiber River, the capital of Italy and the bishopric of the Pope, the heart of the Roman Empire. There are several legends about its origin on the seven hills. According to one of them, the twin brothers Romulus (supposedly who gave the name to the city) and Remus, fed by a she-wolf, settled on the Palatine Hill in 753 BC. This date is confirmed by archaeological excavations. Remains of the Etruscan culture of the Tarquinian period (about 650-500 BC) have been discovered. With the expansion of the boundaries of the republic, and then the empire, Rome grew rich. It is believed that under Augustus, the city was decorated with marble buildings, and subsequent emperors erected palaces, arches, columns and temples. Nero burned much of this, hoping, as they say, to rebuild the city and call it after himself. With the weakening of the empire, Rome was often plundered by the Goths and Vandals. By this time, Rome's political influence had waned; Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, came to the fore. During the Middle Ages, Rome became the seat of the pope and the center of Western Christianity. The Renaissance was born here. The city was sacked in 1527 and 1798.

Ready for year-round visits by tourists from all over the world, Rome offers its guests a variety of hotels of any level, designed for any level of cost. A well-developed transport network (two airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino, two railway stations of Termini and Tiburtina) makes it convenient to arrive in the city.

Desirable for travelers are also coastal resorts and archaeological sites, such as the habitats of the ancient Etruscans - Cerveteri and. Do not forget about other pearls of the region: in Lazio you can find many ancient castles and small fortress towns that have retained not only their medieval appearance, but also ancient traditions. Many parks, lakes, areas of virgin nature attract the attention of lovers of a relaxing holiday. Lazio has many protected parks of national and regional level.

Near Rome is the so-called zone of Roman castles (Castelli Romani), which includes 16 fortress cities. Other interesting destinations on a trip to Lazio - Fiuggi (Fiuggi) in the province of Frosinone, famous for its thermal waters, which were visited by Michelangelo Buonarroti; Ostia Antica and Ostia Lido are popular balneological places among modern Romans. Viterbo is the city of the "popes", perfectly preserved the appearance of the XII-XIII centuries, not far from which in the town of Bomarzo there is a one-of-a-kind "Sacred Forest" or "Garden of Monsters" (Parco dei Mostri) - a magnificent park ensemble, a monument of the Italian Renaissance.

Gates of Hell in Monster Garden. Photo

Civita di Bagnoreggio is an ancient city founded by the Etruscans 2500 years ago. Now almost no one lives in it, but there are hotels and trattorias for tourists who can only get here by a long footbridge.

The dead city of Civita di Bagnoregio.

The city of Tivoli after Rome is perhaps one of the most interesting and beloved by tourists, where you can see the ancient Roman villa of Hadrian, the Villa d'Este (XVI century), the Gregorian villa, the Temple of Vesta and many other attractions.

Villa Adriana. Photo


Famous actors and directors come from Lazio, such as Vittorio de Sica (1901 - 1974), born in the town of Sora in the province of Frosinone; Aldo Fabrizi (1905 - 1990), Anna Magnani (1908 - 1973), Alberto Sordi (1920 - 2003), Lucio Fulci (1927 - 1996), Monica Vitti (1931), Sophia Loren (1934), Claudia Mori (1944), Carlo Verdone (1950), Christian de Sica (1951), Ornella Muti (1955), Raul Bova (1971), born in Rome; Marcello Mastroianni (1924 - 1996), born in the town of Fontana Liri in the province of Frosinone; Gina Lollobrigida (1927, Subiaco, Frosinone).

Alberto Sordi in the film An American in Rome, 1954.

Singers: Lucio Battisti (1943-1998, province of Rieti), Renato Zero (1950, Rome), Claudio Baglioni (1951, Rome), Eros Ramazzotti (1963, Rome), Tiziano Ferro (1980, Latina);

Athletes: football player Francesco Graziani (1952, Frosinone), motorcycle racer Max Biaggi (1971, Rome), Formula 1 race car driver Giancarlo Fisichella (1973, Rome), football player Francesco Totti (1976, Rome).

Writers Alberto Moravia (1907 - 1990, Rome) and Niccolò Ammanniti (1966, Rome).

Physicists, Nobel laureates Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954, Rome) and Emilio Gino Segre (1905 - 1989, Tivoli).

Elsa Schiaparelli (1890 - 1973, Rome), Roberto Cappucci (1930, Rome), Laura Biagiotti (1943, Rome), Guy Mattiolo (1968, Rome).

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Region of Lazio is located in the central part and has a whole scattering of important historical sites, as well as unique cities and excellent beach resorts washed by the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The rich cultural and historical heritage, the beauty of natural landscapes, developed infrastructure, advanced technologies and high economic level are the key to the prosperity of this region, making it one of the most successful and visited in the country.


According to its structure, Lazio is divided into 5 provinces: Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Rome and Viterbo. Each of them includes an impressive list of cities and towns with their own administrative center. About 55% of the total population live in the province of Rome, where the main political, cultural and economic economy of the country is concentrated. In addition, in the center of its capital is an independent enclave state of the Vatican, which is a religious symbol of the Roman Catholic Church. Largely due to this circumstance, the province of Rome, and hence Lazio, provides the country with a steady influx of millions of tourists from all over the world. In addition, the eponymous capital of Italy itself acts as a historical center and has a huge number of unique monuments of the past. In addition to its main city, the Roman province includes 4 tourist centers: Cintavecchia, Frascati, Velletri and Tivoli. Each of them has its own advantages and is the embodiment of tourist interest. In addition to tourism, the main areas of activity in Lazio are agriculture and industry.

general information

The territory of the region covers an area of ​​just over 17,200 square meters. km, with a population of over 5 million people. The number of communes is 378. Local time is 1 hour behind Moscow in summer and 2 in winter. Timezone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in summer. Unlike many other areas in Italy, the region has a significant immigrant population.

A brief excursion into history

The first settlements in the Lazio region arose in the Paleolithic era, and in the 9th century BC, the Etruscans appeared on these lands, who were later replaced by the Latins. The heyday of the region came already in our era, when in 753, Rome was founded on the banks of the Tiber. It was from that moment that large-scale construction of bridges, aqueducts, roads and cities began here. Highly developed agriculture and economic growth contributed to raising the status of the region and its further development. After the fall of Rome, the area was subjected to devastating barbarian raids, and it was not long before life in Lazio returned to normal and the region became the center of the Papal States. In 1871, it became part of the united Kingdom of Italy, and Rome was officially given capital status.


The region has a mild Mediterranean climate. The average air temperature in the winter months is about +8 - +10 degrees, and in summer it rises to +23 - +30 and above. Precipitation occurs mainly from November to March, so the summer months are almost always dry and very warm. You can visit the central part of Italy at any time of the year, depending on your preferences, since the weather conditions here are stable and quite comfortable.

How to get there

The main international airport of the region, named after Leonardo da Vinci, is located in Fiumicino, 35 km from the capital of Rome. All settlements and cities are connected by modern highways and railways. There is a ferry service between the ports of the Tyrrhenian coast. Regular buses and minibuses run in almost all intercity directions. The possibility of renting a car or using taxi services exists even in small villages.

Major cities

Rome is the main city and capital of the region. This unique historical center of world significance, located on the banks of the Tiber River, became "eternal" shortly after the advent of our era, and it is easy to see that all roads lead there today, looking at the many millions of tourists who come here every year to admire the ruins of the Roman Empire and admire the grandeur of the modern capital. Among other famous cities of Lazio, the balneological resort of Viterbo, the graceful Tivoli on the Anio River, the ancient Velletri, as well as Chintavecchia and stand out. One of the main natural attractions of the region is the magnificent Circeo National Park, created on the seashore and featuring a variety of flora and fauna. The water space of the region is not limited only to the Tyrrhenian Sea and has a whole scattering of beautiful rivers and lakes. Among the most picturesque are the Marta River, which originates in Lake Bolsena, the Sacco and Liri rivers, the Albano, Bracciano and Vico lakes. The best wines of the region are produced in the Alban Hills, in the vicinity of Terracina and Montefiascone. For lovers of antiquities and artifacts, the archaeological sites in Ostia, Cerveteri, Tarquinia, Blair, Veio, as well as ancient monasteries and abbeys, such as Monte Cassino, Fossa Nova or Casamari, are of great interest.

Main resorts

The real pride of the Lazio Riviera are the numerous resorts located along the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. One of the most famous among them is where movie stars and other celebrities prefer to relax. It is also suitable for the glamorous public and the aristocracy, where a beach holiday can be combined with a rich excursion and entertainment program. The picturesque is famous for its mysterious caves and grottoes, and is famous for its rich historical heritage, sandy beaches and the purest air containing healing properties. Not far from them flaunt, and related to the region. One of the most famous mineral resorts in Italy is considered to be, the feature of which is the unique mineral cold water, which has no analogues in its chemical composition.

Attractions and entertainment

Located in Central Italy, Lazio has no shortage of historical and cultural attractions. Rome alone is a unique world treasury, not to mention the numerous natural sites and archaeological sites in the region. Along the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, there are many caves and gorges that have not yet been explored by researchers, and along the Apennine mountains there are mysterious paths laid back in the era of Ancient Rome. A lot of mysteries are kept in the vicinity of the capital of the country, where there are old villas of significant historical and artistic value.


Culinary products presented in the menu of numerous restaurants, cafes, eateries and pizzerias in Lazio are extremely diverse, and among the dishes there are delicious roasted lamb with rosemary, and spaghetti carbonar with tomato sauce, and tender pieces of the stomachs of small lambs fried in batter. Rice, peas, asparagus and artichokes often serve as a side dish. Green leaves and spices are provided with almost any dish. Particular attention is traditionally paid to drinks and desserts.


The main battalions of the army of shopaholics are invariably concentrated in the modern districts of Rome, where all kinds of boutiques, shopping centers and shops are located. However, the assortment of goods is extremely wide in any more or less large city of the region, therefore, as a rule, even the most biased buyers have no problems with the choice of purchases.

Lazio is the most visited region of Italy among tourists who prefer sightseeing destinations. A huge number of historical monuments, developed infrastructure, chic opportunities for outdoor activities and an abundance of vivid impressions, all this is the main component of this region and contributes to its incredible popularity.

the capital of Lazio and Italy.
Also, millions of tourists are attracted by the state in the state of the Vatican, the luxurious villa D "Este and the villa of Hadrian. The Etruscan necropolises, which are mainly concentrated in Lazio, plunge into the distant past of Italy, and the ancient Roman ruins tell about an important period of history, the coastal cities of Gaeta, Sperlonga, Terracina and others may offer a holiday on the Tyrrhenian Sea near Rome.
Do not forget about the ancient and revered monasteries hidden among the hills and mountains of Lazio, among them Subiaco and the restored Montecassino.
The abandoned cities of Lazio have a special charm, of which Civita di Bagnoregio is the most famous, but Monterano is also worth a visit, which has often become a filming location.
The Lazio region is rich, enjoys great fame, whose water has beneficial properties and is sold even in Russia.
Wines are produced in Lazio, the most famous is Est!Est!Est!, the center of the production zone is located in the city of Montefiascone.

Brief history of Lazio

Once upon a time, the Etruscans lived on these lands, whose dominance lasted until 496 BC, and ended with the victory of Rome over the Latin League. Starting from the 10th century BC, the first Roman settlements began to appear on the Palatine Hill, which formed the basis of the future city. According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC. Romulus and Remus.
The Roman Empire grew, occupying new territories. In 313 BC. Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity. After his death, the empire was divided into two: Eastern and Western. In 728, the first core of the Papal State was created. In 800, the Holy Roman Empire appeared with Charlemagne at its head. There was a division of power into spiritual and secular, which became a characteristic feature of the region in subsequent centuries.
Under the patronage of the pope, communes such as Viterbo, Tarquinia and Terracina began to develop. Conflicts also escalated between the Orsini family, which supported the papacy, and the Colonna family.
At the beginning of the 16th century, after a short period during which the popes moved to Avignon, Rome returned as a Christian capital, the city's importance grew thanks to political alliances.
With the advent of Napoleon's troops, the Roman Republic was proclaimed. Later, restoration took place, and power again began to balance between secular rulers and the clergy.
In 1867, Rome was taken by Garibaldi's troops and annexed to a united Italy.

How to get to Lazio

The main airport is Leonardo da Vinci, located in the city of Fiumicino, 36 km from Rome.
You can get from the airport to Rome by the Leonardo Express train, which reaches Termini station in 30 minutes. There are also other trains and buses.
The second airport in Lazio is Ciampino, located 16 km from the capital. Mostly budget airlines fly here.

Get inspired by Lazio

In order to enjoy the atmosphere of Lazio of the past, it is worth reading Alberto Moravia's "Ciochara", watching the film "Rome Open City" by Roberto Rossellini or more modern films - "The Best Years of Youth" by Marco Tullio Giordano and "Opposite Window" by Ferzan Ozpetek.
Pour white wine from Bellone or red from Nero Buono into a glass and put a music disc with Alessandro Mannarino.

What to see in Lazio

Etruscan cities




ghost towns

Civita di Bagnoregio


Coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea




Monasteries of Lazio

Monte Cassino