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Tourist places in Mari El. The main attractions of Mari El: photo and description. sea ​​eye lake

It is an ornate fairytale palace, with dark red walls and a green roof. Windows and doors in a snow-white frame. Graceful turrets in the old Russian style and battlements in the Gothic style. The palace is difficult to attribute to any one architectural direction. Here there is a successful combination of several. Further, seven columns support the glass dome of the winter garden. Incredible interior decoration of the castle. Especially noteworthy is the sophistication of the "Eastern Cabinet", "Picture Gallery", "Oak Room". There are also great fireplaces. One of them even contains a slab found during excavations in Pompeii.

After admiring the castle, you can stop to rest here. There is a good hotel in the Sheremetyev estate, and a cozy cafe is located very close by. In addition, here, as in the whole republic, you can admire the amazing landscapes to your heart's content.


Continuing to describe the sights of Mari El, photos of which are presented in the article, one cannot help but talk about the museum of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. Those wishing to learn about the history of the republic can visit it. You can get acquainted with the traditions of the indigenous people in the museum of applied arts. It is located in a modest one-story building with an attic. Also in the city there is a museum of peasant labor and life. Its "highlight" is a rich collection of bells and bells.

More recently, the Tsarevokokshaysky Kremlin was built in the center of the capital. The imposing old Russian fortress made of red brick, walls and towers covered with a green roof, resembles the scenery for a historical film. In this complex there is a church, an archaeological museum and a monument to the founder of the city, Fyodor Ioannovich.

Attractions of Mari El: photo and description

There is an unusual street sculpture in Yoshkar-Ola. It's called Yoshkin's cat. A representative of the bronze cat family sat imposingly on the bench, smiling condescendingly at passers-by.

We continue to describe the sights of Mari El. A very significant monument was unveiled five years ago. This is a bronze sculpture depicting the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin and his most famous hero - Eugene Onegin.

What other sights of Mari El are interesting? In the Italian park of Yoshkar-Ola, the sculptural composition “Lorenzo di Piero de Medici the Magnificent” was recently installed, which symbolizes the triumph of science and art.

Churches and cathedrals

A monument of Russian church architecture is the Church of the Holy Trinity. With the advent of Soviet power, it suffered the same fate as many churches in the country. It was closed and almost destroyed. The restored temple impresses with its splendor and marvelous architecture.

What other sights of Mari El are interesting? For example, the Orthodox shrine of the capital of the republic is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. It is a sky-high building with reddish walls with white stripes that visually increase the height of the building. Green roofs and golden domes attract the gaze of a traveler struck by this beauty for a long time.

In 2007, the Annunciation Tower was built in the central part of the city. The building has a height of 55 meters and resembles a fragment of the Kremlin. Equipped with the most accurate clock, which is regulated from the satellite.


Now you know the main attractions of Mari El. Photos with descriptions for clarity are presented in the article. We hope that the sights of the republic and information about them were of interest to you.

The Volga Republic was inhabited by ancient tribes from the most prehistoric times, which was facilitated by its location on the banks of the Volga, in a temperate continental climate. The indigenous population of the Cheremis (now the Mari) began to be mentioned in the annals from the 10th century, and already at that time they closely interacted with the Slavic tribes, despite the rather long time under the yoke of the Tatar yoke. Today, Mari El has wide opportunities for tourism, both health-improving and familiarization, during which you can see many local attractions.

Museum of the History of Yoshkar-Ola

Opened about twenty years ago, the museum of the history of the capital of Mari El, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, is one of the largest historical museums in the republic and a local attraction. It contains about 17 thousand exhibits that tell visitors about the history of the indigenous people - the Cheremis - who have inhabited these territories since ancient times. This story is illustrated by numerous archaeological finds, as well as household items of the ancient Mari, their jewelry, clothes, weapons and objects of applied art. Here, visitors can see with their own eyes the recreated old trading shop of Tsarevokokshaysk (as Yoshkar-Ola was called before the revolution), as well as a dwelling with old paraphernalia and furnishings.

Mari Forest National Park (Mari Chodra)

This park with a total area of ​​almost one hundred thousand hectares was created in order to preserve and, if possible, increase the natural wealth of the Republic of Mari El. Here you can find tree species characteristic of these latitudes: pines, spruces, lindens, oaks, aspens, maples, elms and many others. Especially protected are relict linden-oak forests, where brown bears, elks, wild boars and other representatives of the fauna of the middle zone are still found. There are horseback and hiking trails in the park.

Museum of Applied Arts

Opened in 1999, the Museum of Applied Arts of the Republic of Mari El in Yoshkar-Ola is dedicated to familiarizing its visitors with the traditions of the indigenous Mari. Here you can see a variety of objects and fruits of labor of local craftsmen: wicker furniture made of bird cherry, carved wooden utensils, skillfully made musical instruments and national everyday and festive costumes with rich embroidery. The sights regularly host exhibitions of works by contemporary masters from all over the country.

Tsarevokokshay Kremlin

This historical and educational complex was opened in the center of Yoshkar-Ola several years ago, but has already become one of the central attractions of the Republic of Mari El. In ancient times, there were city fortifications on the site of the Kremlin, which have not been preserved, as they were built of wood. Then the city market was located here, and after the Revolution - the central square. Today it is a city park, enclosed by a massive wall with four towers, specially cast cannons are placed along the wall. On its territory there is a church, cozy benches for walkers, as well as scattered information stands, which describe in detail the history of the city. Here is the archaeological museum of Yoshkar-Ola and the only monument to its founder Fyodor Ioannovich.

Museum of Peasant Labor and Life

This landmark of the Republic of Mari El is often referred to in guidebooks as the Museum of Bells. This is due to the fact that a unique collection of bells and bells for various purposes, produced at different times in Russia, is exhibited here. In fact, there are just over a hundred of them, which is only a small part of the 2 thousand exhibits of the attraction. In addition to bells, a variety of labor tools are presented here, with the help of which, many centuries ago, the indigenous Mari cultivated the land, grazed cattle, built dwellings and created comfort in them. Here you can also find objects of local applied arts, exhibitions of contemporary works, as well as photographs of past years.

Oak Pugachev

This ancient tree, which grows in the Mari Chodra Park, is one of the few plants listed as a national treasure and a local landmark. This powerful oak tree in Mari El, whose age, according to experts, has already exceeded four centuries, is famous for the fact that it was from its branches that the famous Emelyan Pugachev watched the fire in Kazan, which he himself set up in retaliation for the unwillingness of the city to surrender to his mercy. .

Sculpture "Tree of Life"

This bronze monument is installed in the central city park of the capital of Mari El Yoshkar-Ola and is a kind of landmark of the city. It depicts an old man, a man and a boy, who, under the canopy of a small tree, play traditional Mari musical instruments - a harp, a flute and a drum. The attraction is designed to personify the connection of generations, as well as the historical and cultural heritage of the republic.

The State Natural National Park "Mari Chodra" was established in 1985 in the southeastern part of the Republic of Mari El, where the border with Tatarstan passes. Its main features are the cleanest rivers and lakes, which have become favorite vacation spots not only for the local population, but also for tourists from all over the country.

In order to preserve the diverse flora and fauna of the park, its employees annually conduct various educational programs and landscaping campaigns. There are also school forestries in the park, in which children are given the opportunity to study the natural world, conduct research and help take care of the park and its inhabitants.

The park also publishes its own newspaper "Mary Chodra", booklets with information and various souvenirs.

Coordinates: 56.15000000,48.36666700

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