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Tuteishy guide. Pruzhany. What to see in Ruzhany and Pruzhany: a weekend itinerary A story in an artistic style about the city of Pruzhany

Pruzhany is the administrative center of the Pruzhany district of the Brest region. Located on the Mukhavets River, 89 km northeast of the city of Brest, 11 km from the railway station Oranchitsy (on the line Baranovichi - Brest). The P85 highway passes through the city (Slonim - Ruzhany - Pruzhany - Vysokoye).

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History of development - Pruzhany

The first historical mention of the town of Pruzhany dates back to 1433, but it became known later, in 1487. In 1589 the town was granted Magdeburg Law along with the city's statute, seal, and coat of arms. During its history, the city had several coats of arms, but in 1998 it was recreated vintage coat of arms and is now the main symbol of the city.

During World War I, Pruzhany land was in the frontline zone, and in the spring of 1915, the povet was occupied by the troops of Kaiser Germany, who exported everything that was of value to them.

During the Great Patriotic War, two partisan brigades from several units in each. Here was underground printing house, which has been operating smoothly since 1942, changing its location several times. Pruzhany were liberated by units of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944.

In 1959, the Pruzhany planning scheme was developed, streamlining the irregular grid of streets. As a result, the city has 3 planning districts: southern, western and eastern. In 1974, the Minsk branch of the Central Research and Design Institute of Urban Development developed a master plan for the city.

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Tourism potential - Pruzhany

The city has many unique sights. For example, a manor built in the middle of the 19th century. In 1998 it housed Pruzhany Regional Museum of Local Lore, the concept and name of the museum was changed a little later. Now this . Not far from the museum there is a monument of wooden architecture - built in 1828.

In the second half of the 19th century, it was built in the city (1852), a little later, in 1857, they began to build, and in 1878 it was built.

Another interesting place in the city is an architectural monument with elements of baroque and classicism, it is a vivid example of monumental architecture, there are only a few such monuments on the territory of Belarus.

Having visited historical sights, guests of the city can visit. There are attractions, saunas, jacuzzi. For visitors, the services of a gym, massage chairs, billiards, table tennis, badminton are also provided.

When you live in Brest, it seems that life is the same in any other Belarusian city. They also go to the movies for world premieres, buy food in supermarkets, discuss the latest news and know little about their history. We sometimes visit these other cities, maybe as tourists or on a business trip. But it is unlikely that such a visit lasts more than two hours. But what if you plunge into the local life of the city for at least 1 day? Moreover, to do it accompanied by a local resident, who, for sure, knows more about his place than any guidebooks?

Natatnik continues to travel around the cities of the Brest region. We have already been to, and. Today we arrived in Pruzhany, where our guide meets us Dmitry Yurkshaitis- Researcher at the museum-estate "Pruzhansky Palatsyk" and creator site Pruzhany.

Brief history of the place

The first mention of Pruzhany dates back to 1433. The name comes from the settlement of the Prussians, it was they who founded the place here. Later, the parish Prusanay turned into Pruzhany, then into Pruzhany county and Pruzhany district.

The city of Pruzhany, like many in Western Belarus, was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth, the Russian Empire, Poland and the USSR. Today it is the administrative center of the Pruzhany district with a population of about 20 thousand people and a rich history.

The coat of arms of Pruzhany is interesting. It depicts a blue snake with a golden crown on its head, holding a baby in its mouth. The coat of arms was granted to the city by Princess Anna Jagiellonka (daughter of Bona Sforza) in the 16th century as a generic symbol of the Milanese Visconti and Sforza dynasty. The Italian Milan had the same coat of arms at that time, and today the image of a snake is used in the logo of the Alfa Romeo automobile brand.


What to see

The main attractions of Pruzhany are concentrated along the main street. Today it is Sovetskaya Street, originally called Zamkovaya, which confirms the existence of the Royal Castle in the 16th century. Before the “arrival of the Soviets”, the street was paved with paving stones and was pedestrian.

White shops (1867)

We start our walk with a local guide from a unique building not only on the scale of Pruzhany, but of the whole of Belarus. These are stone trading rows of the 19th century, which are still used for their intended purpose.

We know Rynkavai Square, which is all over the place. Here people gathered, hellishly they sold something, others visited. Zhydy brought in specialties and fish, palyaks sold meat and dairy products, Belarusians put up ramesnitsky products for sale.

By its design, the White benches resemble a giant centipede. Near each "leg" is the entrance to the shop. In the interwar period, almost all the shops belonged to Jews, with whose money this “shopping center” was built. In the center of the “centipede body” there is a through passage. Previously, the entrance to the underground club "Metro" was located here, and during the German occupation, these basements served as a shelter for local Jews.

Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky (1866)

The Orthodox church in Pruzhany belongs to the so-called “ants” churches. They were built according to similar projects throughout Belarus after the suppression of the uprising of 1863. The popular name comes from the Vilna Governor-General Muravyov, famous for his cruelty, who ordered the hanging of Kastus Kalinouski.

In the temple there is the Pruzhany icon of the “Weeping Mother of God”, which is considered miraculous, and the relics of Alexander Nevsky.

Soviet squareand buildings around

On the central square of Pruzhany there is no Lenin (he stands in a different place), but there is a Palace of Culture and the historical coat of arms of the city. The area acquired such a deserted-smart appearance in preparation for the republican Dozhinki in 2003.

Opposite the square, we notice the building of the former city magistrate (19th century), in the Polish period it housed the police, during the German occupation there was a post office, in Soviet times and now it is a residential building.

Nearby we see a house made of red brick, which served as a noble school in the 19th century. Initially, only children from wealthy families worked there. After the uprising of 1863, it was converted into a public school. Behind the Polish clock, this building housed a comprehensive school. Then - a military hospital, after the war - an evening school, and today the Center for Youth Creativity works here.

In the 1920s, a gymnasium was built on the square. Adam Mickiewicz. Its graduates most often entered the Warsaw and Krakow universities. Among the well-known Belarusian high school students, one can recall the author of the world's first English-Belarusian dictionary Valentina Pashkevich, the head of the Association of Belarusian Women of Canada Raisa Zhuk-Grishkevich. In Soviet times, secondary school No. 1 worked in this building. But in the 1980s, the old wooden building was demolished.


Beginning of the Mukhavets River

It is in Pruzhany that the Mukhavets River originates. In the place where the Mukha River and the Vets Canal merge, today there is a stele - the merger of female and male figures. Further, Mukhavets flows towards Brest, where it flows into the Western Bug River on the territory of the Brest Fortress.

Wooden pharmacy

A bright green wooden building with an attic along Sovetskaya Street is the oldest wooden pharmacy building in Belarus. It was built back in 1828! For 150 years, a pharmacy worked here, and today there is a life center “Prestige”.

In the 19th century, a church was located on the site of the Detsky Mir store.

Marshalak of the Pruzhany nobility Valenciy Shvykovsky(Gaspadar Palatsyku - author's note.) conceived the idea of ​​building a castle on the praektse of the Italian architect Heinrich Marconi. Kali 80% of the budynka was already ready, the Anty-Raseian pasture greeted in 1863 Tamu grazed the fall of the past, the castles would have been confiscated and converted to the fall of the right-handed church. Ale celebrates the 100th year already, the savetskay uladze budynak the temple was znishchany”.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (1878-1883)

When the first church was confiscated from Shvykovsky, he decided not to give up and build another one closer to his estate. In 1883, the church was opened to Catholics, then there was also a bell tower nearby. It was here that the first Archbishop and Cardinal of Belarus Kazimir Swiatak began his career.

After the end of the Highest Spiritual Seminar in Pinsk, Kazimir Svyatak worked at the pasadze of Vikary in Pruzhany. Wu 1939 g. pasturing the passage of the “savetov”, Iago aryshtavali and threw in the cell of an antidote at the vyaznitsa, which the kastsel knew(today at this place the district library - author's note). Pazney peravyali ў Brest turma. Wu 1941 g. on a patch of wine, the holy man managed to escape from turmy, and he turned to Pruzhany. Ale here he was aryshtavans like the Germans and he was drenched in lager times with the Savetsky soldiers, adkul daksama ran away.


Wu 1944 Mrs. Kazimir Svyatak, who was summoned by the Territory of Belarus, spent time at the treasury of aryshtavans, and at the gety times he didn’t run away. He was asudzhany for 10 bastards in the camps of Siberia. Wu 1954 g. värnuўsya on Radzima and pratsyagvaў pratsavaў pratsavaў ksyandzom, ale not ў Pruzhany, more kastsel at that hour peratvaryўsya ў club. Ale ў 199 1 already ў independent Belarus ў first imshu ў kastsele znoў pravaў Kazimir Svyatak”.

Once there was a monastery near the church, today this building is occupied by the city military registration and enlistment office.

Monument to the burned villages

The monument in the form of a burning flame with a cross on top symbolizes the villages of the Pruzhany region burned during the Second World War. Many of them were destroyed along with the inhabitants and did not revive. The names of all the villages are written inside the "flame".

Opposite the monument, the building of the Polish administration has been preserved since the 1930s, which today houses the district police.

Pruzhany Palace (1850s)

Finally we reach the main attraction of the city. This is the museum-estate “Pruzhany Palace”. In the middle of the 19th century, according to the project of the Italian architect Francysk Maria Lanza, Valenty Shvykovsky, marshal of the Pruzhany district, built for himself a small neo-Renaissance villa. Since then, it has become an ornament of the city. This is the only restored estate of this type in Belarus.

At the trokhpavyarchovai vezha, the palace previously knew an elevator. Ale patrebny yon would not be for people, but for tago, if a hedgehog falls and wine with squealing. Valenci Shvykowski and the yagon woman Germіnia Vazhynska were gassinnymi gaspadars. The Slavic writer Yuzaf Ignacy Krasheўskі and the sign of the artist Napaleon Orda, the tracer of ethnagraphy and folklore of Belarus Mikhail Fedarovski and іnshhya visited their home.

The Shvykovskys lived in the estate until 1895, later the building was rented out. Behind the Polish clock, the district administration was located here, during the German occupation - the headquarters of Guderian's troops. During the Soviet period, the estate was a school and a dental clinic. Due to the fact that there have always been people here, the building has been well preserved; after restoration in 1998, it housed the local history museum.

A park in the English style was laid around the estate. Among the randomly planted trees there are canals, a pond and a small building of the former greenhouse.

“At the special pabudavanai arenzharei ў clock of the Shvykovskys, orange and lemon trees, palm trees, myrtle trees and other exotic trees were guessing, yakіmі ў summer hour the springing park. At once there is a ceramic ware, shining to the Pruzhany master Anton Takareўsk.

Recently, an unusual shop appeared next to the greenhouse. It looks like a large furnace, in which clay products are fired, the so-called “black-smoked ceramics”, for which the Pruzhany land has always been famous, are made. The bird on top of the stove symbolizes the master's spirit, and the patterns are reminiscent of his work. In ancient times, even from Warsaw and St. Petersburg came to Pruzhany for such products, because they were considered very high quality and could withstand high temperatures.

Jewish footprints

Before the war, the population of Pruzhany was 60% Jewish. Their houses were mainly located in the city center in the area of ​​the White Shops. As a rule, the Jewish family kept a shop or workshop on the first floor, and the living area was on the second.

The building of the Jewish gymnasium Yavne, the house in which there was a beer shop from the local brewery, and an abandoned synagogue have been preserved. On the outskirts of Pruzhany, you can see the old Jewish cemetery, where today a monument is erected in memory of those who died during the Holocaust.

Where to go

Park near the Pruzhany Palace

Cinema “Sputnik”

Water palace (water park)

Ice Palace

Pruzhany reservoir

house of crafts

Beautiful and cozy town Pruzhany, known for its rich architectural heritage, is located 90 kilometers north of Brest on the banks of the Mukhavets River. The population of the city is just over 19 thousand people.

It has been customary to count down the history of Pruzhany since 1487 - first mention in written sources. At that time, the city was part of the Kobrin principality, but already in the next century it entered the possession of the Polish queen Bona Sforza. The famous Pruzhany "royal court" was built here, consisting of a wooden palace, stables, outbuildings and other buildings. However, the numerous wars of later centuries, which swept through the Belarusian lands like a storm, did not spare the palace - it was destroyed. The city became a major trading center and received the Magdeburg Law, which gave an even greater impetus to its development. After the third partition of the Commonwealth in 1795, Pruzhany became part of the Russian Empire, and Tsarina Catherine the Second presented the city to her commander Count Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky for the brutal suppression of the uprising of Tadeusz Kosciuszka. Soon, the new owners of Pruzhany became the Shvykovsky family, which left a bright mark on the history of the region.

At garden and park complex Shvykovsky in Pruzhany is the hallmark of the city, attracting the most attention of tourists. The estate was built in the Neo-Renaissance style in 1850 and has the features of an Italian villa. In addition to the main building, an old park with a linden alley has been preserved, as well as a hydrological system consisting of a pond and canals with islands and bridges. In Soviet times, a dental clinic was located in the building of the estate. Today it operates here Museum "Pruzhany Palace", offering guests of the city to get acquainted with the history of Pruzhany and their owners, legends and crafts of the region. The museum houses a unique wooden icon of the 16th century, The Last Supper. In the courtyard of the manor complex there is an ancient stone idol, transported not so long ago from the village of Butki.

A number of buildings of architectural and historical value have been preserved in Pruzhany. Among such objects, it is worth highlighting the shopping malls in Pruzhany, located on the central square and once the heart of the business life of the city. It should also be noted the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Pruzhany, built in 1883, and the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Pruzhany. The construction of the temple, which is a monument of classicism, was completed in 1880. You can not ignore the ordinary building of the city. One of the oldest buildings is a pharmacy in Pruzhany, built according to various sources in 1811 or 1828.

Two significant events are held annually in the city: festival of ultralight aviation and aeronautics "Slavic Brotherhood" and republican jazz music festival that attracts music lovers to the city.

And connoisseurs of outdoor activities in Pruzhany are attracted by the water park and the ice palace, open to everyone.

Without an excursion to Pruzhany, it is impossible to imagine tourist routes in the Brest region. Lovers of holidays in Belarus will find unique sights, a vibrant history and unforgettable impressions in the city.

Pruzhany district, one of the most remarkable parts of Belarus, is located in the northwestern part of the Brest region on the border with the Republic of Poland, it includes a significant part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

According to archaeologists, the lands of the current Pruzhany region began to be settled about 8-9 thousand years ago. The first settlements that arose along the banks of the Yaselda, Mukhavets and Left Lesnaya laid the foundation for the villages of Noski, Khoreva, Trukhonovichi, Smolyanitsa, Rudniki, Chakhets, Shereshevo, Brody ... Located after 3-5 kilometers, they, as it were, dottedly outlined the oldest and shortest route from Varangian to the Greeks, linking the rivers Narew and Yaselda, the Baltic and the Black Sea region.

The uniqueness of the region lies in its location on the watershed of the rivers flowing into the Baltic and Black Seas. This factor had a great influence on the originality of the spiritual and material culture of the Pruzhany region.

During the Middle Ages, the Pruzhany region was at the crossroads of the most important trade and military transport routes connecting Western Europe with Muscovy (later - Russia), the Baltic States with Ukraine, which undoubtedly gave the inhabitants of this region many advantages and at the same time brought many disasters.

The first historical evidence of the "parish of Prushanskaya" dates back to 1433. There are several legends related to the origin of the name. One of them claims that Pruzhany comes from the word “millet”, which was the main agricultural crop in this area in the distant past. In accordance with other sources, the settlement on the site of the current Pruzhany in the late 13th - early 14th centuries was occupied by the Baltic tribes of the Prussians fleeing from the crusaders. Hence the name Prussians, Prussians, Pruzhany.

In 1589, the town of Pruzhany was granted Magdeburg privileges along with the city's statute, seal and coat of arms. It is noteworthy that the coat of arms granted to Pruzhany is very close in its content to the coat of arms of Milan. On its silver field, a snake is depicted, from the mouth of which a half-baby appears. The people of Pruzhany owe this similarity to Anna Jagielonka, who granted the coat of arms in memory of her mother Bonya, the Queen of the Commonwealth and the daughter of the Duke of Milan, Giano Galeatso Sforza.

The charter of King Sigismund III is the only document that explains the real meaning of the figures depicted on the coat of arms. It is from the mouth of the snake that the child appears, which symbolizes the newly awakening eternally young force combined with wisdom, the ability of the world to self-purify and renew itself. All other sources claim that he is already swallowing a baby.

During its long history, the city had several coats of arms, which changed, as a rule, with the change of the next owner. But in 1998, through the efforts of local authorities, the old coat of arms was recreated and is now the main symbol of the city.

Among the earliest medieval settlements on the territory of the Pruzhany region, the urban settlements of Shereshevo and Ruzhany are known, which also used the Magdeburg right in their time.

Shereshevo is located on the outskirts of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, 20 kilometers from Pruzhany, it has been known since 1380 as a village in the Kamenets district. Located on the most important transport route connecting the two capitals - Vilna and Krakow, the town of Shereshev played an important role in ensuring the safety of the royal route, and the inhabitants maintained trade relations with many cities in Europe. During the campaign of Stefan Batory in 1578 against Moscow, it became a gathering place for Polish and Lithuanian troops.

The village has preserved unique architectural monuments, among which is a wooden bell tower, cut down in 1799 without a single nail. Shereshevo origin has the gospel - a Belarusian written monument of the 16th century and an iconostasis created in the icon painting school of the local church. Both of these values ​​are stored in the State Art Museum of Belarus.

Ruzhany has been known since 1552, located 45 kilometers from Pruzhany, surrounded by picturesque hills. The glory and flourishing of the ancient settlement are associated with the well-known in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania magnate family Sapieha, who acquired Ruzhany at the very end of the 16th century. One of the representatives of this genus is Lev Sapega (1557 - 1633), the creator of the "Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania" - a code of laws that had no analogues in Europe. Under the new owners in 1606, Ruzhany was called a place located on "a large hotel leading from Slonim to Berestye and Podlasie, which great ambassadors and merchants used to travel to." In 1617, the Trinity Church of the Dominicans was built at the expense of Sapieha, which, along with the Peter and Paul Church located opposite and the building of the former Basilian monastery, is still a landmark of the village today.

But the main pearl of Ruzhany, of course, is the Sapieha palace complex. It began to be built in the 16th century and was rebuilt several times over the course of two centuries. Kings have been here twice, ambassadors have been received and even proteges to the Moscow throne have been prepared. The treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the arsenal were stored in huge cellars. In 1665, the Vilna Chapter, fleeing from the troops of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, delivered the relics of St. Casimir, the heavenly patron of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, to the Ruzhany Palace.

The Ruzhany palace complex, which was famous for its untold wealth, had a large library and an art gallery, a theater and an arena, gradually fell into decay: for Sapieha's participation in the uprising of 1830-1831. Ruzhany possessions were confiscated and turned into a cloth factory by the new owners, and the first and second world wars finally destroyed the palace. Currently, the state is making attempts to conserve the remains of the complex and restore it.

Many historical documents, burial mounds, monuments, famous and nameless graves have been preserved in the region, which testify to the courage and resilience of our ancestors.

The Chronicle of Bykhovets, one of the first Belarusian chronicles of the 16th century, was found in an old family estate in the village of Mogilevtsy.

The Russian-Polish (1654-1667) and Northern (1700-1721) wars, the Napoleonic invasion of 1812, the first and second world wars swept over Pruzhany in their bloody stream.

The restored chapel near the village of Poddubno reminds of the battle between the Russian army under the command of General A.P. Tormasov and the Napoleonic troops during the Patriotic War of 1812.

The events of the Polish national liberation uprising of 1830-1831 did not bypass the Pruzhany region. The insurgent detachment actively operating in the Kobrin region was formed in the family estate of its leader Titus Puslovsky-Plyant, which was located in the Pruzhany region.

National liberation movement 1863-1864 under the leadership of K. Kalinovsky against tsarism, it found wide support among a significant part of the nobility, residents of the city and shtetls, peasants-odnodvortsev, and the Catholic clergy of Pruzhany. On the account of the rebels, the capture of the city of Pruzhany on the night of February 12-13, 1863, an attack to punish traitors and scammers on the town of Shereshevo in August 1863, battles near the villages of Mikhalin, Guta, Lososin and others. The restored monument to 40 dead soldiers of V. Vrublevsky's detachment on the outskirts of Ruzhanskaya Pushcha reminds of those events today.

The revolutionary events of 1905 found their response in the Pruzhany region as well. An underground revolutionary organization operated in Ruzhany. Dyers and weavers went on strike in Ruzhany, workers at a pasta factory in Pruzhany. In November 1905, the rise of the rural movement began, which covered the entire Pruzhany district.

On August 1, 1914, the First World War began. Pruzhany landed in the frontline zone. In the spring of 1915, the district was occupied by the troops of Kaiser Germany. The soldiers of the Kaiser's army exported to Germany everything that was of value to them.

In the middle of 1919, our area was liberated from the invaders by the troops of the Red Army. But the Soviet-Polish war began and Western Belarus was already captured by the Polish invaders. In July 1920 Pruzhany was liberated from the White Poles. On September 19, Pruzhany was captured by the Polish army, and on the basis of the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty, it became part of bourgeois Poland.

After almost twenty years of occupation of the White Poles, the Pruzhany district became part of the BSSR. On January 15, 1940, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic, districts were created in the western regions instead of counties. Not only Pruzhany, but also Shereshevo, which was previously part of the Pruzhany district, and Ruzhany, which were an integral part of the Kossovsky district, became regional centers. After the reorganization of the administrative-territorial division, Shereshevsky (in 1956) and Ruzhansky (in 1962) became part of the current borders of the Pruzhany region.

The land of Pruzhany from the first hours of the Great Patriotic War was on fire and became a place of fierce battles. The pilots of the 33rd Fighter Aviation Regiment, which was stationed near Pruzhany, were the first to enter the battle with the fascist invaders. It was then that Senior Lieutenant S.M. Gudimov made one of the first rams in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

The fight against the invaders in the occupied territory was organized by the underground anti-fascist committees created at the end of 1941, which were headed by M.E. Krishtafovich (Pruzhansky), I.P. Urbanovich (Ruzhansky) and I.Yu. - underground district committees of the party and the Komsomol. From scattered partisan groups in January 1942, the first detachment named after Stalin was created in the Guto-Mikhalinsky forests under the command of Lieutenant A.A. Zhurba. By the time the region was liberated from the Nazi invaders, two partisan brigades of several detachments each operated on its territory. An underground printing house, which has been operating uninterruptedly since 1942, has played a major role in intensifying the fight against the enemy, changing its location several times.

The enemy brutally treated not only those who resisted, but also civilians. Mass executions of prisoners of war, Soviet activists and citizens of Jewish nationality were carried out in the Slobudka tract near Pruzhany. During the three war years, according to incomplete data, more than 10 thousand people were killed here. The invaders organized a ghetto, which occupied several central quarters of Pruzhany. Jews from Ruzhany, Shereshevo, Bialystok were brought here. During the occupation, 58 villages were destroyed in the region, 7 of which were not restored at all, 19,457 civilians died.

Pruzhany were liberated by units of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944. The victory came at a high price: more than 8 thousand inhabitants of Pruzhany region fought on different fronts, of which about 3 thousand died or went missing. Two natives of the region were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: Lieutenant General S.A. Bobruk (born in the village of Shubichi) and Colonel M.V. Khotimsky (born in the town of Shereshevo). A resident of Pruzhany, R.T. Krotov, became a full cavalier of the Order of Glory. S.P. Kosterin, a participant in the liberation of the Pruzhany region, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously for the battle near the village of Vilyanovo.

The path of post-war economic and cultural development was not easy. The war brought great losses and destruction, it took a lot of work to restore everything and move forward. Collective farms created before the war were revived in the villages, new ones appeared. Gradually they were enlarged, in 1957 there were already 380 tractors, more than 160 trucks, 105 grain harvesters in three MTS and 36 farms of the region. Significant changes took place in the industry of the region: in the ten post-war years, the volume of gross output increased nine times. In 1957, the Pruzhany State Farm College graduated the first 95 graduates.

Since 1965, a new stage in the development of agricultural production began. Purchase prices for the products of collective farms and state farms were raised, guaranteed wages for rural workers were introduced, and land reclamation began. It was then that the Heroes of Socialist Labor appeared in the Pruzhany region - milkmaids M.G. Makarchuk and E.A. Melisevich, a pig farmer A.I. .Kudinov, excavator driver V.P. Shapoval.

Time is merciless. It carries away into eternity the events and images of past eras. It seems beyond his control only living witnesses of the past years - monuments of archeology, architecture, history, ancient parks of landlord estates in Pruzhany, Kashtanovka, Stary Kuplin ...

Invisible threads connect the past with the present wonderful creations of architects and folk architects who erected in Ruzhany the palace complex of the Sapieha princes (16-18 centuries), the Trinity Church of the Dominicans (17-19 centuries), the Peter and Paul Church and the Basilian Monastery (2nd half of the 17th-18th centuries), a Jewish synagogue (19th century), a church and a monastery of missionaries in the village. Lyskovo (1763-1785).

It is impossible to pass by the ancient castle in Lyskovo (15-16 centuries), which belonged to the Polish queen Bona Sforza, whose ruins remind of the past glory and tragedy of its defenders and owners.

Folk wisdom, architectural perfection and completeness emanates from the wooden Shereshevskaya bell tower, cut down in 1799 in accordance with local canons.

All of these are witnesses of the glorious past of Pruzhany, hard work and courage of the people living here.

The country
First mention
Former names
City with
Telephone code
car code


Number - 19.9 thousand inhabitants ().

Transport system

  • 1 Gastello Lane
  • 1 Kupala Yanki Lane
  • 2 Gastello Lane
  • 2 Kupala Yanki Lane
  • 17 September street
  • 50 years of October street
  • Aptekarsky Lane
  • Batova street
  • Bakhareva street
  • Bogdanovich street
  • Bogushevich street, lane
  • Vashkevich street
  • Vinogradova street, lane
  • Gastello street
  • Gogol street
  • Gorina-Kolyada street, lane
  • Gorka street, alley
  • Gorky Maxim street, lane
  • Gudimova street, lane
  • Zhukov street
  • factory street
  • Zasima street
  • Zaslonova street
  • international street
  • Kalinovsky street
  • Kafanov street
  • Kirova street
  • Kobrinskaya street, lane
  • Kolas Yakub street, lane
  • Komarova street
  • Komsomolskaya street, lane
  • Koneva street
  • Kosmodemyanskoy Zoya street
  • Kostyakova street, lane
  • Kotovsky street
  • Krasnoarmeyskaya street, lane
  • Krivosheina lane
  • Kupala Yanka street
  • Kukharev street
  • Lazo street
  • Lenin street
  • Makarenko street
  • Masherova street
  • Mayakovsky street
  • Mira lane
  • Mickiewicz street
  • Michurina street
  • embankment street
  • Nichiporovich street
  • new street
  • Oktyabrskaya street, lane
  • Olkhovaya street
  • Olshevsky lane
  • Ostrovsky street
  • park street
  • Pioneer street
  • Field street, alley
  • Polisskaya street
  • Polotsk Efrosinya street
  • industrial street
  • simple street
  • Pushkin street, lane
  • Rokossovsky street
  • garden Street
  • Sverguna street
  • Freedom street, lane
  • Soviet street
  • socialist street
  • Construction street
  • Tikhon Barana street
  • Quiet street
  • Tolstoy street, lane
  • Tormasova street, lane
  • Urbanovich street
  • Frunze street
  • Horuzhey Vera Lane
  • Khotimskogo street
  • Chapaeva street
  • Chernyshevsky street
  • Chernyakhovsky street
  • Shevchenko street, lane
  • Screens Ryhora street, lane
  • Yubileinaya street
  • May 1st lane


The first mention of the Prushansky volost dates back to 1433. According to the writer and historian Yu. I. Krashevsky and others, the name arose in connection with the settlement of the Prussians fleeing from the Crusaders (Prussians, Prussians, Prushany) here. Pruzhany have been known since 1487 under the name Dobuchin. Until 1519, Pruzhany was part of the Kobrin Principality. After the death of Prince Ivan Semyonovich of Kobrin, Pruzhany passed into the possession of his wife Fedora, in 1519, by the privilege of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund I the Old, to Marshal V. Kostevich, they were part of the Kobrin starostvo. Since 1520 in the Kobrin povet of the Podlasie Voivodeship, since 1566 in the Brest povet and the voivodeship. In the 16th century belonged to the Queen of the Commonwealth Bona and her daughter Anna. In 1589, the city, which at that time was a fairly large trading center, received Magdeburg rights, and the name Pruzhany was assigned to it. There were 4 fairs a year. According to the inventory of 1563, there were 1250 inhabitants in Pruzhany, 7 streets, 278 households. In the 16th century there was a Pruzhany “royal court” (a wooden palace, 2 outbuildings, a stable, a barn, a firebox, a bakery, 4 barns, a water mill, a garden). During the wars of the middle of the 17th - 1st half of the 18th century. the city was badly destroyed, the number of buildings decreased by 5 times. In 1776 he was deprived of Magdeburg law. By the end of the 18th century restored, in 1791 - 2094 inhabitants.

Since 1795, Pruzhany has been part of Russia: a city, the center of the Slonim povet, since 1797 Lithuanian, since 1801 Grodno province. In 1845, they received a new coat of arms: a fir-tree with a hunting pipe hanging on the branches is depicted on a light brown background. In 1866, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built in the center of Pruzhany, and in 1878, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior was built. In 1857 there were 5665 inhabitants in the city. During the uprising of 1863-64. detachments of R. Roginsky, S. Songin and B. Rylsky operated in the Pruzhany region. On February 13, 1863, they occupied the city.

The abolition of serfdom contributed to the economic development of the city.

According to the 1897 census, there were 7,633 inhabitants in Pruzhany (43.4% of literate people), 14 small enterprises, a county and two-year parish school, and 6 hospitals. In the 19th-1st half of the 20th century. Pruzhany is known as the center of pottery. During the revolution of 1905-07. in Pruzhany there were strikes of workers of a tobacco factory and a distillery. From August 1915 the city was occupied by German troops, from 30.1.1919 to July 1920 - by Polish troops. From July 27 to September 19, 1920, Soviet power was in the city, and the county military revolutionary committee operated.

According to the Riga Peace Treaty in 1921-39. Pruzhany was part of Poland: a district town of the Polesie Voivodeship. The workers' struggle for national liberation was led by the organizations of the KPZB, KSMZB, and the Byelorussian Peasant-Working Community.

Since September 1939, Pruzhany has been part of the BSSR, since 15.1.1940 the center of the district of the Brest region. On June 23, 1941, the city was occupied by Nazi invaders. From 1942, an underground anti-fascist committee operated, from 11/23/1943 to 7/11/1944 - the underground district committee of the CP (b) B, from 9/1/1943 to 7/11/1944 - the underground district committee of the LKSMB. The invaders destroyed more than 4 thousand people in the death camp in the city, the housing stock was destroyed by 70%. 17.7.1944 Pruzhany was liberated by units of the 28th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front.

In 1959, in the regional design workshops of the city of Baranovichi, a planning scheme for Pruzhany was developed, which streamlined the irregular grid of streets. In 1974, a master plan of the city was developed in the Minsk branch of the Central Research and Design Institute of Urban Development.

There are 3 planning districts in the city: southern, western and eastern. The planning structure is determined by the central axial highway (Sovetskaya, Kobrinskaya, Oktyabrskaya streets), Lenin, R. Shirma, Krasnoarmeyskaya streets perpendicular to it and the curvilinear outline of the floodplain of the river. Mukhavets. The historical center of the city is Sovetskaya Square, where architectural monuments of the 19th century have been preserved - shopping malls and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The new administrative and public center Pruzhany was formed on R. Shirma and Sovetskaya streets. In the development stand out the House of Soviets, a hotel, a residential building with shops. The central part of the city and the centers of the eastern and northern regions are built up with multi-storey residential buildings. New microdistricts appeared in the northern part of the city and along the street. October. The southern industrial zone was formed.

The main industrial enterprises are: a canning plant, a butter and cheese plant, a cannery, a flax plant, building materials plants, utility companies, and a cooperative industry. The regional association "Selkhozkhimiya", the regional consumer services complex, a sewing and knitting factory, 4 construction organizations and 4 convoys are operating.

In Pruzhany there are a state farm technical school, 5 secondary, music and youth sports schools, 7 preschool institutions, 2 houses of culture, 2 cinemas, 2 libraries, a hospital, the Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station, and a zonal agrochemical laboratory.


The industry of Pruzhany is represented by enterprises processing agricultural raw materials (a dairy plant, a flax plant, a canning plant, a cooperative industry plant, a bakery), a radio components plant, a building materials plant, a forestry enterprise with its own production base, and other enterprises.


Shopping arcade "White benches"

Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

Manor and park complex Shvykovsky

Architectural monuments have been preserved in the city - a chapel (1852), Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1866), shopping malls (1896), a city estate (2nd half of the 19th century), in which a local history museum operates. Monuments were erected: V. Z. Khoruzhey, pilot S. M. Gudimov, Soviet pilots, on the mass graves of Red Army soldiers, Soviet soldiers and partisans. The city has a park "Pruzhany" - a natural monument of local importance.

In the autumn of 2003, the republican competition "Dazhynki" was held in Pruzhany, as a result of which new architectural buildings appeared in the city and the appearance of the city changed significantly. In the summer of 2007, an ice palace was opened in Pruzhany (for the first time such a structure appeared in a city of regional subordination). By the end of 2010, a water palace with a water park was built.


  • Children's youth sports school
  • Ice Palace
  • water palace

Famous Natives

  • Pomers Leon Pommers Leon- American pianist


  • Cities, towns and castles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Encyclopedia”, Salamakha V.P., Minsk, “Belarusian Encyclopedia”, 2009