Foreign passports and documents

River cruises. Ship for hire and journey to France Course Course

Russia is the country of the widest tourist opportunities, impressive natural beauty, unique samples of national architecture, famous historical monuments. Its European part has an extensive and branched network of shipping rivers and canals. Thanks to this, river cruises are greatly popular with Russians and our country's foreign guests. Rates for water travel today quite on the pocket of tourists with average sufficiency.

Cruise conditions on river heat shots Different with increased comfort. Their passengers are provided with cozy cabins, tasty and satisfying three-time nutrition, gain a lot of opportunities to take an active part in numerous educational excursions and entertainment programs. During the trip, you can always relax in the cabin or on the deck, visit the ship restaurant, make a lot of videos and photographs that will keep for you an unforgettable love of travel along the Volga for life.

River cruises on the Volga from Moscow

Romantic shift travel along the Volga from Moscow is a unique chance to enjoy charming natural beauty and see many historical monuments. Choose a cruise route today can be from a significant amount of options involving the widest diversity. unforgettable impressions. The duration of the cruise varies from several days to three weeks, to the limit of saturated with bright events.

Shippers performing river cruises regularly stop in the most interesting tourist centers and cities. Depending on the selected cruise route, travelers will be able to inspect the famous Uglich Kremlin, the city Kremlin of Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, to visit the majestic Metropolitan chambers of Yaroslavl, walk through the halls of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma and National Museum In Cheboksary. In Rybinsk, their views will open Picture galleryIn the city of Myshkin, they will see the original "Mouse Palace", and in the film the guests will not leave the indifferent Museum of Isaac Levitan. And this is only a small part of the possibilities that are generously divided with cruise travelers along the Volga.

Features of the cruise on the ship

Saturated with river moisture air, calm swimming rhythm and constantly changing types of domestic expanses will help for a long time to charge the bodity of the Spirit, having shook off the accumulated fatigue of the urban everyday life. Cruises on the Volga are opening before the delighted gaze of travelers a true soul of our country and her people. The river cruise helps the heart to feel the attractive charm of the middle strip of Russia, full of amazing beauty and scenery, opening literally behind each river turn.

Why is the tribute on the river cruise better to buy from us? Our agency seeks to provide the best service conditions and offers customers as much as possible. low prices All routes of water travel on rivers and channels of the European part of Russia. Our experienced consultants will tell you about all the peculiarities of the route interested in the parking lots, planned excursions, while staying on a comfortable tourist motor ship.

Do not delay your journey and call us right now!

Why not do the non-standard and during the trip instead of the car do not rent ... a small ship?
And go to trip in the country. For example, in France.
After all, what does the usual journey look like, to which most tourists got used to?
Flew to the airport. There is either the transfer of the tour operator and further hotel excursions-walk-paid program, or a hotel-beach-beach shuttlefish, or take a car for rental and further go through the objects and attractions, or the third option, but without a car on Rental.
And here is a boat!
Well, what, why not? Almost like the car, only here you have a hotel, and a kitchen, and a vehicle.

2. To participate in this, not quite the usual journey invited us a leading tour operator of river cruises on comfortable boats with independent management - LeBoat company.
Leboat works part of the Tui Group - the world's largest tourist holding and today has the largest fleet in Europe of comfortable river boats, which can be rented for cruises on canals, lakes and rivers of the 9th countries of Europe: France, Germany, England, Ireland , Scotland, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Poland.
We chose France for your journey, or rather her southern part - the Rhone River Delta.
We took our boats in Saint-Gille, where one of the bases Leboat is located.

3. This comfortable Vision 4 has become our home for 4 days. Fortunately, there are all the conditions for the journey to be light and enjoyable.
By the way, I was very interested to compare these river boats with sailing yachts, on which I travel several times a year.

4. The main difference from the usual interiors and an internal device sailing Yachts. - The presence of space, the benefit of the layout of such boats it allows.
Along the right side there is a corridor in which the doors of four double cabins come out.

4. The cabin though small in the area, but significantly exceeds the cabins on sailing yachts.
Beds can be created together and leave separate.
Over the bed a small shelf, in the cabin individual lighting, climate installation, wardrobe for things, socket 220V and its own bathroom

5. On this boat, four bathrooms with a shower - in each cabin. The toilet is equipped with an electrical cleaning system, not a manual pumping, as it usually happens on sailboats.

6. Climate System Control Panel

7. An important point that makes this type of travel interesting for a tourist is that the company allows you to take these boats on an individual control. Those. In fact, as a car for hire - without a driver (captain). Management is pretty simple, a specially trained person holds short briefing and everything can be sent to the path.

8. Life support system manages a computer. It shows the remains of fresh and technical water in the tanks, the level of charge of batteries, recharging them with a diesel generator, etc.

9. In front of a very spacious interior with a kitchen. It can quite comfortably accommodate 8 people. From here you can get into the cabins and on the upper deck

10. The kitchen is equipped with a gas stove, microwave oven, refrigerator. Hello TV with a flat screen and dvd player.
In the lower boxes, all the necessary dishes for cooking and for its reception.

12. Our first breakfast.
I think it is not necessary to represent anyone. From left to right Irina Rusakova, Tui-Russia manager, alexcheban. , lovigin. , anton_Petrus. , macos. , Me and sergeyDolya.

13. The river network in the south of France for the length is probably no less than the car.
In the Middle Ages, Ron and its tributaries were generally the main transport artery of the region.
So, it is not surprising that small river shipping here is so developed.

14. Along the rivers and canals there are a huge number of towns and villages, thousands of houses are built almost directly on the water, and near each of them Pier for a motor boat. Just like car parking in front of the house. Only on the other side

15. In addition to rivers, in the Languedoc-Russylon region a huge number of channels connecting rivers, lakes and ponds.
Cruise boats are moving, as a rule, it is through channels.
The fact is that to control the boat on the river, a special skipper license is needed, and there is no tolerance on the channels. So take a rental boat can, in fact, any adult tourist.

16. The cruise on the river boat is reminded of a leisurely walk or trip by bike.
The boat is moving at a speed of about 10 km / h, which allows you to relax under the thirty and enjoy the views on the sides.

17. On the first day I was surprised that in such embarrassing channels, the boats are completely quietly to the shore.
It turns out that special services are followed by channels - for their depth, cleaning the bottom and shores.
For example, a special tractor removes young shoots of shrubs, which may further become a hindrance to the movement of boats.

18. Automobile and river traffic.

19. In the Ron delta, just a huge number of ponds and lakes.
There is even located here biosphere reserve Kamarg, known all over the world (I will visit it literally next week, so wait from there a report)

20. In many cities, equipped tens of kilometers of marins and berths for thousands of motor boats and boats, both private and cruise

21. In mid-April, France met us with pleasant spring weather, so it was possible to enjoy the surrounding species in shorts and a T-shirt.

22. Do not worry, this bike alexcheban. Not brought with you from Kiev. Etor is one of the options that can be ordered when renting a boat. By the way, the option is very cool, because arriving at the next city, you go walk along it and see the sights. It's one thing when you moor right in the city, like, for example, in, another thing, when it is necessary to get, KK, for an interesting point, to Magelon Abbey

23. Many local residents Use boats as at home and as a means of movement.

24. Channels in Eg-Morte

25. We are not in vain recommended to take binoculars with them and television. Here just a huge number of birds

26. They are pretty calmly relate to man, so they can be removed pretty at close range

27. Gray Heron on Hunting

28. - Beaver, look, beaver! - shouted pets.
- Oh, you, it is ondatra ...

29. This seagull could almost take a touch when we sailed a few meters from her. True, such a can give.

30. In addition to birds, there is enough other flying ...
A320 Air Arabia, Gunning from Montpellier

31. And this comrade has already sailed his ...

32. What can be seen during the river cruise south of France?
Firstly, beautiful landscapes. In fact, without leaving their home, you can admire and dawn ...

33. ... and sunset.

34. Cities. Competently entertaining the route, you can alternate several hours of unhurried walk through the canal with hiking walks on medieval fortresses and towns

35. In the region there are a lot of wineries, chateau and abbey.

36. This is an entrance to Magelona Abbey

37. The only thing that may occur during such a cruise, it is with mooring.
Still, we need certain skills and understanding of the algorithm of action.
But one or two mooring, and everything happens on automation.
Especially when there are three extra horsepower in addition to the engine girlfriend

38. Well, after the mooring ... it is possible to the restaurant. Or on a private winery on tasting.
But this is a completely different story ...

A trip to Languedoc-Roussillon is organized by Russian representation

This excursion is a rare bird, but it is worth it! :) First, for those who are interested in the gateway device, what is gateways and what they eat. Secondly, for those who are tired of the city bustle, who wants to just enjoy the measured shocking of the ship and a bright sun. Third, for families with children, to captivate small little men with an unusual mechanism easier than simple :)

In addition, the route is very beautiful,gateway motor ship It will take place along the green zone of Moscow, and in the architectural monuments of the city, and even Moscow-City will have time to see.


  • "Live" and very interestingtour of Moscow's gateways from a guide;
  • Exciting routedown the river along parks and stone embankments;
  • Great amount interesting facts about Moscow's gateways;
  • Exclusive trip from Moscow which takes place once a month and less often;
  • Two-layer ship tram with a small number of seats;
  • Cafe and bar on board the ship;
  • Discount when buying a ticket on the site.

You will see the top 7 attractions:

  • Northern River Station
  • canal named after Moscow
  • Schukino
  • silver Forest
  • Krylatskoye
  • Fil
  • Moscow City


River Excursion to the gateways and channel name of Moscow The Northern River Station or from the International Exhibition leaves from the berth, it all depends on the sequence of discoveries of gateways. Accordingly, the route is not a circular, if you went from the international exhibition, then planted in the northern river station and on the contrary :)

Let's go through three gateways 7.8 and 9 (Karamyshevsky hydroezel) - the total height difference will be 39 meters! After the heat can fall into the gateway and the massive gate will close, the water is started and the motor ship meeeded rises by 10 meters :) What you see - they see only the captains of river vessels and now you :)

Motor ship:

Four ship drives on the route: Port Arthur, emperor, crystal or Anna Karenina. All with a capacity of up to 40 people. On the ship there is an open and closed deck. Top - open and with a canopy from bad weather, and the bottom is closed with panoramic glazing and cafe-bar.

Purchase ticket:

Walk through Moscow's gateways It takes extremely rarely,tickets Better to purchase in advance. It is more convenient to do it through the site. Just click the button "Buy ticket" and checkschedule

We invite you to a river walk through Moscow's gateways!

The shipping gateway is a hydraulic structure designed to pass vessels in regulated reservoirs, where to maintain the depths necessary for shipping, the river bed, channel, or reservoir is located at different levels separated by dams that do not have the possibilities of passing vessels, but ensuring the necessary sub-project and depths in The boundaries of the entire shipping site.

The gateway consists of a chamber, upper and lower gates, as well as suitable channels and gear walls.

If the motor ship enters the Gateway "on the top" by flow, then after stopping, mooring and closing the upper gates, water from the gateway begins to descend and the motor ship starts to fall in the chamber to the project level. After the end of the gateway, the lower gate opens and the motor ship continues movement. If the vessel moves down "below", against the current, then the gateway chamber on the controversy is filled and the water level rises together with the vessel.

In Moscow, within the features of the city, there are six shipping gateways: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Moscow channel gateway, as well as a gateway as part of a rawed hydrode on the Yauza River. Until the mid-30s of the twentieth century, a two-chamber gateway was arranged in the lower drainage channel, for this reason one of the embankments in the area is called the gateway.

Some river walks in Moscow include the passage of one or more Moscow channel gateways, sometimes walks on the motor ship in the Moscow region, with the passage of the "Epochomnuna" and Andreevsky gateways, which are members of the Moskvoretsky Slogan System. River walks On Jauze, unfortunately, it is not held.

Gateway No. 7 and 8 - two-chamber, passing the gateway in one gateway chamber, the motor ship then goes to the next and passes the sliding again.

Between 7 and 8, the unique canal is located on a man-made concrete bridge, a lively Volokolamsk highway is laid directly under the channel: cars, buses, trolley buses and trams pass directly under the channel, which goes the motor ship.

After leaving the gateway No. 8, the ship goes to the mosagers-river bed, the stroginian bridge passes and on a good hardening, which is also part of the Moscow channel, goes into a small reservoir - Karamyshevsky spill, which is formed by Karamyshevsky dam, then the path of ships lies in Gateway number 9.

Gateway No. 9, located in Karamshevsky Canal, designed and built, taking into account the expected active passenger shipping within the city and therefore, there is the possibility of sliding small vessels in half the chamber, for this, in the central part of the chamber there are additional sluts. Half the camera takes two times less than the time than the full chamber, due to which the dialing time is reduced twice and 15 minutes. Unfortunately, this option of the 9th gateway has not been used for a long time, additional sluice gates are inoperable and canned, and in fact, when used, it would be possible to get from Strogly to Moscow-City for usually by a passenger motor ship every one hour.

The tenth and eleventh of the Moscow channel gateway are part of the Perervinsky hydraulic dispenser, built in 1935, which also includes a water branch with family spans and the proceeding hydropower plants. The tenth gateway was originally intended for skipping only large vessels, and the eleventh - for the local fleet's gantry and pleasure boats, however since the early 1990s, the eleventh gateway was derived from operation and the sliding of all types of vessels is carried out in the gateway No. 10. For a pleasure fleet, the use of the gateway No. 11 would be preferable, since the sliding in a small gateway would be carried out faster. The gateway of the Perervinsky hydraulic dispenser has the greatest drop of water levels.

There are three largest in the capital. river Port.: North, South and Western, as well as two passenger river stations. The largest of them is the southern port, which is located on the left bank of the Moscow River and is equipped with seventeen arrivals. The northern port is located on the left bank of the Khimki reservoir, and the Northern River Station is located immediately nearby. And the western port is on the right bank of the Moscow River. The South River Station is installed on a debarkarer, which is at the right bank of the Moscow River.

Cruises from Moscow are organized by a variety of companies such as Infoflot, Volgawolga, Orthodox, Waterfront, Mosurflot and others. For example, the company "Waterfront" consists of Niva river tourism Since 2004. Since 2012, this company owns all the Passenger River Fleet of the Volga Shipping Company, including pleasure and cruise ships.

At your service comfortable boats "Dmitry Pozharsky", "Alexander Nevsky", "Satellite", "Rus Great", "Hermes" and others. Our managers receive up-to-date information on the state of ships, as well as regularly participate in the inspection before shipment. Thanks to this, you can always count on objective data that will allow you to make an optimal choice in terms of comfort, placement conditions, entertainment programs On board and cost.

You do not have to miss the way between cities. All ship are animated and concert programs, as well as discos, parties, master classes and other ways to take themselves. And on the shore you can study the city independently or go to learn its history and attractions with a professional and experienced guide. A variety of entertainment will not allow to bother.

Popular routes

Moscow - Tver - Moscow

One of the most interesting and demanded weekend routes at the four-plane motor ship of European quality "Alexander Radishchev". Live music and disco, bars, sauna and children's club are expected.

During the trip, you will get acquainted with the sights of several ancient Russian cities, enjoy the landscapes, will acquire pleasant souvenirs and find out a lot of new things on cognitive excursions.

Moscow - Cherepovets (Size) - Moscow

This cruise for those who do not hurry anywhere and are ready to plunge into a slow river journey on the ship, named after the poet, who "our all" is "Alexander Pushkin". Cruise takes 5 days - this is the perfect option for a short vacation.

During the tour of Myshkina, you will get acquainted with the pre-revolutionary merchant life, and the children will be interested in visiting the mouse palace. In Uglich, you will tell you about the tragic death of Tsarevich Dmitry, his chambers and the church of his name will be shown, the tour of the Epiphany Monastery and the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral is visiting a tour, and those who wish can go to the HPP Museum. Also, the cruise includes excursions in Cherepovets and Belozersk, a visit to the "peasant hut", the Kremlin and other attractions. It is noteworthy that the cruise includes two variants of the program, and you can choose the one that you seem most interesting.

Moscow - Kineshma - Ples - Moscow

The most interesting cruise on the comfortable four-plane motor ship "Alexander Pushkin", which includes excursions in Myshkin, Yaroslavl, Kineshme, Plesa, Kostroma, Coprino and Uglich. Believe me, each of these cities are there anything to surprise. Have you ever ever been on the cheese stock exchange? Do you know how much HPP in our country and how are they arranged? All this and much more you can learn, visit, touch and see in this cruise.

Cities that you will swim, are famous not only by sights, but also by fishing, so high-quality shopping and beautiful original souvenirs are guaranteed. And not to miss during slow waterwayThe ship has bars, a kids club, a sauna, and so on.

Moscow - St Petersburg - Sortavala - Moscow

Traveling on the motor ship "Alexander Radishchev" by the Radio route, only in the opposite direction: not from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and from Moscow to Peter and further to the amazing Karelian city of Sortavala, in amazing Kizhi and St. Valaam. This tour will like both children and adults. In addition to the main program, you will be offered additional excursions to Peterhof, Pavlovsk and Olonets, to the center of the Vepsian culture and the restoration workshop of the Transfiguration Church. Impressions will remain ahead.

Moscow - Yaroslavl - Kazan - Yaroslavl - Moscow

Not best way spend a vacation than buy vouchers for a ship with departure from Moscow by beautiful cities our homeland. The ship "Native Rus" invites you on board. This ship is interesting to the fact that with modern equipment, it was saved on it historical architectureTherefore, it can be considered a kind of attraction.

In the journey you will visit such vintage Russian cities as Yaroslavl, Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Cheboksary and Chkalovsk. And the journey is not limited to these cities. There are enough impressions for a long time.

Guides will tell about the past and the real cities, and in each of them there will be an exciting and instructive story. This cruise will be interesting for families with children and friendly companies interested in their native country. The duration of the cruise is 6 days and 5 nights, so it may well become a rewarding excellent card in school holidays.

Early booking - save up to 50%

Online Travel Store "Niko Tours" sincerely advises learn timetables and prices for cruises in the season 2020 in advance. Booking a trip for six months, you can significantly save - up to 50% of the price. In addition, you will have time to thoughtfully go through all the options and find the best time and quality. Those who book tickets at the last moment will be significantly limited in choosing conditions and directions.

Seasonal discounts are also provided:
10% - at 100% payment until October 1, 2018;
9% - at 100% payment until December 1, 2018;
8% - at 100% payment until December 31, 2018;
5% - at 100% payment until January 31, 2019;
3% - at 100% payment until March 1, 2019.

Managers "Niko TourS" will be happy to make everything that depends on them so that your journey is at the highest level. We will provide you with complete information, help you determine the choice and book a ticket to a suitable tour.