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Water police protect Amur. River Police Day in Russia History and traditions of the holiday

Every year, on the twenty-fifth of July, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the River Police. It should be noted that earlier the holiday was called "Day of the river police" (up to two thousand and eleven). But after the federal law "On the Police" came into force in two thousand and eleven, the name of the holiday also changed.

Unit history

In the second half of the nineteenth century, a project was approved to create such a unit as the river police. It was then that this structural unit was first mentioned. To be more precise, the project on the creation of the river police, as a separate structural unit, was approved by the emperor in June 1867. The new structural unit was originally part of the special external police. The duties of the newly organized special unit included maintaining order on the numerous canals of St. Petersburg (as well as on the Neva River and in the coastline of the Gulf of Finland).

The river police were engaged in patrolling the water areas of St. Petersburg (at that time it had the status of the capital of the Russian State), supervised ships, marinas, fish cages, baths and other water bodies. She was engaged in suppression of the import of contraband goods into the capital by water, participated in the inspection of goods, and so on. The duties of the water police included the fight against theft on the water, as well as the prevention and extinguishing of fires were also one of the responsibilities of this structural unit.

Somewhat later, the structural divisions of the river law enforcement body began to be created in other cities with water spaces.

After one thousand nine hundred and seventeen (as you know, the October Revolution took place this year), the river police, as a whole, like almost the entire law enforcement system in Russia, was abolished. However, a year later, or to be more precise on the twenty-fifth of July, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the establishment of the river militia", a "new old" structural unit of the law enforcement agencies of the socialist country was created. It is this date that can be considered the "birthday" of the modern prototype of the Russian river police.

Feature of the department

A feature of the work of this unit was that initially each city had its own unit of the river police (later the police). For more effective results of work, later this structural association began to work on entire river basins.

From the foundation, and to the present time, this structural unit of law enforcement agencies is engaged in the following activities:
1. Fight against crime and delinquency on water bodies and water transport facilities.
2. Identification of economic crimes.
3. Fight against illegal arms trafficking.
4. Fight against poaching.

How is the holiday celebrated?

Water police officers, celebrating their professional holiday, receive congratulations from their leadership and from their colleagues. Also, the most distinguished police officers receive state awards and awards. Very often, all kinds of concert events are held, with the invitation of domestic and foreign pop stars (respectively, when it comes to large cities). In smaller settlements, this holiday of the law enforcement water structural unit is celebrated with a festive concert in an urban, rural or village house of culture. Also, on their professional day, employees of the water police can visit secondary and higher educational institutions, kindergartens and talk about their service, thereby fostering respect and honor for this profession in the younger generation.

The role of river police in the life of modern society

At present, it is difficult to underestimate the contribution of the river police to ensuring order and law on the territory of the Russian Federation. Our country has a huge river basin, rivers, in turn, are filled with natural resources, among which there are fish species listed in the Red Book of Nature. River police fight poachers, thereby preventing the irreparable depletion of certain population types of rivers, prevent the commission of crimes on the water, inspect barges, steamers, boats, river scooters, allow or prohibit this transport to sail (this is done for the safety of passengers and crew of these river floating facilities, if the vessel is in a catastrophic terrible state, then there is a high probability of a sad outcome of the voyage. Well, and river police "in absentia" save the lives of hundreds and thousands of people. economic, administrative and criminal offenses.

The fight against the trafficking of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, the fight against smuggling (on border rivers), the fight against the trafficking of weapons. The work of a river policeman is quite difficult and dangerous work. In addition to directly performing dangerous work, river police are also involved in checking documents, for cargo transported on the river, checking fishing permits, monitoring the state of ports, coastlines, marinas, and alerting and warning residents. The job of a river policeman is not worthy, not the highest paid, and not the most prestigious job. All "laurels" go to representatives of the land police, who also perform similar work, but on land, however, river police have the right to honor and respect.

How to congratulate?

On a professional holiday, river police officers should be congratulated on this day, and representatives of this difficult and dangerous profession should be rewarded with the most important: attention, honor, respect. You can also give mementos and gifts such as:
1. Commemorative awards.
2. A dummy "battle ship".
3. Postcards and valuable gifts (for example, gift watches, or gift weapons).
4. Attributes of the river policeman: flashers, loudspeaker.
5. A dummy of combat uniforms.
6. Souvenir general's shoulder straps and a souvenir general's certificate (something like "general of the river police" or "general of all Russia").

All the aforementioned souvenirs will leave a good memory of the holiday, will allow the employees of this structural unit to feel like a representative of a necessary and indisputably important profession.

Summing up the results of the above, I would like to say that the water river police at all times played an important role in ensuring order in the river spaces of our vast Motherland. Courageous, courageous and honest police officers provide ordinary citizens with carefree leisure and recreation on the rivers, help to avoid difficult and dangerous situations in the water areas of the Russian Federation.

On July 23, 2018, Moscow hosted celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the militia (police) in the water areas of Russia.

In modern Russia, special police units for water transport are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and interregional linear departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in transport.

On the Day of the 100th Anniversary of the Waterborne Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the leadership awarded its subordinates and veterans with awards: anniversary medals, certificates and valuable gifts. Departmental awards were presented by Police Lieutenant General Oleg Kalinkin and Police Colonel Alexey Rykov. Then the transport police officers were congratulated by the First Deputy President of the Moscow River Shipping Company Andrey Kosygin and the President of the Moscow Association of Shipowners Kirill Evdokimov.

A veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board, who, on behalf of the organization headed by him, awarded the police officers with diplomas and certificates of honor for their professionalism, conscientious service, was invited to the celebration.

In his speech, Mansur Yusupov noted that the police on water transport in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the past 100 years has adequately ensured public safety and law and order on the country's waterways, the safety of goods, fights crime, counteracts corruption, participates in anti-terrorist measures, sometimes painting with my life. This is a highly organized and professional law enforcement structure in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Many transport police officers went through on business trips to "hot spots" following orders from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there were both killed and wounded, while participating in military operations. We must always remember their deeds.

In their work, they often have to deal with the illicit trafficking of drugs and weapons, as well as with economic disruption. The Water Police makes a significant contribution to the fight against poachers, which cause enormous damage to the state.

Last year, in 2003, on the 85th anniversary of the formation of militia on water transport in Moscow, in the Mnevniki district on the banks of the Moskva River, a monument was erected - a stele "To the soldiers of law and order who dedicated their lives to ensuring security and law and order in the water areas of Russia." This monument is dedicated to the memory of veterans who gave their youth, long years of service in the transport police. At the opening of this monument by veterans and the leadership of the Linear Directorate of Internal Affairs on Water Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, it was decided to lay a capsule at the foot of the monument - a message to descendants on the 100th anniversary of the formation of the militia in water transport. The capsule was laid at that time by the head of the Department of Internal Affairs on water transport, Colonel of Militia Yusupov M.R. And after 15 years, he was also instructed to get this capsule with a message to descendants.

Honorary veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Mansur Yusupov, in the presence of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and veterans, removed the indicated capsule with a message to the descendants from the foot of the monument and handed it to the head of the Transport Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District, Police Lieutenant General Oleg Viktorovich Kalinkin, who read this message to the personnel of the water police ...

It was decided to re-lay a new capsule with a message to the descendants from the police unit on the 150th anniversary of the formation of the police on water transport. Colonel Alexei Rykov, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on water transport, put a new capsule with a message to the descendants at the foot of the monument.

The event was held at a high organized and patriotic spiritual level.

July 25 marks exactly 100 years since the formation of the river police in our country.

It was on this day in 1918 that the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars “On the establishment of the river police” was issued. Initially, its departments were organized in provincial cities and counties, on the territory of which navigable rivers flowed, but subsequently, to increase the efficiency of their work, the river police began to organize themselves along river basins. With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, there was a need for a centralized water militia, which was created on June 27, 1942 by a joint order of the NKVD and the People's Commissariat of the USSR River Fleet. In May 1943, the water department of the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia became part of the newly formed Department of Transport Militia, and since 1980 - into the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs in Transport of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2011, the federal law "On the Police" came into force. Today, water police units are subordinate to the transport departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, as well as interregional linear departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in transport. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, there is also a linear department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for transport, which includes such a unit as the Komsomolsk linear police station (LPP) for river and air transport. On the eve of the professional holiday of the water police officers - the Day of the River Police, we asked several questions to the Acting Chief of the Komsomolsk Line Police Station on river and air transport, Senior Police Lieutenant Maxim Pozdnyakov.

- Maxim Aleksandrovich, how many employees of the line department work at river transport facilities?
- The staff of our division - BOB in river and air transport - currently includes 7 people. They work directly in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Amur River and at river transport facilities.

- How are you with the material base?
- We are fully provided with the material base. We have service craft - three boats with modern equipment and modern engines that are in no way inferior to civilian vessels. Also there are all the necessary special equipment and devices.

- What do you do in raids and what is the very principle of service?
- We patrol the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Amur River in order to detect and suppress poaching and illegal circulation of aquatic biological resources, in particular, sturgeon and salmon species. We also have administrative prophylaxis to prevent violations of the rules of navigation, including for small boats, for example, driving a small boat while intoxicated, non-compliance with established procedures and requirements for the operation of small boats, lack of a driver's license for the right to operate a small boat, administrative practice.

- Doesn't this duplicate the work of the inspection on small vessels?
- According to a number of articles of administrative legislation, our division is also assigned some responsibilities, and we are authorized to draw up administrative protocols.

- What violations are most often detected?
- Implementation of illegal fishing, extraction of aquatic biological resources, in particular, sturgeon and salmon species.

- How often do you find violations and what is the general duty schedule?
- We do not go out every day, and there is no such specific clear schedule when it is established that we enter the service and stay there. We leave sometimes out of necessity. Or when you need to patrol the Amur River on a warm summer day. Sometimes we carry out operational-search activities. There are "Putin" operations. Typically, detectability depends on the seasons, for example, for the spring period there are about ten detections. Sturgeon is caught in spring, small species of fish in summer, chum and late sturgeon in autumn.

- How many people are on patrol?
- 3-4 people, in one boat.

- Does it happen that you have to arrange chases, shootouts, do you have any problems?
- Chases happen, shootouts - no. I don't see any problems at all. We do our job.

- Can you tell us interesting cases from practice?
- We went up somehow from below, from the side of Nikolaevsk. Coming closer to the city, the captain of our boat noticed that the head of a wild animal was sticking out of the water. Coming closer to this site, we saw that it was about a six-month-old calf that was trying to move to the other side of the Amur. He was already barely swimming, and it was evident that he was practically exhausted. We made a decision to save the animal. We dragged him out of the water to our boat, after 40 minutes he came to his senses, and we transported him to the other side of the Amur and released him. It also happens that we have to reanimate the fish in the event of an illegal trade in sturgeon fish. Our sturgeon, for example, is long-lived and even without air can lie somewhere in the grass overnight. And when you release him into the water, he is in such a half-asleep or fainting state, and you have to ventilate the gill openings, that is, the fish in the water should be reanimated in a circular motion, or water is sent back and forth through the gills so that the fish come to life. This happens regularly. We also get fish from the nets thrown by poachers, we get it out, we also reanimate and release it.

- Do you interact with other organs and how?
- Yes, without fail. We also have many joint orders. We work together with GIMS, and with the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the Komsomolsk region, and also with other power units and departments of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Very often, upon relevant requests, we provide law and order and support for various city events in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Amur River. Without our participation, no event on the Amur, festive, entertaining or sports, takes place.

- Thank you for the interview and congratulations on your professional holiday!

D. Yu. Nikolaev, the newspaper "Dalnevostochny Komsomolsk" and the site "DVK-Media"

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In Russia, workers of the river police celebrate their professional holiday. Until 2011, it was called the "Day of the River Police", but after the development of a new draft law "On Police", the name of the holiday was also changed. For the first time, the structure of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation acquired such a department as the river police in the 19th century. In the summer of 1867, the tsar signed a decree establishing it. She began to be part of the external police as a special organization to control order in the water area of \u200b\u200bSt. Petersburg. Representatives of the river police toured the waters of the capital, monitoring water transport and other objects. The main duties of law enforcement officers at that time included:

Tracking vagrancy and robbery on the water;
- rescue of drowning people and ships that were wrecked;
- control over compliance with the conditions of movement on river ice, security;
- supervision over the quality of the maintenance of transport used during floods.

Also, the river police monitored the level of cleanliness on water and passenger-type vessels.

Later, these divisions began to form in other regions of the country.

After the revolution in 1917, the activities of the river police, like the main part of the law enforcement agencies in Russia, were suspended. However, less than a year later, a law on the creation of a river police was created. " Now this day is the official holiday of this unit. Subsequently, river police departments began to appear in all settlements of the country where navigable reservoirs existed. At first, formed on a territorial basis, later on, divisions began to be created for river basins, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of work.

Currently, river police bodies exist in virtually all cities in the country, standing on the water. Police officers patrol the river and sea spaces on special boats equipped with the necessary equipment for work, including: lifebuoys and vests, devices for studying the bottom relief and other devices. The main task, as before, is to control public order on water transport, not only on everyday days, but especially - during the celebration of an event or the organization of a certain event. The duties of the modern police also include the prevention of illegal activities in the extraction of natural resources in coastal areas, illegal economic activities.

The work of the employees of this division does not have to be envied. It is much more specific compared to the activities of ordinary police officers. The water is fraught with many different dangers, besides, potential criminals are incredibly cunning and unpredictable. For effective work, the representatives of the unit must have a set of specific qualities. This includes good endurance, dedication, emotional stability, etc. This is especially true in extreme cases, which quite often occur on the water.

On their holiday, river police officers accept congratulations from relatives, friends, colleagues and bosses. The most distinguished ones are awarded with certificates and prizes.

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