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Choosing a place to set up a tent. How to spend the night in a tent in Europe and not pay money How to pitch a tent on a hike

A camping site must meet several requirements. The first is security. Of course, this requirement fully applies to long-term and difficult campaigns .. in Europe, security issues are not so acute, and they are often forgotten altogether. But nevertheless, one should not completely forget about them.

It is not recommended, for example, to camp downstream of the river near large villages, cattle yards, slaughterhouses, townships with industrial enterprises ... water taken from a river in such a place may be spoiled. You should not camp without extreme need near reservoirs with stagnant flowering water, it is better to walk an extra couple of kilometers and stop near running water. Avoid camping near villages and roadways, especially if you are hiking on holidays. An outside company is unlikely to bring much joy, even if it is quite friendly. An accidentally running dog, a herd of cows - all these possible cases do not speak in favor of choosing a place for a bivouac near the village, although they are not connected with safety issues .. when choosing a place for a camp, give preference to clearings protected from the wind and far from the reservoir. This way you will be warmer and annoying mosquitoes will not pester you. The next requirement for a bivouac site is the availability of water and firewood. It is difficult to say which of these requirements is more important ... it all depends on the specific conditions of the hike. It is usually more important to find water during hot summer months. It is easier with firewood, but in early spring, when the melt water has not yet melted, this problem is highlighted.

  • If you are in a state or national park, make sure to pitch your tent in an area where you are allowed to do so. Often these sites are marked with numbered metal plaques and are equipped with picnic tables, campfire sites, and sometimes water.
  • If you are in a remote area, make sure you follow the rules of the park or reserve where you pitch your tent. Different parks have different requirements for how close to the water you can pitch your tent or how close to trails.
  • Wherever you camp, always avoid private property so that you don't get bitter disappointment in the middle of the camping trip as an angry host. Never camp in a place where you cannot.

Look for a place to hide from the sun and shade .. ideally, the tent should be positioned so that it stays in the shade for the next morning, especially if it's hot. Although the dome tents are wind-resistant, it is also good to choose a location that is hidden from the wind in case you will be away from the tent. The last thing you would like is to return to an empty campsite! Setting up your tent on the western side of the hill is the best way to comfortably spend the night and cool mornings inside.

However, do not pitch your tent under trees .. in the event of rain, it is tempting to think that a tree crown would be a safe alternative to an umbrella. Unfortunately, there is a risk of lightning and other hazards here. The tent will not stop the tree falling if something happens. Better to stay away from such danger.

When you have chosen a suitable camp, it is time to choose a place where to put your tent. There are several factors to consider, and your comfort should be the first one. It is difficult to sleep in a tent that stands at an angle, so it is advisable to choose a flat surface, preferably one with shrubbery.

Find an elevated spot if possible. If it rains, you should not be below where the water will drain. For this reason, avoid dry coves, small sod and pits .. you don't want to wake up in a puddle!

If there is a rather steep slope next to the parking lot, in case of bad weather, water will flow from it, and it is to your tent. Therefore, it is worth digging in the already erected tent with grooves. Once there, the water will smoothly bypass the tent and leave its inhabitants dry.

The place for setting up the tent must be level. Not in terms of slope, but in terms of relief: no protrusions, bumps, holes, branches. Practice shows that for some reason people sleep worse on roots, hillocks and bumps than on flat soil.

If there are stones on the site that you have chosen for the tent, it is better to uproot them.

There are sharp knots lying around - it's better to clean them up: not only will you not be allowed to sleep, the bottom of the tent (waterproof by default) will also be scratched and punched.

If roots protrude from the ground, and there is nowhere else to become a tent, you can put some soft things in this place. Or just throw branches with leaves on the ground, it will definitely be more comfortable to sleep.

Yes, and pay attention that there are no anthills under the tent. Vengeful insects practically do not show up in the evening, but in the morning they will happily gnaw the bottom of the tent and wake you up with friendly bites.

In the mountains, and in general, in any even slightly hilly terrain, where you are going to sleep, there will be a slight slope ... it is important to go to bed with your feet down, and your head up the slope (your head is higher than your feet). Even if the slope is tiny, and you don't feel lying down, at best you will wake up with a swollen face, and not at the best - with a sore (from blood inflowed) head.

The tent should be away from the fire .. ideally, you should place the tent against the wind that blows from the direction of the fire. Make sure that no coals or sparks will fly towards the tent to avoid fire hazards. Pay attention to how far the tent is from the fire. According to popular wisdom, "the tent burns at a rate of $ 100 per second." Therefore, the distance between the fire and the tent should be at least three meters. In addition, try to keep smoke out of the room, otherwise you will have a headache in the morning.

A smart solution is to pitch your tent on the windy side of the toilet if you are going to be camping for a long time.

It is better to set up a tent away from water (near which it is very cool and damp in the evenings), and also not on the trail. Otherwise, in the dark, participants in your camp or some late tourists will stumble over the tent a couple of times, which can damage the tent or loosen the tension of the awning .. as a result, you will have to get out of the warm sleeping bag and, swearing, hammer the pegs again.

Practice shows that it is more convenient to set up a tent with an exit to your feet. More precisely, you should put your feet in it towards the exit .. otherwise, if at night someone goes "to the wind" and then comes back, he will definitely step on other people's heads, and a general rise cannot be avoided for a stupid reason. Legs take up much less space, and it will be much easier for a night wretch to enter.

Place for a tent in the forest

It is easiest to choose a good place to sleep in the forest. The main thing is that there are no old, rotten trees nearby that can fall on your head.

It is also important to make sure that there are no anthills nearby, otherwise the orderlies of the forest will descend upon you with an "inspection".
You should also not pitch your tent on the paths of forest animals - why disturb their peace? Yes, and you will not be good if a hardened bear or wild boar does not want to bypass an obstacle that suddenly appeared on his legal path.

A carpet of small shrubs - lingonberries, blueberries, shiksha - is an excellent spring mattress for a tired traveler. Even on a grassy lawn, it's harder to sleep. White lichen lichen cover dry places. True, in rainy weather, it becomes limp, but it is still dry under it.

But on green mosses, so soft, tempting in appearance, it is usually damp.
In general, before you put the tent in your favorite place, skip the intertwining of the stems through your fingers, feel the soil. If moisture appears after pressing, look for a dry place.

Lie down in the chosen place (you can on a spread rug), ride from side to side. This will help you figure out how to position the tent, where is the top, where is the bottom. And in advance you will remove the stone or branch found near your side, cut off a hummock from the turf of the grass or fern.

Shelter from the rain can be found in the old mixed spruce forest. As a rule, there are always powerful spreading spruce trees, under which nothing grows, so much they shade the ground. A large number of old dry needles accumulate here under the trunks. Under such trees, wild boars, deer, and moose often lay down. If the tent fits in between the gnarled tree roots that often come to the surface, why not use this forest inn for a man? This is the perfect place to stay overnight. And warm, and soft, and dry!

And what about the huge, free-standing cedars of the Siberian taiga? Yes, these are just ready-made houses for forest tramps !. the strongest downpours remain under them islets of dry land. And it is simply unreasonable to isolate oneself from the purest fragrant air, saturated with phytoncides of resinous giants.

It is always warmer to sleep under the canopy of trees than in an open meadow. This is especially felt on spring and autumn nights, when in the morning the blades of grass in an open place are covered with frost, and there is no frost under the trees.

In summer, there is abundant dew on the meadow and the tent gets wet. Nylon ropes stretch from moisture, weaken, the awning sags, begins to touch the fabric of the tent and, if the impregnation of the awning is old, moisture will penetrate into the inside of the tent.

In the forest, you can always find shelter from the wind. Only in a hurricane wind there is a danger that trees will start to fall .. such a strong wind blower should not get up in a mature high-trunk forest, especially among thick aspens - they are the most fragile and break first easily, like matches .. such weather is better to stay among young trees.

Place for a tent on a hillside

If you find yourself on the slope of a mountain or river valley and did not manage to choose a level area before dark, it doesn’t matter. The slope can be "profiled". Set up the tent so that you sleep with your feet down the hill. Place a log or large stones at the exit of the tent so that your feet rest on them and prevent you from sliding down.

Or, another option, roll up a roller of clothes and put it under the "butt point" - this also prevents rolling .. inside the tent under the mat in places of failures, put shoes, a backpack, food.

The next option is to put grass, rotten, easily breaking wood, moss, lichen into the sleeping bag cover. And use all this for "profiling". The main thing is fantasy! Then you will sleep softly and evenly ...

Place for a tent in winter

Before setting up your tent in the snow, the area should be tamped down. The easiest way to do this is with skis or a wide board .. break the spruce branches as a mattress. It is better not to throw the lapnik in a mess, but to stick it into the compacted snow at a slight angle, so that a springy “mattress” is created. The result is a wonderful spring bed.
You should climb into the tent carefully so as not to push the snow with your hands and create holes near your side.

Let's say you liked the idea of ​​a hike across Europe led by a bum. As a result, you cannot afford to pitch a tent on the campground and enjoy all the delights of civilization.

To begin with, I will debunk the myth that says that in almost all European countries there is no way to put up a tent “under the pine tree”. Yes, there are laws governing picnics and camping, and rightly so. Nature must be protected - the fewer people have the opportunity to come with vodka and balalaikas, the better.

But that doesn't concern us cyclists. We are part of the ecosystem, for us all these fields, rivers and mountains. I can't imagine someone calling the police just because he doesn't like a cyclist staying overnight in a nearby forest.

True, respectable Europeans can, out of the kindest feelings, knock on you to the authorities if, in their opinion, you are putting your life in danger (for example, you have settled on a field on which a combine is working in the morning).

I believe that it is perfectly possible to sleep in tents without camping in the strictest European countries, even in densely populated areas. However, in order to qualify as a cyclist, we must fulfill a number of conditions. In this case, we will merge with nature, and no one will disturb us. Let's start.

1. Do not stand out... I recommend buying a tent in dark colors, it will help you hide between the trees. The less people see you, the more you fit into the ecosystem. Think about which side the shadow will be in the morning - this will help you stay invisible for longer.

2. Chat with people... If you speak the language of the country you are visiting, you are the king. Just go to any farmer and ask directly where you can pitch your tent. Emphasize that this is only for one night. People like you are not often visited by provincial people, and most likely they will give you a good place near your home. As we were told, sometimes in this way you can even get an invitation to spend the night in the house.

3. Take care of your tent during daylight hours... The best timetable is to leave early and park early. Then there is always time to find a quiet and secluded place. Do not rush to the first option that comes across, look for more. However, you should not stay overnight too early. People can still walk, play sports, and there is absolutely no need for them to see you.

4. Get your camp early. It's generally a good thing to get up early on a bike trip. I got up earlier - I drove more in the cool. Well, when it comes to overnight stays, it’s better that people haven’t started walking in the vicinity, so taking pictures from the place at seven o'clock is just the thing.

5. Think outside the box. You shouldn't pitch your tent in a convenient and beautiful place. If there is a great view and it is easy to approach / drive up, then it may well be that at night you will be disturbed by lovers who yearn for privacy. Find a place that satisfies you, but such that there is no need for an outsider to go there.

6. Don't make a fire because this is exactly what is strictly prohibited by law. You can easily get a fine for a fire - and rightly so. Every year in Europe, a lot of woodlands are burned out - including because of fires. Cook on the burner. If your money is really bad, be very careful: dig a hole, cover it with stones and make a small hearth. Then bury it and level it.

7. Come up with an alarm for your bike. The easiest way to do this is with a bicycle lock, which you will fasten by the arch of the tent and a saucepan, which you will tie to the bike. It makes sense to use this rule when you are near big cities, near tourist places. The deeper into the province, the less opportunity to part with transport, but there is always a chance.

8. Do not pitch your tent in private areas, in Europe it is always clearly marked. An exception is if you personally can negotiate with the owner. It cannot be said that any sanctions will be applied to you for violating private boundaries, but this is already at odds with the rule of “Be part of the ecosystem”. You should not be intrusive, especially since there is probably a quiet corner a few kilometers away.

9. Play the fool. If you are still found with a tent, make an innocent expression on your face, smile, ask what the matter is. Often, due to a misunderstanding of the language, it seems that they want to drive you out of place, while people are wondering if something has happened. If a person starts to get angry, then immediately pretend that you are collecting a camp, do not stop apologizing. If you can get in touch, then speak in the Aboriginal language "One night please." As a rule, the owner of the land must take pity.

10. There are situations when you need to spend the night in a bad place, for example, not far from crowded paths, airports, in short, where you cannot sleep. Do not pitch your tent if the weather permits. Sleep in a sleeping bag your stealth increases dramatically.

11. If you have a group, try to break it up so as not to do the whole camp. This is especially disliked by land owners or people living in the area. If they are likely to tolerate a lonely traveler, they will hardly tolerate the whole team. Just find places for yourself at least not in line of sight from each other. Don't make noisy conversations, long dinners, etc. Better go to bed early so that tomorrow you can leave at six in the morning.

12. If you have to stay overnight in view of a small settlement, see if you are pitching a tent in those places where they walk with dogs or children.

13. Try to prevent people from seeing you running from the tent and back. Set up camp when you really going to sleep.

14. Don't look for places near bodies of water... It is not always easy to find them, and in the meantime you will pass many places suitable for a tent. In addition, if the water is near, it can be damp at night. There will be a heavy downpour at night - it will flood the shore where you sleep. For washing, it is better to carry a liter of plain water with you and wipe with a sponge. This will easily wash away sweat and dirt, and you will wash more thoroughly another time.

15. Try to stay away from civilization. In Europe, it is quite easy to plot a route through the provinces, because, unlike our homeland, there is a highly developed network of insignificant asphalt roads leading from one village to another. This way you will not only be able to find quiet places to spend the night without any problems, but also enjoy driving in a quiet place with clean air.

As you can see, the conditions are very simple, it is not difficult to adhere to them. Be a part of nature, because your bike does not emit toxic gases and does not consume fuel. Take an example from him so that no one can guess about your presence. Never litter, respect the world around you and people.

Then spending the night in nature without paying a penny is more than possible. Just imagine how much it will take away from your budget!

If you were staying at the campsite, it would cost at least € 10 every night. And so, all you need is five euros for food. Even with a small salary, you can save yourself for a trip that lasts all summer.

Have a nice road! Friends, let's not get lost on the Internet! I invite you to receive email notifications about the publication of my new articles, so you will always know that I have written something new, please.

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Setting up a tent is not difficult. Many people believe that the main thing is to buy it, and then everything can be done according to the instructions. Which lies inside the tent cover. And these people put up tents according to the instructions, and sleep in them. ... And then they wake up in the morning with swollen faces and a sore head, in a puddle of water, which it is not clear how has flowed inside. If you are already fed up with such experiments on yourself, it's time to read our article.

Finding a place to set up a tent

Experience has shown that a tent cannot be set up everywhere. Even if the shop assistants tell you the exact opposite. In order not to be trapped, it is enough to study the following recommendations.

1. The place for setting up the tent must be level. Not in terms of slope, but in terms of relief: no protrusions. Practice shows that for some reason people sleep worse on roots, hillocks and bumps than on flat soil. That's why:

  • If there are stones on the site that you have chosen for the tent, it is better to uproot them.

  • There are sharp knots lying around - it's better to clean them up: not only will you not be allowed to sleep, the bottom of the tent (waterproof by default) will also be scratched and punched.

  • If roots protrude from the ground, and there is nowhere else to become a tent, you can put some soft things in this place. Or just throw branches with leaves on the ground, it will definitely be more comfortable to sleep.

  • Yes, and pay attention that there are no anthills under the tent. Vengeful insects practically do not show up in the evening, but in the morning they will happily gnaw through the bottom of the tent and wake you up with “friendly” bites even before the official rise.

2. In the mountains, and indeed, in any even slightly hilly area, where you are going to sleep, there will be a slight slope. It is important to go to bed with your feet down and your head up the slope (the head is higher than the legs)... Even if the slope is tiny, and you don't feel lying down, at best you will wake up with a swollen face, and not at the best - with a sore (from blood inflowed) head.

3. A sudden rain can derail all your plans. Therefore, when choosing a place for a tent, try, looking for escape from the wind, not to stand inside any funnel or hole: everything will drain into it. If there is a rather steep slope next to the parking lot, in case of bad weather, water will flow from it, and it is to your tent. Therefore, it is worth digging in the already erected tent with grooves. Once there, the water will smoothly bypass the tent and leave its inhabitants dry.

4. Pay attention to how far the tent is from the fire. According to popular wisdom, "The tent is burning at a rate of $ 100 per second"... Therefore, the distance between the fire and the tent should be at least three meters. In addition, try to keep smoke out of the room, otherwise you will have a headache in the morning.

5. It is better to set up a tent away from water (near which it is very cool and damp in the evenings), and also not on the trail. Otherwise, in the dark, participants in your camp or some late tourists will stumble over the tent a couple of times, which can damage the tent or loosen the tension of the awning. As a result, you have to get out of a warm sleeping bag and, swearing, again hammer in the pegs.

6. Practice shows that it is more convenient to set up a tent with an exit to your feet. More precisely, you should keep within it with your feet towards the exit. Otherwise, if at night someone goes "to the wind" and then comes back, he will surely step on other people's heads, and a general rise cannot be avoided for a stupid reason. Legs take up much less space, and it will be much easier for a night wretch to enter.

How to pitch a tent?

In order to understand how to set up a tent, you should first find out what kind of tent you have in stock. Today, there are mainly three types of tents on sale: (house), hemispherical (wireframe) and tunnel (half roll).

1. Gable type tents (house) are now somewhat outdated, and you can see them in stores less and less. The disadvantage is that they take an order of magnitude longer to pitch than other tents. In addition, they are not sufficiently wind-resistant and rather bulky. Such tents were good at the dawn of hiking, but now they are no longer taken anywhere. However, if you suddenly have a tent-house, we will briefly tell you how to set it up. To set up a gable tent, you must first put up the roof - and then stretch the bottom. The roof is erected by means of two vertical posts, placed inside or outside the tent. After the vertical base is set, carefully stretch the bottom of the tent and the awning. Please note that the awning may not always lag behind the inner wall. In this type of tent, this is normal ...

2. Hemispherical frame tent- undoubtedly the leader in sales in travel stores around the world. It is easy to assemble and disassemble, it is quite wind-resistant and durable. Such a tent is set up due to arcs - of which there are at least two. The simplest tent of this kind is set up as follows: After choosing a location, spread the inner tent (the one with the net and the black bottom) on the ground. After that, assemble the arches by inserting their parts one into the other - and lay the arches crosswise over the inside of the tent. Then, depending on the design of the tent: a) arcs are either inserted into the holes in the corners of the inner tent, and then attached to it using special hooks; b) either they are first threaded through special fabric grooves, and after that they are already attached to the bottom of the tent. In any case, after the machinations done, you have a white inner tent. Fasten the arcs on top of it, tying them with special ropes that are on the tent. This is necessary for a more rigid construction. Now we put an awning on the tent, not forgetting to match the exit located on the awning with the exit located on the inner tent. The awning can be fastened to the arches from the inside (so it will hold on to the tent more firmly), or you can simply begin to fasten it to the ground with pegs. With the help of pegs, it is necessary to stretch the vestibule - and the awning itself: if it does not adhere to the inner tent, condensation from breathing will not accumulate on its walls. Otherwise, you have a chance to wake up among wet things: we give off quite a lot of moisture with our breath. So stretch the pegs as best you can. The inner tent itself does not need to be stretched with pegs: it stands perfectly on the ground by itself thanks to the frame. If you do decide to do this, stretch it before covering the tent with an outer tarp and securing it. Storm stretch marks (bright ropes at the edges of the awning) should be stretched only if the tent is in an open area and you are afraid of strong winds. If you are camping in the woods, these stretchers are completely unnecessary. In addition, people passing by the tent will surely stumble over them.

3. Half-roll tents it is a little more difficult to set up (the previous type of tents can be set up even alone!). However, there is much more free space in them, the awning is very far from the inner walls (they will never be wet), and a few more people can usually fit in the vestibules from the half rolls (which in bad weather will allow the whole company to gather together). When installing a half-roll tent, remember that its frame consists of several semicircular arcs parallel to each other. The stability of your tent depends on how they are fixed with the pegs. Therefore, it is advisable to leave more space for the tent in order to spread it better. In the design of a half roll, the awning is usually first stretched on arcs, to which the inner tent is then fastened from the inside. Therefore, first you need to try to stretch the awning itself - and then from the inside, first attach the tent to it, and then stretch the bottom of the tent with pegs so that there is more space. In dry weather, the inner tent can be left from the awning and not unfastened: the installation time of the half roll is saved. But in the rain, it is better to unfasten the tents, knock them out separately - and dry them separately at the first opportunity. Otherwise, the weight of your backpack will increase significantly due to the accumulated water in the tent. NOTE: recently, hemispherical tents are gaining popularity, where an awning is first stretched on arcs, and then a tent is attached from the inside. A sort of hybrids of the second and third types. The advantage of these tents is that the inner tent can be easily spread out in the rain under the top awning - and it stays dry. In addition, in good weather, you can simply place an external awning, put things under it or sit down yourself, and not fool yourself with the installation of the entire tent. The installation of such a tent is extremely simple: first, arcs are threaded into the top from above, which are fixed on it, and then the inner part is fastened from the inside.

Warm, sunny days have come, May holidays are ahead - all these factors are conducive to going to camping trip with tent... A tent is the most important attribute of any hike; the comfort of a traveler's rest largely depends on it. Therefore, in order for your tent to serve you as long as possible and please you with its qualities, you need to follow a number of rules for its installation. Choosing the right place to pitch your tent will provide you with excellent sleep and no body aches and headaches in the morning. And in some cases it will even save life.

The tent can be set up almost anywhere, but not all places are suitable for resting. After all, on a hike it is important to have a good rest at night, so you need to choose a place for a future overnight stay in advance, before dark.

General rules for setting up a tent

  • The place for the tent should be level, without bumps, stones, knots.
  • If the tent is located on a slope, you need to pack so that your head is higher than your feet.
  • The distance between the fire and the tent is at least 3 meters. The tent burns out very quickly, and sparks create holes in it. The smoke from the fire should not go towards the tent.
  • You cannot pitch your tent in the pit. If it rains, you might end up in a puddle.
  • Don't put your tent close to the water. There are many mosquitoes near the water, it will be damp and cool at night and in the evening. The water level can rise due to rain and flood the tent. This rule also applies to islands and marshy lowlands.
  • Do not pitch your tent near power lines.
  • You cannot set up a tent on a cliff or under it.
  • Do not put your tent near a lonely tree in the rain, there is a danger of lightning strike.

    Installing scarves in the forest

    In the woods many suitable places for setting up a tent... For example, under conifers, it is dry even in rainy weather, and a carpet of needles provides a soft bedding. You cannot stop under large trees in a strong wind, they can fall on their own or from them, on your tent (head), a massive branch will fall. This rule is especially true for dry trees and aspens. In bad weather, it is best to stop among young trees. Make sure that the tent is not set up on or very close to the nest.

    Do not pitch your tent on green moss. It looks soft but contains a lot of moisture. In general, before setting up the tent, feel the soil, if it becomes wet after pressure or water is collected in your footprints, look for another place. You can turn around and lie down, turning from side to side, so you can assess whether this place suits you and in which direction you need to lie with your head.

    It is preferable to pitch the tent under the trees than in the clearing. In spring and autumn, the grass in the clearing is covered with frost, but there is no frost under the trees. From the dew in the meadow stretching ropes get wet and the tent sagging... The top tarpaulin starts touching the inner tent and can wet it. Make sure that the awning is neat and taut.

    Setting up a campground in an open area

  • It is dangerous to make a fire at the sites of former battles.
  • It is dangerous to make a fire in peat bogs in dry weather.
  • It is dangerous to make a fire in the dry steppe.
  • It is dangerous to pitch your tent on the road, even if it is abandoned.
  • It is dangerous to pitch your tent on top of a mountain or hill due to strong winds and thunderstorms.

    Do not put up a tent in lowlands and pits, as moisture accumulates in them and becomes damp. In swampy areas, passing rain can cut off your path.

    When setting up a tent in summer you need to take care of the presence of a natural shadow. This will increase the comfort of campers and save the fabric of the tent awning from wear and tear due to direct sunlight and heat.

    Inserting polyethylene under the bottom of the tent, so as not to get it dirty and wet, you risk waking up in a puddle of water if slanting rain falls at night. To prevent this from happening, use clothespins, tucking the edges of the polyethylene under the outer awning. Or put some plastic on the inside of the tent.

    If you have to camp in rainy weather and on the slope, dig a small trench-trench around the tent so that the water flows around it, but does not flow under the bottom.

    It is not advisable to set up a tent on the sand - it will definitely get inside. Sand, due to its abrasiveness, can damage the waterproof layer of your tent. Set up your tent away from dense bushes or tall grass - mosquitoes and small midges.

    In some areas, you need to beware of rockfalls, gas escaping from the ground, collisions with wild animals. Do not pitch your tent on trails where animals walk.

    How to pitch a tent

  • The weather in St. Petersburg is wonderful, I want to walk all the time and stay at home as little as possible. For the sake of completeness, one could also spend the night right on the street - in a tent. But is it legal? We asked about this from representatives of large city parks, the press secretary of the Committee for Improvement, as well as the head of the ECOM Expertise Center.

    Marianna Tishchenko

    head of communications department
    with the public of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after S. M. Kirov

    Perhaps, in some parks it is possible to pitch a tent, but definitely not in the Kirov Central Park of Culture and Leisure. The fact is that we have strict opening hours: during the summer season we close at midnight and open at 6 in the morning. The order is monitored by the patrol and guard service. And in principle, in the context of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure, it is strange to speak of a tent: it is a monument of federal significance, a specially protected natural area - not just a public garden or the Sosnovka park. It can be compared with Palace Square: what will happen if a person who does not have money for a hotel, but who really wants to wake up with a view of the beauty, starts setting up a tent on the square? However, I am not aware of any cases when someone tried to pitch a tent on Elagin Island.

    Elena Komarova

    committee spokesman
    for improvement

    The city has several categories of green areas. For example, common areas of planting are under the jurisdiction of the Committee: no tents can be set up there. Also, you cannot spend the night in tents in the inner-quarter squares, which are run by municipalities.

    Of course, you can't put up a tent on the Champ de Mars either. But there anything happens: it even happens that drunk people fry sausages on the Eternal Flame. Agree, a memorial is not a place for such things.

    A tent in the wrong place is an administrative offense, and more specifically, a violation of landscaping.

    Park Administration 300th Anniversary

    It is definitely impossible to spend the night in a tent in our park: this is a state budgetary institution with its own opening hours, we are not open around the clock - the park closes at 11 pm. If someone starts putting up a tent, a guard will come up to him and explain that this is not worth doing. But we did not have such cases.

    Alexander Karpov

    Head of the ECOM Expertise Center

    In parks, such a service as overnight in a tent is not provided. But we have a huge city: please go to Gorelovo - put up your tent there. On the periphery, there are plenty of places where this can be done and no one will drive them away - in the forests, on the banks of rivers: in the Kurortny and Krasnoselsky districts, in Kronstadt and Pushkin, even in the Kirovsky district - on Kanonersky Island.

    There is no special line about tents in the laws. Old-timers recall that in the early 2000s, protesters set up tents in the garden in front of Smolny - and everything was fine. And now they will not be fined for the tent: they will simply be driven away. They will say, for example, that you cannot crush the lawn.

    Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya