Foreign passports and documents

How travel passes are made. Shanghai Metro - urban transport

The modern metropolis of Shanghai amazes many seasoned travelers with its skyscrapers, financial centers and hurrying people in business suits. It would seem that the movement of urban transport is difficult and incomprehensible. But it turns out that the transport system in this million-plus city works smoothly and without interruptions. Each type of transport operates clearly on schedule.

Metro - urban mode of transport

One of the city's modes of transport is the Shanghai metro, a photo of which is shown below. If the city did not have a subway, it is difficult to imagine how Shanghai would exist today. People would not be able to get home or work, and city buses and trams were seriously overloaded.

And in general, city transport without the metro would not only be overloaded, but simply could not cope with the flow of people who want to get from one point to another. Therefore, the subway for Shanghai is an important mode of transport, which serves about 7 million people daily, and its length has already reached 420 kilometers.

It is important to note that the Shanghai metro today is an inexpensive, fast and convenient way to get around the city. This type of transport is enjoyed by both locals and numerous tourists.

Metro timetable

Shanghai boasts one of the fastest growing subways in the world, which is constantly growing and expanding. Shanghai Metro as of 2017 consists of 15 lines. In addition, there is a branch line from Line No. 1 that connects the city with Pudong Airport. The important thing is that almost all lines intersect with each other, and line number 3 runs above the ground.

The first train leaves the line at about 5-6 in the morning. The Shanghai Metro ends at about 10-11 pm. Opening hours of the subway seem incomprehensible for many visitors.

But it turns out that the Shanghai subway, which opening hours looks strange at first meeting, depends on the subway line. So, the closing and opening times are different for each specific line. At each station, on a special board, the departure time of the first and last train from this station is indicated.

Some features

The Shanghai Metro has a main ring line as well as radial lines. You should be aware that the circular route - line number 4 and the radial route - line number 3 overlap. Therefore, visitors need to be especially careful, otherwise you can go to the wrong place.

When entering the metro, you must attach the card to the validator. When leaving the metro, if a person was driving on a reusable card, he again applies it to the machine. And if he was driving on a one-time chip, he simply lowers the card into a special hole when exiting.

Thus, digital information is read from the card and the robot makes sure that the person has completed the paid path. If there was some mistake or a person traveled more than he was supposed to, then he can go to the nearest service center and pay the unpaid way. Such centers are installed at every metro station. After payment, a person can freely pass through the turnstile.


The metro ticket costs depending on the distance. On average, the price ranges from RMB 3 to RMB 9. Those who are going to take the Shanghai metro for the first time can tell the cashier the necessary station, and he himself will tell you how much the trip will cost. But usually you can see the price of a metro ride at ticket machines or above the ticket office.

For travel in the Shanghai subway, magnetic cards are used. Such tickets can be purchased at special machines or ticket offices at stations. It is not recommended to buy them with a margin, because they are valid only for the current day.

If a person is going to stay for several days, then it is more prudent in this case to purchase a reusable card, which costs 20 yuan. When buying a reusable card, it is recommended to deposit an amount of 80 to 300 yuan and use it to travel, except for the metro, and other types of public transport up to taxis.

When the entire amount on the reusable card has been used up, it can be topped up through the ticket machine or at any ticket office. In this case, you do not need to buy the card again. But you should know that only one person can use one card.

Some nuances

Shanghai Metro has dedicated lifts and disabled toilets. Interestingly, the train is not divided into wagons. Stations, in addition to the Chinese language, are announced additionally in English.

The Shanghai metro is notable for large crossings, and this must be borne in mind when planning the time for the road. The intervals between train movements are from 2 to 15 minutes. Special screens are installed near the tracks, which indicate the time of the approach of the nearest train.

Each metro station has up to 10 exits. Therefore, before using the services of this urban transport, it is recommended to study in detail the map of the area and the location of the station. All subway signs are in Chinese and English.

At the entrance to each station of the Shanghai Metro, all passengers undergo full security control. It's just like at airports - the luggage goes through the X-ray, and you yourself go through the frame. Such strict measures in all "subways". We recommend not to be surprised, you will find many more interesting things in this country, and even some aspects of the life of the Chinese.

One more important note. In the metro, on the platform, arrows indicate where passengers who are preparing to enter the carriage should stand. Do not stand directly in front of the door, behave culturally and do not dishonor your homeland.

What's the fare

In the Shanghai metro, the cost of the trip depends on the length of the journey. If you travel up to 6 kilometers, then the ticket will cost 3. If you go further, then for every next 10 kilometers you will have to pay another 1 yuan.

These rates are valid on all lines except the 5th, where a trip up to 6 km costs 2 RMB. The entire 5th line is 15 kilometers long. What is the reason for this exception? This is how the city authorities stimulate the development of this area.

Children up to 1.2 meters tall can use the Shanghai Metro for free. Also, old people after 70 years old can ride here for free, but for tourists this is not relevant, since you need to have a Chinese social card.

What are the tickets

The simplest ticket is a one-time ticket. The easiest way to buy it is from a vending machine. You simply select the destination station and the number of tickets, and the machine calculates the cost itself and gives you tickets after payment. Remember that one-time tickets at the end of the trip must be “fed” to the turnstile. It's a pity, but you won't be able to keep it as a keepsake.

A single ticket is valid only on the day of purchase. You can spend no more than 3 hours in the metro, after this time the turnstile will not let you back out.

The second type of ticket is the Shanghai Public Transportation Card. You put a certain amount of money on it, and the system itself withdraws it as you travel. It is much more convenient than buying a ticket every time. If you travel with this 70 RMB card, you will receive a 10% discount on all subsequent trips. A trifle, but nice.

A transport card can only be purchased at the ticket office. 20 yuan will have to be paid as a deposit. When you leave Shanghai, you can get it back, having received your 20 yuan and the entire amount that you did not have time to spend. This card allows you to “go into the minus” by 8 yuan.

Another type of ticket is single day and three days. Pay RMB 18 or 45 and ride the Shanghai subway for one or three days without restrictions. For tourists, this type of ticket is the most convenient of all. These tickets can only be purchased at the box office.

Souvenir ticket. It is only sold at certain stations. We have never seen him and we cannot tell anything about him.

Maglev ticket. It appeared recently in 2013. You can drive along it once and take the metro for one day without restrictions. This ticket costs 55 RMB, which is very beneficial as one trip to Maglev costs 50 RMB.


Very important information for tourists. There are two types of crossings in the Shanghai metro. The first - the usual, where you enter the tunnel between the stations and get to the right one, just like ours.

The second type of transition is called “virtual” or “transit”. There is no tunnel and passengers need to get off the metro and re-enter. There are not many such transitions, and they are specially marked on the maps, and if you look closely, you will easily find them.

The "uniforms" familiar to Muscovites are made at the Mikron plant in Zelenograd. The enterprise has been manufacturing microcircuits since Soviet times. In the early 1990s, it was corporatized. Then the plant became part of the Sitronics concern, owned by AFK Sistema. In July 2006, the concern signed an agreement with STMicroelectronics on the transfer of technologies for the production of microcircuits with a topology of 180 nanometers. This line produces microchips, which are now in every Moscow travel ticket. In addition to them, the plant produces SIM cards and plastic cards with chips for Visa and MasterCard, chip modules for a universal electronic card and biometric passport.

Mikron plant

Location: Moscow, Zelenograd

The number of employees: 1 700

Date of foundation: 1967

The main element of the Moscow transport map is a microchip 0.2 square millimeters in size. Microchip crystals are made on silicon wafers in clean rooms, where powerful air conditioners maintain a constant temperature of 21 degrees and a humidity of 45%. Only factory employees in overalls and masks can enter the clean rooms - this is necessary in order to exclude the ingress of dust or foreign particles from clothing and skin onto plates with future chips or equipment.

The production of a crystal is a complex technological process, which is similar to the repetitive development of a photograph. The surface of the silicon wafer is covered with a special dielectric layer. A photosensitive composition is applied to it - a photoresist. Then, using an ultraviolet ray, the plate is illuminated through a photomask with a pattern of one of the layers of the future microcircuit. This procedure is repeated many times over the entire surface of the wafer, as long as there is enough space depending on the size of the chip itself. So, 90 thousand transport chips "fit" on one plate with a diameter of 200 millimeters.

Ultraviolet radiation, passing through the photomask, illuminates individual areas of the surface, which then appear with the help of special compounds. As a result, “drawn” lines from the photoresist remain on the surface. Free areas are subjected to various influences: etching or ion implantation, when ions of other substances "shoot" from the high-voltage accelerator into the plate and penetrate into the surface layers of silicon to a certain depth. This is how tens of millions of tiny transistors are obtained, which in the required sequence must be connected to each other by conductors. The density of the elements is so great that it is impossible to combine them all on one layer. Therefore, several layers are made where the conductors do not intersect with each other. All layers and conductors form a complex structure, similar to the branched passages in an anthill.

The whole process of making crystals on a wafer takes about two to three months and requires the sequential execution of more than three thousand different operations. There are nine sections in the clean room of the plant, which are responsible for different stages of production. Every day and around the clock, specialists control the technological process, ensuring the quality and accuracy of all operations. All in all, Mikron, which, in addition to producing crystals, is also engaged in scientific research, designing microcircuits and assembling finished products, employs about 1,700 employees.

When the crystal is finished, the plates are sent to the shipping card production workshop. At the bumping site, the machine at great speed places tiny gold posts (bump) on each chip. Then they will become the contact between the chip and the antenna of the transport ticket. An antenna is needed to power the chip with electricity using electromagnetic induction. At the moment the ticket is applied to the turnstile validator, the ticket antenna enters the electromagnetic field and begins to generate a weak electric current. The chip "wakes up" and starts transmitting information about its number, the number of trips, and the validity period via the radio channel. The information is checked against the database, and if everything fits, the trip is written off from the card and the turnstile doors are opened.

At the stage of thinning, the plates become ten times thinner. The machine cuts off the excess silicon from the bottom and the thickness of the wafer is reduced from 750 to 75 microns. This avoids the appearance of a bump where the chip will be installed on the transport card.

Then the plate is transferred to a sticky film and sent to cutting, where diamond cutters cut it vertically and horizontally, carefully cutting out each of the 90 thousand chips. The thickness of the cut is minimal, and the appearance of chips at the edges is unacceptable.

On the conveyor, the chips are attached to a special non-stretching polyethylene tape with an aluminum antenna. First, the device applies glue exactly to the place of attachment, and then a chip is placed on it: on the back of the sticky film, the chip is lifted with a thin needle so that a vacuum suction cup can pick it up and place it in the right place. A film with an antenna and an installed chip is called inlay. The inlays are tested, cut into strips and rolled into tight bobbins.

After cutting down, tickets are personalized. The drum captures the ticket and writes the card number on its chip, which will later allow it to be identified in the database. The packers put cards in boxes, which are sent to the subway and ticket offices of the city. The numbers of tickets and parties are entered into a computer, and then, when selling, the cashier simply "assigns" a certain number of trips to the ticket.

Every month Mikron makes over 30 million transport cards for the Moscow Department of Transport and the Moscow Metro. Their selling price has not exceeded 5 rubles for three years.

photos: Ivan Gushchin

Public transport in Shanghai is a well-developed system of metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains, ferries, etc. Transfer to Pudong Airport is carried out on a very unusual form of transport - Maglev magnetoplane. Especially for the guests of the metropolis, tourist buses run around the city and a tunnel of attractions operates. Renting a bike or using the services of a taxi company will not be difficult, while renting a car, on the contrary, can be difficult.

It seems that understanding the transport system of the multimillion-dollar Shanghai is not an easy task. Everything is complicated by the national language: a complete lack of understanding of the inscriptions in public transport and at stops, just like English, not all workers of the transport structure know and understand. This publication will help you get closer to understanding how public transport in Shanghai works, how to buy tickets and how not to get lost in the metropolis.


Travel in Shanghai is carried out both with tickets for one trip, and with travel cards for several trips / days / modes of transport.

Traveling on the subway

Suitable for a short stay in the city one-way ticket ... Shanghai's transport pricing policy is formed as follows: the fare is calculated depending on the distance traveled. For those passengers who traveled from 0 to 6 kilometers, the ticket will cost ¥ 3... If the path exceeds 6 km, then for every 10 kilometers, an additional ¥ 1... The maximum fare will be ¥ 15.

There are exceptions to the general rule. Traveling on Line 5 is cheaper by ¥ 1: the fare is 2 ¥ for trips up to 6 km, and ¥ 3 for all trips over 6 km, regardless of distance. The fee is not valid for transfers from Line 5 to others. The fare from Xinzhuang Station to Narodnaya Ploshchad Station is 4 ¥.

A single-trip ticket can be purchased from ticket machines (Chinese and English) or subway ticket offices. All tickets have a built-in chip. It is quite easy to purchase a one-trip ticket through the ticket machine. Having switched to English, you need to select a start and end point, after which the ticket price will be calculated automatically.

To enter the station, the ticket must be brought to the reader, and to exit the station, a ticket for one trip must be placed in the reader slot. If you bought a ticket to a certain station and try to get off at another, then you will not be able to do this. You will need to pay extra at the checkout upon exiting.

The card can be purchased at the metro, shops, banks and other official points of sale. Also, the card can be ordered on the official website or through a mobile application (Chinese).

Shanghai has one of the fastest growing and expanding subways in the world. The metro system is perfectly integrated with other forms of public transport. As of 2020, there are 16 operating lines in Shanghai:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Pujiang (the train schedule is available on the links). Lines 14, 15, 18 are planned to be launched in 2020 - 2021. It is also planned to expand the existing lines, and by 2030 - the commissioning of new lines (from 19 to 25).

The Shanghai subway is a fairly fast way of getting around, although not the cheapest. But at the same time, even despite the congestion at rush hour, the movement is still comfortable, if only because air conditioners work everywhere in summer, and heating in winter. Stations are announced in both Chinese and English.

Each metro station has a map, also in English. Some lines have branches. Metro employees always come to the rescue of guests of the city, so you can safely ask for answers to your questions.

Before entering the transport zone, it is necessary to pass a hand luggage check, which is identical to the admission control in the metro of the cities of the Russian Federation. With travel cards, everything is quite simple, they must be applied to the turnstile readers at the entrance and exit from the station. The ticket for one trip must be kept until the end of the trip. To leave the station, place a ticket in a special slot in the turnstile.

The only disadvantage of the metro as a public transport is its opening hours. Each line has an individual schedule. Some lines close early enough, most of the metro runs from 05:30 to 23:00, although life in the city is in full swing until late. For convenience, you can take advantage of the Shanghai Extended Metro Map and plan your route in advance. You can also download mobile apps in advance to help you plan your route. For example, Explore Shanghai for iOS and Android.


In the summer of 2019, construction began on a new Express Airport Link, which will connect Pudong and Hongqiao airports. Currently, to get from one airport to another, you need to take the metro (Line 2) or take a bus. The journey takes 70 to 90 minutes. The 68.6-kilometer line will cut travel time to 40 minutes after completion of construction, which is tentatively scheduled for 2024. The trains will travel at a speed of 160 km / h. The Express Airport Link will consist of 9 stations.


The bus route map consists of more than 1000 lines. The bus is cheaper than the metro. All buses are equipped with air conditioning, TV monitors with news, and creeping line indicating the next stop, duplicated by voice messages in Chinese and English. The buses are usually new: European models assembled in China. A number of Shanghai private transport companies are in charge of bus transportation.

Public buses are identified by numbers or characters. As a result of the optimization that has taken place in recent years, many bus routes have been shortened, replaced or combined. Some regular routes began to operate only during rush hours, keeping the original numbering. There are several conventional categories of buses in Shanghai:

Routes with number code:

  • Up to No. 200 - regular regular routes;
  • 200 to 299 - most of the routes operate during peak hours (although some of them include regular lines);
  • From No. 300 to No. 399 - night routes;
  • From No. 400 to No. 499 - lines crossing the Huangpu River;
  • From No. 500 to No. 599, No. 800 to No. 899 - special lines;
  • 600 to 699 - Pudong District Lines;
  • From 700 to 799 and from 1000 there are regular suburban routes.

The rest of the lines are marked with Chinese characters, which are the abbreviated form of the names of the first and final stations. Some of them go to airports, across the Huangpu River, to the port, to the railway station, etc.

Most buses run around the city from approximately 05:30 to 21:30. Peak hour routes operate from 06:00 to 08:00 and from 16:30 to 18:30. The schedule for night buses is from 23:00 to 05:30. Times vary depending on the route.

The fare is paid by SPTC transport card or in cash. It is best to prepare coins in advance, which must be dropped into the container at the entrance (next to the driver). Nobody gives change. Conductors work on some of the long routes.

There are also several large bus stations in Shanghai, from where you can get to the suburbs by comfortable buses.

It will be possible to cover the sights of the city in a short time using the services of one of the excursion bus companies. Buses run around Shanghai according to the Hop-on Hop-off system: you can get off at any station, walk and see the sights, and then continue the journey with the same ticket on another bus of the tourist route. Tickets can be purchased when boarding the bus. Excursion services of this kind in Shanghai are provided by Shanghai Bus Tours, Springtour and a number of other companies.

The most convenient way is to download a map of Shanghai public transport to your phone, there is a huge variety of similar applications today. For example, Moovit provides detailed maps and timetables for all Shanghai Metro, Bus and Tram routes, as well as the best way to get to a stop or point of interest.

Shanghai trolleybus

Shanghai's trolleybus system is the oldest in the world. It was launched back in 1914. Today there are 14 routes in Shanghai:

No. 6: Changbai Road Tumen Road - Wujin Road North Henan Road;
No. 8: Sanmen Road Shiguang Road - Songpan Road Yangshupu Road;
No. 13: Tilanqiao - Zhongshan Park Metro Station;
No. 14: Jiangpu Road North Zhongshan 2nd Road - Dongxinqiao;
No. 15: North Zhejiang Road East Tianmu Road - Shanghai Stadium;
No. 19: Tangshan Road Tongbei Road - Putuo Road Jiangning Road;
No.20: Jiujiang Road / the Bund - Zhongshan Park Metro Station;
No. 22: Changbai Road Tumen Road - Minhang Road Changzhi Road;
No. 23: South Zhongshan 1st Road South Xizang Road - Xinkangli;
No. 24: Doushi Street East Fuxing Road - Changshou New Village;
No. 25: Pingliang Road Jungong Road - South Chongming Road;
No. 26: Xinkaihe Road - West Guangyuan Road Hongqiao Road;
No. 28: Baotou Road Nenjiang Road - Tilanqiao;
No. 71: East Yan'an Road / the Bund - Shenkun Road Bus Hub.

All trolleybuses are air-conditioned and meet high comfort requirements. The approximate timetable for trolleybuses is from 05:00 to 23:00. The fare is 2 ¥.

Shanghai trains

Shanghai is the intersection of many strategically important railway lines. High-speed trains connect Shanghai with many destinations throughout China - Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Harbin, etc.

There are 4 main railway stations in the city - Shanghai Railway Station, South Station, West Station and Hongqiao Station.

As you know, China's trains are divided into categories. Most of Shanghai's high-speed trains are of the G category (the most comfortable and modern trains). Chinese trains are strikingly different from the usual Russian ones for the better.

Train tickets can be purchased at ticket offices or ticket machines at stations. You must have a passport with you. Also, tickets are purchased at official dealerships or on the official website of the Chinese Railways (in Chinese). It is recommended to arrive at the station 1.5 hours before the departure of the train.

The fare will directly depend on the departure date, carriage class and destination. Ticket prices for some destinations in 2020:

  • Shanghai - Beijing: from 451 ¥ ;
  • Shanghai - Harbin: from 983 ¥ ;
  • Shanghai - Xi'an: from 469 ¥ etc.

Commuter trains to Yuyao, Ningbo, Shaoxing and Shangyu run from Shanghai several times a day. The most up-to-date train prices and timetables from Shanghai are available on the China Railway official website.

Sightseeing Tunnel Bund

In fact, the Bung Tunnel does not contain any real landmarks, as it runs underground. Of course, this is the fastest way to get from the Bund to the Pearl TV Tower in Pudong. This tunnel is designed only for tourists, although it will be useful for those who urgently need to get to the TV Tower during rush hour. A light show will accompany you during the entire 5-minute journey through the tunnel. The line has automatic control.

The tunnel is accessible from May to October from 08:00 to 22:30, and from November to April from 08:00 to 22:00. One way ticket will cost 50 ¥ , and in both directions - 70 ¥ .

Shanghai water transport

Wusong Port is an important passenger transport hub for local traffic. You can leave Shanghai for Putoshan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Travel time one way will be 12 hours. Ticket prices vary by class and start at ¥ 139.

There are regular ferries from Shanghai to the Chongming Islands. The fare will depend on the destination and range from ¥ 11 before ¥ 22.

Ferries also successfully run between the most touristy areas - Bund and Pudong. The ferry is the cheapest way to cross the river. Only ¥ 3 you can take a fascinating journey and see the city panorama in a completely different light. Ferries run approximately every 10 minutes, the travel time is even less - just over 5 minutes.

Shanghai Ferry offers cruises from Shanghai International Port to Osaka (Japan). Departures are on Tuesdays at 11:00, on Thursdays at 09:00, on Fridays at noon and on a floating schedule on Sundays. The fare starts from 1300

In a taxi, you can pay in cash (preferably), credit card or SPTC transport card.

We can safely call a taxi one of the unique features of modern China. These are traditional in our understanding cars, bicycle and motorcycle rickshaws, and even motorcycle taxis. So taxi in Shanghai is a topic for a separate article.

For me, the Shanghai subway is associated with eternity! On my first trip, we lived very far from the center and every day spent about an hour on the metro on only 1 line. But the reality is not so bad!

Features of the metro in Shanghai

The Shanghai Metro has 16 lines and allows you to get almost anywhere. Well, at least to everything that a tourist needs.

At each station there is a security control service, everything is like at airports - the luggage goes through the X-ray, and you yourself go through the metal detector frame. All aprons are fenced off from the tracks by a fence (a handrail at a height of one meter and a glass surface, sometimes the fence is completely glass from floor to ceiling), the doors of the carriages stop in front of the fence doors. The entrance to the car is carried out from the side, exit from the center. There are special graphic clues on the floor to help you find your way.

There are monitors on the walls of the carriages, which, interspersed with news, recipes and even karaoke, broadcast information about actions in an emergency. On the platforms there are large TVs showing the time before train arrival and other information.

I'll start with some basic information:

Metro map

Now, in the age of technology, I would advise you to download the app in advance to be prepared for the trip. The best, in my opinion, is: Shanghai Metro (Metroman), a blue app.

In terms of functionality, everything is standard: an interactive metro map, in which you can, by choosing the necessary stations, build a route. Unlike other apps, it is constantly being updated.

Website and Opening Hours

The official website of the Shanghai Metro is always up-to-date. Using them, you can build your route in advance. It is especially convenient that all information is provided in English.

On average, the metro is open from 6:00 to 23:00, but each line functions differently. You can see exactly until which hour the line you need is working is possible only in the metro, there are signs indicating the time or on the website, but keep in mind that sometimes the time changes. Therefore, you should not risk it: it is better to be at the station you need 30 minutes before the close of the metro station.

You will never get lost in the metro - there are signs everywhere to the desired line. The main thing is to carefully look at the map: some crossings only mean changing from one train to another, and not going through long tunnels.

Types of tickets and fare

If you have already been to other cities in China, then it will not be news to you that the price varies depending on the distance. If your path does not exceed 6 kilometers, then the ticket will cost 0.44 USD. If you need to drive further, then for every next 10 kilometers you will have to pay another 0.15 USD. However, some lines have their own rates. The maximum cost is 1.3 USD.

You shouldn't have any difficulties with paying for travel: at each station there are vending machines where you can buy a one-time ticket. The departure station is already automatically jammed in the system, you just need to choose which station you need to go to, and the machine will calculate the cost on its own.

Do not try to be smarter than the system and buy a ticket to the station you need, because when entering and exiting, it will be necessary to insert it into the turnstile. Otherwise, you will not be able to get off the metro and onto the street.

Now let's move on to the option with which there are a little less troubles if you come for a long time.

Is free children up to 130 cm tall are allowed in the subway. In addition, disabled people and retirees with Chinese citizenship.

The Shanghai Metro has excellent navigation, all exits are marked, there are often maps next to them. So you won't be able to get confused. When planning a route to a point of interest, always look at which exit is closest.