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Where is the Pharos lighthouse. Alexandria (Pharos) lighthouse - interesting historical facts. Polished bronze mirrors

The Alexandria or Pharos lighthouse is one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. Construction began under Alexander the Great and completed under Ptolemy I. Briefly described, its importance was of a strategic nature. The uniqueness of the building was due to the non-standard height of the building.

Alexander the Great founded the city of the same name south of the Nile Delta. To create strategically important sea trade routes, a port and a harbor were needed. The harbor was necessary due to the frequent shipwrecks in that area - at night, the ships crashed on the rocky terrain of the reservoir.

The lighthouse had an important functional solution - to illuminate the location of stones, direct ships towards the port and warn in advance an enemy attack.

History of creation

Only enough could handle such functionality high building... According to the plans, the architect Sostratus of Cnidus indicated the height of the lighthouse at 120 m.Some sources indicate 135-150 m. At the time of the 4th century BC, such a structure became a giant. The construction was supposed to last 20 years, but it went much faster - up to 12 years. According to another version - in 5-6 years.

Where is the Lighthouse of Alexandria located on the world map

Alexandrian lighthouse, short description which allows you to learn about the proposed place of its construction, was located on the island of Pharos in Alexandria. Now it is connected to the mainland by an embankment. This part on the modern world map belongs to the Republic of Egypt.

Construction features

Appearance The Alexandria lighthouse was significantly different from the architecture of that time. The direction was set in such a way that each wall pointed to the corresponding side of the world.

Under Alexander the Great, there were not enough resources for a quick construction. Therefore, the construction was originally supposed to last 20 years. But after the death of the Macedonian and the conquest of the lands of Ptolemy, these resources appeared.

Ptolemy had several squads of Jewish slaves who could start building. A dam was organized between the island and the mainland for easier transportation of people and building materials.

What the Lighthouse of Alexandria looked like

Sailing sailors artistically described the characteristic features of the sculptures located along the contour of the lighthouse. One of them pointed to the sun. At night, the hand of the sculpture went down. Another statue was beating time every hour. The third indicated the direction of the wind.

The version with the third sculpture can be called confirmed, since the second tier was located in the direction of the wind rose. Accordingly, one of the statues could really show the direction, according to the principle of a weather vane.

There is a version that the mechanisms responsible for displaying weather conditions were involved. One of the statues worked on the principle of accumulating solar energy or a similar mechanism, and the other - on the principle of a cuckoo clock. This version has not been reliably confirmed.

I (lower) tier

The lowest block was in the form of a square, each side of which was 30-31 m. The height of the first tier reached 60 m. This foundation part became the main one. In those days, the height of the foundation did not exceed 10 meters, which was an innovation for the lighthouse. The corners of the lower floor were decorated with statues in the form of tritons.

The practical purpose of the tier was to position the guards and lighthouse workers in these rooms. Food and fuel for the lantern were also stored here.

II (middle) tier

The middle tier had a height of 40 m, the outer facing was made of marble slabs. The octagonal shape of this part of the building faced the direction of the winds. Thus, the enlarged architectural solution of Sostratus of Cnidus took into account all the outgoing data. The statues that adorned the tier served as weather vane.

III (upper) tier

The third cylindrical tier was the main one for the lighthouse. A statue stood on 8 granite columns.

There are 3 versions whose figure was depicted:

  1. God of the seas Poseidon.
  2. Isis-Faria, goddess of prosperous seafarers.
  3. Zeus the Savior, the main god.

Its material also differs in two versions: bronze or gold. The height of the statue reached 7-8 m. The top of the lighthouse was domed in the form of a cone. There was a platform for a signal fire under the statue. The increase in the amount of light was created with the help of concave mirrors (possibly bronze) of metal in one version and the same shape of smooth polished stones in the other. r

A number of disputes arose over the delivery of fuel:

  • One of the versions about the delivery using a lifting mechanism inside the lighthouse in the mine.
  • Another story tells about the lifting of fuel on mules along a spiral ramp.
  • The third version modified the second - donkeys were delivered along a gentle staircase.

One of the versions of fuel delivery for the lamp to the upper tier of the Alexandria lighthouse

Pharos is the island where the lighthouse was located. Delivery of fuel and provisions for the guard would take place by boat, which would greatly complicate transportation. Therefore, it was decided to build a dam from the island to the mainland. Subsequently, the dam was trampled, forming a land isthmus.

Height and range of outgoing light

There are very conflicting data regarding the range of the outgoing light. One version is 51 km, another - 81. But according to Struysky's mathematical calculations, for such a light range, the height of the lighthouse should have been at least 200-400 m. The most probable version is that the light from the building emanated no more than 20 km.

At night, the lighthouse was illuminated with fire, and during the day it served as a designation in the form of an outgoing column of smoke.

Additional purpose

The Alexandria lighthouse, a brief description of which is in scientific publications, had an additional purpose. By the time of construction, Alexander the Great was expecting an attack by the Ptolemies by water. Lighting could warn the advantage of a surprise attack from enemies. For this purpose, a sentry post was located on the lower floor, which periodically scanned the sea.

Macedonian feared based on the experiences of other rulers. At that time, Demetrius Poliorketus suddenly attacked the harbor of Piraeus, taking advantage of the enemy's limited visibility. Demetrius also appeared off the Egyptian shores after an unsuccessful campaign against Ptolemy.

Egypt then escaped the fight due to a violent storm that destroyed a large part of the enemy's fleet. Alexander began construction of an important lighthouse, but only Ptolemy I was able to finish it. Under the lighthouse on the underground floor there was a large cistern with water for the time of the proposed siege.

What happened to the Alexandria lighthouse

There are several reasons for the destruction of the lighthouse:

  • Due to the death of Alexander the Great, the focus on the lighthouse was lost. Gradually, it collapsed due to insufficient funding.
  • The sea trade route was closed to Pharos, so the need for a lighthouse and a bay was gone. Copper statues and mirrors were melted down into coins.
  • The remains of the lighthouse were destroyed by an earthquake.

Until 796, the story is the same: the lighthouse gradually collapsed and the earthquake caused damage.

Alternative version of destruction

Further history is divided into alleged parts:

Complete annihilation version Partial kill versions
The lighthouse was completely destroyed to its very foundations. Almost 800 years later, it was partially rebuilt from strategic military targets. The height of the new lighthouse did not exceed 30 m. The earthquake partially destroyed the lighthouse, but it was successfully repaired. It stood until the XIV century. The troops were also located here. Due to countless forays, the lighthouse was destroyed over a hundred years to its foundation 30 meters.
There is another version in which the lighthouse was partially destroyed. It is assumed that his plundering was the cause of the destruction. During the Arab conquest of the Egyptian state, the Byzantines and Christian countries wanted to entice people and weaken the enemy. But a lighthouse prevented getting into the city. Therefore, several people secretly made their way into the city and spread rumors about Ptolemy's treasure, which is hidden in the lighthouse. The Arab people began to disassemble the insides of the structure, melting metals. This damaged the mirror system and permanently broke the beacon. The structure remained in the form of a standing building, and after half a century it was converted into a fortress.

The meaning of the wonder of the world in the modern world

The Lighthouse of Alexandria has preserved the remains of the foundation, which in the modern world is occupied by the fort of Kite Bay (or the Alexandria fortress). In short, the fortress served as a protective citadel of Turkey, but was conquered by Napoleon's army during the weakening of the state.

In the 9th century, the Alexandrian fortress was ruled by Egypt. At this time, it was strengthened and equipped with modern weapons at that time. After a strong attack by British troops, it was again destroyed. By the end of the 20th century, the fort was completely rebuilt.

With such a long history, the fortress acquired a new value. For this reason, they did not want to rebuild the Lighthouse of Alexandria in its original place - this would destroy those historical monuments, which were erected after the destruction of the lighthouse.

Recovery possibility

By the 15th century, the fort-fortress of Kite Bay was built on the site of the Alexandria lighthouse. According to one version, the fragments of the lighthouse were used. According to the other, the fort was built in the surviving part of the building. At the end of the 20th century, there was an international discussion of the restoration of the lighthouse.

The Egyptians planned to start work elsewhere, their initiative was supported by countries:

  • Italy.
  • Greece.
  • France.
  • Germany.

The project is planned to be named "Medistone". It includes the reconstruction of architectural structures of the Ptolemy era. Expert assessment of the project in the region of $ 40 million. The bulk of the budget will be spent on the construction of modern amenities: a business center, restaurant, diving club, hotel and museum with the design of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

The location of the new reconstructed structure has been discussed for a long time. The Egyptians did not want to give up the original location of the lighthouse due to its current importance with the fort built. It was decided to build a new lighthouse to the east in the bay on a five-pointed float. The center of the float will be decorated with a glass interpretation of the lighthouse.

The number of storeys will be maintained with different level parts. Each of them will be equipped observation deck for tourists. From each floor you can go out to view the sea and city views. The height of the New Lighthouse will be up to 50 m. A star on steel supports will be installed on top, which will serve as an illuminator. The most high point planned up to 106 m.

The main interest of tourists is due to the planned construction of an underwater hall. Its depth will reach 3 m.

The possibility of this construction was due to the location of the royal quarter of Alexandria. The city was located in a seismically active zone, so a significant part of it went under water. Transporting the find is problematic due to its many years of being under water. The presence of an underwater hall will allow anyone to explore the lost quarter.

Interesting facts about the Alexandria lighthouse

The Alexandria lighthouse, a brief description of which allows you to learn about the details of the internal construction, is surrounded by several interesting facts.

For example, like this:

  • The search for the Lost Quarter began back in 1968 by the archaeologist Honor Frost. By the time the remains of the city were found, she was awarded the medal "For Egyptian Underwater Archeology."
  • Sostratus of Cnidus wanted to immortalize his name. Under the plaster, he applied the phrase about the construction of this lighthouse with his hands for sailors. The upper layer testified to the dedication of the building to Ptolemy. This was discovered many years later when the plaster began to fall off.
  • The lighthouse is known under two names - Alexandria and Pharos. The first name comes from the city that housed the lighthouse. According to another version - in honor of the Macedonian, who began construction. The second name is known because of the island on which the building was located.
  • It is not known for certain which statue stood under the dome of the lighthouse. This is due different countrieswho occupied the land. Different cultures with foreign religions changed oral history. There is no documented information, which is why the versions about the statue are so different. They have one thing in common - the figure was associated with a deity of government and / or the sea.

The Alexandria lighthouse provided people with work and food, kept water supplies for the city in the event of a siege... To briefly describe its function: it illuminated the rocky bottom and helped to see the enemy. Its uniqueness attracted Herodotus, which is why he mentioned the lighthouse on his list of wonders of the world.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Lighthouse of Alexandria

Alexandria (Pharos) lighthouse:

The seventh wonder of the world is located in Egypt on the shores of the Gulf of Pharos - the famous Alexandria lighthouse counts its history from the formation of the city of Alexandria, which was built in 332 BC. Roman commander of Macedon: the conqueror, during his military career, named about 17 cities in his honor, but only Alexandria in Egypt has preserved its attractions to this day.


1. The Pharos lighthouse was erected in the Nile Delta - the military leader carefully chose the site for the new city of Alexandria, and it was here that the first construction sites were deployed near Lake Mareotis. The Macedonian assumed that the lighthouse of great height should stand on the banks of two large harbors. One of them was planned as a port for merchant ships from the Mediterranean countries, and the second harbor served ships sailing along the Nile.

2. Ptolemy became the new ruler of Egypt: by that time Macedonian had died, leaving behind a flourishing and promising seaport... The new government decided to continue the work of the conqueror and establish a lighthouse, which later became the seventh wonder of the world. At night and in inclement weather, a 120-meter powerful lighthouse illuminated the sea routes for trade and passenger shipsheading to the harbor.

3. During the construction of the Alexandria lighthouse, a photo of the remains of the foundation of which can be seen on the network, a system of signal lights was used. The real architect who did a lot for the appearance of this large-scale signal building in Alexandria and actually supervised the construction is the engineer from Cnidia - Sostratus. It took more than 20 years to build the Pharos lighthouse, which went down in history as the tallest building in the ancient world. To provide a work site building materials, built a dam.

4. Inside the lighthouse, the architects placed as many as three separate tiers. On the first, which has a square shape, statues of sea inhabitants - tritons - were installed in the corners. This room housed guards and workers serving the lighthouse. There were also pantries with fuel and food.

On the middle tier, the building had an octagonal shape, while the builders managed to orient the edges along the local wind directions. At the top of the building were statues and original weather vane.

The upper tier had a strictly cylindrical shape and was decorated with columns, and a source of illumination was arranged under the cone-shaped reflecting dome. At the top of the lighthouse, a statue of Isis was placed, which was considered the patroness of merchants and sailors. The masters managed to project a powerful light through a complex system of mirrors - these were concave metal sheets that perfectly reflected the fire burning at the very top of the tower.

5. Scientists are still arguing over the method of delivering fuel to the Pharos lighthouse. According to one version, the firewood was transported by teams of mules along reliable spiral staircases. The second legend says that the fuel was lifted by an ancient elevator along a shaft located vertically inside the structure. The light that the beacon gave from high tower, was clearly visible even at a distance of 48 kilometers from the harbor.

6. In the underground part there were serious supplies of food and water for the garrison guard, since the structure served as a fortress protecting the bays and sea approaches to the city. The photo of the basement of the Alexandria lighthouse preserved the outline of the fence, through the loopholes of which the arrows guarded the harbor.

The fate of the structure

In the 16th century, the seventh wonder of the world was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. The lighthouse was captured on the old coins minted in Rome. Modern scientists can judge the scale of the building only by the ruins and preserved ancient documents.

Sultan Kait-bey, a century after the destruction of the tower, built a military fort in that place. In the mid-90s of the last century, scientists discovered the remains of the legendary lighthouse at the bottom of the Alexandria harbor. Once the initiative groups planned to work on the reconstruction of the lighthouse, but the Egyptian authorities refused to finance these dubious projects. Now on the island of Pharos, only the ancient fortress of Kayt Bey guards the ruins of an antique tower.

Tourists and travelers from all over the world can not only see picturesque photos of the Alexandria lighthouse, but also visit the remains of the foundation on the shore of a bay in Egypt. The ruins of the tower still attract lovers of historical sites and ancient architecture. By purchasing completely affordable prices tours to Egypt from specialists from the travel agency website, tourists get a unique opportunity to visit various countries and even look at famous sights.

The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of the most famous landmarks of the ancient world. The Lighthouse of Alexandria is rightfully called one of them - this is the last of the classic wonders of antiquity. Basic information and interesting Facts about this structure, its creation, functions and sad fate can be found on the Internet (as well as a photo of the reconstructed lighthouse), but the impressions of historical siteseen with my own eyes cannot be compared with anything.

The history of the lighthouse on the island of Pharos is firmly connected with the founding in 332 AD one of the most beautiful cities the ancient world - Alexandria, named after the great conqueror Alexander the Great. For all the time of his campaigns, he managed to found about 17 cities with the same name, but only Alexandria in Egypt managed to survive to our time.

Founding of Alexandria

Alexander the Great approached the choice of a place for the future city with great responsibility. He did not want to locate it in the Nile Delta, so he decided to start construction a little further south, not far from Lake Mareotis. It was planned that there will be two ports in Alexandria - one for merchant ships coming from Mediterranean Seathe other is for ships sailing from the Nile River.

After the death of the great Alexander, the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter - the pharaoh of Egypt, who ruled at that time. This was the time of prosperity for Alexandria - it became the largest shipping port. In 290 BC, Ptolemy ordered to build a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would facilitate the way for sailors at night and in bad weather.

Construction of the Pharos lighthouse

The construction of the Alexandria lighthouse began in the 4th century BC. It is believed that this masterpiece of architectural thought was built by Sostratus, a native of Cnidia. Construction work lasted for over 20 years. The Alexandria Lighthouse is the first building of its kind in the world and the tallest structure in the ancient world. This is the answer to the question why the Pharos lighthouse is included in the seven wonders of the world. This magnificent skyscraper was a symbol of power and might, prosperity and greatness, like light in darkness.

The height of the Alexandria Lighthouse is about 600 feet, or 135 meters. At the same time, it looked somewhat different than most of the architectural monuments of that time. It was a three-tiered building with a square at the base, the walls of which were erected from slabs of marble, joined together with a solution with the addition of lead.

We bring to your attention interesting facts about the Alexandria lighthouse, which is part of the seven wonders of the world.

  • At the top of the lighthouse there was a fire, the reflections of which were directed into the sea using specially polished metal plates.
  • The light from the lights of the Alexandria lighthouse was visible at a distance of more than 60 km.
  • The Pharos lighthouse also served as an outpost and observation tower - its height made it possible to see enemy ships long before they approached the city.
  • At the top of the building, in addition to metal reflecting plates, there were also interesting technical devices of that time - clockwork mechanisms, weather vanes and much more.
  • After the completion of the construction, Sostratus of Cnidus carved his name in one of the walls, and then covered it with plaster and wrote the name of Ptolemy I Soter on it. The architect was well aware that the plaster will wear off over time, and the stone will keep the name of the real creator of the lighthouse for centuries.

The Alexandria lighthouse was most fully described many years later - already in 1161 AD - by the Arab traveler Abu el-Andalussi. He noted the most significant facts and mentioned that in addition to its main function, the lighthouse was also a very prominent and popular attraction.

The fate of the Alexandria lighthouse

The lighthouse on the island of Pharos has illuminated the way for sailors for a millennium and a half. But, unfortunately, he was powerless before the forces of nature. Quite strong tremors in 356, 956 and 1303 AD inflicted severe damage on it, and the earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed the seventh wonder of the world - the Alexandria lighthouse. His remains were taken apart by Muslims to build their fortress. They were discovered many centuries later - in 1994, and later the image of the building was restored using computer simulations. But such photos are still not able to convey the greatness and power that the Pharos lighthouse possessed.

A hundred years after the destruction on the site of the Alexandria lighthouse, a powerful fort was erected to protect Alexandria from the sea. It has survived and exists in our time - now it houses the Alexandria Historical Museum.

The Pharos lighthouse got its name from the island on which it was located - Pharos. And later on this place the city of Alexandria was spread. Hence his middle name. The lighthouse is included in the list of all known "seven wonders of the world". And like most of them, the Pharos structure has not survived to our times.

The lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC. The name of its creator remained unknown for a long time. As it turned out later, the architect was a certain Sostrat of Cnidus. He himself signed his creation, carving on one side of the lighthouse a mention that he devotes his work to "the gods-saviors for the sake of sailors." But for some reason Sostratus later covered the inscription with plaster. And only when, after several centuries, the layer of the mixture fell off, the world learned the truth.

The Pharos lighthouse has been under construction for almost 20 years. The result is a truly majestic structure. Its height was 117 meters. And at that time it was the tallest building in the world. The architecture of the lighthouse consisted of three towers, stacked on top of each other and on a single massive foundation. The smallest and most spacious tower housed a military garrison. The workers who served the building also lived there. The second level is a technical room. And finally, the top of the structure is the lighthouse itself. It was a cylinder in which a fire burned at night, helping sailors to safely moor to the bay.

And all this splendor was crowned with an imposing statue of the god Poseidon - the lord of the seas. The height of the sculpture, according to documentary evidence, was at least 7 meters.

How the Pharos lighthouse worked

In the work on the lighthouse, Sostratus applied the most advanced technologies of the time. In the upper part of the tower, he installed bronze mirrors, which reflected the light from the fire and amplified it many times. The light was so bright that the sailors saw it 50 kilometers from the island. The lighthouse served as a landmark during the day. Firstly, it was clearly visible due to the height of the building. And secondly, the same mirrors perfectly reflected sunlight.

In addition, there were three more statues on the lighthouse, which served not only as decoration. So, one of them constantly pointed to the sun, and at night dropped her hand. Another sculpture recorded the direction of the wind. And the third one told travelers the time, beating every hour. Unfortunately, today it is impossible to say how these statues were arranged. Only an external description has survived.

Paradoxical as it may sound, the lighthouse itself is to blame for the destruction of the lighthouse. The fact is that for his work a lot of firewood was required, which was delivered to the top of the structure along a special spiral ramp. And then the workers threw the ash into the sea. And after almost 15 centuries, the bottom of the island was so clogged up that it was dangerous to moor to it. Accordingly, the navigators began to look for other routes, and the lighthouse, left idle, began to collapse. The bronze mirrors were melted down, and the stones from which the structure was built were taken away for other needs. The "wonder of the world" was finally finished off by a powerful earthquake, which wiped it off the face of the earth.

Modern Pharos lighthouse

Today only the basement of the Pharos lighthouse has survived. And it is fully integrated into the modern base of the Egyptian Navy, Kite Bay. Tourists who visit Alexandria can still be shown a few wrecks that were recently raised from the bottom of the sea. It is possible that other fragments also rest at depth, but the operation to find and raise them is too difficult and expensive, therefore this moment almost nobody does it.

But there is also good news... The Egyptian government recently decided to rebuild the Pharos lighthouse and create an exact copy. And given the current pace of construction, a gigantic structure may appear in a few years. And then it will become one of the main attractions not only of Alexandria and Egypt, but of the whole world.

Island and lighthouse

The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port was founded by Alexander the Great during a visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e. The structure was named after the island. It must have taken 20 years to build, and was completed around 280 BC. e. , during the reign of Ptolemy II, king of Egypt.

Three towers

The Pharos lighthouse consisted of three marble towers, which stood on a base of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular, it contained rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading up to the upper tower.

Guide light

The upper tower was shaped like a cylinder, in which a fire was burning, which helped the ships safely reach the bay.

Polished bronze mirrors

A large amount of fuel was required to maintain the flame. The tree was brought along a spiral ramp in carts drawn by horses or mules. Bronze plates stood behind the flames, directing the light out into the sea.

The destruction of the lighthouse

By the XII century A.D. e. the bay of Alexandria was so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. The bronze plates, which served as mirrors, were probably melted down into coins. In the XIV century, the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. A few years later, the Muslims used the rubble to build the military fortress of Qayt Bay. The fortress was subsequently rebuilt more than once and still stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse.

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    Lighthouse - after the transformation of Alexandria into the most revived. center of the sea trade of Ptolemaic Egypt should have been counted on to arrive at night, too. number of ships. This necessitated the construction of M., since the kindling of fires on ... ... Ancient world... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos) - a lighthouse on the island of Pharos near Alexandria in Egypt, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Built in 285,280. BC. Sostratus of Cnidus in order to make the entry of ships into the harbor of Alexandria safe. It was a three-tiered tower ... Ancient world... Reference dictionary.

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