Foreign passports and documents

Pros and cons of independent travel. Independent travel. Pros and cons. Happy travels to you

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Which is better: an organized tour or an independent trip? Everyone sooner or later asks this question. Someone prefers organized tours, someone likes independent trips... I'll tell you about my own experience. I had to travel both on independent trips and organized through travel agencies. And in fact, and in another case, there were pros and cons.

Pros and cons of an organized tour

The main advantage here, in my opinion, is the ease of travel arrangements. Collected everything required documents, paid money to a travel agency - and after a while a voucher was issued, visas were issued (if a trip abroad), tickets were bought. You can go. However, this plus is covered by many likely cons.

Plane or train tickets can be bought at a very inconvenient time and, if there are several airports in the city, at the most inconvenient of them. Instead of a regular scheduled flight, you can get a charter flight, and then how lucky - sometimes it will be an old plane with very inhospitable flight attendants and an overcrowded cabin.

So, I live relatively close to the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport. And getting to Domodedovo or Vnukovo can be very problematic. Besides charter flights often fly out early in the morning, you have to leave the house late at night, not getting enough sleep. Insofar as public transport at this time does not go, and leaving a personal car in the parking lot at the airport means paying extra money, you have to order a taxi or ask your family and friends for a lift.

Often in organized tours you can pay extra for the hotel, for more money you can get a worse room. Not to mention the fact that you can be provided with an inconvenient hotel in terms of location and service.

Another disadvantage can be your fellow travelers. Unfortunately, not all tourists behave politely, they are ready to listen carefully to the guide and not be late for the bus. So, when I went to Spain from and then to way back I cursed everything: the passengers demanded a movie. Not only was the sound quite loud, but the level of the films was also low. Because of this, the impressions of the trip were somewhat blurred.

In addition, organized tours are often time limited. This is especially true for tours in Europe, when in a few days you visit several cities, and even countries. As a result, there is practically no time left for independent walks.

On the other hand, it may turn out that you will be lucky with the hotel, with the guide, and with fellow travelers. I fondly remember the trip this summer, everything was organized almost flawlessly.

If you choose last minute tours, then the cheapness of the trip may recoup all the possible disadvantages, which, however, may not be.

You also need to keep in mind that there are places where you can only get in as part of an organized group and accompanied by a guide. For example, in national parks , some museums.

Pros and cons of independent travel

Independent travel offer much more freedom than organized tours. You yourself find tickets, hotels. Now, with the development of the Internet, it has become easy. I usually use search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner , through which you can pick up and book flights and hotels, rent a car.

The network has a huge amount of information on cities and countries, both on special travel sites and in travel blogs, various travel guides are sold in stores, and you can download them from the Internet to your tablet. Well, then whoever likes it: someone needs to plan the entire route in advance, someone prefers to navigate on the spot.

Perhaps the only drawback (when it comes to a trip abroad) can be getting a visa: sometimes queues line up at the embassies almost at night. However, lately this happens less and less often, many embassies and consulates organize special visa centers, where you can call in advance and sign up for a certain time. There are also special services that do it themselves.

For some, in independent travel, a poor knowledge of a foreign language may be an obstacle. However, if you approach this issue creatively, then the language barrier is completely overcome.

♦ These tips can be used not only in China:

In general, it seems to me that with the development of the Internet, the share of independent travel is increasing. In most cases, they turn out to be, moreover, very budgetary and affordable for almost everyone.

I prefer solo travel unless the tour's convenience outweighs its likely disadvantages. However, the cost of the tour can often be cheaper than traveling alone. I talked about this in the article.

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Updated 17/08/2017

Hi, Daniil Privolov, a travel lover, is in touch. First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on Victory Day. For me personally, this is a very clean and bright holiday, indeed, with tears in my eyes. Thank you dear fathers and grandfathers for the victory, for the opportunity to live, create and think freely. I am writing these lines, sitting practically on a suitcase. More precisely on a backpack, because I like to travel with it. Today we will talk about independent travel with a backpack.

I used the backpack back in my student years, that is, I used it for study. But for some reason it never occurred to me that I could travel with him. A small suitcase or travel bag was always collected for rest in distant countries. And here last year I travel only with a backpack: it is convenient and all yours are with you. With a backpack I traveled around Israel (three cities, the Dead Sea), Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket), and also took it on hikes in the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions.

Always yours, Daniil Privolov.

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Hello everyone, my dears! In the summer of this year, we got into our car and drove 7 thousand km across the territory of our country in a month. I think this gives me the right to draw some conclusions and discuss with you the pros and cons of traveling by car.

I'll make a reservation right away that our trip was not extreme: we did not go to places with frosts below -50, we did not climb into rugged places and did not live in wild conditions. It was a summer trip to the south of Russia (Sochi + Crimea) and to Abkhazia. And the most extreme thing in it was eating local shawarma. Just kidding. There were risky moments, but not as dangerous as, for example, a meeting in the forest with a connecting rod. So...

In this article:

Pros of traveling by car

1. Mobility

Your car is your freedom. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want and as long as you want. You can adjust your itinerary at any time based on personal interests.

If you want to: stop by that monument, stop by an interesting town, buy additional food right here and now, or stay in great location a little longer than planned ... Why not? With a car, there are no timetables, your route is completely in your hands. And that's great.

2. More experiences

If you are flying, your journey begins the moment you exit the plane. You see your home airport and the airport of the city where you arrive. Everything that was between them remains behind the scenes. If you are traveling by car, the adventure begins literally immediately.

I was curious to know what my country looks like outside of my home area. It was important for me to travel this path, see and feel it.

I saw how new roads were being rebuilt, how the landscape and climate were changing, the Volga, oil rigs, mountains terrifying in their height, squalid villages, scenic spots, Motherland, ferry crossing, wild animals and much more.

Needless to say, how much my understanding of my native country has expanded. And this is not dry knowledge from TV or Wikipedia, this is something more. This contact was incredibly valuable to me. And home, to my own Sverdlovsk region I came back literally a different person. I realized that I love our country, there is a lot of beauty in it.

Perhaps you will have a different opinion on this matter, but the impressions of the trip are still guaranteed to you. And this is much cooler than the feeling of taking off the plane from the ground.

3. It's cheaper

I can't speak for everyone, because everyone's cars are different and fuel consumption can vary significantly. On our highway, this is usually 6.5 - 8.5 liters per 100 km, depending on the load in the car and on whether we are going uphill, overtaking a lot, and so on. It is probably also worth noting that we refuel with 95th gasoline.

So, for our trip we spent about 20 thousand rubles. for gasoline. Someone will think that this is a lot. But if we bought tickets to Crimea (Simferopol), in the best scenario, it would cost us the same 20 thousand rubles ... And at the same time, all additional movements would have cost us additional expenses. So the benefits are clear.

Plus, we took a fellow traveler with us in one direction, who reduced our spending by several thousand rubles. You can read how and where to find an adequate travel companion.

4. Everything you need with you

Those who have been reading my articles for a long time know that I do not like traveling with a lot of luggage. And if we fly by plane, we try to pack things so that they all fit into carry-on baggage... Not because I suffer from minimalism, it's just that it's hard for me to carry a heavy backpack and especially a suitcase, it's inconvenient.

Naturally, this imposes certain restrictions on the number of things, you have to get out, come up with something.

If you are traveling by car, you do not need to invent anything. You can take everything you need with you (within reason, of course) and this is a huge plus. This time our trunk was packed to capacity. And, you know, almost every thing came in handy, although I very much doubted it when I was getting ready to go.

Now let's talk about the cons.

Cons of traveling by car

1. Great responsibility

By great responsibility, I mean your readiness for any force majeure circumstances or negative moments that may happen to you on the road. It:

  • car breakdown
  • checks by traffic police, traffic police
  • robberies on the roads
  • car theft

Many are now scared, but let's not dissemble: all this is reality and can happen to each of you. Let's not close our eyes to this, you just need to be prepared for these troubles. But how?

The roads in the resort cities of Russia differ significantly from the roads in the rest of the country, so be sure to read my article about. Check the validity of the documents for the entire trip, if you go abroad, you need additional insurance for the car and for medical care.

If you are going to Abkhazia, be sure to read with the highest road traffic deaths.

Do not stop overnight in your car in unguarded parking lots or gas stations. Gangs work on the highways that first cut the wheels of a car and then rob people. You can get caught in their distribution. The best option is to stay in campsites with secure parking.

Get ready for the fact that you can often be stopped by traffic police officers: non-native numbers are of particular interest to them, especially if you are abroad. Therefore, be sure to get acquainted with the nit-picking of our drivers in other countries, there is plenty of information on the net.

2. Unforeseen expenses

Everything is obvious here. The car can break down at the most inopportune moment and no insurance company can solve your problem quickly. Yes, you will have to repair the car yourself and at your own expense, and then claim compensation. You need to be prepared for this.

Add to this the fines that may come to you from CCTV cameras. Parking fees, toll roads, ferry, and so on.

3. Large expenditure of forces

Driving is still a tedious task. Especially if it lasts all day and for three days in a row. If there is an opportunity to change, be sure to do it at least once every 3 hours. So fatigue will accumulate less.

Be sure to get a good night's sleep. This will help keep you in a good mood for the entire duration of your trip.

These are the tips, dear friends. I hope that my review was useful to you, and you can draw some conclusions about this method of travel. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates in order not to miss all the fun. And I have everything for today, thanks for your attention and bye!

Traveling by train is a special kind of acquaintance with the world :). It is romantic, inspiring, interesting and informative. Going somewhere by plane, and not by train, you lose a significant part of impressions and positive emotions. The most the best place travel by train is Europe: developed network railways, many trains, high level of comfort. you can go anytime, but best in summer. And in this article I will tell you what advantages and disadvantages travel by train has.


  • You will be taken directly to the city center. Railway stations located in the city center. You go out on the platform and can immediately go sightseeing or check into a hotel. Arriving by plane, you will first need to get from the airport to the city itself, sometimes paying a lot of money for transport.
  • There is no security check. You can get on the train just by showing your ticket and passport. An unpleasant check awaits you at the airport.
  • Quick login. There is no such registration as at the airport on trains, which means that you save a lot of time and nerves.
  • There are no restrictions on the weight of your luggage. You can take at least three bags with you on the train, if you lift them, of course :). Moreover, no additional fees will be charged from you.


  • High price. For many destinations, train tickets are more expensive than plane tickets. You can save a lot if you buy your tickets in advance (several months in advance).
  • It takes a long time for long journeys. By plane, you will get to your destination much faster if the place is far from the point of departure. Trains only save time over short distances.
  • Strikes are possible. In Europe, railway workers go on strike almost every year, as a result of which many flights are canceled, and train schedules are lost. True, almost always strikes are warned in advance so that passengers are aware of canceled flights and changed schedules.

Everyone needs to travel by train at least once. You can get ready for a trip in a few days, but there will be a lot of impressions and events on the trip, which you will then remember all your life. Travel and enjoy life! All the best!

Greetings! Friends, have you noticed how different people around you relate to travel? The benefits of travel are not obvious to everyone. Among my acquaintances, I identified three groups in which a certain opinion about travel dominates. I think that the same tendencies are manifested in a larger circle of people.

First group are people who are inclined to travel and travel fairly regularly. In general, there is a special type of people who have made travel their main activity and their way of life. But in my environment there was not a single such modern wanderer.

The most active position inherent in my acquaintances is to plan and, accordingly, implement a long trip once or twice a year. It can be a journey with a cognitive accent - that is, visiting new places, seeing sights. Or a trip that combines beach vacation and excursions.

To second group can be attributed to people who are quite positive about travel, but practically do not travel long distances, arguing that they need money for other more important items of expenditure.

And this position, like a litmus test, indicates the low priority of travel for this category of people. For some, a light mink coat easily outweighs the tickets for a trip, for others - impressive new furniture))) But, well, to each his own ...

IN third group included those who are negative about travel, and, in addition, criticize travel fans. Their arguments: “money down the drain”, “you can still see more of everything near the house”, “I hate the fees and the road ...” and so on. But one argument I heard struck me down: “There are a lot of pictures on the Internet, movies are again possible look, but live sights look worse. "

I would like to know the opinion of this person when he would have faced such an architectural masterpiece:

Yes, real views and photographs of famous buildings differ, but definitely in favor of the former. No photograph is capable of conveying the grandeur and the energy that comes from age-old cathedrals and buildings.

I certainly belong to the first of the designated groups. Otherwise, I would not make regular trips to Europe and would not create my own blog on this topic. It is difficult for a traveling person to understand how one can be indifferent to travel. Likewise, opponents cannot understand what is so drawn to the road ...

So I decided to reflect out loud what the benefits of travel are for me and why travel is my # 1 priority.

What a positive impact travel has

1. The most effective plus for me is a complete change in the environment. It has long been recognized that the best rest is switching to another activity, to a new environment. And if the switch to something new occurs in almost everything, this results in relaxation, and a surge of positive emotions, and impressions. Perhaps that is why I am most interested in trips abroad, when even the speech around is changing.

2. Emotional fulfillment is something that always happens when traveling. Admiration for the beautiful architecture gives way to the pleasure of walking through beautiful manicured parks. Active interest is replaced by the pacification and enjoyment of aimless wandering through the neat old streets. And all this is near:

Probably, it is for this reason that Europe is closest to me, where everything is compact, and where everything is saturated with centuries-old history.

3. Traveling relieves stress and relieves depression. I do not have a tendency to plunge into depressive states, but, unfortunately, I had to be under stress for a long time ... And I will say that travel is a real therapy. Agree, this charm cannot but have a positive impact:

Believe that a combination of several factors - natural beauty, romance, castles - can create a light and joyful mood, delight and fill you with positive emotions for a long period.

4. Traveling not only expands the real spatial boundaries of a person, but also clarifies personal vision. New points of view appear on familiar questions and problems, suddenly new solutions are found, rethinking occurs everyday life... This is extremely important for the individual. We all know how to get stuck at some points, often we ourselves invent problems. We can say that travel somehow puts brains in place)))

5. A separate plus for me is the opportunity to learn a lot of new things and touch the culture and traditions of other countries. I am interested in how various theatrical performances of historical content are held in the Czech Republic. It's incredibly spectacular and exciting. Czechs have plenty of dates and reasons for such events. This year is associated with the 700th anniversary of Charles IV.

Friends, I think like-minded people will support me that going on a trip is to contribute to my happiness. Yes, you can feel happy, and without going anywhere (I hear objections of those who disagree with my opinion) ... And you try to travel ... I am sure that you will discover a lot of interesting things.

Your euro-guide Tatiana