Foreign passports and documents

Getting tax free in rome airport. Returning Tax Free in Rome - how to make shopping more profitable. Registration and refund of tax free at Rimini airport

Thirty kilometers southeast of Rome is the small town of Fiumicino. It is unlikely that its name would be widely known to tourists if it was not for main airport Italy, bearing the name of the great genius Leonardo da Vinci.

It was built in 1961 with the aim of relieving the very compact Ciampino airport. Having undergone numerous changes, it has become a convenient and safe air harbor, through which approximately forty million passengers pass a year. Its services are used by all VIPs visiting the country, influential politicians and businessmen.

The airport territory is divided into several terminals:

T1 serves passengers with Schengen visas. T2 is for charter flights. T3 accepts international flights passengers of which pass through passport control, as well as aircraft of the Italian company Alitalia. Т5 serves flights to the USA and Israel. The airport has a cargo terminal, four runways, a waiting room, escalators, baggage claim, a huge lobby, and other specialized premises, the diagram of which can always be seen on the electronic scoreboard.

The terminals offer free Wi-Fi and non-smoking rooms. In the terminal building itself, you can have a snack in a cafe, exchange currency, buy souvenirs or necessary medicines.

There are numerous ATMs at the airport where you can withdraw from a euro card. Other currencies can be obtained at exchange offices operating from 6.00 to 23.00. > There is a left-luggage office on the territory of the third terminal, open from 6.30 am to 11.30 pm. The cost of this service is six euros per day.

It will be interesting and useful for parents to know that there is a mother and child room at Fiumicino airport, in which you can leave your child for a certain time. There, experienced nannies will look after him, while moms and dads are busy with shopping, paperwork or other matters. Also, if necessary, passengers can be provided with qualified medical assistance.

Moving around the airport

You can travel between the airport terminals by shuttle buses, which travel free of charge. The interval between flights is 20 minutes. One of them serves terminals T1, T2 and T3, while the other circulates between T3 and T5. You should be aware that from 01.00 to 04.00 these buses arrive only when called by passengers. For this, there are intercom buttons installed at stops. Additionally, Terminal T3 can be reached by a small automatic train.

Registration procedure

All tourists are warned in advance that it is best to arrive for the registration procedure and preliminary control of tickets 2.5 - 3 hours before departure. This is due to the length of this procedure, especially when it comes to departure to the United States and Israel. But for clients who use the services of the airport's VIP lounge, there is an opportunity to go through passport and customs control, receive registration documents and checks for luggage without queuing and long waiting. They offer an airport bar menu, free and unlimited Wi-Fi, and fresh newspapers and magazines.

Refund Tax-free

For tourists arriving from non-EU countries, there is a Tax-free service, which implies a return of 20% of the value of purchased goods, the price of which exceeds 155 euros. There are several intermediary firms dealing with VAT refunds. One of them is Global Blue.

If the seller of the goods has an agreement with her, the money will be returned to the client even before boarding the plane. The rest of the companies transfer money to the customer's card after their departure from Italy. The only condition is the presence of a Tax Refund check, which must be stamped by the customs.

Nearest hotels

Unfortunately, sometimes weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances force passengers to wait all night for departure. In order not to spend this time at the airport, you can use the services of hotels located near the exits from the terminals. There are only three such establishments, and they include:

Hilton Roma Airport

This is enough expensive hotel, class "4 stars", where customers are provided with a high level of service, varied cuisine and multiple Additional services included in the price of accommodation, which is about 200 euros per night.

Hilton Garden Inn Rome Airport

The hotel also belongs to the "4 stars" class and has approximately the same range of services as the option described above. The room rate per night is approximately 130 euros.

Welcome Airport Hotel

Refers to budget establishments "2 stars", where you can inexpensively, but quite comfortably spend the night, waiting for departure.

To save money, you can go to Fiumicino, where you can find a hotel, where you can stay between 30 and 70 euros per night.

How to get from the airport to the center

The journey from Leonardo da Vinci Airport to Rome does not take long and does not present any difficulties, as there are many types of transport available to passengers.

Bus routes

Perhaps the most easily accessible means of transportation is the Cotral bus. But there are two significant drawbacks, which include inconvenience when transporting bulky baggage and the lack of night flights.

Railway transport

The most economical way to travel is rail link... The disadvantages of this option include the low speed of this type of transport and problems with the transportation of bulky baggage.


It is a convenient but expensive form of transport. Its cost, according to the municipal tariff, is 40 euros. This includes baggage transportation. The number of passengers should not be more than four people.

When using the services of local taxi drivers, you need to be prepared for what he can call more high price counting on the inexperience of the tourist. But the correct indication of the real price puts everything in its place, although it slightly reduces the driver's mood.


This is the most convenient way transfer from the airport to Rome, which has little or no drawbacks. First of all, passengers traveling with children pay attention to it. Having discussed this detail in advance, the client receives a car with seats equipped for little ones, and a roomy luggage compartment, where a large carry-on luggage, a stroller and so on can fit. You can also order a car equipped with an additional air conditioning system. And for tourists from Russia, a Russian-speaking driver is provided, who can tell a lot of interesting things about Italy, its traditions and local attractions.

Leaving Italy, many tourists take with them not only small souvenirs, but also significantly replenish their wardrobe or purchase expensive interior items. They should know that there is a VAT refund system in this country, which is levied on various goods. Tax Free in Rome is refundable on the amount of purchases made by non-residents of Italy.

Features of getting Tax Free

The system under consideration assumes a return from 4 to 22% of the total purchase amount, the indicated value varies depending on the commission of the selected Tax Free operator and the amount of VAT. Legal entities can also use this service, while the refund amount will be charged from the funds spent on business trips abroad.

To refund Tax Free in Rimenuzhno:

  • make purchases in one store for an amount exceeding 154.94 euros, while they must be paid with one check;
  • when choosing a store, make sure that its windows display the logos of companies such as Global Blue, Premier and Refund. Then you can count on Tax Free for sure;
  • after making a purchase, draw up a special form, after the presentation of which, a certain refund amount will be issued at the Fiumicino airport or a special office.

In order to have time to issue a refund, it is necessary to provide for a margin of time before departure, you will need to leave the hotel an hour earlier.

Ways to get Tax Free

There are two options for VAT refund on purchases: directly on the day of departure and in advance.

Through companies

The aforementioned companies are all located in the center of Rome, in order to issue a return to their office you need to bring:

  • unpacked purchases with price tags;
  • receipts for goods;
  • international passport;
  • return ticket.

After checking all accompanying documents, buyers are given money. When you need to leave, at the airport you should stamp the receipts issued by the company at the customs office and present your purchases.

Global Blue

The office is located in Piazza di Spagna. Reception hours from 10.00 to 19.30, Sunday is a day off. The highest refund amount is € 2,999.50 in cash and € 14,999 in the form of a transfer to credit card.

Despite the fact that we were talking about a 22% return percentage, in most cases, VAT refunds after purchases will be much less, almost half, since a certain amount is spent on remuneration for the intermediary. The exact amount of the refund will depend on the value of the purchases, if they are expensive, the percentage will be lower.

Premier Tax Free

There is a refund point in City Refund, you need to have credit cards such as Amex, MasterCard and Visa with you. Electronic and debit cards are not accepted, cash can be issued, but a commission is charged. Then you will need to get a customs mark, which confirms the export of the purchased goods, the received form must be returned to the Premier Tax Free office within 21 days.

Failure to do so will result in the credit card being charged for the full refund as well as the additional cost of the refund.

Airport clearance

Having decided to issue Tax Free just before departure, you need to take into account that a large queue constantly accumulates in front of the pick-up points. To get a VAT refund at Rome airport, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Pre-receive a special invoice in the store where the purchases were made, when filling out which you will need to indicate your address, the amount of the refund and passport data. You can fill out such a form yourself or entrust this matter to the seller, the main thing is that it contains the buyer's signature.
  2. After the cashier has issued the boarding pass, you should ask him where the customs office is located to receive Tax Free.
  3. The customs officer puts stamps on all presented checks, and if he asks for it, he will need to show all purchases with tags that in no case should be torn off or cut off. If a tourist travels further in the EU countries, then a stamp on the invoices is put in the one from which he will return home.
  4. The issued papers must be taken to the selected company and received Tax free in cash or by transfer to the card, in the second case, they can take from 3 to 5 days. Before receiving credits, all executed documents should be kept, if suddenly the refund during this time is not listed, then it will be possible to obtain information about the reasons by calling the phone number indicated on these papers. If the Cash refund point is closed or if it is not at the airport, it will be possible to send the completed forms to its address, without forgetting to enter your credit card number in them.

The detailed options for obtaining Tax Free provide an opportunity to make a choice in favor of a more optimal method. The final amount will be slightly less than the VAT on the item, as it will be charged a handling fee and possibly a cash refund fee.

All tourists who are not residents of the Eurozone countries, Italy grants the right to receive TAX FREE. You can use this service if:

  • make a purchase in stores where you will see the logos of the companies: Global Blue TAX FREE (the most popular), TAX REFUND or PREMIER tax free. If you don't see them, feel free to ask the seller if they are issuing TAX FREE.
  • make purchases with one check for an amount of at least 154.94 euros. If you were unable to pay for all purchases with one check, then when making several purchases in one day in one store, you can add all the checks to compile the minimum above amount.

TAX FREE registration:

At the checkout, according to your passport, the seller will issue you a TAX FREE check. Carefully check if your information is correct: last name, first name, country of residence, address and passport number.

It is important to remember that a check for TAX FREE is valid only for 3 months !!!

Refund TAX FREE:

METHOD # 1: the tourist can return the TAX FREE without waiting for the day of departure from the country at one of the offices of the aforementioned companies located in the center of Rome. You must have with you: receipts for purchases, a passport, the purchases themselves unopened with all tags and price tags, a return ticket. You will be issued paperwork and given money. When leaving the country at the airport, you will need to stamp the previously issued checks at the customs office (Dogana in Italian) and present your purchases.

Addresses of points TAX FREE Global Blue in Rome:

  • ACCORP FOREXCHANGE. Via del Lavatore 88 / a. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10.30-19.30, Sun 11.30-18.30. Maximum return Money- 500 Euro.
  • MACCORP FOREXCHANGE. Via del Caravita 6. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10.30-19.30, Sun 11.30-18.30.
  • MACCORP FOREXCHANGE. Piazza della Rotonda 68 / b. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9.00-20.30, Sun 9.30-20.00.

TAX REFUND locations in Rome:

  • Best and Fast. Via Nazionale, 19. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.45-21.00.
  • ROMA Via Veneto. Via Lazio, 10. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.30-19.00, Sat 9.30-13.00, Sun closed.
  • ROME Piazza di Spagna. Piazza di Spagna, 38. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30, Sat 9.00-12.30, Sun - closed.
  • ROME Piazza di Spagna. Piazza di Spagna, 80. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.30-20.00.

Addresses items PREMIER Tax Free in Rome:

  • Premier Tax Free. Via Gregoriana, 54. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00.
  • Forexchange. Via della Conciliazone, 43 / A. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8.30-20.00.
  • Forexchange. Termini Train Station, opposite platform 4. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-20.00.
  • Forexchange. Via del Caravita, 6. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.00-20.00.
  • Bank of China. Via Barberini, 97/103. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.45-16.00.

METHOD # 2. TAX FREE can be returned at Fiumicino Airport (Aeroporto nazionale Leonardo da Vinci Fiumiccino). I advise you to arrive early in this case, because very often there is a long queue at the TAX FREE pick-up points.

The procedure for obtaining TAX FREE is as follows:

  1. go to the passenger check-in counter and take your boarding pass, tell the woman at the counter that you want to get TAX FREE, she shows you where the customs point is (DOGANA in Italian).
  2. after receiving your boarding pass, you take your luggage and go to the customs office. Things for which you want to get a tax refund should be prepared in advance so as not to waste time. Do not remove tags and price tags from them and do not unpack them better.
  3. the customs officer, at his discretion, may ask you to show all purchases according to the submitted receipts. If there are no questions, he will put a stamp on your checks.
  4. with stamped checks, you go to the Global Blue TAX FREE, TAX REFUND or PREMIER tax free points, where you can receive money in cash immediately or to a bank card within 3-5 working days. I advise you to save the papers that the customs officer will give you until the money is transferred to your card. If the money does not come, you will need to call back to get information on the phone number indicated on the papers.

Customs offices (DOGANA) at Fiumicino airport are located:

  • in the center of the first floor. After passing through this customs, upon presentation of your boarding pass, you check in your belongings as luggage,
  • in the center of the hall for passport control. For orientation: go through the boutique "Salvatore Ferragamo", then the bar, on the right you will see the TAX FREE points of all the above companies, behind them there is a customs point. After passing through this customs, you take your belongings to the cabin of the plane.

TAX FREE Global Blue points at Fiumicino airport are:

  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 3, next to the registration desk 326. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09.00-21.00. TAX FREE refunds to credit card only.
  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 3 - Exit H1 (non-Schengen area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07.00-22.00. The maximum refund is € 999.50.
  • Global Blue Italia srl. Terminal 5. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07.00-12.00. The maximum refund is € 999.50.

TAX REFUND points at Fiumicino airport are located:

  • Terminal 3 (Check-in Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Terminal 3 (Departures Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Gate C20 (Departures Area). Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.

PREMIER Tax Free points at the airport are located:

  • Terminal 3 - Gate H1. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.00-22.00.
  • Terminal 5. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7.30-24.00.

Natalia Markhinina

Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations, including for shopping. The European tax free system allows tourists from Russia to return part of the cost of goods purchased in stores that are part of the TAX FREE SHOPPING system. The amount refunded depends on the value added tax (VAT) rate included in the price of the purchased item. VAT rates are set independently by each country and may vary depending on the type of goods (food, books, household appliances, etc.).

In Italy, the standard VAT rate is 22%. But this does not mean that you will receive a tax free refund of 22% of the purchase price. The VAT rate is set to the value of the goods excluding VAT. For example, the factory has set the price for a dress at € 100. On the sale, value added tax is added to this price at the rate set by the state, in this case € 22. If we calculate the share of VAT (22 euros) in the total price (122 euros), then it will be 18%.

Do not forget that tax free operators (Global Blue and other intermediaries) deduct a commission from this amount to fund their activities. The larger the amount of purchases, the lower the proportion of the commission charged. There may also be fees for refunding tax free in cash, and if the issue is not in euros (for example, in dollars due to the lack of euros), then for currency conversion.

The maximum percentage of tax free refunds that a tourist can receive is 15.5%. In addition, there are groups of goods for which the VAT rates are much lower. For example, on food products the VAT rate is from 4% to 10%. For some goods, tax refunds are not provided at all (cars, gasoline).

The official Global Blue website has a calculator that will show the refund amount based on the total purchase price.

The minimum refund amount for tax free in Italy is purchases of at least € 154.94 in one day in one store.

Tax free registration in the store

The shops that are part of the tax free system can be recognized by the corresponding signs with the tax free logo at the entrance (see photo above). To use the VAT refund, you need to ask the seller (cashier) to fill out a special tax free check (form) and present your passport. A sample form filling is shown.

In large supermarkets, a separate office is usually created to process such checks (forms).

The form contains the passport number, name, credit card number, if you plan to return by cashless transfer, and other necessary information (see sample).

The purchased goods are indicated either in the form or in a separate invoice, which in this case is attached to the form. All sales receipts are also attached to the form. Carefully check the correctness of filling in the data, as due to errors, problems may arise when receiving a customs stamp and tax refund.

Registration and refund of tax free at Rimini airport

A prerequisite for a tourist to receive a tax refund is the presence of a customs stamp in the tax free forms, confirming the fact of the export of goods outside Italy. To obtain a mark, the customs service must present:

· Fully completed tax-free forms and all sales receipts for the goods for which you want to receive a tax refund.

· Purchased goods in their original packaging and without signs of use.

· Personal passport.

· Travel documents (boarding pass or ticket printout).

The sequence of steps depends on whether you are transporting your checkout purchases to hand luggage or in checked baggage

In case the purchases are in checked baggage, before visiting the check-in counters for the flight, you must obtain customs marks in the tax free forms. The customs office is located on the first floor of the airport to the left of the check-in counters for flights (as viewed from the main entrance). You can recognize it by the sign: "Check-in tax-free" (pictured below).

After receiving the customs mark, you can go to the check-in counter to drop off your baggage and check in for your flight, if you have not done so earlier through online check-in.

Then you need to go to the security check zone at the "Security Check" sign (to the left of the main entrance), from where you get to passport control.

In case the purchases are in hand luggage Like all air passengers, you should first go to the check-in desks to receive your boarding pass and drop off your baggage, then to the security check area (to the left of the main entrance), and to passport control.

At passport control, on the wall, you can see an inconspicuous notice with the following content:

“TAX FREE is after passport control on the first floor. You go up first to the second floor and then go down again to the first by the stairs located near the bar. Climb the same stairs to the second floor for landing. "

Explaining the meaning of this announcement: After going up the stairs or by elevator to the second floor after passport control, in the departure hall you need to go around the store located in the center of the hall on the left. Diagonally from the entrance to the hall is the bar mentioned in the ad, and opposite it is a staircase and an escalator leading to the first floor (pictured below).

Going down to the first floor, to the right of the stairs, you will see the customs office for passengers carrying purchases in carry-on luggage (pictured below).

Customs control at Rimini airport

For those in doubt, a note is attached to the glass: “Customs control. Passengers with carry-on baggage must stamp to receive TAX FREE. "

As in the case of purchases in luggage, tax free forms with originals of cash receipts, purchases in the manufacturer's packaging, personal passport and travel documents are presented to customs officers.

Only after receiving a customs stamp, you can apply for a VAT refund.

VAT refund at Rimini airport

Reimbursement of refunds under the tax free forms of the operator Global Blue (blue) is carried out in the office on the ground floor, located next to the point customs control for carry-on luggage (pictured below).

VAT refund at Rimini airport (1st floor)

Show the form with a customs stamp and tell us if you want to receive your refund: in cash or on a credit card.

For cash refunds, the amount must not exceed EUR 3000, and for each form, depending on the refund amount, an additional fee of 3 to 8 EUR is charged. For the refund amount over 800 EUR, the commission is 1%.

No such fee will be charged for refunds to a credit card, and the maximum refund amount is increased to 5,000 EUR.

If you don't have time to queue for a refund, please use the Global Blue prepaid envelope you received from the store along with the form. Place the form in an envelope and drop it into the blue mailbox next to the Global Blue office (shown with a red arrow in the photo).

There are two more fallback options for getting a refund. V large cities In Russia, VAT refunds for foreign purchases are issued by several banks, the addresses of which are given.

Alternatively, the tax free form can be mailed back home. In this case, do not forget to stick on postage stamps, as the envelope is prepaid only for Italy, and the Russian post will return your letter to you.

If there is no special envelope, the form is sealed in a regular envelope, on which stamps are glued and the address of the corresponding operator is indicated. For Global Blue, for example: Global Blue, P.O. BOX 363, 81000 Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovakia)

Check that the credit card number, home address and name are correct and legible (these should be written in capital letters).

Another operator for the refund of taxes free TAX REFUND is located on the second floor of the airport to the right of the entrance to the departure hall.

VAT refund at Rimini airport (2nd floor)

The procedure is similar to that described above.

Another option to save money on purchases is to purchase goods in duty-free shops in the Republic of San Marino, the distance to the border with which is less than ten kilometers. In addition to economical shopping, you will find very interesting sights and a medieval atmosphere there.

Read more about the sights and how to get there in the articles:

If you are just planning your vacation in Rimini, we recommend choosing a hotel in the Marina Centro area, as there are within walking distance of the main attractions of this ancient city... You can see the prices and location of hotels on the map below.

Global Blue Refund Office

Via del Tritone, 61, Rome 00187

Opening hours:

Mon-Sun: 09:30 - 23:00

Note: The maximum amount for receiving a cash refund is EUR 500 for each individual tourist.


Piazza di Spagna 29, 00187 Rome

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10.00 - 19.30

Sat: 10.00 - 19.30

Sun: Day off

Note: - 2999.50 EUR for each individual tourist

Note: The maximum amount to receive a refund on a credit card is 14999.50 EUR / Tax Free Form

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy are accepted.

0-25,00 EUR- 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR- 4 EUR

80.01-150.00 EUR- 5 EUR

150.01-800.00 EUR- 8 EUR

EUR 800.01 - 2999.99- 1% of the refund amount

Maccorp Forexchange

Downtown Refund Office, Via Ponte di Piscina Cupa 64, c / o McArthurGlen Outlet, Castel Romano - Rome, 00128

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10.00 - 21.00

Sat: 10.00 - 22.00

Sun: 10.00 - 22.00

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy.

Note: Only early return (cash refund) is possible.

Note: The maximum amount for cash refunds is EUR 2999.50 for each individual traveler.

Note: The amount charged depends on the amount of the refund.

0 - 25.00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01 - 150.00 EUR - 5 EUR

150.01 - 800.00 EUR - 8 EUR

800.01 - 2999.50 EUR - 1% of the amount to be reimbursed

Maccorp Forexchange

Downtown Refund Office, Via del Lavatore 88 / a, 00187 Rome

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10: 30-19: 30

Sat: 10: 30-19: 30

Sun: 11: 30-18: 30

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy are accepted.

Note: Maximum amount for cash refunds

Note: Subject to cash refunds, there will be a fee for each "form". No fee will be charged if a refund is received on a credit card. The amount of the charged fee depends on the amount of the refund.

0-25,00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01-150.00 EUR - 5 EUR

150.01-500.00 EUR - 8 EUR

Maccorp Forexchange

Downtown Refund Office, Via del Caravita 6, 00100 Roma

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10: 30-19: 30

Sat: 10: 30-19: 30

Sun: 11: 30-18: 30

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy are accepted.

Note: Maximum amount for cash refunds- 500 EUR for each individual tourist

Note: Subject to cash refunds, there will be a fee for each "form". No fee will be charged if a refund is received on a credit card. The amount of the charged fee depends on the amount of the refund.

0-25,00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01-150.00 EUR - 5 EUR

150.01-500.00 EUR - 8 EUR

Maccorp Forexchange

Downtown Refund Office, P.zza della Rotonda 68 / b, 00100 Roma

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 9.00-20.30

Sun: 9.30-20.00

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy are accepted.

Note: Maximum amount for cash refunds- 500 EUR for each individual tourist

Note: Subject to cash refunds, there will be a fee for each "form". No fee will be charged if a refund is received on a credit card. The amount of the charged fee depends on the amount of the refund.

0-25,00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01-150.00 EUR - 5 EUR

150.01-500.00 EUR - 8 EUR

Maccorp Forexchange

Int. Stazione Termini c / o agenzia 365, Atrio Centrale P.zza 500, Roma 00185

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 07:15 - 21:45

SAT: 07:15 - 21:45

Sun: 07:15 - 21:45

Note: Only Global Blue Tax Free Forms issued in Italy are accepted.

Note: The maximum amount for receiving a refund on a credit card is 1500 EUR / Tax Free Form.

Note: The maximum amount for cash refunds is EUR 2999.50 for each individual traveler.

Note: Subject to cash refunds, a fee will be charged for each "form". No fee will be charged if a refund is received on a credit card. The amount of the charged fee depends on the amount of the refund.

0 - 25.00 EUR - 3 EUR

25.01 - 80.00 EUR - 4 EUR

80.01 - 150.00 EUR - 5 EUR

150.01 - 800.00 EUR - 8 EUR

800.01 - 2999.99 EUR - 1% of the amount to be refunded