Foreign passports and documents

Scenario of the last call "Jubilee cruise" Aerobatics "". Cool script for a corporate party - on a motor ship Cruise scenario plan

Script of the prom night "Cruise on the ship" Dream "around the school continent"

year 2014

(the signal of the plane sounds at the airport, the presenter comes out and announces)

Leading: The registration of tickets for flight No. 9a9b 2014 on the Mechta liner is announced.

Flight control is assumed by the crew consisting of:

First pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Co-pilot (F.I.) ___________________________________

Flight attendants (full name) ______________________________________

Stewardess: Attention! In the first salon are invited graduates of 2014, issue No. 9a and 9b

(Leaders - the crew in turn read out the names of the graduates, who, accompanied by musical accompaniment, go out in pairs and take places)

Stewardess: We are glad to welcome on board of the liner the birthday of today's celebration, our graduates,

1 in: dear guests, dear teachers

2 in: and beloved parents of our graduates.

Stewardess: Dear passengers! We ask you to loosen the belts, belts and sit comfortably.

1 in: Our Mechta liner embarks on a cruise around the school continent.

2 in: Today we will take our flight, the duration of which is 9 years of school life.

Stewardess:During the flight, it is prohibited to: get bored, eject from the plane before landing,

1c: give up the opportunity to spin in a whirlwind of dance.

2c: say anything other than compliments and praises to others.

Stewardess:During the flight it is allowed to: congratulate each other on successful graduation from school;

1c: take an active part during the entire flight, charge everyone with a good mood;

2 in: give gifts, confess your love to school, teachers, parents and each other! (airplane sound)

1c: Enjoy your flight! And to brighten up our flight, we offer watching a video, memories of school, accumulated over 9 years.

2c: Our flight takes place at dizzying heights. The temperature overboard is 25 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. And what kind of weather do forecasters predict in graduation classes?

1 lead The head teacher for educational work Shatalova Olga Ivanovna will tell us about this. (Music, word by Shatalova O.I.)

Grants certificates _______________________________________________________________


1c: Dear passengers! Our liner is approaching the children's bay.

We start descending (beep)

2c: Let's see what our graduates were like in their distant childhood. And the dance will remind us of this to our graduates

(ninth graders and primary school students) (song + clip) (2.36)

(airplane sound)

Stewardess:Our liner strives upward again. From the height of our flight, it is very clear that during 9 years of school life, our graduates have mastered the huge school continent, which is impossible to forget.

1c: Look out the porthole window! Ahead is the "Unknown Island", where for the first time our first graders entered this land.

2c: And they were immediately, here, surrounded by attention, care and love by the first inhabitants of the island - the first teacher: Tuzhilina Vera Stepanovna and Nechaeva Galina Evgenievna

1c: We are landing.

The graduates want to say words of gratitude and deep gratitude to their first teacher.

(graduates read poetry)

1. "Thank you!" for what you taught us
2. "Thank you!" for putting up with our class,
3. "Thank you!" for the years that you were with us,
4. "Thank you!" for loving us!
5. "Thank you!" because they endured leprosy,
6. "Thank you!" for the fact that they managed to cope with us.
7. "Thank you!" for justice, sorry for the nerves
8. "Thank you!" for everything, our first teacher!

V.S. and G.E. present certificates______________________________________________



(airplane sound again)

2c:And again we are on the way. In front of you mountain range, behind which our graduates have always felt protected from stormy winds, snowfalls, storms, blizzards. These are your homeroom teachers! Medvedeva Natalia Yurievna and Shulepova Valentina Konstantinovna.

1c:We land right at the foot of this mountain range.

Words of class teachers

Passing certificates ____________________________________________________________



(airplane sound)

2c: Our liner is flying rapidly forward. From a height of flight, we can see all the corners of our vast, beloved school continent.

1c: Let's try to look into every corner of it, which left an indelible mark on the souls of our graduates, taught a lot, and most importantly taught us to believe in ourselves, choose a goal in life and strive for it.

2c:Our respected teachers play an important role in choosing the right route around our continent. And the students want to say THANK YOU to all teachers with this song.

Song for teachers (music sounds, on the teacher's screen)

(airplane sound)

1c:Attention! We are approaching a huge, most beautiful corner of our continent, which is called "Paradise".

2c: Where our graduates are always welcome, they will always understand and forgive, they will guide them on the right path, dress them beautifully and feed them deliciously.

1c: Because for the inhabitants of this corner, their children are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most talented and desirable.

2c:If the son is the first everywhere,

The stars from the sky are easily enough

It's all parenting nerves

Heaven is moving towards him.

1c:If a daughter grows up to the joy of others,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

So it was mom who tried-

And she was also a close friend.

2c:how many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Stewardess:And now, dear parents, listen, your children want to tell you the same.

(graduates read poetry.)

We love you, we appreciate you, we adore you.
You are our everything! We adore you heartily ...
And we say this from the heart.

Now we shout out loud for the whole world to hear
Such kind and gentle words !!!
We love you, parents !!!
-Can not hear…
We love you! By scripts: "YOUR CHILD!"

Parents' words.

Presentation of letters to parents.

1 lead The crew commander just reported that we were caught in a vortex. There is an emergency on board. What do we do?

2 leads Don't panic! We urgently need to come up with a distraction. Passengers will be distracted while we fix the problem.

1 lead I understand that our broadcast continues.

2 leads Our graduates are in touch.

(Song about love")

2 leads Then now is the time to offer the Hits of the Season video program.

1 lead A video clip is on your screens.

(The song "Suddenly the door creaked like in a fairy tale") (2.45)

1 lead We have all the artists on board. Not a flight, but a concert.

2 leads Do you know that the emotional overload of the artists is comparable only to the Overload of the pilots?

1 lead Our flight is proceeding normally. This is all thanks to the sponsors of the company.

2 leads Attention! Passengers, do you hear?

Passengers: Fine!

1 lead Fine!!! Excellent as always!!! Familiar voices !!! We invite to the stage the graduates who are not afraid of any overload, who for 9 years stubbornly, step by step closer to their today's victory.

    Venevitina Anastasia

    Dyachenko Oksana

    Malyutina Olga

    Margoshvili of Milan

    Sotnikova Margarita

    Stoyanova Elena

    Paporova Yana

    Ishkova Kristina

1 lead For the presentation of certificates with honors, the director of school number 20 and the director of our company "Twentieth Airlines" are invited - Krugov Sergey Nikolaevich.

2ved. So our cruise around the school continent has come to an end. We invite all passengers to the stage.

1 lead

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales come to visit themselves.

2 leads

Here the clouds are not visible, It is crowded here from smiles.
The planet "Childhood" flies on the Dream liner!

Final Song (2.50)

Voice behind the scene: (call signs) The plane "9А-9Б" landed on flight 2014 along the route "Childhood-Youth". Passengers, school airline representatives, sponsors and guests are kindly requested to go to the waiting area for further travel along the "Success and Victories" route.

11.00 Loading, setting up equipment, meeting guests.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you aboard our cruise ship Aurora on a journey dedicated to the 9th anniversary of Avalon Trade! Today you and I are waiting for an exciting entertainment, many contests, games, sweepstakes and unexpected discoveries. I mean, you and I will open bottles, fill glasses and drink to the bottom so that we don't get to the bottom ourselves. And since we have already departed from the pier, then, according to the old sea custom, it is time to drink to a successful start of the journey. And according to the same maritime custom, the first solemn word is given - to CEO firm "Avalon Trade" Bannikov Vladimir Konstantinovich !!!

11.10 - Vladimir Konstantinovich speaks, everyone drinks and has a snack, light music sounds.

Before sailing, I was told that in one company the general and commercial director gathered employees of their company, put them on a ship under the cruise brand, and then dropped everyone off on a desert island and sailed away. In such an exquisite way, they decided to make staff reductions. Was there any talk of downsizing in your company before sailing? With us, Vladimir Konstantinovich, won't this happen?

By the way, anecdote about a desert island. One businessman says to another, they say, this year I will go on vacation to a desert island, I haven't been there for five years. And the second asks - how does your wife relate to this venture? And the first responds to him - he is happy, probably, you can imagine how she missed me over the five years there!

But let's not forget, dear ladies and gentlemen, that you and I are not just idly riding our wonderful boat, drinking and eating, admiring the passing landscapes, but at the same time we also celebrate the birthday of the company in which you work. And who knows how old is Avalon Trade?

Yes, for a child nine years is the age of formation and learning, but for a company, in my opinion, this is the age of adolescence. Or am I wrong and nine years is the age of stable maturity? I think the answer to this question can be given by the commercial director of the company "Avalon Trade" Andrey Nikolaevich Vasyutin.

11.20 - Andrey Nikolaevich speaks, everyone drinks, has a snack.

In the meantime, all of you are getting used to our wonderful ship, I offer you a little game warm-up. This will be with you a little acquaintance with the signs of the zodiac, I will read you a quatrain, and you will guess for which sign this forecast. And first, I want to introduce myself, my name is Olga, and Sergey will play music and help me. Here we go.

And as I already said, we gathered here not only to have fun on the boat, but not to forget that our beloved company "Avalon Trade" has a birthday today! Once I witnessed how at one corporate party, which was naturally not hosted by us, because we cannot have this, at the end of the celebration one of the employees pulled his face out of the salad where he slept and asked with surprise: “Who will marry what? " And then, in order to figure out who is getting married, he began to wail: "Bitter!"

To prevent this from happening with you, we will "grow" our "Avalon Trade" during the trip from infancy to the very ninth year. But we will not grow up just like that, but playing various exciting games related to the upbringing and formation of the baby Avalon as a person.

The most active participants in the games will be rewarded with banknotes, which we have named "avalons" after the company. Upon returning from the voyage, we will hold an auction of expensive prizes, which are exhibited here here, which you can redeem exclusively for these "avalons". Other banknotes will not be accepted for payment at the auction.

My dear friends, now I would like you all to fill your glasses in order to ... ..

Drink synonyms. We drink the last, I give the floor to the Head of Direct Sales Alexander Borozdin and his deputy Viktor Rybakov.

(accept, flinch, grunt, screech, aggravate, rejoice ...)

"Maternity hospital"

And we will begin our fun competition, of course, from the very birth of our "baby". I need a man and a woman who will play the role of husband and wife with us. Well, not in the sense that you thought, but in the very best.

But I would like, I hope you all will support me, that the role of the betrothed will be played by Alexander Borozdin. I know that it was on this wonderful day that he became the father of a wonderful son, and the role of the young wife was played by one of the old-timers of Avalon Trade, Irina Solovyova. If you all do not mind, then let us ask Alexander and Irina to come out to me with a friendly applause and play these wonderful roles.

Imagine being told unexpectedly that your wife has given birth. You drop everything, rush to the hospital and see your wife behind the glass of the window of the hospital. But the glass is double, soundproof and you can only guess what your spouse wants to tell you only by facial expressions and gestures. Now I give our “mom” a cheat sheet, according to which she will explain to the “husband” what she wants to tell him, and he will guess and tell us what exactly the wife wants from him. And then we will read this cheat sheet and find out if our “newfound father” understood his “narrowed” correctly.

The game is running. (200 avalonchiks for participation) 2 persons MF participate

The year passed quickly and now our newborn Avalonchik has already grown up, began to walk independently and speak his first words. And the parents have more worries - you need to feed the baby, change his diapers, get up at night to the crib to lull him to sleep. And let's see if the new parents are ready to cope with their responsibilities of caring for their son?

I need 2 teams of 6 people, please do not hesitate to come out, an equal number of men and women is not necessary. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. As soon as the teams get together, I will explain your problem, the competition is very funny and funny.

Game "Dress the baby" (12 people participate). (Winners receive 600 avalons)

And now I again propose to fill my glasses, and for the solemn speech (I ask you to come to me or I will come to you) the head of the Department for work with hotels, bars, casinos Tigran Yeremyan.

Only a few minutes have passed since our last game, but in fact a whole year has passed and our Avalon has already grown significantly. Today he turned two years old, and now parents need to deal with the baby so that he develops, grows up as an intelligent and well-mannered boy, with expression to read him poems and sing him songs. The parents decided to hire a nanny who would read poetry to the baby.

And our incorruptible and impartial judges in the person of Vladimir Konstantinovich and Andrey Nikolaevich will help us choose the winner.

And do not forget that for active participation in the games you will receive avalons, for which you can buy the lot you like on the way back to Moscow at our auction !!!

Our Avalon is TWO years old, and let's hear what Alexander Denisov and his deputy Vladimir Zhuravsky from the commercial department can tell us about this. In the meantime, I look for them with my gaze and approach them, please fill your glasses and get ready to listen to a wonderful toast.

A short dance break, whoever wishes can sing.

I give the floor to Chief Accountant Elena Alekseevna Semenova. TOAST.

13.30 - Disembarkation, connection of equipment.

13.40 I give the floor to Irina Solovieva from the accounting and financial department. TOAST.

Now I propose to continue raising our Avalon, because another year has passed and it is already 3 years old. And at the age of 3, children love very much when they are told fairy tales, they love even more when they are shown. I ask 10 people who wish to come up to me who want to cheer and console Avalon.

Game "Teremok"

14.00 And now I would like to give the floor to the management automation department Vladimir Filtsev

Do you know how a carpenter, for example, gets drunk? (into the board). Let's take a look at the various professions that exist and assume who can get drunk.

Now let's remember who loves how?

Glazier - to smithereens

Cabman - in an arc

Firefighter - into the haze

Shoemaker - in the insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Footballer - out of bounds

The hunter - into the snipe

Railwayman - into the trolley

Cook - in a sausage

Cooper - into the barrel

Forester - in the bump

Musician - in tune

Electrician - passed out

Athlete - in prone

Medic - until pulse loss

Physicist - until resistance is lost

Journalist - to the point

Chemist - before precipitation

Writer - up to the pen

Astronomer - to the stars from the eyes

Glazier - to smithereens

Cabman - in an arc

Firefighter - into the haze

Shoemaker - in the insole

Tailor - in rags

Undertaker - to death

Pig - until pig squeal

Footballer - out of bounds

The hunter - into the snipe

Railwayman - into the trolley

Cook - in a sausage

Cooper - into the barrel

Olga Krikun
Holiday script " Sea cruise around the world "(for children of senior and preparatory groups)

purpose: Organization of outdoor activities children.

Anchor interest children to exercise in the pool.

Promote the improvement of motor skills and abilities.

Strengthen the skills of orientation in space.

Foster friendly relationships between children, create a positive emotional attitude.

Duration. 60 minutes.

Equipment: 2 bananas, 2 balls, 2 basins of water, pebbles, 2 plastic mugs, 2 saucepans, 2-4 fish, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 apples, 2 oranges, mermaid costumes, soundtrack of children's songs; costumes of pirates and Neptune.

Holiday progress

Leading: Hello guys! Today we are going with you to sea \u200b\u200bcruise around the world - around the world sailing - a journey across the seas and oceans. Our ships will sail at some distance from each other. If we need to transmit any message to a nearby ship, we will develop special signals that will help us, but in order to understand these signs, you need to be very careful.

A game "Signals" (music - track number 5)

The presenter shows his palm to the children:

1.straight line - normal walking

2.up - down - jumping

3.wave - lunges

4.circles - running

Leading: our ships go on a long voyage. Sailors have to be strong and agile, so I invite all the guys to warm up and practice.

Warm-up (music - track number 6 "About the giraffe")

Leading: Our ships sailed for many miles and the sailors saw the land - Africa. And here's the first stop. The sailors went ashore. Who do you think lives in Africa? That's right, monkeys. And now we will turn into little monkeys and hold a monkey competition.

Relay race "Pass the banana" (teams of 6-7 people) - (music - track number 7 "Monkey").

Leading: Thanks guys for playing with the monkeys. It's time to swim further. Guys, we are sailing cold Antarctica. Show how cold it is in Antarctica. Let's make a stop. Who lives in Antarctica? (penguins) What are they? Now we will play

into the penguins and show how they walk.

Relay race "Penguins with a ball" (music - track number 8)

Leading: But the storm has calmed down, the ship needs to moor to the shore, and the sailors need to rest a little. And here is the land - we sailed to Asia. The sailors went ashore, and the water is so clear and transparent that all the pebbles on seabed... You know guys, in Asia many women collect pearls for seabed... They dive deep into the sea to get pearls. So we will pretend that we Pearl Divers and take turns getting the pebbles out of the water.

Relay race Pearl Divers (music - track number 10)

Leading:Well done boys. We coped with the task quickly and dexterously. Our ships went to return trip to a kindergarten. But what is this island on our way, it is not on the map? Let's stop at this island.

The music is playing (track number 11 - exit of Neptune)

Neptune: Who disturbed my peace?

Who made the noise and howl?

Away from my domain!

Otherwise the night will come

I want, and you by the morning

I will wipe everyone off the face of the earth!

Leading: Don't be angry with the teams,

And figure it out better

Look at the guys -

A kindergarten has entered the sea!

Neptune: I am proud ruler of the seas,

Fish, dolphins are the lord.

My palace is at the bottom sea

All strewn with amber!

I will arrange a competition for you

I'll check my mind and diligence.

Neptune: First, I'll play a game with you "Fishing rod"(plays with children senior preschool age)... And now I to you guys i want to make riddles:

1. What can't you hold in your hands, what can't you take away? (water)

2. walks along the shore, walks, but does not reach the shore, then it disappears (wave)

3. no arms, no legs, but runs. (river)

4. A bag of water flew over you, over me.

I ran into a distant forest, lost my weight and disappeared. (cloud)

Neptune: I checked you on my mind, and now I want to see. How do you carry water.

Relay race "Don't splash the water" (music - track number 12)

Neptune: Yes, I see you guys are neat, you don't waste water in vain. It is very good. You know, while playing with you, I seem to be very hungry.

Leading: And we, Neptune, will now cook a fish soup for you - tasty and rich. Really guys?

Relay race "Who will cook the fish soup faster?" (music - track number 13 - "Cooks")

Neptune: Now I will try the ear and ask you all to keep quiet! (checks what foods the children put in their ear)

Leading: Dear Neptune, where is your daughter the Little Mermaid? Isn't she with you?

Neptune: I did not come to you alone. My daughter was sailing with me. But she's gone for a long time. Probably something happened to her on the way. Maybe she was attacked sea \u200b\u200brobbers - pirates? Are there any daredevils among you who are not afraid to fight pirates and free the Little Mermaid?

(children answer)

Music is heard (track number 14 "Song of the Wild Guitars", the pirates enter with the bound Little Mermaid.

1 pirate: where did we sail? I have never seen such island dwellers. How cute!

2 pirate: And what plump, probably, eat well.

1 pirate Let's steal them, and then we will demand a ransom for them.

2 pirate: Yes! And mothers and fathers will cry for their children and pay us such a ransom!

1 pirate Come on, take out your pistols and nets, we'll catch them now (trying to catch children) (music track no. 15 "Criminals are hiding")

Leading: invites you to attack the pirates with water pistols and rescue the Little Mermaid. Children spray the pirates with water.

1 pirate, rescue!

2 pirate: Help!

1 pirate We won't do this anymore!

2 pirate: We will give you whatever you want - gold, silver ...

Leading:No no no! We don't need your gold, silver. Give us the little mermaid!

Neptune: Oh, you robbers! Why did they kidnap the Little Mermaid! I command to punish the pirates!

1 pirate (fall to their knees) Forgive us, great Neptune!

2 pirate: We will never again rob and offend!

1 pirate We will be good, like these children.

Neptune: Well, Little Mermaid, shall we forgive them?

the little Mermaid: Forgive you if you can guess my riddles (children help to guess):

1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, there is a mustached log. (som)

2. She drank in her mouth, she lived under water, scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now she got into her ear. (pike)

3. I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up! I happen to be golden, well, look into a fairy tale! (gold fish)

Neptune: And now, Little Mermaid, please me and our guests with a dance with your girlfriends - mermaids.

Dance of the Mermaids (music track no. 16 "Towards Eliza")

Little Mermaid Guys, listen to another riddle:

In the summer in the swamp you are her find, green frog, who is this? (frog)

Leading: And now we'll see which of our frogs jumps to the swamp faster.

Relay race "Frog" (music track number 17)

Neptune: I, friends, am pleased with you, Daredevils and brave men!

Prowess, dexterity have shown, All are great today!

Soon you go to school,But I will give one piece of advice:

Forever with water maritime You need to make friends!

And for saving my Little Mermaid, I want to reward you with sweets! music track no. 18)

Little Mermaid It's time for us to go to the sea,

Goodbye kids! (leave) (music track no.19)

Leading: And again tempting waves are calling,

And friendly hearts are full of one strength!

Under the shade of the sails, we hurry on our way back,

We cannot turn off the planned course!

And so we sailed to our kindergarten, our ship is at the pier and all the sailors go ashore.

Registration. The assembly hall is designed in the form of an airliner cabin. On the back wall of the stage - the words: "High flight and soft landing." Hall: the first rows - the business class, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the backs of the chairs - are intended for college graduates and teachers, the rest of the rows - the economy class - for guests and other students. The walls are designed as portholes. All invitees were presented with invitation tickets in the form of plane tickets in advance (Attachment 1 ).


The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation sound: "Moscow - Odessa" (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), "Little Plane" (Spanish: Valeria), "The sky chose us" (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) ...

Leaders come out, dressed in the uniform of flight attendants. Music plays quietly in the hall.(Appendix 2 ).

Steward.Attention! Dear graduates!

Stewardess. Dear teachers and parents!

Steward. We invite you to take a jubilee cruise on the OGO and IT airliner (the name of the college department, seeing off its graduates).

Stewardess. The registration of tickets for flight 20-09 (release year) is announced.

Steward. Dear passengers! Flight 20-09 of the OGO and IT airliner is dedicated to graduates of the following specialties:

Stewardess. Adaptive physical education.

Steward.Foreign language.


Steward.Today we will take an anniversary cruise dedicated to the fifth graduation of the Liberal Education and Information Technology groups.

Stewardess.There are 14 minutes left before takeoff. Please take your seats in the cabin of our aircraft.

The song to the music of Oskar Feltsman "14 minutes before the start" is played(Appendix 3 ).

Stewardess. Aviation Minister Nikolai Ivanovich is on board the airliner. (College director).

Steward. We ask him to go up to the registration desk and say a few parting words to the graduates.

A word from the college director.

Steward. Thank. Take your place in the business class of our airliner.

Stewardess.The dispatcher has just informed us that there are more passengers “rushing” to our flight - future applicants of our college, and now members of the folklore ensemble with the symbolic name “Belfry”.

Steward.Let's see what they are capable of.

Small children from the ensemble are performing.

Steward.Thank! You have proven yourself very well, and for your creativity, with the permission of the minister, we enroll you in the 0 course at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University without entrance exams, and the Minister of Aviation will now personally present you and your leader with letters of thanks.

Thanks are given.

Stewardess. But it's too early for you to fly with us, grow up a little, but for now, return to earth.

Steward.Attention! Dear passengers! We are glad to welcome you on board the OGO and IT aircraft.

Stewardess.Check your seats. Fasten your seat belts.

The melody of the song "14 minutes before the start" begins to sound quietly.

Steward.Dear passengers! Let me introduce you to the commander of our airliner - Galina Petrovna (G.P.). (Dean of the department).

G.P.Let me introduce the crew of the ship - my assistants:

Co-pilot - Marina Ivanovna (M.I.). (Responsible for the practice at the department).
Flight radio operator - Victor Gennadievich (V.G.) (with headphones). (Cl. Head of the informatiko group in).
Navigator - Elena Vasilievna (E.V.) (with compasses, ruler). (Cl. Head of the group of foreign languages).
Flight engineer - Svetlana Fedorovna (S.F.) (with a stopwatch around her neck). (Cl. Head of the group of adaptive physical culture).

G.P.Attention! Checking aircraft readiness for flight! Knowledge baggage screening carried out?

M.I.79 passengers were admitted to the flight. Total flying hours 5243.

G.P.Passengers passed the pre-defense?


E.V. Foreigners - spanked and spanked.

S.F.Fizruks - ran back and jumped.

V.G.Computer science - sealed, printed and sealed.

G.P.Are the monitors, instrumentation ready for testing?

V.G... Things are good. Only the radar was out of order, the point of no return disappeared.

G.P.Navigator, has the flight route been updated?

E.V.What else to clarify? The return point has been passed.

G.P.Are the salons ready for the anniversary flight?

V.G. Computer shops are ready.

S.F. Sports salons are ready.

E.V. Lingaphone salon has a place to be.

G.P. Furnishings on board?

M.I. Friendly.

G.P. Flight engineer, are the engines ready for flight?

S.F... Dear teachers! Are you ready for the anniversary flight?

Teachers (stand up and speak in unison) READY!

G.P.Mr. Minister, will you allow takeoff?

N.I .. I allow takeoff!

G.P.Crew, take their seats in the cockpit. By screws!

Steward.To make the takeoff less exciting, Konstantin greets you with the song “The main thing, guys, do not grow old in your heart” music by A. Pakhmutova, words by S. Grebennikov and N. Dobronravov. (Song is sung).

Stewardess. 5 minutes - normal flight .

Steward.The temperature overboard is 25-27 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero, the pressure is 120 to 80.

Stewardess. Passengers are asked to loosen their belts and waistbands and sit comfortably.

Steward.During the flight, it is prohibited:

Stewardess. Miss.

Steward.Eject the airliner before landing.

Stewardess. Pronounce the words forbidden to graduates: "I can not", "I do not want", "I do not know."

Steward.Refuse the ability to swing, spin, spin in a whirlwind of dance.

Stewardess. Saying anything other than pleasantries, compliments and praises to others.

Steward.During the flight, it is allowed:

Stewardess. Tasting all dishes and cocktails of star cuisine.

Girls in the form of flight attendants pass through the cabin of the airliner and offer candy-candies to everyone.

Steward.Congratulate each other on the successful completion of the BGPC.

Stewardess. Take an active part in trainings, while using all the muscles of the face and body.

Steward.Give gifts to all passengers of the airliner "OGO and IT".

Stewardess. Spread the virus of good mood to others.

Stewardess. Declare your love for college, educators, parents, and each other.

Steward.Attention Dear passengers! We are making an emergency landing on LINGVOLAND Island. Please stay calm!

Stewardess. The population of the fabulous island wishes to greet the passengers of our liner.

Steward.The first to greet the islanders of the 471 group. (Group performance).

Stewardess.Meet the islanders of the 481 group. (Group performance).

Stewardess. The inhabitants of this island filled our tanks full of positive emotions, and we fly on.

Steward.Our next landing takes place on the island of SPORTLAND.

Stewardess. The inhabitants of this beautiful island would like to wish all passengers a HIGH FLIGHT.

Steward.The islanders of the 472 group greet you. (Group performance).

Stewardess. Meet the 492 Islanders. (Group performance)

Steward.The islanders of the 482 group greet you. (Group performance).

Steward.Thank! We continue our flight, and our next stop is on the KOMPUTERRA island.

Stewardess. The islanders wish the passengers of the airliner a SOFT LANDING.

Steward. Please do not go into sleep mode, otherwise we will freeze for a long time.

Computer science students perform with a song to the melody from the movie "Heavenly Slow".(Appendix 5 ).

Girls in the form of flight attendants walk through the airliners and offer drinks to everyone - glasses of mineral water.

Steward.Dear passengers! During the flight, we got into air pitand all the luggage is messed up. We ask the perpetrators of our cruise to show their luggage. And the first to be invited to the stage are the passengers of the 464 groups.

- And now we invite passengers of the 452 groups.

Response performance of the graduation group.

- Please come onstage for 441 passengers.

Response performance of the graduation group.

Stewardess.Thanks to all graduates. The luggage has found its place.

Steward.Dear passengers! Our airliner is heading for Nominations Island.

Stewardess. The right to award the winners of the nominations is given to the commander of our aircraft, Galina Petrovna.

G.P. Every year in distant California in Los Angeles, an Oscar is presented for the highest achievements in the field of cinematography. You know as well as I do that college is a movie. College has it all: intricate detectives, chilling thrillers, and romantic love stories. Therefore, the college administration has established its own prize for graduates - medals, and now there will be a ceremony for their presentation in various nominations, in which there may be several winners at once. So here we go!

Steward. Nomination "Clever men and clever men"!


How wonderful that there are guys in the group
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will say sometime:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

Steward.We ask the winners of the nomination "Clever and clever" to go up to the stage: __________.

(Appendix 6 ).

Stewardess.Soul of the Group.


It's not easy to become a group leader
Needed for everyone interesting to be,
The stars are unlikely to help you here,
It is important to know and love people.

Stewardess. The winners of the Soul of the Group nomination were __________. We ask them to go up on stage.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Steward.The next nomination is "Miss Charm".


- There are different vocations in life,
Who is in that much
Charm will help you
And more than once.
- You about it already know,
Have experienced a spell
That's why you smile
From the very beginning.

Steward.Charming graduates are invited to the stage: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Stewardess. Nomination "A Real Gentleman".

Steward.Real gentlemen have always been a rarity, but they are among our graduates.

- A classmate will let through the door,
Shall give a hand on the steps
These are the strokes, for example,
But they decorate you.
- Gentlemen are not born,
It all depends on yourself
The virtues multiply
When you multiply them.

Stewardess. We ask the winners in the nomination to go up on stage: ___________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Steward.One of the most demanded nominations in our time is "Fashion Model".


Beauty is a great power
Sometimes she blinds.
Only the film would not light up,
And she was able to convey the tones.
- Let the photographer be tormented by creativity,
But then on the pages of the magazine
When he succeeds
We will see you and recognize you.

Steward.On the stage are our photo models. Meet: _____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Stewardess. Now we will find out who won the Irreplaceable category.


- It's always calm next to them,
Even if you got yourself into a mess.
They will do without reproach
And they will open the backpack in silence.
- They have a pen there in stock,
And just in case - a notebook,
There are no more reliable and better friends
Will be able to support in time.

Stewardess. We invite the winners in the “Irreplaceable” nomination to the stage: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Steward.Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".


Accidentally someone smiled -
It became brighter in my soul
As if happiness touched
And the anxiety has disappeared already.
- Charm is just a miracle,
It's your lottery ticket,
According to which the gain will be
Even at eighty!

Steward.So, we invite the winners in the “Miss and Mister Charm” nomination to the stage. it

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Stewardess. The next nomination is "Mister Invisible".


We have such people:
At least send them to intelligence!
As if in an invisible hat ...
And try to catch them!

Stewardess.We ask the winners in the "Mister Invisible" nomination to come up to the stage

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Steward.Now the winners of the "Miss Artistry" nomination will take to the stage to receive prizes.


- You are talkative, but why words?
Movements, turns, gestures.
So much is said about you
Nice, but without any flattery.
- You haven't buried your talent in the ground,
You know how to shine and conquer.
May your life be bright
What more could you wish for?

Steward.Please go to the stage for the winners in the "Miss Artistry" nomination: __________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Stewardess. Perhaps one of the noblest nominations of our competition is Miss Kindness.


The main key to success is
Not despicable metal.
Always appreciated for centuries
Human kindness.
Life can be difficult.
Difficult, simply unbearable.
The good one will not leave you
The kind man will be able to help.

Stewardess.We ask the winners of the Miss Kindness nomination ___________ to come on stage.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.


Who is the most beloved of all in the world?
Children will immediately say this.
Go around the whole world
Better than mom not in the world!

Stewardess. We welcome the participants in the "Young Mom" \u200b\u200bnomination with applause: ____________.

Fanfare sounds, the winners rise to the stage, medals are put on their necks.

Steward.The awarding of the winners is over. And now - a photo for memory.

A photo of all the winners is taken.

- We ask everyone to take their places in the salon.

Stewardess.The floor is given to the commander of our liner.

G.P. Let's land! Where is the navigator, flight mechanic, flight radio operator, and part-time class teachers of graduation groups? They are given the floor.

Homeroom Leadership.

Steward.And now the solemn moment has come, for which we are gathered here today.


The sun is over college, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, the last call?
The universe does not fit in the windows,
College stares and shrinks
Glances fly over the distant helm
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, as over an assembly hall,
The day turns blue and scarlet
With this crystal farewell call!

Steward.The right to submit the last call is given to students: a graduate and a freshman.

A graduate enters with a freshman on her shoulder, who rings the last bell.

Steward.Thanks to all passengers! Our flight was more than successful. We wish all our graduates high flight and soft landing!

The final song "Crane Song" from the movie "We'll Live Until Monday" sounds, paper airplanes fly into the hall with wishes to graduates.

If you are worried about being bored at cruise ship, get these thoughts out of your head. There are so many activities on cruises that a day at sea can be as fun (and exhausting) as sightseeing in the ports. Everyone will find something for themselves: a climbing wall, a cooking class, wine tasting, video games and much more.

Want to soak up the sun or take a dip in the pool? No problems. Want to shop, go for a massage, or play at the casino? No one will bother you. Ride a surfboard, drive a racing car, or peep ice rink? Yes, even such exotic activities are available on board. And on the Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Seas and Anthem of the Seas, you'll find the first skydiving wind tunnels in the sea.

Whatever your preference and activity level, you will find a way to have fun on cruise ship... We've categorized programs and activities by type, so you can find something that will keep you busy and enjoyable on board.

Daily newsletter

How do you know what is happening on the ship? A daily newsletter is delivered to the cabin every evening. One copy will also be waiting for you after checking into the liner. It contains the schedule of events and invitations, as well as the opening hours of spas, restaurants, shops and bars. You will also be able to find a list of movies on your TV, information on ports of call en route, boarding and disembarking passengers, sunrise and sunset times. Children enrolled in the onboard kids' club (see below) often receive their own age-appropriate daily newsletters.

How to have fun during the day?

Dozens of organized events will be offered to you every day, especially in sea \u200b\u200bdays... If you prefer leisurethen you can take part in basketball or volleyball competitions, try playing golf or take dance lessons.

Indoors, you will have access to master classes, card games or bingo, origami or ikebana training, watching food preparation or wine tasting (usually at an additional cost). Entertainment shows during the day can be in public areas of the liner (for example, improvisational comedies on the Norwegian Cruise Line, short shows on the Princess Piazza, or an ice show on Royal Caribbean) or film screenings (on the cinema or by the pool).

You can of course skip everything organized events and just relax in the pool with a cold cocktail. In addition, ship internet centers, boutiques, casinos and libraries are open throughout the day at sea, not to mention many 24/7 food outlets.

Gyms and spas on cruise ships

It's hard to find a modern cruise ship without a fitness center and spa on board. While some ships only offer basic equipment, newer liners often have multi-tiered spacious oceanfront accommodations and state-of-the-art equipment.

Onboard fitness centers provide a wide variety of strength and cardio equipment, and many have separate instructor-led classes. You will find a list of halls in the daily newsletter, but each hall also has its own list with opening times for different classes. Most of the classes are free, but some companies charge an additional $ 10-15 for special instructor-led classes such as yoga, TRX and spinning (a type of bike aerobics) that you have to sign up for in advance. Some super modern jumbo jets offer amenities such as punching rings and punching bags, Pilates equipment and TRX training loops. Please note that sports shoes are required to visit the gym, without them you will not be allowed there.

Fitness center on a cruise ship

The spa is the place to enjoy massages, facials and other wellness treatments. Most ships have salons where you can get haircuts, manicures and pedicures - all at an additional cost. You can also find a steam room and sauna or a thalassotherapy pool - a combination of a jacuzzi and a mineral bath. Cruise ships have spas for men with special services (including old-fashioned straight edge shaving) and teens. Here you will find offers such as acupuncture, teeth whitening and thermal body cleansing. Check out the daily newsletter or special offers from spas, and to save money, book treatments on port days, not sea days.

Celebrity Spa Lounge

Fun for kids on a cruise ship

Many cruise ships have separate seats on board for children under 18. Modern ships are more focused on family holiday, so here you can find a huge number of places of entertainment for the youngest travelers, such as playgrounds, discos, swimming pools, waterslides, galleries and just deck space for children.

Parents can enroll children in children's clubs, where educators and animators organize various games, competitions, art and craft training, dance parties and much more for them. Some liners partner with third-party companies to offer unique programs such as acting classes, magic tricks, scientific experiments and experiments, and DJ training. Children can spend as much time in the clubs as they want; they can participate in activities or just hang out wherever they want (the level of leeway given varies by age group). Please note that kid's clubs are usually closed during meals and late at night. Families with small children can also participate in joint activities for children and parents.

Fun for the little ones on a cruise ship

Evening entertainment

At nightfall, most ships create a Vegas atmosphere. The casinos are usually closed during the day, and at night they are packed with people trying their luck at slot machines, blackjack or poker. Bands and singers perform in bars and lounges for you to enjoy music or dance; piano bars are becoming more and more popular on modern ships. And, especially late at night, the dance floors are popular.

Every evening, the Ship Theater will host grand shows featuring high-tech laser and video effects, as well as expertly costumed dancers and singers performing popular hits and tunes from Broadway shows. There you can also see singers, comedians, magicians, and sometimes even those performers whom you saw on TV. There is karaoke for talented passengers and sometimes talent shows are held. Even on small ships there will be some kind of entertaining shows: dance groups, musicians with synthesizers or guitar.

Cinemas under open air by the pool - another favorite evening event for passengers on such liners as Princess, Carnival, Disney. You can cuddle on the sun loungers, eat popcorn and watch new movies on giant LED screens. It's like a car cinema, only on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

Life on a cruise ship does not stop until late at night