Foreign passports and documents

Krasnoyarsk Railways. Krasnoyarsk railway. An excerpt characterizing the Krasnoyarsk railway

Krasnoyarsk railway.

Krasnoyarsk railway connects the West Siberian and East Siberian roads, is the main transit line, located in the middle of the Transsib. Most of the road passes through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia.

Service length Krasnoyarsk railway - 3157.9 km. Since 1959 it has been operating on alternating current.

Regular train traffic on the Krasnoyarsk road between Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk was opened in 1898, between Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk in 1899 after the completion of the construction of the largest railway bridge in Asia across the Yenisei.

Krasnoyarsk railway formed in 1936. In the period 1961-1979, the railway was part of the East Siberian Railway. On January 17, 1979, the Krasnoyarsk railway was separated from the East Siberian railway.

On October 1, 2003, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krasnoyarsk Railways" became part of JSC "Russian Railways" as a territorial branch.

The Krasnoyarsk railway carried 4.099 million long-distance passengers and 12.378 million commuters in 2008. In 2008, the road transported 68.2 million tons of various cargo. The main nomenclature of transported goods includes coal, timber, ore, construction materials and liquid bulk cargo.

The Krasnoyarsk railway includes 97 structural subdivisions: 176 stations, 17 track distances, 6 track machine stations, 10 signaling and communication distances, 18 container sites and other production units.

Krasnoyarsk railway station is considered one of the most beautiful and convenient in the Trans-Urals. The new building has 16 ticket offices... The area of \u200b\u200bthe station has been increased. Passenger service has improved.

On June 4, 2005, the renewed station square of Krasnoyarsk-Passazhirskiy station was opened. It has increased by a total of 1,500 meters. Krasnoyarsk station square is the only one in the country decorated with heraldic symbols.

According to the Development Strategy of Russia, in 2010 the construction of a railway to Tuva began from Kuragino station to Kyzyl. After the completion of construction, it is planned to transfer this road to the management of the Krasnoyarsk railway.

The number of employees on the Krasnoyarsk road is 31 thousand people.

The Krasnoyarsk railway runs in four regions of Russia - Krasnoyarsk Krai, Khakassia, Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions. All of them have significant energy resources and developed industry.

In 2015, 67 million tons of various cargoes were dispatched from the railway stations. Passengers sent to: long-distance travel - 1.8 million people, in suburban traffic - 6.1 million people.

For two regions of Russia - Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia - the Krasnoyarsk road is the main transport line along which the main flow of goods goes (more than 80% of the products and raw materials produced here). Including 95% of all export cargoes are transported by rail.

About 40 thousand people work on the Krasnoyarsk road, a third of whom are employees under the age of 35. Railway workers have the best social package in the country and competitive salaries. In general, the standard of living of about 100 thousand people depends on the social security system of the Krasnoyarsk mainline - the railway employees themselves and their families.

The Krasnoyarsk railway and the Administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk have been implementing the project since January 2012 " City train"together with the Krasprigorod company.

At the moment, 32 pairs of trains run on city routes, carrying out daily transportation in three directions:

Ovinny - Bugach - Krasnoyarsk - Yenisei - Gardens;

Krasnoyarsk - Bugach - Krasnoyarsk-Severny;

Krasnoyarsk - Yenisei - Divnogorsk.

The movement pattern includes 17 stopping points on the territory of Krasnoyarsk and 6 - on the route from Krasnoyarsk to Divnogorsk.

Krasnoyarsk railway

Krasnoyarsk Railroad - a railway in the south of Siberia. The road connects the West Siberian and East Siberian roads, is the main transit line, located in the middle of the Transsib. Most of the road passes through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia, small sections of the road are also located on the territory of the Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions. The structural subdivisions of JSC "Russian Railways" located and functioning within the boundaries of the Krasnoyarsk railroad are subordinate to the regional corporate governance center Krasnoyarsk Railways - a branch of JSC Russian Railways located in Krasnoyarsk.

The operational length of the road as of January 1, 2009 is 3157.9 km.

Since 1959 it has been operating on alternating current. Docking station - Mariinsk.

Head of the Krasnoyarsk Railway - Reinhardt, Vladimir Haroldovich (since April 2005).


Regular train traffic on the road between Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk) and Krasnoyarsk was opened in 1898, between Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk - in 1899 after the completion of the construction of the largest railway bridge in Asia across the Yenisei.

The number of workers on the road is 31 thousand people.



Previously, the Krasnoyarsk Railway included three branches, which since 2009 have been regions:

  • GCD-1 Abakan region (Abakan)
  • GCD-2 Krasnoyarsk region (Krasnoyarsk)
  • GCD-3 Achinsk region (Achinsk)

Road boundaries

The Krasnoyarsk railway borders on other railways:

  • According to Art. Taishet exclusively
  • According to Art. Yurts exclusively
  • According to Art. Mariinsk inclusive
  • According to Art. Mezhdurechensk exclusively

Structural units

Path distances

  • Abakan path distance
  • Abakumov path distance
  • Askiz path distance
  • Bogotol path distance
  • Dubininskaya distance of the way
  • Ilan path distance
  • Kozul path distance
  • Koshurnikovskaya path distance
  • Krasnoyarsk track distance
  • Chunoyarskaya distance of the way
  • Sayan path distance
  • Surikov path distance
  • Uzhur path distance
  • Uyarskaya path distance
  • Chulzhan path distance

Power supply distances

  • Abakan power supply distance
  • Achinsk power supply distance
  • Bogotolskaya power supply distance
  • Ilan power supply distance
  • Krasnoyarsk power supply distance
  • Uyarskaya power supply distance
  • Sayan power supply distance

Signaling, interlocking and blocking distances

  • Abakan distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Askiz distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Achinsk distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Bogotolskaya distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Ilan distance signaling, interlocking and blocking
  • Koshurnikovskaya distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Krasnoyarsk-Vostochnaya distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Krasnoyarsk distance of signaling, centralization and blocking
  • Sayan distance of signaling, centralization and blocking

Distances of civil structures

  • Abakan distance of civil structures
  • Achinsk distance of civil structures
  • Krasnoyarsk distance of civil structures

Locomotive depots

  • Traction direction
  • Operational locomotive depot Abakan-II
  • Operational locomotive depot Achinsk-I
  • Ilanskaya operational locomotive depot
  • Operational locomotive depot Krasnoyarsk-Glavny
  • Traction Rolling Stock Repair Directorate
  • Repair locomotive depot Abakan-I
  • Repair locomotive depot Bogotol-Sibirskiy
  • Repair locomotive depot Kansk-Ilansky
  • Repair locomotive depot Krasnoyarsk
  • Repair locomotive depot Mariinsk-Vostochny
  • Repair locomotive depot Uzhur

Wagon depots

  • Operational wagon depot Abakan
  • Operational carriage depot Bogotol
  • Operational carriage depot Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny

Suburban service

  • Directorate for passenger services in suburban traffic "Krasprigorod"
  • Motor-car depot Krasnoyarsk

Other directorates and divisions

  • Krasnoyarsk Communications Directorate
  • Capital Construction Directorate
  • Directorate for heat and water supply
  • Terminal and Warehouse Complex Management Directorate
  • Directorate for operation and repair of track machines
  • Directorate of the social sphere
  • Krasnoyarsk distance of protective forest plantations
  • Krasnoyarsk distance for the repair of engineering structures
  • Road Path Diagnostic Center
  • Base number 42
  • Division "Heat engineering"
  • Abakan training center
  • Krasnoyarsk training center
  • Road Scientific and Technical Information Center

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An excerpt characterizing the Krasnoyarsk railway

- Have you thought about my proposal, Madonna? I hope you had enough time to understand your position? And I won't need the next hit? ..
My heart went cold - what will it be, this "next beat"? .. But I had to answer, and I was not going to show him how much I was afraid.
- If I was not mistaken, did you offer me your friendship, Your Holiness? But friendship is not worth much if it is obtained by instilling fear. I do not want such a friendship, even if it means suffering. I'm not afraid of pain. It's much worse when the soul hurts.
- What a child you are, dear Isidora! .. - Karaffa laughed, - It's like books - there is “suffering” and SUFFERING. And I sincerely advise you not to try the second option!
- Anyway - you are not a friend, Giovanni. You do not even know what this word carries with it ... I perfectly understand that I am completely in your cruel hands, and I do not care what will happen now ...
For the first time I deliberately called him by his name, wanting to anger. I really was almost a child in everything that concerned evil, and still had no idea what this predatory, but, unfortunately, very intelligent person was really capable of.
- Well, you have decided, Madonna. Blame yourself.
His servant took my arm abruptly and pushed me towards a narrow corridor. I decided that this was the end, that right now Caraffa would hand me over to the executioners ...
We went down deep into the bottom, passing many small, heavy doors, behind which screams and groans sounded, and I became even more convinced that, apparently, my hour had finally come. I didn't know how much I could withstand the torture, and how strong it could be. Nobody ever gave me physical pain, and it was very difficult to judge how strong I can be in this. All my short life I lived surrounded by the love of family and friends, and did not even imagine how evil and cruel my fate would be ... I, like many of my friends - witches and witches - could not see my fate. Probably, it was closed from us so that we would not try to change our life. And perhaps also because we, like everyone else, had our duty to live what we were destined to live without trying to leave earlier, seeing some kind of horror destined for some reason by our harsh fate ...
And then the day came when I had no choice. Rather, there was a choice. And I chose it myself. Now all that remained was to withstand what was to come, and somehow survive, having managed not to break ...
Caraffa finally stopped in front of one of the doors and we entered. Cold, chilling horror chained me from head to toe! .. It was a real Hell, if such could exist on Earth! This was a triumphant atrocity that defied the understanding of a normal person ... My heart almost stopped.
The whole room was covered with human blood ... People were hanging, sitting, lying on the terrifying torture "instruments", the significance of which I could not even imagine. Several people, completely calm, smeared with blood, were leisurely going about their "work", apparently without feeling any pity, no remorse, or any slightest human feelings ... The room smelled of burnt meat, blood and death ... Half-dead people moaned, cried, screamed ... and some no longer had the strength to even scream. They just wheezed, not responding to torture, like rag dolls, which fate graciously deprived of any feelings ...
I was blown up from the inside! I even forgot for a moment that very soon I would become one of them ... All my raging strength suddenly burst out, and ... the torture room ceased to exist ... Only bare, blood-soaked walls and terrible, chilling "tools" remained torture ... All the people who were there - both the executioners and their victims - disappeared without a trace.
Caraffa stood as pale as death itself, and looked at me, without looking up, piercing with his terrible black eyes, in which anger, condemnation, surprise, and even some strange, inexplicable delight were splashing ... He kept a deathly silence. And all his inner struggle was reflected only by his face. He himself was motionless, like a statue ... He was deciding something.
I was sincerely sorry for the people who had gone into “another life,” so brutally tortured, and most likely innocent. But I was absolutely sure that for them my unexpected intervention was a deliverance from all the terrifying, inhuman torments. I saw how their pure, bright souls were leaving for another life, and sorrow cried in my frozen heart ... This was the first time in many years of my difficult "witch practice" when I took away a precious human life ... And all that remained was hope that there, in that other, pure and tender world, they will find peace.
Karaffa looked painfully at my face, as if wanting to find out what prompted me to do this, knowing that, at the slightest wave of his "lordly" hand, I would immediately take the place of the "departed", and perhaps I would pay very cruelly for it. But I did not regret ... I was jubilant! That at least someone, with my help, managed to escape from his dirty clutches. And surely my face told him something, because in the next moment Karaffa convulsively grabbed my hand and dragged me to another door ...
- Well, I hope you like it, Madonna! - and pushed me sharply inside ...
And there ... hung on the wall, as on a crucifix, hung my beloved Girolamo ... My affectionate and kind husband ... There was no such pain, and such horror that would not have slashed my tormented heart at this moment! .. I could not believe what I saw. My soul refused to accept it, and I helplessly closed my eyes.
- Well, what are you, dear Isidora! You will have to watch our little show! - Caraffa said in a threateningly affectionate manner. - And I'm afraid I'll have to watch to the end! ..
So this is what this ruthless and unpredictable "holy" beast came up with! He was afraid that I would not break, and decided to break me with the torments of my loved ones and relatives! .. Anna !!! Oh gods - Anna! .. A bloody flash flashed in my tortured brain - my poor little daughter could be the next!
I tried to pull myself together to prevent Karaffe from feeling complete satisfaction with this dirty victory. And also, so that he does not think that he managed to break me at least a little bit, and he would not use this "successful" method on other members of my unhappy family ...
- Come to your senses, your Holiness, what you are doing! .. - I exclaimed in horror. “You know that my husband has never done anything against the church! How is this possible ?! How can you make innocent people pay for mistakes they didn't commit ?!
I understood perfectly well that it was just an empty conversation, and that he would not give anything, and Karaffa knew that too well ...
- Well, Madonna, your husband is very interesting to us! - the "Grand Inquisitor" smiled sarcastically. - You can't deny that your dear Girolamo was engaged in a very dangerous practice called anatomy? .. And isn't this sinful practice included such an action as digging in dead human bodies? ...
- But this is science, Your Holiness !!! This is a new branch of medicine! It helps future doctors to better understand the human body so that it is easier to treat patients. Does the church already prohibit doctors too?!
- Doctors who are from God do not need such a "satanic act"! Cried Karaffa angrily. - A person will die if the Lord so decided, so it would be better if your "would-be doctors" took care of his sinful soul!
- Well, as I see it, the church is very intensely "taking care" of the soul! .. Soon, I think, doctors will have no work left at all ... - I could not resist.
I knew my answers pissed him off, but I couldn't help myself. My wounded soul screamed ... I understood that no matter how hard I tried to be "exemplary", my poor Girolamo could not be saved. Caraffa had some terrifying plan for him, and he was not going to retreat from him, depriving himself of such great pleasure ...
- Sit down, Isidora, there is no truth at your feet! Now you will see that the rumors about the Inquisition are not fairy tales ... There is a war. And our beloved church needs protection. And I, as you know, the most faithful of her sons ...
I stared at him in amazement, thinking that Caraffa is slowly becoming really crazy ...
- What kind of war do you mean, Your Holiness? ..
- The one that goes around all of us every day !!! - for some reason, suddenly enraged, cried the Pope. - Which cleans the Earth of people like you! Heresy shouldn't exist! And while I am alive, I will exterminate it in any form - be it books, paintings, or just living people! ..
- Well, as for books, I have a very definite opinion about this, with your "light" help. Only it somehow does not in any way combine with your "sacred" duty, which you are talking about, Holiness ...
I didn’t know what to say, how to occupy him, how to stop him, if only this terrible, as he called it, “performance” did not start! .. But the “Grand Inquisitor” understood perfectly well that I was just, in horror from what was to come, trying to drag on time. He was an excellent psychologist and would not let me continue my naive game.
- Get started! - waved his hand to one of Karaff's tormentors, and calmly sat down in a chair ... I closed my eyes.
The smell of burnt meat was heard, and Girolamo screamed wildly.
- I told you, open your eyes, Isidora !!! The tormentor shouted in fury. “You must enjoy the destruction of HERESY as I enjoy it! It is the duty of every faithful Christian. True, I have forgotten who I am dealing with ... You are not a Christian, you are a WITCH!
- Your Holiness, you are fluent in Latin ... In this case, you should know that the word "HAERESIS" in Latin means CHOICE or ALTERNATIVE? How do you manage to combine two such incompatible concepts? .. Something is not visible that you leave someone the right of free choice! Or at least the slightest alternative? .. - I exclaimed bitterly. - A person MUST have the right to believe in what his soul is drawn to. You cannot FORCE a person to believe, since faith comes from the heart, not from the executioner! ..
Karaffa looked at me in surprise for a minute, as if some unprecedented animal was standing in front of him ... Then, shaking off his numbness, he said quietly:
“You are much more dangerous than I thought, Madonna. You are not only too beautiful, you are also too smart. You should not exist outside these walls ... Or you should not exist at all, - and already turning to the executioner, - Continue!

The center of an amazing and beautiful land. In the city on the Yenisei, there are many sights known throughout the country and abroad: the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa chapel and the Communal bridge depicted on a ten-ruble bill, the Tsar-fish monument from the work of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, the unique Pillars reserve, the Botanical garden, the museum the estate of the artist V.I.Surikov ... The new building also belongs to the local beauties railway station, built relatively recently - in 2004. How did the Krasnoyarsk railway appear?

From the history

The history of the Krasnoyarsk railway is very fascinating. Despite the fact that it has been functioning as a separate unit only since 1979, the path through the city appeared more than a hundred years ago - at the end of the nineteenth century. In 2017, it celebrates its 118th anniversary.

The Krasnoyarsk Railway is the center of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which runs through almost the entire country. At first, a connection appeared only with Novosibirsk (then it was Novonikolaevsk), since a bridge across the Yenisei was still being built in Krasnoyarsk, which would connect the left and right banks. In 1899, trains began to run to Irkutsk.

Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day vintage photos Krasnoyarsk railway, however, there are pictures of the construction of the Transsib - and this is practically the same thing.

This route was then called the Central Siberian and passed no more than six trains per day. However, at the end of the same year it was merged with the West Siberian route. The capacity has increased, and the road is simply called Siberian.

In 1915, several independent roads were separated from its structure, in particular, the Tomsk one (the present Krasnoyarsk road belonged to it). Almost twenty years later, a separate East Siberian railway was formed from the Tomsk railway, from which the Krasnoyarsk railway emerged in 1936.

What about 1936, if at the beginning of the article it is said about its autonomous existence since 1979? Nevertheless, everything is correct. For the first time, it began to function separately during that period - and lasted until 1961. During this time, sections were built connecting Novokuznetsk and Abakan, Achinsk and Lesosibirsk, a connection with Abaza appeared. But in 1961, the Krasnoyarsk Railway was again included in the East Siberian Railway - for 18 years. When, finally, the Krasnoyarsk railway gained independence again, the amount of cargo immediately increased. The organization of transportation has also improved.

Today the Krasnoyarsk railway consists of three branches - Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk and Abakansk, and Vladimir Reinhardt has been its head for more than ten years. Since the end of 2004, a new station building has been operating, which is recognized as one of the best and most comfortable in the Trans-Urals. Every year the Krasnoyarsk railway increases the traffic figures.


The Krasnoyarsk railway has 179 stations, large and small, on its way. The largest is Krasnoyarsk, the sorting yard is Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny in the Berezovsky region of the region. It is one of the main marshalling yards in the country. Interestingly, other marshalling yards in Russia were later created according to its principle.

The length of the entire Krasnoyarsk railway is more than three thousand kilometers. Along its entire route, 17 tunnels of different lengths, more than a thousand bridges and viaducts were built, and the number of its employees is striking in its number - 28 thousand 950 people!

What's special?

Although the Krasnoyarsk railway is not one of the largest in length, it is quite unique in its kind. To begin with, the road is called Krasnoyarsk, and, in addition to its own, goes through as many as three Russian regions - the Republic of Khakassia, Irkutsk and Kemerovo! The layout of the Krasnoyarsk railway looks like an ornate scattering of branches passing through tiny stations in the region and peering into neighboring areas.

Since Krasnoyarsk lies in the very center of the country, the railway of this region connects the West Siberian Railway with the East Siberian Railway, covering territories with vast forest, metallurgical or energy reserves. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in various resources, minerals, a fairly large amount of various products is produced here, and all cargo is delivered precisely by the Krasnoyarsk Railway. It is among the leading in terms of transportation volumes.

In the war hard times

In the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, everyone had a hard time. The Krasnoyarsk railway sent 16-18 thousand of its employees to the front. Women began to work instead of them. Together with the remaining men, they performed a huge amount of work - for example, the evacuation of factories and factories from the west. Non-lifting multi-ton machines were removed from the platforms manually. Mines and shells were created, as well as special trains - "Sergo Ordzhonikidze": sanitary or tank repair. One such steam locomotive stands today on station square Krasnoyarsk.

You can be proud of it

It is not enough to be an already built network with a debugged operating mode. Even on the railway there is always room for development. For example, for the purpose of economic development of the rich northern territories of Siberia, it is planned to build the North-Siberian highway, which will pass through Lesosibirsk, a small town near Krasnoyarsk.

For five years the project "City train" has been operating in Krasnoyarsk - an extra opportunity for residents to conveniently and without traffic jams get on their business. It provides not only for the movement of electric trains in Krasnoyarsk, but also for the repair of passenger platforms. By 2019, it is planned to build new aprons so that everyone can easily get to the place of the Games. Residents can also monitor the arrival of trains online.

What is missing on the Krasnoyarsk railway is a direct train to St. Petersburg. However, this oversight is gradually being eliminated - for example, a children's train was launched before Northern capital... And for adults (well, of course, for children too) there is now tourist route to Divnogorsk - a small town 20 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. It is interesting because it stops in the village of Ovsyanka - the birthplace of the great writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. Getting off on this platform, everyone can walk to his house-museum and learn more about the life and work of the famous fellow countryman.

And for several years now, the medical train "Saint Luke", named after Professor VF Voino-Yasenetsky, has been running on the Krasnoyarsk railway. He makes stops at different stations, and everyone in need can come and get help.

The museum is interesting!

For everyone who is not indifferent to the Krasnoyarsk railway, there is a museum of its history, where you can hear various facts, see unusual exhibits and exclusive documents. It has been operating since 1987. There's even a nineteenth-century station master's office there! There are six halls in the museum. It is located in the city center, not far from the Krasnoyarsk railway administration, at 101 Prospekt Mira.

This railway is unique in its own way, it can also be considered a landmark of the region, and Krasnoyarsk residents, at least, must know about it the more the better!

The Krasnoyarsk Railway is an integral part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, with the construction of which in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. new opportunities appeared for the development of Siberia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Transsib consisted of eight roads: West Siberian, Central Siberian, Circum-Baikal, Transbaikal, Amur, North Ussuri, South Ussuri and China-East. The main line of the Krasnoyarsk railway Mariinsk - Taishet was built as part of the Central Siberian Railway.
In 1886, the Irkutsk Governor-General A.I. Ignatiev petitioned for the need to accelerate the construction of the Central Siberian railway, the end points of which were named Tomsk, which has a good water transport connection with the Yekaterinburg-Tyumen railway, and Irkutsk.
In 1887-1888. preliminary reconnaissance work was carried out. In 1892, Minister of Railways S. Yu. Witte reported to the State Council on the need for additional research. In the same year, funds were allocated and surveys were carried out from the Pochitanskaya station (the supposed terminal point of the West Siberian Railway) to Mariinsk. In April 1893, design and survey work was completed on the Ob-Krasnoyarsk section.
In February 1893, the Committee of the Siberian Railway approved the direction of the Central Siberian railway from the Ob station through Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk and Nizhdeudinsk to Irkutsk. In March 1893, the Department for the construction of the Central Siberian road was organized, headed by engineer N.P. Mezheninov, who in 1877 - 1878. supervised exploration work at the Tomsk - Taiga - Irkutsk section.
In 1896, it was planned to build a section from Ob to Krasnoyarsk (760 km), after which the construction of a section from Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk (1070 km) was planned and completed in the fall of 1900. In May 1893, construction works - the first 25 km of track from the Ob station were laid.
The natural conditions of the region turned out to be difficult and poorly studied. Permafrost, severe winters, impenetrable forests created great difficulties for the builders. There was no reliable data on numerous rivers.
Since the Central Siberian railway was removed from transport communications and passed through sparsely populated areas, skilled workers (carpenters, masons, joiners, blacksmiths, railway workers) traveled from Central Russia.
Due to the poor development of industry in the region, building materials were imported from afar. Stone, wood, gravel and sand were used locally, but the lack of reliable dirt roads made their delivery extremely inconvenient.
In December 1895, a workers' movement was opened on the Ob-Krasnoyarsk section. The path was laid simultaneously in four directions: from the 190th km to Achinsk, from the Chulym river in the western direction to the Ob, from the Chulym river in the eastern direction to Krasnoyarsk and from Krasnoyarsk in the western direction. The rails were delivered along the Chulym River from the Butin brothers' Nikolaev plant, as well as from other factories along the northern sea route and the Yenisei.
In 1895, the construction of a bridge over one of the largest Siberian rivers, the Yenisei, began. The project of the bridge was prepared by the famous St. Petersburg railway engineer, Professor Lavr Dmitrievich Proskuryakov
The construction was supervised by the engineer Yevgeny Karlovich Knorre, a graduate of the Berlin craft school and the Zurich Polytechnic, who worked on the construction of bridges across the Dnieper and Volga. In 1895, E.K. Knorre arrived in Krasnoyarsk and, as a technical project manager and general contractor, began construction of a railway bridge across the Yenisei. On August 30, 1896, a solemn ceremony of laying the first stone in one of the pillars took place. On March 28, 1899, the bridge, named "Tsarsky", was opened for train traffic. This day has become a real holiday for the residents of the city and numerous guests. At the same time, the idea was born to present the model of the bridge as an integral part of the exposition of the Great Siberian Way at the first World Technical Exhibition in Paris. In 1900, by decision of the jury, the railway bridge across the Yenisei was awarded the Great Gold Medal (Grand Prix).

The Ob - Krasnoyarsk line was put into operation in January 1897, and Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk in January 1899. Since it was not possible to build all the bridges on time, during the first years of operation of the road, a ferry crossing was carried out through some small rivers, and in winter the rails were laid along ice.
The Central Siberian railway was built as a single track with a capacity of three pairs of trains per day. Small bridges were built of wood. The station premises at the stations were also built of wood, with the exception of the stone station building in Krasnoyarsk.
On December 17, 1899, the West Siberian and Central Siberian railways were merged into the Siberian railway. Initially, the throughput of the road was 3.5 pairs of trains per day, the speed of a freight train was 12-14 versts per hour, and that of a passenger train was 20 versts per hour.
In 1900, there were 30 stations and 42 sidings on the Siberian railway. The following stations were built: Isil-Kul, Marianovka, Omsk, Colony, Tatarskaya, Karachi, Tebisskaya, Kainsk, Kozhurda, Kargat, Polomoshnaya, Litvinovo, Taiga, Chulym, Duplenskaya, Krivoshchekovo, Ob, Sokur, Oyash, Bolotnoye, Berikulskaya. The road was built on lightweight climatic conditions... The track was laid on a narrowed roadbed, 18 pounds wide, with 1300-1400 sleepers per kilometer. Steam locomotives of the OV series with a capacity of 500 horsepower were used in operation.
Already during the construction of the road, it became clear that the given throughput did not meet the needs for passenger and especially freight traffic. In 1898, a special commission was created to strengthen the road under the chairmanship of the engineer K.A. Mikhailovsky. In 1904, construction of a second track began, replacing the 18-pound rails with 20-pound rails, and wooden bridges - on stone.
On January 1, 1915, the Siberian road was divided into the Omsk, Tomsk, Trans-Baikal, Amur and Ussuri roads. The main sections of the modern Krasnoyarsk railway at that time were part of the Tomsk railway.
In the 20-30s, branches were laid through mountain ranges Sayan to deposits of coal, ore, forests, shores big rivers... In 1922-1926. the line Achinsk - Abakan was built, connecting southern regions Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakass Autonomous Region and Tuva with others economic regions country. In 1934 the Trans-Baikal and Tomsk roads were merged into the East-Siberian ones with management in Irkutsk. In 1936, the Krasnoyarsk railway (Krasnoyarsk) was separated from the East Siberian railway.
In 1949, the construction of the South Siberian line was opened on the Novokuznetsk - Abakan section. In 1950, the construction of a line to Abaza, a large iron ore deposit in Khakassia, began. In 1961, the Krasnoyarsk road again became part of the East Siberian road. In the 60s, the lines Achinsk - Lesossibirsk, Krasnaya Sopka - Kiya - Shaltyr, Kamyshta - Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP were built. At the end of 1965, the 647-kilometer section Abakan-Taishet, an electrified highway, entered into permanent operation high class... In the 70s. the Reshoty - Karabula line was put into operation, which continues to the region of the Bogucharskaya HPP.
In 1979, the Krasnoyarsk railway became an independent administrative unit with management in Krasnoyarsk.