Foreign passports and documents

Where Guadeloupe is located: location, time zone, attractions. The climatic conditions of Guadeloupe

At the end of the 15th century, Columbus in his wanders came to a small colorful island in the small archipelago Antille Islands And called him according to the previous Vote of Santa Maria de Guadeloupe. The war for this land was with alternate success among the British, Spaniards, French and Swedes and only in 1946, Guadeloupe, finally gained the legal statute of the France of the France. The total area is 1628 square meters. km, the number of residents is 401,554 people.

Guadeloupe on the world map

Geographical position Ghana and climatic conditions.
The region is formed by their two big Islands Bas ter and Grand Ter, separated by a small strait, as well as several small petty ter teriers, La Desirai, Marie-Galant, Le-Saint. In the West (bass ter), a volcanic array is predominantly prevailing with a soufrier volcano, it is also the highest point of the Guadeloupe - 1467 m. In the East (Grand Ter) - plateau, folded by volcanic tuffs and limestone.
The climate of the country is tropical with an average temperature of 24-27 C. The rainy season begins in July and ends in November. At the same time, tropical hurricanes are possible.

Nature Guadeloupe.
Despite the abundance of precipitation, there are practically no rivers on the Grand Tere. All water goes into limestone cracks. But in the Mountains of the bass tera, there are quite a few fast and strong currents.
During the colonial period, many trees were cut down. However, a blank for export continues on bass terra, while on the Eastern Island of trees almost left.
Unfortunately, the paradise climate of Guadeloupe did not serve to develop and live for the rich world of fauna. Of all the variety of animal world, only rodents, small mammals and birds and birds were accustomed. But in the waters around this resort of France, many fish, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.

Guadeloupe map in Russian

Administrative division Guadeloupe.
This region is divided into two districts, each of which is also divided into cantons and communes: bass ter (according to 2009, the number of residents is 190,839 people) and Pointe-A-Pitre (210,715 people for 2009). Until 2007, another district was also part of the French department, but by the voting of Saint-Martin-Saint-Bartelev decided to become independent of Guadeloupe. The capital is the city of Bas Ter.

Attractions Guadeloupe.
In the capital of the French region, you can see not only on the old buildings, but also go to National ParkTo see many rare birds.
Guadeloupe - resort areafamous for its snow-white beaches and azure sea. One of these resorts of the Gozier is rightfully considered the best. Not far from him is big City Pointe-a-pit. Here you can visit the ethnographic museum, see the beautiful area of \u200b\u200bVictoria and buy souvenirs on the craft market. Used photographs from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

Guadeloupe on the world map

Guadeloupe - french island In the Caribbean Sea. Long time here lived, as in most local Islands Aravaki, then, like everywhere in these waters, Cariza and Aravakov came out and cut. Karibama island liked that the Indian name of the Kauroker, meaning the island beautiful water. However, Idylli spoiled Christopher Columbus, the first of the Europeans, who set firing Kauholders. According to the then-habit of Europeans - they did not delve into local names and languages, and Columbus called the island so that the descendants had a long time: Santa Maria Guadeloop Extremadurskaya.

Guadeloupe on the world map

After about a century and a half, the French were sailed to the island and, not the caustav, the villages were shot, the Caribbean was emitting, prevailing the Guadelois Santa Maria, without looking even on the fact that she was Extremadur.

Map of Guadeloupe

Romantically tuned people will say that the main island from the air is similar to the butterfly, but if you know the story, it is rather similar to the humpback grid, waiting for another portion fell. The torso is a mountainous part, with a slightly active volcano soufrier, and the head with a curve beak is flat. Where the sugar cane is still grown, descendants of slaves. The island often tried to intercept the British, but the French constantly beat him off. So it was important for the economy that they abandoned part of their North American possessions.
The island is the fate of the Commissioner of Convention of Victor South, who has chosen the next claim of England on the island, with the help of local slaves. For this, he canceled slavery and expelled plantatives. Work stopped. For several years, Guadeloupe was a small republic, respectively, a blog about finance rest. Then, disappeared by the cessation of money, Napoleon, sent troops and restored slavery. Viktor South committed suicide. Therefore, as against the Motherland, for which the island dismantled could not fight, but could not betray his blackheads, which was fought nearby. The troops destroyed about 10 thousand freedom-loving local and the economy again earned, the community of the island began to bring finance.

The map of the islands as part of the French Oil Department of Guadeloupe.

Guadeloupe (French version - Guadeloupe) - The France Department of France (Département D'Outre-Mer), located in the Caribbean Sea on several island groups from the amaled Islands of the Small Atillas Archipelago to the north and south of the islands and. The name of this overseas department comes from the name of the largest island group in its composition. During her discovery, Columbus found it with one island, which was appropriated by the name of Santa Maria de Guadeloupe-d'Estremadura. Thus, Columbus fulfilled the promise of the monasters of the monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe to name the land in the new world in honor of their patroness - St. Mary Guadalup. After years on the maps, the name of the island was reduced to one word - Guadeloupe. In Decolumbovskaya era, local Indians called Karukéra Island (Karukéra) or Kaluachaera, which means "island of beautiful waters".

The French Oil Department of Guadeloupe Include: Guadeloupe Island Group, consisting of two major islands Grand Ter and Bas ter, as well as many small islets and rocks, Le-Saint islands, consisting of two main islands Terle de-o and Ter de bass, as well as 7 uninhabited small islands, bird island Ther, consisting of two small islands Ter-de-bass and Ter de-oh, Marie Galant Island and La Desira Island. In the east of the island was washed by the waters of the open Atlantic, in the West - Caribbean, In the north - the Strait of Guadeloupe, separating them from the islands and, and in the south, the Dominic Strait, which separates Le-Saint Islands and Marie-Galant from the Island of the same name -.

The total area of \u200b\u200ball islands and rocks of the French Overseas Department of Guadeloupe exceeds 1600 square kilometers.

General geographical coordinates French Festival Department Guadeloupe: 16 ° 15'00 "p. sh. 61 ° 3300 "s. d.

Currently, the Administrative French Department of Guadeloupe, being the territorial part of France, consists of 2 Bass Terces and Pointe-A-Pitr.

Creation of Bas Terry Islands and Grand Ter from Space from Nasa's satellite.


Large islands that are in this moment Increased the Guadeloupe, were populated by the Aravakian tribes of the Indians, starting from 300 BC. A little later came here the tribes of the Caribbean, who were crowded out Aravakov on northern Islands Small Antilles Archipelago.

The island group of Guadeloupe, which Christopher Columbus originally considered a single island, he opened on November 4, 1493 during his second expedition to the new light.

The Spaniards did not colonize the guadelupe due to the lack of resources on it, as well as due to the aggressiveness of the local population. So, for example, in 1528 on the island, the navigator Giovanni da Verazzano was killed on one of the Caribbean tribes and eaten.

The French, who seized a number of islands in this region in this region in 1635, were lacking attention to Islands from Spain in 1635, after which they destroyed most of the Indians who had resisted and did not want to take Christian truths. The French colonists founded here a sugar cane plantation, and blackheads from Africa began to bring them to work on them.

In 1674, all of the islands that are currently part of the Gvadeloupe Flast Department were officially announced by the territorial property of France.

In the period of the 17th and 8th centuries, Guadeloupe islands passed several times to Great Britain, however, invariably returned to the jurisdiction of France. The last time the British here were established here on February 4, 1810 and lasted until March 3, 1813, after which the Swedish ownership passed, and that, in turn, returned to France.

In 1946, the France Department of France Guadeloupe was formed.

Until February 22, 2007, the northern part of Guadeloupe was also included in the Northern Department, but after the Plebisitis were held, they became separate overseas communities in France, coming out from administrative subordination to Guadeloupe.

In January 2009, mass riots broke out on the islands of Guadeloupes, mainly the Negro population, which then spread over and on.

Volcano sufffer on bass ter island.

Origin and geography of the islands.

Almost all islands as part of the French Gvadeloupe Flast Department of Guadeloupe in its origin are volcanic. The exception is only an island group of pm, which belongs to coral Islands. The formation of the islands of Guadeloupe, according to experts, could occur at about 12-16 million years ago during the seismic and volcanic activity In this region.

Bas-ter Island (Basse-Terre) (translated as "low" or "bottom land") has geographic coordinates: 16 ° 09 's. sh. 61 ° 40 's. He is the Western Island in the island group of Guadeloupe and has a slightly stretched from the north to the south. The line of the thoroughly wriggles, forming several comfortable ships and bays throughout its entire length. In some places of the coast, the island of rocks and climbers, but in the most seats they are gentle with the most beautiful sandy beaches. The relief of the island is a mountainous, the highest point of the island is the vertex of the acting volcano soufrier, 1467 meters high above sea level. It is worth noting that the volcano suffreser is the highest point not only island, but in general, the small Antilles archipelago. On the island there are several small robes, which in the mountain areas form beautiful waterfalls. The corbet river is considered the most fulfillment and extended on the island. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island of bass ter is approximately 847 square kilometers.

Grandere Island (Grande-Terre) (translated as " big land") Has geographic coordinates: 16 ° 20 'p. sh. 61 ° 25 's. D. It is located east of the Bass Terroy Island and separated from him with a narrow strait of Salt River. The island has a rather complicated geometric shape with a strong winding coastline. The shores of the island almost in all places are gentle and are sandy beaches. The relief of the island of Grand Ter is represented mainly by plateau with high-rise up to 120-130 meters above sea level, which are composed of limestone and volcanic tuffs. There are several small robusts on the island, which at the time to call the streams. W. eastern coast The islands is a coral reef, which is also not distinguished by its massiveness, but still shipping in this area makes it difficult to significantly. Grand Ter island area is approximately 586 square kilometers.

Steering Pier on La Dezira Island.

Marie Galante Island (Marie Galante (was named Columbus in honor of one of his Karavel from the composition of the expedition) has geographic coordinates: 15 ° 56 's. sh. 61 ° 16 's. D. It is located south of the island of Grand Ter and separated from him and the Islands of Bas Terriah Marie Galant. In the south, the Chair of Dominica separates Marie-Galant from one-to-one. Island Marie-Galant has a practically round shape with a fairly straight line of the coast without significant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bays and bays. The shores in some places the rocks, however, in most of the most gentle and with a lot of beaches. Relief island hilly with an increase in highness closer to the central part, where it is located the highest point Islands Mount Moulin, 204 meters high above sea level. The area of \u200b\u200bMarie-Galant is about 158 \u200b\u200bsquare kilometers.

La Désirade island (translated as "long-awaited") has geographic coordinates: 16 ° C. 19'00. sh. 61 ° 03'00 "s. D. It is removed east of the island of Grand Ter towards the open Atlantic by about 15 kilometers. The island has a strongly elongated from the West to the East shape with a length of 11 and a width of 2 kilometers. The coastline of significant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bays and bay does not forms, the shores of the rocks and climbers. In general, the relief of the island is mountainous, its highest touch is the Grand Montan mountain, 286 meters high above sea level. Natural sources of fresh water on the island are not. La Desirad is surrounded by a coral reef, which is not solid and interrupted in several places. The island of La Dezirad is just over 21 square kilometers.

Le-Saint Islands (translated as "islands of all saints") have general geographic coordinates: 15 ° 50 's. sh. 61 ° 35 's. D. This island group was removed to the south of the Bas Terro Island and consists of two largest Terra de-de-De-Bass, as well as 7 uninhabited small islets, among which Grand, Kosh, Cabritis and Pato. The coast of almost all the islands of the group is replete with rocks and stones, relief is mountainous with an increase in high quality closer to the central part of the islands. The highest points on the islands of Ter de bass and Ter de-oh are, respectively, the vertices of the Volcanic Mountains Monet Pakyheti (209 meters above sea level) and Le-Shaflo (308 meters). Natural sources of fresh water on the islands of the group are not. The total area of \u200b\u200bLe-Saint islands slightly exceeds 12 square kilometers.

Practice Terre TERRE (Petite Terre) has geographic coordinates: 16 ° 10'15 "s. sh. 61 ° 06'55 "s. D. This island group consists of two small islands - Ter de bass and Ter de-oh and removed to the southeast of the Island of Grand Ter by about 10 kilometers. The relief of the islands of the hilly coast of gentle, form sandy beaches. The highest point of this island group is an unlimited hills with a height of 8-10 meters above sea level located on the island of Ter de bass. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Islands of Publi ter is about 1.7 square kilometers.

Waterfall on the Corbet River.


The climate on the islands of Guadeloupes is classified as a trade-stone tropical. The air temperature of significant oscillations, depending on the time of year, does not undergo and keeps, as a rule, at 24-27 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the water off the coast of the islands is also constant throughout the year and is approximately 22-24 ° C. In the islands there is an increased humidity, which somewhat exceeds the average indicators over all the islands of the small Antilles archipelago. The average annual precipitation falling on the islands is mainly in the form of tropical heavy rains, is approximately 1700-2000 millimeters. Rainy on the islands is the season, which lasts from early July to the end of November. It happens that tropical hurricanes whose strength can be mastered on the islands during this period.

Settlement on the island of Marie-Galant.


The population of the French Fleece Department of Guadeloupe, according to the 2011 census, makes up 404 thousand people who constantly live on the islands of this territorial education. In an ethno-racial section, the population of Guadeloupe is in the overwhelming majority of blacks and mulatts, which more than 90% of the total number live here. Suites from Europe, India, as well as the Arabs, Indians and the Chinese make up a total of less than 10%. State language Guadeloupe is the Frenchist, however, in everyday life you can hear Creole, formed on the basis of French.

The largest population in the population and at the same time the administrative center of the French overseas department of Guadeloupe is the port town of Bas Ter Terry, located on the island of the same name and inhabited about twelve thousands of residents. Among the others settlements Guadeloupes can be distinguished by Pointe-A-Pitr, Saint Roses, Pointe Nouire, Faper, True Rivier, St. Louis, Le Mül, Anse Bertrand and others.

The main activity of the inhabitants of the Department of Guadeloupe is the rural fairness, the fish and processing industry, as well as the service sector of arriving tourists.

The monetary unit currently in circulation in the territory of the French Oil Department of Guadeloupe is Euro (EUR, code 978), consisting of 100 eurocents.

Le Chateau Beach on Grand Ter Island.

Flora and fauna.

And Flora, and the fauna of the islands in the Guadeloupes are not very rich, which is typically for the subjects of the small Antilles archipelago.

Mountains on the island of bass tera are covered with wet tropical forests. For a period of colonization, they were more separated, however, in some areas there are still preserved and largely formed the ecosystem of the island. At the same time, on the island of Grand ter, tropical forests are already in fact completely completely.

The animal world is represented mainly by birds reptiles and insects. Mammals are represented on the islands only with a man with domestic animal species. In 1880, mangoshos was brought to some of the islands of Guadelupes for the natural struggle against rats, which caused a significant damage to planting sugar cane. Mongoshos have taken root, and their population has become impressive. They destroyed the rats at first, and then began to be for local birds and animals.

Coastal sea and oceanic waters around the islands of Guadeloupe are rich in fish, including fishing, molluscs and crustaceans.

The French authorities currently pay considerable attention to nature conservation. The territory of uninhabited islands of Pushri-ter was declared a reserve in 1998. From rare animals that live on the islands, you can highlight Antille Iguanu, which is an absorber. In addition, the islands of Pushriol are one of the most important points in the region of migration of migratory birds. On the coast of the islands, sea green shrugs lay their eggs.

Saint Ann Beach on Grand Ter Island.


Tourism on the islands as part of Guadeloupe is hardly the main item of the local budget.

You can get to the islands of Guadeloupe, you can both a maritime type of transport and aviation. The main seaports of Guadeloupes are able to receive vessels of various sediments and gravity, because oceanic cruise liners Not uncommon here. Except by sea, numerous tourists arrive at Guadelupe and aviation species transport. On the island of Grand Ter functions international Airport Pointe-A-Pitre Le Raizet Airport flights from 28 countries of Europe and North America, its passenger turnover is about 45,000 people per year.

With aviation flights, there is always a need to acquire cheap flights to flights, and what it all needs to be done quickly, in the shortest possible time and with a sufficient degree of reliability. So, for example, to buy airline tickets from Moscow to Simferopol in online, without leaving the house and not even getting up because of the computer, using the services of the serviceB Iletix. Here, just without any problems, you can buy tickets for other flights both throughout the territory of Russia and other parts of the world. The reliability of the execution of the order is guaranteed by a good reputation in the service and long years of painstaking work in this market. Numerous reviews of permanent customers of this Internet service are only superfluous.

To accommodate tourists who arrived at the island of Guadeloupes, there are currently about 30 hotels with a high level of service. All of them are placed in coastal zone Bass Terry Islands and Grand Ter and are able to take at the same time about 18 thousand guests. As a rule, such hotels are included in the beach complexes and, in addition to residential apartments, there are also adjacent beaches, golf clubs, restaurants and other leisure and entertainment industry. Among such complexes it is worth noting Sofitel Auberge De La Vieille Tour Guadeloupe, La Tubana, Auberge De La Vieille Tour Guadeloupe, Karibea Salako Beach Resort., Plantation Sainte Marthe, Novotel Bas-Du-Fort Guadeloupeother. In addition to such complexes, a large number of tourists stops in local hotels with low-speed lowers. They, as a rule, are located in the urban trait of settlements of the islands and the level of service are inferior to the most famous and famous to their fellows.

Tourists arrive at Guadeloupe Islands mainly for beach holidays. Here are the beautiful snow white beacheswhich are washed by the emerald waters of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. Guadeloupe beaches are equipped with everything necessary for rest, there is a well-developed tourist infrastructure, there are objects of entertainment and transport. Guadeloupe, except, has long been the largest diving center in the region. There are about 30 dive clubs, which ensure the immersion of visitors to tourists in the coral reef area, as well as in places where sea Dn. Dozens of sunken ships of various historical periods and epochs will fall.

Guadeloupe seems simple to Europe. The first thing that the arrived traveler sees is a making machine that weighs the letter and prints the brand of the desired nominal.

The Second Thing A Traveler Sees is a Mailbox on a LEG (Like in Mayotte or Algeria).

The third, which sees the traveler, is a large mailbox (like on the Reunion or in French Guiana).

The Third Thing A Traveler Sees is a Big Mailbox (Like in Reunion or Frhench Guiana).

The fourth, which sees the traveler, is the post office.

The Fourth Thing a Traveler sees is a post office.

Fifth, which sees a traveler, - subscriber mailboxes (as on Martinique).

The Fifth Thing A Traveler Sees Is Individual Recipients' Mailboxes (Like in Martinique).

Guadeloupe - possession of France. Therefore, the details here are all French. Some road signs speak about everything.

Guadeloupeu Is a FRENCH POSSESSION. Consequently, All The Details Here Are French. The Directional Signs Alone Say IT All.

Trendy pedestrian traffic light.

An Ultra-Fashionable Pedestrian Light.

Garbage bins.

Trash dumpsters.

Tanks for separate garbage collection.

Recycling dumpsters.

The Roads Are Lined with Billboard ADS.

All hydrants for some reason are disclosed decorative sash. It turns out an object that looks at God's bark.

For Some Reason, The Decorative Cover Panels ON ALL THE FIRE HYDRANTS ARE OPEN. The Resulting Object Resembles a Ladybug About to Take Flight.

So we are in the capital.

And Here We Are in the Capital.

The city is considered unsafe.

The City Is Considered Unsafe.

A Modern Wordless Version with the Same Message. In The Sign's Bottom Right Corner IS A Type of Parking Timer (Compare to Saint Barthélemy).


A Parking Meter.

Guadeloupes are large.

Guadeloupe - amazing country, cozy, located on the small Antilles among the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. The greatest island This archipelago is the island of Guadeloupe, with total area 1434 square kilometers.

If you look at it from the height of bird flight, then his outlines resemble an amazing butterfly, peacefully sleeping in the waters of the Caribbean. The wings of this butterfly are two parts of the island - Grand Ter and Bass Ter, and connects their narrowest, which during the tides turns into a fairly wide strait. Grand Ter is an abundance sandy beachesAt the shore of which a lot of comfortable hotels were sheltered. Here the kingdom of limestone, low hills and sugar cane.

Bass ter, despite its name - low ground, covered with a mountain landscape, alternate with amazingly beautiful violent vegetation. Bass ter is rich in rivers and is rightfully considered the most beautiful corner of this edge. It is here that the highest point of small Antille Islands is located - the acting volcano Sufiere, at the foot of which is the city of Bas Ter - the capital of Guadeloupe. This is an old small town built in a French colonial style. It was on the bass ter ter of which the National Park is located in the territory of which a huge number of rare birds nests, and the raccoon dwells in its forests - the animal who has become a symbol of Guadeloupe. The main decoration of the park can be considered the most high waterfall Carib.

Since ancient times, the territory of this edge settled the Indians, but today Guadeloupe refers to the overseas possessions of France, and this imposed a certain imprint not only for the architecture of local cities, but also for service in stores and hotels. National language here is French, local currency - euro.

Prevails in this area, softened by trade winds, tropical climate, the relative humidity of which is 77%. Temperature in the summer reaches 32 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below the 23-degree mark. The water temperature ranges from 25-28 degrees. September a month in this region is rich in hurricanes. And the greatest influx of tourists falls for the period from February to June - the most dry season in Guadeloupe.

Guadeloupe today is the edge, surprisingly connecting all the charms tourist infrastructure And the age-old immutability of the indigenous population. It is famous not only magnificent beaches, relax on which a lot of tourists seek from various ends of the world, but also the beauty of their original nature. Here you can meet both pebble and beaches with snow-white and black sand, places in the immediate vicinity with the brown greenery of virgin tropical jungle.

Garness and wealth of resorts with luxury hotels, beautiful restaurants, huge trading areas, automotive agencies, tennis courts, pools, golf courses, solariums and yachts are adjacent to the patriarchals of local fishing villages and small towns.

However, by visiting this country, you will get a lot of pleasure, because everything is done here for a full and rich holiday, coming tourists. The resort zone of the Gozier is especially popular, located 7 km from Pointe-A-Pitra. Tourists are waiting here multicolored beachesBoiling sulfur sources, waterfalls and banana groves.

The largest city of Guadeloupe Pointe-A-Pete is famous for its ethnographic museum, amazingly beautiful Victoria Square and craft market, where you can purchase many interesting souvenirs and other small things.

On a hired sailing vessel, you can admire the charming beauty near the islands of Marie-Galant, Desirad, Saint Martin and Le Saint.

The special pride of the Guadeloupe is small bids for the production of Roma, in large quantities of the country. Externally, very unsightly, they attract tourists with their taverns, where you can enjoy this delicious drink. Rum is one of the richesthelds. Its export brings a substantial share of revenues to the economy. Once every four years in this area, the popular regatta "Path to Roma" is held.

To enter the guadel, a Schengen visa is required, to arrange in the French embassy. Usually its design does not take more than 10-20 days.

Rest in this country does not interfere with even the lagging time from Moscow for seven o'clock in winter and 8 o'clock in the summer. You bring a lot of impressions about this amazing and warm edgeAnd they will warm you for a long time even in cold and lonely winter evenings. Below you will see where Guadeloupe is located on the world map and photos of these interesting places.