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Angel Waterfall in the Kazakh language. Angel Waterfall: "Beautiful Angel Jump. Angel Waterfall as Cultural Value

To achieve the Earth flow, flying from the top of the highest waterfall of our planet, it is necessary to overcome near a kilometer. The speed of falling water is so large that, without reaching the ground about three hundred meters, it simply dissipates into dust, creating the impression that the boiling, boiling and powerful jet of water disappears forever in the fog. And below, among the endless ocean of green jungle, as if born from nothing, the wonderful River Churun \u200b\u200bappears.

Anhel's waterfall is located in the south-east of Venezuela, on the territory of the Gran Saban of the State of Bolivar, among the Jungle of the Gwianky Plateau, which is located in the north of South America. The closest to the waterfall is a large city, Ciudad-Bolivar, located 600 km from him to the north, and from the nearest village of Cana, it is 50 km in the south-east direction (on the geographical world map, this unique phenomenon can be found in the following coordinates: 5 ° 58 '3 "s. Sh., 62 ° 32' 8" z. D.).

Despite this remoteness from the civilized world, life near the waterfall is boil: people from all over the planet come to see him. And this is not surprising at all, since the angel waterfall is the highest waterfall of our planet (the total height is 1,054 m). Not in vain, the Indians of the Peremmon tribe, called here, called it a kerpacking measure that in the translation means "waterfall with the greatest depth."

History of Education

Angel's waterfall arose thanks to the Churun \u200b\u200bRiver, which originates on one of the slopes located on the Gwian South America plateau. The plateore is noteworthy in that consists of a huge plateau, the basis of which is a red sandstone and frozen lava. They rise each other in the form of huge stairs with steps whose height is several hundred meters.

One of these steps is the largest dining area of \u200b\u200bVenezuela, Ayangtepui (it is interesting that the Indians of the Peremon are interpreted by this name duality: one of their option says that it means "the mountain of the devil", the other is "possession of the thunder's god"). Churun, descending zigzags in Gwianky plateau, falls on the plateau, which is also the vertex of Ayanktepui, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 700 km², and gradually approaches its cliff. The flow rate of the river increases, and it is with noise and roar begins its fall (it is interesting that the width of the water flow in the rain period exceeds one hundred meters).

At first, the water flies 807 meters, after which, stumbled upon the obstacle - another 172 meters. One of the little-known facts is that the river, making a recess in the upper edge of the cliff, starts its free fall from the very edge of the ledge of the plateau, and 80-100 meters below. This is the immediate reason that geologists have not yet been able to accurately determine the height of the waterfall: some claim that it is 979 m, others - 1,054 m.

The flow of spraying down water during the rain period, which lasts in South America from May to November, is extremely large: a monthly waterfall passes about 300 cu. water. But when there is no showers, Angel waterfall is somewhat decreased and divided into two smaller flows, and sometimes it is a narrow trickle.

Lost in the jungle

Since the waterfall is located in the wildlist terrain among the tropical jungle, for long millennia, they were made about it, unless nearby the inhabiting Indians of the Peremmon tribe. They were convinced that an evil spirits live at the top of the mountains, so they were never climbed to the top of the sheer cliff.

The civilized world on the existence of the waterfall found out only in the 30s. The last century, when the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel flew here in search of diamonds (local Indians constantly talked about the stones that could be adopted for gems).

Dulvetled surroundings, the pilot noticed a number of people near each other and suggested that the deposits were found. When, after a few years, Angel returned, while trying to plant a plane on the top of the mountain, one of the chassis burst, so it had to descend down on his own. Despite the extremely heavy descent, pilot, his wife and two more fellow travelers, descended without loss - and after eleven days they returned to a civilized world with a story about a huge waterfall and were able to attract public attention to him.

It is quite an interesting fact that from the jungle they managed to get out extremely quickly, since an expedition organized some time after the expedition of five people, an armed card, having accurate coordinates, with the help of machete and axes, punching the road through thickets Lian and shrubs, spent more than twenty days. When they arrived at the place, the discovery shocked them: it turned out that the founded waterfall is 20 times higher than the famous Niagara Falls. According to the results of this expedition, a complete description of the waterfall was given, its height was determined, and was named after a person who discovered him.

Interestingly, a few years ago, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez wanted to call the Waterfall as his tribe live in this area - Kerpakupa-Meru, arguing that the waterfall appeared on Venezuelan's territory long before Angel found him. But the name did not fit, and he retreated, saying that it was only a statement, the purpose of which was to protect the rights of the Indians to use the historical name.

How to get to the waterfall

Since the Angel waterfall from all sides throughout the kilometers is surrounded by the jungle and there are no special roads to it, it is generally recognized by the fact that it is considered one of the most hard-to-reach waterfalls in the world. There is a positive moment in this, since the nature around him managed to keep his original beauty: here you can often meet ants, dickerages, sloths, deer, monkeys, jaguars.

This made it possible to create a National Park by Canai, and then allowed UNESCO to make it, and with it and a waterfall, on the World Heritage List.

You can get to the waterfall or on a small plane, or on a canoe with a motor (the ability to travel by car). For this, travelers first arrive in the canas first, and only then choose the type of travel. Most tourists choose air transport, which is not the best solution because it is good to consider the waterfall, it is not always possible: the rock with which it falls is often shrouded in the clouds, especially in the rainy season.

Therefore, travelers wishing as best to familiarize themselves with this amazing phenomenon of nature, advise the boat preference. The tour usually lasts from one to five days, the road in one direction takes about five hours, and the time allocated to the waterfall is completely dependent on the desire of tourists. Interestingly, if the journey fell on a dry period, and the flow of the lowered water is small, then at the foot of the waterfall, you can even swim in a small reservoir.

Interesting Facts

For those who are curious where the aircraft is located, it is worth saying that it remained at the place of crash for 33 years. Later, it was transferred to the Aviation Museum to the city of Maracay, where the famous Flamingo was restored. Currently, you can watch photos of this monument or to see him in front of the airport in Ciudad Bolivar.

The first climbing without insurance for the waterfall, was committed during the expedition in the spring of 2005. It included two Venezuelan, four Englishmen and one Russian climbers who decided to conquer Ayangtepui.

(Salto Angel) - the highest waterfall In the world (with a total height - 1054 m., the height of continuous fall is almost 980 m), located in the tropical jungle of the southeast, on the territory (Parque Nacional Canaima), 260 km from the city (Ciudad Bolívar). Angel received its name Waterfall in honor James Eingel (Eng. James Crawford Angel; 1889 - 1956) - American pilot, who flew over this area in 1933-1937.

The water flow is overthrown from the top (Auyantepui - "Mount of Devil"), the largest from Venezuelan Dining Mountains or ("Tempui" - Mountain with a flat vertex, in the language of the Indian Peremon means "house of gods"). The height of the fall is so Grant that water, spraying, turns into a fog, which is felt a few km.

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Angel is 3 times higher than the height of the famous Eiffel Tower and almost 20 times higher than the famous Niagara Falls!

Lie water falls into the Kerep River (Sp. Río Kerep).

It is not easy to get to the majestic cascade, as it is in the brown tropical forest, with the complete absence of roads. Therefore, it is possible to get to it only on the river and by air.


Indian indigenous people of Venezuela knew about the existence of a waterfall from time immemorial. For the first time, he was first opened in the early XX century. - In 1910, he discovered the Spanish researcher Ernesto La Cruz (Sp. Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz). However, he received wide fame thanks to the American pilot, James EindgelaWhich in 1933 made a flight in search of ore deposits. According to another version, his goal was diamonds: the aborigines constantly talked about the stones, which, judging by the descriptions, were like diamonds. However, the plateau from which the Angel waterfall is lowered, is not a diamond, and quartz. On November 16, 1933, the pilot, when making a flight, noticed Mount Ayangtepuy. D. Eingen described her impressions:

"I almost lost the control of the plane when I saw a waterfall - a cascade of water, lowered as if it was dumbfounded straight from heaven!"

The pilot returned to the mountain on October 9, 1937 and tried to plant his monoplane Flamingo. But the landing turned out to be unsuccessful: the plane nailed down his nose, while he was damaged and burst one of the chassis.

As a result of the Eingell's accident and its 3rd companions (including the pilot's wife), they had to go down on foot, their way to civilization - to the Portuguese city of Kamaraat (port. Camarate) - took the whole 11 days. Rumors about their adventure spread rapidly, and the waterfall was named after the pilot - "Salto Angel". The fact is that in Spanish, the name Angel is read like "Angel", i.e. His name does not have anything in common with angels, although this is the first thing that comes to mind.

For 33 years, Eingel plane remained lying at the place of fall, like a rusting monument to the opening of the highest waterfall of the planet. In 1964, Venezuelan's government announced a national heritage aircraft, in 1970, Flamingo was delivered by Venezuelan Air Force helicopters, restored, and now he is banging in front of the airport of the Venezuelan City of Ciudad Bolivar (Span. Ciudad Bolívar), the capital of Bolivar.

As a result of the expedition organized by the US National Geographical Society in 1949 to the High Water Cascade of the Planet, its height was measured, and after him the book was published.

In 1994, the National Park of Canaima was introduced by UNESCO in the Register of World Heritage of Humanity.

In the spring of 2005, the international team of climbers - climbers (4 English, 2 Venezuelan and 1 Russian) made the first passage of the wall of the highest waterfall.

Canaima National Park

At the end of 2009 (Iz. Hugo Rafael Chavez; President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013) on the wave of anti-imperialism signed a decree renaming Angel in Kerpakupa-measure (Cerepakupai-Meer), returning it one of the former local names. The president explained his decision by the fact that Angel belonged to Venezuela and was part of the national wealth of the country and one of its natural treasures long before the appearance of American James Eingel, so the waterfall must be the name given to him by the indigenous people.

However, this does not mean that on world maps, the waterfall will also be renamed, and in other countries it is still referred to as before.

Curious facts

  • Angel's waterfall is 3 times higher than the height of the famous Eiffel Tower and almost 20 times higher than the famous Niagara Falls!
  • It is located in the tropical jungle Gran Sabana (Sp. La Gran Sabana - "Big Plain"), the southeast region of Venezuela. The most wonderful feature of this territory is unique mountains with flat peaks and sheer slopes, called local Indians "Tempui". These picturesque cutlery mountains that were formed for millions of years of pink sandstone due to soil erosion, possess unique flora and fauna, which in the world are no longer found anywhere.
  • Tempuses are the main attraction of the Canaima Park, occupying about 2/3 of its square.
  • He will overtake its waters from the top of Ayangtepui ("Mount Devil") - one of the largest Tempuses in Venezuela.
  • Angel, being the highest waterfall in the world, is also one of Venezuela tourist attractions of the most difficult to reach tourist attractions. Remoteness and inaccessibility retained the nature of the local terrain intact.
  • Most tourists inspecting Angel make it out of the window of the aircraft. Almost all flights to Canaim are closed near Water Cascades. But, due to the fact that Angel falls with a steep wall of the canyon, often shrouded with clouds, consider it far from always.
  • To mostly enjoy the magnificence of Angel, it is better to take a boat trip.
  • Salto Angel is located about 5 hours. Swimming on a canoeing upstream of the river from the canaime, then you need to make a hiking through the rainforest to its base. By the way, the way from the canaime is not less exciting part of the journey, giving the opportunity to get acquainted with the exotic Flora and the fauna of Venezuela, enjoy the amazing nature landscapes. With a moderate water flow, tourists are happy to float in a small reservoir at the foot of the waterfall.
  • In 1955, Alexander Lime, Latvian researcher, became the first representative of the West, who managed to rise to the origins of the river that feeds Angel. Today, the lime trail is used by tourists to climb on the top of Mount Ayangtepui.
  • Food is powered by rainwater, it happens during the rainy season (May - November), however, at that time the clouds often close the top of the Ayangtepui Mountain. In the dry season, Angel is a rather unsolved trickle.
  • If you look at Anhel's waterfall from below, it seems that the water flow falls from the top of the mountain. But in fact, water breaks out of the stratum of sandstone by almost 100 m. Below.
  • The impression that water falls continuous flow - deceptively: in fact, Angel is a cascade consisting of 2 waterfalls (heights of 172 and 807 m.) At the height of the cascade, Anhel waterfall occupies 1st place in, and in the height of the free fall - 1st place on the planet.
  • In the season of rains, every second he drops to 300 m³ of water.
  • In the vicinity of Angel, as well as thousands of years ago, the Indians live - Peremmon, Degeniding Tempuses and from generation to generation transmitting legends about the waterfall. From the neighborhood with him, the Indians managed to extract the benefit, serving tourists, for whom they own hand huts. The Peremons themselves live families in the same huts, but some families are so great that the huts have to build at the rate of 50! Peremon roads never built, they simply immediately settled along the rivers. Roofs of their homes, they are made of palm leaves with great art: the leaves are so tightly adjacent to each other, that even in the season of heavy rains, no moisture droplets are missing. In the villages of the village of Peremon, as insert, build around the circumference, around the square for assembly.
  • English writer A. Konan Doyle (1859 - 1930) venue for its famous fantastic novel "Lost World", published in 1912, chose this region of Venezuela, with colorful mountains-Tempui.
  • In May 1956, there was an accident in Panama Eighty James Eingel plane - Angel's discovery. The pilot got a small abrasion, but a few days later he suffered a stroke and died in December, when he was 57 years old. Eingel's last desire was an unusual request: the pilot wanted his dust to dispel on Anhel.
  • In 1960, Eingen (his dust) made his last flight over the waterfall open with them, accompanied by Mary's wife, sons (Jimmy and Roland) and two close friends. Later a friend of the pilot Heni told: "When the plane entered the canyon, due to severe cloudiness, visibility was minimal there. Then suddenly it turned out sharply, it became so clear, everything is visible and unmatched beautifully. It seemed that the mountain took James to himself ".
  • Angel's waterfall is a fantastic, unusual beauty and attractiveness place, where, if possible, we should visit every person who is not indifferent to natural wonders.
Salto Ángel

Angel, Kerpakupa-measure ( Kerepakupai Meru. , Salto Ángel , on the - Kerepakupai vena.What the "Waterfall of the Definition") is the highest in the world, the total height of 979 meters (according to other 1054 meters), the height of the continuous free drop in the water of 807 meters.



The aircraft on which James Eingen reached the waterfall

The waterfall was found at the beginning of the Ernesto researcher Sanchez La Cruz, but was not widely known before the flight. In 1933, this pilot flew in search of ore deposits. According to local guides, he was looking for. It is quite justified by the fact that the aborigines during the time of James Eingel constantly talked about the stones, which, according to their descriptions, could be taken for diamonds. In fact, the plateau from which the angel waterfall falls is replete. On November 16, 1933, Eingen, in the field of flight, noticed the mountain-called, which is attributed to his attention. On October 9, 1937, he returned and tried to plant a plane on Ayang-Tempui, but when landing the plane was damaged, one of the chassis burst.

As a result, Eingell and three of his companions (including his wife Marie) had to descend from the mountain on foot. Their return to civilization took 11 days. News on their adventure spread very quickly, and the waterfall was named after His honor - "Angel Waterfall" ( Salto Ángel ). In Spanish, Surname Eingen ( Angel ) Reads like Angel, so the name is exactly that. Thus, the waterfall has nothing to do with the angels is just a surname of a person.

Einget Flamingo plane remained at the landing site for 33 years, until he was transported by a helicopter. The plane was renovated in the city aviation museum, and now stands right in front of the airport of the city.

In 1949, an expedition took place to the waterfall, according to the results of the trip, the height was determined and the book was published.

In April-May 2005, the International Expedition consisting of four English, two Venezuelan and one Russian and made the first place of the Waterfall wall.

On December 20, 2009, on his weekly show, the president, on the wave of anti-imperialism, renamed Angel's Waterfall in Kerpakupi-measure ( Kerepakupai-Merú), in accordance with one of the local names. Initially, Churun-Merú's name was proposed, but the President's daughter noticed that such a name was carrying one of the smallest waterfalls of this area, after what Chavez offered another name. This decision was explained by the fact that the waterfall was the property of Venezuela and part of its national wealth long before James Eingel appeared, and the waterfall should not wear his name


Since we talked about about let's not bypass and famous for the entire Internet waterfall. Moreover, we have it, and replenish it.

The highest in the world is Angel's Waterfall. Its height is 1054 m (according to other sources - 979 m). Waterfall Angel (in English - Angel, the local name - Churum measure) is located on the r. Churumi - influx of p. Carrao (Orinoco Pool) in South America, in Venezuela.

Angel's waterfall is the most famous natural treasure of Venezuela and one of the most impressive places in the world. He is 2.5 times higher than the famous skyscraper Empire State Building in New York, and 15 times the famous Niagara. An American pilot Jimmy Eingel is considered the pioneer of the waterfall, the whole life dreamed of finding a golden river. An American adventure seeker has not found gold, but instead opened one of the most famous natural attractions of our planet. Although the local Turmonian Indians knew about the existence of a waterfall for thousands of years, the water cascade was named after Eingel (but to the Spanish manner Angel), for it was he who opened it to the modern world.

Angel translated into Russian means "Angel". Although the names of the waterfalls, as a rule, are very shaped and poetic, this waterfall is named the angel by no means in honor of the biblical angels and not because of its "proximity to the sky." The giant of the 1st magnitude is the name of his discoverer - the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel, the Indians also called the waterfall of the visa or the maiden eyebrow. Angel's waterfall is more than a kilometer height discovered relatively recently - in 1935 it proves how much unknown is still tatt our beautiful planet Earth.

But let's do everything in order ...

On November 19, 1933, the American pilot first witnessed the greatness of the highest waterfall in the world falling from the height of 979 meters in the jungle of Venezuela. Jimmy Eingen described her impressions: "Seeing the waterfall, I almost lost control of the aircraft. Cascade of water right from the sky!"

How could it be hiding from humanity throughout history such a phenomenal miracle of nature - vertical flow of water height with a mile? The fact is that Angel is located in one of the most deaf and hard-to-reach corners of the Earth. The southeastern part of Venezuela is a mountain range of Ayang-Tempui (the Mountain of the Devil) is complicated by porous sandstones, it has a height of up to 2600 m, steeply breaks up with a rolling rock wall. The approach to the wall overlaps Selva - a dense rainforest.

What was looking for Angel? In the 1930s, "diamond fever" broke out in Venezuela. Hundreds of adventure seekers, Deltsov, thirsty, and just the poor rushed into impassable debursions. Angel bought a small sports plane and flew to the array of Ayang-Tempui. In those places of the top of the canteen mountains are often closed with clouds. Angel flew into clear weather and the first saw a kilometer water vertical.

It was found that the waterfall is no longer from the very edge of the Highland. River Churumi "drank" the upper edge of the cliff and falls 80-100 m below its edge. Water consumption-300 square meters. m / s.

October 9, 1937, Eingen gently planned his light aircraft "El Rio Coroni" for landing on top of the huge mountain of Ayanktepui (a waterfall falls from her top) in the Venezuela region of Gran Saban. According to Jimmy, his plan was to stay at the top of the mountain for several days in search of gold. But the author's plans threw an unsuccessful landing. The plane nodded down during the landing and damaged the fuel line. The accident did not harm Jimmy, his wife Mary, and two colleagues Gustavo Heni and Miguel Delgado, but now they were on the top of the Ayangtepui dining area cut off from the outside world.

The only way out was the descent on foot down, through an unimited area, in conditions of a limited amount of nutrition. Eleven days later, exhausted, but alive, the group reached the city of Kamaraat. When the rumor about this event spread the world, the name of Jimmy Eingel began to be inextricably associated with the waterfall, which he first saw in 1933.

Juan Angel (Angel) did not open diamond deposits. This was done by others. He failed an accident (the airplane was drowned) and saved literally miracle. He landed in the very place that Conan Doyle elected to deploy the events of his famous novel "The Lost World". Reaching the nearest post office, Angel reported his opening to the United States National Geographical Society, and his name is now on all world maps. In Latin American maps, the waterfall is often referred to as Salto Angel, i.e. "Angel's Jump.

The recent years of life, the discoverer spent in Venezuela, in Ciudad Bolivar, died in 1956 according to the will of Angel, his ashes was dispelled over the waterfall of his name.

Twelve years later, American photojournalist Ruth Robertson made the first successful expedition to the foot of Angel, measured it and officially proclaimed the highest waterfall in the world. Its article, "Journey to the jungle to the highest waterfall in the world," published in November 1949 in the National Geographic magazine, is a fascinating report on this journey.

In 1955, the Latvian researcher Alexander Lime became the first representative of the West, who managed to rise to the origins of the river that feeds Angel's waterfall. Nowadays, tourists are used by the trail lime during the climb on the top of the Ayangtepui Mountain.

Jimmy Eingel plane remained at the top of Ayantepui for 33 years. In 1964, the Government of Venezuela declared an aircraft by the National Monument. In 1970, he was dismantled on parts and helicopters of Venezuela Air Force, delivered to the Aviation Museum in Maraca for the restoration. Later, the plane was installed on a green lawn in front of the passenger terminal of Ciudad Bolivar Airport, where he remains and today.

Eingen never dreamed that his plane would be a national monument. For many years before that, Patricia Grant asked Jimmy, he would like his plane to remove from the top of Ayanktepui. Then he replied: "No, staying there, he will serve memory about me."

Anhel's waterfall is located in the tropical jungle of the South-Eastern Region of Venezuela called Grand Sabana. The large territory of this region (more than 3 million hectares) is included in the National Park of Canaima, the largest National Park of Venezuela and the Sixth largest in the world. Gran Saban in Spanish means a large plain (or Savan), but the most famous feature of this area are dozens of exotic mountains with sheer cliffs and a flat vertex, towering in the middle of the plains. Named in the language of the local Indian tribe "Tempui", these dining mountains from pink sandstone are a product of erosion of millions of years, and have a unique flora and fauna that has not found anywhere in the world - frogs that are not jumping or red carnivorous plants.

The most famous landmark of Gran Sabana is the highest Tempus with a height of about 2800 meters. Fans Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believes that his scientific fantastic novel "Lost World", telling about dinosaur hunters in South America's jungle, was written on the basis of the first scientific expedition to Rarana. Angel's waterfall falls from the top of Ayantepui (translated from the language of the tribe "Mount of Devil"), one of the largest

Canaima serves as a starting point for traveling to Angel waterfall. Located on the edge of the lagoon (in the photo), surrounded by pink-sandy beaches, beautiful waterfalls and untouched jungle, the word "paradise corner" most fully reflects the beauty of the surrounding nature of this area. Although you can visit other waterfalls and lagoons, as well as go for ascent on the flat tops of the cafeteria, the main reason why tourists fly to the canaima for several days - the opportunity to see the Angel waterfall.

The highest waterfall in the world is also one of the most hard to reach. Venezuela an even account did nothing to somehow develop this region. Its remoteness and inaccessibility retained the untouched nature of the local area and made Anhel's waterfall one of Venezuela's most difficult tourist attractions. There is still no possibility to travel by car, as on the greater territory of the National Park Canaim almost absent roads. Small runways for receiving light aircraft connect this remote region with the outside world.

Most inspectant Waterfall Angel Tourists make it from the aircraft window. Almost all flights to Canaima, both commercial and charter, run near this waterfall. But, given the fact that Angel falls from the wall of a steep canyon, often shrouded with clouds (especially in the rainy season), it is not always possible to consider it. Moreover, even on a clear day, when the plane makes a couple of spans on each side, it is possible to inspect it often with a glimpse.

If you want to truly enjoy the magnificence of the highest waterfall in the world, then you need to make a boat trip. Almost all hotels and travel agencies in Canaime offer 1, 2 or 3-day tours. All of them pass along a single route, the difference is only in the amount of time that depends entirely on the desire of visitors.

Angel's waterfall is located approximately 5 hours of sailing on the canoeing upstream of the river from the city of Canaima, then you need to make a hiking through the jungle to its base (about an hour). The path to the waterfall from the canaime is an equally interesting part of the journey and makes it possible to get acquainted with the unique types of Venezuelan Flora and fauna, enjoy beautiful landscapes of the surrounding nature (in the photo). If the flow of water is quite moderate, you can swim in a small reservoir at the foot of the waterfall.

If you are interested in the night of the climbers, it is more :-)

The waterfall is the most full-breed during the rainy season from May to November, but at this time of the year the clouds are often closed by the vertex of Ayangtepui. In the dry season from December to April he looks less attractive.

In May 1956, Eingel's light plane suffered an accident in Panama. He got off the big abrasion on his forehead, it would seem, everything is in order. A few days later, he suffered a stroke and, without causing consciousness, he died in December of the same year at the age of 57. The last desire of the pilot was pleased to dispel his ashes over Angel's open waterfall.

In 1960, Maria (wife) and his 2 Son, Jimmy and Roland, took Eingel in Venezuela. In his last flight over the waterfall, he was accompanied by his friends of Hustavo Heni and Patricia Grant. Later, Henia told his sister Carmen that "when the plane entered the canyon, nothing was visible because of the high cloudiness, then suddenly something happened. It became so clear, so beautiful, we could see everything. It seems that the mountain She accepted something unmatched - it was Jimmy. "

In 2009, the President of Hugo Chavez acted as a proposal that the most famous national attraction should be the name of the indigenous people of Venezuela, and not American Gringo. On December 20, 2009, Venezuelan President signed a decree renaming the Angel's waterfall on a kerpacuise measure. But in other countries it is still referred to as the old name.

Did you find a little man on a rock? :-)

The most vivid description of the waterfall is perhaps the best in world literature - belongs to the chairman of the Soviet Committee for the Protection of the World Yu. A. Zhukow, an overlooking the Waterfall Angel from the aircraft in April 1971. "The pilot leads his plane close to him. Before us is incredibly tall - In a kilometer! - Elastic penisto-white water column, - a tight stream stream lowered from a plateau into the abyss, at the bottom of which r. Churumi, whose course is interrupted by this crazy water jump ... We have already heard and read that the height of the water drop here So great that the flow, without reaching the bottom of the abyss, turns to the water dust, which settles the rain on the stones. But it was necessary to see it to imagine all the originality of the spectacle introduced: somewhere below, about three hundred meters from the bottom of the abyss, Powerful, elastic, boiling stream suddenly like melting and fell in the fog. And even lower, as if born from nothing, the river buried ... as I would like to get closer to the waterfall not on the plane, And on the ground, - to stand it around him, listen to his rocution, breathe the smell of the winding out of the waters! But this is unreal..."

Very advise you to visit a virtual excursion to Angel waterfall

Angel's waterfall originates on the mountain of Ayanktepui, having a cloudless slopes and a flat wide vertex. The alpine plateau contains several layers of sandstone, permeated with numerous cracks. It is these slots that serve as peculiar channels for powerful tropical rainfall streams that are often observed in this area. Water here is going even after a small rain, which allows for the existence of a waterfall.

Ayangtepui is the largest of Venezuela's elevations, its name in translation sounds like "Devil Mountain". Probably, this name was chosen due to a permanent thick fog, which surrounded the mountain and seemed to be the local residents of mystical phenomenon. The word "Tempui" in the language of the Indian Peremon literally means "house of the gods". Such mountains are often found within the Gwiangian Highlands. They are distinguished by a huge height, smooth vertices and steep vertical slopes. They are often referred to as the "cutting mountains", which perfectly characterizes the surface shape. Due to the nature of the relief, the hill is practically unavailable, for hundreds of years, a person's leg did not go here. This area is ideal for germination of unique plants and living unknown animals.

Panorama of the waterfall Angel

History opening

From time immemorial, local Indians knew about the existence of a water stream, they called him Churun-Mere - "Falls of the deepest place." Only at the dawn of the XX century it became known to the whole world. Ernesto Sanchez Cruz researcher stumbled upon the landmark, but the pilot from America James Eingel was taken to the discoverer.

In 1937, the expedition, as part of which the pilot himself was listed, his wife Maria, as well as two colleagues in the face of Gustavo Heni and Miguel Delgado, went to search for Ruda's deposits. Local guides claim that they could also plan to find diamonds - about their existence were told by the aborigines in those times. In reality, the "precious" stones were quartz breeds, which is replete with Mount Ayangtepui. There is also a version that the group was in search of gold.

The miners planned to spend several days on the plateau, but they could not fulfill their plans. James Eindgel wanted to land on the top of the hill, but the attempt was unsuccessful. According to various sources, the chassis burst during the landing or the fuel line was damaged. The accident did not harm passengers, but they turned out to be completely isolated from the outside world. As a result, the group went down from the mountain alone, their way down lasted one and a half weeks.

The news of the dangerous adventure of the gold kits rapidly got the spread and the waterfall was named after the pilot. Spanish version of the surname Eingen - Angel, so the name it became one. The aircraft stood on the top of the mountain over the next 33 years, was then evacuated using a special helicopter. At the moment, the airliner is located near the airport of the village of Ciudad Bolivar in Venezuela.

In 1949, participants of the National Geographical Society, one of the largest US scientific organizations, went to the waterfall. Scientists have calculated and officially documented the exact height of Angel. All their observations during the trip were recorded and then published in the form of a book. In 1994, UNESCO included Canaima National Park and Angel Waterfall to the World Heritage List. In the spring of 2005, climbers from England, Venezuela and Russia first completed the walls of the waterfall.

Under the waterfall

In December 2009, the head of Venezuela Hugo Chavez reported a change in the name of the waterfall on the kerpaucupa-measure. This was done due to the fact that the natural attraction is listed by the property of the state and cannot be called in honor of a citizen of another country. In addition, this place was known among the locals still long before it discovery by James Eingel. A similar statement of the president is just for Venezuelan, but the waterfall knows in the world precisely as Angel. Most likely, on the maps of all countries, his name will remain unchanged, the innovation will affect only Venezuela.

Information for tourists

Angel's waterfall is among the tropical vegetation, Venezuela authorities did not build asphalt roads to this place. Tourists can get to the sights by air or on a boat with a motor. Fans of extreme sensations have the opportunity to try to jump from the edge of the plateau on the deltaplane.

Chaniama village serves as a starting point of traveling to the waterfall. There are many hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops for tourists in the town. This can be reached from Caracas or Ciudad Bolivar. There are many aircraft performing regular and commercial flights. The cost of tickets varies from 110 to 350 dollars. Upon arrival, it will be necessary to make a certain amount for visiting the National Park and provide a certificate of existing vaccinations from the yellow fever.

Waterfall is recommended to visit from spring to autumn, because at that time, Angel is impressive with its full size. The only obstacle can be cloud weather - in such a period of attraction is almost impossible to see. In winter, the waterfall is not so animated, but there is a chance to consider it well.