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Boeing 737 500 crashed. The pilot was not supposed to fly. The investigation of the plane crash in Kazan has been completed. "Everything is fine. We are flying"

At the Kazan airport, completed. The criminal case was transferred to the prosecutor's office for confirmation of the indictment. Of the five alleged defendants, only three can get into the dock, the pilot and co-pilot were killed. Their criminal prosecution was completed in connection with their death. According to the law, consent to the termination of a criminal case in the event of the death of suspects can be given by relatives who have been recognized as victims. It seems that the relatives of the pilot Rustem Salikhov and the co-pilot Viktor Gutsul agreed with the preliminary conclusions of the investigation.

Recall that the plane crash occurred on November 17, 2013 at 19.23. The Boeing 737-500 came in for a landing, with 44 passengers and 6 crew members on board. The plane took off from Domodedovo airport at 18.25, and at 19.30 it was supposed to land in Kazan. But the first attempt to land the aircraft was unsuccessful. The airliner went into the second circle, and then, according to the IAC, due to pilot errors, the plane entered a vertical dive and crashed into the ground at the airport. Everyone on board died.

During the investigation of the criminal case under the article "Violation of the rules of traffic safety and the operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence", some details were found out. First of all, it was established that the very death of people and the plane was caused by the erroneous actions of the aircraft commander Rustem Salikhov and the second pilot Viktor Gutsul. As it is believed, Salikhov did not have sufficient piloting skills, and the documents on the basis of which he was admitted to passenger transportation were falsified.

Valery Portnov, who held the position of deputy general director In 2009, Tatarstan Airlines OJSC sent documents regarding Salikhov, containing false information, to the Tatar Interregional Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency, - the Russian Directorate says. - In turn, Shavkat Umarov, being the head of the Tatar Interregional Territorial Air Transport Directorate of the Federal Air Transport Agency, through negligence did not organize in September 2009 the verification of the authenticity and reliability of the certificate of the commercial aviation pilot Salikhov presented by the airline. This would reveal the fact that he had not been given this certificate, but such a check was not carried out, and, as a result, Salikhov, not having the basic knowledge, skills and experience of a pilot, began working in passenger air transportation as an aircraft pilot.

Violations on the part of Valery Portnov and the chief pilot of the airline, Viktor Fomin, were identified in the process. According to the investigation, they did not provide proper training for Salikhov, and instead sent an unprepared pilot for promotion - to obtain the status of an aircraft commander. Since March 2012, Salikhov has been carrying out passenger air transportation as an aircraft commander.

On November 17, 2013, Salikhov, performing a flight on the Moscow-Kazan route, put the aircraft into a difficult spatial position during landing, while Hutsul did not take control over himself, the investigators summed up. - As a result, Salikhov, in the event of an emergency, violating the rules of piloting, by his actions allowed the aircraft to crash.

In the course of the investigation and consolidation of the evidence base, a lengthy and numerous expert studies were required. In the course of the preliminary investigation, large-scale and complex forensic, molecular genetic, chemical and technical-forensic, as well as other forensic examinations were carried out, more than 200 witnesses and victims, specialists were questioned, a significant amount of other investigative actions were carried out, which together confirmed the version of the investigation ...

Recall that in relation to Salikhov and Gutsul, the criminal prosecution was terminated in connection with their death.

Based on the collected evidence, Portnov and Fomin were charged with committing a crime under the article "Violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence", Umarov - "Negligence, resulting in the death of two or more persons", - reported in the SU of Russia.

Among the dead were: the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov, the head of the FSB of Tatarstan Alexander Antonov, the scientist-orientalist Diana Gadzhieva, the wife and stepdaughter of the sports commentator Roman Skvortsova, the chess player Gulnara Rashitova.

Below is some background information.

On November 17, 2013 at 19 hours 23 minutes Moscow time, a Boeing-737-500 plane of Tatarstan Airlines crashed at the airport of Kazan while landing. All 50 people (six crew members and 44 passengers) on board the aircraft were killed. Among the dead were the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov and the head of the FSB department for Tatarstan Alexander Antonov.

The crashed airliner flew from Moscow to Kazan. This flight was supposed to be operated by a smaller Bombardier aircraft, but due to the passenger load, it was replaced by a Boeing-737.

According to the crash, it was operated by seven airlines, including Uganda Airlines (since summer 1995). Boeing made its first flight on June 18, 1990. The aircraft has been leased by Tatarstan Airlines since December 18, 2008.

Boeing-737-500 flew to Kazan from the Moscow Domodedovo airport. When approaching the Kazan international airport, the crew of the liner reported terrestrial services about not being ready to land and asked permission to go around. When approaching the go-around, the plane lost altitude, 150 meters before the start of the runway fell to the ground and exploded. The wreckage of the plane after the explosion was scattered within a radius of about 500 meters. The area of \u200b\u200btheir spread was 23 thousand square meters.

Immediately to the scene were sent emergency services, rescue work began. Significant forces of the EMERCOM of Russia were involved in eliminating the consequences of the disaster, including the Centrospas detachment, specialists from the Leader Center and the 179th Rescue Center, as well as branches of the Volga Regional Search and Rescue Unit of the EMERCOM of Russia. The total number of the force grouping exceeded 1.6 thousand people and 260 pieces of equipment.

On the first anniversary of the tragedy, a memorial stele was unveiled at the Kazan airport, on which the names of all 50 dead passengers of the plane and crew members were engraved.

On the fact of the plane crash, the investigating authorities of the Privolzhsky Investigative Directorate for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence).

Later, the criminal case was transferred to the main investigation department of the central office of the Investigative Committee.

According to the results of the examination carried out by the investigation, no signs of drug or alcohol intoxication were found in the blood of the pilots.

After decoding the "black box" in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) said that when approaching the runway, the pilots made a number of mistakes, which they tried to correct by taking the board to the go-around. At the same time, one of the two autopilots of the Boeing-737 was turned off, and the crew of the airliner was landing in manual mode. When approaching the second circle, the aircraft crew, gaining altitude, lifted the nose of the liner too much. As a result, the aircraft lost speed. Reaching an altitude of 700 meters, the plane began to dive intensively and collided with the ground at a high speed (more than 450 kilometers per hour) and almost vertically (at an angle of 75 degrees to the earth's surface). About 43 seconds passed from the moment the liner started to go around until the end of the recording on the recorder.

The power plants worked until the plane hit the ground.

Tatarstan Airlines reported that the commander of the crashed liner had never performed a go-around maneuver in a real flight before the tragedy.

After the disaster in Kazan, the investigation began to study the training of pilots. Subsequently, it turned out that the commander of the crashed plane received a diploma from a dubious training center. According to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, the commander of the crashed plane had a false pilot's certificate. The second pilot's license was also obtained illegally in the absence of the necessary flight practice.

After the plane crash, the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) conducted unscheduled inspections of a number of flight training centers and, until the end of the investigation, suspended pilots of a number of airlines, including the largest, from flights.

Rosaviatsia also checked the activities of the Tatarstan airline, as a result of which it revealed a number of violations and, since December 31, 2013, canceled its operator's certificate. The aircraft fleet was transferred to another Tatarstan carrier - Ak Bars Aero airline.

Aksan Giniyatullin, General Director of Tatarstan Airline OJSC, was dismissed from his post by the decision of the company's board of directors.

In May 2014, the Tatarstan airline filed a statement of claim with the court to declare its own bankruptcy, in June the court declared the airline bankrupt.

The head of the Tatar Interregional Territorial Air Transport Directorate of the Federal Air Transport Agency Shavkat Umarov, after the plane crash, resigned, which was satisfied. The territorial administration itself lost its independence and became a structural subdivision of the Volga Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

In September 2014, the IAC reported that the engineering and technical subcommittee concluded that on the records of the objective control means of the Boeing-737 crashed in Kazan, as well as on the remaining parts, components and assemblies of the airframe, engines and systems, including the elevator control system, signs refusals aviation technology are absent in the emergency flight.

At the end of December 2015, the IAC published the final results of the investigation of the plane crash. The cause of the plane crash was systemic deficiencies in identifying hazards and controlling the level of risk, as well as inoperability of the flight safety management system in the airline and the lack of control over the level of training of crew members by the aviation authorities of all levels (Tatar MTU VT, Federal Air Transport Agency), which led to admission for flights of an unprepared crew.

Investigators have completed their investigation into the November 2013 Boeing 737-500 crash at Kazan airport. Then all 50 people on board were killed. investigative committee Russia (TFR) came to the conclusion that the pilots Rustem Salikhov and Viktor Gutsul were to blame for the tragedy, but their pursuit was stopped due to their death. The charges were brought against the management of the Tatarstan airline and the former head of the Tatar department of the Federal Air Transport Agency - they allowed an unprepared crew to operate the aircraft. They face up to seven years in prison.

The Main Investigation Department of the ICR has completed the investigation of the criminal case on the crash in Kazan of a Boeing 737-500 The investigation established that the pilots' "wrong actions" led to the plane crash.

Recall that the catastrophe occurred in international airport Kazan in the evening of November 17, 2013. A passenger Boeing 737-500 (registration number VQ-BBN) of Tatarstan Airlines flew on flight 363 from Domodedovo. During the landing approach, the crew had to go around. During landing, the plane crashed unexpectedly. All 50 people on board - 6 crew members and 44 passengers - were killed. Among the latter were the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov and the former head of the FSB Directorate for Tatarstan, Alexander Antonov. In addition to Russians, citizens of Ukraine and Great Britain became victims.

After the catastrophe, Rosaviatsia canceled the operator's certificate from AK "Tatarstan". Subsequently, the republican carrier was declared bankrupt. The inspection of the department showed that the commander of the aircraft Rustem Salikhov and the co-pilot Viktor Gutsul could receive fictitious certificates of completion of aviation courses. Experts of the International Aviation Committee called the reason for the tragedy the lack of preparedness of the crew, who made a number of mistakes during the go-around approach, as a result of which the plane went into a dive and fell to the ground.

The ICR investigation confirmed that the Boeing commander “did not have sufficient piloting skills and was allowed to carry out passenger transportation based on falsified documents ”. According to the investigation, in 2009, Valery Portnov, who served as deputy general director of Tatarstan, sent documents with false information about Rustem Salikhov to the Tatar interregional territorial air transport department of the Federal Air Transport Agency. The head of this department (was abolished in 2014) Shavkat Umarov "due to negligence did not organize in September 2009 the verification of the authenticity and reliability of the certificate of a commercial aviation pilot presented by the airline." “As a result, Salikhov, not having the basic knowledge, skills and experience of a pilot, began to carry out passenger air transportation as an aircraft pilot,” the investigation said.

In addition, the ICR established that Valery Portnov and the airline's chief pilot, Viktor Fomin, "did not provide proper training for Mr. Salikhov, but instead sent an unprepared pilot to obtain the status of an aircraft commander." As a result, in 2012 Rustem Salikhov became the commander of the aircraft. On November 17, 2013, it was Mr. Salikhov who "brought the aircraft into a difficult spatial position." At the same time, the co-pilot Viktor Gutsul "did not take control". “As a result, Salikhov, in the event of an emergency situation, violating the rules of piloting, by his actions allowed the aircraft to crash,” the ICR said.

The criminal prosecution of Rustem Salikhov and Viktor Gutsul was terminated due to their death. Valery Portnov and Viktor Fomin were charged under Part 3 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence), Shavkat Umarov - under Part 3 of Art. 93 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence, resulting in the death of two or more persons). The maximum punishment they face is seven years in prison. The criminal case was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for approval of the indictment.

In 2017, the first decisions were made on claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage filed by the relatives of the victims of the plane crash. In all cases, the plaintiffs dropped their claims against the American corporation The Boeing Company and a number of other foreign companies. In the defendants they left the airline "Tatarstan" and LLC "Ak Bars Insurance", with which they entered into an amicable agreement.

At 19:25, a Boeing 737 500 (Tatarstan Airlines), which was performing flight number 363 from Moscow to Kazan, exploded on landing. According to preliminary data, during the landing approach, the liner touched the ground with its wing. As it turned out later, the crew was not ready for landing and requested permission to go around, a source in the security forces of the republic told RIA Novosti.

Air traffic controller Kirill Kornishin (on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel): "He (the pilot) reported to me that he was going to go around, and I gave him the kit - everything as according to the documents - that's all. And he said that he had a non-landing configuration. I gave him the kit, as it should be standard He confirmed it. And he didn’t leave. It just happened in a few seconds. "

Onboard there were 44 passengers and six crew members.

Information about the victims

All 50 people on board were killed.

Among the dead are the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov, the head of the FSB for Tatarstan Alexander Antonov, the wife of the famous sports commentator Roman Skvortsov.

The list of the dead includes Bull Donna Carolina, a British citizen (date of birth - 14 February 1960).

Hot lines are open: 8 843 227 46 50, 8 800 775 17 17, 8 843 273 91 45.

What is known about the plane

The crashed plane was in operation for 23 years, it made its first flight in 1990. Its tail number is VQ-BBN. The plane with this number already made an emergency landing in Kazan last year. Then the interior depressurization sensors worked.

According to, the previous operators of the aircraft were Bulgaria Air (since May 2008) and Romanian Blue Air (since September 1, 2005). Since December 17, 2001, this aircraft, which was then in service with the airline Rio Sul, had an aviation incident in Brazil. In total, this aircraft was operated by seven airlines, including Tatarstan.

Grigory Busarev (on the air "Russia 24"): "I flew on a daytime flight from Kazan (to Moscow) ... The plane was landing at the Domodedovo airport ... It was shaking from side to side ... It looks like turbulence, as you get to air pit... The wings shook from side to side, and the nose threw back down constantly. "

Ruslan Kalimullin (on his page in " In contact with " ): " Today I flew this plane from Kazan to Moscow at 15.20, landed at Domodedovo as if the plane's horizon stabilization system was out of order, the pilot barely aligned the ship before landing, upon contact with the ground, we skidded a little, but the pilot coped and I crossed myself. What one of the passengers said on TV, like, when landing in Moscow, the plane had a strong vibration along the body, so this is observed in all old cars during takeoff, the vibration goes not along the body, but along the inner lining, this is often found on planes that have not been restored for a long time. I swore not to fly on cheap flights, which this time the toad strangled me to buy a ticket not for 5 for a normal Aeroflot flight, but for this one for 3. Before buying a ticket, I was not too lazy to call to clarify what kind of car this flight is performing. Well, I think, since the Boeing 500, everything should be fine. And when they sat down, I immediately noticed that the car was really already "tired" and became a little dumb ... "


The liability of the Tatarstan airline is insured by Ak Bars Insurance, a source in the insurance market told Prime. In accordance with the Air Code, in the event of the death of a passenger, the insurance payment is 2 million rubles plus 25 thousand for burial. SOGAZ will pay 2 million rubles each for the relatives of the deceased passengers.


According to preliminary data, the cause of the crash could have been a crew error, a law enforcement source told RIA Novosti. Among the versions are also the weather factor and technical malfunction. Roshydromet reported that weather conditions were normal for this type of aircraft.

On the fact of the crash, a criminal case was initiated under Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence). Searches for "black boxes" are underway. Samples of the fuel that the liner filled with were taken for verification.

Later, a source at Domodedovo said that all planes at Domodedovo airport are refueled in the same tank.

At 22:45 Moscow time, search and rescue operations at the crash site were completed.

The Boeing 737-500 plane of Tatarstan Airlines crashed the day before while landing at 19:25 Moscow time at the Kazan airport. The plane was flying from Moscow. 44 passengers and six crew members were killed. Among the dead are the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov, the head of the FSB department for Tatarstan Alexander Antonov, the wife of the sports commentator of the Russia-2 TV channel Roman Skvortsov Elina. Also among the victims - British citizen Donna Carolina Bull.

How Boeing died The Boeing 737-500 plane crashed at the Kazan airport. This was announced to Interfax by the official representative of the Federal Air Transport Agency Sergey Izvolsky. Later news agencies reported that the crew of the aircraft during the landing approach, possibly. There was evidence that the crew reported to the dispatchers, when the plane was still 500 meters from the end of the runway, about a non-landing position. Most likely, this may indicate that this or that equipment was faulty. The crew did not specify which one.

Versions Currently, the investigation is considering several. Among them - climatic conditions, pilot error, technical problems, fuel problems as well. An order has already been given about the refueling of the plane in Moscow.

However, the passengers of the previous flight, which made this board - from Kazan to Moscow, say that the plane was allegedly malfunctioning even during the flight to Moscow. According to them, the board was shaking violently during the entire flight, and when landing in Moscow, a disaster almost happened. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Experts interviewed by RT believe that the reason for the crew's go-around could be both a pilot's mistake and a failure of equipment.

Airport Kazan airport due to the plane crash, November 18. On the eve, the rescue work was almost completed. However, late at night, an Il-76 EMERCOM of Russia with an additional group of rescuers on board landed in Kazan.

Airplane , made its first flight in 1990. Since then, it has been operated by various airlines including Air France, Uganda Airlines, Brazilian Rio Sul, Romanian low-cost airline Blue Air, Bulgarian Bulgaria Air.

At the same time, in December 2001, a serious incident occurred with him: during landing, the plane broke the left landing gear. This happened at the airport of the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte in unfavorable weather conditions in heavy rain. The plane with 102 passengers and six crew members touched the ground before the start of the runway. After that, Boeing jumped and hit the runway with force, causing the left landing gear to break. The plane stopped after 1.7 km, moving along the lane with support on the left engine.

As a result of the rescue operation, all passengers and crew members were evacuated. A serious accident then did without human casualties, but the plane received significant damage, and serious repairs were required to return it to service.

Incidents with this aircraft happened during its operation by the Tatarstan company.

However, the airline itself says that they are no longer operated by Tatarstan. The airline had no complaints.

Mourning In Tatarstan, November 18. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Yuri Kamaltynov said that the families of the victims will receive a one-time aid in the amount of 1 million rubles from the reserve fund. He also recalled that all passengers were insured, so their relatives will receive payments.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin have already expressed their condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims.

The President of Russia, whose son was killed in a plane crash in Kazan. “Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with the President of Tatarstan, once again expressed his deep condolences to the families and friends of all those who died in the tragic plane crash. The President personally expressed condolences to Rustam Minnikhanov, whose son was among the passengers wrecked aircraft ", - said the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

Relatives of the deceased passengers of the plane are asked to come to the forensic medical examination bureau of the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan. The bureau is located at: Kazan, Siberian tract, building 31 a. You must have documents, photographs, and, if possible, dental formulas - everything that can help identify deceased relatives.