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The cargo ship was crashing the arsenal heroes. In the Black Sea suffered a crash under the flag of Panama "Heroes Arsenal": there are dead. Who was on board the sunken vessel

Ukrainian vessel "Heroes Arsenal" sunk on the night on Wednesday off the coast of Crimea. To date, the salvation of one sailor is confirmed. In addition, it was reported at least three dead. The fate of the remaining crew members is unknown, rescue work continues. Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of the crash and the possible death of two or more people.

Chronicle tragedy

Loaded grain dry-cargo "Heroes Arsenal", transporting grain from the city of Azov Rostov region In Turkey, disappeared from radar screens at 04.00 Moscow time. Six minutes before the ship, on board which was 12 people of the crew, including one woman, filed a SOS signal adopted by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Crimea.

Assistance was late: the ship sank 27 kilometers from the coast of Crimea in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Strait.

Who was on board the sunken vessel

The crew of the "Arsenal heroes" consists of 12 people, of whom nine are citizens of Ukraine, two citizens of the Russian Federation and one sailor from Georgia. List of seafarers of the Heroes of Arsenal Heroes: Citizens of Ukraine - Biezur, Ganchevsky, Glazko, Goncharenko, Mesnjyankin, Pantyukhov, Sinyuk, Svetchkar, Chernenko (saved); Citizen Georgia Cajaya; Citizens of the Russian Federation - Vedernikov and Pateels.

What the weather was in the crash area

Now you can with a high one of the confidence say that one of possible causes The tragedy became a storm, raging in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Crimean coast. At the time of the crash, the cargo ship stood on the raid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Strait, where a storm warning was announced on April 18. Wind speed at night reached 25 m / s.

As sailors saved

According to the Republican Ministry of Emergency Situations, specialists of the Southern Regional Search and Rescue Detachment were engaged in sailors, including six divers, the submarine apparatus "Falcon" was also involved. Also in search of missing sailors, 139 specialists of the Novorossiysk and Temryuk fire and rescue garrison participated, a special equipment was involved.

Who managed to save

At 05.34 in the morning, one of the courts nominated to the tragedy area was raised first and, it seems, while the only saved sailor is a 35-year-old Ukrainian on the surname Chernenko, who worked on a motorist's ship.

Information about four more saved sailors, which appeared in some media, was not confirmed in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of the unofficial sources it is known that rescuers allegedly found four more people in rescue vestsBut they could not get to them because of the storm.

The fate of the rest of the sailors is still unknown. It should be borne in mind that in the crash area, the storm continues, wind gusts reach up to 20 m / c., Navigation is temporarily stopped, and the water temperature in Kerch Prioral does not exceed 8 ° C.

As reported in the Maritime Directorate responsible for the ferry message in Kerch Strait, two days will continue on the forecast.

Criminal case

On the fact of the crash Southern Investigation Department of Transport Investigative Committee The Russian Federation opened a criminal case on the third part of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules for the safety of the movement and operation of maritime transport, which caused the death of two and more persons by negligence." Note, officially death of people in this crash is not yet subject to, an operation that continues in the Kerch Strait is considered to be rescue.

Possible causes of wreck

In addition to the storm that raised in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kerch Strait, a hazardous factor, according to experts, was the cargo itself, since the grain with improper loading during a strong can slurry from the side of the board, creating unbalanced and provoking a spill or turning the vessel.

Also, many Internet users noted that the cargo ship was quite old, he was 37 years old. At the same time, for old Soviet courts, this is not urgent age, they differ sufficient reliability. At the same time, it is unknown how professional was the crew, and a sufficient amount of money was inserted to the vessel's repair and maintain it in working condition.

What is known about the vessel

The cargo ship "Heroes Arsenal" belongs to the Turkish company Gunes Shipping & Trading, the ship sailed under the Panama flag.

This is a cargo ship type "Volgo-Balt", project 2-95a / r. The ship was built in 1980 on Slovenian shipbuilding plant. At first, the ship was assigned to the Northwest RSFSR Ministry of Ratary Shipping Company and was based in Kaliningrad.

In 1988, the vessel was translated into Kherson (then the Ukrainian SSR, now - Ukraine), entered the inter-sectoral state association "Ukrrechflot" and got the name "Heroes of Arsenal", in honor of the workers of the Kiev plant "Arsenal", raised uprising against the Ukrainian Central Rada in January 1917.

Until 2013, the ship was operated by Ukrrechflot, which then resell his Turkish company Gunes Shipping. From February 2015, the vessel was officially called Geroi Arsenala.

In March - April 2017, the cargo ship went to the route of Herge (Turkey) - Azov - Rostov-on-Don - Poti (Georgia) - Azov. In your last flight The ship came out on April 15 from Azov.

Ukrainians are guilty of "invaders"

At the moment, the rescue operation and investigative actions continue, but the users of the Ukrainian segment of social networks have already found the perpetrator, and yes, you guessed correctly - this is "occupiers", that is, Russia, which includes Crimea with Kerch-crossing. Say, undercluded, which means to blame. And have already reached that the assistance came not immediately, although it is known that the collapse occurred in the conditions of a strong storm, and hurrying to help the court simply could not approach the dry bar

The most, let's say gently, sad that some Ukrainian users at the same time hurried to blame, perhaps the deceased fellow citizens in treason. At the same time, some users willingly replicate fakes that allegedly Ukrainian courts are not allowed to rescue operations.

Here are examples of such comments:

Well done, Ukrainians. We flooded enemy cargo ship, not sick of life. Probably the one who was saved, will soon be given an interview with a story with a story about his Right-Sector ("Right Sector" 1, the organization of the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation - approx. Fan) activities, and the FSB is reported on the capture of another sub-spy.

The bridge has strengthened! Nakhimovski!

Yes hell with him, grain (54 carriage), on the sunken in the Kerch Strait, the ship of 9 Ukrainians, and no one is taken to save Ukrainians, because / Russians / do not give. Ukrainian rescue ships are not allowed! Even accused of extremism!

And answers:

What are you happy, idiots? Ship under the Panama flag, most crew - Ukrainians. Continue to ride, / bad people.

It is necessary to maintain the ships, and not on the Maidan ride!

And it seems, not the heard shout of one of the users:

Come home! People died!

1 Organization is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Died in Black Molra 04/19/2017 "The Heroes of Arsenal", the heat ship-cargo ship of the mixed river-sea of \u200b\u200bswimming of a successful and good-quality Soviet project "Volgo-Balt", was built in the 1980s and worked on the Baltic. In 1987, it was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR - to enhance the main management of the river fleet at the CM of the Ukrainian SSR. Indeed, in the elimination of the consequences of the accident on the Chernobyl, the rickests participated.

This cargo ship has stably and profitably worked in foreign trade of foreign trade cargoes for the USSR ports on the ports of black and Mediterranean Sea. It is unlikely that the creators of such vessels assumed that they would have to walk so long and in such conditions ...

After the 1991, the whole state river transport Ukraine turned out to be in the office of "Horn and hooves", called ASK "Ukrrechflot", with the help of American advisers who stolen from the state and Beslanlyno Pros * Avented everything that got from the Ukrainian SSR - river ports, Two more than hundreds of vessels, ship repair plants, the social sphere ... At the same time, throwing thousands of small shareholders "on trust", on the inexperience of those who believed the tweezing bikes and imaginably imagined themselves a little "owners of factories, newspapers, steamats."

It is natural that the Ukrainian cargo ship "Heroes of Arsenal" eventually turned out to be owned and running ... Turkish firms, under the "convenient" flag ... a distant Panama. But under the supervision of the register of the shipping of Ukraine, confused for last years The authority, which became, in the opinion of marine circles, incompetent and selling. This office is concluded by the face of the Mount-Minister of Infrastructure, which makes it not - its price is known, all the transport workers.

9 of 12 crew members of the deceased Turkish-Panaman vessel - citizens of Ukraine, whose specialty work in the homeland is not foreseen.

There are practically no chance of saving sailors ...

But the exit to the sea in stormy weather, unacceptable for the courts of this class and type, besides, with overload and minimal crew on the old ship, the actual technical condition is in doubt, makes doubt the qualifications of sailors and captain.

Investigation of this catastrophe can add black paint to the reputation of Ukrainian sailors and add doubt about their qualifications.

But the sailors are stamping now and "whipled" in huge quantities. Large than until 1991, when neither strong river transport, nor a huge fishing fleet, nor three most powerful shipping carriers were still unworn. For whom?

The labor market for sailors is no less oversaturated than for prostitutes or unqualified migrant workers.

Therefore, Ukrainian sailors get for work under dirty, sorry, "convenient" flag three times less than European sailors' colleagues - at the level of sailors from the scored African and Asian countries.

To get out for them no one ...

Education, including sea, has long been not focused on the needs of the state and society. Now it's just a business, not always clean.

Everything that happened to the motor ship "Heroes of Arsenal" and its crew is tragic and symbolic: old soviet ship With a nice revolutionary name, I could not stand the shame - to work under the Panaman flag, for the Turkish owners, transferred foreign grain from ... The Russian port to Turkish, made Harakiri, sealing in half off the coast of Crimea, destroying everything - and the team, and the cargo, threatening the surrounding Medium ....

A distress signal from the dry cargo "Heroes Arsenal" came about 4 am the medium. At this point, the ship was 27 kilometers from the coast of Crimea.

According to Interfax, the head of the press service, the crew "Heroes of Arsenal" consisted of 12 people: nine Ukrainians, two Russians (including captain) and a citizen of Georgia. According to rescuers, the ship was sent from the Rostov region to Turkey with grain cargo.

"The ship" Heroes of Arsenal ". Approximate depth at the SOS 100 M signaling site, "reported in the republican.

The press service of the Rosmorrechflot stated that the cargo ship belongs to the Turkish company. They also told that in conditions of a strong storm, the cargo ship collapsed into two parts and sank.

Searches for the vessel are engaged in 127 rescuers and eight floats, the head of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Krasnodar Territory.

"A specialist rescue vessel" Demisor Demidov "arrived at the crash site. The work of aviation Yurts EMERCOM of Russia is planned. The use of aviation will be carried out on weather conditions, "he said.

At the scene in the operational headquarters there are operational groups of the fire and rescue garrison. The rescue operation involved the Ka-32 helicopter.

According to the authorities of Crimea, hospitals are ready to accept victims. The ambulance brigades are already on duty on the shore. However, the conduct of rescue work is hampered by bad weather.

"Four points storm, very high waves, Gusts of a strong southwest wind, the weather is very unfavorable for searching, "they said in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

"The rescuers see people in rescue vests, unfortunately, they cannot raise them on board the rescue boat. Their strong wave refers from the ship. As long as their condition is incomprehensible, "

The President, Doctor of Military Sciences, the captain of the first rank of reserves on the air radio expressed the opinion that the causes of the dry cargo crash can be somewhat.

"One of the reasons may be a technical associated with the condition of the corps. With a long wave, the housing can work on a break, which leads to a different ship. There is another option: with illiterate maneuvering on big wave, if a the ship is coming Lagom to the wave, that is, on board, he can turn over. But with the excitement of four points it is irrelevant. Ships of this class, as a rule, have seaworthiness at least five points, "Sivkova quotes RIA Novosti.

However, the rescue operation with such an excitement of the sea is complicated, the expert said.

"If we are talking about four points, then this wave can be height from three to six meters. This is a serious wave, plus a gusty wind - all these are big problems for using helicopters, boats and rescue boats.

If a person is in water or on the wreckage of the vessel, then to approach him problematic - it can be broken down, the strength of the strike is terrible, "the expert noted.

Currently, it is known that until 2013, the ship was exploited by the Commercial Company Ukrrechflot, then sold by the Turkish company US Deepblue Shipping. From February 2015 he went under the flag of Panama and the name "Geroi Arasenala".

The vessel operator was the Turkish company Gunes Shipping. In addition to him, the Fleet company included another cargo ship of this project - Aversa (Aversa, the former Volgo-Balt 200m). At the end of March - early April 2017, the Heroes of Arsenal's heroes walked on the route Herge (Turkey) - Azov - Rostov-on-Don - Poti (Georgia) - Azov. April 15, the ship came out of Azov.

The vessel "Heroes of Arsenal" - a dry cargo ship type "Volgo-Balt" of the project 2-95a / r. It was built in 1980 on Slovenian shipbuilding plant. For eight years after the construction, the ship was based in Kaliningrad, it was attributed to the North-Western River Shipping Company of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

In 1988, it was translated into Kherson (Ukrainian SSR, now - Ukraine) and transferred to the inter-sectoral state association "Ukrrechflot". Then the ship was called "Heroes of Arsenal", in honor of the workers of Kiev, who organized an uprising against the Ukrainian Central Rada in January 1917.