Foreign passports and documents

Pre-flight inspection. Pre-flight inspection xi. Conducting postolete inspection

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 85 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997, N 60-FZ "Air Code of the Russian Federation" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383; 1999, N 28, Art. 3483; 2004 , N 35, Art. 3607, N 45, Art. 4377; 2005, N 13, Art. 1078; 2006, N 30, Art. 3290, 3291; 2007, N 1, Art. 29) and in order to increase the level of aviation Safety in air transport, as well as the curb of acts of illegal intervention in civil aviation activities, I order:

1. To approve the attached rules for the pre-flight and post-flight inspection.

2. Recognize invalid:

orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation:

from November 21, 1995 N 102 "On approval and enforcement of guidelines for the production of passengers, members of crews of civil aircraft serving staff, hand baggage, baggage, cargo, mail and side reserves" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia December 13, 1995 ., Registration N 995);

from September 30, 2005 N 117 "On introducing changes and additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1995 N 102" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia October 19, 2005, registration N 7107);

order of the Federal Air Transport Service of Russia dated April 7, 2000 N 80-chipsert "On Amendments to the Procedure for Applying the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1995 N 102" On approval and implementation of the Passenger Inspection Guide, members crews of civil aircraft serving personnel, hand baggage, baggage, cargo, mail and side reserves "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 25, 2000, registration N 2206).

Minister I. Levitin

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspection

I. General provisions

1. The rules for the pre-flight and post-flight inspection (hereinafter referred to as the rules) are developed on the basis of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ "Air Code of the Russian Federation" * (hereinafter - Air Code), provisions on the Federal System Protection of Civil Protection Aviations from the acts of illegal intervention, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 N 897 **, Federal Aviation Rules "Requirements of Aviation Security to Airports", approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of November 28, 2005 N 142 ***, Standards and the recommended practice of the International Organization of Civil Aviation.

2. These Rules establish the procedure for the implementation of the pre-flight and post-flight inspection of passengers and baggage, including things under passengers, members of the crews of aircraft, civil aviation aviation staff, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail.

3. These Rules are required to fulfill the airport aviation security officers, the airport, the operator (hereinafter - the Aviation Security Service) and the staff of the Internal Affairs Authority, participating in the pre-flight and post-flight inspection, administrations of airports, aviation enterprises, operators, passengers, As well as other persons operating in the territories of airports.

4. Pre-flight inscription of passengers and baggage, including things under passengers, members of the crews of aircraft, civil aviation aviation personnel, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail are made in order to ensure aviation security, the protection of the life and health of passengers, crew members aircraft and aviation personnel of civil aviation, preventing possible attempts to capture (hijacking) aircraft and other acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation of criminal elements, as well as illegal transportation of weapons, ammunition, explosive, poisoning, flammable and other hazardous substances and items prohibited To transportation in air transport under the terms of aviation security.

Post flight inspection is carried out in order to prevent and suppress the illegal importation and distribution of weapons, ammunition, drugs, explosive devices, explosives, poisoning and other substances and objects representing increased danger and are criminal in nature, primarily from regions with complex operational (criminal) The situation and using the automated search information systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the search for persons hiding from the inquiry bodies, investigators and court evading criminal punishment, as well as persons who have lost contact with relatives and missing those wanted, in accordance with Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 N 1026-1 "On Militia" ****.

5. The main task of conducting a pre-flight inspection is timely detection, prevention and suppression of attempts to penetrate the aircraft of persons with weapons, ammunition, explosives, flammable, poisoning, radioactive and other hazardous objects and substances that can be used to damage passenger health , crew members of the aircraft, creating a safety threat of an aircraft flight or may be the cause of another emergency (aviation) incident, as well as preventing illegal transport of hazardous items and substances prohibited for transportation on air transport under the terms of aviation security, and other objects and substances, prohibited or limited to free turnover in the territory of the Russian Federation.

II. Organization of pre-flight and post-flight inspection

6. Pre-flight and post-flight inspection (hereinafter - inspection) of passengers and baggage, including things under passengers, members of aircraft crews, civil aviation aviation staff, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail services are held by the staff of the aviation security service with employees Internal affairs body, including film engines that have passed the relevant special training and having a certificate (certificate), with service dogs.

The decision to conduct post-flight inspection takes the senior change of the division of the internal affairs body in transport to inspection with written notice of the head of the air security change.

7. At airports and at the airfields of local airlines, where there are no employees of the internal affairs body, inspections are held with the participation of employees of the territorial internal affairs bodies.

8. At the airfields of local air lines or landing platforms, which do not provide for aviation security service, the pre-flight inspection is conducted by the aircraft commander or the crew member appointed.

9. The production of inspection at airports is carried out in special premises (inspection points) equipped with stationary technical means of inspection and video surveillance systems, as well as in rooms (cabins) for personal (individual) inspection.

10. During inspection, technical and special means are used: stationary X-ray-viewing introscopes and metal detectors, portable (manual) metal detectors, radiographic scanners, intriguation systems in the terahertz electromagnetic spectrum range and others (hereinafter - technical and special means) certified in the prescribed manner, as well as Service dogs of dynamics.

11. The technologies for inspection are developed and approved by the airport administration, an aviation enterprise, an operator carrying out inspection to the conditions of the airport, are coordinated with the territorial body of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision and the relevant internal affairs authority (in its absence with the territorial body of the internal affairs ).

12. Pre-flight inspection is carried out on all domestic and international flights performed by aircraft operators, regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership.

13. Prelation inspection is carried out after registering passengers, sanitary, veterinary, phytosanitary control, and when performing international flights, in addition, after the implementation of border, customs, immigration and other controls.

14. The organization of inspection is assigned to the administration of the airport, an aviation enterprise, an operator to inspect.

The administration of the airport, an aviation enterprise, the operator ensures the implementation of the recommendations of the Airport Aviation Security Commission created in accordance with the Regulations on the Federal System to ensure the protection of civil aviation activities from the acts of illegal intervention, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 N 897.

15. Inspections of things under the passenger are carried out in the presence of a passenger.

Luggage inspections can be made both in the presence of a passenger and in its absence.

16. Distribution of luggage in the absence of a passenger associated with the need to open baggage, according to the joint decision of the air security managers and the internal affairs authority, the Commission is held, which includes employees of the aviation security service and the internal affairs authority, in the presence of two witnesses, And if necessary, representatives of other state control bodies carrying out various types of control.

17. Transportation of luggage of passengers who did not appear on the landing is strictly prohibited.

18. When informing information about the threat of an act of illegal interference with the departing aircraft, a re-prepar pre-flight inspection of passengers and baggage is carried out, including things under passengers, aircraft crew members, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail.

19. When delayed by the departure of the passenger associated with the pre-flight inspection, the officials of the airport administration, the aviation enterprise, the inspection operator take measures to send a passenger to another flight.

20. If the passenger of the aircraft is refusing from the pre-flight inspection, the passenger air transportation is considered terminated in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 85 of the Air Code.

21. In terms of inspection of goods and baggage, fixed technical and special means are used, as well as official dogs of dynamics of canine units.

22. Postage posts are carried out without autopsy. Postal shipments with disturbed packaging to carriage on board the aircraft are not allowed.

23. The on-board reserves of the aircraft in various types of packaging are available in specially equipped airport inspection points.

24. Considered luggage, side meals, cargo and mail are subject to labeling with license plates by authorized persons of aviation security services.

25. Control over the observance of the inspection process is assigned to the federal executive body authorized in the area of \u200b\u200bcontrol (supervision) on transport, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of internal affairs.

III. Organizational and technical activities for inspection

26. Organizational and technical activities for inspection provide:

timely detection and prevention of illegal transport on board the aircraft of weapons, military supplies, explosive devices, explosives, poisoning, flammable and other hazardous substances and items stipulated by the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited (permitted in compliance with the required conditions) to transportation on board aircraft crew members and passengers in registered baggage and things under passenger (Appendix N 1 to this Regulation);

timely transfer of information about the threat of seizure of the aircraft and other acts of illegal interference with the activities of civil aviation officials of federal executive bodies involved in the suppression of acts of illegal interference in civil aviation activities;

informing passengers on the purpose and procedure for passing inspection at all stages of service, about their rights and obligations, about the list of hazardous items and substances prohibited for transportation on board aircraft, and responsibility for their illegal transparency;

the elimination of the contact of the passengers who passed the pre-flight inspection and admitted to landing on board the aircraft, with passengers who did not pass the pre-flight inspection, faithful, the staff of the airport, not engaged in the service of passengers of this flight.

27. For carrying out passenger inspections at airports, insulated control zones are equipped.

The control zone may consist of one or more points of inspection, including the landing zone between the passenger and aircraft inspection point, access to which is strictly controlled (hereinafter - the sterile zone).

Before entering the control zone and inspection points, the pointers are postponed: "control zone", "inspection point".

28. In the inspection point, a room, equipped with technical and special means, and room (cabin) for personal (individual) inspection should be provided.

29. At airports, the number of control zones, inspection points, as well as equipping them with technical and special means is determined depending on the volume of traffic.

30. The reliability of the inspection and quality of passenger service is provided:

the optimal location of the controls and points of inspection in the buildings of passenger terminals and technical and special means in them;

creating conditions for the comfortable accommodation of passengers, staff work and the convenient implementation of control procedures;

compliance with the conditions of operation and the order of maintenance of technical and special means.

31. The control zones and inspection points are equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Rules "Requirements of Aviation Security to Airports", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of November 28, 2005 N 142.

32. Only passengers of regular flights are allowed in the control zone and inspection points in the presence of a ticket made by the prescribed manner and the Passenger Personality Document.

33. Finding persons who are not related to the service of passengers and the organization of passenger transportation in the control zones and inspection points is strictly prohibited.

34. Equipment and equipment of control zones and inspection points are assigned to the airport administration, aviation enterprise, operator.

IV. Structure of a prepolent inspection team

35. The full-time number of aviation security officers carrying out pre-flight inspection is determined by the airport administration, aviation enterprise, the operator, depending on the mode of operation, the volume of passenger traffic, types of aircraft operated, technical equipment of inspection points.

36. The number of employees of the internal affairs body in the inspection point (control area) participating in the pre-flight inspection is determined by the head of the internal affairs authority, taking into account the staffing, the volume of passenger traffic, the number of points of inspection and their technical equipment.

37. For each inspection item, the required number of employees is allocated and a senior inspection team is assigned from aviation security officers.

38. A group of pre-flight inspection of passengers, as a rule, consists of five (three) employees of the aviation security service and one employee of the internal affairs authority.

A group of pre-flight inspection of the crew members of the aircraft, aviation personnel, baggage, cargo and mail, as a rule, consists of four (two) aviation security officers, one employee of the internal affairs authority and is determined by the airport administration in coordination with the internal affairs authority Depending on the mode of operation of the airport and the volume of transportation.

39. The staff of the aviation security service and the internal affairs body, depending on the operation mode of the airport, are distributed to shifts. The composition of the shift is determined by the number of existing points of inspection.

If there are two or more inspection items, a senior change in the inspection service inspection and senior change of inspection of the internal affairs body are appointed.

The procedure for the interaction of the senior change in the inspection of the aviation security service and the senior change in the inspection of the internal affairs body is determined by the inspection technologies provided for by paragraph 11 of these Rules.

40. During the inspection period, the aviation security officers carrying out inspection must be dressed in the shaped clothing of the installed sample with violated (breast) distinctive signs.

V. The rights and obligations of employees of the aviation security service and employees of the internal affairs body during inspection

41. Employees of the aviation security service and employees of the internal affairs body carrying out inspection are entitled:

demand from passengers to strictly implement the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of air transport in air transport;

check from passengers at the entrance to the inspection points, tickets decorated in the prescribed manner, and documents certifying their identity;

conduct a survey to identify potentially dangerous passengers, as well as in passengers of objects and substances prohibited by air transport;

carry out inspections of passengers, baggage and things that are under passengers, members of the crews of aircraft, civil aviation staff, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail;

observe the behavior of passengers at the inspection points;

ceremonies from passengers found in the process of inspection objects and substances prohibited for transportation by air transport;

introduce the luggage of passengers, renovated in the storage chamber;

submit proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of inspection in terms of improving their technologies and the use of used technical and special funds;

to conduct joint decisions of the heads of aviation security service and the internal affairs body, joint and independent inspections of the quality of inspection with the use of training test items and ullets of explosive devices.

42. Employees of the internal affairs body carrying out inspectors other than those listed in paragraph 41 are entitled:

conduct passenger survey in case of the need to identify hazardous substances and items and possible illegal intentions on their part;

make a decision on the production of personal inspection of passengers in the detection of objects and substances, for the manufacture, wearing and storage of which is provided for criminal or administrative responsibility, and participate in the inspection;

checking the passengers with the compliance of tickets decorated in the prescribed manner and passport data, to establish their authenticity, additionally check suspicious persons on the information and search databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

monitoring compliance with the procedure for transporting weapons, cartridges and ammunition transmitted by passengers for temporary storage for the flight period;

the weapons found in the inspection process in the process of inspection, ammunition (except for those who enjoy the right to be on board the aircraft with weapons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), explosives, drugs and their precursors, as well as psychotropic and potent substances;

in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the withdrawal and documented by the inspections of passengers and substances discovered during the inspection of passengers and substances, which is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation, is limited or has a criminal nature;

to organize and conduct if necessary, with the Aviation Security Service, briefing on strengthening measures during inspection activities;

delay persons who violate aviation security requirements;

conduct within its competence protocols on administrative offenses.

43. Employees of the Aviation Security Service and employees of the internal affairs body carrying out inspection must be required:

be attentive and polite with passengers and prevent action degrading their dignity;

know and ensure the implementation of these rules in the production of inspection;

have the necessary skills to identify hazardous items and substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, including the use of tricks;

submit in the prescribed manner materials to take to violators the requirements of the aviation safety of measures of impact in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

not allow to fly passengers evading the passage of pre-flight inspection;

show vigilance, not allow to a sterile zone through an inspection point of not passing pre-flight inspection of passengers, members of the carriages of aircraft and aircraft personnel, loads, mail, onboard reserves of the aircraft and baggage;

know the main characteristics and rules of operation of technical and special means;

comply with safety regulations when working with technical and special means and fire safety rules.

44. At the staff of the internal affairs body in the control zones and inspection points in the implementation of the inspection is additionally imposed:

prevention and prevention of crimes, ensuring public order protection;

conducting operational search activities in order to identify and establish persons preparing crimes, detecting weapons, ammunition and explosive devices;

registration of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives, radioactive, narcotic, poisonous, poisoning, and other substances prohibited by air transport;

implementation together with the airport administration of measures to curb mass riots.

45. At airports where there is a whole complex of technical and special funds, the responsibilities of the Interest Group specialists are distributed as follows:

specialist in inspection N 1:

at the entrance of passengers to the inspection point checks the tickets decorated in the prescribed manner, landing coupons, the documents certifying the personality, with the Passenger's Personality, if necessary, a more thorough check of documents and affiliates to this passenger reports this to the senior point of inspection and employee of the internal affairs authority transport; makes a decision on the admission of passengers for the passage of pre-flight inspection;

sends passengers to pre-flight inspection in order, not allowing their clusters;

laying a mark in a ticket (except for cases of tickets in electronic form) and (or) the landing coupon about the passage of the pre-flight inspection, and also annuls it if the passenger leaves the control zone;

conducts, if necessary, psychological survey (profiling) to identify potentially dangerous passengers and participates in personal (individual) passenger inspection;

specialist in the inspection of N 2:

offers passengers to lay out the metal items, mobile phones, photo, film, radio equipment, remove shoes, upper clothes, hats, belts and present these things to inspect technical and special means;

monitors the correct location of things on the conveyor of the X-ray of the X-ray Introscope, regulates the loading of the conveyor, informs a specialist in the inspection of N 3 on the need to stop the route of the X-ray of the radiothelovision introscope;

offers passengers to pass through the framework of the stationary metal detector;

conducts inspection of large-sized things that are in passengers whose dimensions exceed the diameter of the introscope tunnel, manual (contact) method;

specialist in the inspection N 3:

determines the contents of things on the shadow image on the X-ray of the X-ray of the Entroscope;

stops when items detecting in inspected things and substances prohibited for transportation, representing the increased danger or crime (weapons, ammunition, explosive devices), a radiothelovision introscope conveyor and reports a senior point of inspection and an employee of the internal affairs authority;

conducts inspection of things under passengers, manual (contact) method to fully confidence in the absence of prohibited items and substances in them;

decides on the withdrawal of prohibited objects and substances identified during the inspection, and the admission of the passenger things into the sterile zone;

participates if necessary in the personal (individual) inspection of passengers;

specialist in inspection N 4:

observes the indication of the stationary metal detector's signaling devices, not allowing access to passengers;

in the event of a signator for a stationary metal detector:

offers the passenger to lay out on the table with his clothes or on the body metal objects and re-pass through the stationary metal detector;

determines the places of metal objects from the passenger using a manual metal detector;

conducts if necessary, the inspection of things under passengers, manual (contact) method and participates in the personal (individual) passenger inspection;

reports the need to carry out a more careful inspection of the passenger with the senior point of inspection and employee of the internal affairs body;

decides on the withdrawal of prohibited objects and substances identified during the inspection, and the admission of the passenger into the sterile zone;

specialist in the inspection of N 5 (senior point of inspection):

monitors the activities of the inspection team to comply with the technological process of prepultural inspection;

draws up a documented seizure of prohibited to transport substances and objects;

organizes and, if necessary, participates in the inspection of things under passengers, manual (contact) method and personal (individual) passenger inspection;

organizes the inspection of things under passengers whose dimensions exceed the diameter of the introscope tunnel, manual (contact) method;

does not allow passengers, members of the crews of aircraft and the service personnel of airlines that have not passed the pre-flight inspection, in a sterile zone;

if necessary, can execute the functions of specialists in the inspection of N 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Employee of the Internal Affairs Authority, participating in the inspection:

carries out verification of passport data on the search database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Searching the Magistral" in order to identify and detention of persons in the search;

conducts personal (individual) inspection of passengers and things under passengers;

takes part in the inspection of passengers and baggage, things under passengers, crew members of the aircraft, aircraft aviation personnel, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail, without replacing aviation security officers;

monitors compliance with the procedure for transporting weapons transmitted by passengers for temporary storage for the flight period;

conducts all the necessary actions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the withdrawal and documentation of the subjects detected during the inspection of passengers and substances, whose free circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited or limited;

organizes and conducts, if necessary, joint instruction in strengthening measures during inspection.

Employees of the internal affairs body participating in the inspection, when promoting operational information, together with aviation security officers, spend a psychological survey (profiling) of passengers.

Throughout the work, the change in the inspection point is regularly rotated by the workplace inspection team. Continuous observation by an image employee on the X-ray installation screen should not exceed 20 minutes with a break - at least 40 minutes (ICAO security guide Doc 8973).

With a small passenger traffic, the airport administration can be reduced by the composition of the inspection item to three aviation security officers, and the condition of continuous operation for the introscope must be observed at no more than 20 minutes per hour.

In the inspection of luggage, cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft, the composition of the inspection group is determined by the airport administration, but in any case should be at least three aviation security officers at one point of inspection, subject to continuous operation for the introscope no more than 20 minutes per hour.

Specialists of the inspection team, free from the performance of their duties, when making a passenger offense in the inspection process, in coordination with the senior inspection change can participate as witnesses.

46. \u200b\u200bAviation security officers who inspected, and employees of the internal affairs bodies on transport participating in the inspection, for improper performance of official duties, abuse of official position, as a result of which hazardous items or substances that created a flight safety threat were carried on board are involved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vi. Special information for air transport passengers

47. Air transport passengers inform about the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the transportation of passengers, baggage and things under passengers.

In the place of sale of tickets, airports, passenger registration areas, in front of the control zones, postcards, in places of completion of customs declarations are equipped with light scoreboard, posters with special air security information are postponed in accordance with the requirements of federal aviation rules "Aviation security requirements for airports", Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of November 28, 2005 N 142.

To comply with the basic rules for aviation security over the radio broadcast network, information about (OB) is periodically transmitted:

prohibition of transporting an explosive, poisoning, flammable, radioactive and other hazardous substances and objects;

obligatory passage of the pre-flight inspection of passengers and baggage, including things under passenger;

responsibility stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for passengers on board the aircraft of substances and items prohibited for transportation;

prohibition to take suitcases, parcels and other items for transportation on board the aircraft, as well as leave their baggage to unfamiliar citizens;

banning to enjoy on board an aircraft in flight by electronic games, portable video cameras, video recorders, portable phones and other electronic equipment.

VII. The procedure for prepultural inspection

48. The pre-flight inscription of passengers and baggage, including things under passenger, is carried out with the use of technical and special means and (or) manual (contact) method, and at the airfields of local air lines or on the landing site, on which there are no inspection points And there are no stationary means of inspection - manual metal detectors and manual (contact) method, and baggage and things that are under passengers, only manual (contact) method.

When conducting a pre-flight inspection, personal (individual) passenger inspection can be carried out.

49. The prepayment of the crew members of the aircraft and civil aviation aviation personnel is carried out at the inspection points on the general reasons or in the inspection points equipped at the airport checkpoints.

The crew members of the aircraft are allowed to a pre-flight inspection after presenting a flight task.

50. The pre-flight passenger's prepultipable use of technical and special funds is carried out in the following order:

a ticket check is made in the prescribed manner, the landing coupon, the reconciliation of the document with the personality of the passenger at the input to the inspection item;

it is proposed to declare the subjects of the subjects and substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, as well as things taken from unauthorized persons (parcel, convolution, etc.) for transportation;

it is proposed to lay out the items available from the passenger in clothes containing metal (cigarettes, keys, packs, cigarettes, etc.), remove the upper clothes (coat, jacket, cloak, jacket, sweater, jumper, pullover, sweater, etc., headdress), belt, shoes and put everything in trays, baskets, put on a radiothelovision introscope conveyor;

it is proposed to pass through the fixed metal detector;

the content of baggage content is carried out, including things under the passenger, the outerwear (coat, jacket, cloak, jacket, headdress), belt, shoes;

when the stationary metal detector is triggered:

refer to the location of metal objects in the passenger clothing using a manual metal detector;

it is proposed to re-pass through the stationary metal detector after extracting and verifying metal objects;

a passenger inspects using a manual metal detector and manual (contact) by the inspection method when re-triggered alarm.

51. During the pre-flight inspection, in order to identify the signs that indicate a potential threat, it is recommended to pay attention to such features of the behavior of passengers as increased nervousness, concern, and fussiness. In the event of identifying such signs, a psychological survey (profiling) of the passenger must be carried out to determine the degree of its potential danger.

Luggage and things that are in the passenger, which is defined as potentially dangerous, are manual (contact) an inspection method.

52. Personal (individual) passenger inspection is carried out in special premises (cabins) for personal (individual) inspection, equipped and compliant with sanitary and hygienic standards.

53. Personal (individual) passenger inspection is carried out at:

admission of reports of the preparing seizure of either the hijack of an aircraft performing a specific flight or following in a certain direction (selectively);

the arrival of the message about the presence of a passenger weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives or other hazardous objects and substances that can be used as an instrument of an attack on the aircraft crew;

discovery in things under passenger, weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives and other hazardous items and substances prohibited by air transport;

identify by personal observation by the staff of the aviation security service or employees of the internal affairs body of the signs of suspicious behavior and actions of the passenger, testifying to its criminal intentions or suspicion in the possibility of weapons, ammunition, hazardous objects or substances prohibited by air transport.

54. Personal (individual) inspection is carried out only by persons of the same sex with a passenger inspected in the presence of two witnesses, with the participation of employees of the internal affairs bodies and the protocol.

55. It is forbidden to carry out in one room a personal inspection of several passengers simultaneously.

56. When conducting a pre-flight inspection of passengers, members of the aircraft crew, aviation personnel, along with the use of technical and special means and conducting personal (individual) inspection, a manual (contact) inspection method can be used.

57. Manual (contact) The inspection method is carried out when reporting a message about the preparing seizure or a hijack of an aircraft performing a specific flight or next in a certain direction, as well as in the absence of technical and special means in the inspection point.

Manual (pin) method is carried out when inspection:

passengers in spacious clothes hiding the outlines of his body;

things whose internal content cannot be determined using technical and special means;

baggage and passenger things defined as potentially dangerous;

all passengers during an increased threat of an act of unlawful interference with a certain flight aircraft.

58. If the passenger is found or in its luggage and things of signs or elements of the explosive device, experts in explosive devices are caused - pyrotechnics.

59. When conducting a pre-flight inspection using technical and special funds, it is necessary:

check radio and television equipment, photo and film equipment, audio and video equipment, cell phones, personal computers, toys (hollow and soft);

include and checking the efficiency of electronic and electrical appliances (if there is suspicion);

inspect cases (covers), open and check power supplies, cassette niches, as well as film chambers (turning on the equipment, opening the power supply lids and cassette niches passenger);

check additionally visually containers with liquids and thermoses.

With musical instruments, which in size can not be inspected using technical and special means, remove covers, open cases, shook them, holes and cavities to inspect using a special swivel mirror.

60. In the passenger cabin of the aircraft, it is allowed to transport things and objects that require special precautions when contacting them: Movies, photo equipment, television, radio equipment, electronic devices, musical instruments, glass, porcelain products, ceramics.

61. Animals, birds, reptiles and other representatives of fauna with relevant veterinary certificates and allowed to be transported on board the aircraft, as well as cells in which they are transported, inspected visually, and if there are suspicions, the inspection is carried out by manual (contact) method.

62. Items that can be used as an assault tool (ax, saw, ice ax, crossbow, pneumatic weapons, rifle for underwater hunting, etc.) are transported only in luggage.

63. Employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, held in the performance of official duties (having official foreign passports, service and travel certificates of the established sample), with accompanies of state protection objects and accompanied by the objects of state protection, and their things are not subject to inspection.

64. Passengers with diplomatic status with diplomatic immunity, employees of the Chief Special Communications Center of the Federal Communications Agency are passing a pre-flight inspection on general reasons, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The pre-flight inscription of baggage and things in passengers with diplomatic status is carried out on the general basis.

65. Employees of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation, the Intergovernmental Feldgerer Communications, accompanying the correspondence, pass a pre-flight inspection points in the inspection points of the aircraft crew and aviation personnel of civil aviation, and in their absence - in passenger inspection points out of turn.

66. Armed staff of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation, intergovernmental Feldgerer Communication, accompanying postal departments (correspondence), are required to have a marking on a travel certificate (prescription) on the presence of weapons and ammunition. Weapons, ammunition and special needs for their flight are not covered.

67. The pre-flight inspection of passengers served in the halls of officials and delegations is carried out at inspection points equipped in these halls.

68. The prepultiple loan of the personal composition of the route guard of the Federal Penitentiary Service, which performs the support of the convemed persons, and the search of convicts before boarding the aircraft is held in accordance with the instructions for the official activities of the Special Units of the Convention Correction System, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federations and ministries of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2006 N 199 PL / 369DSP *****.

The allocation of special premises for temporary placement of the constructed citizens is assigned to the airport administration.

69. Passengers having implanted devices that encourage cardiac activity are manual (contact) in the inspection method and (or) personal (individual) inspection without the use of technical and special means.

70. The registered luggage of passengers is located on board the aircraft that do not have isolated luggage compartments so that passengers in flight can access it.

71. Conditions for transportation on board the aircraft in the registered baggage of passengers of hazardous substances and items are defined in the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited (permitted in compliance with the required conditions) to carriage on board the aircraft crew members and passengers in registered baggage and things under passenger (Appendix N 1 to this Regulation).

72. With a preventive inspection of the passenger, detected hazardous items and substances that can be used as an instrument tool, but not prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft are packaged by the passenger and transported as a registered baggage.

73. In the detection of explosive, poisonous, poisoning and radioactive substances to the inspection point, relevant specialists (explosive engineers, civil defense workers) are immediately caused. Before the arrival of experts, to take independent actions to neutralize explosive, poisonous, poisoning and radioactive substances.

74. During the inspection of passengers and members of the aircraft crew, dangerous items and substances that are in free sale, but forbidden to transport aircraft, are withdrawn with the execution of an act of detection and seizures from a passenger and a member of the aircraft crew in the production of inspection prohibited for transportation dangerous goods, items or substances (Annex N 2 to these Rules) are recorded in the journal of accounting for acts of detection and seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects or substances (Appendix N 3 to these Rules) and are transmitted to Storage in a specially equipped airport store in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

75. When withdrawal from a passenger or a member of the aircraft crew, no weapons, ammunition, hazardous items or substances prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft are made to bring it to justice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of admission of such a passenger or a member of the aircraft crew to flight, its baggage is subject to additional suggestive inspection.

76. Luggage inspection conducted in the absence of a passenger in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 16 of these Rules is issued as an act of luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 4 to this Regulation) and registers in the journal of accounting for luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 5 to this Rules).

77. When conducting a prepolent inspection of the passenger and things under the passenger, in the ticket (except for cases of tickets in electronic form) and (or) the landing coupon put a mark on the production of inspection and the passenger is sent to the sterile zone.

78. Control over passengers in a sterile zone, as well as checking marks on tickets (except for cases of tickets in electronic form) and (or) landing messages on passenger inspection, including transit, in the aircraft ladder is carried out by employees of the organization Passenger traffic airport, aviation enterprise, operator.

VIII. Pre-flight inspection of transit and transfer passengers

79. Pre-flight inspection of transit and transfer passengers, including things under passenger, at intermediate airports are carried out on the general reasons before entering the sterile zone and mixing with the pre-flight inspection by passengers for which this item is initial.

80. In order to eliminate contact with passengers who did not pass the pre-flight inspection at the airport, arrival / departure halls can be equipped to accommodate transit and transfer passengers with things at passengers.

81. Transit and transfer passengers are not allowed to their registered baggage.

82. With the failure of paragraphs 80 and 81 of these Rules, transit and transfer passengers, including things under passenger, are subject to re-suggestive inspection on general reasons.

83. The baggage of transfer passengers at intermediate airports is subject to compulsory suggestive inspection to mix with the passenger luggage, for which this item is initial.

Luggage of transfer and transit passengers When changing routes by their initiative, re-enabled and sent to the same flight as passengers.

84. Employees of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation, accompanying correspondence, have the right to stay aboard the aircraft at intermediate landing points and exchange correspondence in aircraft salons during their parking lots, to personally attend the unloading (loading) correspondence from the luggage compartment from the moment of opening the luggage compartment before its closure.

IX. Pre-flight inspection of cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft

85. Before loading on board the aircraft, the load, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft are subjected to an invaluable inspection of various types and methods with the use of technical and special means, as well as conducting control weighing.

Pre-flight inspection and transportation of dangerous goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation "Safely Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air" and technical instructions for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air (Doc 9284 AN / 905 ICAO).

86. Pre-flight cargo inspection is carried out by a portion of the cargo terminal in the presence of a cargo warehouse.

87. In the absence of ability to carry out the content of the contents using technical and special means, using a manual (contact) method or visually, as well as when entering information about the threat of an act of unlawful interference with an aircraft departing, by decision of the Aviation Security Manager, allowed:

shutter speed before loading on board aircraft in safe conditions during a period of at least two o'clock over the estimated time of the flight of this aircraft to the destination;

checking cargo in a decompression chamber during the estimated time of the flight of this aircraft to the destination.

88. The cargo that caused suspicion is subjected to a re-invaluable inspection in order to detect items and substances prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft.

89. External packaging of cargo is subject to verification. When damaged (violation of integrity) of the external packaging, the load to the flight is not allowed.

90. At the end of the pre-flight inspection, the cargo is marked with license stickers, the inspection mark is stamped in each copy of the invoice and statement. The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal of accounting for inspected cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6 to this Regulation).

91. When signs of explosive device detects, the cargo is not revealed and does not move, but experts on explosive devices are caused - pyrotechnics.

92. Transit cargo arrived at the airport is not allowed, if during his location on board the aircraft on the airport measures were observed to prevent unauthorized access to an aircraft.

93. Transfer cargoes, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft are subject to mandatory suggestive inspection at intermediate airports to mixing them with covered loads, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft for which this carriage point is initial.

94. The pre-flight inspection of mailing (correspondence) is held at the point of inspection in the airport mail transportation department when receiving (sending), in the inspection items of the cargo terminal or in the aircraft inspection points without their autopsy.

95. Loads and posts transported on board aircraft accompanied by armed employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense, correspondence, accompanied by the staff of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation and the Intergovernmental Feldgerer connection to On board of passenger aircraft, diplomatic post office, consular veils, as well as equivalent on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation, other official correspondence of foreign institutions and international organizations to inspection manually and detention are not subject to (hereinafter referred to as special luggage).

96. Special baggage accompanied by employees listed in paragraph 95 of these Rules must be packed in the appropriate container and sealed. The number of places, weight and props of printing, which is sealed by a special luggage, are made to the accompanying sheet and are certified by the signature of the responsible person of the relevant authority (organization).

97. Diplomatic post, consular valyus and other official correspondence must have visible external signs (locks, seeds, sealing tags with an indication of the destination and sending), and diplomatic couriers should have a courier sheet with them.

98. In suspect that there are hazardous items or substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, the diplomatic courier (correspondence) in the presence of a full-time diplomatic courier (correspondence) in the presence of a full-time diplomatic courier without opening the packaging.

99. At the end of the pre-flight inspection, diplomatic departure (correspondence) is marked with license plate, in the invoice, its copies and statement is made of inspection. The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal of accounting for inspected cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6 to this Regulation).

100. The goods found in the cargo and substances that are in free sale, but forbidden to transport on board the aircraft, are withdrawn with the execution of an act of detection and exemption from the cargo of the aircraft in the production of inspection of dangerous goods prohibited for transportation, objects or substances (annex N 7 to this Regulation) in two copies (or necessary quantity).

Separated objects and substances with a copy of the act are transmitted to the shipper.

101. The load (postal entrance) is delayed and the carriage (issuance) on board the aircraft is not allowed when items and substances are detected in it, for the illegal manufacture, wearing and storage of which is criminalized.

102. Registration, delivery, loading of goods and mail on board the aircraft, accompanied by armed servicemen and employees specified in paragraph 95 of these Rules, are carried out in accordance with these Rules.

103. Prelation inspirership of aircraft's aircraft, emergency rescue equipment and onboard food crew and passengers, onboard kitchen equipment are carried out in places of their acquisition by specialists of the inspection teams in equipped items of inspection using technical and special means.

104. The prepolent inscription of the aircraft aircraft is carried out in the presence of an expedition.

105. If necessary and in the order of control of the control, the head of the aviation security service has the right to conduct a selective inspection of aircraft's side reserves immediately before loading on board an aircraft with an act of inspection.

Act of inspection is compiled in two copies. One copy is transmitted to the catering shop, the second - in the aviation security service.

106. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection of aircraft's aircraft, each container is marked with license plate, in the invoice and its copies there is an inspection mark.

107. Control of loading on board aircraft of cargo, mail, side reserves, rescue and onboard nutrition is carried out by employees of aviation security service.

108. Cargo, mail, onboard reserves of the aircraft, rescue equipment and aircraft's aircraft should not contain objects and substances prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft.

X. Terms of prepulture inspection

109. The prepultural inspection process should not increase the duration of servicing passengers and affect the regularity of the flights running.

It is not allowed to simplify the procedures for the pre-flight inspection of passengers, including transit and transfers.

110. In order to exclude the delay of flights, the beginning and end of the pre-flight inspection are determined by the technological schedule.

111. The head of the airport passenger transportation service, an airport, an operator, in a timely manner informs the delays of the senior change in the inspection security service and senior change in the inspection of the internal affairs body.

Xi. Conducting postolete inspection

112. In the zone of luggage issuing the presence of a post-flight inspection point (s).

113. Post-flight inspection can be carried out in full or selectively.

114. Upon receipt of information on the presence on board an aircraft in flight, persons who have the intention of the seizure of the aircraft, explosive devices or explosives, or other goods and items representing the danger to flight and passengers, luggage, including The number of things at passengers, onboard reserves of the aircraft, loads and mail are subject to post-flight inspection after arrival at the airport (departure, destination or intermediate).

115. Post flight inspection in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 N 1026-1 "On Militia" is held at the airport of arrival or on board the aircraft by authorized employees of aviation security services with the participation of internal affairs officers in transport, using technical and special funds.

XII. Accounting procedure and reporting of the inspection groups

116. Documents of the control zone and the inspection point, the samples of which are given in applications to this Regulation:

act of detection and seizures from the passenger and a member of the aircraft crew in the production of inspection of non-drug cargoes, items or substances (Appendix N 2);

journal of accounting for acts of detection and seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects and substances (Appendix N 3);

act of luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 4);

journal of accounting for acts of luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 5);

journal of accounting of inspected cargo, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6);

act of detection and withdrawal from cargo shipment in the production of inspection of non-dangerous cargoes, items or substances (Appendix N 7);

an act of acceptance of weapons for the flight of the aircraft (Appendix N 8);

the journal of accounting acts of seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects or substances transmitted to the temporary storage warehouse (Appendix N 9);

the journal of weapons, transmitted by passengers for temporary storage for the flight period (Appendix N 10);

journal of accounting of looked at flights and passengers (Appendix N 11) (if there are several points of inspection in the control zone, one on the control zone) is conducted;

the reception journal and duty in the inspection point (Appendix N 12).

117. Acts, samples of which are presented in applications N 2, 4 are compiled in two copies. One copy of the act is awarded to the passenger or communicates to the baggage, which is notable in the absence of a passenger, the second instance remains in the inspection group.

The acts provided for in paragraph 116 of these Rules are taken into account in the relevant accounting magazines.

The shelf life of all acts and magazines is 1 year.

118. The organization of journaling is imposed on the senior shifts or inspection teams of the aviation security service and internal affairs bodies.

119. The management of aviation security services and internal affairs bodies on transport monthly checks the correctness of documents in its units.

120. Territorial administration of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision is submitted to the Office of Transport Safety of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transportation Reports on the status of aviation security for the quarter, half of the year, 9 months and for the year no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period.

121. Information about the equipment of airports (aviation enterprises) technical means of inspection are submitted together with a report on the state of aviation security for the year.

122. Information on the seizures of explosives and explosive devices or their detection on the airport is immediately submitted by the leader of the airport, an aviation enterprise, the operator to the transport security management of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision.

* Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383.

** Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 15, Art. 1795.

**** Vedomosti Council of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, 1991, N 16, Art. 503.

Appendix N 1. The rules for prepultural and post-flight inspection (PP. 26, 71)

The list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited (permitted in compliance with the required conditions) to carriage on board the aircraft by members of the crew
and passengers in registered baggage and things at passengers

1. It is forbidden to carry on board the aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in the registered baggage and in things under passengers, the following hazardous substances and items:

1) explosives, explosion and objects, they are stupid:

sorry, in any package and in any quantity;

cartridges combat (including small-caliber);

cartridges for gas weapons;

capsuli (Pistons) Hunting;

pyrotechnic agents: signaling and lighting missiles, cartridges signal, planting checkers, smokers (checkers), demolition match, Bengal lights, railway rails;

trotil, dynamite, Tol, ammonal and other explosives;

capsuli detonators, electricallytonators, electric vectors, detonating and fireproof cord, etc;

2) compressed and liquefied gases:

gases for household use (Bhutan propane) and other gases;

gas springs with filling neuro-paralytic and tear exposure, etc;

3) flammable liquids:

samples of flammable petroleum products;

methyl acetate (methyl ether);


ethyl cellosol;

4) Flammable solids:

substances subject to spontaneous fire;

substances that excrete flammable gases when interacting with water:

potassium, sodium, calcium metallic and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc;

phosphorus white, yellow and red and all other substances belonging to the category of flammable solids;

5) oxidizing substances and organic peroxide:

nitrocellulose colloidal, granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;

nitrocellulose colloidal, in slices, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;

nitrocellulose dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water, etc;

6) toxic substances;

7) radioactive materials;

8) caustic and corrosive substances:

strong inorganic acids: salt, sulfur, nitrogen and others;

fluorite-hydrogen (inexpensive) acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances;

9) Poisonous and poisoning substances:

any poisonous potent and poisoning substances in a liquid or solid state, packed in any container;


tetrahydroofurfuryl alcohol;


brake fluid;

ethylene glycol;

all salts of syntic acid and cyanid preparations;

cyclone, cyanplas, arsenic anhydride, etc.;

other hazardous substances, items and goods that can be used as an instrument of attack on passengers, the aircraft crew, as well as the threat of an aircraft flight;

10) Weapons:

pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shocking devices, cortic, styles, landing bayonet knives, except in cases in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A detailed list of hazardous substances and items prohibited by carriage on board an aircraft by members of the crew and passengers is contained in technical instructions on the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air (Doc 9284 AN / 905 ICAO).

2. It is allowed to carry on board an aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in compliance with the required conditions following items and substances:

1) In a registered baggage in cargo, luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passengers access to baggage during flight:

crossbows, rifles of dius underwater hunting, checkers, sabers, tesaches, yatagans, executioners, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting, knives with throwing blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;

household knives (scissors) with a length of the blade (blades) over 60 mm;

alcoholic beverages with a content of more than 24%, but not more than 70% of alcohol in volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in a container intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;

liquids and alcohol drinks with alcohol content of no more than 24%;

aerosols intended for use in sports or domestic purposes, the exhaust valves of the cans of which are protected by caps from spontaneous release of content in containers with a capacity of not more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 l per passenger;

3) in things under passengers:

medical thermometer - one on the passenger;

mercury tonometer in a standard case - one on the passenger;

barometer or mercury pressure gauge, packed in a sealed container and sealed sender seal;

disposable lighters - one on the passenger;

dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;

3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;

fluids, gels and aerosols related to non-hazardous:

in containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml (or equivalent to the capacity in other volumes of measurement units), packed in a reliably closing transparent plastic package with a volume of no more than 1 l - one packet on the passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml to transportation are not accepted even if the container is filled only in part.

Exception for transportation have medicines, baby food and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased in duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a securely sealed (seated) plastic bag that provides access to the contents of the package for a flight on which there is a reliable confirmation that this purchase is manufactured in airports Duty free shops or on board the aircraft per day (days) of the trip.

Administration of the airport, airport enterprises, the operator has the right to decide on the introduction of additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which prohibit transportation in the aircraft of the next items:

needles for subcutaneous injections (if the medical justification will not be presented);

knitting needles;

scissors with a length of the blade less than 60 mm;

folding (without a retainer) Road, peer knives with blades long less than 60 mm.

Head of the inspection team

Official duties. Organizes and takes part in the inspection of passengers, members of the carriages of aircraft, aviation personnel, hand baggage, luggage, cargo, mail, side reserves and aircraft in accordance with approved inspection technologies; Organizes the work of the personnel of a group of inspection in emergency situations arising from the production of inspection. Controls the serviceability of technical means of inspection, the performance of norms, rules and technological procedures for the production of inspection, analyzes the causes of their violation. Develops suggestions and measures to prevent disorders in the production of inspection; leads logbooks of accounting flights and acts of seizure prohibited to the transport of objects and substances; Produces paperwork on the facts of removal from passengers prohibited to transport objects and substances. It interacts with representatives of law enforcement agencies involved in the technological process of servicing passengers, aircraft, as well as in the processing of luggage, cargo, mail, onboard reserves.

Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, determining the directions of the development of civil aviation; regulatory and methodological documents governing work on the invaluable inspection of passengers, crew members serving staff, hand baggage, luggage, mail, cargo and side reserves; technology of pre-flight inspection of aircraft; The main characteristics and rules of operation of technical means of inspection; rules for the protection of aircraft and airport facilities; Instructions for the bandwidth and international airport regime; technology of production and economic process; Rules for the personal inspection of passengers and hand clashes; structure of the system for protecting the airport from the acts of illegal intervention; Tactics of protecting facilities from unlawful encroachments under normal conditions and in emergency situations related to acts of illegal interference in civil aviation activities; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security at least 2 years or secondary professional (technical or military) education and experience in the field of aviation security at least 3 years.

Head of the Perron Control and Inspection of Aircraft

Official duties. Carries out the management of the work of the perrone control and inspection of aircraft. Organizes the execution of work on the inspection of the aircraft parking box before its arrival and feeding the ladder, to inspect the aircraft according to the map of the pre-flight inspection of a particular type of aircraft; Instructing employees of the perrone control and aircraft inspection of aircraft on the features of the pre-flight inspection of aircraft produces their placement on control zones. Manages work on the inspection of aircraft during emergency situations. Organizes the monitoring of the movement of passengers in the sterile airport zone, as well as aviation personnel in the controlled airport zone. He controls the execution by employees of the staff of the perrone control and inspection of aircraft assigned to them and the maintenance of reporting documentation. Informs the interchangeable head of the aviation security service on violations of technology, norms, the rules for the production of aircraft inspection, as well as the facts of identifying explosive devices, items and substances prohibited for transportation. It organizes the inspection of the service personnel using technical means of inspection before entering the aircraft, detentions of persons who violate aviation security measures. Develops proposals for improving aviation security measures and aircraft inspection technology.

Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, determining the directions of the development of civil aviation; regulatory and methodological documents governing work on the invaluable inspection of passengers, crew members serving staff, hand baggage, luggage, mail, cargo and side reserves; technology of pre-flight inspection of aircraft; rules for the protection of aircraft; Instructions for the bandwidth and intra-looped mode of the airport, technology of production and economic process; Rules for the personal inspection of passengers and hand clashes; the procedure for the use of firearms, special means and physical strength; Tactics of protecting facilities from unlawful encroachments under normal conditions and in emergency situations related to acts of illegal interference in civil aviation activities; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical or military) education without making requirements for work experience.
Head of Aviation Service Department

Official duties. Develops documents for the organization and conduct of search and rescue work, conducting exercises and training. Conducts calculations when developing projects of contracts for search and rescue support of aviation flights and space objects. Takes part in conducting search and rescue works of aircraft and space objects. Organizes interaction with representatives of federal executive bodies when conducting search and rescue work. Exercises contractual activities. Organizes interaction with the operational services of the Flight Management Center for the organization of data transmission required for conducting search and rescue work on space objects. Prepares materials for analyzing search and rescue work, compilation of technical acts, summing up. Carries out the formation and preparation of groups of specialists necessary for conducting search and rescue work. Provides proper accounting, maintenance and storage of documentation for search and rescue work. Develops the necessary reference documentation, contracts with customers and executors of search and rescue work. Directly participates in search and rescue work. Organizes the reception and transfer of data necessary for the preparation and conduct of search and rescue work. Organizing the collection and analysis of materials, the means of objective control required to parsing and rescue work. Organizes the interaction between the main operational management team and the operational technical group at the site of landing of the descent spacecraft, between the main aviation coordination center of the search and rescue and the head of flights at the subsidiary management point. Organizes reporting on the progress of search and rescue work.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulating search and rescue flights; instruction on aviation search and rescue service; standards and recommendations of the International Organization of Civil Aviation; overall air and meteorological situation in the territory of the region; Technical characteristics of onboard and terrestrial rescue means and rules for their use; The composition, degree of readiness, the level of crew training and rescuers as part of the duty forces carrying out duty on the search and rescue support of aviation flights and space objects (civilian purposes); The procedure for organizing work when landing the descent vehicle of a transport piloted ship in the territory of foreign states; working time regulations; the rules for registration of internal documents; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (technical, flight or military) education and work experience in the field of search and rescue support or air traffic control at least 5 years.

38. A group of pre-flight inspection of passengers, as a rule, consists of five (three) aviation security officers.

A group of pre-flight inspection of aircraft crew members, aviation personnel, baggage, cargo and mail, as a rule, consists of four (two) aviation security officers, and is determined by the airport administration, depending on the airport and traffic mode.

39. Aviation security officers depending on the mode of operation of the airport are distributed over shifts. The composition of the shift is determined by the number of existing points of inspection.

If there are two and more inspection items, a senior change of aviation security service is appointed.

40. During the inspection period, the aviation security officers carrying out inspection must be dressed in the shaped clothing of the installed sample with violated (breast) distinctive signs.

V. Rights and obligations of aviation security officers during inspection

Change information:

41. Aviation security officers carrying out inspection are entitled:

demand from passengers to strictly implement the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of air transport in air transport;

check from passengers at the entrance to the inspection points, tickets decorated in the prescribed manner, and documents certifying their identity;

conduct a survey to identify potentially dangerous passengers, as well as in passengers of objects and substances prohibited by air transport;

carry out inspections of passengers, baggage and things that are under passengers, members of the crews of aircraft, civil aviation staff, aircraft aircraft, cargo and mail;

observe the behavior of passengers at the inspection points;

ceremonies from passengers found in the process of inspection objects and substances prohibited for transportation by air transport;

introduce the luggage of passengers, renovated in the storage chamber;

submit proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of inspection in terms of improving their technologies and the use of used technical and special funds;

to solve the leaders of the aviation security service to test the quality of inspection.

43. Aviation security officers carrying out inspection must:

be attentive and polite with passengers and prevent action degrading their dignity;

know and ensure the implementation of these rules in the production of inspection;

have the necessary skills to identify hazardous items and substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, including the use of tricks;

submit in the prescribed manner materials to take to violators the requirements of the aviation safety of measures of impact in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

not allow to fly passengers evading the passage of pre-flight inspection;

show vigilance, not allow to a sterile zone through an inspection point of not passing pre-flight inspection of passengers, members of the carriages of aircraft and aircraft personnel, loads, mail, onboard reserves of the aircraft and baggage;

know the main characteristics and rules of operation of technical and special means;

comply with safety regulations when working with technical and special means and fire safety rules.

45. At airports where there is a whole complex of technical and special funds, the responsibilities of the Interest Group specialists are distributed as follows:

specialist in inspection N 1:

at the entrance of passengers to the inspection point checks tickets and / or landing coupons decorated in the prescribed manner, scans the barcode contained in the landing pass (if available), the documents certifying the personality and the Passenger's Personality and the Talon Data and the landing coupon contained in including in the bar code. If necessary, a more thorough check of documents and affiliates, this passenger reports this to a senior point of inspection; makes a decision on the admission of passengers for the passage of pre-flight inspection;


The allocation of special premises for temporary placement of the constructed citizens is assigned to the airport administration.

69. Passengers having implanted devices that stimulate cardiac activity are manually exposed to a manual (contact) method of inspection without the use of technical and special means.

70. The registered luggage of passengers is located on board the aircraft that do not have isolated luggage compartments so that passengers in flight can access it.

71. Conditions for transportation on board the aircraft in the registered baggage of passengers of hazardous substances and items are defined in the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited (permitted in compliance with the required conditions) to carriage on board the aircraft crew members and passengers in registered baggage and things under passenger (Appendix N 1 to this Regulation).

72. With a preventive inspection of the passenger, detected hazardous items and substances that can be used as an instrument tool, but not prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft are packaged by the passenger and transported as a registered baggage.

73. In the detection of explosive, poisonous, poisoning and radioactive substances to the inspection point, relevant specialists (explosive engineers, civil defense workers) are immediately caused. Before the arrival of experts, to take independent actions to neutralize explosive, poisonous, poisoning and radioactive substances.

74. During the inspection of passengers and members of the aircraft crew, dangerous items and substances that are in free sale, but forbidden to transport aircraft, are withdrawn with the execution of an act of detection and seizures from a passenger and a member of the aircraft crew in the production of inspection prohibited for transportation dangerous goods, items or substances (Annex N 2 to these Rules) are recorded in the journal of accounting for acts of detection and seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects or substances (Appendix N 3 to these Rules) and are transmitted to Storage in a specially equipped airport store in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

76. Luggage inspection conducted in the absence of a passenger in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 16 of these Rules is issued as an act of luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 4 to this Regulation) and registers in the journal of accounting for luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 5 to this Rules).

77. When conducting a pre-flight inspection of the passenger and its hand-bag in a ticket and (or) the landing coupon (except for the cases of the ticket and (or) of the landing coupon in electronic form) there is a mark on the passage of the pre-flight inspection and the passenger is sent to the sterile zone.

If the boarding pass is issued in electronic form, information on the passage of the pre-flight inspection is entered into the information system, which includes an electronic database of inspection.

78. Control over passengers in the sterile zone, as well as checking markers on tickets and (or) landing coupons (except for cases of tickets and (or) boarding coupons in electronic form) on passing a pre-flight inspection by passengers, including transit, yield On landing from the terminal or at the aircraft ladder is carried out by workers in the organization of passenger transportation of the airport, aviation enterprise, operator.

If the boarding pass is issued in electronic form, employees of the airport passenger transport service, the operator, the operator is checked information about the passage of the prepolent inspection on the basis of information contained in the information system, which includes an electronic database of inspection.

VIII. Pre-flight inspection of transit and transfer passengers

79. Pre-flight inspection of transit and transfer passengers, including things under passenger, at intermediate airports are carried out on the general reasons before entering the sterile zone and mixing with the pre-flight inspection by passengers for which this item is initial.

80. In order to eliminate contact with passengers who did not pass the pre-flight inspection at the airport, arrival / departure halls can be equipped to accommodate transit and transfer passengers with things at passengers.

81. Transit and transfer passengers are not allowed to their registered baggage.

82. With the failure of paragraphs 80 and 81 of these Rules, transit and transfer passengers, including things under passenger, are subject to re-suggestive inspection on general reasons.

83. Luggage of transfer passengers who arrived from the airports of countries with which the Russian Federation did not conclude agreements on the recognition of applied aviation security standards, in the intermediate airport, is subject to compulsory suggestive inspection before mixing with the passenger inspected by the luggage, for which this carriage item is initial.

The luggage of transfer passengers who arrived from the airports of the countries with which the Russian Federation concluded agreements on the recognition of applied standards of aviation security, is not subject to mandatory suggestive inspection in the intermediate airport if this luggage during ground service in the intermediate airport is under the control of aviation security service staff And access to it is excluded.

Luggage of transfer passengers with internal air transportation, as well as luggage of transfer passengers departing from the intermediate airport outside the Russian Federation (except for the baggage specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph) is not subject to compulsory suggestive inspection in the intermediate airport in case this luggage during Ground service at the intermediate airport is under the control of aviation security services and access to it is excluded.

Luggage of transfer and transit passengers When changing routes by their initiative, re-enabled and sent to the same flight as passengers.

84. Employees of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation, accompanying correspondence, have the right to stay aboard the aircraft at intermediate landing points and exchange correspondence in aircraft salons during their parking lots, to personally attend the unloading (loading) correspondence from the luggage compartment from the moment of opening the luggage compartment before its closure.

Employees of the cynological services may be present during loading (unloading) in (from) aircraft containers (cells) with service dogs.

IX. Pre-flight inspection of cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft

85. Before loading on board the aircraft, the load, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft are subjected to an invaluable inspection of various types and methods with the use of technical and special means, as well as conducting control weighing.

Pre-flight inspection and transportation of dangerous goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation "Safely Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air" and technical instructions for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air (Doc 9284 AN / 905 ICAO).

86. Pre-flight cargo inspection is carried out by a portion of the cargo terminal in the presence of a cargo warehouse.

87. In the absence of ability to carry out the content of the contents using technical and special means, using a manual (contact) method or visually, as well as when entering information about the threat of an act of unlawful interference with an aircraft departing, by decision of the Aviation Security Manager, allowed:

shutter speed before loading on board aircraft in safe conditions during a period of at least two o'clock over the estimated time of the flight of this aircraft to the destination;

checking cargo in a decompression chamber during the estimated time of the flight of this aircraft to the destination.

88. The cargo that caused suspicion is subjected to a re-invaluable inspection in order to detect items and substances prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft.

89. External packaging of cargo is subject to verification. When damaged (violation of integrity) of the external packaging, the load to the flight is not allowed.

90. In the case of electronic registration and maintenance of freight transport by aviation security service, an electronic security declaration is issued with the content of information about the pre-flight inspection. In coordination with the operator engaged in shipping, information on the pre-flight inspection of the load can be entered into a cargo invoice in electronic form if the possibility of making such information is provided for by the format of this electronic document. Electronic security declaration or a cargo overhead in electronic form signed by an electronic signature of an aviation security officer who has conducted a pre-flight inspection, in accordance with the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036; N 27, Art. 3880; 2012, N 29, Art. 3988; 2013, N 14, Art. 1668, N 27, Art. 3463, 3477; 2014, N 11, Art. 1098, n 26 (Part I), Art. 3390).

In the absence of an electronic design, the marker about the pre-flight inspection of the load is affixed in each copy of the cargo invoice, decorated on paper, and burden on the cargo.

At the end of the pre-flight inspection, the cargo is marked with license stickers. Recording on the results of inspection is made to the account of accounting of cargo, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6 to this Regulation).

91. When signs of explosive device detects, the cargo is not revealed and does not move, but experts on explosive devices are caused - pyrotechnics.

92. Transit cargo arrived at the airport is not allowed, if during his location on board the aircraft on the airport measures were observed to prevent unauthorized access to an aircraft.

93. Transfer loads, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft in the intermediate airport are subject to mandatory suggestive inspection, except in cases provided by paragraphs by the third - fourth of this clause, before mixing them with inspected loads and mail, for which this shipping point is initial.

With internal air transport, the pre-flight inspection of transfer goods, mail and side reserves of the aircraft in the intermediate airport may not be carried out under the following conditions:

transfer cargoes, mail and side reserves were carried out at the airport of the initial departure, and in the intermediate airport they did not leave the controlled airport zone;

in the intermediate airport, measures are respected to prevent unauthorized access to transfer loads, mail and side reserves by controlling the staff of the aviation security service from the moment of unloading cargo, mail and onboard reserves from the aircraft to their loading to another aircraft.

When implementing international transport, the pre-flight inspection of transfer goods, mail and side reserves of the aircraft arriving from the airports of countries with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements on the recognition of the applied air security standards may not be carried out under the observance of the conditions set out in the third and fourth paragraphs of this paragraph.

94. The pre-flight inspection of mailing (correspondence) is held at the point of inspection in the airport mail transportation department when receiving (sending), in the inspection items of the cargo terminal or in the aircraft inspection points without their autopsy.

95. Loads and mail transported on board aircraft accompanied by armed staff of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, correspondence, accompanied by the staff of the State Feldoteger Service of the Russian Federation and the Intergovernmental Feldgerer, during transportation On board passenger aircraft, diplomatic mail, consular vehicles, as well as equivalent to them on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation, other official correspondence of foreign institutions and international organizations to inspection manually and detention are not subject to (hereinafter referred to as special luggage).

96. Special baggage accompanied by employees listed in paragraph 95 of these Rules must be packed in the appropriate container and sealed. The number of places, weight and props of printing, which is sealed by a special luggage, are made to the accompanying sheet and are certified by the signature of the responsible person of the relevant authority (organization).

97. Diplomatic post, consular valyus and other official correspondence must have visible external signs (locks, seeds, sealing tags with an indication of the destination and sending), and diplomatic couriers should have a courier sheet with them.

98. In suspect that there are hazardous items or substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, the diplomatic courier (correspondence) in the presence of a full-time diplomatic courier (correspondence) in the presence of a full-time diplomatic courier without opening the packaging.

99. At the end of the pre-flight inspection, diplomatic departure (correspondence) is marked with license plate, in the invoice, its copies and statement is made of inspection. The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal of accounting for inspected cargo, mail and side reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6 to this Regulation).

100. The goods found in the cargo and substances that are in free sale, but forbidden to transport on board the aircraft, are withdrawn with the execution of an act of detection and exemption from the cargo of the aircraft in the production of inspection of dangerous goods prohibited for transportation, objects or substances (annex N 7 to this Regulation) in two copies (or necessary quantity).

Separated objects and substances with a copy of the act are transmitted to the shipper.

101. The load (postal entrance) is delayed and the carriage (issuance) on board the aircraft is not allowed when items and substances are detected in it, for the illegal manufacture, wearing and storage of which is criminalized.

102. Registration, delivery, loading of goods and mail on board the aircraft, accompanied by armed servicemen and employees specified in paragraph 95 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with these Rules.

103. Prelation inspirership of aircraft's aircraft, emergency rescue equipment and onboard food crew and passengers, onboard kitchen equipment are carried out in places of their acquisition by specialists of the inspection teams in equipped items of inspection using technical and special means.

104. The prepolent inscription of the aircraft aircraft is carried out in the presence of an expedition.

105. If necessary and in the order of control of the control, the head of the aviation security service has the right to conduct a selective inspection of aircraft's side reserves immediately before loading on board an aircraft with an act of inspection.

Act of inspection is compiled in two copies. One copy is transmitted to the catering shop, the second - in the aviation security service.

106. Upon completion of the pre-flight inspection of aircraft's aircraft, each container is marked with license plate, in the invoice and its copies there is an inspection mark.

107. Control of loading on board aircraft of cargo, mail, side reserves, rescue and onboard nutrition is carried out by employees of aviation security service.

108. Cargo, mail, onboard reserves of the aircraft, rescue equipment and aircraft's aircraft should not contain objects and substances prohibited by carriage on board the aircraft.

X. Terms of prepulture inspection

109. The prepultural inspection process should not increase the duration of servicing passengers and affect the regularity of the flights running.

It is not allowed to simplify the procedures for the pre-flight inspection of passengers, including transit and transfers.

110. In order to exclude the delay of flights, the beginning and the end of the pre-flight inspection is determined by the technological schedule.

111. The head of the service of the airport passenger transport service, an airport enterprise, the operator in a timely manner informs about the delays of the senior change in the inspection service delay.

Xi. Conducting postolete inspection

112. In the zone of luggage issuing the presence of a post-flight inspection point (s).

113. Post-flight inspection can be carried out in full or selectively.

114. Upon receipt of information on the presence on board an aircraft in flight, persons who have the intention of the seizure of the aircraft, explosive devices or explosives, or other goods and items representing the danger to flight and passengers, luggage, including The number of things at passengers, onboard reserves of the aircraft, loads and mail are subject to post-flight inspection after arrival at the airport (departure, destination or intermediate).

115. Post flight inspection is carried out at the airport arrival or on board the aircraft by authorized employees of aviation security services using technical and special funds.

XII. Accounting procedure and reporting of the inspection groups

116. Documents of the control zone and the inspection point, the samples of which are given in applications to this Regulation:

act of detection and seizures from the passenger and a member of the aircraft crew in the production of inspection of non-drug cargoes, items or substances (Appendix N 2);

journal of accounting for acts of detection and seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects and substances (Appendix N 3);

act of luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 4);

journal of accounting for luggage inspection acts in the absence of a passenger (Appendix N 5);

journal of accounting of inspected cargo, mail and onboard reserves of the aircraft (Appendix N 6);

act of detection and withdrawal from cargo shipment in the production of inspection of non-dangerous cargoes, items or substances (Appendix N 7);

the journal of accounting acts of seizures from passengers and members of the aircraft crew prohibited for the transport of dangerous goods, objects or substances transmitted to the temporary storage warehouse (Appendix N 9);

journal of accounting of looked at flights and passengers (Appendix N 11) (if there are several points of inspection in the control zone, one on the control zone) is conducted;

the reception journal and duty in the inspection point (Appendix N 12).

117. Acts, the samples of which are presented in applications N 2, are compiled in two copies. One copy of the act is awarded to the passenger or communicates to the baggage, covered in the absence of a passenger, the second instance remains in the inspection group.

The acts provided for in paragraph 116 of these Rules are taken into account in the relevant accounting magazines.

The shelf life of all acts and magazines is 1 year.

118. The organization of journal management is assigned to senior shifts or aviation security service views.

119. The management of aviation security services monthly checks the correctness of the documents in its divisions.

120. Territorial administration of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision is submitted to the Office of Transport Safety of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transportation Reports on the status of aviation security for the quarter, half of the year, 9 months and for the year no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period.

121. Information about the equipment of airports (aviation enterprises) technical means of inspection are submitted together with a report on the state of aviation security for the year.

122. Information on the seizures of explosives and explosive devices or their detection on the airport is immediately submitted by the leader of the airport, an aviation enterprise, the operator to the transport security management of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision.

the main hazardous substances and items prohibited (permitted in compliance with the required conditions) to carriage on board the aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in registered baggage and things under passengers

With changes and additions from:

1. It is forbidden to carry on board the aircraft by members of the crew and passengers in the registered baggage and in things under passengers, the following hazardous substances and items:

1) explosives, explosion and objects, they are stupid:

sorry, in any package and in any quantity;

cartridges combat (including small-caliber);

cartridges for gas weapons;

capsuli (Pistons) Hunting;

pyrotechnic agents: signaling and lighting missiles, cartridges signal, planting checkers, smokers (checkers), demolition match, Bengal lights, railway rails;

trotil, dynamite, Tol, ammonal and other explosives;

capsuli detonators, electricallytonators, electric vectors, detonating and fireproof cord, etc.;

2) compressed and liquefied gases:

gases for household use (Bhutan propane) and other gases;

gas springs with a filling of neuro-paralytic and tear exposure, etc.;

3) flammable liquids:

samples of flammable petroleum products;

methyl acetate (methyl ether);


ethyl cellosol;

4) Flammable solids:

substances subject to spontaneous fire;

substances that excrete flammable gases when interacting with water:

potassium, sodium, calcium metallic and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc.;

phosphorus white, yellow and red and all other substances belonging to the category of flammable solids;

5) oxidizing substances and organic peroxide:

nitrocellulose colloidal, granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;

nitrocellulose colloidal, in slices, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;

nitrocellulose dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water, etc.;

6) toxic substances;

7) radioactive materials;

8) caustic and corrosive substances:

strong inorganic acids: salt, sulfur, nitrogen and others;

fluorite-hydrogen (inexpensive) acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances;

9) Poisonous and poisoning substances:

any poisonous potent and poisoning substances in a liquid or solid state, packed in any container;


tetrahydroofurfuryl alcohol;


brake fluid;

Sample Act N ____ detection and seizures from the passenger and the crew members of the aircraft in the production of inspection of dangerous goods prohibited for transportation, objects or substances Airport _______________________ ___ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic) Next flight N _________________________________________ (airport name) was It is proposed to present it is possible to have items or substances that are prohibited from the aircraft on board. Passenger ________________________________________ said that prohibited (initials, surname) to transportation on aircraft items or substances it also has (no) (necessary to emphasize). Produced by inspection of baggage, the luggage of the passenger, a personal search (underline) passenger ________________________________ (initials, surname) found and confiscated forbidden for carriage on board the aircraft: _________________________________________________________________________ (details indicate that seized, in what quantity, packaging condition, _________________________________________________________________________ Distinctive signs, signs, etc.) that the passenger tried to carry out than violated the rules, rules and procedures for aviation security. The fact of the withdrawal certify witnesses: 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________ ________________________________________________________ (Passenger Signature) (Passenger's signature) ) for information about the passenger: 1. Last name, first name _______________________________________________ 2. Date and place of birth _________________________________________________ 3. place of work, service or study _______________________________________ (name of enterprise, institution, address) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Location _____________________________________________________ identity document _______________________________________ (name document, number, who hen issued) Explanation passenger: ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ This information is recorded and an explanation from my words, a copy of the certificate received. ________________________________ (Signature of the passenger) ________________________________ (Signature of the person who was the act) seized substances and items specified in the act transferred to the temporary storage warehouse (needed to emphasize). _____________________________________________________________________ (Name of posts, initials, surname, signature of persons who took seized) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of posts, initials, surname, signature

Sample airport __________________ magazine accounting of acts of detection and seizure in passengers and crew members aircraft forbidden to transport dangerous goods, objects or substances

Date and N Act

Flight number

View of the inspection

(Personal, Things in Passenger, Luggage, Cargo, Mail, Side Stocks)


(What is found)

Surname, name and middle name of the passenger, SAB specialist

Sample Act N ____ Luggage inspection in the absence of a passenger Airport ______________________ "__" ____________ 200 g. (Name of the airport) I, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of posts, initials, surname The presence of witnesses: 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I wished (specify in what room) on the baggage (s) tag n _______________, next flight N _____ from the airport ________________ to the airport _________________ ( Name of the airport) (Name of the airport) by the passenger ________________________________________________ (initials, surname) During the production of inspection found: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Air transport of substances and items were found or what such substances and items were found) Witnesses signatures 1. ____________________ 2 . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name) ____________________________________________ posts, initials, surname, signature persons, p Riniced withdrawn) _____________________________________________________________________ (Name of posts, initials, surname, signature of persons who got seized)

Result of inspection

(What is found)



Number of seedlines

Number of not allowed places

Spent stickers

SAB Specialist Stamp

Sample Act N ____ detection and seizures from freight aircraft in the production of inspection prohibited to transport dangerous goods, items or substances Airport ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details of the sender) Airport) The inspection was discovered and removed prohibited to transport on board the aircraft: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Packaging, distinctive features, signs, number, weapon caliber, cold-weapon sizes, etc.) which Citizen _____________________________________ tried to carry, (sender details) than violated norms, rules and aviation safety procedures. The fact of the removal certify witnesses: 1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature )

Date and N Act

Surname, name and middle name of the passenger

Flight number

Items transferred to temporary storage warehouse

Received withdrawal

) Sample airport ___________________ magazine accounting to watching flights and passengers Duty duty

Date and time of inspection

Flight number

The number of covered passengers

The number of passengers on which the act of seizures is compiled

Signature of the senior inspector


The quantitative composition of the shift

Surname, name and patronymic of missing, reasons

The number of attempts of hazardous substances and items identified

State of technical means

Other information

Personal data