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Boeing 757 200 best seats azur air. How to choose and book comfortable seats on Azur air aircraft. Basic arrangement of seats inside the cabin

The Boeing 757-200 is the most common version of the Boeing 757 narrow-body airliner, manufactured until 2004. This aircraft became one of the most successful passenger models of the American Boeing and is now operated by the fleets of several countries.

In Russia, Boeing 757-200 are mainly operated on charter flights - to resort destinations.

Seat map Boeing 757-200

The seating pattern of passengers in the Boeing 757-200 is different on different flights. The airline determines the layout, but differences can even be on the sides of the same carrier, so you always need to clarify the tail number.

AZUR air (Azur Air)

Aviation fleet of the charter company "Azur Air" includes 8 boeing aircraft 757-200.

Business class is not allocated, but there are seats superior comfort AZUR Space, but which has increased legroom. The choice of these seats is paid, the cost of the service is 1000 or 1500 rubles, depending on the duration of the flight.

Location of the best seats on Boeing 757-200 Azur Air:

  • AZUR Space - 18 seats in total; 1 row A, B, C, D, E, F; 11 row - B, C, D, E; 12 row - A, F; 31 row A, B, C, D, E, F;
  • From among the usual places: at the window - A, F; at the aisle - C, D.

Seats at the end of the cabin (40th row) and at the toilet (30th row) are considered bad, as they have a limited backrest tilt. In addition, the passengers of the last seats may not have enough space for personal items on the shelf. hand luggage, then the bags will have to be put under the chair in front.

Royal Flight

Royal Flight also uses Boeing 757-200 for charter flights. There are 7 such liners in the carrier's fleet. And the layout schemes on most flights are different, but the class is the same everywhere (there is no business class). There are 5 options for the location of seats, so do not forget to specify the tail number of the aircraft.

Boeing 757-200 VQ-BTB, VQ-BTR

  • 235 seats, 40 rows;
  • Features: on the 1st row 3 seats, on the 11th row - 4 seats and all without a window;
  • Location of toilets: 2 in the bow on the left side and 2 behind the 30th row on both sides;
  • The best seats where there will be room for the legs are 1 row E, F and 2 rows A, B (for any passengers without restrictions); 1 row C, D, 11 row B, C, D, E, 12 row A, F and all 31 rows (but seating is prohibited for passengers with children, disabled people and other persons with disabilities);
  • The worst seats - with limited backrest adjustment, are at the toilets - the entire 30th row, at the end of the cabin - the entire 40th row.

Boeing 757-200 VQ-BTN, VQ-BTM

  • 230 seats, 39 rows (but numbering - 40th row, no 8th);
  • Features: on the 9th row, there are only 2 chairs and without a porthole - it is convenient and plenty of space for those who are flying together;
  • Location of toilets: 2 in the bow on the left side, 2 in the tail - behind the 40th row;
  • The best seats with increased legroom: 1 row A, B, E, F (for any passengers without restrictions); 1 row C, D, 9 row D, E, 10 row A, B, C, F and the whole 20 row (with the above restrictions);
  • The least successful places: 18 and 40 rows, since the level of the backrest is limited.

Boeing 757-200 VQ-BOO

  • 235 seats, 41 rows;
  • The main feature is the location of the toilets: 1 in the bow, behind the central sector - 2 on the left side behind the 29th row and 1 behind the 31st row; there are only 2 seats on 1 row, and there are no seats A, B, C on rows 30-31;
  • The best seats with increased legroom: Row 2 E, F (for all passengers); 1 row B, C, 2 row A, D, 12 row A-E, 13 row F, E, 10 row A, B, C, F and the entire 20 row (with the above restrictions);
  • The least successful seats: 29 rows A, B, C, 31 rows D, E, F and 41 rows all, as the level of the backrest is limited.

Boeing 757-200 VQ-BLM

  • 238 seats, 40 rows (numbering - 41st row, no 11th);
  • Location of toilets: 1 - in the bow on the left side, 1 - behind the 9th row chairs on the left, 2 - behind the 31st row chairs on both sides;
  • The best legroom seats: For all passengers - 1 row A, B, E, F; with restrictions - 1 row C, D, 12 row all (4 seats in total, B-E), 13 row A and F, 32 row - whole;
  • All unfortunate places where the back of the chair almost does not deviate are in front of the toilets or at the end of the cabin: these are row 9 (3 seats), 31 row (6 seats) and the last 41 row.

Boeing 757-200 VQ-BLR

  • 238 seats, 40 rows;
  • Location of toilets: 1 in the bow on the left, 2 behind the central sector - on both sides;
  • The best legroom seats: For all passengers - 1 row A, B, E, F; with restrictions - 1 row C, D, 11 row all (4 seats in total, B-E), 31 row - whole;
  • The least comfortable seats (chairs with a reduced backrest angle): all in rows 10, 30, 40.

Boeing-757 is a narrow-body passenger aircraft that was produced from 1982 to 2004. It is still one of the most successful projects of this famous American company. A total of 1,050 copies were produced, many of which are still in service. The prefix er to the model name means extended range - an increased power reserve (usually achieved by installing additional fuel tanks).

On November 28, 2005, Shanghai Airlines received the last 757th. In the current model range of the company, the 737-900ER is as close as possible in the main parameters (first of all, the number of seats in the cabin) to this model.

Boeing 757-200 of Royal Flight

Specifications (for modification 757-200)

  • length - 47.32 meters;
  • height - 13.56 meters;
  • fuselage width - 3.7 meters;
  • wingspan - 38.05 meters;
  • fuel volume in tanks - 43,490 liters;
  • maximum takeoff weight - 115,660 kilograms;
  • cruising speed - 854 km / h;
  • maximum flight range without refueling - 7250 kilometers;
  • fuel consumption - 3300 kg / h.

Major operators

  • Delta Air Lines;
  • FedEx Express;
  • United Airlines;
  • UPS Airlines;

In addition, 757 is actively purchased by freight carriers (USPS, FedEx), as well as - The armed forces different countries. For example, two copies are used by the New Zealand military.

In Russia

In our country, the Boeing 757 200er is constantly operated by several airlines at once. Most of them are focused primarily on charter flights. These are azur air (formerly Katekavia), VIM-avia, ifFly, Royal Flight, as well as Yakutia (in the cargo version).

On a note. Each airline selects for itself such a variant of the "two hundredth", which is more suitable for its needs. One of the Russian charter companies (albeit not the largest) can be used as examples of layout.

In Royal Flight

This company was previously called Abakan-avia. Based at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. The main activity profile is charter flights for famous tour operators - Coral Travel and Summar. On this moment The total size of the royalflight fleet is 11 aircraft (all are Boeing brands only), of which 7 are 757-200 models. The average age coincides with that of the entire fleet - nearly 19 years. All aircraft used on a lease basis, there is not a single one in the property - it is more convenient for many reasons.

Royal Flight named one of the most punctual carriers

The Boeing 757 200 aircraft does not have a royal flight cabin layout for business class. This is the norm for such flights. Indeed, in this case, you need to minimize the price of tickets and, accordingly, the entire tour as a set. If instead of economy class seats you install more comfortable business places, there is a risk of not selling them, because the price will differ several times. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of tour operators do not book aircraft with business class, preferring the “only economy” option.

Unlike typical low-cost companies (Ryanair, Wizzair, Pobeda), the Boeing 757,200 Royal flight for 7 aircraft has 5 configuration options. All plans are presented here. In any case, the seating arrangement is 3 + 3. The total number of seats is 224 or 235.

Cabin layout VQ-BTB, VQ-BTR

40 rows, 235 seats in total.

757-200 VQ-BTB and VQ-BTR

Row 1 (DEF seats), as well as row 2 (ABC seats). There is a little more legroom than on standard seats, and no one can recline the back on passengers (there is simply no one). For the rest - solid cons. You will have to sit, looking at the wall, in front - as many as two toilets (which means constant walking by, as well as the fact that you have to listen to unpleasant sounds and inhale the corresponding odors). The tables are built into the armrests and are not adjustable.

Row 11. Consists of two pairs of seats (BC and DE) - perfect for those traveling together. There is a lot of legroom, and the person sitting in front will not even be able to recline the chair. But you can't look through the windows (they are far away). The tables are located in the armrests.

Note!Do not forget about the restrictions that safety requirements impose on those who sit at emergency exits. In particular, the rules govern the categories of passengers who will be asked to change seats.

Row 12 seats A and F (at the windows). Those who occupy them are lucky - they can stretch their legs. True, the emergency exit door protrudes somewhat inward.

Row 30. The backs of the chairs do not recline, because there are two toilets in the back. Therefore, these places can be considered one of the worst - streams of people will constantly ply by, and it will not be possible to avoid sounds and smells.

Row 31. On the one hand, there are emergency exits and significantly increased legroom. On the other, there are tables in the armrests, and most importantly, toilets.

Row 40. Six more unfortunate places - the backs do not recline, behind the service equipment. But with the armrests everything is in order.

Cabin layout VQ-BTN, VQ-BTM

There are 230 seats and 39 rows in total (but the last one is No. 40, since there is no eighth one).

757-200 VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM

Row 9 only has two seats (DE)... Spacious, but the porthole is far away.

Row 10 (seats ABC and F) also with increased legroom. The outer seats (A and F) may be a little cramped due to the design of the exit door).

Row 18... The backs of the seats do not recline, behind them there are emergency exits.

Row 40... The backs do not recline, there are toilets in the back.

VQ-BOO layout

235 seats, total number of rows - 41.

In the bow with increased legroom: row 1 (aircraft seats carried out as far forward as possible), and row 2 (ADEF seats).

For 29m near (places ABC) there are two toilets at once, and behind row 31 (slightly behind and to the right) - another one. The backs of these chairs do not recline.

Backrests in row 40 (the latter) cannot be thrown away from such a royal flight Boeing 757 200er, because behind it there are exits and various equipment.

VQ-BLB layout

In total - 238 places. The total number of rows is 41 (but the numbering is up to the 41st, since row 11 is missing).

Row 1 (with increased legroom, in front of the wall) is fully present. There is one bathroom in the bow, opposite the kitchen.

Row 12. Spacious legs - there are emergency exits nearby. Moreover, the seats are installed in pairs (ВС and DE).

Row 13 seats A and F... There are portholes nearby, and you can stretch out comfortably.

VP-BRL layout

Seats - 238, rows - 40 (there is everything in the numbering).

Row 1 (there is a rigid partition in front of him) - there is completely. There is only one toilet in the nose.

Row 10. The backs do not recline. There are no toilets behind - the reason is the location of the exits.

Row 11. Two pairs of seats (ВС and DE). There is a lot of legroom.

Row 30. You will have to sit in one position, since behind, on each side, there is one toilet.

The Boeing 757-200 is an aircraft with just under 250 seats (in a single-class layout). In Russia, it can be found primarily on charter air travel. Reliability is confirmed by many years of operation around the world. As usual, there are both the best and worst seats in the cabin, and the Boeing 757 200 aircraft of the Royal Flight company has a cabin layout that varies greatly depending on the specific instance. The wrong seat selection can spoil the flight to a large extent.

From the point of view of convenience in two, three-class aircraft, the most comfortable seats are located in "business". It is usually located in the nose of the aircraft. Due to the width of the seats, the distance between them, no one has any advantages here - the flight of each passenger will be as comfortable as possible. True, in some configurations, the seats of the last row will not allow the backrest to be reclined completely. In addition, sounds, smells from the adjacent salon and the galley will certainly be heard here.

It is worth choosing among budget places based on your requests. If you need space, your height does not allow you to comfortably position your legs, or you just want to stretch them in flight, ask to be seated in the first rows or in lines D, C. In the latter, you can use the aisle space and feel more comfortable.

However, this location has its drawbacks. The first rows are located near toilets, wardrobes, emergency hatches or technical rooms, where constant movement of people, noise and other unpleasant things disturb. They also threaten if you sat down at the aisle.

On the ground at emergency exits do not accommodate certain categories of people like passengers with children.

The last rows of salons are also not a very good choice. Here you will not be bothered much, but you will not be able to lean back. If you want to be less disturbed, sit in the middle of the cabin on lines A and F. There are no special advantages here, but you do not have to get up every time neighbors want to go to the bathroom. And if everything goes well, it will be possible to look through the window all the way.

From a safety point of view, it is worth striving to sit in the tail section of the liner. Only in the case of the Boeing 757-200, the risks of problems in the sky are small. According to statistics, this is the safest device - out of more than 1000 released, 8 had problems and through human fault.

Even having decided on the most suitable place for your needs, you may not be able to take it. To maximize your chances and travel comfortably, consider the following tips.

  1. Study the seating chart in advance. As you can see, modifications of one model differ from company to company. Go to the carrier's website before departure, find the section dedicated to its air fleet, and see the seating arrangement in the desired vessel. These diagrams often indicate not only important objects like emergency exits, but also the best places.
  2. Avoid fixed-back seats. They are inconvenient because of the inability to relax and limited space. The distance between the front and rear seats is on average 80 centimeters. When the passenger sitting in front reclines the back, you will not be able to do the same and will be trapped.
  3. Come to check-in early or, if possible,. It is logical that the most comfortable seats go first. If seating is done during check-in, try to come to the very beginning and ask to be seated in a specific chair.

Excursion on the liner from Delta Airlines. Look at the location of the salons, seats in one of the modifications and the availability of amenities.

The Boeing 757-200 is not only one of The Boeing Company's most successful commercial projects, but also an excellent vessel for first-timers or those in distress. Its reputation for being a safe airliner will help you to endure the flight with less emotional stress, and the relative comfort will not allow you to get tired at the very beginning of the trip or at the end of the vacation. The downside is that the model is less and less common - in Russia, it will be possible to get on such a ship only during charter flight, and abroad, mainly during flights to a neighboring country.

American Boeing aircraft can be seen in airports around the world. The most common of them is “seven hundred and thirty-seventh”, the most recognizable is the huge four-engine “Jumbo Jet”, but the Boeing 757 has not received such fame. True, once he nevertheless came to the attention of journalists. This happened on September 11, 2001, when two such liners were seized by terrorists at once, but such an "advertisement" could hardly be of any use to anyone. Meanwhile, the Boeing 757 is a very successful aircraft that has been "multiplied" in more than a thousand copies, many of which are still in service. One of these "Boeing" belongs to the current President of the United States - Donald Trump.

The history of the development of a passenger aircraft Boeing 757

In the mid-70s of the last century, the Boeing aircraft corporation produced two types of narrow-body medium-range airliners. These were Boeing 727s and 737s. Both aircraft were not flawless, and the customers were ambivalent about them.

It should be borne in mind that the first generation of the "seven hundred and thirty-seventh" was quite noisy and "voracious", which was perceived extremely negatively against the background of the consequences of the "oil crisis" of those years. The Boeing 727 was completely outdated: its design looked archaic.

Considering all this, the management of the corporation decided to develop several new aircraft, which received the preliminary designation Model 757, 767 and 777. The official announcement about this was published in early 1978. A few months after that, in August, the concern received its first two orders from Eastern AirLines and British Airways, which wanted to purchase a total of forty Boeing 757s.

On February 19, 1982, the new airliner took off for the first time. The test program was successfully completed in December of the same year. The aircraft was certified first in the United States, and a month later - in England. In the same period of time, deliveries of the machine to customers began.

In 1984, the Boeing 757 was successfully certified with Pratt & Witney PW2037 engines. The first buyer of this modification was Delta Air Lines. Later the Boeing 757-200 airliners received more powerful engines - PW2040.

Construction of the aircraft continued until 2004, with the last few years being produced a modification with an elongated fuselage and increased cabin capacity. In total, 1050 cars were produced. From a commercial point of view, the plane has fully justified itself, it is still in operation today.

Description and technical characteristics

In their own way appearance The Boeing 757 differs little from many other passenger airliners, differing only in its size, primarily in length.

The aerodynamics scheme chosen for the Boeing 757 200 has now become traditional, however, in the 70s it was rather unusual. It is a single keel aircraft with low swept wings and stabilizers. Power point includes two turbofan engines. They are located under the wings. The cross-section of the fuselage is the same as on the Boeing 727, but the length is 5.97 meters longer than that of the old liner.

The widespread use of electronic equipment, which includes two on-board computers and an improved inertial reference system, made it possible to significantly simplify aircraft control and reduce fuel consumption. Compared with the early "seven hundred and thirty-seventh", the savings amounted to 45%. The flight engineer was excluded from the crew, the cockpit was made two-seater, with the exception of a few special modifications.

Flight characteristics of Boeing 757

The airliner was produced in three main modifications. Their operational and flight parameters are somewhat different:

Boeing 757-200 Boeing 757-200F Boeing 757-300
Takeoff weight (maximum) 115.9 tons 115.9 tons 123.6 tons
Empty aircraft weight 58.44 tons 52.43 tons 64.34 tons
Width (along the fuselage section) 3.7 m 3.7 m 3.7 m
Wingspan 38.05 m 38.05 m 38.05 m
Aircraft length 47.32 m 47.32 m 54.47 m
Ceiling (service) 42,000 feet (i.e. 12,800 m) 42,000 feet 42,000 feet
Cruising speed 850 km / h 850 km / h 850 km / h
Maximum range 7 275 km 5 834 km 6 421 km
Fuel tank capacity 43 490 Liters 42 680 liters 43 400 liters
Number of passengers 200 to 239 200 to 239 243 to 295

The initial take-off weight of the Boeing 757-200 was 99.8 tons, and subsequently this characteristic gradually increased, which is apparently explained by the initial underestimation of the vehicle's potential carrying capacity, as well as the increase in engine power.

Interior layout and seating arrangement

The internal layout of the Boeing 757 was carried out in accordance with the wishes of the customers. Because of this, on two apparently identical 757 200 airliners, the cabin layout can be completely different.

The original version provided for the presence of a business class located in the front of the aircraft and consisted of twenty-two seats. The seats were installed according to the 2x2 scheme, in six rows on the left side of the liner and five on the starboard side.

There are two toilets directly behind the business class section (on either side of the central aisle). In the middle part of the liner there are 17 rows of seats, according to the 3x3 scheme. Two additional places, located on the starboard side, are placed slightly forward in relation to the rest. There are two more toilets directly behind this compartment.

In the aft section of the aircraft there are 9 more rows of economy class seats, and behind them is the galley. It is also worth mentioning the fifth toilet - it is located directly behind the cockpit, on the left side of the aircraft.

In addition, there are several options for the layout of the cabin, which consists entirely of economy class seats:

  1. VQ-BOO. The number of toilets has been reduced to four: one near the cockpit and three between the center and aft compartments. The seats are installed in 41 rows, the capacity is 235 people;
  2. VQ-BLM. There are also 4 toilets, but they are placed differently - one on the left side between the bow and central compartments, one near the cockpit and two in front of the tail compartment. The seats are installed in 40 rows, the capacity is 238 people;
  3. VQ-BTM (also VQ-BTN). The number of toilets is 4. Two of them are located in the bow of the aircraft (one after the other on the left side), two more are in the very tail, on either side of the aisle. The 39 rows of seats can accommodate 230 passengers;
  4. VQ-BTR and VQ-BTB. Toilets are located between the central and aft sections, as well as in the nose of the aircraft, there are 4 of them. The seats are installed in 40 rows, the capacity is 235 people;
  5. VQ-BRL. There are only three toilets: two between the central and aft compartments, and one near the cockpit. There are 40 rows of seats, the number of passengers is up to 238.

Boeing 757-300 had the largest capacity. Relatively few such aircraft were produced.

The best places

Apart from the business class, the most comfortable in all configuration options are the seats located in the front row of each of the compartments. It is there that there is the most free space. It should be borne in mind that on the 1st and 11th rows in the VQ-BTB and VQ-BTR layout, there are no portholes, which not everyone likes. The 9th row in the VQ-BTN and VQ-BTM salons has the same feature - it is also front in its section (central), but it has no "windows".

Good places

The majority of the seats in all variants of the Boeing 757 200er cabin layout provide approximately the same level of comfort. There is not as much space as in the front rows, but it is enough for a good rest during the flight.

Bad places

Seats located in the back rows of each of the sections are considered inconvenient. Passengers in there cannot recline the seat back completely. In addition, such places are adjacent to the toilet, which creates additional noise and fuss. To find out in advance whether the proposed row is the last in the section, it is useful to take another look at the interior layout immediately before purchasing a ticket.

Flight safety

Over the years of operation, as a result of various accidents, 10 Boeing-757 aircraft crashed. In six cases, this resulted in significant human casualties. The events of September 11, 2001, were best known, when terrorists seized two Boeing 757s at once, which were working on American domestic airlines. One of them crashed into the Pentagon building, and the second crashed to the ground in Pennsylvania. At the same time, 233 people died, of which 108 were on board the airliners.

Another high-profile disaster was the collision over Lake Constance, when a transport Boeing 757 crashed into a Russian Tu-154, on which 69 people were flying, mostly children. The reason for this terrible disaster was a gross error of the dispatcher.

At the same time, the most "alarming" incidents involving the same aircraft are mentioned less often. Both of them happened in 1996: on February 6, a Boeing 757 fell into the waters of the Atlantic, killing all passengers and crew (a total of 189 people), and on October 2, a similar plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. All 70 people on board were killed.

The cause of both accidents was the malfunctioning of the aircraft commander's speed meter. The readings of this device did not match those displayed on the co-pilot's panel. As a result, the onboard electronics "got confused" and the crews were unable to understand the situation. Both planes went into a tailspin and crashed. Later, those who served the liners on the ground were found guilty, but these cases showed that the onboard equipment is too sensitive to external influences.

Pros and cons of Boeing 757

For its time, the Boeing 757 was a very advanced aircraft. In particular, it has the following advantages:

  1. Low fuel consumption. This plus was most noticeable when compared with earlier models, but later the Boeing 757 retained its reputation as an economical aircraft;
  2. High level of flight safety. Despite several disasters, the aircraft has generally proven itself to be very reliable. The accident rate has decreased in comparison with the Boeing-727 by almost ten times;
  3. Large cabin capacity.

Of the shortcomings of the aircraft, a somewhat strange approach to the internal layout can be noted. The Boeing 757 200 cabin layout is unreasonably diverse. It is often asymmetrical, which introduces unnecessary confusion when buying tickets. Seats without windows also raise questions, especially given their overall advantageous location.

Another disadvantage, but from the point of view of airlines, is the uncertainty of the "niche" of this liner. It, especially in the 757-300 variant, is somewhat large for a medium-range aircraft. Hence problems with occupancy arise. Perhaps this is the reason why some carriers preferred to buy narrow-body Airbus.

Boeing 757 main models

There are four main modifications of the Boeing 757 airliner, of which only three were mass-produced.

Boeing 757-100

The initial design of the aircraft, indexed 100, was supposed to have a maximum capacity of 160 passengers. This plan was not implemented, most likely due to a direct intersection with the Boeing-737. It would be wrong to build two aircraft at once for the same purpose and with the same characteristics.

Boeing 757-200

The basic version of the airliner was designated by the index 200. Its maximum capacity was increased to 240 people. Built with engines of several types: RB211-535, PW2037, PW2040. In total, at least 868 of these aircraft were produced.

Boeing 757-200F

This modification is a transport aircraft. In place of the passenger compartment there is a cargo compartment 33.27 meters long and 3.53 meters wide. The aircraft's payload reaches 36 tons. Both the main and two additional compartments are used to accommodate cargo, the dimensions of which are 13.09 by 1.38 meters. The maximum flight range has been reduced compared to the passenger version.

Boeing 757-300

The latest modification of the aircraft is a passenger airliner capable of carrying up to 289 passengers. For this, the length of the fuselage had to be increased to a record for civil aviation values \u200b\u200b- 54.47 meters. The aircraft cabin has been significantly redesigned, which is modeled on the newer Boeing-777.

Despite the fact that all the transformations were carried out in strict accordance with the wishes of the airlines, there was no significant demand for this modification.

As a result, it became the last for the Boeing 757 - the construction of aircraft of this model was completely stopped in 2004.

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Boeing 757 is a narrow-body passenger aircraft designed for medium-haul routes. Its first flight took place in 1982. Depending on the model, the Boeing 757 can carry 200 to 295 passengers over a distance of 5,830 to 7,590 km.

General information about the liner

The crew consists of two pilots. The cockpit is equipped with modern digital control systems.

Two powerful turbofan engines allow the heavily loaded liner to take off from a fairly short runway. In such a situation, the B737 or A330 must give up part of their cargo.

The 757-200 version is used on long routes that are not available for the 737s, but not loaded enough for the B767 or A330 to use them.

There are three configurations for the 757-200. They differ in purpose (cargo or passenger) and fuselage length. The base model was put into operation in 1983, and two others: the cargo 757-200 PF and the cargo-passenger 757-200 M were released in the late 80s.

The Boeing 757-200 ER version remained at the design stage and was never created. However, some airlines use this abbreviation when using an aircraft on long-distance routes.

History of creation

The Boeing 757 project was conceived to replace the small three-engined 727 commissioned by British Airways. Produced by Boeing Corporation from 1982 to 2004.

A total of 1,050 aircraft were produced for 54 airlines. Of these, 913 are Boeing 757-200, which is considered the most successful modification of this class.

After the initial boom in sales, in the second half of the 90s, the demand for these aircraft decreased significantly. It was used mainly on new routes with low passenger traffic. As these routes became more popular, the 757s were replaced by wide-body giants capable of carrying more passengers.

Boeing 757 production ended in 2004. Although the aircraft was no longer in production, winglets were designed for the liners in service. Thanks to improved aerodynamics, they reduce fuel consumption, thereby increasing the range by 370 km. The use of winglets on the 757-200 was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration in May 2005.

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757 - still considered a great aircraft. The termination of its production was not due to outdated technologies, but due to market needs. On small routes this liner is too expensive to maintain, its return on investment is reproduced only when the cabin is 3/4 full.

This liner found a second life in the vastness of the Russian Federation, where there is a demand for its capabilities - long flights on routes with low passenger traffic.

Boeing 757-200 specifications

  • Length: 47.32 m
  • Width: 3.7 m
  • Height: 13.56 m
  • Wingspan: 38.05 m
  • Runway (at sea level): 2,230 m

Flight characteristics:

As of April 2018, the Boeing 757-200 had air fleet the following Russian airlines:

Seat map Boeing 757-200

Configuration of all Boeing 757-200 russian airlines, in addition, assumes the salons of the same economy class. Salon layouts differ only in the number of rows.

VIM-Avia offers one and two-class cabins: comfort / economy and business / economy. Read more.

Let's consider the layout of the cabin of one class and designate the location of the best seats in the Boeing 757-200.

According to this scheme, there are only 243 seats in the Boeing 757-200. Some places are highlighted:

  • Green is the best.
  • Yellow-green are good.
  • Yellow is not bad.
  • Red is the least preferred.

The best places

  • 1 A, B, C and 2 D, E, F - seats of the first row just behind the partition. Comfortable legroom, less noise, less shaking. Get lunch quickly and get off the plane quickly after landing.
  • 10 B, C, D, E, 11 A, F, 21 A, B, C, D, E, F - comfortable seats with plenty of space in front of the seats.

Good places

  • 20 A, B, C, D, E, F - backrests locked, but there is a large distance in front of the seats.

Bad places

  • 8 D, E, F - the backs recline at a small angle, right behind the toilet wall, people passing there will interfere.
  • 9 A, B, C and 19 A, B, C, D, E, F - backrests are practically motionless.
  • 40 A B C D E F - the very last row. On the Boeing 757-200 diagram, it is highlighted in red. The backs of the seats do not recline. Close to toilets and a constant queue for them. Plus, the noise is heard more and turbulence is felt more.

Boeing 757-200 cabin review video

  • The best places are those where there is a comfortable space in front of them, and the backs of the chairs recline.
  • The best area on an airplane is the bow. The noise of motors is not so audible here and there are fewer people passing along the corridor. After landing, you will be able to get off the plane faster.
  • In the first rows, you can have time to choose one of two menu options. Usually they are ordered 50/50.
  • Not everyone is put into the seats at the emergency exits. There are always restrictions on them. They will not be able to get them: passengers with children under 12 years old, disabled people, passengers carrying animals. According to the Boeing 757-200 scheme, these are rows 20 and 21.
  • Front row or emergency exit seats are only available upon check-in at the airport (not online).
  • In Boeing 757-200, rows 16 to 27 are located above the wings (see diagram). The view from the windows is limited here. If this is important, please check where your seat is when you check in.
  • There is more noise in the tail section and more chatter.
  • If your seats are in the back of the plane, you can ask for an encore for lunch - someone definitely turned down!
  • If you need a bassinet or special meals on board, book them in advance and no later than 36 hours before departure.

When choosing a seat on a Boeing 757-200, familiarize yourself with your airline's cabin layout and select the best seats. The cabin configuration may differ slightly, but the general principles of seat selection are the same as described in this article. Seats can be obtained during registration. Have a good flight!